Great plugins for captcha in WordPress. Captcha for WordPress

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Captcha plugin - you can rightfully call it an antispam filter for WordPress. Minimum nalashtuvan, maximum zahist. Vikoristovuєtsya, scho will tell you the name of the plugin itself, captcha. So often she is fond of Google or Yandex, because they have a rap for the uncharacteristic (evil?)

Sign up and get up:

  • Through the admin panel: Modules -> Add new: Captcha(Insert, activate);
  • Abo zavantazhiti: З of. site - (move and store in Your_site / wp-content / plugins)

About plugin Captcha. to describe

Now that people are susceptible to spamming, it is too much food for them. Ale spam (info motloh in the comments of your blog, with the help of a straight forward) will be constantly knocking up to you.

You can put a classic sound: Akismet(The database of the given spammers was gradually updated, if the spam was fucked up here, then it should be brought in before the restructuring) i Antispam bee(The plugin displays the characteristics of the spam bot and its block).

For practical purposes, in which case you yourself can change, if you put the plugin data: spam to pass. At the rate of 1000 y / s until 15 days. That was a surprise to me: spam bots perezhzhayut on new addresses and come up with new ways, like simulating a lively people.

Tse times, it’s okay, but it’s not good enough. I two - navantazhennya for hosting. Judge for yourself: Akismet It is necessary to continuously monitor, but also to use the operations, to display the functions, and to vantage the host CPU. Antispam bee- the situation is good, I wish I couldn’t remember anything like “important”.

Axis, if used, anti spam plugin for WordPress is lighter, simpler, and just 100% (99%). In the first hour I know yogo :.

The need for this filter is in the line of a lot of spammers. As a rule, I will hand over the bot, through the introduction of the captcha, the process will be occupied by one, if it will be.

If the settings of the VI itself are obvious: Nalashtuvannya -> Discussion -> Before the comment appears: The commentary is guilty but I will hand over the fights... Zakhist at 100%. Ale on vidminu from the call Akismet + Antispam bee, Only from living people will be used for reconciliation, Botnia's spam is dumb.

More dodam. I’ve tried and experimented with different plugins. I will say in vain: you can wear Akismet + Antispam beeі їм podіbnі, a Captcha plugin for catching spam (plus the setting is guessed) - finish! (I do not vantage hosting).

Incomplete Captcha

At the same hour, I saw a couple of shortcomings: visual and functional character.

  • Do not miss the deyakі of the shippers... So I have eaten for over an hour without wanting to miss the addresses. send from service (recently from Yandex). Ale at one o'clock, when it was updated - everything was good.
  • Often visually not in harmony with the template, with the commentary field. "Lіkuvatisya", ale to edit the template (especially, if one often loves new ones) is a sham.

Customize Captcha

Once again, they locked up and stood up, activated ...

In the menu of the admin part of the VP, appear:

Go through the tab with the same name

So the axis, everything is Russian and zerous, which is the very Russian knowledge. I tidy up only the check mark z (*), I do not like multiplication. All іnshe - I will play it, yak є.

Satisfied is bad. Ale taka raiduzhna picture can only be based on this template. Tobto, as soon as you install the daniy plugin - turn it over, if it’s okay, it’s okay to do it (if you don’t pick a comment), it’s like it’s viglyada.

Spam reports can be a headache for sites with updated... One of the ways to uniquely unlock a CAPTCHA is to effectively block spam bots both on the entry side and on the recovery side. The current statistics show you how to add a captcha to the form of links to entries and re-strata in WordPress.

Before you should install and activate the Better WordPress reCAPTCHA plugin. By activating the plugin add a new menu item called BWP reCAPT to your admin panel. Click to move you to the side of the plugin setup.

You should be asked to provide public and private API keys for vikorystannya Google recaptcha API. In order to correct the keys, you need to go to the site reCAPTCHA and click on the "Get reCAPTCHA" button.

On the offensive, you need to click on the Signup button or Sign in and sign in with yours Google account... For that, when you enter, you should ask for the name of the domain, de plan to vikoristovuvati reCAPTCHA.

Copy and paste the public and private API keys on the side of the plugin setup in the WordPress admin panel. Lower API keys for distribution Plugin Functionality it is necessary to mark two checkboxes of the order with options Registration formі Login form.

The Better WordPress reCAPTCHA plugin also allows you to add reCAPTCHA to your WordPress comment form.

Axis and everything, now you can press the button Save Changes for the protection of the viconious zm_n.

To add a recaptcha in your blog, you can view it in the WordPress admin panel. Please note that recaptcha is enabled on the side entrance. If you click on the posting of the restoration, you can also hit it if the statty is blocked by the captcha.

Mi spodivaєmosya, so the article helped you add a CAPTCHA to the side of your WordPress login and re-structure. Captcha is hidden from streams of spam re-strata, spam in comments and in general to ensure your site is from high-profile spam robots.

With the help of food and advice, please read the comments below.

Do not forget, if you can, estimate that you have been honored to record a few stars for your investigation.

I’ll look around all the plugins, gradually they’ll be able to talk about the power of a trivial victorian.

Sho take Captcha

CAPTCHA is a special conversion, it is possible to send a message to people from the car, by the programs of a script, opened for the passage of forms of restoration, comments, etc. In other words, the lowest level of verification of people on the site.

Required Captcha

As a matter of fact, the captcha is old. Every opportunity allows you to drive a car on behavioral factor without inserting simple or folding additional tests. However, completely replace the captcha by far. Moreover, the resources are the most suitable for attacks, only to speed up the capture of captchas.

see captha


The most common, rare species of captha. All know on Google services... On the image captcha, you will be prompted to vibrate three pictures with a machine or fruit.


Letters or alphanumeric captcha, zmusit you repeat the set of numbers and / or letters at the captcha. The numbers can be twisted.


Those are the letters.


Here, koristuvach ask for a mathematical butt, often simple. For accelerated digits, they can be written in Roman or written words (one plus three).

De required captcha

For a global capture, as you can call it paranoid, Captcha is required in all forms of interaction with the site with a koristuvach. And itself

  • When reєstratsії;
  • In the forms of comments;
  • Forms of authorization;
  • Third-party plugin subscription forms;
  • At the ringing bell;
  • In the form, the password is given and the name of the koristuvach;
  • Koristuvalnytskoy forms.

System captcha WordPress

CMS WordPress doesn’t have an internal Captcha tool. All forms in conjunction with coristas are shown for machine reconstruction.

Note: It is not necessary to cheat, machine restoration with probes to an evil site. Tse rіznі dії, I want to be tied together more often.

As a rule, the mass, machine restoration of the pseudo koristuvach tse prelude to evil, is straightened on.

Captcha plugins WordPress

I repeat, the WordPress system doesn’t need the Captcha tool, so it’s necessary to get a profile plugin installed from the machine restoration of the captcha.

Varto by definition. It is possible to recover from the machine re-strata without Captcha plugins, by installing more serious security plugins, so that you can view the suspicious ones (one of them below) The same kind of plugin, in the WordPress recommendation About the most serious plugins without reading

Flector 4.8

No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA Russian version

It is a plugin that connects to the updated version of the same captcha from Google. I guess, as soon as the captcha was given, the captcha was transformed from the non-manual and foldable into one of the simplest captchas in the Internet. It is enough to put a tick in the box with a teddy bear, but it’s insanely a thousand times more simple than the introduction of only other symbols. Do not think that now the captcha has become easily bypassed - the changeover to the bot is passed in the background mode, and once the captcha is given, it will ask you to enter symbols from the picture.

1 Rozpakovuєmo archiv.

2 Copy folder no-captcha-recaptcha v / Wp-content / plugins /.

3 Go to the blog admin on the tab " Modules"I active plugin.

First you need to start without prior to setting up the plugin, you will need to register your domain on the site recaptcha :

The yak can be seen on the screen shot - enter two rows and press the "Restore" button. For what you can see the keys for the victorian service:

If you want to remove the keys, you can go to the middle before setting up the plugin, for more information, go to the "" menu. The adjustment in the plugin is minimal, and the plugin itself I will translate into Russian language, so it is not your fault that you have any problems with the adjustment. Ale about all kinds of vipadoks, I will explain one thing. For some reason, with the introduction of keys:

Introduced keys - saved. Vlasne, tse sama head setting plugin, without such wines it just won't work. When the keys are entered, it is necessary to add the captcha:

When a comment is added, the captcha can be hit under the "Submit" button:

The third and the last part of the city the most recent viglyad captcha:

Explain, what I won't do - here and everything is guilty of it.

I am guilty only immediately beforehand about one more uncomfortable peculiarity of the original plugin - in the stubs of the keys, the theme and the captcha while saving the adjustment. If you don’t kill it, then make your own site, so it’s like it will be vidavati biliy ekran... To tell the demand explicitly - that "Autodetection" will not pass. In the Russian version of the plugin, I have corrected the mercy, but all the same, the price is on the top.

Now there are trophies about the food that is displayed when installing the plugin.

How can I change captcha? When the checkbox is installed, a special script is launched, which analyzes a bunch of different parameters from the screen to the browser browser. And the script can be even more accurate with 99% accuracy, if you check the box - the help of lyudin or bot. As soon as the script є is aware of the fact that you are lyudin, then I will see you a captcha for input:

Why is the jackdaw so big? Tse tezh Most food So yak often captcha viglyadaє cheaply foreign in the form of additional comments. And the conclusion is simple - the size of the square of specially broken pieces is great, but you can just put your finger on mobile annexes... On them, before the speech, in the sense of a pre-order change, you should not propose symbols, but use necessary pictures (for example, see a dog with 5 pictures with cats).

Zagalom, if you don’t want to stand up, be it your own, then this plugin should be ideal for you - simple and effective. And I do not myself - I don’t push people and I don’t reduce the number of comments on your site.

CAPTCHA ABO CAPTCHA is a computer test of the type wiklik-vidpovid, which vikoristovuyutsya for viznachennya, hto zaishov on the site - lyudina abo bot.

Why is captcha needed?

Call captchas to be stuck on the lines with the entered login and password, as well as on the forms for additional comments. The axle must be chained. At the first vipadku such a rewrite to secure the form for entering the site with a set of passwords, and in the other - for the inclusion of spam comments.

Google Captcha Plugin (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft

For WordPress, there is a simple and unprecedented solution to the plugins, which allow you to clean up the site from the most awesome and awesome way. So, in the middle of them, see the popular plugin Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft, Yakiy vikoristovuє captcha from Google. Win is universal, so as it is allowed to put a rewrite on more distributions of the site. Among them:

  • registration form,
  • login form,
  • password form
  • form for additional comments,
  • Contact form,
  • custom form.

Now, after installing and activating the plugin, the admin panel will appear as if you need to remove the keys for the robot captcha.

In the field Label it is necessary to introduce a change (be-yake). Also, the type of reversal should be vibrated. We are quick and simple for a koristuvach change, as a transfer, we will forgive the selection of the necessary pictures ( reCAPTCHA V2).

If you want to select the type of conversion, you need to enter the name of the site's domain, and then check the box next to Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service pull the button Register.

You have saved you and you will have a meal at the window, if you need to copy some notebooks) Field values Site keyі Secret key.

All the necessary keys are removed. Now I turn back to the admin panel of the site and go to Google Captcha -> Nalashtuvannya.

Into the fields site keyі secret key you should enter the value of the previously saved rows ( Site keyі Secret key apparently). Nizhche, in razdіlі Enable reCaptcha for, You need to vibrate the sides, on which the flip is turned on, for whom you press the button save snakes... For a successful saving you will be able to protest the captcha.

If the test was successful, then the setting is complete, and now you can go to the side you designated, for which the captcha is to blame.

Feel free to accept the project - please, thank you!
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