Mine is dearer to Umbria: Gubbio (Italy). View Gubbio Live Menu What to try at Gubbio

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The place of divine, ceramics, truffles, Holy Candle - all the wines, the majestic Gubbio, which spread out in the boundless green valley of Umbria and miraculously saved its middle sight.

Gubbio raztashovaniya on the mountains Ingino and є the only place of Umbria without a salvage station within a radius of ten kilometers. The nearest station Fossato di Vico is 18 km away. Therefore, if you want to get to the place by train, ask for a ticket to the station, as in Gubbio you will be taken by a bus. You can also get to Gubbio by bus that departs from Rome (from Fiumicino airport and Tiburtina station), Perugia, Gualdo Tadino, Umbertide, Citta di Castello. You can find out the schedule of buses on the websites www.umbriamobilita.it and www.sulga.it

The place may have found a long-standing history, as if it were founded by the Umbrians - the tribe, as it occupied the territory of modern Umbria together with the Etruscans. At that hour, the wines were called Ikivium or Igivium (Ikuvium or Iguvium) and took a strategic position at the crossroads of trade routes from the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic seas. On the Zgadka about the Ti Dalleki Schai Misto Zherіgaє nyatsіnіshu Relіkvіu, Ignidine in the XV table - іговінскі (III-I, Art. BC), SIM MІDEY PILLES WITH WRITE UMBRSKOE MOVOY, SCHO MISTENNIY RITUALNIY ROSOPIADENNYY MІSETSEVOE KOLEGIY GERTSIV - "ATIADSIKY BRAIN » ». Before the speech, the tables have known their place in the Russian classics - the stench is reminiscent of Leo Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina". ("At the office of Karenina lay a French book about Yevgyubich inscriptions, open").

At 295 BC e. Gubbio will join the Roman Empire, and from 89 BC. e. transform into municipalities, which give the inhabitants of the city the rights of the Roman hulks and self-regulation. The prosperity of the city was abruptly interrupted in 552 with the arrival of those ready to send Totili. After such a beggarly gain, Gubbio buv will practically re-awaken, ale, with the pardons of the past, respawned on the mountains, and not on the plains, as before. In 772 Gubbio was conquered by the Longobardi, who ruled there for many years.

From the 11th century, the city led an active policy, aimed at expanding the territory, and fought for Perugia for a long time, as if seriously fighting over this active susid. After the unification of Italy in 1860, Gubbio entered the Marche region and became a part of Umbria.

Palazzo dei Consoli

Palazzo dei Consoli - first, you will dance, having risen on the elevator to the center of the place. Buv zbudovaniya at the XIV century (1332-1349) on Piazza Grandi near the city. The pink palazzo maw symbolizes the mіts and rozkvіt of Gubbio. The grandiose 60-meter bud_vlya is planted on a beautiful, open, panoramic square and rightly opposes its impregnable and navitim suvorim look. Apparently, the Palazzo Capitano del Popolo in Arezzo became the butt of this monumental life. Thoughts of historians about those who designed yoga, differ, but two versions: either Angelo da Orvieto, or Matteo Gattapon. The palazzo is beautiful and in the middle of that ring: the corridors, fountains are decorated with frescoes, the wooden windows on the steles are roaring like a light rose. At the secret corridor you can see the middle toilets and the water supply system, which shows the genius of the engineering of that hour.

Since 1901, a museum was located near the palace, subdivided into sections: pinakothek, ceramics, archeological and similar collections. The Iguvinsky tables are saved here.

A quest for vigilance: at the Palazzo, a line for evildoers, who are actively victorious in the Middle Ages, has been stashed. Can you її know? Of great interest is the link with the majestic Campanone, which was installed in 1769, which, at the same time, with two smaller bells (moreover, the smallest of the installations in the 13th century) became the incomparable "voice of Gubbio". I’m going to spare you and you will find a twinkling, the tension of which is effectively bewitching.

Palazzo del Pretorio

The very same in this life, as seen at home, as well as the Palazzo dei Priori and del Podestà, the mіsk rank is roztashovuєtsya at the same time. It is easier to know yoga, the shards of wines are sold on the central square of Gubbio - Piazza Grande. Imovirno, buv designs by architect Matteo Gattapon for "podesta" (podesta) - the head of the vykonavchi and the ship's government, which is the head of the vykhіdtsem from another place, in order to vanish special likeness on the courts. Through the economic problems of the palazzo so and not budovaniya, wanting to transfer, scho vіn reach the heights of the Palazzo dei Consoli and be equal to yoga for the beauty and visual power.

At the same time, mi Bachimo Palazzo del Pretorio at the restored look - through the earthquake of 1997, having seriously suffered the fate of the wines, but albeit renovating it until 2003.

Duomo di Gubbio

The head cathedral is a place of consecration to the holy martyrs Mariano and Giacomo, whose relics are saved right there under the head vvtar. It was founded in the XII century on the site of the old Duomo, having adopted a residual look until 1241. Restoration works of 1913 and 1918 rocky changed the interior decorations, but left the Gothic facade unaltered.

In the middle, you can see a wooden cross of the 13th century, two organs of the 16th century, frescoes by Benedetto and Viodzhinio Nucci, Dono Doni, Antonio Gerardi, Sinibaldi Іbі, Giuliano Prezuttі. Give respect to the old tradition in the Duomo, created in the 16th century.

Church of Saint Francis

The old church, founded in 1256, is associated with the legend of St. Francis and Gubbio. The project of the architect Fra Bevignate buv vtіleny on the place of residence of the friends of St. Francis, sіm'ї Spadalong, some wines live for a day after the fact that they had flooded the native land in Assisi. The remains of their booth can be seen up to the middle of the church.

The gothic portal of the church with a small rose zone has no endings, the middle of the church is 14 eight-headed columns and remnants of frescoes XIII-XV century penzl Ottavian Nelli, Gerardi and Virgilio Nucci.

A monument to St. Francis and the work of Roberto Bellucci (1997) was erected in the church. It is a legend to say that in those hours, if young Francis is alive at Gubbio, in a dry fox bag he is majestic and fearless, that it becomes unsafe for thinness, so for people. Vіn often attacking living creatures and navіt city dwellers and tremav in fear of the whole of Gubbio. More than that, for the time being, not being afraid of approaching the place at the whims of new victims. Francis, with his special gift to roam with birds and creatures, virishiv especially virishit tsyu situation i, illuminating himself with hellish banners, violating the forests of the company of innumerable mystic inhabitants. The companions snarled at the cold weather and turned to the upper walls of the city, Francis unfailingly continuing his path under the wicked glances of the villagers, who watch from afar for the “divine” cym.

Having pumped the vovka, the saint approached the new one, crossed and turned away from the promo, staggeringly turned up to the new Brother Vovk. Francis, having asked the hut, no longer zavdavat shkodi creatures and people, and deprive the squalid townspeople from the calm. The villagers flattened their eyes with a gasp, hinting at a mortal attack on the tendit Francis, ale fork humbly raising their ears, bowing their heads and with all their looks demonstrating the order to the little barefoot man. After pleading for the sake of being inspired, Francis denounced you that the townspeople should prepare for him. Nemov hypnotized, for the time being, he went after the saint at Gubbio and in the eyes of the zdivovannyy natovpu swore not to give shkody to anyone anymore (like an instant swear allegiance, swear you? Putting your right paw on the hand of Francis!). Behind the legend, after that, for a long time, having become living at the walls of the city and pretending to be a dog, moving from home to the booth at the chastity. Imagine the ugubins that it is easy to forgive - that's how the residents of Gubbio are called - they willingly encouraged the creature and fell in love with it. After two years, Vovk died of old age, and then forever he was left in the hearts of the inhabitants of the city.

Church of Santa Maria della Victoria

The bula was raised in the 9th century (853 rіk) in honor of the victory of the place over the Saracens - the very same church was called the “peremozhnaya” (della Vittoria). According to the legend, Saint Francis approached Brother Vovk at 1222 roci. Franciscan brothers lived with her until 1240, before moving to a new monastery.

In the 90s of the 20th century, the church was restored, when the flower garden was broken up and a bronze sculpture was erected, depicting the image of St. Francis and Vovk (1973). Lovers of art can appreciate the frescoes of Virgilio Nucci and Felice Damian on the walls of the church.

Basilica of Saint Ubaldo

Although the official head cathedral of Gubbio is not a basilica, it is itself respected by the beloved and beloved by practically all the inhabitants of the city. The patron saint of the place, Saint Ubaldo, is buried in it. The church was built at a height of 827 meters, which is more easily compensated for by the naming views that emerge from such a peak. Її life began in 1513 with the financial assistance of Duchesses Elizabeth and Eleonory Gonzaga and Papi Julius II of Rome.

“Candles” from the tree are saved in this basilica itself, as if they take part in the shchoric Holy Candle at Gubbio, which succumbs to the roots in the distant past, if important candles were effectively burned from wax. In the 16th century they were replaced with wooden ones. Before St. Ubaldo, candles are carried to the Palazzo dei Consoli. On Holy Candles, groups of mystic people run with important candles to the top of the mountain, to the basilica.

Before the speech, it’s easier to go up to the basilica on the ropeway, as you start from Colle Eletto and take you to the top of the mountain for 6 minutes, where the Basilica is located.

Unforgettable attraction of Gubbio, which is far from all tourists. The road was built in 1960 to ease the difficult path to the top of the mountain for tourists and tourists. At first glance, the cabins for moving up the mountain look scary - a narrow railing, covered for a maximum of two people, as if hitting the wind ... Ale, prote, for the robots, the road has brought its hopefulness, wanting hospitality, obviously, the hour is more expensive and it is guaranteed. Specify the years of the work of the road, yakі lie down in the spring of that day: www.funiviagubbio.it/orari

Roman theater

To be found behind the borders of the forte walls, buv zbudovaniya at the 1st century and instantly accommodate 6 thousand peeps. If you consider yourself a resident of the Roman Empire, you can even at once, - stage vistas in the theater that tell about the life of Odysseus, the heroes of ancient Roman mythology and other ancient vistas. Before the speech, bіlya theater roztashovana great costless parking.

Rangyashi Park

Panoramic park with ideal views for a photo, as well as a place where you can look at a long walk in Gubbio. Following the orders of Marquis Francesco Rangyashi Brancaleoni, it was like an English garden for yoga kohano's squad, the English Sari Matildi. For the vicinary, I’ll conceive the marquis of bringing the old-fashioned mid-life buddies and creating new ones, which fit perfectly into the bazhany style. Walking along the chestnut and maple alleys, linden and oak forests - I have completed my acquaintance with Gubbio. It is obov'yazkovo to know a small chapel with the coat of arms of Rankgyashi and the phrase "Virtus omnia vincit" (Smell can overcome everything).

Fountain of the Divine, or Fountain del Bargello

Raztashovaniya bіla Palazzo del Bargello, de earlier sitting the chief of the police police. Tsikavyi and the fountain, and the palazzo itself, awakening the Gothic style of the city, in which the typical middle-class controversy dominates. The history of this fountain of the 16th century is more than a cicava: it is an old tradition, for which a foreigner is a resident of another city of Italy, who, having adorned the fountain three times and doused with his own water from the fountain, takes away the status of “Divine Gubbio”. A small clarification: it is necessary for the fountain to walk around with a certificate - to the native inhabitant of Gubbio. Moreover, the certificate is seen in writing, if, as a local resident, you can request yoga for you from the association Maggio Eugubino.

The word "divine" in my mind does not mean mentally ill, but simply characterizes the ironic setting to themselves in mysts. It is not for nothing that Gubbio is often called "the place of the divine", or "the place of psychos". The tradition was born like the 19th century and was closely connected with the Holy Candle, at which time the participants of the trich round the head square, first down the hill with the streets of the city with 300-kilogram candles on their shoulders.

Chivico Museum

The main Moscow museum borrows a small piece of land on top of the Palazzo dei Consoli in the very center of Gubbio. At the archeological vіddіlі, you can find the remains of the Roman amphitheater, ancient Roman sarcophagi and other tsіkavі znakhіdki, which lie until antiquity and the middle ones. A numismatic person has a check collection of coins on you - from hours of umbre until the 19th century. Ceramic showroom will show you the pottery made in Gubbio from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The most famous in this collection are the two straves of Giorgio Andreoli, the victors in the “lustro” technique in 1500 roci. At the same time, the most important exhibits of the museum are being saved from the large drops - Iguvinsky tables (III-I centuries BC), these middle boards with inscriptions of the Umbrian mova, to avenge the ritual orders of the brothers of the priests - "ativ". On the upper side of the museum, a pinacotheque of robotic Umbrian artists has been stashed.

Ticket price: 5 euros, children up to 6 years old free of charge. The museum is open during the day of tyzhnya.
Godini roboti: 3 pm to midnight 10.00-13.00/15.00-18.00. From leaf fall to birch: 10.00-13.00 / 14.30-17.30. Museum of Closure 13-14-15 May, 25 March and 1 September

Diocesan Museum

Roofing order from the Duomo in the Palazzo dei Canonich, initiated in the XII century. Tsikavy and even a beautiful museum, a new rich collection of archeological, numismatic, ceramic collections, with unique landscapes in the expanse of Umbria.

Ticket price: 7 euros (including admission to the museum, Palazzo dei Canonici, Churches di Santa Maria dei Laici and C'ezi di Santa Maria Nuova). Children of age up to 13 years - free of charge.
Work schedule: from 14 pm to 30 pm open all days (Crimea Monday) from 10.30 to 18.00. In other months, it works from Thursday to the week from 10.30 to 17.00.
Closed 15 May, 20 May, 2 worms.

Palazzo Ducale

This palazzo of roztashovaniya entrusted іz Duomo and є tsіkavim іtаlіyskogo Vidrodzhennya (united among middle-class Gubbio), prompting in 1470 by the Duke of Urbіno Federico da Montefeltro, who ruled the Duchy of Urbіn. The palace of the aristocracy was punished to create it as their summer residence. Before the speech, part of that palazzo - the carved wooden wall of Guidobaldo da Montefeltro's wardrobe - was sold to the Metropolitan Museum in 1939. A copy of the maisterno vikonan was installed on the yogo mist.

Museum of majolica at the ancient Roman doors

Being a museum, the cicava itself, even if it is located on five tops of the middle middle vezhy-door, as if leading to the city. Here is the largest collection of ceramics, wickerwork in the technique of "Lustro" (lustro). Ceramics occupy the first one on top of that and demonstrate 250 robots of the masters. On other surfaces, you can see a unique collection of middle-class geographic maps, an open room with a face-plate (1500), a list of records, a crossbow (1800).
Bashta bula was zbudovana at 1400 roci and served for the protection of the place from unfortunate guests. Vaughn is small three equal zakhistu: pidomniy mist, gulf gates and dark doors from a tree. On the lower surfaces, the guards lingered over the doors, as they controlled security. In 1994, the restoration of the doors was completed and the museum was awarded.

When will you go to Gubbio?

In this place, the tsiliy rіk is carried out schos tsіkave, and you can see sprats of especially large periods.

On the eve of spring, the Serednyovichya Festival will take place here, which absolutely transforms the center of the place. Taverns, bazaars, dressed up people - all organically fit into the atmosphere of Gubbio and make it look like a scenery to a fairy tale movie.

Starting from the 7th of the day, on the mountains above Gubbio, the greatest yalinka in the world is fired, which consists of 800 different-colored paws and bells, connected by wires with a length of 8500 meters. In 1991, the “tree” rose to the Guinness Book of Records and for many months delighted tourists and bagpipers, lit up on the mountains and again changing the sound of Gubbio. Zavdyaky to this tree, that majestic Christmas den on the streets of Gubbio ahead of Christmas, the Cossack atmosphere is especially special for the New Rock, you see a little place in Umbria, so you will lean in Umbria at the chest on the cob of sichnya.

15 May at the place to pass Holy Svіchok. The history of the vindication of which saint is connected with the patron saint of Gubbi, Saint Ubaldo.

Previously, giant wooden candles were carried by the local residents through the city in 1160. From that hour, the people of Gubbio on January 15 dress in historical costumes and run with candles on their shoulders through all the place, as their distant ancestors did. Bag of skin candles - pіd 300 kg, height reaches 500 cm.

Three candles symbolize three saints, whose lives are closely tied to Gubbio - San Ubaldo, San Giorgio and San Antonio. Leather "cheraiolo" (wearing candles) faithful to his saint, like a football team: choose to fight once in a lifetime.

There is a place Gubio (Gubbio).

Roztashovaniya on shili gori Іngino ( Monte Ingino), wine long hour vvazhavsya importantly accessible and otrimav prizvisko "silent donkey".

P. P. Muratov, who saw the place on the cob of the 20th century, so hung up his opposition to Gubbio:

It is a marvelous place, marvelous with its surroundings, with a small sound from the dry and wild marvelousness, the floorings of the house overlooking the friendly Urbino. Uzdovzh riverbed deafly murmuring Metaurus sprang up whole quarters of obsolete Renaissance palaces, slaughtered at the dwelling of the proletariat, with windows cut through in their walls, with a loggia, taken with a crown, with emblems and reliefs, smoked with dim fires. The ancient Roman cathedral, with chimerical symbols of the Evangelists, cuts into the very skeleton, and, on the contrary, with a romantic ruin of offerings to the natural desert of the palaces of the Dukes of Urbina, with yards, overgrown with grass, with miraculous terraces, and planted prosciuttos. talk more about the past, the crimson of the coat of arms over the used fireplace, or the doors of those tracts of letters F.E. Dukes.

Tourist itinerary and reminders of Gubbio:

The best excursion is from the upper part of the city (you can go up on the funicular), step by step going down to the afternoon.

Palazzo dei Consoli(Palazzo dei consoles, Gattapon, XIV century) is honored with the symbol of Gubbio. Today's Ensemble piazza Grande (P'yazza Grande) becoming the mystetsky center of the city. In the given hour here roztashovuetsya picture gallery with robots of local artists Archaeological Museum, in which the Iguvinsky tables (II century BC) are saved, middle plates with inscriptions of the ancient Umbrian language.

The city saved a lot of old spores:

  • cathedral(Duomo, XII century),
  • Church of San Francesco(Chiesa di San Francesco, XIII century),
  • Palazzo Ducale(Palazzo Ducale, XV century) i p
  • yatinefna Basilica of Sant Ubaldo(Basilica di SantaUbaldo, rebuild in the 16th century).

St. Ubald was the bishop of the city in the XII century and is considered the patron saint of the city.

At St. Day Ubalda, May 15, in Gubbio, a religious procession in historical costumes is held. Carry the statues of St. Ubalda, St. George and St. Anthony.

Map of Gubbio:

Basic information for tourists about Gubbio in Italy - geographic development, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and notes.

Gubbio is one of the great cities of the Italian region of Umbria, roztashovane in the province of Perugia, where Ingino was born. According to the census of the population of 2004, about 33 thousand people lived in the new city.

In the ancient times of Gubbio, the foundations of the Umbrian tribes, Buv Vіdomy as a colony under the names Iguvіya and Eugubіum. From quiet hours to the present day, the amphitheater and the ruins of the temple of Jupiter were preserved, in which in 1444 the so-called Іguvinsky tables were found - the largest monument of the Umbrian mov.

In the Middle Ages, Gubbio became an independent comune, as if she had been at the camp of permanent warfare from the susides. For example, in the 14th century, the place was occupied by the urban family of Montefeltro, and until 1624 the city of wines was included in the Urbinsky duchy. Potim Gubio becoming papal volunteers. That same wine became famous all over Italy for its unique ceramics. From 1860 Gubbio to enter the warehouse of united Italy.

Perhaps, in Gubbio itself, you can have a large number of middle-aged life, which are best preserved - you can see the middle of other places in Umbria and attract thousands of tourists to yourself. The whole old center of the city can be filled with suvoria, one can say, surviving looking through those gothic buddіvl on yogo tight streets and lanes were built from dark gray stone. Most of these houses are dated to the 14th and 15th centuries - first of all, the lives of local merchants. Їх homemade riceє the presence of other entrance doors, which sounded like they were roaring literally a few inches in front of the main entrance. Such secondary doors were vozhchimi and small at a height of nearly a foot above the ground - they were called “porta dei morti” or “doors of the dead”, because, as you know, the bodies of the dead were carried through the doors themselves. I don't want any reliable confirmation.

Invariably popular with tourists, the old churches, the cathedral, are built like the 12th century. The windows are seen as a window-rosette on the facade with the symbols of the Evangelists - the eagle of St. John, the left of St. Mark, the angel of St. Matthew and the beak of St. Luke. The Church of San Francesco is the center of the religious life of Gubbio, which has the form of a Latin cross near the plan with the central nave and two chapels. The Cistercian Church of Santa Maria Nuova, built at the 13th century, is decorated with frescoes by Ottaviano Nelli and Guido Palmerucci. Cistercians lie down and the monastery of Sant'Agostino. And in the Basilica of Sant Ubaldo, roztashovanіy beyond the borders of Gubbio, you can watch the priceless marmurous vіvtar and majestic glass window with scenes from the life of St. Ubald, the patron saint of the city.

Particularly crowded is Palazzo Ducale - a chic middle-class ducal palace, the largest residence of Emperor Gubbio Federico and Montefeltro. Among the other palaces, which deserve respect, we can name the Palazzo dei Consoli, in which today the museum is located with the same Iguvinian tables, the Palazzo Gabrielli with the same vezhey and the Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo with the Cante Gabrielli museum. Fans of museum bays will fall to their hearts with the collection of Vivian Gabriel, a British colonel and a joker of good fortune, a distant relative of the Gabrielli family, like cheru Gubbio in the Middle Ages. Tsyu collection, de zbrani objects of Tibetan, Nepalese, Chinese and Indian art, Ser Gabriel gave the municipality on the cob of the 20th century.

At Gubbio, we had to take a bus only in order to get there by bus from Perugia. We twisted and twisted, twisted and twisted, died up in the mountains on a non-abyak height and, with a garne swidkist, we forged on bare, which is characteristic, the scales of the gir. Me and Arina weren’t afraid of anything, but our brother-in-laws Zhenya and Grishkom squawked lightly and looked timidly at the bus’s windows, which were blowing like a bar on the wind. Honestly, apparently, I proudly declare myself, how technically for such a relief could wars be fought between Perugians and Gubbians and, smut, now?

(Photo from the Cathedral).

Calling on everything, the Gubbians lived on their own mountain very restlessly. In a first step, tse ambitions: already at the third century BC there was a place important center districts. Russian people from this period of life Gubbio are called by special stosunki: the man of Anni Karenina (the same one, with the same breaths) chiming with scribbled inscriptions (Eugubium was called the same place). You can take a look at the Russian classics on the high hillock of the basilica of St. Umbaldo at the sight of seven bronze tablets with Umbrian and Latin language inscriptions.

After the ruin, the Goths are ready to cross the place, as usual, from hand to hand, and in the 11th century they become a Vilna commune. At the 13th century, Perugia was puffed up for itself, and the provinces, as if to instill a sin, were reconciled to the cym. But the axis coming in 1356 to the papal region (because of the special status of the ancient city) did not give peace to the inhabitants of the city - the stench brought insurrections and fell asleep self-rowing. Axis and troubles began, ruination, persecution, among some Gubbios, having acquired the status of the Vilna commune. Under the rule of the dukes of Urbino, then the next dynasty, the place developed, but in the 17th century, after the death of the remaining governor of the duke, it nevertheless became a part of the papal region, and everything turned into an Italian “glybinka”.

The whole history of the greater or lesser predicts the life of our povitovoe town with the great past, the city of Moscow, but here it happened without atrocities. And, obviously, for such a climate, one without war, one without Radyansk power - the whole whole leafy pie of old-timers is mimic and reminiscent.

I'm sipping an old age, God knows what a century, masonry, I'm going up the mountain, like a great middle-class province.

I marvel at the distance - I don’t go to the enemy-perugiets, I pirnay pіd zahist of the mіsk mіs’kyh walls,

I look at the frescoes of temples.

Before the speech, the frescoes are already garni.

(Church of St. Francis, 13th century)

St. Domenik (middle 15).

One of the most important additional bonuses in Gubbio is the park on the upper "tier" of the place - you can walk there, and in the autumn, it seems, you can even look for truffles.

Well, we - the inhabitants of the pivnoch, in the past, in a right way, felt the spring here - and broke it into a sonechka.

At the povitovy places from the great past, always marvel at the life of the mists - not in the center, obviously, but on the outskirts. For the sake of such a celebration, they sipped on a piece of pizza and sipped on a kelich of the same spritz.

Griha in German kilkostah having dipped hot chocolate in Umbria - wines are famous here, and well deserved.

Basilica of St. Umbaldo roztashovuєtsya on a high hillock - until the new need to go along the steps, so sharply run uphill, or take the funicular for 7 euros there and back. I didn’t want a pishka: after all, I was pampered a lot, but I looked at the funicular - and I was inspired (the phobia hit me). My companions, zvichayno, z_stribnuli on the move at the vіdkritі booth and rushed up the hill, but I went for a walk with a hell of a burn.

It would be good to come to the city on the 15th of May - on the famous Holy Svechok, who needed over 500 years. Scenario of the Holy Comedy, which I, perhaps, will quote the description as a whole. For the sake of revisiting, I will once again show the mountain, on which they run their noses.

“Everyone checks for the main heroes of the urochistas - cheraioli. This is the name of the nose, as if with indescribable enthusiasm to pull candles and the majestic position of the saints, strengthened on the wooden columns of the great rosemary.

The sports task is elementary - it is necessary to bring and install three statues of saints at the cathedral: St. Ubbaldo, St. George and St. Anthony. The skin of these figures should weigh a total of 300 kilograms, so that you should be in the team cheraioli, you need great physical strength, a trivale of training and, maybe, more headily, you can do it right.

Statues of saints rush over the human stream. Cheraioli, not lowering the speed of the statue, on the move they constantly lift one another. It is characteristic that this race does not put before the participants the meta to come first. Cheraioli, who carry different positions, are supermen, that is, before. the blackness of the arrival of the statues of saints to the cathedral is inevitable. /…/
Kіntseva meta - go with the burden to the church, first of all, the statue of St. Ubbaldo is brought in with a bow, and therefore, yoga cheraioli is guilty of being sprites for others. Cheraioli, like carrying the statue of St. Ubbaldo, obligatorily compel to close the doors behind them before the figures of St. George and St. Anthony arrive.
We spent a whole day at Gubbio, it was good for us in a good way.

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