Secret coordinates і tаємні місця in Google Maps. Цікаві місця in Google Maps

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast vіka? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

When you create photographs of our planet, crumbling from space, you can know at least a few intriguing and unintelligible speeches, especially when I look at each other for an hour.

Bright Side picked up riddled objects and monsters, like koristuvachi viyavili on Google maps.

Empty Guardian

At the fall of 2006, Linn Hickox showed up on Google maps that the people in the Canadian province of Albert were geologically ascertained, that the Indian's head with the aid of the head was. Also, the image appeared as a result of the trivial erosion of the soil, and the way from the navigator and vuho is the road that goes to the naphtha visce, and the cherry itself.

Krivava lake in Iraku

At 2007 rotsi not far from the Iraqi city Sadr bulo viyavleno Lake Krivavo-Chervony Koloru... Versions of the walking anomalies of the bully nayriznomanitnishim - from the cold waters to the entrance to the roasted ruins of the slaughterhouse. But the reason for this color was not established. The Seogodnі lake viglyadaє so itself, like and іnshі.

Sharp at the shape of the heart

island Galshnyak , We should trace Croatia, bouvings on satellite maps in 2009 roci. Ostrіv quickly became popular, and not only in the Internet, but in the middle of mandrels - to a completely deserted part of the land has been re-created on the place of pilgrimage of zakohanyh svіtu.

Labyrinth in the form of a finger wedge

A labyrinth in the form of a human finger wedge, a witch-house made of vapnyak tiles, is located in Hove Park in Brighton, Great Britain. Winners of the projects in 2006 were created by the artist Kris Druri.

"The driving scene" on the lake in the town of Almeria, Netherlands

A congenial sign, a crash in 2009 rotsi in the Netherlands, having seen one of the rogues on the Reddit website. The scene was created similar to a drive-in, and on the site there was a blatant discussion, well, for good reason.

However, some crooked grain is not fixed on the whole sign. The Meshwoman Almera Jacqueline Kenen has invented her own golden retriever as a savage "hammering in", which, in її words, go for a swim. And then, it was taken for the blood, for the sake of all the water, like the outside of the dog.

The form of the swastika

Budivlya, behind the shape of a swastika, is to be found by the US Navy, which was named by Google in 2006. The command of the Navy said that the similarity with the whole figure was shown only at the stage of development, since there is no possibility of any change.

U 2007 roci $ 600 yew was seen for the change of the landscape and the installation of sleepyach batteries in such a rank, the stench of the stench has taken the form of awakening. Stan for 2017 rik, zaddyaki sleepyachny batteries, as soon as the Nazi symbol is no longer shitty.

People in blue masks

Tsei znimok in the street of boulevards in the Japanese place Musasino in birch 2013 rock. Tsia "composition" was created specially - koristuvachi and team to the site Daily portal z, Having learned about those on the street will be photographed for Google, Virishila confirm to yourself on the card.

Ship overgrown with trees

Tsei zanedbaniy and overgrown with trees the ship was built as a companion on the village of Parramatta, which is close to Sidney, Australia. Name the ship SS Ayrfield the buoy was launched in 1911 rotsі. In 1972, the ship was written off, and the ship was moored in the arms of the river.

UFO in Rumunia

An object similar in shape to UFOs with fantastic films, appearances on one of abandoned farms across the Romanian city of Timishoara. The witch gave birth to a little bit about the visit to the Earth of an alien ship. For a lithuanian tarilka - tse abandoned pumping station Yaka had previously supplied Timishoara with water.

dikhannya empty

Wonderful cola in the empty Sahara They started in 1997 with the hands of people, as they worked in the creative community of D.A.S.T. The sculpture is broken with two spirals, which go out from the center, one of the wings is opened from the cones, which expands into the world from the distance towards the cob, and the other - from the sinking, built according to the same principle.

For the idea of ​​the creators, the Spiral is guilty of knowing an hour before in a stream of erosion. However, at once, after 20 rockets, it is perfectly visible to navigate from space.

The storehouse of the Vyskovy litakiv

Aviabase "Devis-Monte"To be found in the city of Tucson in the United States, perhaps the greatest aviatechnics conservationist in the world - there are 4,400 years and 40 space ships standing close here. So far, you can come close to 400 units of technology and style and sell or be sold.

Wonderful isstota from Loch Ness

25-year-old Jason Cook, looking at fellow travelers' signs of Loch Ness, respecting the beauty, yak swim in the waters. I would like to have reliable testimonies of the famous monstrosity not ma, richly hto vvvazv, but he himself forgot the companion of Google.

Publications of seasonal materials about coordinates in Google Maps Having prepared a long time ago and put it like that before my “spare” articles, we’re not going to put it up until it’s, but I didn’t write a blog just about investing, although I would like to read it, it’s okay, I want to read it. Tim more at once in the spring before the holy day is weakened by the mood ...

That’s why I’m looking at the main ones and I know you from the quick information (like for example), and also I’m looking around for the brown and motivating ones, before you speak, you can wonder at the close of the Christmas season, coming soon

Having once sprinkled on tsikava and tsikava information, maybe you, obviously, also know about it, if not, then also from tsikavistyu vivchit. Read about the Google Maps supplements, vіrnіshe, about the speeches that you can learn about the add-ons, and even more accurate and plus add some riddles, then about the secrets coordinates in Google Maps.

The Google corporation never ceases to dazzle with its techno-Internet rods, its possibilities are even greater.

As a matter of fact, the information can be found for you not only because it is important, but because it is understandable, behind the help of Google Maps you can look at the addresses, and that means you can turn it over, as you can specify the addresses of your Maps of the office.

And you can still ask for help, add a joke to the name of the country, place in a row, or to find a specific address, get as close as possible (for the additional plus sign) and transfer the little guy to the map and keep twisting, twisting, going through the streets. Surely, in the main it is also possible to prowl through the great places, it is unlikely that the fahivtsi of Google have seen and broken a 3D map with a skin roll of light, but all the same I got up to think about it 😀

So, well, let's get ahead of it, google maps and such a pricey way to get a decent internet connection and great traffic

Before you start to know the coordinates of Google Maps, you will need to go to the site

If you have registered an account in the Google system, then immediately you will shake your message, and if you will, please, add the following information:

  • in a row, add a joke to the address or coordinates,
  • then vibrate in what kind of viglyadi you want to vivchit ob'єkt (evil below):
  • but on the cards,
  • for as an image from a companion,
  • Also, for the help of the important person, the right-handed person can be approached or seen from the object ("+" "-").

Now, let's go to the tsikave ... to the same coordinates Google Maps:

♦ If you enter the coordinates 37.7908, -122.3229, then you can hit a litak by sending an emergency:

♦ And the axis here is 45.408166, -123.008118 so to lie in the lisovy gushchavin:

♦ For the first time, the topic of the trip: 51.362428,7.557928 the trip to the car park. The axis of the people was happy, if they woke up to instruct them with their machine so the lastivka 🙂

♦ A UFO 45.70333.21.301831 has landed right there with coordinates, but at my glance, the price is similar to misunderstandings, but for the most part, it’s even worse than the earth, it’s at the sight of the arena or observatory: there’s more

♦ 36.949346, -122.065383 The majestic kistkovy model, commissioned from the Discovery Center. If you type the coordinates in Google Maps and zoom in on the picture, then the layout will be visible from above, and if you click on the +, there are images of zhovty cholovichok, then the skeleton can be poked in such a projection, as if you would really marvel at a new one:

♦ 38.85878007241521,111.6031789407134 This is not in the populated city of China, as there is no noise at the edges:

♦ 19 56'56.76 "S, 69 38'2.08" W Well, it’s good for little ones in the fields, but not a stake, but not at home.

♦ There is also a gigantic image, or even all the same 18 31'45.15 "S, 70 15'0.0" W

♦ The axis of the image from the companion is shown on the Italian horny hare 44 14'39.45 ", 7 46'10.32"

♦ And also grants from Russia 53 20'26.15 ", 87 10'32.86"

Even though the coordinates are still correct, if I picked up my own private messages in Google Maps, those are not such riddles, just lines and cola. Singing in an hour, it’s a lot of pererakhovanih coordinates become irrelevant, for example, when the incremental updating of bases, so overtake a peek.

The axis is such a cicava information :-)

That's all, good luck and good luck.


Earnings in the Internet are good, but only in some cases it is necessary to choose from robots.

Rozvag in the Internet is richly repaired with and finished with social fencing. Ale є і big time options for an hour, for example, you can "walk" around the world for additional Google maps.

We present to you the statistics, tsіkavі mіstіya in Google Maps If you want, you can marvel at the panoramas of your own place or find your own booth.

All tsit tsіkavo, ale it is not abundant to use a cinnamon tool. What are you looking for? For example, you can easily marvel at the graph of a robot that I will not mortgage.

Tаємні місця in Google Maps

The Google corporation was driven by a creative approach to its robot. Їхні cards have become popular, so you can know a lot of tsikavi on them.

Navigate a virtual stroll through your place to appear beautiful and innocent, and even start to wonder at a little bit through some kind of instrument.

If you go to the site of google maps, you can enter the name of your place and on the map, vibrate, be it on the street:

If you know your street or a tsikave mice, in the lower codend, select a cholovichka and drag it in a yakes mice:

Tse activeє mode peeking in the street. Periodically, in places and villages, drive a Google car, like a fixuє navkolishnі ob'єkti. When you look at the street in a wide mode, you can navigate through the following views:

The numbers of the cars and the individuals of the people are prikhovani, ale and without a whole lot of posters, how to be there as a viglyad. Try to joke about it, it’s not good, but it’s going to be delayed, and you’ll definitely not be able to see from the right.

Divnі місця in Google Maps

Є on maps and miscellaneous Already more than once I have spoken about those on the whole site one can know imperturbable speeches.

You will be prompted to marvel at the TOP 10 of the secret places in Google Maps (just enter the coordinates in the form):

  1. Razlamaniy lіtak i rozkidanі speeches (37.7908, -122.3229).
  2. Cholovik is pulling the corpse on the berth (52.376552, 5.198308).
  3. Vіyskova base in the states (32.664162, -111.487119).
  4. Litak in the middle of the line (45.408166, -123.008118).
  5. 40 rockiv peremogi at lisi (53 20'26.15, 87 10'32.86).
  6. Vinischuvach in the parking lot (51.362428,7.557928).
  7. Abandoned planetary tarilka (45.70333,21.301831).
  8. Great skeletons (36.949346, -122.065383).
  9. FireFox logo in the box (45.123656, -123.114767).
  10. Lenin 100 rocks from trees (54 28'6.32, 64 47'48.20).

The secret messages of Google Maps are displayed for everyone. You can, you know it’s rich and tricky.

Google Maps is the most popular cartographic service, which was released in 2005. Ale mi will not be glimpsed in the history of this stem, overwhelming, etc. We'll talk about those, like є tamnі mіstsya in Google Maps. Zats_kavleni? Todi read the qiu article.

Google Maps - well?

As soon as they could see, in the data of the statistics, the secret messages are visible in Google Maps. Ale sphatku for quiet, hto not in the course, shortly roz'yasniti, scho also "Google MAPS". On the day, the whole map, I will hunt the whole Earth (for those who are quiet, who is not enough, it is possible to marvel at the map of Mars and Misyatsya). The managers of the high-tech companions of the Google company, such a map is even more accurate and clearly depicts to navigate the most recent cuts of the planet.

Ale, mabut, let's turn to our rams. Do you want to know how to find a secret message in Google MAPS? Read the qiu article!

Tаємні місця in Google Maps

Yak vidomo, in the company Google, there is fun. The retailers gradually add chips, Easter eggs, secrets to their software. For example, if you knew you, how can you type in the Google search row the words "Google gravity" and see how you can do it, you can make it possible, like you can do it, the icons and the side of your browser.

I only have one in a thousand butts. Google retailers consistently insert what are called `` cool '' chips into their creations. The cartographic service from the whole company without becoming a blame. The retailers have added the so-called tamni message to Google Maps. classified and central locations, as indicated on the map. We'll talk about those who know about them at the statistics.

Tаємні місця in Google Maps: coordinates і їх describe

Well, we will not burden the gum, and immediately we will go from the month to the car. Below you can see the images in Google Maps.

Entering the coordinates 66.266667, 179.250000, you can make a homeless child for Siberia, which is located not far from Alaska. What is there to be found? The price of food for hvilyu umi bagatokh residents of Russia.

Having scored the coordinates 37.7908, 122.3229 in Google Maps, you can make a reference to the accident. On the card, it is depicted by breaking in two litak. It is truly unbelievable, it is a disaster, or even the staging is extravagant.

For coordinates 36.949346,122.065383, you can make the skeleton reach significant sizes. It is motor-driven to navigate the way, which makes it possible to lay down the cysts.

Yaksho vi is a lover of the local snakes, the beginning of the place is not unmistakable with interest. Entering the coordinates 32.664162, 111.487119, you can get the BBC's secret base, which is located on the territory of the New States of America. What to do on the basis of the whole, it is really unprecedented, but with the bazhanna you can know the impossibility of the fantastic theories themselves from the drive.

Having typed in a row of coordinates 54 28 "6.32", 64 47 "48.20", you can make a picture of the tsikava. On the date of the location, it is clearly written "Lenin 100 Rocks", as it is stored in trees.

For fans of sai-fi varto, type in Google MAPS 19 56 "56.76" S, 69 38 "2.08" W. For the coordinates, there are little yake very bad things. Neither the price of a twist of the underground civilization?

Well, as it has already gone so far, we will not go far and see those bumps. Behind the coordinates 45.70333,21.301831 you can get a reference UFO, yake conceived in the middle of the trees.

Entering the coordinates 45.408166, 123.008118, you can make a trip like "parked" in the middle of the trees.

Remember, yak in dynasty, if we were grabbing on the beaches with a shovel and a whip, the daddy told us in kshtalt: "Nothing sob, like a big hole, we dug a little bit before China!" We took the price for hot, ale, mabut, and a whole lot of real changes. Don't you? Todi type in Google Maps the coordinates 38.85878007241521,111.6031789407134 and hit the giant dir right in the middle of China!

Behind the coordinates 44 14 "39.45", 7 46 "10.32" you can beat a magnificent horny hare. Motoroshno yayaviti "little" girl, as she played with him.

All chuli melodiously read about the name of Zone 52. Having entered the coordinates 37.401437, 116.86773 in Google Maps, you will be able to marvel at the top-secret base.

Google Maps service do you have any additional credentials?

Likewise, there is one tsikava history, yaku varto come to me and respect. For coordinates 52.376552, 5.198308 you can see the water near the place of Almer. Pirs, trees, a beautiful landscape - everything is nothing, yakby is not one detail. In the photo you can see a cholovika, like a tragic corpse to the lake. Google's companion imagining a small berth, a few figurines and podosryli, which can be taken for shelter. Ale everything is not so, yak to be built for the first glance. For the sake of it, there wasn’t any bullying.

Yak piznishe s'yasuvalo one more authoritative view, on the map with images the retriever Rama, like a viyshov for a walk with his master Jacqueline Kenen. The dog just stripped it into the water, for which it ran to its master, the yak stood on a tree pirce. The frame has overshadowed a wet slid, as if the Internet was mistaken for crookedness.

Shedding light on the price "driving" helped the lord of the dog, yaka sent a photo in the Internet.


Google Maps (formerly Google Local)- a set of supplements, motivated by the basis of a kostless cartographic service and technology, which is hoped by the Google company. Created in 2005 by ROCI. Service is a map of the satellite signs of the planet Earth. For many regions, highly detailed aerial photography is available (people from a height of 250-500 m), for people - from a possible glance at 45 ° from the side of light. The signs of Misyats and Mars will be heard beforehand.

Naybіlsh shokyuchі coordinates і tаємні місця in Google Maps. Zberigaєmo to yourself and travel with friends.

Just copy the coordinates to the Google Maps row.

Naybilsh shocking coordinates

  • 37.7908, -122.3229 If you want to enter the coordinates in google maps and nabliziti, you can use breaks on parts of the pages and on the runway.
  • 50.213829, 8.870022 You can get some help from installing the Google Earth program on your computer. Coordinates (entered in the pushoku field)
  • 38.226567, -112.29892 You can get a lot of familiarity with the Google Earth software installed on your computer. Coordinates (entered in the pushoku field)
  • 32.664162, -111.487119 US UPF secret base.
  • 45.408166, -123.008118 Litak middle of the tree.
  • 51.362428, 7.557928 Vinischuvach in the parking lot with cars
  • 45.70333, 21.301831 UFO
  • 36.949346, -122.065383 Customers
  • 38.85878007241521, 111.6031789407134 Nezrozumila dira in China
  • 54 28 "6.32", 64 47 "48.20" Writing "Lenin 100 rocks" from trees
  • 19 56 "56.76" S, 69 38 "2.08" W Impervious to noise
  • 44 14 "39.45", 7 46 "10.32"
  • 37.401437, -116.86773 Area 52
  • 52.376552, 5.198308 Cholovik pulls the corpse to the lake ... But for the most part, it’s not so ... Koristuvachi Internet took a fellow’s photo of a walk with the dog behind the scene of driving, seeing The Sun. The drive for the adolescents to the fact that on the maps of Google Maps the scene of the driving was visualized, was a companion photograph by the waters in the Dutch town of Almera. On them you can see a small pier, a small figure on a new and next step, which can be taken for a curve. For the first time, the site was posted on the Reddit site on Google Maps, and the possible versions of the story in Almeria were widely discussed in social framing. Yak went into the distance of The Sun, in the sense of being prompted by the appearance of the "driving scene", a golden retriever appeared, called Rama, who walked through his master Jacqueline Kenen. The dog stripped from the pirs into the water, poured to the shore and ran along the wooden flooring to the master, followed by a wet slid. For the rakhunok, the barn pirsu slid nagaduvav shelter. Mister Rami herself helped to create a “vbivstvo” by showing a photo on the Internet. Behind the words of Kenen, Rama still loves to swim. It also meant that now the dog has become the whole world.
  • Australia, Sydney Opera House: 33 ° 51 "24.34" S 151 ° 12 "54.17" E
  • Australia, cruiser: 32 ° 0 "42.42" S 115 ° 47 "10.49" E
  • Argentina, Buenos Ayros, one neznozuly litayuchy object, similar to the boat: 34 ° 36 "29.85" S 58 ° 21 "52.79" W
  • Africa. Cordon of Zambia and Zimbvabwe. Waterfall "Viktoria" 17 ° 55 "26.62" S 25 ° 51 "29.32" E
  • Bilorusia, Brestska Fortetsya - 52 ° 4 "57.00" N 23 ° 39 "20.00" E
  • Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Marocan Stadium: 22 ° 54 "43.51" S 43 ° 13 "48.33" W
  • Great Britain, London, "Big Ben" "51 ° 30" 3.34 "N 0 ° 7" 28.72 "W
  • Great Britain, London, Heathrow Airport: 51 ° 28 "39.16" N 0 ° 29 "2.50" W
  • Great Britain, London, Bigby, Westminster Abbey: 51 ° 29 "59.60" N 0 ° 7 "27.46" W
  • Great Britain, London, Towerridge: 51 ° 30 "19.56" N 0 ° 4 "32.00" W
  • Great Britain, Stonehenge: 51 ° 10 "43.88" N 1 ° 49 "35.01" W
  • Hawaii, Oahu, Pearl Harbor - 21 ° 21 "10.00" N 157 ° 58 "0.00" W
  • Nimechchina, Cologne Cathedral: 50 ° 56 "29.21" N 6 ° 57 "30.58" E
  • Nimechchina: Berlin: Reichstag: 52 ° 31 "7.20" N 13 ° 22 "33.94" E
  • Nimechchina: The majestic monstrosity is already here! 48 ° 51 "27.80" N 10 ° 12 "19.06" E
  • Grecia, Acropolis: 37 ° 58 "16.69" N 23 ° 43 "34.10" E
  • Gimala, Everest - 27 ° 59 "19.80" N 86 ° 55 "30.49" E - beautifully vigilat when looking from small kutas and from young straights
  • Egypt, pіramidi Cheops: 29 ° 58 "41" N 31 ° 7 "53" E
  • Spain, Barcelona, ​​120,000 stadium: 41 ° 21 "52.94" N 2 ° 9 "20.71" E
  • Italy, Rome, Coliseum: 41 ° 53 "24.65N 12 ° 29" 32.85E
  • Italy, Venetsia, San Marco square - 45 ° 26 "2.06" N 12 ° 20 "19.78" E
  • India. Agra. Taj Mahal 27 ° 10 "30.89" N 78 ° 2 "34.44" E
  • Kazakhstan, cosmodrome "Baikonur" (one of the launch maidanchikiv): 45 ° 59 "46.06" N 63 ° 33 "50.18" E
  • Mexico, Cuiculco: 19 ° 18 "5.73" N 99 ° 10 "53.14" W
  • Mexico, Teotihuacan (Misto Aztecs): 19 ° 41 "33.17" N 98 ° 50 "37.63" W
  • Monaco, Monte Carlo, embankment - 43 ° 44 "4.54" N 7 ° 25 "17.34" E
Feel free to accept the project - please, thank you!
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