Uninstall programs for android. Korisny programs for android

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children priznachayutsya pedіatr. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast vіka? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?


SHAREit 3.6.98- the best cross-platform file transfer tool. You can exchange be-like files: video, apk, music, photos, and be-like files like you have on your memory card. When transferring files via SHAREit, the Internet is not required, USB or even some fines - no matter what, the add-on will not be used that far ...

Boiled down: 425

Fake Your Call And Sms

Fake Your Call And Sms - pseudo-picksі SMS.
Program from the series "Call yourselves", altogether in this vypadku and "Write yourself" to guide the vendors for an additional network of kostless programs for androids, and you should have additional control of calls and sms with a stylish design. Krim usy about ...

Boiled: 433

Black list

Black list - Blocking dvinkiv i sms.
Tse odne z shrinking programs from the retailer Vlad Lee, judging from the reviews on the market, how can I help you to add your own android phone from obtrusive shanuvalnikov or simply idiotiv. Price your personal black list of subscribers yakim vikeruute sami. The program does not just sound ...

Boiled down: 522

HELMUT - Digitization of old photos

HELMUT Photo scanner for android.
Melodiously, at the skin of you in the distant codend, saw the old photofilms of the clock SRCP or slide. So you can digitize the axis now with the help of the HELMUT Photographic scanner, quickly, without a frame and in normal quality.
For digitization, we know a photograph or a slide. It's all frustratingly simple to struggle ...

Boiled down: 815

gitara +

Gratin 'gratin' on gitara do not bend її!
Гітара + tse korisny dodatok yake It is easy and fun to put you on the gratitude on the whole musical instrument. Gitara + a friendly good thinking interface, with great buttons and menus. You can vibrate one of the helpless gitars and types of vultures for your own performance. Realistic sounding in ...

Boiled down: 733

Osmino Free Wi-Fi

FREE WiFi - Osmino WiFi is everywhere.
Tse, mabut, krashchy WiFi manager for pokuku bezoschtovnyh WiFi hotspots access to the Internet for this day. Before us is the version of the famous Osmino add-on: WiFi is a lot of things not to compromise on functionality.
Koristuvatisya program zmozhe i ditina, the launch is carried out ...

Bound in: one thousand two hundred forty two

Weather: Russia XL PRO

Weather: Russia XL PRO - Weather XL PRO.
Highly accurate addition to android shows the weather in your region and throughout the earth with a beautiful animation of weather changes. The program even more accurately displays the weather changes 10 days ahead and navigates in the weather format.
In the skin prognosis, it is possible to marvel at the intensity of ...

Boiled down: 824

Shaker unlocker

Shaker Unlocker
The program is even more corny to our look, how to allow you to easily unblock your pritry simple and simple, so you can wind up in mittens. For robots with programs for android, in the form of sensitivity, the accelerometer needs to be set at ...

Viber for Android- popular, kosteless program Russian language for telephones or tablets, as it allows you to chat with friends for additional calls and their texts, With the presence of an Internet connection. There are a lot of abbreviations and a modern analogue of Skype.

SHAREit- Korisna program for Android, designed for quick exchange of files for help Wi-Fi technologies mіzh your outbuildings, without connecting to the Internet. On the view of the documents, where you can use Bluetooth, with the help of the additional programs, you can transfer even more big messages in just a few seconds.

Classmates- a social mesh program for telephones and tablets on the Android operating system. The staff of the same supplement, who can be used to browse online, are everywhere, and in the course of their friends' last news. Bookmark without koshtovno Odnoklassniki for Android can be found on our website.

Sberbank Online- Official supplement for Android add-ons, allowing the bank's customers to carry out penny operations on their smartphone or tablet. You can quickly pay for additional services, transfer cards from one card to the other, and do not go to the bank without a second.

Telegram- a simple and easy way to exchange messages, video and audio clips, documents and presentations on Android. Unimportant for the old-fashioned name, for one of the most smart and baked supplements in their own class. Telegram add-ons can be smartly victorious not only for a spirited chat with friends, but for a simple drink. Do you want to be in the best of the confidentiality of the listing?

QIWI- supplement for manual access to electronic devices payment system QIWI. For help with the program you can visit Vikonuvati penny, Reload cards on plastic cards of banks, electronic systems and Yandex.Money and Webmoney, vikoristovuvati NFC technology when paying for goods in stores.

Google play - a great majdanchik with no dodatkiv, igor, live tapestries and rich cinnamon software for Android. Behind the help of the Play Market, you can add thousands of newcomers to your add-on required programs, Look around the Igor, and also zalishayut see about them.

Snapchat- tse unprecedented photoі video messenger for Android, which allows you to be closer to friends, relatives and known people. Dodatok Snipchat is even simpler and even original in terms of quality to analogs. Vibrate the signs or write down a short video to send it to the addressees.

Android is rapidly developing and at the same hour, the quality of the data will increase. Contagion on Google Play ( Android Market) More than 700 yew. Dodatk_v. Vibrate with such a few programs in the most important way. It is especially foldable, as a newcomer to Android platforms and only when you buy an Android smartphone.

Nayneobhіdnіshі programs for Android

In tsyom small look Download the most useful software for Android, which is known on the phone.

Advanced Task Manager

Singing one from the best necessary additions on Android - tse functional manager of the plant. Often in the memory of the phone, there are different programs to hang, as it is deprived of rewinding the resources of the smartphone. Vivantage їkh only with the help of OS Android view. For everyone in the world, Advanced Task Manager - maybe not just vivantage programs from memory, but even more uncomfortable set of functions for robots with add-ons. In addition, Advanced Task Manager can be seen, transferred to an SD card, and backup copies look back. This is how the phone itself monitors the battery charge.

ASTRO File Manager

Another program that will definitely work in the middle is the file manager. Basically, it is necessary for quiet, hto be able to install add-ons to Android vikoristovuchi apk-files. I want file managers, ale tsei spravzhny monster. ASTRO File Manager can provide backup updates, shortcuts and packaging zip archives. Naivagomishoyu perevagoyu - dodatok bezkoshtovne.

Dolphin browser

Bagatom vvazhayut, but the standard Android browser is no worse than a functional one. It’s not easy for a new user to navigate with bookmarks and go from tabs to a tab. In the Dolphin browser, it is simpler to navigate through bookmarks and go through tabs, in addition, you can use gestures and most of the clicks - you can install additional updates.

Mysettings - bezel-less supplement for quick access before adjusting popular Android parameters.

You can sign up for the program on Google Play. є bezkoshtovna versionі paid with Russian interface.

MySettings can be:

  • vibirati rіznі modes dzvinka
  • change the sensitivity to the screen
  • vmikati / vimikati GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and switch to "U litaku"
  • vmikati / vimikati auto-turn screen and auto-synchronization
  • showing a number of new memories on a flash SD card and internal memory phone, as well as the battery life as a percentage
  • for quick access to the MySettings add-on, you can change it in the view panel
  • one onslaught can wick the key to unlock exact hour connected to the phone in case of idleness

On Yandex. Maps indicate the number of budgets and name the street, and provide information about congestion and traffic jams from the GPS contacts. Traffic of cards for vlasniks Megafon in Russia will increase without a card!

AudioManager Widget is a widget for regulating the soundness of six main functions: notifications, calls, alarms, system sounds, multimedia, loudness during pinkie. Especially the cinnamon tim, which can change the sound in the games.

If you look like a browser on a computer, then you will Google chrome on Android. For the victorious function of the browser, you need to install one extension. For a whole host of additional add-ons on the phone, you need to log in to the same Google account.

RockPlayer is a video player for Android. Can I turn on the power supply now with a new video player? In Android, a standard normal player is available, ale only vin pratsyu with converting video. RockPlayer is able to create video games in any format and not be afraid of great breaks (or just lay down all the resources on the phone).

Titanium Backup

Yak zrozumіlo z nazvі programs - won is designated for the establishment of backup copies. Vishche was already zgaduvala dodatok for tsyogo. Alet tse dodatok nabagato cann_she. You can protect your backups as much as possible. To rob backup dodatk_v, systemic supplements, Services, non-installation documents, sms / mms, phone books. Vmіє robiti backup for distribution.

earlier mobile phones they could visit only one of the enclosures of the set of functions. As a rule, the link and the link are updated. The managers of the development of the technical sphere of the large number of tsikavih rozrobok appeared, as they allowed the virobniks to convert the simple "dialers" into a new PC. As early as 15 years, it’s not enough that the function of a great bulky computer can be a small compact smartphone or a tablet. The infection all became a pervasive reality. But the gadget itself cannot afford such possibilities. It is cleverly possible to name the base, as you can use it for the installation of additional information. The very least allow the most effective vicoristovuvati generally resources of multimedia attachments.

In the Danish hour of the most popular operating systemє "Androide". Most virobniks are installed on their gadgets. There are about such types of brandy, like Samsung, Huawei, HTC, Xiaomi and other. Adding new smartphone What about a tablet, which is most often asked for food, such as programs needed for "Android"? Surely, it’s just the right choice if you will find the level of functionality of the device. Followed by Google Play Market, In a wide range of supplements, it is easy to ruin. It’s not a skinny koristuvach all at once to get out, just need to get on the gadget. In this statistic, there will be descriptions of the same services, which are for the thought of koristuvachiv, and are most needed.

Top required supplements for Android

Buyers, nabuvayuchi a new gadget, will help, as a virobnik already completing it with new utilities. However, why are all the stinks really needed? It is a pity that the deyakі supplements appear on the practice absolutely marnimi. Ale, for happiness, such software can be seen, and instead of a new one, install those programs that are required for the singing koristuvachev.

"Google" show shops have a wide range of paid and non-cash content. In the middle of a rozmaittya є such supplements, without which one just can’t be offended by a lucky koristuvach. In order for the owner of the gadget not to spend an hour on self-talk, the list below is presented.

Again, let's see how the most popular additions for a smartphone on Android are in the top 10.

  1. Anti-virus. A terrible gadget will not do without a hustler. In the Danish hour isnu great number Viruses, as there may not only be a naughty device, but I will increase my happiness.
  2. Managers. In order to tidy up all files (organize and distribute them in folders), on the phone or tablet, it is recommended to use a special utility. We call ourselves a file manager.
  3. Browser. In this hour, it is important to see someone who is koristuvach, who can do without the Internet. To do this, you need to install a browser to open the All-Holy Net.
  4. Navigator. There is a large part of the population of Russia for statistics, so it is recommended to equip your gadget special program, Yaka zdatna lay a route to any object. It is also possible to spare not only the nerves of water, but also gasoline.
  5. Carti. Earlier, when you came to a foreign place, you could easily get lost. Bringing people to drink, the stench showed the way, for example, to the station or to the museum. Now everything is simpler. If you get a picture, you can see yourself in someone else's place like an udom.
  6. Social fancy. Spіlkuvatisya with friends and relatives, who live in the іnshіy land, it is possible for a skin day. For a complete finish, set up a complement and set up a profile.
  7. Spilny pereglyad. Good afternoon, the call is not just the subscriber's voice, ale and bachiti yogo! For the whole mother there is a gadget with a camera and a special service. Dodatok maє buti on two phones.
  8. Adobe Flash Player - a multimedia platform that allows you to view graphic image, Audio recordings and video.
  9. MX Player- a vidminny video player, which can accommodate a great number of formats.
  10. Cool Reader- a program for quietly, how to read electronic books.

It’s obvious that you don’t have to be surrounded by a list of programs for Android. Kozhen koristuvach can add additional support from the Play Market to develop games, fitness programs, health services (control of reception of children, struggle with women and in.), The weather is very good.

Zahist gadget vіd shkіdlivny software

The operating system "Android" in the context of iOS vvazhaєtsya to finish in spite of it. It’s a pity, you can’t be safe there, de її the least ochіkuєsh. For those who hate it, who are trying to convert their gadget into a working platform, they just can't do without antivirus. On the Internet there are many awesome programs... Visually, there is no need for special utilities, it is unwise to find a found programmer. Pidchepiti virus on the edge is possible, engaging music, pictures, simply showing the site. Shkidlive PO zdatne strongly zipsuvati life koristuvachu. A small number of mischiefs will appear, and then the device may not turn on.

Zapobigti such a disagreement is lighter than the "vilikuvati" device. To get to know the right way, install antivirus and install it on your tablet or smartphone. However, the day of the demand is borderingly accurate. On the right, in the fact that such programs are resourceful, it is necessary to pick it up respectfully, from the technical equipment of the gadget itself. If the characteristics of the device will be lacking in straining, then it will lead to strong galvanic robotic processes and the result is to hang.

Otzhe, what programs need to be installed on "Android" in order to clean up your gadget from attacks of viral programs?

  • Dr.Web. Most popular additions. It's even better to cope with the assignments. For installation on a smartphone, it is recommended to speed up the simple version - Light. For yogo koristuvachіv, tsey antivirus most nadіyny. The new functions have been transferred: updating the bases, the black list, revision of the system (shvidka, povna) and іnshe. Vagomoyu given by programs є low vimoga to hardware "filling". Same utilita ocholyu list of required supplements for Android. True, it is possible to get up only try version term for a little bit of miscellaneous, and again will be promoted by salespeople for a singing price.
  • Avast! Mobile security... Not less popular antivirus. Pratsyu yakisno і shvidko. You can install it on a yogo gadget without koshtovno. Protected from other viruses, infected codes and shkidlivnyh programs. You can also be active in the Internet. The interface is simple, the management is well thought out by the developers.

file managers

Producing vivchati required programs for a smartphone on Android, you need to talk about file managers. Bagato vlasnik_v gadgets to power, for whom the stench is designated? A great number of musical, graphic and video files can be downloaded to the phone. For example, a bursting film of additional help to speed up an hour in probts on the road. Go to the robot, start nagato more rapturously, as if I would listen to music. However, not on all outbuildings є special utilities, as such files are used. Having stolen the data from the Internet, it is possible to vitrate a day (or even more) on these messages in the numerical system folders. The manager will be uniqueness and will be established. The program allows you to keep the files in the singing song, so that the data will not be lost.

Unfortunately, there is no great choice of programs in this hour. Tse, zychayno, even marvel at koristuvachiv, so yak interacting with a gadget without file manager to finish is problematic. Infected in stores vibrate one of two dodatkiv - File Manager HD or File Manager. Do not conceal any kind of utility. With help, you can manage all the files installed on your device, view them and navigate if you need archives.

World Wide Web - Browser Installation

Obviously, browsers are included in the list of the most popular add-ons for Android. Without them, koristuvach simply cannot go into the vastness of the All-Holy Hearth. At the present moment, such supplements are even more abundant. Skin from them (according to the rosrobniks) є as easy as possible. Ale chi is it so good? It’s a pity it’s dumb. When you buy a gadget, a browser that doesn’t look like koristuvachev is not a thing. Yogo can be easily seen and replaced by others. The "google" shops have a lot of suggestions. Having vivchivshi vіdguki, vyshlo vіdіliti two leaders.

  • Google chrome. Denmark browser on shvidkostі robots pose rivals. Chi will not navantazh RAM, Which is beneficially infused into the function of the gadget. Information on the screen is clear. Vagomoyu test Google Chrome є synchronization. In order not to re-enter the information, it is enough to log in to your account. All the saved data will be available for the whole amount of data: history, bookmarks, passwords and inshe. This is also the best option voice joke... In addition, there is no need to spend an hour to enter the text from the keyboard, and to finish the text will be fed with a voice.
  • Opera Mini... The browser has been known for a long time to koristuvacham. Yogo became vstavlyuvatshe in simple mobile telephones for access to the Internet. Infectious agents maximized the use of supplements for modern smartphones. In Denmark, there is a single browser, in which the VPN option has been implemented. Deyaki vіtchiznyanі operator styling link to smell unlimited internet, Yakshcho use Opera Mini.


Apparently, you need programs on Android for a tablet, or you can use the phone unambiguously. For the skin koristuvach, the stench will be your own. For example, it is important to recognize your own water, which is not to be fooled by the navigator. Pridbati can be a video recorder with such a function, otherwise we will not need to install the service on a smartphone or a tablet. I will be able to visit these people, who know the place well. Naybilshe yogo require kur'єri, expeditori, taxi driver. The program is given You can plot a route to avoid traffic jams.

Leader є "Navitel Navigator" is among other programs. Daniy Service paid. The program reads information from supporters. Є Voice alert option. Pratsyu only on quiet gadgets, which are equipped with a GPS-receiver. minimalny vimogi- borrowing 14 Mb of "RAM". Pidtrimu graphical accelerated, є filter visualization. Post on objects and addresses. The interface of koristuvach can be set up for your own investigation. There is no respect for robots. The system is functionally accurate and without pardon, I would like to do it by professional adaptations.


Otzhe, what programs for "Android" are new? Besides the description of the description, it is necessary to see and picture. From the first glance, you can get up, how the stench is consumed only by mandrels. However, it’s not so. It is not enough to find all the streets in their own place, without even mentioning the numbering of the weekdays and the development of the service wake-ups.

previously sold great pictures, Nadrukovany on the porch. Ale koristuvatisya them not zavzhdit. As a rule, at the most important moment, it’s not easy to use your hand, and only a smartphone can come for help. we will establish a dodatkom... Whenever you go, you can boldly declare that the picture itself can be referred to the category of corny additions for "Android". Even with the most obvious demands, vibrate, see if you can see them. Listless leaders є:

  • Google Maps. Dodatok allows you to plot a route to the singing object. I gave information about the last meal and an hour (by car, large transport and food). If you are bazhanna, you can look over the signs of the movement, the graph of the robot, the telephone numbers of the service alarms and the inshe. All data will be billed only when the Internet connection is active. One incomplete addition is a great obsyag.
  • "2GIS". Tsey dodatok nada koristuvachev not only pictures of mest with the scheme of rosetting the buddies, but again information about the organization, to navigate from which side there is an entrance to the awakening. It is also possible to learn about the route of the large transport, telephone numbers, graph of robots and іnshe. "2GIS" is not just a picture, but a new assistant, which is a storehouse to compete with Google Maps;

Social networks

In the life of the modern people, the social fringes occupy a more important place. Young people get along with their friends, housewives exchange with admittance, people discuss policies, sports news and іnshe. Go to the Internet only from a computer do not start by hand, it’s more beautiful for people to use a smartphone. You can go, for example, to Facebook, Odnoklassniki, or VKontakte, in two ways: through the browser and for additional programs. If you feel like it is the first one, then you can call it the vitratic way. Corruptors are guilty of opening the browser, enter the power supply and go to the request, and the loan is the first hour. It is also obvious that it is not economical to use traffic. And those owners, who have already installed the required programs for the phone on Android, can significantly speed up the transition to their profile in social fringes. In the Play Market there are special utilities, which are absolutely free of charge. Knowing їх is even easy, as I will name the stench, how to be victorious on the sites. All versions are safe. You can use your help without a browser to log in social fringes, Economical Internet traffic.

Spilny pereglyad

Є and such required programs for "Android" (2017), such changes for the connection for additional video linkage. stylistic operators gradually smell vigіdni tariffs on calls and SMS, if the koristuvach has a limitless Internet, then more beautifully for all the speedy alternative proposition.

Not so long ago, a popular addon for exchanging information about ICQ. The retailers didn’t get too far away, and they went on. Now the skinny of the tablet or the smartphone can be installed Skype or Viber. The smell of koristuvacham will smell absolutely bezkoshtovno. It is possible to peredzvonyuvatisya or listuvatisya with the subscriber, who also has such a supplement installed. If there is no traffic, then you can spend an hour without any additional vitrates.

Required programs for the gadget, for the thought of koristuvachiv

To help you vibrate the required programs for "Android" from the viewers of the current gadgets. A large part of the ball is still visible, a little bit lighter. Stinks are not less respectful.

  • Cool Reader- vidminny supplement for quiet, hto love to read. Vono pratsyuє from usіma vіdomimy text files.
  • Adobe Flash Player. To look at video in the Internet, you can't do without a supplement. So much the permission to display all graphic images.
  • MX Player- utility, as you can replace the video player. The retailers have handed over a handful of codecs and a large number of codecs. Dodatok pratsyuє practically using different types of files.

Would you like to add extras to Android?

Do you often trawl like this, well, go into pevne dodatok, You can connect from the power supply to the updated programs. It’s not a skin know how to work in such a situation. For example, among the people of the corystuvachіv often presented information about those who sent updates to the beginning of the work with pardons. However, in most cases New version vіdkrivaє before koristuvach a lot of possibilities. To that, if the food is wine, if you follow the program, then there can be only one: it’s awesome, so! The dealers, who have released the supplement, will further elaborate on it, realizing new functions.

And yet, if you need me, I respect you: if you don’t catch the service at all times, then the stench through the singing term simply will not start.


In principle, it is possible to finish describing additional items, as it is absolutely necessary to install them on the gadget. Ale tse zovsim does not mean that koristuvach is not guilty of any other jumping from the "Google" store. With a great experience in new, there are many rich brown programs that will become in the present for concrete performance. Kozhen himself is guilty of virіshiti, like the programs for "Android" are new!

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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