Yak koristuvat cross-scale. Transverse scale

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi fathers take on themselves the versatility and consistency of anti-inflammatory drugs. How can I give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Map scale- One of the most important characteristics. Winning the steps for changing the lines on the card and the horizontal laying of the overlapping lines on the map. The scale of indications on the skin arch of the picture from the front (lower) side of the frame at the numerical (numerical scale) and graphical (line scale) view (div. Map).

Numerical scale zagalom, tobto. irrevocably before any singing system of line calls, to be recognized on the maps at the viglyadі vіdnoshennya 1: M, de M - the number, as you order, in some cases, the lines on the picture were changed when the picture was displayed. So, a scale of 1: 50,000 means that there would be a single one on the map of 50,000 such ones on the world. For a practical vikorystannya with vimir on the map, the numerical scale, then, is represented by a named number, which implies an unprecedented magnitude of the scale, tobto. be displayed on the spot, showing 1 cm of the card. So, for 1: 50,000 pictures, the size of the scale is 500 m. The size of the scale is 500 m. For example, there are 3.95 divs on a map with a scale of 1: 100,000 for a distance of d = 1 km? 3.95 = 3.95 km. Obviously, such a view of k, which is visualized on a map of any given scale, on the spot will be displayed at a scale of a larger scale, for a smaller scale at a scale of a scale of 1

Line scale(Fig. 1) is a graph, indications for a non-middle view of a new station (in km, m), which can be displayed or displayed on a map.

Fig. 1 Estimated numerical and linear scales on the map.

Straight lines to vimiryuyut call it a line. Zvivisty and lamanі lіnії vimіryuyut with parts, compasses - vimіryuvach. For all, set up on line abo line scale The size of the compass, corresponding to a whole number of kilometers, or hundreds of meters, and in such a "crochet" pass through the same line, leading the rearrangement of the legs. The order of vimir is shown in Fig. 2 de AF - vimіryuvana line, A, B, C, D, E - the scene of setting low, EF - surplus, which is shown on the line (line scale). The arrows show the displacement of the nizhok directly.

Fig.1 Vimіryuvannya lіnіy "croc" compasses.

The value of the "crochet" is vibrated due to the soundness of the lines: from 4-5 cm - when curves with smooth curves are up to 1-2 cm - when there are lines with a large number of sharp turns.
For vimіryuvannya curves and zivistic lines vikoristoyut also a special attachment - curvimeter (Fig. 3). The mechanism of this will be built from a vimiryuvalny wheel, closed by a system of toothed gears from an arrow, as it collapses on the dial. With Russia, the call is displayed on the map of the line, the line is re-matched on the dial and ordered to be passed by the number of times in the div. To change the appearance of the slid in front of the wraps of the kolischak, put the arrow of the curvometer in the cob position, tobto. on the dial "0", and after the turn of the second, the line, stitches behind the tim, the arrow collapsed on the dial at the numbers 10, 20, 30, etc. By multiplying the magnitude of the scale of the picture, the arrow of the curvimeter is shown, you will find the size.

Fig. 2 Curvimeter.

For more accurate visualization and displaying of data on the card, for example, before the hour of preparation before the start on the site for additional navigation equipment, for example, if there are some data for shooting, lateral scale- a special graph for engraving on the metal lines (Fig. 4) and on the map for the scale 1:50 000, tk. The numbers will indicate without a break in the distance of miles, hundreds and tens of meters.

Fig. 3 Transverse scale.

Coristovania with a transverse scale is shown in Fig. 4a. Do not need to be able to see it on the ground, but it will appear on a map at a scale of 1:25 000. A compass line, which is suitable for a wider view, is set on a transverse horizon, so that it looks like the same on the first On the other hand, the right nіzhka was located on one perpendicular to the base (point e), and the left - on one of the stolen lines (point d). For 1:25 000 pictures, the base scale is 500 m, the tenth part of the base is 50 m, the honeycomb is 5 m.

500 * 1 + 50 * 3 + 5 * 6 = 680 m.

A further way has been established, but behind an additional compass, straight lines on the cards and other armchairs cannot be more accurate, less than 0.2 mm. Displayed at the point of view, showing 0.2 mm on the map, is called the boundary accuracy of the scale of the picture. However, the accuracy of the data on the map is not only due to the accuracy of the map, but because of the errors of the picture itself, which are inevitable when it is folded and handled, as it can reach 0.5 mm, but on the maps of hirsky areas - 0.75 mm. Dzherelami pomyryuvan є also remember the deformation of the paper. I will look at the price of the actual accuracy of the straight lines on the map, as I show the practice, to be drawn in between 0.5 - 1.0 mm, at a scale of 1:25 000 on the scale, to become: 12-25 m, at a scale of 1:50 000 - 25-50 m, 1: 100,000 - 50-100 m.

Vimiryana on the card to go to see if you want to go to work. One of the reasons for this is that the card has horizontal laying, that is, because of the kidnapping, tobto. better for their horizontal planning.

Dovzhin's route, vimiryana along the map, who was short for the trip, not only for the reason, but for the reason that in the scale of the picture it is not possible to depict all the travels. When the road cards are folded, as a rule, you will be straightened, and more, less different scale cards. It is especially noteworthy on the maps of the girly and humpbacks.

I will assessment of area sizes vibrate on the eye over the squares of the kilometer mesh. The skin square of the grid of maps of scales 1: 100,000 is based on 4 sq. Km, 1: 200,000 - 16 sq. Km.

Larger areas are accurately measured with a palette, but a sheet of transparent plastic with 2-10 mm applied to a new grid square on the side (it is laid down according to the scale of the picture and the required accuracy).
Putting such a palette on the object, how to visualize on the map, draw the number of squares according to the given set, so that the middle contour of the object will fit in, and then the number of squares, which will be intertwined with the contour of the object. Skin from non-flat squares is taken for half a square. Through the multiplication of the area of ​​one square at the sum of the squares, determine the area of ​​the object.

Behind maps in scale of 1: 25,000 and 1: 50,000 areas of small dalyanoks, they are hand-drawn by an official line, so there is little special virizi rectangular form. Areas of rectum per hectares are indicated on the line of the skin scale of the picture. Put the line on the map, draw on the eye vimiryuvan the area from the square of the rectangle.

A simple linear scale (Fig. 8) є a straight line, de-imposing a number of simple lines, called the basis of the scale. Most often, the scale is equal to 2 cm.
The right end of the extreme left base on the scale is written with the number 0, from which offense to the sides and to the point of view of the country. With the aim of increasing the accuracy of the linear scale, the extreme left basis is subdivided into a number of the same parts, called the basis of the scale. Most often the basis of the scale is 10 parts.

Linear scale is written down to the numerical scale of the map. Win eager to sit behind the window frame of the topographic picture.
Vimіryuvannya with the help of a simple line scale, even lines, assigned maps, illustrated rice. nine.
For large-scale plans of simplicity, the linear scale appears to be insufficiently accurate. In such droplets, the transverse scale is stagnant (Fig. 10). To induce the transverse scale on the straight AX, add a small number of vidrizki, leather from which slider 2 cm. In the removed points, place perpendiculars (more to carry out the abduction of the line). At the extreme perpendiculars, 10 times each lead is placed and through the end to draw straight, parallel KL.

The extreme basis of the scale is divided into 10 parts - the basis of the basis. This scale is called the normal one-hundredth transverse scale. We use point W to draw the base from point A, and through the base points to carry out the hijacking of the lines, parallel to the AC.

As a result of such an inducement of the lowest transverse scale to appear in the direction of the first horizontal line along the perpendicular to the NE and abduction
line CA.
To determine the value of the smallest subtype a1b1, two sub-triplets a1b1C and ABC are visible:

a1b1 = AB / CB * Cb1
AB = MB / m
AB = KC / m

de KS-base scale and so is the number of sub-submissions in addition to
Cb1 = CB / n

de SV - perpendicular to the basic scale, і - the number of perpendiculars added to the whole perpendicular.
Subsetting the value of AB and Cb1 in viraz for a1b1 yesє
a1b1 = KC / mn

that is, the smallest size of the transverse scale of the road is based on the scale, based on the number of sub-lines on the basis of the number of lines, on the perpendicular to the base.

3 similarities to tricycles a2b2C and ABC is known that a2b2 = 2 (KC / mn) or a2b2 = 2a1b1; z, similar to tricycle a3b3C
і ABC is acceptable a3b3 = 3a1b1 і etc. Otzhe, the skin swelling between the lines of the SV and CA is seen from the middle line to the value of the smallest subline of the transverse scale.

The power of the transverse scale is possible without assessment by the eye of the transverse scale and the display on the map, or plans to be displayed in exactness, so that the meaning of the lowest sub-scale of the transverse scale is shown.

Stand between points, denoted on the transverse scale (Fig. 10), as follows: RS = 7, H cm, PQ = 5.90 cm, TU = 5.48 cm.
For a normal transverse scale, KS = 2 cm, t - n-10, so "A = 0.02 cm. Vrakhoyuchi, but not an eye in the station is estimated at 0.01 cm, with a normal transverse scale, estimate for an eye half of the smallest scale.
The size of the scale, which is 0.01 cm, is the boundary precision of the scale. Wonder the steps of the details and accuracy of the small scale. So, for example, on the plan in a scale of 1: 5000, there are line images of the head not less than 0.01 cm -5000 = 50 cm at the center.

The normal transverse scale is often gravitated on metal lines, called scale. The number of centimeters, from zero to the end of the skin base of the right part of the scale, is shown as the number of centimeters on the perpendicular to the base.

Even the transverse scale will be specially designed for a plan given a numerical scale, part of it (the basis, the distribution of the perpendicular to the display)

When using maps that are not folded on a metric scale, for viraz in meters (or kilometers), the lines displayed on such maps will be called a crossover or a cross-over scale. The basis of the transition to the scale was rooted in such a way that it was given a round number of meters (or kilometers) at the point. For example, for a picture with a scale of 1:63 360 values ​​of the basis of the transition scale (Fig. 11) are trimmed in such a way. One centimeter of a picture of a picture is 633.6 m - even more unprofitable for a coristuvannya number. This growth is also meaning x on a linear scale, as it was 1000 m at the point.

Warehouse proportion xcm / 1cm = 1000m / 633.6m x = 1.58m.
Dovzhini lines, vimiryanyh for an additional transitional scale on non-metric maps, turn at meters.

Line scale

K.S. Lazarevich

Linear scale - the world of line on the armchair (plans, maps, images of the mechanism, details, etc.), for the rest of which it is possible, not to be calculated, to be as linear as possible. Zdavalosya b, thesis of the home. In an hour, the change on a linear scale has perished. The key words are forgotten in the first place: do not count.
The vidkrivaєmo schoolboy and bachimo map of Russia is even more dubious, for that the imposition of the map is awkward, the scale is full of justifications. The order of her line is one centimeter (before the speech, not even more accurate), at one end of the writing there is zero, at the other 920 km. The student wanted to see the map from Moscow to the mouth of the Volga. (Not vrahovuvatimo, but in all cartographic projections in vіdstanі it is not about those at the same time.) It went 1.4 cm. This means that 920 km needs to be multiplied by 1.4. Wiide 1288 km. You can take a pair of compasses and crocuvati on the map in nine and twenty kilometers, until you reach the front crochet. And de f "do not vdayuchis to count"?
Is it possible, not even with the vidavnistvі "Osvita", for any picture - not the main product, not the scale?
"Atlas svitu", Federal Service for Geodesy and Cartography (1999). The linear scale of razbity is strictly by centimeters (here you don’t have a haircut to a centimeter, you won’t be able to do it), 110 is written for the first centimeter, 220 for the other, 330 for the third. But in order not to count, to multiply nothing, to be afraid of a linear scale. It is possible to multiply and change the scale, it clearly says: in one centimeter there are 110 kilometers.
New Viyannya? Nі, now it's not new for a month. "Geographic Atlas for Secondary School Teachers", Head of the Department of Geodesy and Cartography of the USSR (1954). Map of Africa on a scale of one ninety million. In the offensive, one by one centimeter is written: 900, 1800, 2700 ... I know, multiply, once by 900. The act of a healthy deaf is broken only by one: centimeters from zero, not to ten parts, but not to five, but by three, the figure went more than the mensh is round - 300 km: if there were 5 parts here, the skin of them would become even more uncomfortable with a value of -180 km. Right there, if there were three great trips (2700 km) and two small ones (300 each), then in sum, 3300 km. I know not without calculation, I want it not foldable.
And the linear scale for this is required, not to count it, but directly to it.
The axis is linear scale (for the illustration of the victorious little ones, which have already been published earlier, but nothing new and not necessary; God forbid, you must have seriously chosen for the old people). We take a pair of compasses-vimіryuvachem to stand on the map with two dots, so that we are tied. Put the lіva nіzhku compass to zero, right, ymіwіrno, wink out between the roses - in fig. 1 mіzh 400 and 500 km. As a result, it is possible to enter left from zero, subdivided into 5 parts, the skin from them is displayed
20 kilometers Zsunemo the compasses left, the right side appeared on the lowest scale (tse will be 400 km); until the end of the line goes from zero to the second, to the amount that goes up to 30 km. Sklavshi vіdrіzki right-handed and lіvoruch from zero, we can measure 430 km.

Do not let it go, on how the line is broken, do not take a centimeter; with non-circular numerical scales (and non-circular ones can be adjusted to і 1: 750 000, і 1: 3 000 000, and a lot of different scales), the price is necessary. On a linear scale, it is guilty of the appearance of a round display, a display on a card, a number of ones with zeros, two with zeros, and some with zeros. At a scale of 1: 750,000, a distance of 10 km will be swung 10 km / 750,000 = 13.33 mm; The line needs to be broken on the same way. At a scale of 1: 90,000,000 - at 11.11 mm, the skin will be 1000 km from them. And the same way, when you go to zero, cut it into 10 parts and 5 parts - for the first scale of the stench, it takes 1 hour for 2 km, for the other - 100 for 200 km.
If you have cartographers for a hundred years, there will be linear scales. At the “Great All-Holy Table Atlas of A.F. Marx ”, published for the editorial board of the brilliant geographers E.Yu. Petri and Yu.M. Shokalskogo (1905), the picture is given on a scale that is not even handy for calculation (for example, 1: 2750000, try to fuck), but the lines are drawn in kilometers, versts; if it is Nimechchina, then it is not at the same time Nimetsky geographic miles (1/15 degrees of adequate), as it is England, then it is at the English miles. The skin systems of entry on a linear scale show 10 or 100 units of one type, into 10 parts, and one way to zero. Vimirya at whom you want - and the number of people. And the already named non-manual scale (the map of Great Britain) is given an explanation: “10 Earth kilometers - 3.64 Millim. on the map. "I take a circling view on the map, so it can trick us, but it is applied to a linear scale, prompted in quiet ones, in which we need, and we can accept it without any calculation.
Yak zbuduvati linear scale, how about a numerical one?
Clearly guided butt stock. For 10 kilometers 10 millimeters. We multiply the value by the scale, or - tse the same - it is distributed to the standard scale, and we can measure it to 3.64 mm. It is not necessary to add a value to the porch with a line, but rather with a compass; melodiously viide pomilka, scho nabigak. It is necessary to calculate what it takes 20, 30, 40 and so far kilometers - until now, which is guilty of changing the line on a scale. The accuracy of the calculation is up to 0.1 mm; Axis yak tse viglyadatime.

km mm
10 3,6
20 7,3
30 10,9
40 14,5
50 18,2
60 21,8
70 25,4
80 29,1
90 32,7
100 36,4

There is no need to be afraid of the fact that the difference between the average numbers in some drops is 3.6, in the other 3.7 - the result is rounded, on the linear scale, do not remember the difference.
It’s impossible to make a line of scale in the newspaper, but it’s not possible to see it in the atlas of Marx - there are also subtle lines and other figures. Ale in fig. 2, the butt is pointed, as there will be a linear scale for one and the same, so it is not very handy for calculating a numerical scale of 1: 840,000 (it is shown in an old Russian twenty verstny card, in one inch 20 versts). The scale of incentives for kilometers, versts (1,067 km), English statute miles (1,609 km), nautical miles (1,852 km) ***.
Yak bachite, see on the winter lines of the development, on the zhodniy, navigate on the kilometers, the smell is not equal to a centimeter, so the scale will be 100 percent old system world, ale the stench of life, you allow us to think of things from the exactness not less, not to one single one to the world.

We are shown in two points, plotted on the map. on card for example, if it is 63 mm, it’s not just a little bit, only we take a compass on the map (for example, on the edge of the paperwork). It can be applied to a linear scale, which can be adjusted to kilometers. Liva no compass at zero, right between numbers 50 and 60. Zsuvamo compass left, as long as you don't see a pair of compasses at 50, and bachimo, as soon as you went out of zero on the second small sides, skinny two of them. Otzhe, once again, the distance to become 53 km.
It is necessary to be at a distance of versts, but it is robust for those on other lines; here we were spared: there was no need for anything, it took just 50 versts. In the first units of travel: 33 English miles, 28.6 nautical miles ****. I tse without a single calculation, by direct wimir on the card.
The linear scale is guilty of being so, so that you can get back, nothing
not rakhuyuchi, іnakhe wіn is not required. It’s not scary, since it’s not a centimeter, but the size, as it’s not easy to build. Protect vimіryuvati will be handy.

Articles about them divas. at the rooms of "Geography" 22 and 29 for tsei rіk.
I will count the value of goodness, not counting up to hundreds, but up to thousandths, and through the rounded off, you can find a pardon, scho nabigє.
*** The atlases give a linear scale for being able to navigate the French lions (4.444 km; the old world, it was used before the introduction of the 17th century metric system, but it is often guessed, for example, in the novels of A. Dumas).
**** For the trochas are less than 12 lє.

Have practical robots The topographic map is often shown in the form of a straight line (the value of the distance to the targets, the position of the objects, the coordinates of the points), and by the vivid line (the value of the route),

To be able to visualize it according to the map, it is necessary for the nobility and the scale. The scale of the map is indicated by the lower frame of the map and it rotates numerically. numerical scale and graphically - line scale(Fig. 5).

Small. 5. Numerical and linear scale of the picture

To make a difference on the map, look at each other with small objects (points of the scale), which are crimson with a numerical scale, or with a compass, stand between the objects (points of the scale) in centimeters and press the number to deduct the value. For example, according to a map on a scale of 1: 25,000, it appears between visual points of road 5.5 cm, and appears as points of space on a distance of 5.5 X 250 = 1375 m.

When signed small places mіzh two dots, it is simpler to use a linear scale. For a whole pair of compasses, or with a linear visualization on the map, add it to the linear scale of the picture, for which purpose it will appear (in kilometers and meters) on the point.

For the width of the compass and the lines, you can see them as points on the map on a line scale, corystyuyuchie ryvnoy brown paper. For the sake of a small man, the paper should be applied to the points on the map, between the points on the paper, and against the points on the paper, to mark the marks at the lines of the lines. Adding the values ​​with strokes from the paper to a linear scale, then start to appear between the dots of the paper.

On large-scale maps, the coordinates of points are often brought to the notice (goals, orintiriv, elements of the battle order of their vijsk and vijsk of the enemy).

Coordinate point Name the kutovy chi of the linear size, which characterizes the position to lie on the surface of the spaciousness.

Oscillations of the value of coordinates on the map are even wider, the report price will be included in the section 9.

When the values ​​of the coordinates of the points are changed, the so-called coordinate world (Fig. 6) and the coordinate meter (Fig. 7) should be used to forgive the robot, while at its scale, the compass and the line should be forgiven.

Small. 6. Coordinate world

Small. 7. The coordinates of a point on the map

Coordinate world є with a glimpse of a celluloid plate with a coordinate grid. Two mutually perpendicular lines move the coordinate grid on a number of squares; the line ends with arrows, which may mean the following: S (pivnich), Yu (pivden), V (skid) and 3 (zakid). Drawn between the lines of the sieve door 2 mm; The price of subdivisions of the grid for maps of scales 1: 25,000 and 1: 50,000 for each road 50 and 100 m. beyond the scale. Scales for scales 1: 25,000 and 1: 50,000 may be of a size and are digitized in hundreds of meters: a scale for a scale of 1: 42,000, digitized at 0.2 inches, is meant for old maps, drawn per inch. At the center of the plate there are holes for pinning points when applied to the map.

Coordinate meter can be seen, on the inner sides of such a drawing of milimetric pads, digitized in hundreds of meters.

As long as there are strokes of the doorways of 2 mm, then the price for maps in scales of 1: 25,000 and 1: 50,000 for each road is 50 and 100 m.

Coordinate measurements of any scale are easy to read from cardboard, plastic and cellulose.

Great views along the straight lines are displayed on the map in parts. For the whole of the scale, set the range of the compass, so that the whole number of kilometers is determined, and the size of the range is set on the map. At the same time, at the end of the day, it’s impossible to keep within the range of the compass, but to start with an additional linear scale, which doesn’t mean that the value reaches the increased number of kilometers.

In the same way, change the visibility along the curves and zvivistic lines. At the same time, the drop in the range of the compass has a small amount of fallen fallow in the level of vivacity in the world.

For the sake of visibility, the route, especially with the most vivid and vivid lines, must be traced with a special attachment-curvimeter (Fig. 8).

Small. 8. Curvimeter

Fitted є in a round box with trimach. At the center I will have a dial with a arrow, at the bottom there is a wheel, for the help of which you can trace the route. As far as the transmission system is concerned, with the arrow on the dials, which shows the value of the distance traveled on the map.

Let's go on the dial scale to see the difference: on some curvature meters the stench indicates a path, how to pass the wheel along the map, in centimeters, on the other - to show the picture without a middle distance in kilometers. On a small scale of indications, a curvimeter from three scales of different scales (1: 100,000, 1: 50,000, 1: 25,000). We went on to show the scales on the scales.

To check the route for the additional curvimeter, the arrow should be set at the zero position of the dial. Then place the meter vertically with a stick on the cob point on the route and, with equal pressure, roll it along the route so that the arrows grow up. At the end points, the route is marked with a dial behind the required scale. Dovzhina route to the route multiplied by the price of the scale. If the curvature is shown in centimeters, then to reject the general view on the spot, multiply the view over the scale by the size of the scale of the picture.

On the map, you can see it approximately. For the whole, call out a kilometer-long sieve.

However, the accuracy of the visas of such methods is not great.

The accuracy of the visas on the map has many reasons: due to the scale of the image and the quality, due to the nature of the images and the accuracy of the images, due to the relativity of the mission.

Accuracy in terms of appearance on a linear scale is intertwined with the fact that it cannot be based on any other part; To improve the accuracy of the transverse scale.

Є rectangular (Fig. 9), the horizontal side of the yak is split into a splinter of pivotal parts, slit, 2 cm dermal.

Small. 9. Transverse scale

The skin is such a part to be called the basis of the scale. The extreme left at the upper and lower parts of the transverse scale extends into ten parts. Kintsi cikh ten parts of the base are made up of straight lines, which appear on the horizontal lines of one part of the base.

In such a rank, on the transverse scale, the vimiryuvana can be seen in whole, ten or one hundred parts of the basis of the scale. And if you look at the size of the base to the scale (2 cm), then you can easily see the price of the base in meters. So, for a scale of 1:25 000 "price" of the base of the transverse scale becomes 500 m, the tenth part - 50 m, and one honeycomb part - 5 m. Besides, one can take half of the "hundred" - 2.5 m.

In fig. 9 shows the yak of the treba is speeding up on the transverse scale. Use a compass to show you two objects on the map. Then we apply the compass to the lower line of the transverse scale and lift up, as it travels - 2200 m from the excess. To determine the value of the excess, pass the compasses parallel to the lower line to Peretin from the diagonal and read the residual value of the visibility - 2220 m.

Orientation on the spot, as well as the visibility of special projects, follow an additional azimuth and direct route.

Explainably, this is also the azimuth of the directional cut.

There are two types of azimuths: true azimuth (A) and magnetic azimuth (Am).

Reference azimuth to be called a kut in the middle of the winter directly of the geographic (true) meridian and directly on the material subject, in the form of insurance for a long time.

Magnetic azimuth to be called a kut, in the course of the year of the year, from a pivot straight from the magnetic meridian to a straight object; Magnetic azimuth depends on the start of the additional magnetic arrow.

Directorate kut(a) - tse kut mіzh pіvnіchnyi straight vertical line coordinate (kilometer) nets and directions on the object, in the course of the year's shooting.

The designation of the azimuths of the directorates is straightforward, as well as of the kutiv with the muscular objects are tied with the imitation of the diagrams of the kutiv on the map and the instrument.

Cuti on the map and mice look at the degree systems, as well as at the bottom of the cutomir.

One rose-cut kutomira is the size of the central kut, which is about 1/6000 of a stake. Dovzhina arc, scho vidpovidak kutu in one podil kutomira, dorivnyu

There is enough for the practice of rounding up to take 1/1000 of the radius of the given stake. It’s worth explaining that most often the name of the subtype of the cutomir is thousands of people.

As a matter of fact, the term "little rose-cut kutomira" and "great rose-cut kutomira" are used. "Malim rozpodil kutomir" call one rosodil kutomir (one "thousandth range"), "great rozpodil - 100 subliv kutomir (100" thousandth range ").

Oskilki number 360 ″ or 360 * 60 = 21 600 ′, then one rosette cutomir dorіvnyuє 21600/6000 = 3 ′, 6, and 100 podіlіv (one large rosette cutomir) dorіvnyuyut 3 ′, 6 * 100 = 360 ′ = 6 ° ...

For the system of changing the cuts in the thousands of people, there is a simple amount of space between the small ones and the linear values, and the same: the cottage appears between the two rural ones, which are different from the other Qia fallowness is twisted by the formula

de a - Kutova is seen between the pieces of art in the bottom of the kutomir;

l - Line of sight between objects in meters;

D-vidstan from the sposter to the objects at the meters.

butt. View from the sposterigach to the power line D = 500 m; l = 50 m. l = 50 m.


Corroded by the induced formula, you can see the line between objects, if the distance to them is visible

As soon as it is assigned to the line and to the kutov being seen between two objects, then the distance to them

The values ​​of kutiv, vimiryany in the thousand, vimovlyayut, the number of hundreds and one is equal. For example, the size of the kuta 1235 is written down 12-35, and the value is “twelve thirty five”. Cut at 38 sub-lines of cutomir write 0-38, and write "zero thirty visim", cut at 300 thousand write 3-00, and write "three zeros", etc.

For vimіryuvannya that induce kutіv on the cards to crawl with protractors and celluloid colas. For more accurate information and motivation of the kut_v, special chordokutori.

Chordouglomer is a brass chrome plate, on one side of which a chordouglometer is applied, and on the other side there are two transverse scales.

Vlasne chordouglomer (Fig. 10) is a graph of chords for grooves, turning at the bottom of the cutter, inducing the principle of transverse scale.

Fig. 10. Chordouglometer

The way of vimіryuvannya and induce kutіv along the chords of the ground on the one that is the skin gostrom kut (up to 15-00) of the singing size of the chord of the stake, drawn from the top of the kut.

Along the top horizontal line of the graph from the cob point, the chordi has been added, which will show the cobs in 0-20. Nareshty chords, which show kutam from 1-00 to 15-00, written numbers from “1” to “15”.

The great skin on the upper horizontal line of the graph is subdivided into five small pads with a price of 0-20, denoted by the numbers "2". "4", "6", "8", which are 0-20, 0-40, 0-60, 0-80. The evil on the vertical line of the graph on the ends of the pair of horizontal lines is put down the numbers "2", "4", "6" ... to "18", which show 0-02, 0-04, 0-06, etc.

Stupid kuti (from 15-00 to 30-00) is known as a path from the period until 30-00 kut.

For the chord gostrich kutiv chords, up to 30-00, the great pods of the lower horizontal line are digitized right-handed with the numbers "15", "16", "17" ... up to "30", and the bottom of the right vertical line of the graph is uphill with the numbers "2" "," 4 "," 6 "... to" 18 ".

The order of vimіryuvannya kutіv on the map behind an additional chordo-kutomіr offensive (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Vimіryuvannya kutіv on the map for an additional chordokutomer

From the top of the kut A behind the auxiliary compass, draw an arc with a radius, equal to the chord kuta 10-00 on the chordouglomer. Using a compass, take the value of the chordi BV kuta and transfer it to the chordouglometer.

Having moved the left side of the compass to the zero point of the vertical line of the chordouglomer graph, and right on the upper horizontal line overshoot the offense vertically down. Oversupply until a quiet feast, as long as the right side of the compass does not get lost from the overflow of one of the stolen lines from one of the horizontal lines of the graph; with a lot of offense, the compasses are guilty on the same horizontal line (points a and b in Fig. 10).

8. Estimation of the route of the ruch, opposite to the number assigned to the map
9. Values ​​of coordinates of points behind the map
10. Chart by card
11. Topographic linking for additional maps
12. Zberigannya and sparing cards

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