Zaliznichny station Verona Porto Nuova, Stazione Porta Nuova. Zaliznichny station Verona Porta Nuova Can you pay with a card? And tse is infinite

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Ostannya zmіna 26.06.2018

"Bootie chi not bootie, the axis of the chomu pitannya." Verona is the central part of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Misto is even quieter and more beautiful in its own way. As soon as you can drop in here for 1 day, it will not be the same for you.

We were sent to Verona, straight back to the airport of Bergamo from Venice. One whole day was enough for the knowledge of a small "literary" metech.

Yak reach the airport of Verona-Villafranca (VRN) that back

All airports of the Italia Chudova have a transport system. The shuttle-bus is located at the airport and the Verona stazione FS Porta Nuova. Knowing the bus zupinka is much simpler. There is a T2 terminal. On the diagram of the airport of Villafranca, the zupinka is called Bus Navetta Shuttle Bus

Part of the transfer from Verona airport:

A long ticket - 6 Euro. Din 75 khvili, tobto, having poured yogo in the shuttle, you can speed it up, from the station to the center of the place.

You can add a ticket:

  • water without additional payment;
  • ATV ticket offices at VR Porta Nuova station;
  • at Tabaccheria at Porta Nuova FS;
  • in ATV machines the posture of the FS station;
  • at the airport: arrival hall and information bureau (Iat);
  • in the vending machine for the sale of tickets for bus tickets

Delivery of buses to the railway station of Veroni.

The shuttle repaired at 5.15, 6.10, 6.30 and 6.50, after 20 minutes of skin until 20.10, further with 40 minutes until 22.50.

From Veroni to the Crown back

We traveled from Venice to Verona by a regional trip (Regionale), at the road 1.5-2 years old, we had a long trip. The vouchers can be bought on the website of the ITALIAN ZALIZNITS, or else at the ticket office of the station. Kupuvati zdalegіd receipts for the regional travel is not sensible, so they have a fixed price. And the axis on mіzhmіskі shvidkіsnі Frecciarossa tickets is more beautiful to catch. Also, it is common to sell promotions.

Opening of the card from the Venetia:

Yak way from the Veroni Porta Nuova train station to the center of the city

Verona has three railway stations: Verona Porta Nuovo - the main station, Verona Porta Vescovo and the small Villafranca Di Verona. From the main station, get to the center of Veroni - to Areni - quickly and efficiently.

About the station itself... If you are at Verona's one day, for example, from Venice, then I recommend you to buy tickets immediately that way back, for that there is a lot of tourists from the whole place and it’s colossal and there can be magnificent chambers to the cash register.

Godini robotic kas: regularly 6: 30-21: 00

Camera skovu at the station of Veroni

Make your money at the railway station of Porto Nuova is possible, a little cosmic price, so like a private office. For any vipadku, there is no such option, but for passengers who travel directly through Verona, for example, in Bergamo there is a single way to walk "lazy".

The camera is located at the left krill of the zaliznichny railway station. Before the speech, let's go to the office є toilets, automatically with gas water that cleaning room, you can always know the place to sit, and also you can easily go to the required platform. I’m still trying to find a part of the train station, to check my trip.

Godini robots: daily 08: 00-20: 00

At the station bus terminal. Please, Areni is on your way, and I would like to welcome you to know the city of Verona, you will need to go to the PIAZZA BRA Zupinka. Pick up buses No. 92 and No. 94. It’s not easy to know: it’s not easy to find out: there’s a drop on the skin, and you can also look at the information board, indicating the different options for buses, which go until you need it:

Uwaga! Check with the water, in which direct repair the bus, also the tse kintseva zupinka.

Participation in the process:

  • One-stop travel - 1.3 Euro;
  • І 2 Euro, when kupuvati bezposeredno near the water

Dіysniy 90 khvili at the moment of validation (application of the picture in the bus to a special machine, which can be used to enter the date that hour):

We need bus no. 92 off Stallavena - Via Chiesuola. The road has 5 khvili or 2 zupinki:

  • Verona - Porta Nuova;
  • VR Bra
  • Verona - Porta Nuova;
  • VR Bra

Yaki perevagi daє Verona Card (Verona Card)

The Verona Card has been opened specifically for tourists and for two unrepeated passages: an introduction of memorials, taking part in the program (and at least a lot) without a card, and also without a bank (Verona has a great tourist turnover)

Є 2 types of cards:

For 24 years - 18 Euro;

For 48 years - 22 EUR

Children up to 7 rocky - no koshtovno

De pribati Verona card

The tourist card is sold everywhere: at the airport, at information stays, at railway stations, in magazine and Tyutyun kiosks.

Visnacnі mісця Verona, which enter before the programs Verona Card:

  • Amphitheater Arena;
  • Dim Giul'tti that balcony;
  • Giul'tti's Tomb and Museum of Frescoes;
  • Castle and Museum of Castelvecchio;
  • Roman Theater and Archaeological Museum;
  • Lapidario Museum;
  • Museum of Natural History;
  • The Cathedral;
  • Church of St. Anastasia;
  • Church of Saint Zeno;
  • Church of Saint Farm;
  • Radio Museum;
  • African Museum;
  • International Center for Photography.

Yak bachite, the list of meanings and Verona-card will pay off for itself even when you add a few important memorials. Mayte on uvaz, scho on the map of the leather museum once.

Top - 12 monuments of Veroni

Tourist map of Verona, you can print it without koshtovno at any tourist center. It can be seen at once that the Adidzhe rychka is located in two parts.

Arena di Verona

Addresses: Piazza Bra, 1, 37121 Verona VR, Італія

The old amphitheater, educational at the 30th rock A. for gladiatorskih battles that uyavlen. For a second, the elder one is for Kolizey! I have survived to our days at the pristine viglyad, and at the same time it can be chosen for opera festivals, and even more than 2000 rockets.

Life hack! Handrail from the Arena at the entrance to Via Mazzini є Wi-Fi hotspot.

From Areni, we are moving along the main shopping street Via Mazzini, where all the most popular boutiques are located. Go to Via Cappello street, turn right-handed, go to Juliet's little boy and make a bazhanya, rubbing her breasts.

Addresses : Via Cappello, 23, 37121 Verona VR, Italy

Having sunk into the arch, the walls of which were written off by the Kohanna's all in our minds:

We'll have a drink at the courtyard of the Juliet's booth:

At the center there is a bronze statue of Samoy Giul'tti:

Ale, at once I want to get ahead, scho the people are even more abundant, just do not shy away to її tsitski. I want to see the famous bazhannya that photo for the riddle. In especially obtrusiveness, boules of Chinese =)

Frequency of review:

According to Verona card - bezkoshtovno;

Dorosly ticket - 6 Euro

Piazza delle Erbe

Addresses: Piazza Erbe, 37121 Verona VR, Italy

At the transfer to the Russian Ploshcha Erbe, it is called "Ploshcha of Grasses" and I found it in the Italy, and I found it in all the shops. I would like to be fed up with the miraculous architectural budovs, and not sposter for the hucksters of the young souvenirs.

Having made our way through the number of rows, we go to the fountain and palace of Maffei with a rosy facade near the Baroque style, on top of which five marmur sculptures of ancient heroes flaunt: Hercules, Zeus, Venus, Mercury, Apollo and Minervi

The column on the left in front of the palace symbolizes the Venetian Republic, and also from the history of Verona was run by the Venetian capital.

The Fountain of the Veronskoy Madonna of the 14th century was built at the 14th century and for the project they wanted to grow from gold, but they changed their minds.

The edict of Berlin in the center of the Bula square was prompted in the 17th century and played the role of a ganebny stop, de punished by the condemned

Basta Lamberti (Torre dei Lamberti)

Seeing Budivl Veroni (83 m), the stars come out on the spot. It is possible to climb over the hill either without a bed by gatherings or for a lift for a penny (1 Euro).

Frequency of review:

according to Verona-card - bezkoshtovno;

Dorosly ticket - 8 Euro

Scheponedіlka вхід kostu 5 Euro

Piazza della Signoria

A monument to Dante was erected near the center

Chervona Budivlya - Podestu Palace. Zhovte - Loggia Radi.

Arche Scaligere

Addresses: Via Santa Maria Antica, 1, 37121 Verona VR, Italy

Є a complex of Gothic tombstones, de resting three representatives of the Skaliger family.

Santa Anastasia (Chiesa di Santa Anastasia)

Addresses: Via Don Bassi, 2, 37121 Verona VR, Italy

The main Gothic church of Verona, which is the best. The name is not addictive, but all the middle eyes grow out of beauty.

You don’t know where you’re going to beast your eyes: what is it for the charming stele with crypts, and for the frescoes, so they have preserved the brightness of the farbs. Before the speech, the church of St. Anastasia is seen with a fresco by Pizanello "St. George Ryatu to the princess of Trebizond through the dragon." Shchepravda, її it’s important to look at the details, the fragments are hanging high. Alle the history of bringing the soul into the distance, as realistically as possible.

Frequency of review:

According to Verona - kard - bezkoshtovno;

Dorosliy - 2.5 Euro

At the entrance, you can take a Russian language brochure

Mist Ponte Pietra

An ancient arched myst through the river Adige, which is like a buv of incentives for a little bit, as early as 89 BC. There is nothing to do with it, it is easy for him to take a walk.

Roman Theater (Teatro Romano)

Addresses: Via Regaste Redentore, 2, 37129 Verona VR, Italy

Ruin to the theater, you can wander around and see how there were a thousand rockies in that.

The Museum of Verona is located on the 5th side, when you climb up the hill, you can enjoy the gorgeous views of Verona from the great majdanchiks.

In our hour, during the summer period, performances are held here for the creatures ... who do you think? Squeaky Shakespeare.

Cathedral of Verona (Duomo di Verona or Verona's Cathedral)

Addresses: Piazza Duomo, 21, 37121 Verona VR, Italy

A wobbly and light façade near the front with dark Gothic decorations in the middle

Frequency of review:

According to Verona - kard - bezkoshtovno;

Dorosly ticket - 2.5 Euro

The part of the ticket includes a brochure with a plan of the cathedral and an audio guide to the Russian language.

Giusti Garden (Palazzo e Giardino Giusti)

Addresses: Via Giardino Giusti, 2, 37121 Verona VR, Italy

  • How can I buy a ticket?

    • Add route and date. We know from the information provided by Russian Railways about the availability of receipts and prices.
    • Viber the required trip and the mission.
    • Pay for vouchers in one of the proprietary ways.
    • Information about payment will be instantly transmitted to RZ and your receipt will be issued.
  • How to turn off purchases of a sales ticket?

  • Qi can you pay off a ticket with a card? And the price is safe?

    So snazzy. Payment is accepted through the payment gateway of the processing center The efforts of the data are transmitted by the stolen channel.

    The gateway has been designed to comply with the PCI DSS security standard. Secure program The gateway has successfully passed the audit for version 3.1. allows you to accept payment Visa cards That MasterCard, including those from victors 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode. payment form is optimized for different browsers that platforms, including for mobile annexes.

    Mayzhe all online agencies in the Internet are sent through a Danish gateway.

  • So is there an electronic ticket and an electronic registration?

    Buying an electronic ticket to the site - happy i shvidky way execution of a proprietary document without the participation of the operator's cashier.

    When you buy an electronic ticket, you must pay one time at the time of payment.

    Payment for boarding the train is required:

    • to go through an electronic restoration;
    • Or get a ticket to the station.

    Electronic restoration not available for everyone. As long as the restoration is accessible, it is possible to go through by clicking on the button on our website. Qiu button wi shake one way to pay. Then, to board the train, you need to know the original dedicated to the individual and the release of the boarding coupon. Deyak_ guides do not vimagayut friend, or more beautifully not risikuvati.

Pressing a mischief on our website, or pressing "Accept", see the cookie files and technologies for processing personal data. You can change the privacy setting. Cookies are submitted by us and our counterparts for analysis, reduction and personalization of your Koristuvalnitsky's information on the site. In addition, cookies are used for advertising advertisements, if you use them on our website, as well as on other platforms.

Departure for travel Moscow Verona P.nuova for the given moment to take the first trip, the middle hour of the number of stations in the warehouse is 39 years old, 8 m, and the number of tickets for the whole route is 21. Vyazma, Bogumin, Insbruk, Onbakh, Kirkhberg, the graph of the ruch, which are also available on our website. Go along this straight line to the point of 19.12 from the Moscow-Biloruska station, to the point of Verona P.nuova, the stench arrives at about 10.20 a.m. hour. Lack of signs of trips at the store Moscow Verona P.nuova є I know that the route is not popular with passengers. The distribution of travels Moscow - Verona P. Nuova is arranged in such a way that it is possible to see for a whole lot of injuries.
You can get receipts for the Moscow - Verona P.nuova train at the nearest railway station, as well as online.

Category: Verona

Verona is known to have played an important role in the transport industry. On a year-to-day basis, there are two railway lines passing through it, so that you can get Venice from Milan and Rome from the Brenner Alpine Pass. From the Porta Nuova train station you can go practically in the place of the central and private parts of the country - Milan, Bologna, Florence, Venezia, Padua, Rome.

The service station also has a warehouse behind the cordon, and two other stations - Verona Porta Vescovo and Villafranca Di Verona. Well before the excursion around the place and the outskirts, the main point for them is the main station Verona Porta Nuova.

From a small station to a large-scale station complex

If on the territory of Italy they wanted to actively build the halls, Verona found the middle ones, who were thrashed by the process, starting the journey on the route Venetsia - Milan. At the nineteenth century. at the place of the bulo, a small tree station was created, as the year was replaced by a large sporud tseglyana.

The first trip arrived at the station in 1852, and a rocky rise in the Austrian Empire began to rise through the Brenner Pass, as the region of Tirol and the Lombard-Venezian kingdom was created. So it means that Verona was one of the most important European reinforcements of Austria and was called Bern-im-Walsh.

Pre-war and war reconstruction

On the ear of the twentieth century. - And itself, in 1910-1913 rr .. - the architect Dini reconstructed the Verona Porta Nuova station. The facades of the boule with a size of 114x20 m were sheathed with marble slabs, the pidlog was embellished with a mosaic. Reinforcement of the head facade bulo vashtovano nav_s. The plans were filled with robots for the maintenance of the luggage center and the buffet, ale it was set up by Persha Svitova Viyna.

The period 1922-1930 years. a locomotive depot was built, a vantazhno-rozvantazhny maidanchik was built, mosaic robots were completed. Druha Svitova vіyna sang nіvets fruit of reconstruction, fragments of bombardment wake up fascists began in 1940 p. On the cob 1945 r. one ruins were lost from the Verona Porta Nuova station.

Pislyavonna reconstruction rocked in the spring 1946 p. and completed the canopy 1949 p. Keruvav by robots is the author of the project, the architect Narducchi. The station has not been renewed much for the old station, which has its own structure. The names of all the middle ones will be found in the "extensions" from the marmurs. The commissioning of the bulwark was furnished as luxuriously as possible, at the ceremony the president of the country was present.

At the present moment є 9th for the significance of the country. Yogo throughput capacity- mayzhe 70 yew. passengers and 300 trips for extra.

Attachment and infrastructure to the station

You can eat on Verona Porta Nuova from the side of the Square on 25 April. The territory of the railway station is loaned 127.5 thousand rubles. sq. m, including 22.8 yew. sq. m after waking up at some rivers. First on top of the information about the tourist office and point of sale. On the other hand, the administrative primacy was changed.

You can go to the platform from the underground ravine, there is also a chamber for collecting luggage, and a room for cleaning, which can be closed at night.

Yak buy a ticket for the train

Kasi roztashovuyutsya on the first version, automatic sale of tickets - all over the territory of the station. On platforms є composter, passengers punch tickets before boarding the car.

It’s not really easy to pay off on the kasi, as it is possible to use a ticket machine. On the right in that, scho through the majestic flood of passengers kasi zaznayut perevantazhennya. As soon as you are in the middle of the night, you may not be aware of taking receipts and making an appointment for a flight. Z tієї w cause maє sense kupuvati tickets in offense to kіntsі. Especially the more expensive routes Milan - Verona - Milan and Venetsiya - Verona - Venetsiya.

Godini robotic kas: 06:30 - 21:00. Godinnik of the robotic camera sberіgannya luggage: 08:00 - 20:00.

Miske transport

Information for passengers arriving to Verona through the turn-around gates of the city, Verona Villafranca Airport: 20 minutes from the terminal to Terminal No. 2 at the Verona Porta Nuova terminal, a shuttle bus. Rukhu distribution - from 06.35 to 23.35. An hour for the road - 15 khvili. A ticket for a shuttle bus is also for traveling on a Moscow bus, transfer to which one can arrive at the railway station.

Zupinka buses are located on the Maidan in front of the station. You can take routes 72 and 73 to the center of Verona.

Addresses: Piazzale XXV Aprile, 25, 37138 Verona VR, Italy.

Roztashuvannya map:

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Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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