The lowest scale of the picture. Madame Mnemonika: the scale of others is a great scale

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Vidnoshennya of the natural size of the object to its image. Lyudin is not in the image of great objects, for example, small houses, in full size, that, with the image of a great object in a baby, armchairs, models and so far, people change the size of the object in a small number of times: at two, n ' yat, ten, one hundred, one thousand and so far. The number to be shown, the size of the changes in the images, is the scale. The scale is stagnant in the image of a microsite. Lyudina is not capable of imagining I live a cell, yak at a microscope, at its natural size and that is an increase in size; The number, which will show, has been developed as a result of the reduction of the real phenomenon for its image, the scale is designated.

The scale of geodesy, cartography and projects

Scale showing, showing the development of the skin line, is plotted on the map of the chair, less than the larger of the actual sizes. There are three types of scale: numerical, nomenclature, graphic.

Scales on maps and plans can be represented numerically and graphically.

Numerical scale to write down a fraction for the viewer, for the number one it is worth one, and for the standard one - the steps of the projection change. For example, scale 1: 5000 is shown, about 1 cm on the plan is displayed 5000 cm (50 m) on the ground.

Highest є the scale with the smallest banner. For example, scale 1: 1000 is larger, lower scale is 1:25 000.

Graphic scales add on line and cross. Line scale - the whole graphical scale as a large-scale line, subdivided into equal parts. Transverse scale- the whole graphical scale of the viglyadi nomograms, the reason for which is based on the proportionality of the parallel straight lines, which overwhelm the sides of the kut. The cross-sectional scale is fixed for more precise details of the lines on the plans. On the transverse scale, they say this: submit to the lower line transverse scale substitute for such a rank, but one finn (right) buv for a whole lot of OM, and no more than 0 peretin to be-like transvenience and be-like horizontal line... With all the rights, nizhka vimiryuvach is guilty of being on the same horizontal line. Nimensha CD = 0.2 mm, and accuracy - 0.1.

Accuracy to scale- the chain of horizontal line routing, with a length of 0.1 mm on the plan. The value of 0.1 mm on the scale is taken in terms of those who are at least as small as possible, such as people who can be developed by an indefinite eye. For example, for a scale of 1:10 000, the accuracy of the scale is up to 1 m. At a scale of 1 cm on the plan, the display is 10 000 cm (100 m) at the point, 1 mm - 1000 cm (10 m), 0.1 mm - 100 cm (1m).

Scale the image on the armchairs can be vibrated from the front row:

When designing general plans of great enterprises, it is allowed to use a scale of 1: 2000; 1: 5000; 1: 10000; 1:20 000; 1:25 000; 1:50 thousand.
For the necessary types of errors, it is allowed to set the scale of the increase (100n): 1 de n - the whole number.

Photo scale

Deyaky photographs change the scale of the size of the size of the image before the size of the image on the porch, screen or nose. The correct method of scaling is to lay in the context in which the image is victorious.

The scale is less important when the space is large enough to display clearly. Photographers have access to an even wide range of scales - from practically indefinitely small (for example, before the hour of the chilling of heavenly bodies) to even great (without special optics, scales can be reduced to close to 10: 1).

The scale is the number, which is shown, in the case of the development it has been changed or the actual size on the chair has been changed.


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Marvel at the "Scale" in the following vocabularies:

    - (Нім. Masstaq, all. Mass of the world). 1) mіrilo, mіra lіnіyna, adopted when armchairs at a changed viglyadі. 2) in the artillery: there is a line of sight from the designated caliber, shells and live entries from the artillery. Glossary of Inozemny Slovens. Dictionnaire of Inozemny Sliv Russian Movies

    Scale- - The presentation of the given line, the image on the armchair, the plan or the map, until the date in the nature. [Glossary of the main terms necessary for the design, maintenance and operation of automobile roads.] The scale is the price of delivery. Encyclopedia of terms, meaning and explanation of alarm materials Dovidnik technical transfer

    - (Нім. Ma? Stab) presentation of the line on the chair, or even maps to the end of the line in nature. It starts with a fraction, the number of which is the standard unit, and the standard for the number, showing the steps of the change of the line (for example, 1: 100 ... ... Great Encyclopedic Glossary

    - (nim. Maβstab; from Maβ world and Stab mace * a. scale; n. Maβstab, Skala; f. echelle; і. escala) presentation of the line on the chair, plans, maps, subject models until the latest news Ha geogr. cards to distribute head M. ... ... Geological encyclopedia

    - (Від нім. Ma? Stab) eng. scale; new. Ma? Stab. 1. Presentation of line changes of the object, pictured on the armchair, plan, cards before the first changes in nature. 2. Rosemiri, typical size of h. L. (For example, the scale of prices). Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology. Encyclopedia of Sociology

    - (nimetske Mabstab), the presentation of the line on the chair, or even the card before the end of the line on the chair. Beginning at the viglyadi fraction, the number of the road unit, and the denominator of the number, showing the steps of the change of the dovzhin line (for example, ... Suchasna encyclopedia

    SCALE, ah, cholovik. 1. Vіdnoshennya up to dinner lines on the card, armchair up to the action date. M. 25 kilometers per centimeter. 2. Swing, hunting, meaning. Wide m. Robot. On a light scale. | dod. large-scale, a, oh. The scale of the line. Large-scale ... ... Tlumachny vocabulary Ozhegova

Misters on the note: professional vocabulary.

The scale of the picture, as it seems, is indicated by a fraction, in which the number is determined by one, and the banner is shown, the pictures of the singing genre are shown to one such display on the map. Skilki of physical, real centimeters (meters, kilometers) "fit" in one centimeter (meters, kilometers) picture. For example, on the "milyontsi" - maps on a scale of 1: 1,000,000 - one centimeter of the card per milliyon centimeters - ten kilometers of the distance. And on "dvokhsottsi" (scale 1: 200,000) - only two kilometers.

About the picture to say "large-scale" and "large-scale", as well as "big" and "large". The meaning of qih is not so obvious: a different scale - the smallest standard of the scale of qi yak? I accepted that I was wandering around.

The same, changing rule: chim dribnishe viglyadaє toy samiy ob'єkt on one card on a parity basis from іnshoyu, tim dribnishe Vvazhaєtsya and the scale of the first one is different. At the same time, the standard of the scale of the first karta, navpaki, more.

One and the same Ust-Nera turn to the right more- the scale of the maps is old and larger great:

1:1 000 000 → 1:500 000 → 1:200 000:

And yak in English? Absolutely not ob'yazkovo primetniki also themselves - it is not often that we have them razbіzhnostі "from accuracy to navpaki". So and here: can it be easy to smell the markers, using the very meaning of the standard to scale? Ale in a specific specific vipad zbig: a map of a smaller scale - map of a smaller scale, small-scale map. Nybilsh is large-scale - larger scale, large-scale map.

When designing general plans of great enterprises, it is allowed to use a scale of 1: 2000; 1: 5000; 1: 10000; 1:20 000; 1:25 000; 1:50 thousand.
For the necessary types of errors, it is allowed to set the scale of the increase (100n): 1 de n - the whole number.

Photo scale

Deyaky photographs change the scale of the size of the size of the image before the size of the image on the porch, screen or nose. The correct method of scaling is to lay in the context in which the image is victorious.

The scale is less important when the space is large enough to display clearly. Photographers have access to an even wide range of scales - from practically indefinitely small (for example, before the hour of the chilling of heavenly bodies) to even great (without special optics, scales can be reduced to close to 10: 1).

Macrophotography traditionally increases the size of 1: 1 scale. However, with the expansion of compact digital cameras, the term has also become the same term for roztasvannyh close to the object (as a rule, closer than 50 cm) of other objects. It is tied to the necessary changes in the robotic system and autofocus mode for such minds, the prosthetic look of the classic macrosis is also wrong.

The scale of the model

Main article: Scale (modelism)

For the skin type of large-scale (bench) model, the scale of the series is assigned, it can be adjusted to the scale of the small scale of the change, and moreover, for the older types of modeling (aviamodelizm, ship modeling, modern, automobile) overhanging.

The scale of the model is calculated by the formula:

De: L - original parameter, M - required scale, X - required value

For example:

When the scale is 1/72 and the parameters of the original are 7500 mm, the size will be visible;

7500 mm / 72 = 104.1 mm.

Otrimanne value 104.1 mm, є value at 1/72 scale.

Scale to the hour

At the program

Have operating systems At the start of the hour, the role of the state of the so-called "real hour mode" is superbly important. In addition, the term “the real scale of the hour” is also used, but it’s a sense of terminological cleverness, as it can be up to the outward meaning of the word “scale” of business.

At the cinema

The scale of the hour is the one of the world of hopefulness to the root of the rue, and the way the projected frequency of frames is brought up to the known one. So, as the projected frame rate on the road is 24 frames per second, and the kinosyomka was carried out at 72 frames per second, the scale for the hour is 1: 3. The scale for an hour is 2: 1, which means that the process is accelerated on a separate basis due to the rapid interruption of the process on the screen.

At mathematics

The scale is the price of the two line designs. In the practical spheres of practice, the scale is called the size of the image to the size of the image. In mathematics, the scale of appearance begins as the presentation of the display on the map to the display of the display in the real world. A scale of 1: 100,000 means that 1 div on a map of a display of 100,000 divs = 1,000 m = 1 km long.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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