As a linear scale. The scale of the image in the area

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of danger, if the child is in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Scale - the price of meeting the line on the chair, plan, card until the line. S horizontal laying of the general line of nature, tobto. s: S. The scale is used either as a fraction (numeric), or in graphical images.

Numerical scale , signify 1M,є with a regular fraction, for which number has a number 1, and the denominator M showing, in some cases the line of movement has been changed when the image is on the plan.

For example, for a scale of 1/100 of the number of units on the plan, there are 100 such units on the plane, or 1 cm on the plane - 100 cm (1 m) on the plane. Chim is a larger denominator of a numerical scale, it is a larger standard of change, tobto. Tim different scale... Three two numerical scales are greater than that, the banner of which is the smallest.

Vikoristovuchi value 1M numerical scale you know it S The lining of the line of bile can be done with the following formula:

s = S / M (1)

Make sure to pay attention to the plan, or for the formula:

S = sM (2)

butt 1.1. Dovzhina vidrizka S = 142 m. Know the size of the image on a scale of 1: 2000. For formula (1) we can take mo

s= 142: 2000 = 0.071 m = 7.1 cm.

When solving tasks on a map or a plan for an additional numerical scale, a large number of calculations are made. Schob uniknuty tsogo, vikoristovuyt graphical scales .

Graphical scales are linear and transverse. Line scale є scale with pads, which correspond to the given numerical scale. To induce a linear scale on a straight line, put forward a few steps, as they call the basis of the scale .

Dovzhinu basis accept rіvnoyu 1; 2; 2.5 cm. Perche the basis is divided into 10 parts and on the right end blazen zero, and on the left - the number of meters or kilometers, suchmu bіlya vіdpovіdaє in this scale pіdstavu. To the rightat the top of the zero above the skin surface, write the values ​​of the top boxes (in Fig. a what is picturedscale for numeric scale 1: 2000).

Cross-sectional scale is fixed for vimiruvan and by budov of advanced accuracy. Yak usually transverse massheadquarters engrave on metal plates, lines abo transporters. For a given numerical scale, vin can be used for on armchairs.

Transverse scale will be in such a way.On a straight line, as if prompted by a line scale,add to the scale and the first viewit is divided into 10 parts. We went to write it like that, as ifprompting a line scale. From the skin point of the written subline, perpendiculars are taken into account, on whichput 10 types, 1/10 base. Through points, bybeams on perpendiculars, draw straight lines, parallel lines. Upper line of the first basealso for 10 parts. Otriman_ points of the upper and lowerready for the first time. Otrimanі lines naziwrap transversals . Provided by sumy transverssalami become 1/10 of the base, and between the zero verticalwith a new line that summery with it transversal - 1/100 ... 1/10.

Transverse scale from base 2 cm maєsignatures that represent a numerical scale of 1: 5000. The basis of the scale is 100 m at the center, 1/10 of the part - 10 m, 1/100 -1m. Yaksho, for example, on the scale of the demand 14plan to go to the right, to the level of 146 m, right to the bottomsqueeze the compass-vimirnik with a point. 100 m right-handed at zero,and to the left - from the point 40 m from zero. Poten vimіryuvach підніmay be on the way up the hill and go up to the point, according to well yes 146 m.


situation relєfom contour.


Power supply for self-control.

1.What is called a topographic plan?

2. What is called a topographic map?

3. Who has a card in the plan?

4. What is the scale?

5. What is it taken to be accurate to scale?

Power supply for self-control

  1. What is the nomenclature of topographic maps?
  2. Yak for the given geographic coordinates know the nomenclature of the Arkush picture of a given scale?
  3. What is the scale of the map?
  4. How do you see the nomenclature of the cards on the cards?

Abscisi points A, B, C. (Km) Table 2.

Ordinati points A, B, C(Km) Table 3.

Power supply for self-control.

  1. What is the essence of zonal systems of rectangular coordinates?
  2. What is taken for the whole ordinate and abscis of the zonal coordinate systems?
  3. Who has the sense of the Ordinati's transformation?
  4. What is the name of the zone number of the card sheet?
  5. How many mistakes do I put on the accuracy of the coordinates (dovzhin line) on the map?
  6. How do you know if you want to know the exact coordinates of your end?
  7. What is the reason for doing the same line on the axis of the meridian?
  8. What is the meaning of the creation of a dovzhin line at the boundaries of the zone?
  9. How can I be on the map with a point beyond the given straight-line coordinates?
  10. What are the wikklicans of cartographic projections?
  11. What is it about the faked Gaus-Kruger projection?
  1. Orієntuvannya.

Orієntuvati line chi map - means the significance of the development of geographic (true), axial chi magnetic meridians.

Kut orієntuvannya, where you go out of the northward geographic meridian, is called the reference azimuth.

Difficult such an arrangement of tying with a change in azimuth value from the length of the line latitude of the point, devin vimiruєtsya. Qia obstavina viklikana tim, shho meridiani are not є parallel to one to one.

Coot between the projections of sumy meridians on the area are called the neighbors of the meridians and are denoted by a letter and calculated by the formula

γ = (LA-LM) sin B,(11),

de LAі LM - dovoti meridianiv, scho pass through points A and M, B - latitude of point A.

Tom, with the correct azimuth of the line AM do not go to yak_y point ( A chi M) conducted vimir kuta. Oscillations of the value of the proximity of the meridians change, then the azimuth AAM ≠ ABA + 180°. However, when the azimuths are imaged for large-scale maps, it is time to say goodbye. The price is tied to the low precision of the protractor of the kutiv by that little line. Really, navigate with a geodetic protractor, the accuracy of vimir kuta does not change ± 15. And if vrahuvati, then for the middle latitudes (H = 55 °) for formula (11) we can γ≈12 ′. To close the extreme meridians of the picture is not more than 12 ', but rather bachimo, less than the accuracy of the cuts with a protractor. For maps of a large scale, the value of the approximation of the meridians at the boundaries of the central picture will be less, but also, it may not be possible if the azimuths of the map are different. It allows you to spend your time at any point of the line.

Zavdannya 5.1. Vimіryati behind the aid of the protractor azimuth lines AB, PS, SA, VA, SV, AS. Count the rumbi and internal kuti of the ABC tricycle.

To change the azimuth of the AB line, it is necessary to draw a geographic meridian, which will overtake the AB line of the trike (add-on 1) or advance the AB line to the line with the meridian, which will intertwine the arc of the picture from the start. From the wine straight along the meridian by stretching a year-old shooter with a protractor vimіryati shukany kut orієntuvannya. Enter the result to the vimir to the table 5. The azimuths of the other sides are changed in the same way. From the azimuths go to the points and calculate the values ​​of the inner cuts of the tricycle, the vicorist rule is:

If we do not take revenge on rude mistakes, then the differences between the meanings and the opposite azimuths are exactly 180 °. The sum of the inner coils of the tricycle is also responsible for the 180 ° travel. Vidhilennya of these values ​​is not guilty of changing the accuracy of the protractor. Yak butt at table 5, the azimuths of the sides of the tricycle ABC are set (add-on 1)

Table 5


Table 8

Fig. 15 Linkage between magnetic azimuths, directional cuts and true azimuths.

Table 11 shows the results of calculating the magnetic azimuths of the sides of the tricycle at γ = 2 ° 20 ′, δ = 4 ° 15 ′.

Table 11

Power supply for self-control.

  1. How to be called the true meridian, parallell, axial meridian?
  2. Does it mean orієntuvati lіnіyu?
  3. What is the name of the directional azimuth, the directional cut, the magnetic azimuth, the line of the line?
  4. How much is there a flatness in a straight and reversed azimuth?
  5. Who has a view of the proximity of the meridians in the Gauss-Kruger projection from the proximity of the meridians in the zalous vipad?
  6. What is the name of the magnetic shooter?
  7. Why does the organization behind the magnetic meridian get stuck on a regular basis?
  8. What is the magnitude of the magnetic azimuth, what is the geographic azimuth?
  9. What is the value of the magnetic azimuth, what is the direction of the direction?
  1. Relief of that yogo image on maps and plans.

The consistency of the unevenness of the earth's surface is called a relief. On topographic maps and plans, the reliefs should be represented by horizontals. The horizontal is the purpose of the line, which gives the points of the earth's surface with the same heights. The understanding of the horizontal can be rejected, as it will reveal the place, flooded to a predetermined height with stagnant water. Coastal line in the whole fall and horizontal. Zmіnyuchi rіven vodi (the height of the rіvnevoy surface), the horizontal lines are visible with the growing heights. To read the relєf correctly, it is necessary for the nobility of the basic form.

On the maps and plans, horizontal lines move through equal gaps. The height of the height of the suspended horizontal lines is called the height of the recess, and the height between the horizontal lines on the plan is called the pins.

The visibility of the relief is vibrated according to the scale of the picture and to the plan and the nature of the scene. Standart visoti to relieve: 0.25; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 2.5; 5.0; 10.0m. Horizontals write on plans and maps at the base of the map at the bottom of the slope of the territory. To mark the sign of contour lines on the maps, write the signs of the characteristic points of the relief (the top of the mountain, the bottom of the street).

The main characteristic of the relief is the steepness of the slope. It is possible to judge about her by the size of the mortgage. Chim is less laid down (seen between horizontals), the steeper is the slope and navpaki.

For the numerical characteristics of the steepness of the slope bilya vikoristoyut kut nakhilu ν ° abo uhil ί . The wick of the line of movement is called the change of the horizontal layout ί = h / d = tgν.

3 formulas vipliv, scho uhil - a sizeless value. Yogo swerve, either at a hundred percent (hundredths), or at ‰ (thousandths), and kut nahil at degrees.

For an hour, read the relєfu with the following rules:

1) bergstrikhs are straightened at bik lowering;

2) the basics of the numbers, like the inscriptions of the horizontal, are drawn at the bottom of the lower slope;

3) there is a decrease in water and watercourses;

4) in one corner of the horizontal, the movement is moving, and in the same is decreasing;

5) bend horizontally on the water-generating lines of ridges and thalweg of hollows

6) displaying a point on a horizontal road to a horizontal;

7) the marks of the contour lines depend on the multiple of the height of the profile.

For a joke, the signs of the horizontal line should be the closest to the signed horizontal line. View of shukanoy bude dorivnyu (fig. 17)

HA = H0 + nh0 (14)

de H0- Sign of the signed horizontal;

n- the number of horizontal lines between the signed and shukanoy horizontal lines

h0- Visota pererezu relєfu.

In the formula, the sign (+) is placed at the point, where the point A There is a viscera with a written horizontal line, and (-) - even lower. Figure 17 h0 = 5m , n = 2 already NA = 210.0m ... Beyond the vicinity of the designated point of the signed horizontal line, the sign should be from the closest sign of the characteristic point. And here you can see the sign of the closest horizontal. This view will be a multiple of the frequency of the relay. Forward, the sign of the horizontal, roztashovanoy lower than the top of the mountains H = 216.4 door 215.0m ... From the horizontal line, if we describe it by the method, start the horizontal mark from the point A .

If the point, where it starts, is located between the horizontals, then there is a need for the signs of the horizontal lines, where the stinks are located, and at the same time, the change between the horizontal and the point is that it appears to be a linear interpolation

hc = ac h0 / a,(15)

de hc - perevischennya mіzh young horizontal z poznachkoyu N 0 that dot Z;

a - Mortgage

ac - View from the young horizontal to the point Z.

Todi vidmіtka shukanoї point dorіvnuvatime

Нс = Н0 + hc (16)

If the point is to start, to lie between the horizontals with the same views: the pass of the saddle, the top of the mountain or the bottom of the street, then the sign in these vyads will take the equal view of the closest horizontal lines plus half (minus

Zavdannya 6.1. Let the scale set for the value ν і ί,

Pointing to tables 12.

The graphs of the scale of the foundation show the fallowness between the steepness of the slope and the size of the foundation when the height is overrun. So, as the steepness of the slope can be rotated in the degrees of the world or in the depths, then it is obvious to the number of two types of graphs, - for kutiv nakhil and uhiliv.

If the steepness of the slope is rotated at the degrees of the world, then the value of the a calculate by formula

a = h0ctgν (17)

but for the steepness of the slope, bends around the sides

a = h0100 / i (18)

de h0 - Visota pererezu relєfu on cards, seen for a visit to robots.

To induce the graphs, it is necessary to virahuvati a at ν ° і i,

hover over the table 12.

Table 12

Vykhіdnі data to induce graphіkіv bookmark

When prompted graphs call horizontal line make a contribution of the same kind of new genie, at the ends of which the perpendiculars are introduced, and put on them at the scale of your picture according to the values ​​from Table 12. Kintsi perpendiculars to draw a smooth line.

Table 13

The steepness of the curse along the AB line

Power supply for self-control

  1. Would you call yourself a visota (dot sign)?
  2. Should I call myself a horizontal?
  3. Do you know Yaki formi relєfu?
  4. How do you see the main form of the relief by horizontals?
  5. Yak count nahil (kut nahilu liniii)?
  6. Are you going to see the graphics start?
  7. Yak for the help of the graph is the laying of the steepness of the slope?

Vimiryuvannya area

Vimіryaty on the map the area of ​​the contour, but it is the correct geometric shape (trikutnik, rectangular, etc.) is not difficult. For the whole of it is enough to determine the number of sides of the figurine according to the formulas of geometry to calculate the area.

In quiet vines, if the contour is a foldable baggage boat, the area should be counted with a path for the area of ​​the simplest geometric figures, on which it is possible to break the baggage boat.

In the vicinity of the fall, calculate the area of ​​the bagatokutnik through the vertical coordinates. X і Y yogo tops for the formula

P = 1 / 2∑X i ( Y i + 1- Y i-1) (20)

P = 1 / 2∑Y i ( X i-1- X i + 1) (21)

de i - Vertex number

n - Number of vertices

For example, for a tricycle, the formula (20) is matime viglyad:

P = 1/2 (X4 (YB-YC) + XB (YC-YA) + XC (YA-YB)) (22)

Slid mothers on uvaz, as well as the data for calculating the area of ​​being recognized from the map on the map, then right away, according to some formulas, the calculation of the area is carried out, the whole way is called graphical.

Zavdannya 7.1. Calculate the area of ​​the tricycle ABC, the right-angled coordinates of the vertices, and remove the tasks 4.1. The number of the viconati in Table 14

Table 14

Calculating the area of ​​the tricycle ABC

The large number of contours on the map, especially the landscape character, can be folded in a curved shape. To adjust the area of ​​such a contour, it should be palette abo planimeter .

Paletteє a grid of squares, rectangular or even regular geometric figures, applied to the base of the hole.

Vykonuyut with a slyahunke the number of whole figures and shot pieces. Knowing the area of ​​one such figure, count the area of ​​the entire contour. The palettes are vikorized for vim_ryuvannya areas of small contours (interspersed). For vimir area, I mean the value, there is a special attachment - a planimeter (Fig. 21). This way, having given the name mechanical .

The principle of changing the area by the planimeter of the polarity in the enclosed contour by the circumferential importance of the planimeter. 3 , in which є lychilny mechanizm 1 , scho fiksuє after passing the route ( u2-u1 ). Knowing the level of the traversed way and the price of the planimeter, I will need to calculate the area of ​​the contour according to the formula

P = c (u2-u1), (23)

The price of the planimeter is to start in front of the cob of the robot and draw a path around the contour of the area of ​​the house. Draw on topographic maps and plans for the designation of the price of the planimeter to circle the square of the kilometer mesh. On a map with a scale of 1: 10000 Р = 100 ha. In such a rank, the shukan price for the fall can be counted according to the formula

s = 100 / (u2-u1), (24)

Fig. 21. polar planimeter a) zalny viglyad; b) extraordinary mechanism

Zavdannya 7.2. Determine the price of the planimeter for the simplified program (with one pole position).

For viznachennya the price of the distribution, select the square of the kilometer mesh on the card. The pole of the planimeter is 4 slid roztashuvati so, when the circle is outlined, there is a circle around the 7 and the pole vajl 3 is more than 30 ° and less than 150 °. To control the shyonaymenshe 3 contours. Vimiryuvannya vvazhayut yakisnim, as well as razbіzhnostі rіznits ( u2-u1 ) between the priyoms, do not mix two or three piles in the rest of the row. Inakse vimiri repeat. Record the results up to tables 15.

Table 15

The value of the price for the planimeter No. 69556

Avg = 0.09709

Zavdannya 7.3. Visually draw the area of ​​the contour indicated by the viclade on the map.

Vimіryuvannya vikonuyut analogously to the value of the price of the planimeter, depriving the outline of the contour for every task. Record the results in the table 16.

Table 16

. Vimіryuvannya of the area of ​​the tricycle ABC with the planimeter No. 69556

Pcp = 46.1 ha

Power supply for self-control

1. What are the ways to improve the area?

2. Do you know what formulas are used for calculating areas from geometries?

3. What is the formula for calculating the area of ​​the tricycle in terms of the rectangular coordinates of its peaks?

4. Show the planimeter prism?

5. How much is the price of the planimeter sub-base?

6. How do you move the area behind the planimeter?


1. Course of Engineering Geodesy: Pidruchnik for Universities / Ed. V.Є. Novak. - M .: Nadra, 1989. - 430.

2. B.B.Danilevich, V.F.Luk'yanov, B.TS.Kheifets and in. M .: Nadra, 1987 .-- 334.

3. Umovnі signs for topographic plans in scales 1: 5000, 1: 2000, 1: 1000, 1: 500. / GUGiK at RM SRSR. - M .: "Nadra", 1989. - 286s.

Option No. Closeness γ Vidmіnuvannya δ Option No. Closeness γ Shilyannya δ
1 ° 51 5 ° 16 1 ° 18 + 4 ° 18
2 ° 25 5 ° 15 + 2 ° 18 + 2 ° 42
1 ° 15 -5 ° 05 + 2 ° 42 -6 ° 42
-1 51 +5 16 -1 18 +4 42
+2 25 +5 15 -0 18 +2 42
+1 15 +5 05 +2 18 -6 42
+1 51 -5 16 +1 18 -4 42
-2 25 -5 15 +0 18 -2 42
-1 15 -5 05 -2 18 -6 42
+1 51 +5 05 -1 18 -4 42
-2 25 +5 16 -0 18 -2 42
-1 15 +5 05 +1 52 +6 17
+2 1 8 +6 42 -1 49 +3 53


Methodical instructions “Rishennya engineering works on topographic maps and plans "for students of advanced specialties of the best forms of the discipline" Engineering Geodesy ".

For the visit to the students, they can see a photocopy of the topographic picture on a scale of 1: 25,000 or 1: 10,000 from the printed wikipedia. Try to induce that vimіryuvannya to vibrate on the map, and the solution to vikonuyutsya on paper archives A4 format and, for consumption, supplement with graphic additions, such as vіdpіvіyut all up to the smartest signs and fonts.

Students are guilty of mothers: vimiryuvach, linijku, olivtsi T, TM, 2M, protractor, gumka, kristlyar and milimetric papir, carcasses of small colors, kristlyarske pir'ya and pens, calculator.

The viconan of the robot is sent to rewrite the victories at the line, given by the calendar plan of the chiefs to take. In case of a positive assessment by a student, it will be taken over by a robot.

1. Understanding the picture and the plan. Scale.

To induce topographic plans, the Earth's surface should be orthogonally designed to a horizontal area and change at a distance of development. Tom The topographic plan is called the change of the picture on the porch near the small windows of the earth's surface. The number of objects in the world is called situation , And the greatness of the earth's surface irregularities - relєfom ... The plan of the miscellaneous, warehouses without a picture of the relєfu, name contour. For example, it is a l_so-row plan. In such a rank, plan - the price of an armchair, with horizontal spacers, which are cut off to orthogonal designs of different types of space on a horizontal area.

The images of the great ones behind the dimensions of the earth's surface on the square cannot be rendered away without being spoken, so that they are saved in a similar way. Such files should be designed orthogonally on the surface of the mail, and then from the surface of the mail, behind the singular mathematical laws, called cartographic projections, to be transferred to the area. In such a rank, The map is called a change that is naturally created by the image of the whole earth, for the surrounding parts of the surface on the area.

The step of changing the horizontal directions of the movement from the hour to the postponed from the papirs is called the scale of the plan (picture).

The scales are numerical and graphical. The numerical scale is called the presentation of the display on the map, or even up to the end of the horizontal line of the projection on the map. The numerical scale is written as an aliquot fraction, tobto. fraction, the number of a single door. For example, 1: 5000, 1: 2000, 1: 25000 etc. The signifier of the whole fraction is shown at the picture of the development of objects when depicted on topographic plans, maps and profiles. The numerical scale should be written on all materials.

Knowing the numerical scale can be seen from one vimir on the map, or the plan goes to one vimir on the place of navpak. For example, if a map on a scale of 1: 5,000 is built up to 2 divs, then the territory of the first horizontal layout becomes D = d * N = 2 * 5000 = 10000 cm = 100m. A small inflow to the accuracy of the shape of the seats behind any armchairs will give you the power of a healthy recovery of graphic elements. The eye of a man is not built up on a chair at a distance of 20-25 cm from the point of view to a distance of less than 0.1 mm.

Tom To the exact scale, they name the horizontal projection of the line of movement, which is 0.1 mm on the map or planes. For scales 1: 500, 1: 1000, 1: 10000, 1: 25000, the scale accuracy is 0.05; 0.1; 1.0; 2.5m.

The handrail with a numerical scale is practically widened, the graphical scales have been expanded, - linear and transverse. Corridor on a linear scale, see Fig. 1

The transverse scale (Fig. 2) is fixed for the exact values ​​of the lines on the maps. Yogo gravіyuyut on special metal lines. Accuracy in the form of a given scale beyond the scope of this price is 0.5 prices of the lowest price. With the help of the nabutty button of the transverse scale, it is necessary to develop tasks 1 - 4.

Zavdannya 1.1. Stay at the normal one hundred lateral scale

To encourage you on a straight line, make a number of examples that are called the basis of the scale (2 cm). From the fundamentals to introduce the perpendiculars of the modern genie. At the extreme perpendiculars, ten views of the same genre are displayed, and they are displayed. The extreme left base from the top and from the bottom to distribute into a dozen of the same parts by way of a path to the proportional part. Take the zero point (O) of the lower base with the first rose of the upper base (A), etc. This is the rank to gain a large-scale line (Fig. 2).

For a transverse scale, it is necessary to think about the digitization of this pod, going from the scale to the plan or to the picture. So, if the scale for the plan is 1: 500, then the basis for the road is 10 m., AB = 1m і the lowest rosette (a1 b1) road 0.1 m. Vimiryuvach roztashovuyut in such a rank that the right of the head was on one of the vertical lines, and the liva was on the transversal (Fig. 3). for any offense, the guilty heads are on the same horizontal line.

For whom to vvazhayut, skіlіkh tsіlich ( k ), ten (n ) i hundred (m) Often the basis is to take revenge between the heads and, in the past from the previous digitization, to count the number of

d = k (OK) + n (0.1 OK) + m (0.01 OK)(1)

For vipad, hovering on fig. 3 maєmo k = 1, n = 4, m = 3.5 , even d = 1 * 10 + 4 * 1 + 3.5 * 0.1 = 14.35 (m).

Zavdannya 1.2. Vimiryati dozhini sides three tricytes with an additional transverse scale, vazayuchi, the first of them is the scale of 1: 5,000, the other - 1:10 000 and the third - 1:25 000.

For the purpose of making a trip, three large tricytes are used, for whom to pin the vertices with a bare top, circle them with circles with a diameter of 1 mm and with straight lines (Fig. 4). Vimіryuvannya viconati for the help of vimіryuvach that prompted in problems 1.1 of the transverse scale. Dovzhin lіnіy value, s full scale accuracy , write in meters at the outer sides of the trikutniks. For example, if you see it on the plan on a scale of 1: 500, you will be ready to go. 15 m ... Recording 15 m If it is not correct, fragments of it do not represent the accuracy of the scale of the plan. Vrahoyuchi, the accuracy of the scale 1: 500 is 0.05 m, the result is written down yak 15.00. The height of the numbers is 2 mm (numeric font).

Zavdannya 1.3. According to the number of sides, we will assign a vicladam, having three trikutniks in scales of 1: 500, 1: 1000, 1: 2000. The design of the yak is shown in Fig. 5.

For solving tasks on the direct side of the power behind the additional vimiryuvach the basis of the tricycle AB at a common scale. From the beginning of the start to correct the position of the point Z ... Tops A, B, C circle the tricycle with circles with a diameter of 1 mm, with straight lines and the signatures of the sides according to the accuracy of the scale.

Zavdannya 1.4. Visually scale the airplane

Zavdannya vikonutsya at classroom hour. For the first time students see an aerial and topographic map. It is necessary to vibrate on the air with good knowledge of the contours and cleverly designate them by the letters a, b, c, d ... Adjust them to an accuracy of up to 0.1 mm. Record the results in the table. one.

Transverse scale, on a line scale, allowing you to transfer lines to the map for a plan with greater accuracy.

Apply the transverse scale to the metal plate, or you can use it on the porch.

Earn the ear transverse scale similar to the prompting of the linear scale.

Two extreme perpendiculars extend into 10 equal parts and through the set points draw lines parallel to the scale.

Upper liva pіdstava, yak і lower lіva pіdstava, divided into 10 parts.

The points of the base of the left upper base and the lower base of the left base are taken away with abducted lines yak is shown on the little one. They kidnapped the line transversals.

For the transversals, write down the pods, such as moving the hundred parts to sleep on a scale (100 m / 100 = 1 m).

The little one is pictured transverse scale іf basis 2 cm, similar to the numerical scale 1: 5000 (2 cm * 5000 = 10000 cm = 100 m).

Thus, the transverse scale permits the display of lines on the map, or planes from the exactness up to a single part of the base to the scale (1 m for a numerical scale of 1: 5000).

Transverse scale vicorist to be the offensive rank:

one). the difference between the compass-vimirnik from the picture, but the plan is to take the form, which is necessary for a certain amount;

2). apply a compass to a transverse scale in such a rank that the right of the head was at zero or perpendicular, that the right-hander was at zero, and the left head was on one horizontal line with the right head;

3). perpendicular to the right and left sides of the compass, right-handed and right-handed from the zero perpendicular.

For a tiny little bit of life, the plan is on a scale of 1: 5,000 to build 252 meters and 477 meters.

The performance of the line on the plan until the level of the horizontal line of the line is called the numerical scale of the topographic plan. You want to represent the correct fraction in the view of the correct number, the number of the road number, and the standard number - to the number N, which is shown, at some of the times it appears on the ab plan, it was changed in accordance with the existing horizontal lines.

So, with ab = 5cm and AoBo = 250m weight

When the numerical scale of different plans is different, the terms are: "dibnishe" and "more". Yaksho N1< N2, то есть знаменатель первого масштаба меньше знаменателя второго, то говорят, что первый масштаб крупнее второго, или второй масштаб мельче первого. Для удобства численный масштаб часто записывают в виде пояснительного масштаба, например: «в 1 сантиметре 50 метров».

The linear scale is vicious for vimir because of the low accuracy of the results on the plan. Wine is a direct line, distributed on a par with the basis. Dovzhina one is called the basis of the scale. The number is based on the number of meters on the horizontal line. On a small 1.3, the basis is taken equal to 2 cm, at a numerical scale of 1: 5000 vertically 100 m on a horizontal line. Liva is the extreme basis of the linear scale of distribution on different grains.

Figure 1.3 Line scale

The transverse scale is fixed for the purpose of improving the accuracy. For the skin scale, you can create your own transverse scale. The transverse scale from the base of 2 cm is called the normal hundredth transverse scale, so that it is suitable for any scale.

The transverse scale will be like this:

On a straight line, there are a number of 2cm cutouts, which are called the basis of the scale. From the fundamentals to introduce the perpendiculars of the modern genie. At the extreme perpendiculars, they display 10 views of the same genre and finish the end of the line. The extreme left the base of the zgori and from the bottom extends into 10 of the same elements; Then close the upper and lower points (Fig. 1.4)

For the transverse scale, it is necessary to think about the digitalization of the solution to the scale to the plan or to the picture. Also, if the scale for the plan is 1: 5OO, then the basis of the road is 10m, the road is 1m and the lowest is 01m.

Vimiryuvach roztashovuyut in such a rank, that the right of the goalkeeper was on one of the vertical lines, and the left on the traverse. For whom to vvazhayut, skіlki tsіlich (k), ten (n) and a few (i) parts of the basis to take revenge between kutas and vyhodyach from the earlier vikonany digitalisation, counting up.

S = up to (AB) + p (0.1AB) +1 (0.01AB) (1.2.)

For the hover in fig. 1.5 maє = 1; n = 4; i = 3.5 scale 1: 500, and also:

S = 1 * 100 + 4 (0.1 * 100) +3.5 (0.01 * 100) = 143.5m

The neobroєne eye of a man is zdatne on the armchair, on the side of 20-25 cm, the point is equal to 0.1 mm. To this exact scale, they call a horizontal projection on the plane, which is 0.1 mm on a map or a plan. for a scale of 1: 500; 1: 1000; 1: 10000; 1: 25000; the accuracy of the scale according to the road is 0.05 m; 0.1m; 1.0m; 2.5m.

Butt 1. It is given in two dots on the road map 56.4 mm. Visualize the horizontal layout of the general line of art, as the scale of the picture is 1: 2000.

Decision. The calculation is carried out for the formula

de - a denominator of a numerical scale, showing the development of the line of change for the image on the map;

Dovzhina line on the plan of the card;

Sm - horizontally laid out alternating line on the bridge.

SP = 56.4mm, then Sm = 56.4mm * 2000 = 112800mm = 112.8m

Butt 2. Given the horizontal laying of the lines of the bridge, the road is 78.0 m. Visually, with an accuracy of 0.1 mm, the adjustment of the visual line on the map at a scale of 1: 2,000

Decision. The numbered vikonuyut for such a formula:

78.0m = 78000mm, then = 78000: 2000 = 39.0mm on a map with a scale of 1: 2000.

Butt 3. Visually, it will be built on the plan on a scale of 1: 1000, if the line is ready for the next 35.6m.

So, in the foreground tasks, it is necessary to think about digitizing the size of the transverse scale. So, if the scale of the plan is 1: 1000, then the base of the transverse scale of the road is 20 m, AB = 2m and the lowest subdivision (a1 in1) is 0.2m. And because of the summons of the cikhs from the transverse scale... That is, 35.6: 20m = 1 (only the basis of the scale). The line was overdue 15.6. Dimo on the basis of the scale of 15.6: 2m = 7 (all sizes of the basis of the scale. 7x2m = 14m. 15.6-14m = 1.6m. 1.6m: 0.2m = 8 (the ones of the most suitable scale). , schob between the heads of the vimiryuvach went 1 to the base scale, 7 to the base to the scale and 8 to the most suitable scale.

Butt 4. On a map of scale 1: 2000, it looks like a bunch, up to 2.5 cm.

The number of tasks is a numerical scale of 1: 2000, which means a scale of 1 cm. on the map with a view of 2000 cm. or 20 m at the distance, todi 2.5 cm if 2.5x20 = 50 m. View: 50m.

Butt 5. Know if the level of the horizontal line is 28.50m on a scale of 1: 500.

At a scale of 1: 500 1cm behind the plan, a 5m scale is displayed. For the wash, there is a b_lya 28.5m. Otzhe

1 base -10m

1 rozpodil - 1m

1 lowest floor - 0.1m

View: 2 main + 8 cases + 5 new cases

Butt 6. Visibility of accuracy on a scale of 1: 10000.

Decision. So, for the accuracy of the scale - the process of adjusting the horizontal projection of the line on the plane, when it is 0.1mm on the map, or plans, it is necessary to calculate the amount of the line on the plane, for the plan to be 0.1mm on the map. For the analogy with the foreground staff, 1 cm on a map at a scale of 1: 10,000 at 100 m on the ground, as a matter of fact

View: 1m.

Appendix 7: Convert the numerical scale 1: 10000 to the explanatory one.

Decision: To transfer the numerical scale to the explanatory one, it is necessary to move from centimeters to the standard;

1/10000: 100 chi 1 cm-100 m.

Power supply for self-revision:

What kind of geodesy?

See the geodesy?

What is the chief engineer of geodesy?

What is the right figure of the Earth?

Why should the image of the Earth be replaced by the reference-e-mail?

What is the surface?

What is called a plan?

What is called kartkoyu?

Who has a difference between maps and plans?

How to be called the profile of the dance?

What is called a scale?

What є numerical and explanatory scale?

Overreach the scales of topographic maps and plans.

How accurate is the scale?

Yak will it be a normal one hundred transverse scale?

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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