Yak biline conduct the Internet Unlimited mobile Internet Biline - look at tariffs, how to connect

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First of all, you need to know how to properly set up your device. It is also important to change, which is transferred by the current tariff plan of the Victory Day service to access to globally... As there is no such possibility, there is no need to connect special Internet options or switch to a higher universal tariff.

Internet-pomichnik Tariff-online.ru detailed distribution, how to connect mobile Internet to Biline for different types attachments, you could be able to use high-traffic traffic on smartphones, tablets or computers. We also deal with the problems of optimizing vitrates on the Internet for additional tariff plans and special services of the provider.

Activation of the Internet on the phone Biline

Connecting to the Internet on the phone is less likely in the situation, if the "Package of three services" is already active, which includes MMS, WAP and GPRS-Internet.

To reconsider the status of the service, it is necessary to check the status of the service pre-service Biline on phone 0611. Yaksho "Package of three services" is deactivated; ... When the test arrives, you will receive a test report about the successful connection of the option. It is necessary to update the configuration operating systems I will re-secured an annex by a way.
Important! Calls to the service center for subscribers under the number 0611 can take a trivial hour after the end of the communication lines. Alternative way Reversals of the connection to the "Package of three services" can be used with the universal USSD power supply * 110 * 09 # , scho hanging on the screen re-list active options and services.
In addition, since the GPRS-Internet function is active, it is necessary to change a specific tariff for Internet traffic, or to provide an option, if you want to give access to the net on the tariff plan, so that you can use it.

Internet options "Highway"

In the midst of special internet services provided by the provider, in particular respect to the merit, there is a wide line of options "Highway", which can be connected without a cable. Let's take a closer look at the partnership, contributions to the Internet, command and numbers for activating the options.

Option nameParty for monthPart of the dobaUSSD and phone number for connecting the option with a monthly paymentUSSD and phone number for connection of the option for free payment
"Highway 1 GB"200 RUR7r.1 GB* 115 * 03 #
* 115 * 04 #
"Highway 4 GB"400 RUR18 rub.4 GB* 115 * 061 #
* 115 * 051 #
"Highway 8 GB"600 RUR8 GB* 115 * 071 #
"Highway 12 GB"700 RUR12 GB* 115 * 081 #
"Highway 30GB"1200 RUR30 GB* 115 * 09 #
"Highway 30 GB 2016"1400 RUR30 GB + Biline TV + free unlimited (from 01-00 to 07-59)* 115 * 091 #

Dodatkovu information about everything without a fault of the option "Highway" can be revised.

Tariff from before payment of the "All" family

Visually, the Internet on a mobile phone is possible without connecting special options. There is such a possibility for a family of tariff plans "All", up to which one integrated price for a large number of Internet traffic packages. In addition, the "All" tariffs will not mix a small amount of chilin on calls to subscribers of Biline All Russia at home and on trips around the country.

The main characteristics of the tariffs from the pre-paid system of services can be looked at in the table below.

Name of the tariffPartnershipMonthly life of high-quality trafficThe monthly run of the call (mobile numbers of any operators and subscribers of the Blue Line regions)Number of cell-free SMS-messages (per month)
"All for 300"300 RUR at the month2 GB300 quilins100
"All for 500"16 rub. 66 kopecks per day5 GB550 quilins300
"All for 800"26r. 66 kopecks per day7 GB1000 quilins500
"All for 1200"40 rub. in a day10 GB2000 hilin1000
"All for 1800"60 rub. in a day15 GB3000 hilin3000

For all tariffs "All", encompassing "All for 300", as well as the transfer of options for tariff plans and with a postpaid system of tariffs. For all smart minds, the main reason for payment є the backbone of a thousand years of Internet traffic:

  • up to 10 GB - for "All for 500";
  • up to 14 GB - for "All for 800";
  • up to 20 GB - for "All for 1200";
  • up to 30 GB - for "Everything for 1800".

Important! Connection of tariff plans "All" from Biline link through service 0781. It is necessary to speed up the message by the prompts of the autoinformer and vibrate the tariff, which will be added. Conversion to a limit of megabytes, which has been lost, quill and SMS are realized via USSD power * 888 * 222 # for yogo understudy * 102 # .

Worse respect, that the most efficient way to switch to one of the tariff plans "All" for an additional online self-service service, or an analogue for smartphones - the mobile add-on "My Biline". The form of self-service does not only allow the visitor to change the tariff plan, but rather the ability to control vitrates, to improve the balance. have a good way, connecting and connecting services, converting the surplus included before the tariff to the Internet traffic package, hviliin and occasionally.

If you need to reject non-interconnected access to the Internet, please read our article.

Connecting to the Internet on a tablet

In a special way before, the power to adjust the Internet profile for the phone wasn’t poked around, so that the procedure was identical to that for a tablet PC.

Smartphone and tablet can be connected to the Internet in the same way:

  • activation "Package of three services";
  • setting up an Internet profile;
  • connecting internet options to the tariff due to the integrated package of traffic.

With the re-insurance of points, we were deprived of providing the correct parameters for adjusting the Internet profile:

  • im'ya - Beeline Internet;
  • access point to the Internet (APN) - internet.beeline.ru;
  • im'ya koristuvach - beeline;
  • the password is beeline.

Important! The stylistic operator Biline transferring the power of rejection automatic nalashtuvan Internet connection to service number 0880. Send message on arrival system SMS-notifications necessary adjustments, as it is necessary to take and save.

Activation of the Internet on computers

Now there is a possibility of accessing the mobile Internet on computers, it is necessary to add a childless USB modem from Biline with 3G or 4G functionality.
Tsey pristіy maє vlasne programmatically secure, it will automatically get up when it is connected to the USB port of the computer and it will not be displayed. dodatkovyh nalashtuvan... As a result, a Beeline SIM card has been inserted into the new machine for a USB modem for the robot, and I will need to use the option from the Highway family before I need to use it.

Optimally for the price of going, we have already described the Internet option "Highway 30 Gb 2016", which is like an overpaid tariff "All", we have added 30 Gb of traffic (for the month) and no additional cost.

At the end

The site will try to find out more about the important moments of connecting the mobile Internet to Biline. We will also propose to you to look over at the first video on a wide range of topics for short mastering of victual material.

If you have run out of food, or if you want to miss out on a message, hurry up the comments to the full statistics, and we will try to promptly give you a message.

Video: mobile internet from Beeline

Subscribers of the mobile operator "Biline" can connect the Internet to their mobile phone. As a rule, the company has a great deal of service to help you manually connect. For a cob, you need to fix the phone itself.

Sponsor of the distribution of P&G Statistics on the topic "How to turn on the Internet on the Biline" How to turn on the Internet on the phones Biline How to turn on the Internet on the roaming How to set up the Internet on the mobile phone


Know that on your mobile phone you can see such parameters as gprs or wap, so that you can transfer the power of this model stylistic phone for accessing the Internet. To get to know the instructions, to get to the phone, know the information on the Internet, or in the menu of the device itself. Set up the necessary parameters at the annex, as long as you haven’t used the mobile Internet “Biline”. For a complete open the menu on the phone, click on the tabs "Parameters" or "Parameters". Vibrating oblivious record at the Configurator window. Dodati novu regional recording under the type "GPRS / WAP data" and name it, for example, Beeline-Internet. Next, set up an access point, calling it internet.beeline.ru; write beeline at the field "im'ya koristuvach"; and do not remember the "Password" field; Authentication to vibrate "zvychaynu"; Empty the IP address. Close the menu after you have set it up and made it active. Even earlier, you have enabled the option to access the Internet (all subscribers have connected for requests), you can dial the command USSD * 110 * 181 #, then press the call key. Then rewrite your phone. Viber is based on the connection service, so do not vitrate penny koshty... Detailed information about the process can be obtained from the nearest office of the operator "Biline". You can also learn about promotions, options and services in a special cabinet, using the website www.beeline.ru for the additional Internet. Open the "Internet" tab and vibrate "Mobile Internet". So, start the page to reveal detailed information about current tariffs. Yak just

Інші news on topics:

To connect to the Internet for telephones in Kazakhstan, you need to be a subscriber of one of the stylistic operators - Beeline, Kcell or Tele2, as well as install WAP-access and GPRS. Sponsor of distribution of P&G Statistics on topics Yak nalashtuvati Internet on telephones in Kazakhstan

To connect the Internet to the mobile phone using the SIM card of the MTS operator, it is necessary to connect the device to WAP and GPRS, and also to set up the options in the phone menu. Sponsor of distribution of P&G Statistics on topics Yak connect to telephones and Internet on MTS Yak connect gprs MTS

Subscribers of the "Biline" stylistic company may have the opportunity to use the Internet for help mobile phone... Yak rule stylist operator I propose special services and options, which help you to help you meaningfully to spare the cost. For a few seconds, you will need to set up your phone.

To connect to the Internet on a mobile phone with the installed MTS SIM card, it should be turned off, then the GPRS and WAP are enabled, as well as the correct setting of the options for the phone menu. Sponsor of distribution of P&G Statty on the topic "Yak connect Internet to MTS phone" Yak nalashtuvati

Happy is Lyudin already not imagining her life without the Internet, even here you can talk with friends, take away the necessary information, exchange additional files... If a computer doesn’t need to be handled, it’s completely possible to connect the Internet to a mobile phone. VAT "MTS" yes

In Danish hour mobile internet becoming a popular servant of the middle Russians. "Biline", being one of the popular companies, gives its subscribers access to all computer framing... To use the Internet, you need to deprive yourself of the correct settings. mobile attachment.

Subscribers of the "Biline" company can access the Internet from their mobile phone, having established GPRS. Access to the wall is available for an hour there, de priyom. Receive connections without interrupting the Internet from the robot. Sponsor of distribution of P&G Statty on the topic "Yak connect GPRS to Beeline" Yak nalashtuvati

Unlimited mobile Internet is great for drinking among subscribers of Beeline. Ale often, the operator of that customer contributes to the development of a witness to the Internet without limitation. And if the majority of subscribers in the world are concerned about the mobile Internet without swapping for fast traffic and heavy traffic, then the operator is ready to propose less tariffs with a fixed Internet connection, then for the maximum possible amount of traffic. Oh, for Bilaini, they call it "bezlimitny". Prior to such tariffs, the line of tariff plans "All", as well as a family of Internet options, are applied.

Let's stop by the hour of the situation on the market mobile phone call nareshty pochala zmіnyuvatisya, moreover, on the subscribers. Until the end of 2016, all operators have stylized sound, Biline - in addition, we thought that the tariffs appeared with the help of the free mobile Internet - without the need for traffic. The very prices of new tariff plans are to be found in the whole round. The statistics and information about all tariffs with an unlimited mobile Internet from the Biline for small annexes that yak їх connect.

Free Internet Biline on the phone

  • A list of tariff plans with unlimited mobile Internet Biline tariff is displayed. For non-interconnected access to the Internet (from the territory of all Russia), the tariff is unlimited connections all the middle hedge Biline, 250 quilins on calls to telephones of the largest operators and 250 SMS shomysyatsya. Subscriber fee for the warehouse tariffє 20 rubles for a doba, and new customers for a share price - 10 krb / day for the first month of connection.

    You can switch to the "EVERYTHING" tariff by calling 0781, in " To a special cabinet»Or via SMS zі special code, which is necessary to send to your number from the side with the description of the tariff on the official website of the operator.

  • Line of tariffs "All" via Biline also gives non-interconnected subscribers access to the Internet. Ale little hto know that the tariffs are available in two options for different rotor systems. And if in front-of-the-line systems, Internet traffic is used, then for women with payment, the mobile Internet is not interconnected for traffic, nor for speed. The same package of hilin for calls, included before the tariff, there are three more, lower on similar tariffs with an advance payment. It is easy to see the skin from the options in the report:

    "All for 500"
    Upfront payment: 5 GB Internet, 550 hilin for calls and 300 SMS for 16.66 rubles / add.
    Postpaid: unlimited internet, 600 hilin and 300 SMS for 500 rubles per month.

    "All for 800"
    Overpayment: 7 GB traffic, 1000 hilin and 500 SMS for 26.66 rubles / add.
    Postpay: unlimited internet, 1100 hilin and 500 SMS for 800 rubles per month.

    "All for 1200"
    Overpayment: 10 GB traffic, 2000 hilin and 1000 SMS for 40 rubles for extra.
    Postpay: unlimited internet, 2200 hilin for calls and 1000 SMS for 1200 rubles per month.

    "Everything for 1800"
    Overpayment: 15 GB of traffic, 3000 wicks and 3000 SMS for 60 rubles for extra.
    Postpay: unlimited internet, 3300 hilin and 3000 SMS for 1800 rubles per month.

    You can switch to one of the tariffs of the "All" line at your "Special Cabinet" or number 0781. It's a pity that not all Beeline subscribers can switch to the tariff of the payment systems and services. You can find out if the available tariff for connecting to your SIM-card is available at.

Bezlimit for tablet

Proposition with an unlimited mobile Internet for tablets without two:

  • "# EVERYTHING is possible. Tablet", v subscription fee For whatever is included is the lack of Internet traffic. Before the speech, the payment of the warehouse 600 rubles th. The tariff does not transfer packets of hilin and SMS; Dzvіnki on all mіscevі rooms will get you at 1.7 rubles / min., and mіzhmіsto - by 2.9 rubles for the wickedness. Availability of one SMS to a warehouse 1.95 rbl.

    Switching to the tariff "EVERYTHING is possible. Tablet" Get a call to the service number 067-410-888 or through the "Special Cabinet".

  • So it is, like a brother, a tariff "Bezlimit for a tablet" we will give subscribers a deprivation of the mobile Internet. Calls and SMS are paid okremo, tariffs for hilin and occasionally are the same, as for the tariff "# EVERYTHING is possible. Tablet". And the axis of the monthly fee for the "Bezlimit for tablet" warehouse 890 rubles at the month.

    In terms of the characteristics of the tariff, this price is not the least expensive, it’s a cheap analogue. Ale yaksho vi raptom you go to tariff plan"Bezlimit for a tablet", as I have a look, you can go to the "Special Cabinet", or by calling the number 067-410-888.

Biline unlimited internet for modem

It’s a pity and ah, but the proposition of an unnecessary mobile Internet for modems from Beeline is not. To become overwhelmed, just once, in order to compete with other operators (for example,) free internet tariffs for modems, Beeline, the same tariff is displayed. And leave the modem for koristuvachi to be satisfied with the services of the Internet option "Highway", as they generate high-speed Internet with interconnected traffic.

To connect to modems, the operator will use the tandem option Highway (8, 12 or 20 gigabytes) and the Internet as required, as you need 200 Mb of cable-free traffic.

  • Plastic bag "Internet on request + Highway 8 GB" will cost you at 600 rubles every now and then and give 8 GB + 200 MB The Internet.
  • Subscription fee for "Internet on request + Highway 12 GB" (12 GB + 200 MB per month) warehouse 700 rubles.
  • Payment for "Internet on request + Highway 20 GB"1200 rubles.

You can connect one of these options with an unlimited Internet to your modem by dialing 067-40-999 or in the "Special Cabinet".

Unlimited Internet for Dobu Vid Biline

The inclusions up to your tariff, the Internet package will end earlier than an hour, and you need to download a large file or just want to catch a glimpse of the movie? Zavalosya used, the decision to lie on the surface: you just need to keep the traffic going (then you can do without the Internet). In the ideal traffic there is no space, well, but it’s worth it with a significant amount - gigabytes 100, for example))) The axis of Tele2 is so - you can connect the unlimited mobile Internet for just 20 hilines ... Yak bi is not so! Do not go through the Blainei number. Mabut, the unlimited Internet for doba for Bilayn is also unknown, that kind of service in the operator's arsenal is not.

Options for name "Internet for a day", at my glance, vzagal not varti respects, oskil nadayut smіshnі for the current worlds obsyagi traffic. 100 and 500 megabytes vartistyu 19 and 29 rubles for additional information. In a word, it is not enough and it is expensive. The service "Internet for a Day" is deprived of these subscribers, who are far from being on the Internet, and they don’t need to overpay packages for traffic. For active users of the Internet, once they need it, they can be pleased with the speed with the options "Selling speed 1 GB" and "Selling speed 4 GB".

Unlimited 4G Internet Biline

Servant "Bezlimit 4G" via Biline allows subscribers to use high-speed (up to 75 Mb / s) mobile Internet at 4G networks without using a large amount of traffic in all for 3 rubles for doba.

Of course, there is a lot of work on the territory of all Russia (the 4G coverage zone of the Biline can be wondered at the official website of the operator), and the Internet traffic package, included before the tariff, does not get lost in the 4G mesh. If your main traffic package ends, the bandwidth of the 4G hedge will all become high, and you can access the Internet!

It is possible to switch on the "Bezlimit 4G" service in the same way, if:

  • you already have a tariff for mobile internet;
  • Your mobile phone adapts to the 4G standard.

To activate the service and to use the unlimited 4G Internet Beeline, call the service number 067-4090-9871. You can call Bezlimit 4G by calling 067-4090-9870.

Yak connect unlimited Internet to Biline

Connect the unlimited mobile Internet from the Biline, enough vibrate the available tariff plan (or optional) and connect / switch to a new one, or in the "Special Cabinet" or by calling a special service number. The service "Mobile Internet" is also connected to your picture. Oscillations to enter the basic set of options and activate when you buy a SIM card, and if you haven’t turned on the service before, be sure: you have a mobile Internet connection and you can use it to everyone.

If you want to adjust your mobile Internet, then, as a rule, you don’t need to work with someone. On the right, when the first installation of the video in the mobile attachment, the mobile Internet is automatically set up. The win can be found on the basis of small models of telephones, for example, Chinese gadgets; Yak tse zrobiti is described. As soon as you have seen all the necessary activities, and the Internet on your annex is so, and without showing up, go to the problem for more help.

Video about 4G Internet Biline:

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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