HbbTV Zavdyaki Interactive TV Batch. TV connection Interactive TV connection: instructions

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help in case of likhomantsi, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and zastosovuyut antipyretic preparations. What is allowed to give to children of the chest? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Now you can take part in the programs of the First Channel, share in hostility, express your thoughts in voting and experiments, find out additional information about those that are on the screen, you can do it right on the air, wink only the remote control of your TV.

All the possibilities of the “other screen”, like the First Channel, having previously given to the coroners of their own, official channels in social networks, at once in one click are available right at the hour I look at the air on the first, television screen.

The interactive era began on April 13, 2018 - in the live broadcast of the show "Voice.Children", TV viewers could recognize the information about the participants in the show and sounded songs, evaluate the host's frantic voice and immediately jump into the preparations for the upcoming season show. Kostyantin Meladze, who has become the Mentor of the new season of "Voice-7", has been able to win the voice of the voice.

At the first hour on the air, 20% of all viewers, on the screen of which there were interactive notifications, took part in the training about the new mentors of the show.

Starting from the upcoming season, how coaches evaluate the performance of their vocalists. Now, under the hour of the skin release, you can vote for the best Mentor, and in the finals of the show "Voice" you can stun two candidates - the winner and the Mentor.

Image © First Channel, AT

shob Zvorotniy zv'azok With more direct and accessible viewers, Pershiy Kanal will continue to promote interactive storage in other TV programs. Now it is possible to log in with a phone number for an hour on the air of the programs “Voice”, “Who wants to become a millionaire?”, “Let's make friends” and take part in the programs without interruption!

Image © First Channel, AT

1. Light position

The right policy for the processing of personal data has been folded to the maximum federal law dated 27.07.2006. No. 152-FZ "On personal data" that determines the procedure for processing personal data and that you come in and take care of the security of personal data IP Shirokov D.V. (Dali - Operator).
The operator shall set as his most important method and intellectual development of his activity the acquisition of rights and freedoms of a person and a hulk during the processing of personal data, including the protection of rights to lack of private life, special and family privacy.
The Operator's informational policy regarding the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) is subject to all information, as the Operator may view the website http://rostelecom-russia.ru/.

2. The main concepts that are victorious in Politica

Processing of personal data has been automated - processing of personal data for additional help of counting technology;
Blocking of personal data - timely processing of personal data (with a vengeance, as such processing is necessary for clarification of personal data);
Website - a collection of graphic and informational materials, as well as programs for EOM and databases that ensure their availability in the Internet at the Internet address http://rostelecom-russia.ru/;
Information system of personal data - the collection is kept in the databases of personal data, and ensures its processing information technologies i technical benefits;
Identification of personal data - dії, as a result of which it is impossible to determine, without the addition of additional information, the belonging of personal data to a specific Koristuvachevi chi other subject of personal data;
Processing of personal data - whether it is a diy (operation) or a collection of diy (operation) , vityag, vikoristannya, transfer (widening, access, access), isolation, blocking, withdrawal, reduction of personal data;
Operator - state body, municipal body, legal office physical person, Independently or jointly with other persons, organize and (or) organize the processing of personal data, as well as determine the number of processing personal data, the warehouse of personal data, which are used to process, conduct (operations) that are processed with personal data;
Personal data - be it information that can be seen directly or side by side or be displayed to Koristuvachev's website http://rostelecom-russia.ru/;
Koristuvach - be a kind of representative of the website http://rostelecom-russia.ru/;
The data of personal data - dії, directed at the opening of personal data of a singing person or a singing stake of an osib;
Expansion of personal data - be it as if directing to the disclosure of personal data to an unspecified stake of osib (transfer of personal data) or to the recognition of personal data of an uncircumscribed stake of osib, including public disclosure of personal data in the backs mass information, Placement in information-telecommunication networks or access to personal data in any other way;
Transcordon transfer of personal data - transfer of personal data to the territory of a foreign power to an authority of a foreign power, a foreign physical or foreign legal person;
The reduction of personal data - be it any, as a result of such personal data, it is irrevocably reduced due to the impossibility of further renewal of personal data in information system personal data and (or) in the absence of any material wear of personal data.

3. The operator can process such personal data of Koristuvach

Name after my father;
telephone numbers;
Also, the site collects and collects information about the users (including cookies) for additional services of Internet statistics (Yandex Metrika and Google Analytics and others).
Reconsideration of more data was given according to the text of the Privacy Policy. Personal data.

4. Purpose of processing personal data

Meta processing of Koristuvach's personal data - giving Koristuvach access to services, information and / or materials that are posted on the website.
The Operator may also have the right to send Koristuvachevy notifications about new products and services, special propositions and different subdivisions. Coristuvach zavzhdy can take notice of the removal of informational notices by sending the sheet to the Operator by e-mail [Email protected] with a note "Vidmova vіd vіdomlennyah about new products and services and special propositions".
Specialized data of koristuvachiv, which are collected for additional services of Internet statistics, serve to collect information about koristuvachiv on the site, enriching the quality of the site and yogo zmistu.

5. Legal submission of personal data

The Operator processes the personal data of the Koristuvach only in various ways / or corrects the Koristuvach independently through special forms, sorted on the website http://rostelecom-russia.ru/. Zapovnyuyuchi vіdpovіdnі forms і / аbо vіdravlіchi their personal data to the Operator, Koristuvach vyslovlyuє zgodu z ієyu polіtikoyu.
The Operator collects specific data about Koristuvach in different ways, as it is allowed in Koristuvach's browser settings (saving cookies and using JavaScript technology is enabled).

6. Procedure for the collection, collection, transfer and other types of processing of personal data

The security of personal data, as collected by the Operator, is secured by the way for the implementation of legal, organizational and technical inputs necessary for the implementation of full obligation Vymog dignified legislation in the sphere of protection of personal data.
The operator ensures the safety of personal data and lives all possible entries, which include access to personal data of non-updated systems.
The personal data of Koristuvach will never, for any reason, be passed on to third persons, for the sake of a blame for vipadkiv, connected with vikonanniya dignified legislation.
In case of inaccuracies in personal data, Koristuvach can update them independently, by submitting a notification to the Operator at the Operator's e-mail address [Email protected] with a note "Updating personal data".
The term for the processing of personal data is irrelevant. The correspondent can, at any time, apply his/her favor to the processing of personal data by sending the Operator a notification for additional e-mail to the Operator's e-mail address [Email protected] with the sign "Vdklikannya go to the processing of personal data."

7. Transcordon transfer of personal data

The operator, prior to the beginning of the transcordon transfer of personal data, is transferred to the one that a foreign power, on the territory of which transfers the transfer of personal data, secures the right protection of the rights of the subject of personal data.
Transcordon transfer of personal data on the territory of foreign powers, if it is not applicable to other designated persons, it may only be used in different ways in a written form of the subject of personal data to the transcordon transfer of his/her personal data to / or viconnance of an agreement, a party to such a subject danich.

8. Principal regulations

Koristuvach can take a look at the need for food, what are the costs of yogo personal data, turning to the Operator for additional electronic mail [Email protected]
IN this document will be subject to changes in the policy of processing personal data by the Operator. The policy is line-free until replaced by a new version.
The current version of the Policy for free access is posted on the Internet at the address http://rostelecom-russia.ru/policy.

You can connect digitally at home TV quickly and for the minimum cost by contacting OnLime. We suggest to our clients two connection options: digital and interactive. Interactive or digital TB via the Internet is the latest in telecommunications. With a sharpness typical for digital format, interactive television gives you more control over viewing and the ability to access the Internet right from the TV screen. To install digital TV, you need a dark Internet channel, a modern TV set and a set-top box.

What additional options are available for iptv digital television?

If you accept the decision to connect IPTV, then you will have access to unlimited additional options, and yourself:

  • You can yourself by the process of reviewing your favorite film or TV show. Pause if you need to rewind, or turn on rewind if you missed something important in the story.
  • If necessary, you can record a film, a new release lighting programs or a football match, and then marvel at them, if there is a good hour.
  • You can speed up the archive in order to know the programs, but you were not surprised and did not catch the record.
  • Koristuyuchisya iptv through the prefix, you deny access to the majestic library of the most popular films. Choose and marvel at everything that suits you.
  • You can go to the Internet right from the TV screen, to talk to your friends in social networks, to know the weather forecast or to watch the TV program guide.
  • You can control the content that your children will marvel at by setting up an exchange for these and other topics.
  • You can control karaoke at home and entertain your guests by having fun with it all the time.
  • Another one tsіkava mozhlivіst- tse association of screens of dekilkoh devices for revisiting those chi іnshої transfers.

How to connect digital TV to interactive format in Moscow?

With the proposition of such a leading provider as OnLime, you can connect your home digital TV for a bargain price.

For whom it is necessary to bring a prefix from us, or take it on rent.

Our master will come to you at an early hour to carry out the installation and configuration of the interactive TV system. If you need digital TV for two TVs, then you will need to bring two set-top boxes and install them on the skin.

OnLime promotes the installation of digital TV set-top boxes in Moscow, regardless of your area of ​​residence. Just like in the very center, so in distant places we will ensure high quality of production and official service.

You can also buy digital TV from us via the Internet by filling in a simple application form on our website. You will not need to waste your time to come to our office.

You can find out how to fix digital TB with our instructions and work independently. The procedure is simple and easy on the skin.

The variety of services of digital TB without wires will lie depending on which package you take. You can choose for a number of mortgages in a new channel, or you can focus only on the channel for you, for example, sports, cinema or channels for grown-ups. OnLime proposes a few options for pricing solutions, among which you will find the best one for you.

Interactive television - the future of telecommunications. Rely on new technologies, and your life will become recognizable and bright.

191 yew 2353

subject: Rozvagi Krajina: Russia Language: Russian

First Internet Channel- zasnovany in 2008 rotsі St. Peterburzі, a short hour becoming vserosіyskim lіderom directly translyatsіy, zabezpechuyuchi visokoyakіsnu i bezperebіynu transmission signal vikoristovuyuchi Zaporizhya tehnologії in komunіkatsіynoї sfere.Pervy Іnternet Translyatsіya zdіysnyuєtsya in digital formatі visokoї chіtkostі tsіlodobovo, zdіysnyuyuchi translyatsії іnformatsіyno-rozvazhalnogo nature . Almost the whole world is stunned by the movements, the Russian channel promotes the most relevant media products, including live broadcasts of mass public and cultural events. The city of movement also has rozvazhalny projects of wet production, TV broadcasting in real time, familiarity with the novelties of the world of cinema, music, fashion.

First Internet Channel- foundations in 2008 in St. Petersburg, in a short hour becoming the all-Russian leader in live broadcasts, providing high-quality and uninterrupted signal transmission, vicorist and new technologies in the communications sphere.

The First Internet Channel conducted motion in digital format with high clarity and quality, resulting in broadcasts of an informational and adventurous nature. Almost the whole world is stunned by the movements, the Russian channel promotes the most relevant media products, including live broadcasts of mass public and cultural events.

The city of movement also has rozvazhalny projects of wet production, TV broadcasting in real time, familiarity with the novelties of the world of cinema, music, fashion.

Support the project - share your efforts, thank you!
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