Gamers have been asked to beta test Mirror's Edge: Catalyst in a new video. Mirror's Edge: Catalyst and system vimogi gris rescheduled

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April 22 started close beta testing Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst... Within this framework, you can evaluate the chotiri of the mission from the plot campaign, play on the open source and viprobate the func- tionality. Shanuvalniks nareshty have the opportunity to look at the re-birth of the original Mirror "s Edge, She was released in 2008 roci. We present to your court visnovka, as a result of the winnings for one such priest.

What Mirror's Edge Becomes All

Mi chekaєmo Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst about an hour. Original Mirror "s Edge I went to see the rock in that and went on to the right furor - it’s never been overwhelming, but the developers Battlefield There can be floorboards and a distance to grow a group in the first genre from the first individual. boo Mirror "s Edgeі problems - її magic repaired in'yanuti, if the heroine took the head in hand, alley on a sterile place and a realistically broken cliff behind the laws of Nvidia PhysX, but everything has gone awry

Slightly about a friend, some of them started walking in 2011, ale tody DICE just started to sell the gris. The consoles of the generation that were up-to-date at that time (Xbox 360 and PS3) did not seem to be the same. Tom will be announced only at E3 2013, if there will be Xbox one i PS4. The retailers did not keep up with showing the trailers to the game process short graph, Nizh won є for sure (well, inevitably, if you show on public a project for systems that still have dumb financial specifics), into the distance.

Two more rockies DICE took care of the grips in parallel with Star Wars: Battlefront... Behind the words of the developers, as the currency was changing, Electronic Arts gave їm style to an hour, and it’s necessary - a fresh start not far away Battlefield 4... Before E3 2015, the official name of the gris was known - Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst- yake pіdkresli її status. Before us are not the styles of another part, but the images of the reappraisal, re-engagement of the series and the bounty of rosubniks in all of them.

DICE has taken out the original cargo for guintics, retrofitted it and put in unnecessary elements in the design. So the head heroine stopped koristuvatsya in the fireballs and began to effectively and efficiently usuvat his enemies in close combat in parkour (tracing, friranu - I will not get hung up in the statistics on cich terms).

Mirror's Edge: Catalyst Beta Feud

The feud is already the first actual frame, generated on the monitor. We knew that in DICE they were able to work with the computer graphics, which reached the perfect level of Frostbite 3. Well, it was good, it was awesome, what did you check out? Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst in the visual plan. You are amazed that you will not be surprised to find the word you gave yourself. Gra is brightly beautiful, but the stylistics are reversed so and not Prey 2.

In general, everything is broken up in the first part. Heap in design and management of the day. The keys have been changed by the name of the worm color, the springboards have not been changed. The skip is shown for strikes and big on the walls, the pressure of Ctrl for the hero before the descent is absent, light attacks are carried out on F. Deus Ex: Human Revolution... The camera allows its own kindness, most often in cinematographic scenes for the time, so that it is not seen in the eyes of the heroine.

As for the efficient change - Faith began to actively cries out for the services of the updated reality. You steadily put the chervony in front of you. The bosses of yomu gravets will be rendered into two meals - they will change their rank. It will show you one time, you can turn it on again by pressing the Alt button (the so-called zir bigun). Everything is even more stylishly painted, the elements of the designated for koristuvach interface are vitonized to be adored by otochenny.

Satisfaction with the parkour nevimovna. Vidchuvash is exactly the same emotsii, if Assassin's Creed is running on a new engine, and spostering for new in effective ways change of the protagonist. It’s not a keruєsh not a human, but a kimos from a family of kittens, which is 200% vikorist.

With a whole DICE would not have been, would not be able to see the characters. Yak viglyadaє on the side is the head hero of the shooter; As a matter of fact, it’s just an automaton in turn, which is squeezing high-polygonal brushes. You have no way of seeing the keruvannya erect, the camera roughly conveys the arms of the head, dropping the eyes down, not bachish nig. Already good, as the model of the character is rendered in the mirror.

Yak tse viglyadaє in Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst: zovsim inakshe. DICE in the distance to transfer to the taku drіbnitsyu, as in the sight of all hands. At the butt, I can put the crossbars, like a vicorist heroine. The camera is tied down below such a crossbar just over the two of Faith's hands. First, it’s broken so, like it’s okay: hands are blown out of the way for an hour, the image from the sides is growing, and it’s literally chuєsh, like it’s going to grow again. The heroine sees the sounds and the sound of the same, as well as the eyes of the people at the vison of acrobatic elements. Uvaga to the sounds is also viconano on the other side, but the voices of the actors, the stench has gone all over the place. Heroes say so, like saying bi real lyudina at їх місці. The soundtrack is also in order.


See the place of the enemy. I think that if you start the groove, then the mind is the one who was so rejected by all the rock. You can come before your day for the wonderful days of the day. Surely, there you can be built by the enemies, and as good as the developers were working in the beta version of the new combat system.

Zitknuvsya from the decilcom by the thresholds, guessing, yak DICE obedin the most organically to weave the boyova system into the parkour. Everything went well at the studio. Opponents can be beaten for an hour by striking, kovzannya, big on the walls of anti-trophies, not beating up their pace. The versatility of the reception is tied to the physical, you can knock the enemy on the edge, or call it on the other person who has wicked the metush. Nedobrozichlivtsi in the edge quickly turn on (at least in the discernible choters), because of the situation, if the supernaturals are engaging in the plot, I am not stuck - more enemies can be stuck with a powerful blow. V new version plan for a little bit of the road, obviously, the situation will be very good.

Take the pace in Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst even more importantly, that will remember the focus scale. The focus is a free camp, as I will make you indifferent. Faith focuses on oversupply, don't ignore all the insights. As a result, the heroine gains such a speed that it is too much for them to eat.

Yak vashtovaniye vіdkritiy misto v Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst... By the way, they are the same as in two parts of Spider-Man for PS1. Only awakening is available for further admission, it is not possible to go down the street to ordinary residents. Ale woke up here - tse nagato more, not just dahu. Choose the best of tiers - low buddies, whiskeys, as a cost for moving among them. In the days of awakening, you can go and see your gut. Do not be self-conscious on the dakhs, here and there you can beat people with non-disgusting accusations - the dakhu dummies have long since replaced the earth.

The map of the place, distributed into districts, is not much larger, the developers donated a few for the year of happiness. Well, since we are talking about opening lights, fix dozens of collectible items, do not think so, because the stench is needed.

For the passage of the mission, they give points to the knowledge, so be mentally prepared before the hero is pumped. Beta to take revenge on information about all the polish, if you don't want spoilers - go through the paragraph on the screen. Eyewitnesses can see through three points in detail: acrobatic navichki, boyovy priyomi and epiphany heroine (total 50 health). See the new techniques of parkour that fight, develop old tips, you can contribute to health promotion. A special point for ekipiruvannya, here you can open the position of all objects on the card, trim and unfold the tip (tse taky gak-kishka without a whip) i, mute Watch dogs, You are on the lookout for a pereshkodi in the supernicks and drones.

No words about the plot

I don’t want a spoiler for you Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst(To deliver to the nobility,, The plot of the gris is immaculate with the first part. Cinematographic stage of a viconany on a role-playing mushroom for an expensive boyovik. Before the hour of the game process, dialogues are constantly displayed, additional details are found. The heroine otchuє helpless characters, the skin has its own character and motives. It’s even more tricky to understand, as everything will develop in the final version. DICE didn't look for Rhianna Pratchett, who wants to write a plot Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst, Evil tongues podeykuyut, scho Electronic Arts has fallen into oblivion not satisfied with the robot daughter of the famous writer in the first part.

Scho obіtsyaє multiplayer Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst

Retailers to reduce the rate on social warehouse Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst... It means. All bighuns are steadily hovering one by one for a fast track experience. You can set your own viprobuvannya, you can set records in those already invented. Available as a minimum part of collection items.

So is the plan for a companion supplement. Accurate tributes are dumb, ale, shvidshe for everything, allow you to display the map of the place on your iPad and give you access to your beloved heirloom functions.

Pidsumkov's thought about the beta version of Mirror's Edge: Catalyst and factories

Possibilities of Frostbite 3.5 and respect DICE to the details get angry and make the grudge, as I turn the first part, save the attributes of the series. The beta version does not allow you to see the plot in the world, the scriptwriters will be evaluated in the release version. However, you can sturdzhuvati for a bastard, scho Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst Not without good measure, I got to the status of an ideal gree. DICE has everything it needs to bring its head robot into life.

Riziku factories? Only the developers cannot showcase the design of the missions on the same level as the showcase of the demonstrations in the beta. Opponents stand the same way, so that they have run over them and stunned them, but they didn’t make any progress. Yaksho closer to the end Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst The enemies are booked anyway, but don't expect a fast pace - that the enemy from the financial grievance will appear lower, not from the beta version.

іnsha there is a problem- death, tied to the heroine's lack of effective management - wired, for the sake of the dyakuvati zir bigun. Varto aktivuvati yogo, і will help you to rush through quiet times, desperately try. It’s too late to repeat all the steps. I don’t think there’s a problem here, because it’s like management in Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst in the edge and in the edge of the chuyne.

Well, nareshti beta version, yes, the possibility of seeing at least a small number of third-party activities. Apparently, it is not possible to transfer, as a lot of people went to see the light, so you can buy gravel for a few dozen years.

Ale me to be built, so that everything is going to be fought. Before the tim, as published the preview, I will rotate 2008 and launch Mirror "s Edge... By stretching out the text, I have developed the word "new rivn", so the axis of everything is absolutely true. Dying light do not appear from Dead island, naskіlki Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst from Mirror "s Edge... It’s even better, so the game was rocking for the younger generation of consoles. Before us is a new round of development of the series, and I am even more energetic before it ends.

On the productivity drive - DSOGaming logs were hit at 1080p at a stable 60 fps (for good reason, the number of frames did not fall below 70), Nvidia's victories GeForce GTX 970. In 4K-modes, the video card runs at 20-40 fps, however, drawdowns of up to 4-5 frames are prevented. graphic side Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst viglyadaє completed - if you want to, you can adjust textures at a distance. DICE Quote and Grave are planning to work on optimizing grids - obviously, in the first place, the author will concentrate Zusilla on 4K-permissiveness.

Rescheduled Mirror's Edge: Catalyst i systemic vimogs gris

On the cob of Beta, the rozrobniki saw everyone, so that the date of entry should be rescheduled. Mirror "s Edge: Catalyst... Now you can find 7 worms in Pivnichniy America and 9 worms in Europe on PC, Xbox One and PS4. The beta version showed that it was taku gruvarto pochekati.

Yaksho plan grati on PC, sleep nachiti yogo additional modules operational memory- in the recommended system vimogs, 16 GB of RAM were removed. If you have chosen to view your PCs, you can enjoy the graphics effects in the whole world, as DICE implemented in the group.

To sign up for the Mirror "s beta test Edge catalyst You must have an Electronic Arts account. Yaksho її dumb, then Regal is for tsim posilannyam. Dal i demo according to the number of times you can and eat, vlasne, on the record for the test. To emboss the cob on a large card, the button "Restore", then we authorize for the login and password EA, then select our game platform (XBOX ONE, PS4 or Origin PC) and I know embossed on the Restoration. At the offensive wіknі, with the bazhanna, you can sign up for the news.

At the same time, everyone does not give a guarantee of access to the test!

Well, good, smut, try and submit an application, I do so. The gra will be available through Origin, as it was already z'yasuvali, and even before the replacement for 1999 rubles.

And why should we find a new part of the Mirror's Edge? lіnіyne passage, And the display is light. It is not the style of gadgets to come. There is a cable for podolannya great vіdstanei and a mitten, as vivodit wry electronics. Concentration - to accumulate for an hour to the ruins and even to overcome during maneuvers and battles with enemies. Graty, before the speech, will be performed on the controller. Well, parkour, of course, hasn't gone anywhere - it's going to be bigger now.

Okremo wants to talk about music. Remember, how did the metri of electronic battles take up the remix to the main part of the first part? On Steam, I joined together with the soundtrack and listened to it and listened to it. The axis in the Mirror "s Edge Catalyst music is even cooler than the atmospheric one, and even more beautifully in the game process! Especially I check the soundtrack output, it will be just as good as it will be!

http: //site/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Mirror's-Edge-Catalyst-main-150x150.jpg

The release of Mirror's Edge Catalyst was announced on May 24, 2016 rock, and at this hour it is already being recruited for a closed beta test. Yaksho її dumb, then Regal is for the tsim to the power. Dal, ydemo, according to the number of times you can,

The test was tested at resolutions of 1920x1080, 2560x1600 and 3840x2160 at maximum adjustments graphics quality allowed by the Mirror's Edge Catalyst Beta. AMD CrossFireX and SLI cannot be loaded at the moment.

dough at even the highest brightness settings 1920х1080

Immediately, it means that in this vipad, 2 gigabytes of solution is not comfortable to behave, because of the time-consuming drawdowns and freezies, which are not taken into account by the recommendations. With these settings, an acceptable FPS indicator was shown by video cards equal to Radeon HD 7950 or GeForce GTX 960 4G.

dough at even the highest brightness settings 2560x1440

In this vipadka Velmi Freeze 3 gigabyte solution AMD, so it is impossible to recommend it for a comfortable gri. With these settings, an acceptable FPS indicator was shown by video cards equal to Radeon R9 380X or GeForce GTX 960.Optimal solutions to become video cards equal to Radeon R9 290 or GeForce GTX TITAN.

Testing with even higher brightness settings 3840x2160

Well, in 4K, UVU mi bachimo, we lost 6 gigabytes of solution. At 4 gigabytes, all of our solutions have a bakelny frieze with a borderline low frequency of 1-3 FPS. With these settings, an acceptable FPS indicator was shown without the video card of the GeForce GTX 980 Ti. But all the same and on them є timchasovі freezies, so in this vypadku, imovіrno, if necessary deprive TITAN X.

Testing with live video games conducted by the program MSI Afterburner. For the indicator, the results were taken on the top-notch types of AMD and NVIDIA, with the permissiveness 1920х1080 and 2560х1440 with different settings for smoothing.

Testing at maximum memory GPU performance

Recommended by the general display of video images for the resolution 1920х1080 for 4096 Mb of video images, for displaying 2560x1440 - 6144 mb for video images and for the resolution of 3840x2160 it is close to 6144 mb for video images.

The processor-dependent tests were carried out on 16 models of basic configurations, which are relevant for the current day. The test was carried out in quiet moments, the value of the video card for the minimum and the increase of the quality became less than 99%, at all times with the permission of 1920х1080.

Testing at maximum adjustments of brightness 1920х1080

The productivity of the processors is sufficient for all models.

Mirror "s Edge Catalyst Beta back up to 8 counting streams.

The test was carried out on a basic configuration Core i 7 [email protected] GHz with 32 GB DDR4 2400 MGz memory installed. The entire vikoristovuvana operative memory was taken for the indicator. The test of operational memory on all systems was carried out on new test benches without launching third-party supplements (browsers, etc.).

Testing with the growth of RAM with different brightness settings

Yak mi bachimo, at other installations The amount of live memory available in the Mirror's Edge Catalyst Beta is between 3500 megabytes.

Testing with RAM system

With the presence of a system with 6 gigabytes of Mirror "s Edge Catalyst Beta, all 5.5 gigabytes of operative memory are available (varto means given a swap velmi is small, especially when the video cards are victorious with a small size of video cards). With the presence of a system with 8 gigabytes, the memory of all operational memory was stored 7.5 gigabytes. With a 16 gigabyte system, the living memory of the memory was stored up to 8.5 gigabytes. If 32 gigabytes of operative memory is available, the system will run 10.2 gigabytes of operative memory.

Bula shvidshe is similar to the five-year-old viprobuvannya of twists of mechanics, until they screwed up, screwed, vlasne, gru. Then they didn’t forget to poke Rianna Pratchett, for the help of which they corrected such a plot about the girls-parkour, but the dialogue is heard in certain moments, when the grave saw the intolerable bazannya to see what they were denouncing. The first axis, through a lot of rock, we will be asked again to the dakha of Mista Dzerkal - leave only for a year.

I am guilty of povidomiti, so that we will break right from the start. Tse is not Beta. Tse Pre-Alfa. I’m still thinking - I’m grateful, I’ve got to work hard, even technical problems on the first day of the beta test on PS4 were simply unbearable. If you fall through the texture - okay, boo. Chi without spratsyuvav the script for the first time - okay, I'll survive. Ale is terribly frightened, if, having pushed all the axis of technical jambs, five times having turned on the place all the wristwatches were adjusted (more than all the wigglers in the settings for me were scared in the extreme left of the set of leather once, in the menu I didn’t viyavlyash itself bіlya opening doors to the plot room without the possibility of the tsimi doors of interaction. At the whole moment I am burning stronger, lower than the death of a high-born hero in.

Ale now, I am sick with you and I am new to you. Now, everything is good, and we can marvel at, taking in the prisms of pain and pain.

If I am delighted with her, I am bachimo the same. Beta to fix the fact that the heroine walked from the knights and to show us the old good Misto Dzerkal. If you don’t wake up your eyes, blink, as the plot knows, it smells like a product of zhitєdіyalnosti; And then there’s not enough. And then do not heed the order and do not forget a little, at the same time submitting all your organization. I know I will not heed the order. Seriously, how good a courier won’t be the fault, why didn’t they shoot their companions? Characters and dialogues based on the plot: we have a stereotypical dude who stuck at the development for about sixteen years and threw himself at all times through his organ complexes, a wise guy who is ready to sacrifice a tattoo , like to sit on a day and a year of pigeons, instead of being on the right, and a dude-shanuvalnik, two rocks having looked at Faith's dress and giving up those other tasks. At me I wonder how I am amazed at the serial for girls-children.

And in this rank we vitratied half of the statty, negotiating minusi gris. Ale doesn’t get tired of it, and now we turn to positive feuds.

The roc in the grі has been overshadowed by the sly rіvnі, and the control of the trocha has been rotated. Absolutely unreasonable to what, but I see the greatness of satisfaction with the change in. The appearance of the first individual can be a problem, but do not go into the adjustment and change the Field of View indicator so that it has become comfortable. Varto viprobuvati is an alternative control scheme. For that, as a comfortable combination is known, in Russia it is simply different. I’ll look at the picture at a glance 60 frames per second 95% of the game hour (not a cutscene, in which it’s not more than 30 FPS), a picture for an hour I’ll start to grumble, look and bang on the eyepieces virtual reality... I feel even stronger, I’m out of the sofa and in front of the TV, and I’m resting against a certain person. And why we take the big picture in place on the background of the shipment, we do it in the sense of the moment. I don’t use Runner’s Vision - the system of additional help for a joke. The distance from point A to point B is always possible here in different ways Ale vitrachati an hour on їkh poshuk means standing on a place, but it’s absolutely unwise in such a group.

The axis is so maє viglyadaty Mirror "s Edge

Through the branch of our team, we will learn more about light gris. According to the fact that it was in the beta version, it is important to judge about the assignment of the bagans to their own Mist, albeit in any way, to reach the main plot line. For the quiet, who wants to back up their own image at the first place in the rating of gravitationalists, they started asynchronous production. In such vipadki gravtsya put in front of the starting line and lead to the end through the swamp pereskod. Unimportant to those who Runner's Vision pidvichu way to meti, varto trimati are widely seen and shukati alternative routes. Gravets, which borrows the first place in the top of the one available in the beta on PS4, is twice as big as the larger part of the gravets. Tsi little zmagannya - one of the head sorcerers of the news Mirror's Edge

I have only one food for the beta test: why should I clean up everything, just not messing up the grave, ten times passing the same route along the paths of the place? To finish it іmovіrno, but life didn’t come to anything like our little Faith, so ії creators, і we іn the middle group about even beautiful parkour.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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