Algorithmization course on the development of the idol system and automatic testing. Installation of the middle idol

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Kumir (kumira) - the initial complex, creations for teaching the programming of schoolchildren in the middle and senior classes. I called my own name - the Set of Headlights - an addendum took away the zest of its modularity and expansion.

The development of an idol began in the spring of 1985 with the creation of a high school algorithmic movie. At that time, there were few computers, and the first schoolchildren, who learned how to use this method, wrote their programs in the original files.

The current Russian version of Kumir appeared only until 1995 and became the main method for learning programming. In the meantime, the head complex has been supplemented and completed, and in the next hour it is planned that the wine will be victorious during the EDI.

The addendum is being expanded under the GNU 2.0 license, which allows you to win the Set of Primary Lights by any means, including commercial ones.


It is important to list all the advantages of this program, moreover, it has practically no available analogues. Prote, varto see the coming:

  • simple language programming, based on Algol, easy for young people;
  • Russian vocabulary in the language of algorithmic language;
  • support not only for Windows, but also for Linux;
  • shvidka nalagodzhennya programs;
  • vbudovani vykonavtsi Draftsman and Robot;
  • creations of dodatkovyh vikonavtsiv;
  • reverification of the created algorithm on the fly, which allows you to pardon your pardon.

Pluses and minuses

The program has its pluses and minuses, like the riches of other primary complexes. Let's take a look at them in detail.

  • the accuracy of the process of creating an algorithm;
  • simple system navchannya, like viroblya i zakryplyu korisnі novichki programming;
  • object-orientation pidhid;
  • rich in algorithmic constructions, which can be easily added to the created program;
  • extensions to control pardons, including showing: pardon array index, non-significant changes, numerical reordering.

The programs also have a lot of shortcomings, most of them are connected with the fenced area and zastosuvannya.

  • it is not possible to call the function and not to turn the result of it:
  • but the application is not too rich, but the dovіdka does not give vodpovіdі on deyakі nutrition;
  • it is not possible to format visnovok danich, persh for all numbers;
  • the speed of the robot and the interpreter is overwhelming;
  • vbudovanu mov programing is practically not needed anywhere else and does not earn popularity.

Acts from the appointments of short-term plans are planned to be used in the upcoming version of idols, as they have already been broken up and are in the testing stage.

Yak koristuvatisya

After the launch of the program, the editor will receive a draft of the future algorithm (the robot is assigned for locking). If necessary, yoga can be remembered on the armchair.

Let's calculate the area of ​​the square, for which you need to enter the following code:

alg square area

Things dozhina, area

introduction of the dozhina

Area: \u003d dovzhina * dovzhina

Visnovok "The area of ​​the square is dorivnyu", square

In a similar way, you can play a lot of other school tasks.

The menu of the addendum is Russian language, and with the introduction of the algorithm, all the pardons are immediately visible, which allows you to quickly learn how to program whether you are a person.


Write your first algorithm and learn the basic commands to supplement the upcoming lecture lesson.

take advantage

On our site you can download Kumir all at once with the necessary vicons for comfortable work in the program.

Mova Russian
OS Windows 7, 8.1, 10

Kumir is a program for senior class programmers, created by NIIS RAS. This software allows students to learn how to program in global education schools and to change skills in practical activities.

The idol is deciphered, like the "Set of Head Lights". The program is designed to teach you the basics of programming. An idol having been widely occupied at the lessons of informatics for high school students in higher education schools.

The program is composed of a number of components. The "Standard" component of works with a large set of title and initial cursives. Another "StandardPro" is expanded with additional lessons. The idol has a course of practical work for high school students and teachers.


Practicum with lessons z mov programming is popular in computer science lessons. The program for the basics of programming is equipped with a high school algorithm. Qia mov is an analog of the syntax, which is used in the old mov programs in Pascal or Basic.

The code of the program definitions in Cyrillic, which gives a simple interpretation of information. Learn easier to understand logical operations and move algorithms. The idol has algorithms for "compilation" and "interpretation". The retailers of these programs call them “Robot” and “armchair”.

The head of the program is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In some lessons, you can look at the visuals in the "visual visual". The visual shell allows you to inadvertently work on changes, as if they were working with the program code. All lessons practical robots created behind the structure of the okremi courses. As a result of great work, the program saves unfinished programs in the KUM format. The launch of cih robots in the Windows operating system is not available. vicorist special programs for compilation, to launch the created projects in the KUM format.

The creators of the programs divided the great project into several stages. The idol has a function, how to follow the correct code input and the correct value. Special helper showing data logical viraziv and information, after the introduction of assignment operations on the okremіy panel.

The initial program is available for downloading and copying on a free basis. The number of installations is not fenced. An idol can be built on any basic computer. Software security install on computer operating system Windows i on UNIX systems.

Most important

  • The idol is suitable for the education of high school students in foreign educational schools;
  • its own syntax base, like creations in Cyrillic;
  • podіl practicumіv vlasnі courses;
  • revenge practical work for readers;
  • the program works on cost-free license GNU 2.0;
  • clumsy shell with Russian mine.

Download the Kumir environment to install a booth:[..]dows-32bit-setup.exe

Get the archives with the course of the head of the house for housekeeping:. The archives are regularly updated!

installation Kumir

2. Run the download exe file. You may need to run the file with administrator rights (Context menu - Run as administrator):

3. As a rule, you can confirm all meals during installation by a standard order.

add cursive

1. The course from the tasks is stored in the kumir directory, which contains the robot.kurs.xml file with a description of the course, enclosed in the robot subdirectory with butts of the starting situations of the robot and program templates. All files are packed in one zip-archive, attachments by address. These archives are regularly updated around the world, new tasks appear.

2. Your special decisions and the results of your reverification are saved in the file, which is in your home directory. In this way, in order to take an exact copy of the course and the last day at home, it is necessary to capture zip-archives with the course, unpack the booth, and also take a copy of the file, sending it to yourself by email or transfer to USB Flash.

Robot at home

1. Launch Kumir, open the course window (menu "Tools - Practicum"). Press the button "Get a course" and select the file (the file with your decisions).

If you look at the file and tell me about the pardon - Kumir can't know what the course should be in the robot.kurs.xml file (these files can be found in another directory).

Specify the path to the robot.kurs.xml file.

If so, you can count the task:

Rescheduling vikonanikh zavdan from home to school

Send file by email or transfer yoga to USB Flash. When submitting this file at school, you will send the same information about the pardon, enter the file to the course /home/pub/tasks/kumir/robot.kurs.xml.

idol ( Before set At Chebnykh PEACE iv) - the cross-platform Russian programming system is fully expanded, recognized for cob stubble the basics of algorithmization. Zavantage idol 1.9 You can on the website of retailers or on the official website of the project.


  • freely expanded the middle (GPL 2.0 license);
  • cross-platform ( Windows, Linux);
  • support from the side of Russian retailers (NIIS RAS);
  • russian command movi programming;
  • rozvinenі opportunities to improve programs;
  • automatic view, which shows the structure of the program;
  • the possibility of making workpieces automatic verification;
  • the ability to manage vikonavtsy with programs;
  • the possibility of connecting new vykonavtsiv.


  • coherently motivate learners to join the movement, which does not stop anywhere;
  • the interpreter’s work is more necessary (to speed up the speed in version 2.0, as it is being expanded at a time);
  • it is not possible to change the value of the arguments in the middle of additional algorithms (for example, in the implementation of the Euclidean algorithm as a function, it is necessary to start two changes);
  • it is not possible to call a function as a procedure, ignoring the result (for example, if the result of the function is a rotation code and in this case, do not click);
  • unhandled and unpredictable dovodkova system;
  • there is no format output to the console and to a file, like in Pascal (type x: 4); it is necessary, for example, to display the matrix on the screen with equal columns.

It is planned that the idol will be one of the programming systems allowed during the computer version of the EDI s informatics (details of the div. in the blog).

On the second side, the author's methodical descriptions of the idol in the 6th-8th grades of the global education school are presented.

Novini now i in the Telegram channel

April 2, 2019
placed a robot E.V. Drozhzhin“Algorithm for an idol. Collection of the head of programming "(Bєlgorod, 2016).

December 19, 2017
Additions workshop for preparation to OGE in informatics (task 20.1 with Robot).

March 1, 2013
Add materials to the additional "Workshops with automatic reversal of solutions in the middle of the idol" at the V International Pedagogical Marathon of Primary Subjects (28 February - 1 February 2013, m Veliki Luka).

September 27, 2013
Additions workshop "Zavdannya C2" for preparing to EDI in informatics.

October 12, 2012
Addendum “Programming in Russian” at the Somiy Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference “Development of the Regional Educational Information Environment”.

April 11, 2012
dodana robot control on the basis of Robot (at the form of the course).

For licensed pleasure

  1. 1) publication of materials in any form, including the placement of materials on other Web sites;
  2. 2) expansion of incorrect or changed materials;
  3. 3) inclusion of materials in the collections on any information carriers;
  4. 4) otrimanna kommertsionnoi ї vogodi vіd sale or іnshoy vykotoryannya materialiv.

The interest in materials means that you have come in handy with the minds of your license area.

OGE in informatics

Practicum for preparation to OGE in informatics different types tasks:

  1. Closed corridor.
  2. One wall.
  3. One row, a lot of walls.
  4. Two rows.
  5. Walls with aisles.
  6. Go.
  7. Different folding orders.

Course materials:


The workshop for the processing of arrays is composed of two parts. The first part ("Masivi-1") revenge 6 divisions:

  1. Filling in an array.
  2. Processing of all elements in the array.
  3. Minimum and maximum.
  4. Pidrakhunok elements in the array.
  5. Sumi and create elements.
  6. Search in the array.

Another part ("Masivi-2") revenge 6 divisions:

  1. Reverse array.
  2. Cyclic call of elements.
  3. Vіdbіr elementіv array for mind.
  4. Sorting by the bulb method.
  5. Sorting by selection method.
  6. Dviykovy joke.

Course materials:

  • Workshop "Masivi-1"
  • Control work on the first part of the course (also in the format of the course :-).
  • Teachers can take solution electronic mail.

Character rows

Practicum for processing symbolic rows to replace 5 divisions:

  1. Robot with fixed symbols.
  2. Change of symbols.
  3. Pіdrakhunok symbolіv.
  4. Analysis of symbolic rows.
  5. Calculation of arithmetic verses.

Course materials:

  • Practicum "Rows" for vikoristannya in the middle of the idol (version not lower than 1.8).
  • Teachers can take solution all the tasks of the practicum. For whom it is necessary to contact the author by e-mail.


Practicum with the folding of algorithms-in-functions to cover 6 divisions:

  1. Functions with one parameter.
  2. Functions with decal parameters.
  3. Obrobka character rows.
  4. Logic functions.
  5. Processing arrays.
  6. Recursive functions.

Course materials:

  • Workshop "Functions" for victoria in the middle of the idol (version not lower than 1.8).
  • Teachers can take solution all the tasks of the practicum. For whom it is necessary to contact the author by e-mail.

Preparing for EDI in informatics

Workshop on the development of tasks C2 (div. Also materials for preparation to ЄДІ)

  1. Maximums and minimums.
  2. Pidrahunok and search for elements.
  3. Sumi, middle and create.
  4. Consequences.
  5. Matrices.

Course materials:

  • Workshop "Zavdannya C2" for winning in the middle of an idol (version not lower than 1.8).
  • Teachers can take solution all the tasks of the practicum. For whom it is necessary to contact the author by e-mail.


The Aquarius course consists of 6 lessons:

  • Lesson 0 Acquaintance with Viconic Aquarius. Management for the help of the remote control.
  • Lesson 1. Folding software for the management of Aquarius.
  • Lesson 2 Cycles "N times".
  • Lesson 3
  • Lesson 4 Change.
  • Lesson 5 Razgaluzhennya.

Course materials:


The Robot learning course consists of 12 lessons:

  • Lesson 1. Acquaintance with the Wyconian Robot. Linear algorithms.
  • Lesson 2 Cycles "N times".
  • Lesson 3 Cycles "N times" (problem solving).
  • Lesson 4 Inserts cycles.
  • Lesson 5 Cycles from the mind (cycles "poki").
  • Lesson 6 Razgaluzhennya.
  • Lesson 7 Think hard.
  • Lesson 8 Additional algorithms.
  • Lesson 9 Change.
  • Lesson 10 Algorithms with a result (algorithms-functions).
  • Lesson 11 Cycles of change.
  • Lesson 12 Algorithms with parameters.

Course materials:

  • presentation

Corresponding materials

For each distribution, the programs will be freely expanded. Tse will be handy to the guardians.

Peculiarities of the system of idols In the system of the idol, there is a high school algorithmic language with Russian vocabulary and the introduction of robots and armchairs. With the introduction of the program, idols create a constant new control and correctness, podomlyayuchi on the fields of the program

Algorithmization course on the selection of the Kumir system and automatic testing

Three remaining years in the 7th mathematical class of school No. 179 for the most part of the course of informatics, I studied the basics of algorithmization on the basis of the Kumir system. Metoyu course є vvchennya fundamentals of algorithmic design, development of knowledge about programming, learning the folding of the simplest algorithms.

There are three vykonavtsy - "Water" (creation of the simplest algorithms, understanding the ideas of the algorithm), "Robot" (the main part of the course, the development of all algorithmic constructions and rich algorithms), "Turtle" (repetition of the course, links with geometry and trigonometry, recursiveness, recursiveness) fractal generation algorithms).

The course is practice orientation. There is a minimum amount of theory (as a rule, only rozpovidaetsya, as the main algorithmic constructions are established and applied to the recording of programs). Basically, the schoolchildren are engaged in tasks, which are given to the schoolchildren by a total of about 300.

Archives of course assignments for robot piconaut

Distribution of Kumir system

For the introductory course on the selection of vykonavtsiv at school 179 the Idol with the "Module for the support of cursives" - IPC. MPK support is included in the stable version of the Kumir system only starting from version 1.8.0. Versions Kumir before 1.8.0 do not interfere with the possibility of changing italics, install a new version.

1. For Windows systems- install version 1.8.0 of the Kumir system from the retail site. Request: versions prior to 1.8.0 should not be replaced by the "Cursor correction module", this requires the version itself 1.8.0.

2. For ALT Linux system Shkіlniy 5 - it is necessary to enable the repository version 5.1 and install the kumir package from the 5.1 directory. Detailed installation instructions for Alt Linux.

3. For other Linux distributions, you can try to select a package with the given codes.

IPC launch

For vodkrittya vykna IPC vykoristuetsya menu system Kumir "Instrumenti" - "Workshop".

Archives for Viconauts Aquarius and Robot

Winners for victories Aquarius and Robot (0-16) win for the IPC victories. it is necessary to take advantage

archives from tasks, open files from MPC file vodoley.kurs.xml or robot.kurs.xml. This xml-file should be written to the description of the task, wash the tasks, apply to the templates of algorithms, apply starting situations for re-verification, re-verify the algorithms. This file can be edited with the help of a simple text editor (neatly), or with the help of the IPC italic editor, by running Kumir in teacher mode (command kumir-t).

The student is guilty of saving the course in his work directory in the files of his names, for example, From this file, the texts of the solution, created by the schoolboy, the results of the re-verification of the yogo task are saved. It is the student's fault to create his own working file *.work.xml.

On the butts of the starting situations, the letter "A" marks the clitina, the robot is known to the algorithm until the end, the letter "B" marks the clitina, it is necessary to move the robot, the stars in the lower right fold indicate the clitina, as the robot is guilty of zafarbuvati.

Task for vikonavtsya Turtle

Tasks for vikonovtsya Turtle vikonuyutsya without vikoristannya IPC - tasks are reconsidered only by the reader. You can marvel at the mind of the head of the 7th class.

Instructions for vikonanny zavdan vdoma

For the vikonannya, the head of the school at home and the transfer of the vikonovanny of the head of the school to the school is the instruction.

Course materials license

Tvіr "Course of Algorithmization of Variations of Variations of the Kumir System and Automatic Testing" created by D.P. Kirienko, published on the basis of a Creative Commons license


Kumir system website: Kumir distribution website:

Taken from the website of school No. 179.

Implementation of the Stack in the idol.

| vicoristowati robot

cilium tab a

cilium acc, r

current index

visnovok ("Put a number on the stack")

currentIndex: = 1

currentIndex: = put(currentIndex, acc, p)

currentIndex: = take(currentIndex, p)

visnovok ("The robot is completed")

alg tsiliy put (tsiliy currentIndexPosit, tsiliy accPosit, res tsiliy r)

free:= currentIndexSet


alg tsiliy take (tsiliy currentIndexTake, cut tsiliy r)

free:= currentIndexGet

Visnovok a

Everything about the Arduino controller.

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