Beget input. Look around hosting Beget (Бігет)

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Hosting provider "Beget" is involved in one of the most popular companies, to promote the services of information dissemination and sites on their technical majdans (servers). The service is rewarded with affordable prices, the reliability of the service for an additional special cabinet.

Registered koristuvachev є bezlich nalashtuvan. In a special cabinet of wine, you can set up your mail, domains and sites, and you can see them. Є Possibility to navigate to close and provide access to sites from their IP addresses.

"BeGet" - Login to the Special Cabinet via Webmail and

You can change your profile on the Beget website for an additional special cabinet. To log in, you need to log in:

As soon as the identification is correct, you can use your profile, domains and sites. All financial operations, including the purchase of tariff plans and the continuation of the term їхної дії, are carried out on this basis.

Renewal of the Password from the Special Cabinet "Biget"

The provider will gradually dye the quality of its services and will take care of all the minds for the manual robots of their clients. And in the middle of the features, it is possible to change the password without the need to upgrade to the technical image "Beget".

Koristuvachev, which has forgotten the combination of symbols for the transition to a special cabinet, next to the viconati such crocs:

Problems due to forgotten passwords are rarely found in a koristuvach, who did not change it after re-staging. Combination at once from login to the leaves, which confirms the establishment of the profile. However, such passwords will change the password to remember the options.

To change the password and donate, you can also use the special account - in the depository, you will be able to write it down. You can also enter a change to the e-mail address and phone number. I would like for a koristuvach to have access to the old telephone.

Setting up the Account "Runs" - Password and Access Intervention

On the deposit, in order to set up the profile of the vimoga koristuvach, you can change the following parameters:

  • Nadkhodzhenya to the phone number of SMS about the profile of the profile, additional services and financial support.
  • sound and push-matching.
  • the level of foldability of authorization, which can be two-factor (for e-mail or SMS), but also, it is safe;
  • Internet access to the Internet access panel - including the close and open access for the IP address (black and white list).

The remainder of the function will allow the cleaning of the obliterated record from the evil and access from the side of the outside. As far as the profile of registrations is for a legal person, you can order postal screenshots of accountants from the distribution of foreign information, redaguate and re-enroll them with a provider.

"BeGet" - Registration in a Special Account for Hosting and Domain

Check out the service provider's services, slid zareєstruvatisya. The process of restoration will not take away from the client of the company a lot of hours, but will not require a mail screen and a phone number.

The process of otrimannya vlasnogo oblіkovogo record on the site Beget vimagає vikonannya nachnyh dіy:

If you are on the screen, you will be seen as a property that the koristuvach is guilty of for authorization - password and login. If you forget to write it down, I would like the same data to be dubbed as soon as you come to the e-mail.

Regardless of the tariff, the provider will give you a lot of free access to hosting. Mind for an hour the test does not appear to be quiet, as the corystuvach rejects it by splitting. Protect for 30 days for the services of the company will have to pay.

Special Cabinet "BeGet" - Nalashtuvannya, Post, DNS and FTP

Registrations of koristuvach we will give access to the power panel of the keruvannya. You can go to the following tabs:

  • File manager. The part of the panel allows the structure of the site to be keruvati. Here you can see, copy and edit be-yak files.
  • FTP server. The function, which provides a way to distribute access to the structure of sites.
  • Connected to the site. Pidrozdil, you can open your web pages (some are surrounded by a tariff plan) and keruvati IP-addresses.
  • Domain management and subdomains. Menu for the opening and binding of domain names. There is also a list of domains, including bonuses, which will be canceled when paying the tariff.
  • Keruvannya DNS records.
  • Planuvalnik zavdan. The option, which is required for the automation of the koristuvach. For example, for the oversight of the sheets, or for converting, the instructions are given for an hour.
  • Installations of the postal system.
  • Services, which include the message of viruses and awkward code on the sites opened on the Beget platform, caching information and the root of the given distribution.

Especially respect meritoriously adjusting postal screenshots, which can be projected by the provider without a box. If you want to go to the door, you can go to a special cabinet service for an additional icon at the leaf viewer.

On the Webmail beget side, you can change the installation of a mailing device. Moreover, the appearance of a number of leaves permits the management of practically non-interchangeable numbers of coristors. Not to be interconnected for customers "Biget" that number of postal screenshots.

Garyacha Liniya "Biget" - Technical Service

To the particulars of the service, it is possible to determine the efficient and qualified service of the clients. You can call the technical transitions:

  • Possibility of supplying power to hosting features, enabling and optimizing web sites, setting up servers and robots with service files;
  • a ticket system, which allows you to describe the problem in a report and add a attachment file (screenshot) to clarify the problem;
  • The quick response of consultants, as they are given a stretch of several years.

Technical support specialists add on from the transferred files to the server of the "Beget" provider. For the victorious service of the service, submit an application, including your own tribute, including the login and password of the Keruvannya panel on the old resource. Transferred without koshtovna, and the site will increase its functionality.

Mobile Dodatok "BeGet" - Sign up for Android and iOS

For keruvannya hosting and zmini nalashtuvan it is possible to use not just a browser, but a mobile phone. For ts'go slid zavantazhiti special supplement for abo. The smartphone program has access to such services:

  • pidtrimka 24 years on the side of consultants of the company;
  • management of registered or transferring domains, continued robots and editing;
  • stem of subdomains;
  • replenishment and control of the account balance;
  • keruvannya decilkoma profiles, including manually mixing between them.

It is possible from a mobile phone, as from a desktop PC, with tariff plans. The program, which can be done on any smart smartphone or tablet, allows you to see all the data and visibility of all adjustments.

Znizhniki and Promotions "BeGet" - Bonuses for Koristuvachiv

Beget's list of rewards includes a lot of low bonuses, which can be quicker to be a customer of the service:

  • If you pay for hosting with a term for 1 or 2 rocky, I will take away the vidminnu information. You can be spared on standard VIP tariffs.
  • Bezkoshtovnі domains, scho nadajutsya for clever connection of paid tariff plans (except for the Blog tariff). The maximum number of "gift" domain names is 10.
  • The presence of a non-kostetny tariff plan, which doesn’t exist at all.
  • Possibility of koshtovaya koristuvannya be-yak tariff lasting 30 days.
  • There is no need for additional technical support when migrating sites from servers of other providers.

Periodically, the service promotes the brothers to their clients the fate of the free promotions. As a bonus, you can get a discount for a single service and get a free hosting service for 3 years when you buy paid CMS.

Todi me smarter, why do you see some jokes :) I myself have gone through a bunch of hosters in the process of jokes, and I declare that Runet, which is not the most beautiful, is definitely one of the best ones on Runet. Why do you send me a message.

Yak vibrati best virtual hosting site

I was especially told to stick with a great number of people: Jino, Timeweb, Webnames, Agava, Wix(shpopravda, tse more constructor), ihc, 1gb, sprinthost that bagatma інshim. I will not say that all the trash, ale, I didn’t recognize the moments with the deeds of them. Nybilsh lousy viyavivsya Gino: the last time, if you need to transfer the site from them to the іnshiy provider, you will be able to find out why FTP is inaccessible, and the control panel has been galvanized. I don’t tell you, Gino’s value is small, but a little bit of a sense, how is your site permanently inaccessible? The results of the website have been successfully transferred to, and the purchase has found the cheapest rate for 115 rubles per month, and the problems have arisen.

Still, I remember, the vipadlock was installed, if your hosting (I don’t remember any) wikipedia about problems with WordPress. The database is MariaDB, and there is one required plugin to conflate the drivers. The problem could have been resolved, as if MariaDB had replaced the classic MySQL, however, the hoster categorically considered pushing it for the robot. Well, robi, we said goodbye to him, moved to Beget (before the speech, the postponed teachers from the pediatrician Beget's service), and the problem was automatically resolved. The first type of vipadkiv can be guided quite a lot.

Vlasne, if I try to use Beget and recommend it to others, then I forget it, if the problem with hosting has been fixed. If you don’t believe it, you can try it: on any tariff of virtual hosting, you will be given a lot of money for testing absolutely without any problems. If you do not get it, you may not pay for it in an hour.

Try it yourself and get over it, but it's true: and feed a support service about everything to tell you.

You don’t want to pay without a koshtovaya month and don’t want to pay? Є I will increase the cost-free tariff for those who are quiet, who have a fresh, new site and still have few updates. Corrupt, skіlki vlіze, without advertisements, yak u Ucoz, that іnshogo podіbnogo, scho invoke supervodzhu pseudo-free hosting.

Incomplete hosting Beget

Tell me, little things є, ale tse, as a rule, the problem is on the side of the site, and not on the side of the hoster:

  • I will systematically revise your siteє... There is a price for any kind of virtual hosting - zhorstki limit according to new options, if you change your site you can be connected. That is why I especially pass the VDS / VPS pass (virtual video servers), but there are all the three folds, you need to sort it out. Ale, do not be angry, before the speech, Runs at once in my practice without blocking the website for the reason at once. A sprinkle of stench will tell you about the problem with a sheet, smell all the options available (adjust the tariff, move the scripts to the engine, add the new options, set them up on the site). I can help you to find problematic scripts on the site (which I didn’t go to the hoster), on which winners the most new options, and to ask for help to you, so I don’t want to help you alone (even if you want)
  • Your site will ruin the legislation of the Russian Federation... As your site is vikoristovuє lamanu version of the engine (yak often DLE), for broader illegal, counterfeit content, obstruction by the legislation of the Russian Federation, more simply, it seems, your project siry, then do not be amazed, if you do, that the site of blockages before usunenny is porushen. As long as your site is big and fluffy, you should be afraid of nothing.

    Before the speech, through Beget, you can add licenses to all commercial vehicles (DLE, NetCat, Bitrix) with a price,

Perevagi Beget

We talked about the shortcomings, now let's move on to the pass (it is possible, I will hatefully miss it, so it’s a lot):

No transfer of your site to Beget

As for me, it should be more fitting, you will be seen as a dear guest. You need to deprive:

  1. Vibrate the tariff plan (if you do not know what kind of traffic, you can always consult with the service of reception)
  2. Dates of services to receive keys from the old hosting
  3. Crumbs of money, leave the fahivtsi move and adjust your site

Hosting vikoristovuє disks SSD replace HDD

As you know, you know, solid-state storage drives SSD are more advanced than hard drives HDD. It is quite obvious to that that a site should be installed on an SSD, downloaded more quickly, and not on a HDD. It’s principled for your site that it’s not healthy, but it’s a fact that it’s a fact: all the tariffs for virtual hosting Runs hard disk drives SSD, and you, so you know, you’ll deny the gameplay from the robot’s website.

Isolation of sites from one to one

Viruses and hackers cannot send all sites to the hosting, navigate if they destroy one site, the hackers cannot restore access to other sites, such as rooting.

Gnaddy PHP setup

You can customize the PHP interpreter for your needs, vibrate the required version (PHP 7.1 is available), directives

Secure SSL / TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt

For a skin site, you can set up your site to be accessible over HTTPS.

Also, if you install a certificate on the site, you can enable the next generation protocol HTTP / 2

Still rich in tsikavogo

  • Automatic backup copying. Navigate if the website is wrong, you just need to update it from the backup.
  • The keruvannya panel, the file manager is handy.
  • Possibility to customize Sphinx text messages.
  • Can be connected to Redis, Tarantool.
  • The first is richly rich.

Web-free virtual hosting of websites

Nice, but I should be more like in Beget - the price of an absolutely cashless tariff without advertisements, as well as being supplied with a screen, like to love the work at our hour, the operator will call and add cunning to them. I will say at once - the wine is weak, and if you do not want newcomers, ala, vasne, win and insurance. However, I want to mention that if you, for example, have a website on, and on, then, I think, a hundred unique ads for your blog or an info site at a non-cash rate. Ideal option for large newcomers, and not deprived.

Prices for virtual hosting, which tariff pay

Choose a hosting for your needs:

  • If you just try it out on a website, or a blogger on a standalone platform (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal), you can quickly use a free shipping plan. Unimportant to bezoshtovn_st, you will accept the same level of support, which is on paid tariffs.
  • As soon as your site is repaired, it will win popularity or it will start quickly, readily, from the virtual hosting. Tse the first rіven, and if you go, the starting rate is from 115 karbovants_v per month. If you pay for rik in advance, then spare 240 karbovants_v at the bottom.
  • If you already have a serious project, but the system administrator is not, then there is a good option: VIP-hosting. For the price, you should be repaired from 850 rubles, you will be able to upgrade to hosting up to 100 sites, up to 35 gigabytes are seen on the SSD disk;
  • As long as you have high availability of projects, and a required vision server, and the option of renting a server at 9800 rubles per month. For the price of seeing an individual manager, mittvu pidtrimku 24 × 7, even a reliable server at a non-nady datacenter.

Inevitably, there will be a great mission. To explain the price is simple - it is enough to be amazed at the list of rewires, which can be viewed as a host.

  • A 30-day test period without additional payment of a bank card, which allows you to see the view of the hosting for your customer's update.
  • Development of the server infrastructure for Russia, so I am positive about the robotic sites at Runet.
  • Optimization of the Maydan from the most popular CMS.
  • Installation of engines and additions in one click from the Keruvannya panel hosting.
  • High level of productivity and reliability.

However, Beget cannot be called perfect either. Corrupt users have to go to those who are interconnected to a number of sites in one regional record. The add-on can be used on the site, but it is even more critical at the minimum tariff, if you can only complete two projects.

Deyakі nutrition wiklikє and interaction with the control panel. On Beget, it’s not the traditional cPanel or ISPmanager, but a self-written solution. Z nzvichki the panel can be set up non-manual, even the enemy is dusky shvidko mineє. As soon as the koristuvach didn’t know the robot with hosting before, I don’t think about the lack of happiness, so it’s not about the quality of the display panel on Beget, but the problem of getting a new solution.


Beget nadaє services, which can speed up like a web-based mainstream, as well as notify developers, how to prevent maximum control of the infrastructure. Main services for hosting:

  • Web sites on virtual hosting.
  • VPS rental
  • Orend of video servers, including for individual projects.
  • Domain renewal.
  • Purchase of licenses for commercial CMS.

Virtual hosting practical on Ubuntu servers. You can install Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, OpenSuse, Fedora or Bitrix web middleware on VPS. On the seen servers, you can install either an OS, or only managed servers, on which Ubuntu is installed.

To manage the hosting Beget, you can use the power panel. It has been split into two parts: it will show information about hosting, the right to go to the section of the account by an regional record and a site. Whether it is a random hosting, Beget will promote a large CMS database, engines and programs that can be installed in one click from the admin panel. Besides the standard WordPress, Joomla, Drupal hoster, you can buy commercial content management systems and install them immediately, without worrying about the correct setting.

An important part of the functionality is the automatic shutdown of backups. You will lose your copy for the remainder of 5 days; For the sake of convenience, you can create a backup on your own - even if you are allowed to delete it, you can use it.


Beget is not the best hosting. It takes 3.42 seconds to lock the image with a size of 2000 × 2000 pixels. It's a good indicator of how to beat Beget with one of the runet leaders.

The ping of the warehouse to the coristas near Moscow becomes 9 ms. Bagato hosting will show the start up at 1 - 3 ms. Unimportant for such a great difference in the digital turn, in practice there is little change. The site on Beget is not flaky, but call it blisky.

More displaying of Beget leaders is shown in the rating of displaying items. The test will show the number of operations, like the vicon server in 1 second for 100 one-hour connections. Beget has only 141 power supplies, so that the competition can cope with thousands of power supplies per second.

Єdinny indicator, for yakim hosting, scho look out, ditch supernicks - uptime. All Beget ratings have loans in the top ranks with a 100% indicator. It means that sites are distributed on their servers, if they are inaccessible, then in the end, even in a short period of time. If you wonder at the statistics of a thousand, then you can see that from April 2010 the rock uptime did not fall below 99.3%, and the rest of the rock didn’t fall below the mark 99.96%.


To secure the basic level of security, the hosting will be installed without the need to connect an SSL certificate, as it will allow you to switch to the transfer of traffic using an encrypted protocol. The certificate will be approved by all browsers, so that it can be positively identified not only on a non-special site, but also on optimizing it from the use of sound systems.

Another reddish tool for capturing the project is to install the Ai-Bolit scanner, which allows you to remove infected files directly through the keruvanny panel. Utilita to revenge the base of scripts, as it is constantly updated. In addition, the scanner detects infected files and absorbs negative ones.

When renting a VPS or a visible server, hosting will not prevent DDOS attacks, and in general, you will not be able to lie on the web server. Materials for the fact that the server hijacker can be secured can be found at the base of knowledge. The technical support can be supplemented by the virgin children of food, but it is still sharpened for splitting with the owners of the websites on the virtual hosting.

For the advancement of security and functionality, Beget has already launched a program of variations with a range of viplates up to 200,000 rubles. Tsi come in and let the hosting grow bigger, we will steal, having stuck the tips of the rooted spirit of the koristuvach.

Technical support

The service robot is one of the main options for hosting Beget. To give additional help to the koristuvachs, the maydanchik vikoristov will use 8 channels to call, the middle ones, like the traditional telephone calls and the ticket system, and occasionally connected to social media and communication via a bot in Telegram.

It's a pity, not all methods of communication can be used for the provision of technical nutrition. Through your visit to VKontakte, or on Facebook, you can clarify what kind of properties, or, for the sake of solving problems of faxes in large numbers of types, ask to send the feed through the ticket system. It is tricky to reconcile the fact of volodinnya by an oblivious recording, the robots have suffered a malady.

The system of tickets is efficient and effective, so it’s more convenient, because your time zone is not important. If you want to solve the problem on your own, then on the hoster's site there is a great distribution "Nutrition-view", a reader of a clerk and a statty, how to set up a mail, or connect a domain. All materials are presented by Russian language, with explained and butts, so technical support may not be necessary, to find such a cyclical and chuyna.

Tsinova policy

If you want to receive hosting for the project, you will have 30 days of cable-free access. For you to reject it, you do not need to enter the details of the bank card - just create an account, and after a month you will see that you can prodovzhuvati to be maidan.

You can switch to a paid tariff for another day of testing. At the same time, a 30-day period without a bed will be added to the rallying term, so that it will not be lost. As soon as you see it, you can't go to Beget, you can go to the hoster without any financial expenses. Zagalom the maximum amount of mind for the first message to the robots with hosting.

The price of a virtual hosting start is from 115 rubles per month if you pay immediately for 2 rockets. Yaksho vibrate on a monthly basis, the same tariff costs 169 rubles. For a small amount of money, you can use the ability to install 2 sites and storage space on a 3 GB SSD. The number of databases and FTP accounts is not interconnected. You can pay immediately for 1 or 2 rockets, or, if you pay a fee, the proposition of the viewer is attractive.

Minimal tariff Blog I will name it a stretch on those, for whatever purposes it is possible by the way. If you will be an information portal or, for example, a store, then you can know a strong tariff: Start, Noble or Great. On the tracker tariff plan, you will need 25 GB SSD, on which you can take 25 projects. Cost of all 569 rubles per month for a monthly payment. Buy a tariff for a trivial term, a discount of up to 30%.

Usi tariffs for virtual hosting include:

  • Not a number of domains and subdomains.
  • Unlimited traffic.
  • Instalation of popular CMS in one click.
  • Automatic shutdown of backups.
  • Tsіlodobovu tehpіdtrimku.
  • PHP up to version 7, Python, Perl 5, Zend, phpMyAdmin.

On virtual hosting є VIP-tariffs, as they propose even more pressure, not Great. For example, for tariffs Mega є 50 GB SSD, you should be aware of the number of existing sites. Shchepravda, kostu tse satisfied 2990 rubles for a monthly payment.

Prices for VPS start at 11 rubles per day at the lowest tariff, which is 15 GB on SSD drives, 1 GB of RAM and a processor with 1 core. Nypotuzhnishe solution for a VPS - Heavy for 66 rubles per day with 80 GB on SSD, 6 GB of RAM and 4 processor cores.

On Beget you can change the order of the seen server. Two changes were presented for the offer: Blade E3 for 9800 rubles per month for those who lack virtual hosting, do not find what they saw, and I need a Turbo download for 48,000 rubles for a month with 14 cores and 128 GB of RAM.

Servers are distributed at one of the largest data centers in St. Petersburg. The option of folding the transfer of a larger SSD, additional cores, an increase in smog bypassing and discarding the other paid services.

Pid bags

Beget promotes a stable server robot that doesn’t get a lot of money for services, so the web master would like to recommend one to one. So, it’s not an ideal solution and not a leader behind all the indicators, but rather average values ​​allow the hosting of the greatest number of enterprises - from the launch of a small landing page before the launch of a great project on a visible server.

The price and quality ratio of Beget is one of the most optimal on the market, which is why its popularity is less than growing. Quiet also the technical support, as quickly as possible and report back to the food, so that they can find out from the coristors and workers in the cyclical mode.

Everyone is welcome! You are Roman Matvev and I want to send a message about hosting Beget. Write a real message about all the functions and about the service as a whole.

Rinok hosting providers for this year are even great, and vibrate very well every day. Navigate at that hour, as soon as I made a noise about my service, and the price of the 2013 ric, the analogies were going to be too big, but the thoughts of the people went away.

My knowledgeable IT-shnik having pleased hosting Beget, as the most stable and adequate provider. So, prices are not the least, but everything is compensated for by a high service of service and equal stability.

Oskilki I am not a "megamoz" in the sphere of the program, for me it is less important that the performance of the robot is that of a child. I won. Now there are three lectures.

  1. Technical support for 24 years for additional 7 days for a day.
    Before Beget, I got to know the robots with the other providers, but the efficiency of the rest was too much for me. Moreover, since the food is weary in nature, you can always use the phone without a prior call to the technical support for the cardless number 8800.
  2. The relevance of technical updates.
    There are such moments, if it’s technically not to go, and it’s just not smart. For a wide range of users, you can open a ticket at the Keruvannya panel and edit the solution. I myself am so often shy, I will go to navishly for myself, I do not want to go and eat.
  3. Cheap renewal and renewal of domains.
    The part of the re-strata and continued to become 89 to 169 rubles for a Russian domain. The price of storing up some of the purchased domains, as well as of the promotions, will be carried out. The price is still adequate, the providers are rich in envy the price, especially for the promotion. If you want to start promotions from partners about the restoration for 49 rubles - check the tenfold rate of the continuation (and the minimum).
  4. Automatic installation of systems of keruvannya site.
    The budget has the function of installing CMS in one click. All the most popular "engines" (wordpress, joomla, opencart, etc.) will be set up for a lot of trouble by one onslaught of keys. For those who have slipped in, it can be trivial, or for newcomers, such a function is to lull life.
  5. High UP server time.
    For those who are quiet, who do not know, also Up-time is an hour without interruption of robotic sites. Have you stumbled on this, why not go to the site? So the axis ... does not mean that there are problems on the server and the site is just not right. And tse zyiv nerves, the expenses are too thin.
  6. Partner program.
    Recommend hosting to your friends. The company is ready to pay 40% of the rent. To deliver generously, what's wrong?
  7. 30 days of hosted hosting from Beget
    You can change the server status. I tse free of charge. See the month of the test period.
  8. Post from Begeta
    For the skin domain, you can add a lot of unique items for your needs. Enter before you send Beget go to the next address for your convenience.

Deyakі nadolіki Begetu

Oh, not so rich, as I’ve got up. Ale the stench after all є.

  • Obmezhennya site_v.
    The skin tariff plan can be used for a large number of sites on one account, and it is not enough to reach them. If you want more - pay 100 rubles for a skin supplement or switch on a high tariff.
  • Limit navantazhennya.
    If you have finished a great project from a large-thousandth auditorium, then you should turn to the vision server. Because Hosting Beget does not give a high bandwidth to the site. Well, pay extra for that extra limitation.

Tse, mabut, all the minuses, as I saw robots for the whole hour. - my vidguk

Vikoristovuchi Runs from 2013 to rock, I lost my positive emotions. I never had such a thing, but I wanted to switch to the other provider. Who else can provide such a service, an input from a special office, a reactive technical support? Shvidshe for all the analogies are not maє, for the prices will be strongly envied.

Go to the razdil Site then give a name to the new site. On the server, the director will be installed with the cim im'yam, in the new one there will be the director. public_html, you can automatically install the site in the yak, or I will hand over the files.

Give a name to the site and natisnit Stvority

For better security of all sites on the cloud recording isolovany one kind of one. If one site gets infected, they do not suffer.

At the same time, attach one or more domains to the site. You can do it yourself Domains.

Link domain

As long as you have no domain, you can register a new domain at the distributor Domains and piddomains - Zareєstruvati domain for the already existing domain, which is located on the service in the іnshіy company.

Register a new domain

Another option is to choose one of the third-level domains without a domain, which is given during the restoration. 2 domains will be promoted: im'ya_acount.beget.techі

One way to use Google for a greater position in the display is by becoming access to the site for the https protocol. A website without a Google SSL certificate is not safe tobto.

In razdіlі Domains and piddomains You can change the issue of a paid, or even a blanket, SSL certificate.

Add an icon to a required domain:

Boost SSL

Replace Let's Encrypt with a secure SSL certificate on your website Boss-free SSL certificate, or a paid Comodo certificate on the deposit SSL certificate replacement.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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