Barcode ean 13 signs. Koduvannya - EAN13 (8)

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EAN-13 barcode (translated as European Article Number, plus the number of changes to International Article Number, if the EAN abbreviation is saved) - 13-digit (12 characters check digit) a barcode standard, which is a multiplicity of the 12-digit UPC standard, split in 1970 by George Joseph Laurel. EAN-13 regulations for the organization of standardization EAN 13.


Number of codes required

It is worth storing in a number of products and a number of options in all products. The rule of thumb is that the skin type of the product has a high moisture bar code, for example, how you use soda, skin aroma, and for the skin type you need a code. Stink will be mother 4 barcode, 1 code for 350 ml canned orange soda, 1 code for 350 ml canned lemon soda, 1 barcode for 1 liter of orange dance soda, 1 barcode for lemon soda in 1 liter. An hour will not be more than 2 years, if the power supply will be broken from 8 to 18 from Monday to Friday, if your power supply will be broken after an hour of work, you should take it off for the coming working day.

13 digits of the EAN-13 barcode were grouped by the offensive rank:

  • Liva group Tsifri 2-7. The liva group includes the first figure, from which to lay the reversal of the pairing.
  • Group rights: Digits 8-13, 13th digit є control.

The EAN-13 barcode can be used to mark up the goods for sale in retail. The digits of the EAN-13 codes are coded by international commodity numbers, which are known in Japan as Japanese Article Numbers (JAN). All the numbers, coded in UPC and EAN barcodes, look like Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN), the smell can be coded in other EAN barcodes.

Your codes will be delivered for e-mail, which are attached to image formats. Step by step will remove barcodes on the product packaging or adhesive labels, if the packaging is already ready. As soon as the packages are ready, we can help you. Go to our page with icons.

Information about delivery and information about goods

You will not need to be supervised whether you are given any information about your product, we need only information about the company, as you will be prompted for the code contact information... Tsya reєstratsіya invite you to see the message written, please, please, your company and the buyer.


The GTIN-13 digits encoded at the barcode are stored from the following components:

The EAN prefix, the first three digits, which you want to sign up for, in the national organization of the EAN registering a copy (you can not go to the place of the actual product production).
If the ISBN is rewritten in EAN-13, the EAN prefix will be 978 or 979. The prefix 979 will be in the ISMN rewrite (the same prefix for ISBN) and 977 for ISSN.

It is important for the nobility, that the height of the bari will not be so important, as the width, the reader, like a scannu bari, even a garnet. Rizka zmіna width can be used to change the code, give a pardon for the hour of reading. The axis of what we want is for you to protest the residual image, persh drukuvati your code on a great scale. Approximate measurements are indicated below.

Naybіlsh vikoristovuvanі boules b horno-bіlimi, or, if necessary, can be accepted by deyaki іnshі colori. You can choose colors with light tones in the background and colors with dark colors near the bars. Unique tropical colors, such as oranges, chervonia and wines, splinters of the great hour, how to pick up at the programmer, chervonia and you can give a gratitude to the reading. We will radically reconsider the residual image in front of your other codes on a grand scale.

The code of the enterprise will be used optionally if you do not have any problems, it is even necessary. It is stored in 1-8 digits, it is stored in the form of the GTIN-13 number, which is necessary for the virobnik to identify the new product lines (for the ISBN and ISSN standards, the whole component can be validated for the purpose of registering the message for the organization) Deregistered Obov'yazkovy specimens are distributed on the outskirts of adblocks for vidavtsiv, baguyas regions at the ISSN and ISBN registers are seen on a number of prefixes.

The best way for a different barcode will be right in the packaging of your product. Most scanners are easy to scan for offense codes. There are a large number of stores throughout the world to accept offense in a format. However, there may be some more old systems, which will take less than one out of two. As soon as it will be broken, the barcode will be read as it is, as it is in the other format, if it is, as it was before, it will be universal.

How to codify digits in the skin barcode to be stored in 7 blocks, white chorny, which will set the figure. - New dial digits from 0 to 9 are called: parity. - Commercial barcodes and two parities minimum, one hand and one right hand. - Well, so, you can skanuvati feet up the hill and all one and the right result.

The product code, which can be stored in 1-9 digits (in the ISBN and ISSN, the product is displayed for the unique identification of the publication from the same type; Seeing so і not published і not released in sales).

The whole format is pratsyuє with two parities, unpaired lіvoruch and a pair of right-handed people - parities for tsikh vipadkіv can be pawed at the dodatku. First of all, the vicorist is two pairs, as unpaired evil, so and rightly, he is not paired with the same pairing, as if he will be victorious when choosing numbers from his left side.

To that, the first digit is a sign, like a combination of the first 6 numbers of vicorists, there is a newsletter in the first place. There is a great deal of special functionality, which cleanses the scanner system. Lots of enterprises have been a little problematic in the past, and if the stench stinks, it’s easy to win.

Check digit

The check digit is to be checked for the module 10 with wagons of the 3 and 1 series. Zokrem, which is the sum of all numbers, multiplied by the wag of the series, last by 10 without surplus, the EAN system will detect all one-time pardons. However, since the difference is that the number is different, the EAN system does not mean all the sums of the permutation.
The additional number is vikoristovuєtsya as a clearer code for a joke of information about the line of products, which is fixed in the database; tse number zvychayt not break into components in koristuvach systems.

Be a weasel, if you have food for the drive. It is official to supply a barcode to a product, it is necessary to have a minimum of minds. Win rozrakhovuєtsya from the smaller digits at the number and vikoristovuyutsya to reconsider the correctness of the scanned barcode or the correct folding of the number.

Rosemir: Tse will be deposited from the vikorystannya, as it will be given, with 4 main stamps: Chitannya at the point of sale that warehouse. Color: the optimal combination for reading the symbol є as a result of making a black color for code smogs and a white color for a background.

Prefixes EAN

The first two are three digits of the GTIN, whether it is a commodity, from a national organization EAN є virobnik. It is necessary to note that the EAN-13 codes were quickly repaired from 0, as the 12-digit UPC form is just a complementary form, represented by the same barcode. However, the next hour more and more goods sold outside the United States and Canada will receive EAN-13, but will be repaired from 0, but now there are some more EAN-US codes.

Kozhen product maє set value that is designated as a virobnik. The method of creating unique identifiers in a product. You can code a great information exchange between one barcode. The size of the barcode will be validated by a number of coded tributes and vibrated by the ordering of pardons. You can change the opening barcode of the mother's size, as there is enough space for coding all the gifts.

The coding tables allow more efficient coding data. Below is a list of sumy symbols. The whole code is to revenge 13 numbers, ale oskilki remainder є with a check sum, it is necessary to enter less than 12 characters. You can enter 13 characters, but the remaining number will be replaced, if you do not receive the correct check sum.

Regional codes 200-299 Most EAN Organizational Members provide a wide range of internal victorian at razdrіbnіy trade (or in the middle of enterprises). Deyaki of enterprises distribution trade vikoristovuyt yogo for vlastnyh (under the brand name chi ni) goods (I would like to bagato hto we will remove the vyrobnik code GLN for vlasta trade marks); deyaki vikoristovuyut also a part of the prefix for the goods, which is packed in the shops, for example, you can speak at the checkout before selling to the buyer. Krim of the identifier for the product, the barcode can be used to explain the information about the price, the number of the goods or the goods (it will be returned from the seller's account); The identifier for the product can be assigned by the EAN system administrator, or the values ​​itself can be used. Companies that have traditionally used UPC barcodes are now switching to EAN prefixes: 04 (for goods) and 02 (for goods packaged at stores).

The whole code is to revenge 8 numbers, ale oskіlki stop symbol є with a check sum, it is necessary to enter less than 7 symbols. Scenarios are not necessarily tricky and must be developed by extension agencies. You can turn it on, but the stench will be ignored if you read it.

Croc 2: Code your statistics

For the company, changing the mind, be it a victorious barcode є designating codes, which will be designated. A complete list of messages sent by fax or e-mail to the e-mail address, theft from spam bots. The service of koduvannya obroblyaє your power supply is mittєvo and hopeful. overlap you by fax or by e-mail a list of codes assigned to different articles.

Croc 3: Call a strategy friend

Static information - the whole of information, as it is unassailable and stale in all kinds of activity.

Check Digit Role

Before koduvannya check digit is counted after additional digits. Vona rozrakhovuє The control will be a figure, since it is necessary to add to the sum, the amount will be 10 without surplus (this is a counter element for module 10). For big I will describe again That div's algorithm. also ISBN check digit calculation. The Global Identification Number (GLN) is also a vicarious method.

Dynamical information is tied to skin transaction and virobability. The stench can’t be over-handled on the packaging. If the barcode should be taken away from static information, if you need it great number yarlikiv, you can open the printer. І navpaki, if you need to create a small series of labels, to revenge dynamic information, you will need to know that you don’t know how to program locally: laser printer or the thermal transfer for the storage in the warehouse.

Croc 4: Assess the middle of the reading priority

Ahead of knowing the middle ground to another barcode is an important problem for a good strategy of tags. Technical characteristics the barcode: size, rosttashuvannya and how to lie down in order to read the barcode, it also looks like the middle of the reading.

Product barcode parity in Roskod

Wiglyad yakє barcode?

Bar - ean code 13 visually viglyadaє like a row of black and bіlich smogs, schooled, supplemented by a set of Arabic numbers.

  • The first 2-3 digits on the left sides indicate the correctness to the specific country. Russia is given a range of 460-469.
  • Step 4-5 symbols - the code of the virobnik for the product of the company.
  • The 5-digit code characterizes the non-front item, being a unique number.
  • Check digits.

Qi є block sale we can scan at the point of sale, as well as at the cycle? What are the meanings for reading, such as pharmacies for pharmaceuticals and products for health?

  • Qi є block sale with scans at the point of sale?
  • Qi є block sale with scanned results from cyclist rose?
Please check out additional information about the rules for distributing symbols in products, go to our service.

Croc 5: Viber type barcode

Vibir barcode is the most effective for the success of the company's marketing strategy. Protest and іnshі officials. To know more, to be brutalized before our service of koduvannya.

Croc 6: Vibrate the size of the barcode

By sending the vibration of the hardened symbol to the information, as the fault is guilty, the fault is due to the importance of its integration to the graphic of the package. The size of the symbol on the marked product will be found in the symbol, which is the center of the reading and the vibration mode of the other.

Do not wait for a product that can be found in a particular land, there is a barcode of the same land. The legal and virobnichi addresses of the company often do not come up, the virobnik can be a daughter's form or a foreign philanthropy. Program for generating barcodes ean 13 online

For quick otrimannya barcode є special services - online generator.

If one wimir changes, the one who wimir is changed proportionally. The price can be changed from 80% to 200% of the nominal size. Price, for example, to the symbol on the box by-run technology... There is one more important moment in the process of the friend: the size of the symbol lies in the possibilities of possession.

Viber text format barcode

Once you read it, there is a clear translation of the information, which is necessary for the manual entry of information. The axis of power supply, which is most often asked.

Chi is guilty of the vicious text of the singing song

Chi is a simple text z'yavlyatsya over a symbol or pid symbol. Chi є the layout of the text with the barcode is important. The text is guilty of the recommendations given, we will change it from the previous feed. Tim is not the man, because the vastness is not guilty but translated into a symbol.

Yak pratsyuє online generator?

  • A collection of koristuvachev will be used to vibrate bazhane koduvannya, for example, EAN-13.
  • Offensive croc - enter 12 digits, for which information will be encoded. I’ll stop, you don’t need to enter the 13th digit, the program is automatically opened.
  • Stuck on the button "Create barcode"
  • The readings of the generations will have an EAN-13 barcode, which is ready to download or save in the required graphical format.

You can instantly open a barcode block, writing down the numbers one to one.

Why are the bows of the identifiers translated into a barcode?

Whether the identifier of a given person is guilty of recordings at the round bows, even the bows will not be translated to the symbol. The displayed text is guilty of rendering the symbols, but revenge in the symbols.

Croc 8: Vibrate color barcode

The obedience of providing a sufficient contrast to the color of the dark brides and the open spaces. Ale mite on uvaz, as an optical zchituvach not to like contrasts, similar to a human eye.

Yakby, the bottom itself was handled by the krats, it became b, as the color of his own authority. To improve the opacity, the background is visually stuck with a sprinkle of chornil, the leather from them will be covered with a color. Chains to play around. ... Vikoristovuchi black smog on a white aphid, in a vibramo optimal combination. Against the backdrop of possible combinations.

Online generator is also available, if you need to insert a barcode for the victorian in the company boundaries; If you have a problem, read the number "2". However, for the release of products on the market, it is necessary to correct the barcodes from the official administrator.

Barcode of rіznih lands

The code Land The code Land
00-09 USA and Canada 64 Finland
30-37 France 690 PRC
380 Bulgaria 70 Norway
383 Slovenia 729 Izrail
385 Croatia 73 Shvetsia
400-440 Nimechchina 750 Mexico
460-469 Russia 759 Venezuela
471 Taiwan 76 Switzerland
474 Estonia 770 Columbia
475 Latvia 773 Uruguay
477 Lithuania 775 Peru
482 Ukraine 779 Argentina
484 Moldova 780 Chili
489 Hong Kong 786 Ecuador
45 and 49 Japan 789 Brazil
50 Great Britain 80-83 ITALY
520 Grecia 84 Spain
529 Kipr 850 Cuba
535 Malta 858 Slovakia
539 Ireland 859 Czechia
54 Belgium and Luxembourg 860 Yugoslavia
560 Portugal 869 Turechchina
569 Iceland 87 Netherlands
57 Dania 880 Pivdenna Korea
590 Poland 885 Thailand
599 Ugorshchina 888 Singapore
600-601 STEAM 890 India
611 Morocco 893 V'utnam
613 Algeria 90-91 Austria
619 Tunis 93 Australia
94 New Zealand 955 Malaysia

Barcode- the price is not great for the XX century in the sphere of goods marketing. If you have a lot of newer versions, have a barcode in the systems of automation of distribution trade ... but not with our statistics. Meta її is a way to look at the mechanism of a barcode: as it is in practice, as information in a new place, for whom everything is needed and a number of food.

Croc 9: Vibrate rosetting a barcode

The price is necessary for the assessment of the appropriate message for the barcode, as soon as the packaging is opened. Zagalom is recommended to place the barcode at the bottom of the back of the virob. ... In order to determine the correct rosetting, it is recommended to consult the printer to arrange the symbol on the virob. Tse is often zoomed in by Druku methods.

  • At the substitute, smog is more beautiful than a drukuvati, right in parallel.
  • In engravings chi flexo, the price of crops'yazannyam.
  • At the serigraph, the strokes may be spaced perpendicular to the rake.
As the barcode is played in the bar, the wine is also guilty of the radius of curvature of the cylindrical virob.

For robots with a barcode, we need to be a barcode. With the help of the online barcode generator on the site, you can edit any barcode of any standard, in this type of EAN-13. All digits in this barcode are valid, except for the first three (460), which represent the country code in this vypad Russia.

So, what is the EAN-13 / JAN-13 barcode? There is a set of 13 digits and encrypted meanings in the form of black and big thin brutes, who are dear. The width of the black ones and the big ones is the same.

The whole standard of bar-coding has been broken down by the international organization of commodity numbering. GS1, whose representative office is at Russia є " Association of automatic identification UNISCAN / GS1 Ukrainian ".

Combination of numbers EAN-13 barcodeє unique, tobto. Identical combination of 13 digits is not known in the current land. It was announced that the skin of the country-member of GS1 will be assigned a combination of three digits, which will mean the whole country. So, for example, Russia has seen a range of 460-469, ale tsyu stage for the markup of goods from Russia, it is victorious to lose 460. Otzhe, the first three digits represent the land of the goods.

Enter 6 digits є with the unique code of the virobnik product. In our vipadku tse 645384. Tsey virobnik obov'yazkovo maє buti registered with the national representative of GS1, please deny the right to vikoristovuvat barcode with this number.

Nastupnі 3 digits indicate the product number in the list of the virobnik. Our vipad has a barcode that means item 907, issued by a Russian company registered in the GS1 national organization under the number 645384.

This is, in principle, all information, as you can set the barcode to the EAN-13 standard. Ale, there are only 12 digits, and also 13th.

Leave the digit at the barcode є of its own kind as a sign of Jacost given barcode, so as you look at the barcode scanner, about those, giving the code є reference. It is even easier to calculate the qiu figure. There are two methods of calculating, and they are not necessary for studying arithmetic in another class in school.

Persh method:

  1. Rukhayuchis right-handed navo, it is necessary to pidsumovuvati all the numbers on the paired positions. When pidrakhunks, mothers are required in respect, but the remaining check digit can be secured and borrowed by the first position:
  2. 7 + 9 + 8 + 5 + 6 + 6 = 41
  3. Now it is necessary to multiply the result by 3:
    41 × 3 = 123
  4. Step on the crochet slid pidsumovuvati numbers on unpaired positions. Repair the third digit:
    0 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 4 = 15
  5. Now pidsumovuєmo otrimanі two results at points 2 і 3 ;
    123 + 15 = 138
  6. It is necessary to round off the result for bik to the nearest multiple of ten. We have - tse 140.
  7. Now, from the specified number, it is necessary to withdraw the amount to the item 4 :
    140 - 138 = 2

Method other:

  1. The sum of numbers on the paired positions of the barcode multiplied by 1 ( 0 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 4 );
  2. The sum of numbers on unpaired positions in the barcode multiplies by 3 (7 + 9 + 8 + 5 + 6 + 6)*3 ;
  3. The result of sum dіy 1 and 2 is seen from the closest multiple of 10 on the larger side ( 140-138 ).

Such a way of scanning a barcode to itself is to change, ale, zoosumilo, to curb the stink of a trick. If the check digit does not appear from the result of such a calculation, the barcode is not valid.

In such a rank, barcode, from the database great stores rozdrіbnoї tradeіvlі become an indispensable tool for automatization of trade, which will signifi- cantly ask for the goods on the trading floor.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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