Soft and service for a professional joke. Secrets to the joke

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of danger, if the child is in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Every day, there is a general exchange of information about the framing, and that means, on the computers of koristuvachіv, it’s getting better. On the hard disks of an ordinary koristuvach, the number of files can be up to hundreds, and it is not easy to find the necessary files. The standard Windows operating system doesn’t depend on it very well, but it’s just too small functionality, so we need to use third-party programs.

There are a number of programs that can be used to help you find the necessary data on computers.

Qia program є, mabut, nibilsh with a straining tool for joke on PC disks. There are no fine fine lines, filters and functions. The distribution kit includes additional utilities for interfacing with the file system.

One of the My Files files є the ability to rewrite files by way of overwriting with zeros or vague data.


Search My Files often gets lost in the middle of the software through the sound of the name. The programme's view is that it’s more simple for vicarystanna, but at the same time, in all day-to-day functions, for example, the noise on the plain discs.


A simple poshukova program with its own peculiarities. Everything in the place of shukati is not only for local computer, and then on ETP and FTP servers. Some of the representatives of such software are seen by those who allow the display of changes from the computer's file systems.

Effective File Search

There is one more simple solution for the robotic software. With a much more critical size, there are a lot of functions, built export results in texts and tabular files, maybe installed on a USB flash drive.


UltraSearch can know not only files and folders, but also information from documents for a key phrase or a word. By the head with rice By the program є automatic nosy analysis, which can be switched on.


REM is presented with a larger friendly interface, lower than the front participants. The principle of robots is by programming the fields at the foreshortened zones, files in which are automatically indexed, so that it is possible to speed up the process of the message. Zones can be stored not on the local computer, but on disks at the fancy.

Google Desktop Search

Crafting all over the place, Google Desktop Search is a small localized system. You can also use this information to share information on your home PC or on the Internet. In addition to the main function, the program has transferred information blocks - gadgets for the work table.

All the programs that have been placed on the list should be suitable for replacing joke windows... Choose yourself: install the software in a simpler way, with a smaller set of functions, or a smart harvester with the ability to process files. You can use folders and discs in local framing, then you go to REM and Everything, and if you plan to "carry the program with you", then I respect you on Effective File Search or Search My Files.

(YA SHAFRIN, newspaper "Informatika", No. 9 2009)

1. Statement of the problem

The message of information in the Internet is not important to understandings: due to the unfinished development of materials, Merezh is behind the change, as for the form of the declaration, and for the structure (as I have already said, the world is determined to the extent structure danih).

To that end, the methods and forms of information and information (tributes) can be smart. Do not take your respect with foreign words, guided by a number of specific butts.

1. Supposedly, you want to know in the Internet all materials about a particular person on his nickname. You can just type yak at the input field of any sound system, for example, "Rambler" (that's how I call it in the company). The result is that the trick will increase in size, due to the fact that it is more widespread in the suspension, and due to the popularity of the individual (the popularity itself, not the scale!). For example, if you get Ferdischenka, you can help with success, if you know, because there is nothing about such a person in the Internet. Іnshiy butt: nay shukana osobistіst maє prіzvische Kulik. Just type a joke at the field, and take away thousands of documents from Igor, Andriyom Toscho. Kulikov, iz Kulikov, Kulikovskiy too. If, for your happiness, your Kulik sound, perhaps, Nikifor (rіdkіsne іm'ya), then Nikifor & Kulik will power up your chances for success. That is fed, scho to formulate, is guilty of the origin of the yakomog in the big vuzka region of the joke. With special protection, the slides are placed before the riot police. For example, you want to edit information about the chemical element boron. Type the word in ole pohuku marno, for that, bir - tse drl, coniferous lis, element, fizik Bor. Just dial up Element & Bor, the area will sound like a joke.

2. It is admitted that you will be tricked by a topic (heading). At the end of the day, you may or may not be familiar with the joke behind the key words. As soon as you can write elementary information, intuition, then, having spent more time with more people (for example, "Science and Education" in Fig. 1 on p. 34) , sometimes "Books of abstracts, coursework, diplomas, etc.). With a little bit of perfection, one can experience, but in a zealous vip, there is a shudder in the Internet - sooner mystery, admission, outlook and intuition of the customer, not the witnessing of instrumental recordings noise systems... Slide clearly delineated mechanisms of jokes on the Internet, described in the statute:

1) the buzz of documents for key words with the help of universal buzz systems;

2) specialization of poshuk (for example, people);

3) a joke on the stream (visualization) side.

The rest of the mechanism, at its own heart, is divided into two types - the contextual noise of fragments in the text on the side and the message at the structured bases of the data on the site, represented by the price side (goods, vacancies, services, form toscho).

2. Headquarters

"All-day pavutina" in the Internet - a lot of documents from unstructured text information (as well as graphical information, audio, video). In order to know the information needed, Merezha's client often needs to sort through hundreds. side web(Inodi without much success), vitrahati with a lot of strength and nerves (as well as costs).

The ear of the 90s is developing intensively dovidkovі service. The Internet, which will help the clerks to know the information they need, and the services can be divided into two categories: universal and special.

Have universes services vikoristovuєtsya zvyanny principle joke at unstructured documents - for key words.

The key word of the document is called okreme word chi slovospoluchennya, like the rank of the verbatim document.

For example, for the literature from the program, the key words are characteristic "Umovny transition", "Macrocommand", "Obrobka pererivan" is too small.

Universal joke service ( Poshukov system) - the whole complex of the program of strained computers, which includes such functions.

1. Special program- offensive robot- uninterruptedly peeking at the side of the "All-Holy Pavutini", select key wordsі warehouse danih base indexes... Prior to the base, the key words are included and the addresses of the documents, for which the words appear. The robot "skips" and the sides, to know what they can do, and so far, do not go around the whole lot of Merezha, as it goes around. If the robot-indexer of the sound machine comes to website(for example, on, vin persh for all the changes, which are not found in the root catalosis site of the service file robots.txt(for our butt www.rambler. ru / robots.txt- I'm a robot to sign up as small letters!). As a robot, the document is displayed, all submissions for the indexing of the site are subject to confirmation prior to requests robots.txt.

2. Web-server accepting koristuvach power up on a joke, re-making and transferring special programs - fancy cars.

3. The poshukova machine looks at the database of given indexes, stores the list of links, which will be satisfied with the supply (more precisely, the list of links to the list of links), and turn it to the web server.

4. The web-server processes the results of the transmission from the hand for the clerk and the transfer to the client's car.

Specialized pre-service- subject catalogs, in which selected big-mens structured houses about addresses servers from the same topic. On the view from the universal databases of indexes, thematic catalogs are stored by fakhivtsy who will not provide the customer with a suvorisha, who is sure that he has systematized information about the documents of the Merezh. Rіven "smittya" in cich catalogs on the bottom, lower in automatically folded indices, and the smell is more significant. Previously, the systems were used for universal (with index bases of data) and "hybrid" (index bases and thematic ones). Such a classification by the singing world has become old: none of the majority of sound systems can be played by "hybrid" ones - they smell in the index databases, and behind thematic headings. Axis is a small list of the most popular web systems based on the URL addresses of the cob links:

  • MSN Web Search - service system MSN);
  • Excite -;
  • Yahoo! -;
  • Infoseek -;
  • Lycos -;
  • Lycos -;
  • Alta Vista -;
  • Google -;
  • Rambler ("Rambler") -;
  • Aport -;
  • Yandex ("Yandex" or "Yaps1ex") -

Amazingly, what the middle of the Russian criminals are the most popular of the most popular system and google, Yandex, Rambler and Aport. Practically on all sides, where there is a noise, є Help button. Natisnіt and open the guide from the victorian system.

3. Mechanism inspired by Microsoft's joke

You can use one of the sound systems or one of the thematic catalogs that you can see for yourself. Protect rosrobniki Internet Explorer For the convenience of the client, it is most often possible to add a modern interface with sound systems to the Chergov version of the browser. Internet Explorer itself doesn’t bother with a noise: it’s taken as a corystuvach, it’s powered up, and it’s transmitted as a noise.

Click on the browser toolbar button Poshuk.

Enter the power supply (logical viraz) on the loops panel in the input field and press the button Poshuk(In other systems - Shukati, Know !, Search). A dozen hour later, below the input field, there is a list of authorizations on documents, which are satisfied with the entered supply. When Mish's vkaz_vnik is pointed to a hyperpower, as a rule, a prompt appears (either a short document or just a URL). To the onslaught of Misha, you can see a document.

The width of the panel can be changed by changing the right of the border with the aim.

4. Out-of-the-box mechanics on the Internet

Otzhe, when you joke for the key words (in the index databases), type in the input field in the input field, in a logical viraz, which is formulated according to the syntax rules given sound systems

The method of quoting the required tributes from the borderless ocean resources on the Internet can be divided into three groups:

  • "Intuitive-heuristic" priyomi, based on erudition, knowledge, outlook and mentality of the koristuvach;
  • vicorystannya post servers, as the singing world of formal (instrumental) mechanics will be ignored for key words;
  • buzz at the thematic (rubricated) catalogs.

1. Heuristics. Role feed in the vicinity, you can grab one word (for example, Adjika). The first word can play the role of the right point, if you fix it, you will not only go to a specific information, ale and rinse off a mass of cinnamon tributes about about'єktah, directly linked to your associates. This tactic will make it even more effective to get ahead of time. Guidedly, butt.

1) Supposedly, as a power supply, you typed like a ridkisne, ale, a well-known nickname, - for example, Ktoriv(A.P. Ktorov (1898-1980) - the great actor of the Moscow Art Theater). Have tsyomu vipadku vie melodiously take away information about Ktorov, ale and bagato tsikavikh documents, which may be directly connected to the theater, to the Vikonavskiy and dramatic masterpiece Viruses from the seen reestr, you can, for example, see the actors from the extended appellation (for example, B.A.

2) Type the word "Refrigerator", and have a meal at the place of by-beat technology: in an online store that sells not only refrigerators, but also other by-products, read out the information about the construction of units, about the power of power, prices, about firmy-virobniki, etc.

3) Pick "Adjika" (a product of harvesting), and you can follow the masu materials with recipes, learn about books from the culinary art and, perhaps, about the celebrities who have flooded with the culinary arts.

4) The word "Avisan" (liki) may mezhe lead you to a shukany drug; It will take a moment to give you the freedom to get rid of ailments, symptoms, recommendations for treatment. Imovirno, it’s important for you to see the views on a lot of the reddish medical sites, - for example, on the universal pharmacy site of Moscow, how it is possible to trace the price of those who are deprived of the drugs, they thought about them, but for the fun of those who were known for the supplement of the Zusilla.

As has already been said, with such a move, the efficiency of the joke in the Merezha is a meaningful world to lie in the view of the koristuvach's outlook. If you are shouting materials from the singing theme, at the same time you should pay for the "Intellect" machine: you are guilty of the specialness of the lexicon of the fahivts in the context of the subject, you may have the same term.

2. Move power supply. The basis of power supply for a joke and a vibration of information is the device algebra of logic... Yak butt can be readily available for power supply in Yandex system, which can be used for suvorogo pushok in index bazi danih... By essence, tse syntax logical viraziv , I don't know much about the syntax of the Russian systems (for example, Rambler and Aport). For a joke of documents, like revenge a word, type it in the field of a joke and press a button Know... The area can be zuzuzit: News, Tovary, Encyclopedias(warehouse qty buttons, yak i type home side, you can change). If it is powered up to take revenge on the slice, it is necessary to follow the following rules:

1) logical І (AND) - a pouk of the same between the propositions: a natural shovel (razdіluvach - probіl) or a natural shovel;

2) logical І (AND) - a poknannya in between the document: natural & shovk;

3) the buzz of the phrase - "Golden Orpheus" (straight paws!).

In addition, you can shukati according to the appearance of the given terms (we will set it in words or words), shukati in the title, in the text, in the inventory, in the inscriptions to the images; please send a message to the given URL (for example, # link = " *"), etc. Yandex shukaє is not out of the question for the given word, but for the word forms. For example, if you set the word "newspaper", then it will be known to document, like revenge the words "newspaper", "newspaper", "newspaper" just.

3. Thematic joke. The thematic rubricator of the Yandex system allows you to know a lot and without the help of algebra of logic. Such headings (ale zinshim zmistom) may be inshi poshukov (and not only poshukov) systems, - for example, Rambler and Aport.

5.Specialization of shots

Technologies are rapidly developing on the Internet. Systematically z'yavlyayutsya new tools joke. Original (i, mabut, promising) system of a special joke promoted by the company "Lycos": (literal translation "Who? De?").

In a word, you can at the name of the people shukati address її e-mail, your phone number, web pages, on which tsya lyudin will be guessed (list, Search Type: (Kind of poke)). І navpaki, you can shukati lyudin at the її address E-mail or phone.

In another way, in the main part of the window there is a kind of rubricator;

  • people in the sphere of rozvag that love to borrow: directors, musicians, sportsmen;
  • people that are worthless: investors, brokers, buyers, posadov individuals;
  • people who are "similar to you" (who are similar to you, who are close to you for a visit, svitospriyattyam, intellectom): women, children, family, mandarin;
  • people who can help you: consultants may be busy, robot teachers are too.

6. ICQ

In an hour of widespread popularity, the system of spilkuvannya between people under the name ICQ (Vimova "I seek you" - I'm joking at you). The system of assistance for special software security. The skin addressee will be given an individual number, which can be entered before notebook koristuvach. It’s okay to get started when you select an appropriate record from the recorder.

7. Poshuk danih on the side, how to appear

Doses we looked at the buzz of unstructured Web documents for key words in index databases, as well as thematic buzz.

1. At the same time, from looking around, I will get a contextual joke on.

For a full step, vibrate the command Word wholeі About the urahuvannyam register.

2. Bagato sites and portals may well structured bases, in which you can conduct a joke of any database distribution (for the subject of the given site). For example, on the Moscow pharmacy website http://apteka.mos.ruє two mechanisms of such a joke:

1) by alphabet: you click, say, on the letter "P", and the site will give you a list of all the hits on the letter "P";

2) for the standard field, type the name (for example, Avisan) click on the buttons Know(abo Shukati). The system will send you a website, you know about a pharmacy, in which there is a drug, because of the price, address, telephone number and delivery method. Mechanisms for a joke (or, more precisely, the details) can be changed on other sites (including on the same site), it is even easier to get in touch with them.

It's an hour to give a message to bagatokh goods, vacancies, services, firm tosho. (In іnrarchіchnyh structures) the area of ​​a joke can be done in a stepwise manner (or at once) sound, including in the decіlkoh fields introduced, for example, a model of a living viroba, bazhanu price, misto, wіk and a lot іnshogo.

Briefly about the smut

1. The resources of the Internet are practically all the information accumulated by people, and the headings of the whole information can be found on websites and in all sound systems (for example, electronic libraries, near statutes, museums).

2. For a joke on the Internet, you can choose to use special systems, which can be used on the basis of the logic of algebra. In addition, there are many sites that are rich in systems, since it is not possible to use thematic ones, they give the opportunity to conduct thematic and specializations. Runet infects the most popular systems such as Google, Yandex, Rambler, Aport and інші.

3. Internet Explorer is most often able to learn the mechanism of a joke, so it allows audio forms to be corroded by the services of audio systems.

4.Wash development systems special joke (for example, people in the sphere of entertainment and those who love to borrow: directors, musicians, athletes).

5. Look out for the possibility of contextual jokes on all sides, which are displayed (current). For a full step, vibrate the command [Edit-Know on tsiy side ...] and in the window type shukaniy text fragment... Allowed the establishment of officers Word wholeі About the urahuvannyam register... Bagato site_v may vbudovan_ mechanizmi joke for the subject of the given site (goods for abetkoyu, vacancies too).

It’s more than an hour to be spent on the Internet, to see information on a whim, and how to do it. If there are a lot of ways to get a tribute - you can look into the online encyclopedia and try to see what you see there, you can sign up for a mailing list on topics that you want to ask for, and respectfully ask people to answer questions. The only way to get to know on the Internet is to be faster than one of the numerical sound systems. Service for jokes on millions and millions of web-sites - tse, mabut, the main lanka of the whole world. Without Google, Yahoo, Yandex, and the most popular modern sound systems for transferring a koristuvach in Merezhi shvidshe, it would be better to use a thin fool. The importance of sound systems for robots in the Internet is important to re-evaluate start pages Specified addresses of sound systems, and even from them for the bagatokh to repair an unlimited increase in the cost of the new resources of the net. However, the efficiency of Internet marketing for all people is worth it - one person knows information every hour, in the last hour, and the third one might not know anything good for oneself. What is the reason? The idea is simple: a joke on the Internet, similar to a ribalka, is a must for the nobility, for catching and for catching, tobto. de shukati ta yak shukati. In the current statistics, we are talking about those who are better able to send a message on the Internet, and how to make a message about the system, rather quietly, like “on everyone’s lips”.

However, it is almost the same system that you know. Yaksho koristuvach knows the address of the sound system, but it doesn’t mean that it’s okay for me to use it. Let’s reconsider, how well you know the technology of sound power supplies. Those who have found the most accurate results and take them in advance, lay down from the fact that we have formulated a sound power supply. For example, if you shouke information for writing course robots, it is not necessary to enter the topic literally, especially since the robot is trained in special analysis. You will know more and more valuable views if you try to select key words, so that words that will be created by your robots. As soon as you whisper about the instructions for the car, you have entered the model number, singing melodiously, deny the majesty of the number of sites, how to get the word out of the way. In order to see what is not needed, you can choose the function of a joke from a known one, or make words of a joke. Practically, you will know the function of the extended pochukovik in the case of the dermal projectile. Tse - more one garniy sposib not needed results. Among such functions, there may be in the past few words, which were not often overturned, and sometimes only with my own words, on the websites that have been created in the specified domain zones. An hour, as if to be spent on a joke, can be spared sutta, like the nobility and the vicoristovuvati syntax of moving power. Kozhen poshukovik has its own peculiarities here. For example, if you are whispering on Yandex, then we won’t take any vikoristovuvati like this:

  • For a joke, as if you were looking at a party in one speech, put the & symbol between them.
  • In a joke, give him a drink by putting symbols in front of him ~~
  • In order to know the sides, which I want to take revenge on one of the words, given to the sound supply, to distribute it with a symbol |
  • To joke a word at the indicated form, put a hail sign in front of it
Its secrets and Google's sound system. The axis is deprived of actions from them:
  • For a joke of information on the singing site (or less on the new one), enter the address at the field, preceded by the word site and two-speck (for example, site: http: //
  • For a joke of a phrase, yak can be on the sidelines, see in the paws
  • To turn on the results in the joke of the parties, on which the word is not heard, give him to his own power by putting a minus sign in front of him
There are only a few strokes, which can help you to make a noise on the Internet more efficiently. If you want to reach the optimal result, we are happy to report to you, familiarize yourself with the syntax of the power supply, as described in the report advanced system your beloved poshukach. In addition, Google and Yandex are not indispensable tools for joking in the framing, it is not possible to get confused - the joke at the cich systems is dull and even exact. But this does not mean that alternative sound systems do not deny the right to start. So - the stench of indexing less links, so - the methods of choosing resources in a lot of ways. Alle such a squeaky system and one unrepeatable change - the stench will smell new, not seen from the accepted standards. Opportunities for alternative sound services are very helpful before picking up resources, as they will be supplied, the result will be a little more demanding than sound systems. Also, even if some of the buzz about the services they see didn’t lead to anything, it means one thing - it’s necessary to change the tactics and try out the other methods and get information for the help of alternative sound systems. Most of the alternative sound systems and vicissitudes for collecting results are one or several lists of resources, such as Google, Yahoo and other great systems. The result is to filter, to look for the most beautiful and often for a short trip to see for additional diagrams, pictures of sites, hmari tags too. The retailers of alternative sound systems take an hour to go so far with their pranks of a new universal interface, so it is important to display a car in the web-site. And all the same, tse - sound systems. Indiscriminate and wondrous, at first glance ... - shukaє sounds

A whole resource of signs for quiet koristuvachіv, as well as perebuyut at a creative joke. Resource allows sound files of different formats - wav, mp3, aiff, au. At the base of the resource є nayrіznomanіtnіshі sounds - screams of creatures, screeching of cars, dzіn, knocking, lilacs, dizzy coma, gurkіt vibuhіv and streljanini, splash of water thinly. Sound files You can play around with different criteria, for example, behind the size, the appearance of two or one sounding channels (stereo / mono), the sampling frequency and the sounding width. In the results of the joke, the resource will show how to use the known files, and the basic characteristics, and how to show the graphs of the sound amplitude, as it is possible to display a picture about the character of the sound of this sample.

The FindSounds database of sound effects can be found in other regions - from the distribution of computers and other supplements, to the start of presentations and all kinds of clippings. A poshukovik can be done in a given time, for example, when he opens an interactive web graphic and makes a difference to the site, supervising the onslaught of elements of navigation with different sounds. - pidbere muzyku, books and filmy to relish

If you read a new book in the people, you’ll read a new book, or listen to a new music, or marvel at the movie, won’t, as a rule, turn for joy to your friend who knows, who has authority in your eyes. However, it is not so easy to know that, after a while, it’s not so easy to see your thoughts. First of all, not everyone love to give joy, even if they are recommended to others, people take on themselves a piece of visualization and nutritional support. " In a different way, lyudin, yak, I’ll be glad, guilty of intelligence, but it’s worth it to the spy, but it’s not okay. Ade to relish and color, as if it seems ... Ale, a simple way to correct it, it’s a good thing to be quick with a special poshukovtsy, which is just for the whole family. Otzhe, we wanted to postulate a novy hert, ale, no, that bazhannya shukati garnu muzyku... The resource will look at you for some of the names of the musical victors, as you are befitting, after analyzing the results and proponent of your choice of spivak chi herd, which is due to you. Service maє kіlka bases of danikh - from musical viconauts, films, books and people. In this rank, the resource has taken over the chotiri services: Gnod Music, Gnod Books, Gnod Movies and Flork. The remaining Flork service is a social experiment in the creation of people, like one with one. From among the happy people they protested the musical distribution of the service, and they banned three viconauts - Gerry and the Pacemakers, The Beatles and Hollies. Our goodness was not a vipadkovoy - tsі three groups lie down to the era of the sixty, to the tsіkowy appearances, like a British invasion. All groups were grabbed bit, and poshukovik mav proponuvati group chi viconavtsya at the same style. So I became. The result, proponated to us, is the Archies herring, which is for example sixty books on the lips of all Americans with their funny little Sugar Sugar. Having buried in poshukovets for an hour, we went to visit, but will often give the right joy, and to have mercy is not so often. For the sake of accuracy, the results of your "sake" can be given to the viglyadi of the animated chmari with the names of groups, authors or films. The base of the data can be done independently, by conducting "conversations" with the sound system and referring to its power supply in the style of "the price should be like" or "the price will not be like". - know files library

It is recommended that you bookmark it right away, if it’s early in the morning, it’s obov'yazkovo stan in the present. Ymovіrno, I would like to deal with the problem of daily life in the library system dll. Call the price before the programs start, and the screen shows "Couldn" t find *****. Dll. The reasons for this may be very rich, for example, the file may be visible to some incorrectly seen before installed supplement, vipadkovo file, etc. In addition, the rozrobnik simply does not include a library before the distribution of your product.

Correcting the situation is much simpler - it is enough to know the file on the Internet, add it and copy it to the director of these programs, so that it can be launched, or in a folder. WINDOWSsystem32 ... given to the service... Resource є a sound database for the most popular dll libraries. The files were sorted for the abetka, є the function of the joke. Shukany file can be shukati, if you want to navigate, I will bring you closer to the name of the library. It is enough to enter text in the field, and in the lower part of the side there will appear a magnificent list of files that can be repaired from a set of letters. - medical information

Unimportant to those who are given a pochukovy system of vikoristovy moving a joke from Google, the whole world does not lower its value. is a universal post-production system, which is designated for fun on medical websites. The whole site is an updated tool for the skin physician and everyone, who needs to correct the information on whether nutrition is in the field of medicine. Yak lіkuvati that chi іnshu ailment, as counter-indications at quiet chi lіkіv, to whichever lіkar turns up - all the price that is richly can be learned by "feeding" the poshukovik. Poshukovik includes a birzhu pratsi and you can vikoristovuvatisya for a joke of robots in the middle of medical workers. The resource also reveals the catalog of medical mortgages, sorted by regions. Among the many pledges are the addresses of clinics, medical centers for the development of straightforwardness, room benches, diagnostic centers, cosmetology salons and others. We'll be shy, bazhaєmo, we’d like to use our services, and we used to go out of our way, and not for demand. - show images and photos

Can you see about the popular graphic file sharing service? This is the same service, as in 2007 there were some blockages by the Chinese ruler, for that, on the other side of the photo there appeared the photographs of the summaries of 1989 on the Tiananmen square, which were moved to the capital of China, Pekin. is one of the first Web 2.0 services, and the number of images that can be fooled by people are counted as billions. There are a lot of pictures that can be used on the server's server for the flooring, but in order to know the specific images in the whole ocean of signs and pictures, a sound system is required. The service promotes the service of the image after the images, the protest way of the image - vikoristovuchi is an unprecedented poshukovik Tsey sound serviceє Just for a joke, the image on, with a first glance. And those who are not invited to rob the sound interface, which will increase the corruption of the trivial. The process of joking for the key word nagaduє yakus computer gru- in the cosmic space, there is a flutter of heavenly bodies, where you can move to the virtual light.

In addition, as the viconano will be powered up by the key word, on the screen of the window there is a system of planets that wrap around the light. The skin is heavenly tilo has its own designation that is "written" by the word. At the center of the galaxy - the sun, the key power supply, the rushta tila - the whole additional words, clarification. Like clacking a mishey on a son, tsey about to get close, and from both sides to get angry and take photographs, which are meant to be fired. A trivial model with photographs can be turned around in a virtual space, you can look at it in detail and look at the image, and turn it around. When you play enough claps on the pictures, you won’t get lost at the table, and you can look more beautifully and read the description.

In the process of robots with a cue, you can use the scrolling function - you will allow you to approach or see the trivial planet. Інші planets, as it is possible to poke in the interface of the message to the power supply - all additional words, which allow you to specify the power supply. For example, if you enter the joke "Sky" in the field, then in the middle of the clarifying words of the planets there will be the words "clouds", "sunset", "blue" and those similar to the zmist tags, which were used for the victorious service of In a few words, you can use the system, but does not accept Russian language, so you can use it in Latin. - filter results of our sound systems

Among all the sound systems, as it is possible to develop in the Internet, there is a special group of sound systems. You will be seen from those teams, so they have implemented the function of multi-shooter, that is, an one-hour joke on decilkoh sound systems. One of such multi-blast systems is the service.

Nigma to take revenge on the base of resources, but also allows you to send a message to all of the most popular e-mail systems, including Google, MSN, Yandex, Rambler, AltaVista, Yahoo and Aport. Mechanism of selection of results in the form of sound machines to be used in the majority of accepted methods of development of sites. On the right, in the one that moves the service to the vicorist clustering of results. What does it mean? To find out what you have done for yourself zyasuvati, so also "rendering". Having placed the results in the newer sound systems, the dvigun displayed the most important results, and at the same time in the left part of the window, the order of the list of results was given in order to visualize the clusters - "visualization" "process", "studio max", "computer graphics" and other words and words. Tsi clusters є thematic group of known documents. In such a rank, you can shvidko zvuziti kolo pozhuku or concretize pozhukovy zapit. At you can also choose headings, you can round off an area, and you can select the results - for example, you can choose to get rid of music resources, or you can get results from images. Another possibility of this service can be provided to schoolchildren and students. promotes the service of Nigma-mathematicians and Nigma-chemistry. The first indications for the quick version of simple arithmetic and arithmetic operations, other allow for practicality with the formulas of chemical reactions. A post-production service has developed based on a thousand physical, mathematical constants and a single one, which can be quickly reconfigured from one dimension to one. - post-front view system

All in all, in order to be able to know specific information in a net, it is necessary to vitrate for at least an hour. Looking at the result and the joke, koristuvach, in the main, see the resources of the new side those who want to do it, which will be a waste of an hour. The author of the website thought about the whole problem and saw the original decision. The essence of the whole decision was in the fact that it was possible to install such a system, in which koristuvach would be able to wonder at an approximate rate of the side before it was closed. Tse allowed us to write a dodatkov thought about the reliability of the resource of that zm_st.

Realization of the idea of ​​a ball is simply miraculous - a pop-up system for generating animations of a trivial interface and displaying the result and a joke at the viewer of the animated lines of the keys, changing the screenshots of the web, including the keys, is turned on. A line with the results, as appropriate, before the old negatives are thrown, can be scrolled in the browser window, a special povzunovuyuchi can be scrolled down to a low image. Eskizi mitt'vo pidvantazhuyutsya, to that the current "galmas" from the poor results \ u200b \ u200bwill not be spared. Especially handyly pratsyuvati with the results of a joke in per screen mode- it is possible to publish the text of the articles on the results of the essays. To assess the performance of the system, it is enough to have a look at the new resources. Photos to the main news on the title side of the web-view, to immediately give the intelligence, as new on this resource is brought into the game.

Wihid - specialized torrent system. Sites, which share torrent resources, have chimalo. However, can, in front of a sieve of sound systems, do not have a perevagu - the whole service allows you to download files on the great number of trackers at once. - astronomy service

A whole resource of information is given on sites, whose subject matter is also related to astronomy. Zagalom at the base of the given social systems and close to hundreds of sites on astronomical topics - sites of the observatory, amateur sites, libraries of scientific literature and in.

Tim, whose profession is tied to astronomy, can be deprived of being late - at the vivchenna cosmic podiat a part of romance. People should not be so tense as the region of the unknown. Mozhlvo, to that it is so often that he is victorious about his respect for space and is thinking of knowing what he sees at the end of the day "Chi life at Vsesvit?" We also didn’t recognize the originality and tried to put the legendary food "Chi є life on Mars?" The view was so abundant, and all the stinks of the tsikavi were on the floor, and, having forgotten about everything, we scolded at reading hypotheses and looking at photographs and mock-ups of the Mars surface. For a great funk, on the website of the most impotent corny services, middle ones, for example, the English-Russian-English Astronomy Dictionary, the biographical assistant with detailed information about all the pupils, such as the child Є There is also a handy map of the dawn sky, as it generates the position of suzir'yev, fallen from latitude to the point of caution, and also to do it. - bezkostovnі іgri for be-yaky relish!

Suggest services are needed by everyone - and the team, who is victorious for writing a dissertation, and who wants to know the forecast, wait a minute, or the distribution of trips, and to help them, who just won’t get sick of this hour play in yakus - maybe a simple computer gru. For the rest of the category, the resource will be referred to by Dzherel Igor.

It’s not called a poshukovik, I would like to call it the same name (Game search engine). The site is, quickly, a catalog, a collection of 264 igor on Flash, selected on one side. Strength for health. On you will know whether it’s "office fun" - from the tetris and shahiv to the adventure quest and shooter. The plot of the bagatokh іgor of destruction with great humor і, bezperechno, will be honored not only for you, but for your friends. - joke with associative links

The method of selecting the correct results for the skin type is unique and unique. The axis, for example, is a system of pratsyuє based on the principle of associativity. The given system is designed to magnetize not only correctly view the web-resource, but to show the singing power, and just give a joke with associative words. So, if you enter in the key field the word or words, the result of the readings by the sound machine will be seen as a set of associative words, semantic hmara, well, і, і, і, і, і, і, і, іtѕ іtѕ list of sites, I will see the result іn sound by the system.

The peculiarity of is the process of visualization of associations, tobto. folding pictures-diagrams, showing the links between words, how to refer to similar topics. The whole count can be kept quiet and indifferent, even if we try to joke before the new sound and vikoristovuyush for the ringing of the region joke. The poshukovy service of can be applied in the mode of associative fuss, and the first in the mode. For larger robots, the version of the site - - has been "fixed" with the system. - short book

It is possible to argue about those who die the book, or even the fact become lost as a fact - this year's reader is not the one that Tolstoy’s gutted volume, but, sooner, the one who is willing to read. Soon it’s not a hero of “Futurami,” and Homer is not a character of “Simpsons,” but an adequate Greek, that a thousand lives are alive. We will be built, so much interest in literature is not a thing for a team, and hours will come when people turn to books. Well, leave the hour dictating its own laws, and there are resources like We don't need to be especially perspicacious, just ask who the insurance resource is for - absolutely, for schoolchildren and students. If you want to read a whole book, as you can know in two words, the old man Meterlink wrote about it. On the website selected great number short changes up to for books- from "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alig'eri to "Hamlet" by Shakespeare and "Quiet Don" by Sholokhov. Zm_st of creators of rankings on the site for the authors, є the function of a joke. It is necessary to give a more proper resource to the creators - the stench has already gone to the selection of the text for re-ordering, that most of the creations have been reiterated by literary language, everything is sane and tsykavo. Well, well, you can, middle-of-the-line, who knows about the zest of the books, you know how you want to know the book, having read it in the originals. And not from the screen of the PDA or the laptop, but from the many arkushes of the ancient book, no such opportunity. - shots for video clips

Tsei service vikonu pohuk vіdeo on іnіnіonny vіdeo treasures, as vіtchiznyim, for example, so і behind the cordon. All video, the best video archives - tse service Youtube... However, in practice, we see that our successful services for taking video clips have little to do with anything, but in what more beautiful service, which is due to Google. In the first place, the service is more democratic to video, but to be victorious - for happiness, in our land, for now, no one will fall for the thought of suing for those who, in the net, a block of a new block of a new piece of music has been sent to a foreign glance. In a different way, zm_st klіpіv, as we add our koristuvachi to the server, we are close and intelligent. The axis, for example, a report from one of the TV channels, which has already become documentary, about the podії, who overtook the visit to Ukraine of Sera Paul McCartney - to appear, є the village of Bitlya in Transcarpathia, in which the town of Bitlya is on the go ... And the axis is the іnshy video, de p'yaniy of victories of one of the capital's wins, intend to give a lecture. The chance to poke around on YouTube is lower - the price is close to our glyadachev, the price is our mentality.

You can send a message to the service for the tags, for the rating, and in key words, like the cost to the customer. The service allows you to work with bookmarks and store them from video lists. - postcard of results

In a situation where a buzz on the Internet does not lead to a positive result, it’s logical to let it go, but it’s not sound like it’s going to go wrong, and it’s like to formulate the message. A little more than koristuvach sorting through the sides, it is more important that you turn on when you come up with something like describing your problem in one or two words. For most people, you just need to switch and try the best sound service, for example,

Only the manifestation of a sound resource that is not attached to the interface can be used to formulate the power supply in a new way. And as long as the result will be different, if the system has seen the forefront, it is possible to let it go, if the chance to know will be different. The sound service is not similar to the sound of the machine - the first call is more powerful than the programs. After the introduction of the word-zapitu, in the "programs" there will be an animation of a character, which is a rozvazhaє koristuvach, leave the results to prepare until the vivedennya on the screen. Dali follow the picture of the Internet, as a way to connect with the meaningful wizard of new resources. It is good to see from the map that the area is closest to the subject of the vibrational resource and the next information. Tsikavo, scho is shown on the map, the link can be redrawn, visually, the area is posed. On the map of the Internet resources of the site, there are small icons - that is, when there is a larger size of the icon, it is more likely to indicate the power supply. Koristuvatisya with the poshukovy system is dumb, especially on the cob. Ale, to the action of a joke zvikєsh mittєvo - for example, even more pictures of sites, which give you the opportunity to judge those by looking at the side of the chi. The same system is used to save the power supply history, which can be turned manually, if necessary, until the result is obtained. For the sake, you can look over the list of words, which will power up the sound systems, and how you have grafted it to the resource. Poshukovik, unfortunately, is filthy with the Russian text. The push can be carried out in one of three modes - on the whole Internet, only on the English sides and on the pages of the "Batkiv" filter. If the sides, which lead to the power supply, the sound system seems to be rich, the result is a joke to go to the sides (as in any kind of sound system) and for the skin they have their own card on the Internet. Be it a result card, you can save it and know Vikoristan for a joke. - concretizing the area

Visually presented results in a joke are often a manifestation of the middle of alternative noise systems. A very close and intelligent way of demonstrating the region to a joke - a tse of a diagram, yaku, so chi іnakshe, to beat the creators of alternative audio systems from unseen interfaces. Service - try to create a sound system, in which koristuvach mіg bi you should not go over the results, but just pick a joke. Pratsyuє sound service is even simpler. Koristuvach enter the power supply, for which at the upper part of the side there will be a diagram of words, which will start the message area for a message, and in the lower part of the browser window a standard list of sites will be displayed, which will be displayed. In the center of diagrams, there are key words, as the most suitable for the topic. If one can judge for the central word, if "correctly" the sound system of identification of the senses will be "correct". Well, well, it’s true, I want, it’s true, we should be built, well, it’s logical to bump into the center of the diagrams and the word, for example, "svіzhі IT-news" and "computer". The inaccuracy of the results is explained by the small database of indexed sites, the idea itself of the tsikava and, if possible, if we take it further. To do this, you can download it from, you need to install the Java Virtual Machine, Internet Explorer, Firefox or Netscape components. - childish poshukovik

If the child is pragne vivchati a computer, it is necessary to zahochuvati. Alle, let’s give you an independent shukati view on your power supply in Google, or a similar "grown-up" poshukovik is not vapid. Adding a fancy engine is a function of interconnecting the results in a joke for urahuvannya undesirable wickedness, which means depriving those of the included filter of pornography and violence not to understand the result, but to solve the result. The guarantor will bring up a "clean" list of results, no sound service is possible. Do not solve until the end of the problem with the programs for the father's control.

Ale є one more garny vikhіd from the encampment - proponuvat the child's patronizing with the special childish poshukovets A whole lot of services of ruling in such a rank, so it’s okay to ask for resources, as they were added to the database of and they were grabbed by the creators of the service. You can know the correct service for the information and for the fathers - the promptness, as the correct way to get the children out, as to get the message about their health too. On the site, pratsyuє and child Internet radio, which is broadcast in the ether of the Russian language, children’s pictures, and a lot of information. If the child bulo cicavo vikoristovuvat the system, the robot with the results can be viewed in the visual mode, if the known side appears in the view of the beautifully animated series of screenshots of the great side of the websites. Bigger, mabut, if it’s easy to use text mode. - pochuk in the online encyclopedia

It’s an unprecedented, unassuming dvigun; Virishivshi, which is not a bigger universional base, not that one, who revenges itself in encyclopedic articles, the creator of the service didyshli visnovka, which noviy pochuk Ovik slid open on the basis of Wikipedia - a popular online encyclopedia. The creations of the famous programmers visualized the results and the joke, and yes, you can concretize the joke. - duzhe hand tool, so it is easy to know shortly about the houses in the region. A poshukov system for making circular diagrams. At the center of diagrams there is just a joke. In addition, as the power of the viconies, on the diagrams they fix the results and jokes as dots, moreover, the results are seen as the tags-posilannya, so that they help the corystuvach to reveal the essence of nutrition. The instructions from the diagrams lead to the side of the online encyclopedia. For a greater scale of diagrams, you can change the scale, a special povzunok. Whether it is a tag, changes to the field will automatically start a new message and a diagram will re-energize the result card. You can refine the power supply by adding additional words, which clarify the essence of food. The right-hander is from the diagrams є a notepad, for which you can pull comments to the diagrams tags, bookmarks of its own kind online. - a joke behind a bunch of pictures

If you enter power on a large number of popular sound systems, you can hear the sound of graphical files, and reject the results, which are based on what text is used on the side, as well as on the names of the files. And the axis of the mensh is in the form of the picollator system, in a practical way. The system of identification is shown in the pictures. Naturally, with such a move, the sound is guilty of the formulation not in the viglyadi of the word or in the word, but in the picture.

It’s the same і: add a photo to the server, or add the link to the site, where it’s already locked, and in a few seconds you’ll start a quick image similar to the locked photo. Service maє deyakі obmezhennya: win pratsyu lishe with photographs of people. Until then, if you can correct an acceptable result, you can see a photo of a good quality - revealing people on a new ma but good is visible, it’s also bazhano, but it’s not turned out. - propony straight out of joke

The slogan for the site in the sound form "Keymap of whole Internet" will increase the message of the whole society of the sound machine. The service visualizes the results in the simplest and most important rank, which can only be thought of - at the sight of a picture of the road, which is necessary for a metropolitan map. Vuzlov points of the whole picture are the whole key words, known by the sound system. The speck on the peretynі shlyakhіv - tse central word, those same, yak bulo introduced at the field to the sound machine.

A poshukova machine is often shown to the robot of a koristuvach - if the result is not satisfactory, you can not lamb your head over tim, if you can put food more precisely - just look at the visual result of the result in a joke and vibrate one of the key words. In other words, vikoristovuchi ci keys virazi, you can keruvati outright joke.


The list of "wondrous" erotic services, obviously, does not end there. Nice minds will be able to work out a thorough algorithm for collecting results in a joke on the Internet. Ale, unaffected by all of the Zusillas, no such decision has been promoted, as it could have been a great interest in koristuvachіv. The price can be explained not by the power of the ringtone, but by the name of the rock, Google, Yandex, Yahoo! the same sound systems, a lot of corystuvachіv appeared "filter" results, in the operating syntax to the sound, antitrophies are not better, they do not aim for alternative systems. Except that the situation can change until the end, if a fancy service appears on the horizon, which does not move the older systems, but its own power, and which, with all the opportunity to provide the index, is so great. The super-transmission, in addition, as the best sound systems, is madly doomed to an endless dispute. Melodiously, there are a lot of people, like there will be a little bit, but nothing short of Google or Yandex, Lyudin didn’t come up with. It’s known to be so, hto say, that alternative sound systems and sound more accurately. May race і tі, і інші. I’m sure, in the browser bookmarks, there is a place for all sound systems, as there may be things in the world.

Significantly, it will take an hour to send documents and files to a few minutes and take seconds to help the deyaky services:

  1. Extensions to Yandex. Far from everything is in the course, but the sound of the car may have expanded the version of the message. Yandex has a tsei service located on tsіy storіntsі: Here, having entered the power supply, you can specify the details of the power supply. For example, document mova, publication date, well, obviously, the format you need. By pushing the button "Know" you will see a list of documents on the required format. You will only need to click on the "Add-in" button, and the document will be secured from the server, on any document or the file will be stored without any additional restores. For it is possible to read a document instead of a document without locking it up by pressing the "Look over" button, so that you do not overwrite the computer with unnecessary files.
  2. Google buzz extensions. Google also allows you to know files in the required format. The axis is side-by-side, it can be built up: On the Yandex page, Google can give you a fuss about such exotic formats as: Adobe PostScript (.ps), Autodesk DWF (.dwf), Shockwave Flash(.swf). We have a list of formats for the sake of, behind Google, there’s a huge noise. As you can see in the letter of sound phrases, you will give the names of the operator to the filetype: and give it the file format you need, then you can easily find the required file. For example, if you need to know the MIDI file of the composer Bach, then you can type Bach filetype: mid and in full, if you know the ones you need.
  3. One more brown service to be located at the central address: We will be glad to help you with documents of different formats, including TXT, FB2, ODT, and Navi RAR and ZIP. When you enter your power supply, you can quickly move around in tabs, then you can click for a specific type of file. The service has 2 hundred passes - simplicity and quickness of the joke. One short-lived - do not wait to lead to the final file. There, de є directly submitting to the file, hit the button "Sign up".
  4. You can also use the FTP server to send files to a joke. Adzhe inodi files vivant to FTP server from with access to internal folders, and the axis of the car is often not known. In addition, if you enter your power supply at the row of a given service, you can browse the list of known files in the Internet and folders, which can be used in your own name, or at the expense of yourself, the text introduced by you at the power supply.

Inodi trap so much as you want to add the 2007 music album to rock, so it will vіdno rozpovyudzhuetsya, vіpuschenie vikonavtsom, who knows three and a half people. You know the torrent file, start yogo, add 14.7% and… that's it. Day and night pass by, and the entangled stand on the site. You can fix the shukati album from Google, search the forums and find out how to use the file sharing, but the stink hasn't been done for a long time.

Also, they see it in part - legal scholars are constantly closing the corners of the resource. It’s not a problem to know popular content, it’s not a problem before.

As if you didn't know the Internet, there is a low way to know. All low-level options are available only for content awareness, but not for stealing.


Usenet - distribution of servers, where data are synchronized. The structure of Usenet is a hybrid of a forum and electronic mail. Koristuvachi can connect to special groups (Newsgroups), where they read and write. Yak and vypadku for a reason, whenever a topic is raised, as a supplementary help, there is a groupie theme. S'ogodnі Usenet vikorystovuєtsya is important for sharing files.

Until 2008, the rockets of the great Usenet providers saved files for less than 100-150 days, the protest files began to be saved forever. Additional providers download content for 1,000 or more days, which is often enough.

Approximately in the middle of 2001, the Usenet was contacted by lawyers, through the providers it was brought to the sight of copyright theft of content. Ale entuzіasti shvidko knew the routine way: they thought they'd give the files lost name, steal archives with passwords and add them to special sites, to which access can be denied to the requested one.

Russia doesn’t know anything about the Usenet news, which it doesn’t say about the country, de Vlad is trying hard to fight with piracy. On the basis of the BitTorrent protocol, on Usenet it is not possible to assign the IP address of a koristuvach without the help of the service provider or the service owner.

Connect to Usenet

Most of the time, it is not possible to connect without a cable. Come satisfied with an hour or so of saving files, or low speed, or access to text groups.

Provide proponyuyut two types of paid access: a monthly subscription with a non-binding exchange of data, or an additional tariff for an hour with limited traffic. Another option is for those who are quiet, who do not need to add some money. The most important providers of such services are Altopia, Giganews, Eweka, NewsHosting, Astraweb.

Now it is necessary to have a good view, de brothers NZB-files from meta-information - it is on the standard torrent files. For a wide range of specialty engines - indexers.


Public indexes for spam spam, and even the stink is still coming for joke files that are old enough or more rocky in that. Axis of them:

No post indexes, which require restructuring, are more suitable for new files. The stench is kindly structured, the content can't just be named, just an inventory with pictures. You can try this:

There are also indexers only for singing types of content. For example, anizb pіdіyde shanuvalnikam anіme, and albumsindex - tim, hto shukaє muziku.

Downloading from Usenet

Yak butt in "Fraser Park" (The FP) - a small film of 2011 rock, the option of a 1080p video at a separate building is practically uncomfortable. It is necessary to know the NZB file and run it through a program like NZBGet or SABnzbd.

Yak download via IRC

You will need an IRC client. Whenever you want to be, it is more important to receive DCC. Connect to the server to send messages to you, and repair the download.

Some servers with books:

  •, room #bookz;
  •, room # ebooks.


  •, room #moviegods;
  •, room # beast-xdcc.

Zakhidna that Japanese animation:

  •, room #news;
  •, room # cartoon-world.

For joke files, you can vikoristovuvati command! find or @ find. Bot has great results in a special occasion. As much as possible, look at the @search command - start a special bot, which should result in a joke like one file, but not a majestic flow of text.

Try to download How Music Got Free - a book about the music industry, written by Stephen Witt.

The bot has generated the @search feed and added the results to the zip file using DCC.

Nadsilaєmo is energized for jumping.

I accept the file.

As long as you know the file behind the help of the indexer, you don’t need to send it to the channel. Just send the bot a power supply to the zavanazhennya, vikoristovuchi command from the site of the indexer.

DC ++

For DC-headers, all communications are connected through a server, which is called a hub. At the new one can shukati specific types of files: audio, video, archives, documents, disk images.

It is even easier to distribute files in DC ++: just tick the box next to the folders you want to use rear access... For the rakhunok it is possible to know that it is absolutely neimovirne - it is, forgive us, they have already been forgotten for a long time, but we can still be familiar with the rapture.

Yak download via DC ++

Come on, be a client. For Windows, the best option is FlylinkDC ++. Koristuvachi Linux can vibrate from AirDC ++ Web.

Send a message to the user who has been implemented manually: enter the power supply, select the type of content, click on "Shukati" and two click on the result, just click on the file. You can also look at the list of all visible files and edit all files from the vibrating folder. For the whole it is necessary to use the right button of the mouse to force a sound result and vibrate the item.

If you didn’t know it, try it. Most people turn on the DC client only if they need it.


For a reason to know if the files are on the lists of koristuvachіv, scho to be in the online mode. In order to know rіdkіsny content, you know the indexer.

One view is, as well as a mirror The results are presented in the viglyadi magnet-posilanie, when they are pressed on yak files, they are immediately repaired via the DC-client. Varto vrahovuvati, an hour indexer most hour inaccessible - one to two months.

eDonkey2000 (ed2k), Kad

Yak і DC ++, ed2k is a protocol of decentralized transfer from a centralized hub for joking and communicating with each other. At eDonkey2000, you can know more of the same ones in DC ++: old series with sound recordings, music, programs, games, old ones, as well as books on mathematics and biology. Well, here's a new release.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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