Windows 10 is not a good start. Chi is not working Windows button on keyboard

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Everybody is grateful for the present, I want to be happy, because there is a problem, if do not display the start menu in Windows 10... We did not get up to get Windows 10 up and we were able to re-install Windows 10 afterwards, as a new attack appeared with the start button. I am impressed by the fact that Microsoft doesn’t stick to its mercy, when releasing new operating systems, it’s just like it’s on the drum for koristuvachi, but we’ll be encouraged to think about it and turn our heads towards our side.

1 way Restart explorer.exe

The first way, as inodi additional help, is a simple restart of the explorer.exe process on computers. Check out the list of keys Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the task manager, and then click the button "More details" at the bottom (for a word, there).

On the "Processes" tab, know the "Provider" processes (Windows Explorer), click on the new right button and click on "Start new" or you can remember the cool combination of keys CRTL + Shift + ESC, as the manager is also shown

You can, if you restart the Start menu, start. Ale spratsovuєtse is far from expecting (only in quiet vipad, if there are no special problems for the better).

2 ways to correct if you do not see the start menu in Windows 10 and Power Shell

Another way is to use PowerShell. Oskіlki Start і, ymovіrno, we do not have a joke, in order to start Windows PowerShell, go to the folder Windows \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0

At the same time, the father knows the file powershell.exe, click on the new right mouse button and vibrate to start from the name of the administrator.

Note: Another way to start Windows PowerShell from the name of the Administrator is to press the right mouse button on the "Start" button, vibrate "Command row (administrator)", and in the command row, type "powershell"

(With a wide circle, you can’t see, the command can be entered directly into the command row).

Let's start the next command in PowerShell:

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \ AppXManifest.xml")

Upon completion of the її її їївЂ ™ s check, change, where to enter the Start menu now.

Another way of establishing a new koristuvach.

I just didn't help the described vishche, you can also try to install a new Windows 10 keystore through the control panel (Win + R, then enter Control, Shcheb eat in her) or the command row ( net user Username / add).

Zvvychay, for the newly created koristuvach start menu, set up and work style to fix it. If you vikoristovyvali tsey way, then in a fake vie you can transfer the files of the previous koristuvach to a new regional record and visualize an "old" account.

3 ways to see Dropbox

Another factor, whether the Dropbox program has become a visitor to Microsoft, is a hilarious client, which is the rank of blocking files in Windows 10, if you see it, then your startup will normally be displayed. DropBox hasn't commented yet.

The axis is so good if you don't see the start menu in Windows 10.

Having released the new Windows 10 operation, Microsoft has turned the menu “ Start"at the mice. Ale on tsyomu rozrobniki not zupinilsya. Menu" Start"In Windows 10, there are significant changes. In the new menu, the retailers have gotten a classic menu, like it was present in Windows 7 and XP and a tiled Metro interface, like it was present in the visitor. Ale, yak and all new products, new " Start»No additions of wad.

The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bmaking mass migration to Windows 10, starting up the company for a non-koste-free transition to the operating system, a lot of PCs were stuck with the problem of launching the menu " Start". If the menu " Start"Having stopped starting or gone missing, we prepared material, in which the report is described: how to re-create the menu" Start»In different ways. After reading the material, you will see such food - which menu “ Start»I don’t react, I don’t feel tight or loose. Start.

Introduce the "Start" button to the robot by restarting the provider

Provider of Windows 10 is one of the main components, so the robot has a lot of processes and the program is straightforward. For a whole butt of virishity, our task can be done by a gentle restart of the provider. to run two ways to restart the provider... The first is the easiest to describe. Restart the provider in the first way, For the cob, the task manager is launched. You can start the task manager using the additional combination of three keys Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

Now at the window of the task manager, we need to know the process of our provider. By clicking on the right mouse button and clicking on the item in the context menu “ restart».

Tsia diya maє restart the provider and update the preference of the menu « Start».

for another way we will need to speed up the console from the name of the administrator. The console is launched in front of the administrator. For the whole, a joke in the tenth for an additional combination of keys WIN + Q is startable. CMD". When writing, click on the known result with the right mouse button and the item we need in the context menu.

Now, in the console with administrator rights, we will type the command taskkill / f / im explorer.exe

The whole process is to start the provider, and the menu “ Start»Maє zapratsyuvati. Tsey butt deliberately demonstrates why it is necessary to re-enable the provider.

Virishuєmo our task behind the help of the PowerShell console

All applications are visible to the Start robot behind the auxiliary console PowerShell... For this, we need a PowerShell console with administrator rights. At the zanedbaniy consoles, we need to type a command (download the file with the command), which is displayed in the notepad below.

You can start the console by analogy with starting the command line described in the front butt. Tilki for start PowerShell».

At the zanedbaniy consoles, you are typing the command and checking.

Pislya tsikh diy twist the Start robot. If it’s not right before, then speed up with the butts described below.

It’s obvious that if you don’t have a joke, then you can run PowerShell behind an additional file. For all, go to the provider's instructions " C: \ Windows \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0»І run the whole file from the name of the administrator.

Virishuєmo our task for the help of the new Windows 10 koristuvach

Having created a new koristuvach in ten, the system will reset the parameters of the program. For example, the newly created koristuvach has a system that allows you to turn all adjustments of the Microsoft Edge browser to the first camp. So that in front of you will be the same browser as when installing Windows 10. Start", So yak vono, in essence, є the same supplement, like a program in ten. Now let's move on to the stem of the new koristuvach. For a complete display, the control panel and we will go to according to the instructions " \ Oblіkovі records of koristuvachіv \ Oblіkovі records of koristuvachіv \ Service to the seizure". At the window of the panel, click on " Give a new koristuvach in vіknі« computer parameters»» In the lower part of the window.

When you write a story, you can see it as well. At the same time, you need to click on the bottom buttons Dodati a new koristuvach for your computer.

Tsya diya change us to the introduction of the new Windows 10 koristuvach. Our vipad tsei koristuvach "Alexander 2". After confirming the introduction of the clerk's data with the Dal button, the new account will be closed.

You can change between koristuvachami in the menu “ Start”, Ale in our vipadku tsiogo not vyde. In addition, we will speed up using a combination of keys ALT + F4. Viconuvati tsyu combination is required on an active work table, so that not in any kind of running program. When you see a message, it will appear in the window, in which you need to vibrate the item "".

Now, the change of the koristuvach is launched by the OK button, for whom it is possible to use the change of the koristuvach. Enter the password into the new one and pass it on to the regional record of the new koristuvach "Alexander 2".

If you have a small setting for the recording of your computer, you can use it on the working style of the new PC. At the same time, turn the selection of the menu « Start»Can be stovidsotkovo. Alle for the most recent PCs, the new regional record will not be updated. Judge for yourself, the settings of all other programs will be lost in the old regional record. The next option for the PowerShell console will be the most optimal.

Virishuєmo problem with the "Start" button for the help of editing the restru

Schob virіshiti tse zavdannya mi vіdkryєmo notebook i typed in new text, images below (download the file, do not forget to change the extension).

It is also obvious that you cannot run the notebook through Start, so it’s later on with the help viconati... You can start the utility using the additional combination WIN + R. In the utility row, you need to enter " notepad»The first viconati ciu team. Writing to the set to adjust the register, save our file with the extensions " REG". Our video file is named Start.REG. The file is now runnable and has been confirmed.

Having written down the new data before the restructuring, restart the computer. Pislya rezavantazhennya Start znovu maє zapratsyuvati.

Another way to resolve problems with Start

For a complete method, we will go to the window "" for an additional combination of keys Win + Pause / Break.

At the lower part of the window "" you can click on "" and open the " service»

Now it is necessary to turn on the service of the system by pressing the button see service staff... Let us remember the process of servicing the system, which will help us to resolve our problem with the Start-up. A whole butt of knowledge on the recommendations of the coristas with the hedgehogs, which provided them for the solution of the problem. If there is no way to do it, then all the same, please turn the Startup preference to PowerShell.

Alternative option

If you don’t have access to options, problems are connected with Start, then we will gladly speed up the programs for you to turn the classic menu " Start". One of these programs is. You can sign up for this utility on the official website Installing Start Menu 10 is as simple as it gets, whether it's a PC. If you want to start the utility, it will be displayed in the window, and also replace the menu " Start»On your own.

If you open the settings by the programs, then you can adjust the design new Start, ask hot keys and new changes main icon... Having rummaged through the Start Menu 10 settings, we replaced the standard Start icon.

And also changed the design of the menu itself.

The Start Menu 10 utility is as simple as a vicarystanna, so you can use it to find a repairing koristuvach. I also want to see it, what is the Start Menu 10? Start Menu Reviverі StartIsBack ++, yaki allow you to turn the classic menu "Start» ... Utilities, such as Start Menu 10, can be set up with a set, and you can also pick it up without a kit.

pidvodimo a bag

Oskіlki new operating system from Microsoft is even worse and such problems, if you do not open the Start menu in Windows 10 or do not repair Microsoft Edge, it will be used more often. The Microsoft company itself has consistently built up the components of the system and its functionality. And we are encouraged to join us, so our statute is more helpful to our readers, the menu will be updated " Start", If it stops starting, or it’s gone missing.

Video by topic

In Windows 10, the basic lack of handiness of the number of versions has been corrected: the "Start" button has been turned on its legal place. But now it’s not like that, as before, it’s a great look with the Windows 8 start screen.

Find the Start button in Windows 10

The roztashuvanny menu "Start" has nothing special: in the "ten" the button for yogo wikliku was spread in the left lower corner of the panel of the building. With the її onslaught of vipad, the menu is great, there is a lot of roztashovani naybіlsh vikoristovuvanі icons, right-handed - tiles, which lead to additional information, programs and utilities, as well as folders with various objects.

The "Start" button in Windows 10 is located at the bottom of the plant panel, and the menu itself is divided into two parts

Adjustment of the Start button

For access to the adjustment of the menu, you need to click on the new right mouse button. Todi vipade is contextualized. It is also possible to wick the onslaught of the Win + X keys. Most of the visibility is in the "Personalization" section.

To go to the "Start" settings, click on the buttons with the right mouse button and select the "Personalization" item

Switch to single-screen mode

Schob open the "Start" on the back screen:

Another way to switch "Start" to a single-screen view is to activate the tablet mode:

Video: how to turn on the on-screen mode for the "Start" button

Color and shape of the "Start" button

You can change the colors, shape and parameters of the new "Start" view. For more demand, go to the "Colors" tab at the "Personalization" window. On the right, vibrate the required color (or set it to automatic). Immediately, we can expand the entire menu, we will see through, having stagnated in the form of adjustments from the palette of colors.

To change the colors of the "Start" menu, you need to go to the "Colors" tab of the "Personalization" window

Change the menu elementary for the additional mischief - drag and drop that border as needed.

zakryplennya ob'ktiv

At the "Start" now you can create customizable objects: labels of required programs, all folders and okremi files. To complete the selection of the context menu, click on the required end, and vibrate "Zakrіpiti on the cob screen". The pop-up object will immediately appear in the "Start" menu.

Close the object in the "Start", wipe the context menu and vibrate at the new "Close on the cob screen"

Similarly, for displaying the right mouse button on a file or a shortcut, which is in the menu, and select a 100% displayed item.

To display the object click on the new right button of the mouse and vibrate in the menu "View the lock from the cob screen"

Setting up tiles

The size of the tiles can be changed for the additional context menu: select "Change size" and select the required dimensions from the options.

To change the size of tiles in the "Start" menu, you need to vibrate the appropriate item at the context menu

It is possible to oversupply the icons of the tiles, just drag them over the working table on the required place. Also for the quickness of the corystuvach, the system allows the distribution of tiles in groups. Stvoryuvati group can be done in two ways:

Інші settings "Start"

For changes in the "Start" menu, the system will show additional items, such as those that are often displayed, for those programs that have been installed on the PC for a long time. The price can be changed in "Personalization" by including the following messages.

Shown in the "Start" menu not long ago and often vikoristovuvannyh supplements change at the vikni "Personalization"

At the same time, folders are selected, which will be displayed in the menu.

In the personalization settings, you can also vibrate the folders that will be displayed in the "Start" menu

One more innovation of the updated "Start" is the ability to customize the list of all supplements. So, in the first version of Windows 10, the item "All programs" is buv, and the axis of capture is not possible. Infection with coristuvache, you just need to switch the checkbox against the corresponding item at the "Start" tab in the "Personalization" window.

Drag the required message, add a list of all documents

Video: visualizing the view and change of the Start menu

It is easy to finish with the new Start button. More adjustments change either through the "Personalization" window, or by way of pulling the tiles with a misha. Regardlessly, from the background of the Start menu in Windows 10, there is a great number of necessary icons and programs;

Another glitch of the Windows 10 operating system is the rapid non-ratcheting Start button. The axis is to be seen, so vy pratsyuєte, pratsyuєte, and then bam - and such a surprise is viscous. Start by stopping pratsyuvati through the Windows 10 update, or through those that were hanging there, they messed up in the registry, or they did not screw it up in the restore, but as a program. Well, robit in a whole lot of vipadka? I have thrown in a few ways, as it is possible to solve the problem and to fix the problem of the Start menu.

The first way I have for lovers of radical visits. And itself, it is possible to visonati, it is possible to pass over according to the order and readability, as it is possible to grow.

Another way of additional help in the transition to a large number of vipadkiv.

New start menu with PowerShell help

It’s not enough to write, but why, I’ll say, is PowerShell - this utility is similar to the command line, just steeper. Yak її run, as we have the same "Start" is not successful. The process can be made using the same decalcom method.

First, you can press the Win + R keys and enter powershell

Alternatively, it can be done through the task manager. Onslaught of keys Alt + Ctrl + Del and go to the task manager. We see at the end, in which we are embossed on "File - Run a new task"

At the end, a tick is put on the item "Create a manager with the rights of an administrator"і the powershell command is entered.

We are coming soon.

Copy in the new offensive set of commands:

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \ AppXManifest.xml")

Stamped on the introduction. The robot of the "oath" introduced by you has gone, through a sprinkle of hilin you at the end of the day there are pardons, seen by a worm color. You can click on "Start" and reconsider its patronage.

The offensive method of renewing the "Start" button - restarting the "Provider"

For the sake of it, we go into the task manager already visible to us, and from the "Processes" depository, the provider is restarted. Kilkom on the prompted process with the right button i, from the vip in the menu, select the item "Start again".

Chakluєmo over the editor

If nothing is done to help, then the animal is up to the reestra. For a great onslaught, we still see the keys Win + R and at the window, we write the regedit command. Tisnemo "OK".

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced

On the right side, we are dazzled by the parameters. Shukaєmo EnableXAMLStartMenu, if it’s dumb, then I’m opening. For a full onslaught of an empty song and a vibe "Create - Parameter DWORD (32 bits)"

The value of 0 is not valid for the currently set parameter.

If you have a Danish parameter, but if you have a new value, then you need to change it to 0.

Now the computer is no longer only re-enabled reconversion, and chi work the Start button.

I am happy that I corrected my breakdown and I will be radium, if I write about the Viconan robot in the comments, and you can also tell me in other ways that I will give the problem.

And also marveling at the video

Upgrading to Windows 10 for bug fixes didn't go without a legacy. As a matter of fact, the Microsoft company has been "crooked" of innovation, so on some computers, laptops and netbooks, it brought no style of joy, some problems. And one of these - the Start menu is correct. It takes an hour to reload the system, and in some cases it is not possible to help you get out. Well, robiti, how can I not work the Start menu in Windows 10?

We will propose to you all the ways to address this problem in the course of the statute. Before the word, judging from the last news, an hour every hour the process and the first elements are introduced into the freshly baked system. With the help of our fairy tales, you can do it.

Scho robiti, I don’t work the Start menu in Windows 10

The first and the simplest - restart the provider, but the same - Explorer.exe. If the system did not re-supply, then you won’t bring me some wine. In that case, if you restart the computer, Start-up will start again correctly and correctly, you can vikorisovuvat tsei way permanently.

You melodiously know the combination, for the help of which the dispatcher of the plant is included. So, so, there are three buttons CTRL + Alt + Del. What needs to be done:

As the diva didn’t become, as it didn’t function before, it means that the problem is in the mind and solution, it’s necessary to make a mistake. Happiness, our article will not end there.

PowerShell as a way to turn Start

To get a cob of it, I would like to get ahead of you, so danie ways not only to help solve the problem, but also to fix problems with the installation of add-ons from the Windows 10 store. wikachan dodatki.

Let's get rid of what needs to be done:

Є There are two options to launch PowerShell - to go to the net of the operating system, and there is a great number of folders, or, as soon as possible, in the "Viconati". We will propose to you vicoristovuvati to another option - vin big shvidky, simple and healthy.

  1. Launching the Viconati window with a combination of Win + R keys;
  2. The row will write "Powershell.exe", when the onslaught is "OK";
  3. Run in a window similar to the Command Row, only in blue color;
  4. Copy the offensive combination and insert it into the program: Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \ AppXManifest.xml");
  5. Press on "Enter" for її vikonannya;
  6. In a dozen hour, it will be necessary to reconsider the correct Start menu.
If you have not seen any changes, then you have to try these ways.

Predictability to the Start for Assistance to the Registry

  • Including the Viconati window;
  • Introduced tudi "regedit";
  • Go to the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced;
  • Shvidshe for everything, there will be empty, that needs to click RMB and in the menu, vibrate "Stvority", and then "DWORD";
  • Set the parameter ім'я EnableXAMLStartMenu;
  • Now the two click on the new and change the value to zero;
  • Dal went to know again, zapratsyuvalo Start menu chi ni.

    Even though nothing similar has not yet been seen, it’s not so angry - it’s over and over again.

    Security and service - we will help you to solve problems

    Stvoryuєmo new koristuvach

    Most often the problem is in the Russian community name of the koristuvach, that is why new things have been created:

    When the computer is locked, vibrate the newly opened keystroke and change the status of the start menu. One of the tsikh ways in any kind of fall is guilty of turning him to life.

  • When updating to the new version of the operating system, the problem is that the Start button is not working in Windows 10. Ale pozbutisya tsієї problems are possible with power.

    Why can't the Start button be right?

    The main reason is that the Start button does not work because of the lack of functional adjustment in the OS restorer editor. The Administrator's settings can also be reset. Aleka is the problem of blaming the koristuvach, and not through the shortcomings of the OS (read “”).

    renewal of

    Navi if you are not a professional koristuvach, all one can be updated by the power of the Start menu.

    restarting Explorer

    A simple way to fix the problem is to restart the Explorer.

    Correcting the situation behind the PowerShell help

    Change of parameters in the Registry Editor

    The building of the new koristuvach at the annex


    On the video, marvel at the lecture about those ways of describing the ways of food, and also learn about the alternative ways of solving the problem.


    You can update the robot with the Start button for Windows update in a decal way. If you didn’t need to use them, update the system through the Parameter add-on, with the help of an enchanted flash drive or a disk.

    Windows 10 joins one of the shortest operating systems in the Microsoft line. At the time of the appearance of the criminals, there were some bugs and problems, more of which until the present hour there were already residual updates. It is a pity that the problems of the "dozens" prodovzhuyut become urgent, and the problem is constantly demanded.

    One of such faults is the problem with the "Start" button robot in Windows 10. A bug is often hit by the inability to display some of the system elements (for example, the "All parameters" window). The "Start" button may not be effective for updating. There is also a problem with the menu and the button can be found to install Windows 10 "from scratch".

    Trying to describe all the options that you want to see, and the ways to update the situation, the effectiveness of which has already been brought by Windows 10.

    Among the methods of resolving problems with the robot Start menu, it is obvious that the explorer.exe process is re-installed on a personal computer running Windows 10. It’s possible to do something, onslaught by combining CTRL + ALT + DELETE keys for the “Plant Manager” wizard. The Інshiy way to eat in the "Plant Manager" - natisnut CTRL + SHIFT + ESC. There is an onslaught on "Detail". There is no such wink, just go to the "Processes" tab.

    In the middle of all the processes there is a shukaymo "Provider". In the English version of Windows 10, the whole process is displayed as Windows Explorer. With the right mouse button on the whole process, the context menu and the onslaught on the "Start a new knowledge" wipe.
    Tsey method is not very effective, although there is a special problem with the Windows 10 Start button, the method can not be used before. Serious problems and covet more serious visits.

    Updating the Start Menu Robot with PowerShell Visitors

    Before you start working with PowerShell, follow your mother's advice, such a way in most of the types of problems in the Windows Start menu helps. However, there is a way you can cause changes in the system and, moreover, there can be victories of inappropriateness. Zokrema, mova yde about the ruin in robots of the dozens of children who were hired from the dozens store. So, persh for all tried and tested methods, descriptions in the foreground, but before manipulating with PowerShell, we can go over, if they didn’t bring any results.

    Because the Start button is not awesome, the PowerShell function can only be launched from the Windows \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 folder. At the tsiy paptsi shukaєmo, and then embossed on the file powershell.exe with the right button of the mish to launch the first from the name of the administrator,

    The PowerShell file can be run with administrator rights in one more method. It is necessary to press the "Start" button with the right button. The menu will be displayed, if necessary, click "Command row (administrator)". Powershell is typed in the field. Nadal all the required combinations are introduced right there. With a robot with a "command row", you will not be able to see it.

    Enter the following command in PowerShell window:

    Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) AppXManifest.xml")

    I’ll not do it by hand, just copy and paste it. For that, as the team will be viconan, try to open the Start menu. I didn’t see the message, but I didn’t get it.

    Robot with Windows 10 reєstru editor

    There are many other ways to bring the Start menu to work. In the midst of a number of additional methods, a good option will be to improve the performance of the editor of the registry.

    To enter the onslaught editor window Win + R in a row, the regedit command is entered. We know how to break HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced.

    Emboss with the right button in a right-handed field. Vibiraєmo "Stvority", then DWORD (32). The new parameter should be named like this: EnableXAMLStartMenu. Now you can set the required parameter value. Try to avoid the subtle claps of Misha. The parameter must be 0.

    Virishuєmo problem for the roots of the new koristuvach

    As soon as the problem becomes urgent, it is possible for a new koristuvach to become a gateway to the position. Onslaught "Win" + R. In the poke field, Control is entered to enter the control panel, in the beginning and end of the new koristuvach.
    You can also create a new koristuvach through the "command line". Onslaughtєmo "Win" + R, in the field enter net user Username / add .

    As a rule, for a new koristuvach start menu and set up all work without problems. It’s too late to transfer all files to a new regional record.

    Scho robiti, yakscho zhoden s options not dopomіg

    Buvaє so, there’s nothing to help. Todi will be overwritten in the Windows update mode. Go ahead and rely on respect to the turn to the first camp. Ale zzvychay spratsovuє simple vіdkat innovations. In the "Control Panel" vibrate "Programs and Assign". Here is a glance at the renewal and seen.
    The update is a good team, but for repeated updates, problems with the Start menu display are not a problem.

    Significant minus - an hour, which will happen to vitrate on the pre-installed version of Windows 10. If you want to fix it, you need to try it in the order in which they were blasted. So the problem with the "Start" button is reduced to the minimum.

    Updating the operating system is available from the official Microsoft website. It is from Microsoft to paint a computer's robot, to work without problems and to add a new functionality to the OS. However, at the same time with such innovations, problems come and go. For example, the dekhto s koristuvachіv wrote about the Chergov update, but they don’t have the right Start button in Windows 10.

    At the same time, it’s not easy not to respond to the teddy bear on the icon, or not to promptly press the Win button on the keyboard (keyboard with the Windows logo). Often, at the same time with such a problem, one cannot see the parameters of the system, as well as the other elements. The statutes have been cleared how to get out of this situation and turn the status of the system. If you don’t want it, it’s more difficult to repeat it in the future, it’s possible.

    To combat the permanently non-functional "Start" menu in 2016, the Microsoft company installed a special supplement, as in the automatic mode, the problem was corrected.

    Tsei way є the simplest, pick it up in the first place, if you want to reload the system and start all one will not be successful, go to the next options. Explorer.exe is a graphical Windows shell. Vona will be responsible for everything that is bachimo, price and visitor, the panel of the factory, the system tray and the navigator. Yak and all of these programs, all of the supplements can be done in battle, for example, through an elementary conflict with intermittent tributes in RAM. So the axis for this purpose is to turn the "Start" menu to life in the first place, immediately start the process.

    Yak viraviti

    Follow our instructions:

    1. The task manager is launched. You can view it by using the Ctrl + Shift + Esc key or through the context menu of our factory panel. For a complete click on the empty music with the right key, Misha and Viber, meanings on the screen shot.

    1. Yaksho we have launched the tool for the first time, it will need to be flared up. For a complete click on the button "Details". We designated її with a red frame.

    1. We go to the tab with the name: "Processes" we know there the process "Provider" (you can call it Explorer) and for the additional context menu, launched by the right key for the process, select the item "Override".

    The entire graphical interface of Windows 10 is clicked and shown again. As far as Daniy is concerned, if you don’t know your problem, please go to the offensive method, you will be more likely.

    Virishuєmo problem behind the help of the system registry

    Daniy sposib є bolsh dієvim, nіzh in front, win maє on respect to change the value of the system registry key. As there is no such key, it can be solved. Let's see if it’s correct.

    1. You will need to run the Windows 10 utility called regedit. For this purpose, the combination of Win + R is stamped with the combination of Win + R and the word regedit is introduced at the end.

    1. There is a tree of catalogs in the directory in the first part of the tree. We pass along the path marked on the screen shot. In the right part of the program, you see the EnableXAMLStartMenu key, but it’s not there. For a full onslaught, on the empty mіsci of the right part of the regedit with the right button of the mishі on the item "Create" - "Parameter DWORD (32 bits)".

    1. The new parameter in EnableXAMLStartMenu is now renamed and, having opened it with the slave key, the value is set to "0".

    1. For this purpose, the changes have come into force, it is necessary to re-enable the Windows graphical interface.

    Correction of the Cyrillic name of Koristuvach

    Inodi the "Start" menu ceased to work properly when the new Windows was launched from the names written in Russian language. In order to correct this situation, you need to quickly use the "Keruvannya computer" utility and correct it. It is easy to see, how to be priced.

    1. A selection of open control of a computer via Windows shutter To click on the icon of a large slope on the building panel and enter a power supply in a row. If the result appears, emboss it on a new one.

    1. Dal, in the livia part of the window, the "Service programs" are openly distributed, we go to "Local koristuvachi and groups" and embossed according to the papa "Koristuvachi". In the right part of the window, it is known that it is necessary to change and onslaught by the right key of Misha. There will be an item "Change", which is useful to us.

    Ready. Іnstrument "Keruvannya computer can be zakrivati", zmіni stagnate, as soon as you rewire the system. If the given method does not give the desired result, try to dissolve more than one koristuvach and reconsider the validity of the Start menu on a new one.

    For tshoi, it’s more robust:

    1. Launching the utility "Viconati" for the whole victorious two at once pressed the Win + R keys.

    1. When displaying the control panel, go to the menu "Records of the logs".

    1. Embossed by writing, marked on the screen shot.

    1. Dal, vibraєmo "Managing by іnshy koristuvach".

    1. I donate a new koristuvach.

    1. In the whole menu you can eat in a different way. Open the shutter on Windows 10 and click on the "All parameters" tile.

    1. Scrolling downward at the end of the troch and vibrating the "Oblikovi records" tile.

    1. At the left part of the window, the vibramo pidrozdil "Sime and іnshі koristuvachi", and the right-hander of the onslaught according to “Dodati koristuvach for a tsy computer".

    1. Here you can install more than one Windows 10 keystroke, if you don’t want to link your account to the Microsoft cloud record, click on the item indicated on the screen shot, and in the menu select “Add a Microsoft account without a cloud record”.

    Re-install the computer, or just end the streaming session and vibrate the opened koristuvach. As soon as the start-up is starting to appear, it means the problem itself is in the regional record.

    Vikoristovuєmo automatic service mode for Windows 10

    In Windows 10, a powerful and powerful tool, which, according to the idea, is guilty of correcting educational problems for a koristuvach. In the first place, the function is to provide power to the non-functional "Start" button, let's see how it can be used.

    1. At the Windows 10 row (how to start with the icon of a zbіlshuvalny skla), the words are written: "Tsey computer". Kilkoma on the point designated on the screen shot by the right key of the Misha and the vibraєmo "Vlastivosti".

    1. At vіknі it is stamped according to the writing: "The center of security and service" (located in the left lower codend).

    1. Rozgortaєmo distributed "Service".

    1. For other reasons, on the screen shot, the launch keys are automatically serviced to the system.

    1. The service staff is overdue, it will take an hour. In less time, in the whole period you will be victorious to the computer, and the process will be completed more quickly. After finishing the PC rewiring, all problems, known to the new one, will be corrected as possible. In case of bazhanna service, it is possible to turn it on.

    Uwaga! For more, quick and correct reconversion, it is recommended to close all the good programs and save the data. Start the program only from the name of the administrator.

    Vikoristovuєmo PowerShell for the Start Menu

    Probably another option, which can help the robot to use the "Start" menu. Robimo coming kroki:

    1. For a cob, you need to run PowerShell itself. For the whole speedyєmosya, use the tool to add a joke. Click on the Zbilshuvalny icon in the left part of the taskbar and enter the PowerShell command in the popup field. If the result we need appears (on the screenshot of the values ​​with the number 3), click on the new right button of our manipulator and vibrate the section "Launch from the name of the administrator".

    Inodi, through a joke, the program knows not to go into it. To get around the hard way, go to the Windows guide by the way indicated on the screen shot, and run powershell.exe. It is necessary to run the file from the name of the administrator. For a complete click on the right key of the mouse and select the necessary item.

    Windows PowerShell can be wicked through the command line, you can run it as required from the name of the administrator. In order to display cmd.exe, enter the powershell and enter the command in chorn at the end.

    If the program is running, insert a record in it:

    Get-appxpackage -all * shellexperience * -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($ _. Installlocation + "\ appxmetadata \ appxbundlemanifest.xml"))

    Visiting the command and the loan took a couple of seconds. Now, re-install the computer and rewrite it before it starts. Yaksho is mute, we can pass to the offensive method.

    Uwaga! Victoriousness of the given method can destroy the performance of the Windows store. Tom vikoristovuvati yogo varto lishe in extreme vipad.

    Windows 10 Start Menu Utility

    Like they said, the people from Microsoft are in the course of the launch problems. The stench itself has created a miniature program, with which we will be successful. Follow our instructions:

    1. Let's pick up a selection of software security on the bottom of the buttons. Zavanazhennya is conducted from the official site of Microsoft.
    Zavantazhiti program for repair "Start"
    1. Run the program from the name of the administrator (installation is not required) and click on the "Dodatkovo" row.

    1. Go to the one that is right against the item “Automatically fix the correct”.

    1. The program is working, the system is changed for the appearance of problems from the "Start" menu.

    1. Yak Bachimo, I don’t know the problem. If you have a stink є, the corrections will be made automatically. If you click on the item "Look at the additional views", you can look at some criteria of the tool from Microsoft to the problem.

    Parameters, such as revision of the program:

    • incorrectly installed important programs;
    • problems in the system registry;
    • the integrity of the base of these tiles;
    • Manifesti Dodatkiv.

    Sounds like a kind of utility can be broken, and the skin point at the window will show a clue, explaining its meaning. There are several points and elements that can be used, if you click on one of them, you can use the proof text as needed.

    What is it that the problem is not viral?

    We have presented a simple way for vipadok, as the Windows 10 start button stopped working, for example, when updating, and call it up for any situations. Aleksei, you didn’t need them, you don’t get tired of them. In any Windows-OS, and in the "Ten", there is a spring, there is a system of checkpoints, which can be used to display Windows until, in which the system has passed at the moment of shutting down such a point.

    It is important to set control points before any serious work from the OS, and especially before updates, as most often and cause problems. In any case, if you have run out of food, ask us in the comments, and we will try to find out how to report and help you solve the problem.

    When updating to the new version of the operating system, the problem is that the Start button is not working in Windows 10. Ale pozbutisya tsієї problems are possible with power.

    What is wrong with the Start menu

    The main reason is that the Start button does not work because of the lack of functional adjustment in the OS restorer editor. The Administrator's settings can also be reset. Ale such is the problem of blaming a koristuvach, and not through the OS shortcomings (read "How can I reconcile the integrity of Windows 10 system files and update them?").

    renewal of

    Navi if you are not a professional koristuvach, all one can be updated by the power of the Start menu.

    restarting Explorer

    It's a simple way to fix the problem, if it doesn't work. Start Windows 10 - restart Explorer.

    Correcting the situation behind the PowerShell help

    Change of parameters in the Registry Editor

    The building of the new koristuvach at the annex


    VIDEO instructions "How robots, as on Windows 10 the Start button does not work."


    You can update the robot with the Start button for Windows update in a decal way. If you didn’t need to use them, update the system through the Parameter add-on, with the help of an enchanted flash drive or a disk.

    Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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