Cracking the laptop case: yak bootie? Chiniti cannot be vikinuti, for Descho about repairing flash drives. Hardware problems Malfunctioning housing

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Obviously, when buying a new portable computer for leather, we morally adjust to those who are already going to have to go to repair laptops, it is clearly not the same as having started up some kind of pardon. Unfortunately, the statistics are unpleasant: there are a lot of problems due to the outbuildings of the winners, and I will mention the part in the list of mechanics. "The first blow", as it is to be found, I take in the corps, and if I don’t show it, then the food is wine, it’s working in the whole situation.

The case of the laptop is designed to be as shiny as possible, but all the same, it is not the case of insurance on the "favor" of the table. The pressure press of the huge transport can also be loaded into a laptop, if it is not the case that the case is stolen by the laptop bag. As a result of the sudden slamming of the kryshka, it can be angry, if the hinges are lifted parallel to the plastic hull. All of them will need repairs.

Innocently, the owner of a laptop with a case, shaking, not going to the service center: moving, the natural factor is not tricky, but the laptop is working. Tse, it seems softly, no less rational from a pragmatic look. First of all, if you pristіt off such a blow, thrash the body, then with the inner filling it may not be all right. For example, in a decade you can see hard drive- At the same time, it is written down on a new valuable information, otherwise the computer simply does not turn on at that moment, if the term is needed. On the other hand, the casing can lead to further serious breakdowns - for example, the trickle on the frame of the matrix can lead to the fact that the matrix itself will be broken through a few days, and it means that the repair of a laptop will be more foldable and expensive.

It’s always possible to replace the other parts of the body: the frame of the matrix, the matrix of the matrix, to the body of any of the upper ones. Variants of gluing, for masking defects in a large number of cases, in underestimates: it is possible to paint zovnishniy viglyad laptop, but do not update the existing functionality of the case. Whatever the case, your attitudes will require complex diagnostics, how to carry out our specialties. First and foremost, laptop repair high rivn... "A-Service" has a great warehouse, and this means a great deal of money, but the part of the body will not get replaced, and repairs can be done in just a few days. By changing the case You can again speed up your laptop.

Through the competition of abundant light brands in the field of computer technologies, they reduce the price of their products for the sale of non-standard components. At the connection with the cym, the middle of the laptops, the lack of debris: when pristriy z good parameters a lot of small pennies, sometimes a virobnik yaku a part (or a part) mobile computer Inserting cheap materials that have reduced their resource by themselves. There is a clear way of repairing a laptop case, such as visibility from unclear thin plastic with a low indicator of stability.
Methods for renewal of standpipes.
As a show of practice, in the first place, in the building of a visitor from obscure materials, there are stripes for bolts, so that they pull together and braces.
The rack is stored from a plastic cylinder, which has one end of fastening on the body and the small ribs of hardness, and on the other end, from the end, є a metal nut. Most often, the style can be lamellar in the base of the connection with the body, otherwise a metal nut is soldered to it. It is easy to see that it is possible to repair two breakdowns.

Renovation of fastening of a metal nut:
1. Because of the obviousness of the bushing style from the fittings, do not screw the bolt into it and use it with a pair of tweezers, heat it over the gas burner.
2. I will heat the nut quickly, break the top, bury it at the place, to repair it, time from the surface of the plastic cylinder, and to fasten the bore nut into plastic, cool it with water.
2. From a cold repair unit, screw the bolt.
3. To reconsider the reliability of the soldered piece.
Likewise, for those who work in the case, for example, it is possible to use the monitor, but rather screw the hinges of the monitor directly to the case.
Renovation of the attachment between the style and the body:
1. For the repair of a single piece, prepare soda and super glue. Tighten the bolt at the wicked part of the stik.
2. Apply super glue to the break-off ends of the stays and to the point of installation in the body.
3. Make a note of that to squeeze two pieces, glue, details. Sit down in such a state of mind.
4. Dispense the soda on the body of the yakomog closer to the stike so that it would be good for the evil one.
5. Clearly apply super glue to the baking soda.
6. Follow the taku procedure 3-4 times.
7. When you change the picture of the renovated parts to fit.
The reaction of the super adhesives to pass through the vision of heat, which will preserve the over-processing of plastic parts on the molecular level. Easier, wyde, zlamati entrust part of the body, nіzh poshkoditi chipped in this way the surface.
Body repair
On the case, there may be a crack of a chip. The technique of usunennya problems is practically the same, ale maє deyaki nuances.
Step-by-step update of the included surface:
1. Find out and register the trichite. The price can be made for additional nylon ties, plasticine, etc. In case of chips, it is possible to reject a small part of the body. Schob uniknut the loop with glue, sprinkle, cover with plasticine, or fasten tape from the face side, or an insulating tape.
2. To reduce the area of ​​roasting with glue along the entire perimeter, create a fence with a layer.
3. On the inner part of the detail in the fenced-in piece, place the armored ball in such a rank, so that the hardness on the weakened piece will appear. Yak armor materials can be used for vikoristovuvati drits, scrapbooks, shmatochki of galvanized smog, sklovoloko (sklovolokno more dyed with epoxy adhesives), etc.
3. In case of vikoristannі, such as zakryplyuvach, epoxy glue, change the fixator and hardened in the necessary communication. And then pour yogo on the garden, pozhkozhena dilyanka.
As soon as you fix it, you will be able to use the soda and super glue, and then just brush it off with a ball of soda and glue. There are no less than three such sharіv.
4. For a perfect hardening with glue, tidy up unnecessary elements (plasticine, screeds) and rewrite the finished part.
The photo shows are available options repair of the hull Asus laptop Up to 53 B.

: yak bootie?

Yakim not good, your virtual "friend" is a laptop, its body can be infused and tendency, and all the time before it breaks down. Especially often it is also seen, as if it was inaccurate to use it, throw it on the pidlog or to give it a "power inflow". Well, can you keep the case out of harm's way, if you can ignore the fact of a breakdown of a part of the laptop?

If there is little reason to fail laptop case.

1. "Poloti" on the pidlog

I know absolutely everything if a device has landed from the air on a solid surface, whether it be a mobile phone, a computer, or whether it’s a technology, it can be used. Timing for an hour the fact is completely forgotten by the masters of laptops, and the axis of the laptop is already appearing on pidloz, asphalt or sidewalks. Yak to be found, the head blow is taken in the corps, which when the fall appears to be zipsovanim.

2. "Massage" at the route taxi

Virushayuchi vrants on the robot, a lot of vlasniks in portable computers sniffed by huge transport, which, like vidomo, re-upgrades at the pic. "Davilka", in which a laptop appears, can end for a new one deplorably, especially, if a laptop is not stolen by a special bag.

3. "Stomleni" from the robotic loop

Rukhliva (upper) part of the laptop, yak vidomo, fastened to the lower special loop. From the post-robots (and inodi, which is the result of the factory "whore") it stinks unremarkable. Little by little, the crush grows more and more foldable, the splinters are visihaє mastic, like the bulo is applied to the hinges, then the connection is unacceptable: the stench just comes out. Unimportant at the price, the deyaki "dbayliv" gentlemen of their electronic "pediatric" prodovzhuyut actively exploit the device, it does not matter, but the hinges of the hinges quietly "feed" the plastic part of the case. Chi varto say that in an hour the integrity of not only the part of the laptop, but the matrix will be destroyed, as it is a step to go to work with the company with the case.

4. Splash emots_y

Yak bi vi didn’t bully rosters, don’t wiggle the negative on the laptop’s unhappy cry, with the force of її slamming. From a strong blow Loops can be zoomed, which is produced before the plastic part of the body. At the moment of shutting down the middle of the laptop, another object (for example, an old man) will appear, and the laptop will be secured.

5. Negligence

Yak is not able to sound, ale in the row of vipadk in the laptop itself becomes the reason why the case has become obsolete. For example, regularly displaying the cry of the laptop for kut, koristuvach riziku early chi pizno polamati її. Well, if a device has a master before it loves to pull it in an open view, trim the laptop for upper part, on new guaranteed check seryoznі problems with housing.

Yak buti, how did it break down?

Having appeared as a "happy" volodar of the wicked corps, in the first place, do not get mad about the problem independently. It's funny, a little bit "umiltsіv" to know "wihіd" from the camp, just don’t beastly respect the defect, for you have sealed the evil part of the laptop with funny stickers and summaries of "embellishments". Smell to explain the tse tim, but the aesthetic biq of nutrition is not necessary, so calmly prodovzhuyut it koristuvatisya. Do not inherit the butt! Yaksho laptop buv shkodzheniy Above, all the way, the "stuffings" were also contaminated by the threat. It's okay to navigate through the process, everything in the middle can be quiet, you know about how you a Yeah, only if the device has a rapt to stop functioning. Bagato vlasnikiv was still screwed up, but the laptop fell down, hitting the head, or just giving in to an inaccurate hassle, and the axis of the technology was not “forgotten”. The very traces of this can be the most intelligent: there are tricky holes on the case itself, the owner checks the problems with the laptop matrix, as soon as you can see it wrong. One of the reasons, as a rule, is lost by the body of its zhisnogo function, as long as the laptop screen.

Yaksho the body of your laptop computer buv will be built matrix frames... It is easy to get into the service center with a lot of food. "Garant-Service", what to be near metro Dnipropetrovsk. It stinks not only to carry out diagnostics, in the course of which it is clear that the matrix of the laptop has not been taken into account in case of a wrong reason for it, but it’s better to suggest updating the case for your laptop. Nowadays, the beastly beasts for help will help you to identify not depriving them of the vitrats, even the wasted hour, which is not so easy to appear as a reason, through which the laptop is no longer able to be updated.

Right - a flash drive, then - hard!
People's wisdom

⇡ It’s not safe to fix it!

Repair of ninish gadgets is not busy and often not great. They have less and less details to replace, everything is more complex, and the price of the hour (with equal functionality) is all lower. Kustarev cannot compete with industrial technologies. Protect repairmen mobile phones That notebooks on life especially do not fit (div. statti 2011 rock - i). The reason, as the stench itself, is explained, in the incomplete equipment - screens, buildings, lanes of living, low microcircuits, as well as in improper designs. Flash drives - "USB-whistles" and in a smaller world of pictures of memory - it is impelled to go by the very way.

Practically koshenny koristuvach having survived at least one flash drive breakdown, and a lot of melodiously misleading: and why can I suppose it myself? For an old watch, if a fashionable gadget cost a third of the salary, the toad seemed to be at home, but the price is simple. Well, it’s worth noting that there are unjustified “key chains”, then no less than 50-60% of them are used by simple methods, which do not require special training and possession. Why not try it?

The renovation of the year is becoming more relevant to the growing up of the flash drive, and the smut - from the fall of the hopes. On the market of flash accumulators there is a wide range of competition from regular prices. Vyrobniki to save money on the cost of their own products and not to mention the quality of their products (a vignette is expensive flagship models). I’m simpler to lay down a boat and a small annex for the price of a rental, which was taken, for a guarantee. Well, there will be a flash drive - "the sheriff is not sick."

Unfortunately, most of the guaranteed services are inaccessible for the koristuvach: anyway, to document the intrusions (what a lot of memory about them, would you like a check?), Because the moment of purchase is far away, because the flash drive is obviously not guaranteed. Also, talk about the Syrian import and the doorway (the Internet flea markets are created by them is an incredible business, unfortunately, it’s a process). Have some vipadkah self-repair You can correct the right і turn the keychain to life.

All flash drives, behind a vignette of monolithic constructions, are wired in the same type and are easy to install: USB-rose, the board is handled, on them there are a dozen or more connecting elements, a controller and from one to eight memory chips (on models of the great often soldered in pairs, such yak) sandwiches "). Repair technology awkward and accessible to the skin, hto a soldering iron and a multimeter. Minimal tips for connecting with electronics may not be easy.

Successful repairs bring yak moral satisfaction, and yak material vigod. "Zayviy" nakuvichuvach, who showed up, allowing more nasty keruvats with his tributes (for example, dubbing) and zagalі feel spokіynіshe. Behind the caution, reanimated devices to live better for the new - weak mischief, the same gentleman will be better off with them.

More often than not, the owner of the evil flash drive is not wondered by itself, but written on it. Technology renewal (DR) may not be aware of the principles of consideration for the repair, and there is no need for any feedback about the quality of the outbuilding. Microcircuits of flash memory, on which information is available, go out even more rarely (1-2% of emergency messages). From the smallness of the stench stolen mechanically - by the body and by the very design of the flash drive (from the USB device, from the connected university), so and electrically - by the controller and the bundle. Stop taking winnings of the interaction from the interface, polarity reversal, throws sprung up and discharged statics. The same is true for memory cards.

To that "siri" tribute on the chips, as a rule, they take care, and find the way - see all the chips, see them physically for an additional special attachment (programmer, or readable) file system... The rest of the step is the most complex, some examples will require the implementation of the robot controller's algorithm. Virobniks call not to burn, but they do not want to open up any other speeches, so they have to carry out a revolving engineering rocket - the woeful reverse engineering.

The results of labor-intensive rozkopok work at the base of the data, as they call it the system of solutions. Collective Zusillas have accumulated over 3000 solutions, which will allow him to be a controller. For folding, specialization of PZ is stagnant, which is even more expensive (close to EUR 1,000) and not easy to master. On the territory of the largest CPSR, as well as among the other countries, two software and hardware complexes gained the greatest popularity: Flash Extractor from the Moscow company "Soft-Center" and PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition from ACE Lab hard drives).

Zchituvach from the Flash Extractor complex. Change panels allow switching microcircuits of all main types

Zrozumіlo, scho podbnі technologies - the prerogative of Fakhivtsіv. Alet tse single option for vipadkah, if the controller of the chi has sent service information on the chips. The flash drive doesn’t know, because I don’t give access to the tribute, moreover, to change the controller, we will not help you (the efficiency of the old technology is only 15-20%).

As soon as the hardware problems and the controller and the microprogram cannot be received, then for the repair of the data, they will become accessible again - with one construction, it will be possible to knock in two hares. Shchepravda, this kind of "doublet" might be less common in the simplest problems, a very uncomfortable zapobizhnik chi іnshiy element obvyazuvannya. It’s a pity that there’s no need to bend the USB roses or the board (typical breakdowns, with flash drives brought in for repairs) before them, unfortunately. Most often, in such situations, the firmware is not available, and, having assumed the payment, it will not be available to the files.

The reason is in the koristuvachi themselves: the stench of the ear can be smelled with the stench of pratsyuvati, with the hand of roses. The first gift - a stable contact, so all one does not reach, then the dirt (which is equal to the bagatoraz connection and the connection) is blocked by the controller. The flash drive will cease to start, for what simple solution do not pass by.

To bring up the vibrati - chi is required "info" chi nakuchichuvach. For the first one, there is a drop on a koristuvach check for a professional renewal of the tribute (as the stench of that varti ...), and in the other - a repair, which is better for everything independent. Vin lead the flash drive to the "yak nova", which was written earlier. So, the repair and DR-technologies are totally insane.

How can I break a flash drive that memory card? The main types of inequities that are caused by the methods of usunenia are discernible.

⇡ Popular mechanics

Mechanical inequities are important to note. One hundred percent of the flash drive - a defect in the case, breakage of the casing and other tattered parts, the failure of a USB device (the most common type of device), tricky things, and those caused by handy payments and radioelements on them. Flash-accumulators are not to be loved by the vologians, if they are to be flooded, they are not to be cleaned.

Winyatok - expensive and rare stolen models, de internal communication with silikon (they often carry a marketing stench called Extreme, Voyager, etc.). Mіzh іnshim, tsei the same silikon non-abiyak accelerated the removal of parts during hardware repairs or renewed ones - clean the skin with a scalpel. It's okay to stand monolithic constructions: before the (light) blows are driven by the stench, the stink is occasionally stiff, but then the serious ear is definitely fatal.

Qiu flash drive Corsair, yaka came "on the date", literally saw it from the silikon

The corpus is flawed, the inside of the box, the jammed parts may not fit into the flash drive, but it’s not easy to use it, and it’s important to do it, and the term of service will quickly speed up. With a bent, crumpled, broken USB port (like in case of any broken contacts), the flash drive is either invisible, or it will appear once and for all. The payment will definitely need to be repaired, but you don’t expect to build it up to success - the internal roads of the big ball structure are important.

A small stick of a flash drive, having shaken, is one of frequent breakdowns. Cheap models are priced to go through a month or other exploitation

On a flash drive, for memory cards, mechanical problems will be fatal: repairs are possible and not fraudulent. The payment of the paperwork community of the patron saints was drugged for any serious pouring - in them the string-conductive roads break and the contact with the microcircuits of the memory breaks. That very chip can tremble with the second all "info". So why don't you get rid of other injustices.

So, for SD cards, there is a shaping of the halves of the body and (most often) the vrazunka is added to the block. In the last place, the card is read-only, nothing can be recorded on it (the pozunok itself is not rewritten, I will simply mechanically change the lantern of the fence in the cardreader, so on some extensions of the records). It is important to insert SD into the slot, which is more important, it is important to insert the SD with a bent or bent body. Zastosuvannya power (pinceti, pliers thin) the situation is deprived of pogirshu. Likewise, the whole filling of the picture is early in the past from the body - tse with the great image of the add-on.

The SD card did not survive in the hands of the impatient koristuvach

Cause mechanical items- Most of the nondibility of a koristuvach. Flash drives crookedly and abruptly insert at the USB-port of the computer chi laptop; already inserted, mop with hand, foot, bag and mop. Pose by the computer "trinkets" are thrown at the pidlog, they are stepped on, sidayut, їх run with the wheel of the cross and so far. Flash drives washing machine, at the street brood and spill kava, bathe in the seas and baths. Bachiti was brought up, they dug up, and they walked around the dog's teeth.

Models with folding and hanging parts are awaiting from the beginning to the hour of transformation. The crumbling parts by the power of power are no worse than the old ones and are quickly erased, as well as broken from cheap soft plastic. It is especially important for young fiksators - to insert such a USB flash drive, to "self-fold", into the port of the buva is not easy. The wear rate is greatly accelerated in the brute and aggressive middle-class (for example, in the swarm of ridge with keys). In case of non-abduction with a small pack of roses, USB can easily penetrate the doctor, it is difficult to prevent and corrosion of contacts (the stench is far from being gilded, as it is the standard).

The Kingston flash drive will wrinkle when plugged in - the fixator of the working position has been erased. The pozunok is brought by hand

Pidklada pig and policy of virobniks. Before cheap flash drives, the stink is put yak to a disposable product and save money at all. Zvidsi is a good case, kovpachok, tricky through a tiddien, thin textolite pay, not too much soldering. Models of paths evoke shattered yakisnish, and mechanically smelled vitrials. When buying a varto, select the same. Of course, if you went for a chimeric design, then it is more beautiful to beware - a glamorous case can have a lot of filling. Mіzh іnshim, so overwhelmingly donated corporate flash drives - vicoristovuvati їkh for the record is not smart, the problem is just too smart.

More about vibration. For the life of hiring a flash drive - egg-like, not a compact form. Dovgі and thin models lamayut first. More metal in the case, more beautiful metal is not just good quality, but good heat input. Kovpachok above the one that grates on the whole area of ​​the USB rose - winn’t in the area of ​​visitor-fighters. Good, if a small pack of insurance is lost with a string and a cable. In some cases, you can put on a small flash drive - it’s not so handy, it’s more beautiful than nothing.

Fashionable, for an hour, we see roses (without a metal bandage, since the contact plates are found on the ground) near the plan of hopefulness not far away: it is easy to break and dry up, and in smut - it is sick to the point of toothy statics. Until then, wines often get along with a monolithic design - vitrified and compact, albeit unrepairable. If, for example, the laptop fell from the table, then the inserted flash drive simply wiggles a rose, then the monolith will go to navpil, tormenting the repairman and the repairman.

Zlamaniy ros'єm in the extravagant and monolithic flash drives. If you talk about the repairs for years and to see the data, there is a big problem. Circled contacts cannot be helped here

Mechanical repairs can be done on the basis of the new functionality and the reliability of the flash drive, which can help you reach the evidence. On the rivni "zrobi itself" - the process of gluing or replacing the hull, pіdbіr іdpovіdny kovpacho is just. In bagatokh vyadkakh viruchaє cyanacrylate superglue, especially with an activator (hexane), which allows gluing any kind of plastic, including polyethylene and polypropylene, which does not admit. In the case of an open or bent USB rose, it is necessary to solder the fasteners, especially the head from the sides (the stench is taken initially from the original and from the first contact), and then the very contacts. Roughly correcting roses to zvorotny bik- not the best method: it is often the case that it breaks down on the side of the board, and repairs will be speeded up, as it may become too young.

On SD to replace the inserted pozunka, it is easy to glue in a piece of sirnik - however, even without the possibility of blocking, it is not enough to repent. Contacts should be cleaned with a cotton stick with a special contact "Kontaktol" or, on the extreme edge, with alcohol-gasoline sum. It’s important to touch the antistatic gigini (a grounding wristband on the hand, so that you can read the table and so on), for you want the grounded object to be torn in front of the robot. Remember that pictures are sensitive to static.

Do not go overboard with the magnifying glass of the contact maidanchiks - let's clear up the gilded ones from the day. If the number of contacts was changed, if they changed the color of the contact (not the rarity on cheap cards, but they are taken from the middle) - a signal before being used, hopefully such a card will not be available. Transfer to microSD → SD chain can be used.

⇡ Zgorila on robots

Electrical faults in flash drives - before going out to the controller ("vigoryannya"), as well as developing defects in SMD-elements connected: filters, spare parts, resistors, capacitors, stabilizers. In a number of parts, shaving, breakdown, loss of parameters (for example, a decrease in the vibration stress of the stabilizer from 3.3 to 2.5-2.6, for which the controller does not start anyway), are prevented. There can be problems and problems with the board, among which there is a problem with training paths and rotten contact of details. Defects of the factory folding do not appear frequently in the course of operation (not until the end of the soldering process, cold soldering, corrosion due to the unaddible flux).

Tsei filter (outline bіlim) zgorіv vіd kidka napruga. Likuvannya is standard - replacement with analogous ones, or just soldering the jumper

There have been more contact problems due to the introduction of the RoHS directive to the European Union (it is directly related to the turnover of lead, mercury and others). Ecological lead-free solders turned out to be tame at stasis: the stench grows worse and the contact maydans smell, the melting temperature may be adjusted, the lower the temperature. It’s not the cultivation of them in a high and varied culture, and other Chinese factories are not known.

In some cases, a flash drive most often does not give a sign of life, but it doesn’t appear in computers. "Invisible USB-attachment". Zokrema, tse buvaє in case of improper contact of the microcircuits of the flash memory with the board (in some cases, the last hour - the flash drive will be knocked out in unhandled hands, and one should come in). With a filthy soldered attachment, you can do it in a singing position, and then push your hand onto the body (call the USB rose from the district). It’s safe to eat, but it’s okay if the flash drive is cold. Years later, the intervals of time are all sounding and the right-hand side is going to the next view.

Before electric flash drives and memory cards, you can bring and use all the middle of the water - the problems most often are not won by themselves, but the lack of drying out of the outbuilding in front of the victors. Varto pay a fee to a USB flash drive, which was a problem, and it is easy for the controller to go out of hand, the reason is that it’s strumming through the cards. Quite, trivially for the water, especially for the sea, maybe for the vicious and banal corrosion, but not fatally: it seemed that the memory card from the camera, the "drowned man", was used to write the fate of the journey on the sea bottom.

The reasons for the electric shock are unstable hacking, the discharge of static electricity from the body of the computer or the PC case, as well as overheating of the parts of the accumulator, in the control of the controller (the memory of the memory can burn up to 100-120 ° C and burn quickly). I will overheat the nasty cold in tisnoe plastic case, the triva is active for the robot, or just a blank run. It's good: a USB flash drive, so you don't want to pick it up, use the USB port, and the memory card from the card reader slot - the stench from the OS driver can get too strong, and it is poorly predicted.

It is especially not safe to add some factors to the risk. For example, at moving forward 5 The flash drive is much stronger, and there is an intense flow of money, especially on the record, you can easily finish it off. Chim is productive (і road) model, more in chims rizik overheat. The memory cards can be used - I will tell you about the education of the Swedish SD for the hour of a serious collection or a discount of films.

Speed ​​up life to flash drives and cheap desktop cases: they have USB port on the front panel, up to mother's pay non-shielded train, which picks up all the guidance. Tse give a chance to navantazhennya on the connections of the attachment, to be recognized on the robot - zboi, trusting and advancing the load. Vikhіd wrongly in such minds whole іmovіrny, especially for ungrounded electrical wiring.

Defects in soldering will be detected by adjusting mechanics of installation, especially sign (zignuv-rozignnuv), and also fall and blows. If you want a flash drive and use shock-resistant accumulators, use a quartz resonator in its circuits. And tse (in typical SMD-corps) - to finish the chuckle of the part, as it does not show the window from the meter height. When quartz, shaking or showing from contacts, the flash drive appears yak "Nevidomy USB-attachment" with zero VID / PID codes This is not valid before the robot. The foul contact of the controller manifests itself as such; unrecognizable and purely software glitches (details of div. below).

There is already a necessary hardware repair. You can't do without a multimeter, a soldering iron for 25-30 W with a thin tip and a technical hair dryer: after making a call, changing a soldering (often additional help with a program to pay for hot witnesses), see if you need to get in touch until the end of the line. to USB-roses '' The details that have gone out of the way will be lost. There are about the connection elements - most often resistors (including zero nominal values, which play the role of jumper), quartz and stabilizer 3.3 V.

Previously, flash drives were often shaved for liveness and inductive filter for signal lancers. The purpose of the selection of analogs is to use banal shunts, and the breakdown of the discrete stabilizer changes without problems (the price of food is 20 rubles). Of course, if the dimila board is turned on, then the controller first changed it, and the spare part was replaced.

In modern models, there are already no such elements - virobniks optimized them. Try to hit the checker. That’s the integration and the stabilizer, so it’s a breakdown (to be aware of the instant and unbearable load of the chip), replace the controller, and for this the model itself is from the same firmware version (the other is the third series of brands). Non-working quartz is known for the 12 MHz generation; for the whole you would like to use a simple oscilloscope like the memory for C1-94 radios.

Accept vinyatok - new models of flash drive z USB interface 3.0. Shvidkіsny prіtіy vіdlіvі strum (up to 900 mA for the standard, as a matter of 150-250 mA in idle time and 300-600 mA for the installation), so the designer turned to a discrete stabilizer, once impulse type, as well as throttle filters. With such an elementary base, flash drives have become more repairable.

Chip flash memory in a large number of vipadks is not very good - it stinks quite expensive, and if the flash memory is rebuilt, it needs additional software repairs, which you might not need to go out as if you had enough money. The inspector is also a smart thing: such microcircuits are not sold (you won’t buy a lot of 1000 pieces), so the video footage with comparison of copies can be deprived of donors. To pick up a working accumulator to finish it without a blind eye, so to lose a flash drive, how they died for some reason. I will look at the usefulness of the controllers (the skin model is available in several modifications, which are often inappropriate for the firmware), the donor will need less - less than a dozen. It’s unlikely that a non-professional repairman would know such a load.

Zgorily controller is physically trained, ale tse rіdkіsny vypadok. Call the equipment wrongs calls uncomfortable

Do not forget about the technological folding - for the amateur it stinks as suttuvim. Accurately, without skewing, "nozzles" and non-contact soldering 64 or 48 wires with a crochet of 0.4-0.5 mm (the type of case for controllers is not so simple) it is not so easy to move, especially as tools are not abrupt. Also, the hardware repairs will be interconnected with the replacement of the connection elements.

Whenever there is a flash drive, when they come up, they include and "drowned", then before them there is a trietapna technology that has been broken down for mobile telephones. The payment is made in some form of salts and brutes in clean, distilled water, then add to isopropyl alcohol (in a concentration of 99.7% and actively draw water from capillaries, for example, for example) Similarly, fit from the parts to the body. Residual drying before zbirannya maє trivati ​​kіlka godin.

Until the speech, perchim, hto zasosuvav alcohol absolutes yak eksikator, bouv D.I. Mendelєєv. U 1890 p. win proponuvav substitute dry pyroxylin (the basis of powderless gunpowder) with alcohol, which is absolutely non-baked. At that hour, in the middle of the light, the stage of vyrobnitstva gunpowder is carried out only after Mendelev's method.

Apparently, all other robots are given a flash drive, as well as in the range of vimages for mechanical repairs (constructions are made, selected on glue, or on screaming disposable clamps). The versatility of the models is accelerated by the classification. Most often, the body and two halves of the chi can be gilzi, where the filling is inserted. Details should be worn down with gwent (more beautiful), rubbed with prikhovanny clumps (girche). Any time, if you don’t have to get access to pay, then repair the indications.

Wonderful, non-private models are more foldable, lower-ranked brothers

In other part of the material, we know apart from you because of the software problems of flash accumulators and methods of updating, as well as just a little joy, like eliminating the breakdown of the flash drive. Nezabarom on your screens!

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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