Functional testing system. Functional view testing

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Navit, even if you are tolerant of the floor, you can restart the program after a failure 18 times and only after that throw the monitor exactly at the window, you wait for it, that the robot with the program was bula b comfortable, yakby out.

How to grow so, that the fall, the hang-up, the neviconnanny of the necessary diy broken programs have become more rare for you?

There is no exact indication on the food chain. But for a long time to spend the most wise centuries of fate, they thought about this topic, and they could still know how good it is, even if they don’t get all the pardons of the programs, then they’ll create the illusion of being a child.

І tsey zasіb is called TESTING software product .

At the thought of wise people, Testing is one of the most tired ways to ensure the quality of growth software it is included to a set of effective features of a modern system for ensuring the quality of a software product.

p align="justify"> The quality of a software product is characterized by a set of powers, which indicate how the product is "good" from the point of view of the affected parties, such as the successor to the product, the sponsor, the late koristuvach, the distributors and testers of the product, the engineers of the support, the specialists in marketing, navchannya and sales. The skin of the participants may be different statements about the product and about those, how much wine is good and bad things, so about those who are high and how high the quality of the product. In this way, setting the task of ensuring the quality of the product turns into the task of designating the characteristics of the quality, their criteria for the quality of the value optimal solution, which meets these criteria.

When is that who?

At the thought of getting to know the retailers, testing of the software product can be carried out straight from the cob of it. Ale, when they themselves were informed, the retailers in the test were not guilty of taking part, the shards are not the king’s right. Testing a software product is based on specially trained optical instruments, which are called testers, because it is not possible to find a found retailer to pardon your pardon, to find out about the latest optical devices.

Tim is no less, all retailers agree on the idea that testing a software product from the point of view of classification for purposes can be divided into two classes:

  • Functional testing
  • Non-functional testing

Functional testing

Under functional testing, it is necessary to reconsider the validity of the software product to the functional support, which is assigned to the technical task of the creation of the product. To put it simply, during functional testing, it is checked that the software product is violating all functions, as if it is to blame.

Otzhe, You vyrishili conduct functional testing. You look into the technical issues, read the functional information and understand that the stinks are taken in the wrong order, in which you can conduct the test. You will be happy, what else to do for a long time іnshi already commemorated tsyu inconsistency and foresaw how її podolat.

To carry out functional testing by the personnel in charge of technical control, a program document is developed and a methodology for testing the functional addendum (PMI). PMI document to rewrite scenarios in testing a software product (test cases) report description krokiv. The skin-to-croc test scenario is characterized by the effects of the test (fahivtsya from the test) and the scoring results - the reaction of the program to the test. The program and method of testing can imitate the operation of the software product in real mode. Tse means that the test script can be prompted based on the analysis of operations, so that it can vitiate the possible corystuvach systems, and not be a piece-packed sequence of mind-bending only to the retailer of manipulations.

Start functional testing to be carried out on two levels:

  • Component (modular) testing. Testing of several components of the software product, focused on their specifics, recognized and functional features.
  • Integration testing. Tsey view testing is carried out after component testing and directing to detect defects in the interaction of various subsystems on equal control flows and data exchange.

Non-functional testing

Non-functional testing evaluates the quality of a software product, like, for example, ergonomics and productivity.

I think that the importance of this kind of testing is clear and does not require a rounding. Even if it dawned on everyone that, for example, the productivity of the system is insufficient, then the koristuvachs will have to check on their own day every day, which can lead to їхної masovoї slumber.

As the name screams, in case of dysfunctional testing, the validity of the software product to the dysfunctional helpers from the technical task for its creation is reconsidered. І, as a result of functional testing, for non-functional testing, a program of testing methodology is developed.

Testing the new software and building standards in the Agile era

Dotrimannya galuzevyh standards - not those that you can snehtuvat or take up in the future; tse nevid'mna part of the process of rozrobovanogo software security. For some industries, such as avionics, automobiles and health care, the development of standards for capacity in the development of foldable and silent systems of life necessary mental release of goods to the market. Traditionally, testing has been carried out in the development of systems for regulation of blinds by standards. However, over the remaining years of tired practice, that testing process, its role in such projects, has significantly changed. Tse drastically changed all the rules of the game, and if the rules of the game change, it is necessary to change them at once to win.

In the minds of the permanent development of new, ultra-modern technologies, it is necessary for companies to quickly promote the market of superior, safe, simple and balanced products with other systems - just so as not to perish in the technological world, which is changing rapidly. This situation is traditional cascade model, de process of development of the software is suvoro last and testuvannya vykonuєtsya at the end of the world, yde at the end. DevOps and Agile methods are gaining great popularity, stink shards allow engineers to complete tasks, as before they went one by one, overnight.

Productivity testing

At the stage of productivity testing in the first part of the year, a preliminary testing is carried out, which means re-verification, so that the system is adequately responsive to the level of injections in a mode close to the mode of real operation.

Crim of navantage testing is carried out testing in the minds of the minimum equipment and maximum nvantage - stress testing, as well as testing in the minds of boundary obsyagiv obroblyuvannya іnformatsiї - the volume of testing.

We see one more type of testing: stability and reliability testing, which includes not only trial testing of a software product in normal minds, but also the ability to turn back to normal functioning after non-trial periods of stressful stress.

Documentation for testing

As it has already been appointed higher, the testing is carried out in accordance with the program of that method of testing, as it is tested in accordance with GOST 34.603-92.

To carry out the testing, a control butt is provided, which can be enough to test all modes of the robotic software product. Sound the control butt is created as a deputy and vikonavtsy on the basis of real data.

To carry out all types of productivity testing, it is most often created in such a way as a data generator, which allows you to automatically create enough data to achieve an objective result when assessing productivity.

During the course of the test, a test protocol is drawn up, where information about the passage of all stages and short tests and respect for the test are entered.

If the result of the test is negative, it is necessary to carry out an examination of a short period of time and re-test.

Doslidnitske testing

Doslіdnitske testuvannya (ad hoc testuvannya - pіdvid funktsіonalnogo testuvannya Vono zastosovuєtsya in shvidkozrostayuchih projects of gnuchkimi techniques rozrobki de Absent chіtkoї dokumentatsії that vimog Doslіdnitske testuvannya -... Vischy pіlotazh in testuvannі software zabezpechennya Yakіsne testuvannya more accessible fahіvtsyam of vischoyu kvalіfіkatsієyu that practical povnіstyu deposits od vykonavtsya, yogo dosvіdu, knowledge (like in the subject gallery, so in the methods of testing), building quickly penetrate into the essence.


Navantage testing - the process of analyzing the productivity of the system, which is tested under the influence of innovation. Meta navantazhuvalnogo testuvannya-significance of the building of the report to zvnishnih navantazhen. Call for testing to be carried out at the sprat stage.

1. Generation of test scenarios

For an effective analysis of the scenarios, they should be closest to the real scenarios of the selection. It is important to understand that it is possible to blame, and to create a report plan for testing may not cover a well-taken fallacy.

2. Development of the test configuration

Looming the scenarios of testing, it is important to expand the order of the growth of the adventure. For a successful analysis, it is necessary to see the criteria for evaluating productivity (speed of work, the hour of processing the bill).

3. Carrying out a test run

When conducting tests, it is important to keep track of the scenarios that are being tested on the system that is being tested. For the emulation of high ambitions, a serious hardware and software infrastructure is needed. In some cases, for the sake of cheapness, methods of mathematical modeling are used. Data is taken as a basis, taken away at low profits, and it is approximated. The higher the value of the target, which is modeled, the lower the accuracy of the assessment. However, such a way is short-lived.

Test automation

The main feature of automated testing is the possibility of conducting regression tests quickly. The main advantages of automation (because of the tribute to the fame of the Worksoft company) are increased efficiency of personnel, more early detection of defects and higher quality of business processes. These gains are compensated for by shortfalls: expensive, through a high price for the promotion and support of automation of testing, close to 50% of companies do it in the main manual testing.

Usability testing

Be it as a program, it is created for the sake of speeding up with it. The victoriousness of victories is an important example of the program. IT-industry knows impersonal applications, if the projects were successful after a distant improvement of the efficiency of the victorious. Chim shirsha audience, tim important factor usability. Usability testing includes a detailed analysis of customer behavior. For the assessment of ergonomics, it is important to give not only about the speed of the business enterprise, but also about the emotions of the koristuvach, the mime of the face, the timbre of the voice.

Configuration testing

Configuration testing gives the impression that the program runs on different platforms, and means the maximum number of cores. For web add-ons, select cross-browser testing. For Windows, add-ons - testing on different operating systems (x86, x64). p align="justify"> An important warehouse configuration test is a test infrastructure: for testing, it is necessary to constantly upgrade the fleet of test machines. Their number varies from 5 to a number of tens.

Integration testing

If your project has more than one component, it will require integration testing. For the folding architecture of the program, the necessary intellectual security is required, and re-verification for the interdependence of parts of the program. Testing is reachable by the way of development and carrying out of "critical" cases. Integration testing is carried out after the component. Therefore, it is important to ensure the completion of component testing, with which business-oriented test cases are taken care of.

stress testing

Whether the system is between normal functioning. When moving between the system, the system is under stress and significantly changes its behavior. Stress testing overwhelms the work of the program for the minds of the mind moving predlіv normal functioning. It is especially important for "critical" programs: banking software, aviation software, medicine. Stress testing is carried out not only at the stage of software development, but also by stretching the last cycle of operation and by the method of removing these behaviors of the system in a three-hour period.

In the midst of this kind of functional testing, it is rightfully borrowing a reliable place, to which the program is guilty to work in the first place correctly, otherwise, in the case of victoriousness, protection and sufficient security, there will be absolutely no shtibu. Let's examine the hair with various testing techniques, the skin fahivets is responsible for understanding how to correctly conduct a recheck in order to take the most effective result.

Functional testing: where to direct the main data?

on the module that system testing;

For re-checking “white” or “black” screens;

Manual testing and automation;

for re-verification of the new functionality or;

On "negative" and "positive" tests.

It is important to know the correct way, which will be “middle”, to balance the susilla, vicarious dermal z directly to the maximum.

Re-verification of software security is required in a different way, one of them is testing for the principle of "black screen" or for the management of tribute.

The program in this way is submitted from the point of view of the “black screen”, and the verification is carried out to clarify the situation, for which the behavior of the program does not show specifics. Usі pardons are awarded for additional management of the tribute, which is for the assistance of the final test, so that with victories we can

As soon as the programs of the viconannny command to lie down in the bottom, in front of it, then it is necessary to re-verify all possible sequences. It is quite obvious that it is simply impossible for a large number of students to do more testing, so it is more common to choose an acceptable or reasonable option, which is between running the program on a small amount of all input data. This option will again guarantee the availability of the day according to the specifications.

Functional transfer testing correct choice testa. At the same time, it is accepted to separate the following methods for forming sets for them:

Analysis of boundary values;

Equivalent discord;

Pripuschennya about pardons;

Analysis of links between causes and last.

You can take a look at the leather of them.

Analysis of boundary values. Under the boundary values, it is accepted to understand such a difference between classes of equivalence. In such places, nayvіrogіdnіshe show a pardon. The choice of such a method is based on the fahіvtsya of singing creativity, as well as specialization in this particular problem that is being considered.

Equivalent to breaking. All possible sets of input parameters are divided into equivalence classes. Dani podnuyutsya for the principle of showing similar pardons. It is customary to respect that if you type one class and show a pardon, then it is equivalent to incriminate it. Functional testing with this method takes place in two stages: the first one is used to see the equivalence classes, and in the other, special tests are already formed.

The analysis of the links caused the consequences. The system can select tests based on the high efficiency of conducting such revisions. In this moment, as a reason, the mind is taken in, and as a consequence, the mind is out. The method is based on the idea of ​​introducing all kinds of causes to the last ones, that is, on the clarified causal and hereditary links. Testing of the software product is carried out in a number of stages, as a result of which there is a list of reasons and consequences that should be tested.

Functional testing is one of the key types of testing, the task of which is to install the version of the distributed software (PS) for the external functional support of the locker. To conduct a functional test allows you to review the building information system in the singing minds of the virishuvati zavdannya, the need for coristuvacha.

Depending on the level of access to the system code, two types of functional tests can be seen:
  • testing black box(black screen) - functional testing without access to the system code,
  • white box testing (white screen) - functional testing with access to the system code.

Testing of the black box is carried out without knowing the internal mechanisms of the robotic system, and it is based on the outer workings. With this test, the behavior is changed for different input data and the internal state of the systems. At the time of testing the white box, test cases are created, which are based more importantly on the code of the software system. Also, there are extensions such as black-box testing, which includes the code, - so the titles are gray box (grey box).

Key achievements

  1. Functional testing of the software actually imitates the actual variation of the system.
  2. Allowing you to promptly reveal systemic pardons to the PZ and yourself to solve impersonal problems when working with him.
  3. Savings with additional help to improve pardons more early in the life cycle of PZ.

Main stages of functional testing




An analysis of external documents about the system is carried out: functional and business vimogi, technical task, project passport. Also, it is necessary to analyze and improve the test plan, test cases, design terms, number of iterations, assessment of possible risks. The heads of this stage are consecrated at the same time by the representatives of the deputy.


Functional testing is carried out manually for the preparation of further test scenarios from the entered pardons in the bugtracking system. Given the existence of such a system, we can: apply the system of cherishing the tests to the vlazny maidanchik; give the deputy a license; vikoristovuvati zasobi, scho є at the deputy; get by with an office package; put the process of testing at the zamovnik with urakhuvannya without koshtov.

We are looking forward to the development of the weather reports about the testing with a list of identified findings and recommendations on how to improve the system. It is necessary to carry out the training of coristuvachs.


Test management is carried out in specialized systems.

Need to know how to test the site? Here you can find information about the main methods of testing a website. We will sequentially go through all the main points of the checklist for testing the website, which are necessary for a real assessment of the readiness of your site before launch.

Testing as the final step in the development of a website plays an important role in the process of creating high-quality software.

After testing the website, the deputy hopes to have a ready project without pardons, with readability, easy spontaneity, dexterity and arrogance.

The main rules for testing a website are as small as possible, how to show the correctness, how simple the site is and how logical, how easy and how much information is needed.

The more folding your site is, the more time is needed for yoga re-verification and taxation. Depending on the specifics of the project, up to 50% of the total budget and time resources can be seen for testing the website.

To organize the testing of the website, we need to develop a special methodology, which will determine the re-verification of your site.

You can carry out testing in different ways, but don't forget about the testing strategy process itself. Vіd tsego to deposit the sequence of your deeds.

Let's take a look at the main steps that you must go through to protest your site. The stench is presented to the little one below.

Documentation testing

We are guilty of preparatory stage, analyzing documentation. The tester receives the documentation (analyzes the basic functionality of the site, prepares a plan for further testing).

At this stage, the main artifacts related to the website being tested are analyzed:

  • Wimogi
  • Test plan
  • Casey test
  • Features matrix

Functional testing of the site

Functional testing is directed at those, so that the skin function of the website was validated to the point of specification. Testing the functionality of the website showing "What to rob the system."

Try to create a checklist to test the functionality of the website.

Testuvannya silan

You are guilty of perverting:

  • Weekend messages
  • Correctness of internal messages
  • Vidsutnist silan, scho to lead to one side
  • Strength, like vikoristovuyutsya for strength email site admins
  • Chi є storіnki, on yakі it is not indicated the power
  • Vіdsutnіst impractical messages

Testing forms for all sides

You create forms for interactive communication with clients. Again, it is necessary to review the following points:

  • Validity of input data
  • Valid values ​​for the data field
  • Invalid input values ​​for data field
  • Parameters of forms, for which it is possible to have a better view, be it another modification of data.

Testing cookies

Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer after browsing the web site.

  • Reverse the site without cookies
  • Change the site to enable cookies
  • Check that cookies are encrypted before being written to the computer of the koristuvach
  • Change the security aspects for the time of the removal of cookies.
  • As cookies may be trivial, they should be reconsidered, what are the active stinks of appointments for a period of time.

HTML/CSS validation

  • HTML pardons
  • Check out that the website is available for poke machines.
  • Check that your web site has an accurate sitemap in XML and HTML format

Core tools for functional testing: selenium , Linux Test Project , JUnit, Sprinter by Hewlett Packard Entreprise(manually tested), Browserstack(manually and automated testing), Usersnap(Manually tested).

Website usability testing

Usability testing is recognized for evaluating your web site with a glance of the end koristuvach. This helps to determine the performance of the product for scoring coristuvach, revealing problematic areas in the interface.

Site navigation testing to avenge such re-verifications:

  • The mustache of the site was understood and simple in the victorian.
  • Buttons that form fields are free for the wiki.
  • Access to the main menu is restricted from the other side.

Check list content testing:

  • Daily grammatical, spelling pardons
  • The image can be placed correctly
  • Change the optimization of the color palette of the site and the resizing of the fonts
  • Content can be informative, understandable, structured and logically related
  • Instructions to understand and replace the correct information

Zreshtoyu, to evaluate victoriousness your web portal, just give a confirmation on the power supply:

  • Is your site understandable and understandable?
  • Why is navigation easy?
  • How do you cope with the damage to the koristuvach?
  • Chi є zayvі chi uncommon speech?

Basic tools for sampling testing: User zoom , reflector, Loop 11 .

Testing UI

Testing the koristuvach interface (UI) is checked to verify the graphical koristuvach interface of your site to the specifications.

The axis of the re-verification for testing the website interface:

  • Compliance with the standards of graphic interfaces
  • Evaluation of design elements: layout, colors, fonts, font resize, labels, text fields, text formatting, titles, buttons, lists, icons, messages
  • Testing with different screen permissions
  • Testing of localized versions: the accuracy of the translation, rechecking the real names of the elements in the interface too.
  • Testing the graphical interface of the koristuvach on the main outbuildings: smartphones and tablets.

Core tools for UI testing: FitNesse , iMacros, coded ui, Jubula LoadUI .

Consistency testing (configuration testing)

The sanity test is used to check the robot site with different software and hardware configurations:

  • Operating system configuration
  • Browser configuration
  • Database configuration

Cross-platform site testing allows you to evaluate the work of your site for different operating systems (both desktop and mobile): Windows, iOS / Mac OS, Linux, Android, BlackBerry, etc.

Cross-browser not testing the site helps to check the correctness of the robot site in different browser configurations: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera too thin.

Database testing vikonuetsya for ensuring the correct operation of your site for different database configurations: Oracle, DB2, MySql, MSSQL Server, Sybase, etc.

Sum of options to each other also the next step in the test plan for your website:

  • Flip the correctness of the other fonts, graphic images sides, alignment of sides
  • Reconsider that all sides of your site agree to the size of the paper assigned in the options to the other.

You can use such tools as BrowserStack, CrossBrowserTesting by Smart Bear , Litmus Browser , Rational Clearcase by IBM , ghostlab for testing the website

For this address, you will find more information about configuration testing -

Productivity testing

Productivity testing is a sign of the fact that the system works out of sight of efficiency and stability in case of heavy pressure. The site may show a high level of advancement. Website performance testing methods:

  • Testing the behavior of the site on a equal basis or outside the borders of a well-trained worker (stress test)
  • Testing site behavior to increase operational efficiency (testing the desire)
  • Testing the building for a short period of time or a little more for a pleasant period (Stability test)
  • Testing the productivity of the website for the increase in the obligation of data from the database (volume of testing)
  • Website performance testing for one-hour login great number koristuvachіv (Testing for parallelism)
  • Testing site behavior with uninterrupted supplementary navigation (Vitrivity test)
  • Testing the security of the side

Core tools for productivity testing: Apache JMeter , HP LoadRunner , Silk Performer from Micro Focus , WebLOAD , Gatling.

Do you want to know more about productivity testing and the tools that are used for testing? Go for sim possilannyam

Safety testing

Security testing is performed to re-check the system for protection of data and support for functionality.

You can mimic the attack of a dzherel to assess the security level of your site ( penetration test).

The second type of security testing, spleen testing, allow you to evaluate the deep engagement of the received risks

Checking steps for safety testing:

  • Protect the impossibility of unauthorized access to protected parties
  • Automatically rechecking sessions after a trivial downtime
  • SSL security testing
  • Try the evil one, remind about pardons, then it’s your fault to register and save yourself in okremu file for further analysis.
  • Change the captcha robot for help with automatic scripts
  • Change your mind, what are the files share access do not get involved without permission
  • Reconsider, if the hour of entering the wrong password is not possible to enter the system

Core tools for website security testing: Retina CS Community , OWASP Zed Attack Proxy , veracode, google nogotofail, SQL map.

Testuvannya, pov'yazane іz zminami

Testing, caused by changes, there are two main goals:

  • Reconcile, that all the bugs found have been successfully corrected ( re-testing or confirmation of testing). It seems simpler, it's your fault to run a casey test with a bunch of bugs, and this time the stench will run without any problems.
  • Change the one who did not blame the new bugs of the change ( regression testing). Crim test cases with revealed bugs, it is also possible to avenge the test case functionality your site.

Testing the mobile version of the site

As you could remember, the deacons of the revisions were connected with the mobile version of your site. In this hour, the number of people who win only mobile devices for access to the Internet, may tend to a stable growth. Why is it important to adapt the version of the site to mobile devices.

The axis of the kіlka is glad for the fact that we can effectively test the site on mobile devices:

  • Turn the madness with smartphones and tablets
  • Reconsider that site navigation is as simple as possible
  • Optimize your site's engagement time
  • Change your mind, that the buttons can make a sufficient expansion for people from the thumb
  • Optimize the size of your images
  • Don't tweet Flash that splintering vikna
  • Link markers and short propositions
  • Change your phone number, you can dial for help with one click
  • Find out which website can access your location via GPS

Korisn_ іstrumenti for testing mobile version site - BrowserStack, Perfecto Mobile Continuous Quality Lab,Windows Phone Emulator , Android Studio emulator , Google's Mobile-Friendly Test,Google's Page Speed ​​Online.

Find out more about mobile testing and yoga tools

beta testing

Beta testing is the last remaining stage of testing. As a rule, to shy away the kіntsevі koristuvachі, yakі not є spіvrobіtnikami kompanії.

During beta-testing, your site is being dragged down to the hands of real koristuvachivs, so that you can see if there are any shortcomings from the current point of view, as if you didn’t want to mother your residual, release version.

Such tools, like HockeyApp, Ubertesters,і test flight, є all world vikoristovuetsya platforms for beta testing.

Now, since we have looked at the main stages of the website testing process, let's try to know the bug and try the process with the help of one of the real web testing tools, the EasyQA Chrome Extension for the browser.

How to test a site for help EasyQA Chrome Extension

EasyQA Chrome Extension allows you to create a bug report for your website or web programs, without wasting an hour on correcting information, helping in the shortest possible time to fix the bug.

It's easy to hack EasyQA Chrome Extension for robots with bugs. Everything that you need to work, tse:

  • Create a token for your project
  • Install EasyQA Chrome Extension in your browser
  • Get in (behind the towers).

Key Features of EasyQA Chrome Extension:

  • Ability to report a bug directly from your website or web software
  • Possibility of creating a bug report both for registrations and for non-registered correspondents
  • Creation of screenshots
  • Video recording of detected bugs
  • Preparing and correcting a bug report in an illustration form

  • unfavorable consideration of retailers in terms of working standards and plans for implementation;
  • specifics of functional and interface functions without additional expansion standards, which will lead to the destruction of the functioning of the program;
  • organization of the process of development - incompletely and insufficient management of project resources (human, technical, software, etc.) and nutritional testing and integration of project elements.

Let's take a look at the testing process, following the recommendations of the ISO/IEC 12207 standard, and induce the type of pardons that appear to the skin process of the LC.

Wimog development process. With the chosen external concept of the system, it could up to the system to blame the pardons of analysts with the specification upper level system and pobudova conceptual model of the subject area.

The characteristic pardons of this process are:

  • the inadequacy of the specifics could not help the kіntsevy koristuvachs; - inaccuracy of the specifics of the interaction between the software and the middle of the functioning or with the cores;
  • the impossibility of the deputy was able to reach the limits of those impassioned powers of the PZ;
  • incorrect description of functional characteristics;
  • the insecurity of the instrumental means of all aspects of the implementation could not help the zamovnik and іn.

Design process Pardons in the design of components can be blamed on the description of algorithms, control logic, data structures, interfaces, logic of data flow modeling, input-visualization formats, etc. These pardons are based on defects in specific analytics and design flaws. Pardons can be seen before them, pov'yazani:

  • to the designated interface of the coristuvacha from the middle;
  • with a description of the functions (inadequacy of the goals and the order of the components, as they appear at the hour of rechecking the complex of components);
  • from the designated process of processing information and interaction between processes (the result of incorrect assignment of the interaction between components and processes);
  • with incorrect data given of those structures in the description of four components of that PS as a whole;
  • with an incorrect description of the algorithms of the modules;
  • s viniknennya minds possible pardons in the program;
  • from the failures adopted for the project of standards and technologies.

Stage coding At this stage pardons are blamed, as a result of design defects, pardons of programmers and managers in the process of development and system improvement. The reason for pardons is:

  • lack of control over the value of input parameters, array index, cycle parameters, output results, subdivided by 0 and in;
  • incorrect processing of irregular situations when analyzing the codes of rotation in the subprogram, functions and in;
  • broken coding standards (bad comments, irrational view of modules ta component ta in);
  • substitution of one name for the recognition of different objects or different names of one object, filthy mnemonic of names; - inconvenience of making changes to the program by different retailers and in.

Testing process.On this process, pardons are allowed by programmers and testers with advanced technology of folding and testing, selection of test sets and scripts and testing. swearing.

Accompaniment process.On the process of the pipeline, there are pardons, the cause of which are shortcomings and defects in operational documentation, insufficient indications of modification and readability, as well as the incompetence of the errors, which are responsible for the support and / or improvement of the software. In the fall, depending on the day of the change, which can be made at this stage, they can practically be pardoned, similar to the previously repaid pardons at the previous stages.

All the pardons that are blamed on the programs are accepted to be changed to the following class [7.12]:

  • logical and functional pardons;
  • forgive pardons for that hour of vikonannya;
  • pardons introduced to the conclusion and manipulation of danim;
  • pardons of interfaces;
  • pardons obyagu danikh ta іn.

Logical pardons This is the reason for the disruption of the logic of the algorithm, the internal inadequacy of the change and the operators, as well as the rules of programming. Functional pardons are a legacy of incorrectly sung functions, broken in the order of their zastosuvannya and in the reality of the entirety of their implementation.

Calculate pardons blamed on the inaccuracies of input data and the implementation of formulas, poor methods, incorrect calculation of operations for calculating the number of operands. Forgiveness to the hour of vykonannya pov'yazanі z nebezpechennym nebhіdnoї svidkostі obrobki zapitіv vіdnovlennya program.

Pardons of introduction-visitation that manipulation of data is, as a result, non-similar preparation of data for the purpose of typing programs, crashes when they are entered to the databases or when they are selected from it.

Pardons for the interface it can be seen to the pardons of the interrelationship of the same elements one by one, which is manifested in the transfer of data between them, as well as in the interaction with the middle of the functioning.

Pardon obyagu It can be seen to data and it is a consequence of the fact that the methods of access and expansion of data bases are not satisfied with the real information of the system, or the intensity of their processing.

Introduce the main classes of pardons of the authorities in different types of components and stench in programs in different ways. So, when working with a database, pardons of tribute and manipulation of tribute are blamed, logical pardons at the head of applied procedures for processing data from those others. In programs of a numerical nature, pardons are calculated, and in programs of management and processing - logical and functional pardons. PZ, which is composed of impersonal various programs that implement various functions, can avenge pardons different types. Pardons of interfaces and damage are typical for any type of systems.

Analysis of the types of pardons in programs for the necessary intellectual creation of testing plans and testing methods for ensuring the correctness of software security.

At the current stage, the development of tools for developing the software development (CASE-technologies, object-oriented methods and methods for designing models and programs) is carried out in such a way that the software is protected in the most typical pardons And we ourselves will prevent the appearance of software defects.

Zv'yazok pardon z vіdmova.The appearance of a pardon in the program, as a rule, should be brought to the end of the PZ when it is functioning. For the analysis of causal-and-hereditary links, the "forgiveness of the Lord" is construed as follows:

  • identification of wads in design technologies and programming;
  • mutually in the process of designing pardons that are allowed by people;
  • classification of wounds, wads and possible pardons, as well as defects in the skin stage of development; - granting pardons to people, which are allowed in the process of development, such defects in objects, as pardons to the project specifications, program models;
  • re-verification and protection of pardons at all stages of the life cycle, as well as the detection of defects at the skin stage of resurfacing;
  • detection of defects and visualizations in software for the development of a system of interrelations and methods of localization, collection and analysis of information about visualization of defects;
  • development of approaches to the processes of documenting and testing software.

Kіntseva meta of causal-and-hundred links "Vidm's pardon" is based on the designated methods of testing and the manifestation of pardons of the first classes, as well as the criteria for completing the test on an impersonal set of data; at the designated paths to improve the organization of the process of development, testing and support of PZ.

We will introduce the following classification of types of windows:

  • hardware, with some kind of system software, security is not practical;
  • informational, calling for pardons at input data and data transmission by communication channels, as well as in case of failure of outbuildings (inheritance of equipment inputs);
  • ergonomic, calling out the operator's pardons when interacting with the machine (tsya v_dmova - secondary vіdmova, you can bring it to informational or functional information);
  • software, for the obvious pardons in the components and in.

Deyakі pardons can be a little short of a project, generating output code and documentation. On the other hand, stinks are generated in the process of expanding programs or expanding the interfaces of other program elements (breaking the order of parameters, less or more parameters, etc.).

Dzherela Pardon Pardons can be generated in the process of developing the project, components, code and documentation. As a rule, stinks appear when vikonannі or suprovodі software security in the most important and different points.

Some pardons for the program can be a little short-lived for the project, code generation and documentation. On the other hand, pardons are generated during the process of developing programs and interfaces of її elements (for example, in case of a breakdown in the order of setting the parameters in the link - less or more, lower is needed thin.).

The reason for the appearance of pardons is the unreasonable vimog of the deputy; inaccurate specification could be in the documents of the project and in. It is not necessary to bring about the fact that the actual functions of the system are being implemented, yak pratsyuvatimut negarazd, like a deputy advocates. At zv'yazku z tsim to be carried out spilne discussed by the deputy and the retailer of some details could be for their clarification.

The system builder command can also change the syntax and semantics of the system description. However, such pardons may not be detected (for example, incorrectly set indexes or values ​​of these change operators).

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