Vіdstan mіzh stovpchikami in the tables of the CSS.

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help in case of likhomantsi, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and zastosovuyut antipyretic preparations. What is allowed to give to children of the chest? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Good afternoon. The table, as an element, has its own peculiarities, as it strongly inflates її in the form of larger rich blocks. Today, I want to tell you about those, how to write in css between the middle tables.

V_dminnosti z block model

Sob to put in the middle of the blocks, sound vicorist zvnishnі stupi, but don’t work with the middle ones. The inner steps of the middle can be written, but the outer axis cannot be written.

The whole thing is not large, only the axis behind the lock in the middle in the tables of roztashovaniya did not close one to one, but with small steps, as if you did not need to start. How can I clean them up?

Power of border-spacing

Power comes to the rescue, as in css it is customary for tabular data - border-spacing. As you can understand the name, it will show the free space (in the step) in the middle of the skin.

An important point: set border-spacing for all tables. That axis is like this:

border-spacing: 0;

As a rule, we tidy up between the centers and now the stench is strongly pressed one to one. Obviously, at the points you can ask a question, as it will be necessary.

It's possible, a little vaguely, what power is set for the table selector, but it's such a specialty of tables, it's just necessary to remember it. Power will not work, so for tables also set border-collapse: collapse. In such a state, the middle steps are automatically taken from the middle steps, and there is no need for border-spacing.

An old way to set call points in the middle

Earlier for whoever before the tag

Added the cellspacing attribute, which was used to designate the entry, but today such a method is not recommended to be used. Tse zasmіchu code and do not conform to current standards of web development.

Right in what you can see up to with a sultry look element, and html is absolutely unsuitable for tієї right. The standards stipulate what is responsible for the main css.

Like a bachite, in css you can tidy up between the middle tables, or you can cherish them for additional power border-spacing. All for today. If you like the theme of the website, please subscribe to be aware of new materials on the website.

Father, we have bestowed upon you just dії, Yakі you can zdіysnyuvati z between the tables. And now the table looks much more aesthetically pleasing. However, some of the middle ones are directly stuck in the borders. Tse can easily be corrected, it’s enough to just walk in the middle in HTML tables. And then the text in the middle of the frame, in the middle, will be more readable.

In order to work it out in the commissary next win the attribute cell padding for tag

. However, the third, shorter version: css.

In such a state of mind, steps are asked for additional power padding. It’s not important for me to help you to get in there, de need, to the beast, right-handed, from below, or left-handed, vicorist, evidently, one of these authorities: padding top, padding right, padding-bottomі padding-left.

You can ask, the pixel itself is to blame for the input. Let's aim the butt, in which we become the lower entrance 20 pixels, and all others will be 10 . such css-the code will look like this:

td (padding: 10px; padding-bottom: 20px;)

And the new style code at this stage:

Table (border: solid 1px blue; border-collapse: collapse;) td (border: solid 1px blue; padding: 10px; padding-bottom: 20px;)

Result in browser:

Walk between the centers

As a rule, zavdannya, povyazanі zі svrennyam tables, you can virishiti, vikoristovuyuuchi for this tags, attributes and authority, yakі allow you to create frames, in the middle, and also set the color background of the middle ones themselves.

The entries in the tables are not only in the middle of the middle. The stench can also be present and among the middle ones themselves.

Іsnuє dvі possiblity zrobiti vіdstupi mizh seredkami:

  1. with attribute variant cellspacing for tag
  • from victories css-Dominance border-spacing.
  • Requires support, what border-spacing be prescribed for the table as a whole, at that hour as power padding be prescribed without intermission for the average.

    Let's look at an example:

    Table (border: solid 1px blue; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 5px;) td (border: solid 1px blue; padding: 10px; padding-bottom: 20px;)

    І for subtracting the result:

    Let’s immediately move on, that you don’t need to ask for help, so step up for help border-collapse: collapse. Age with vikoristanny tsієї optsії middle "stick" one to one.

    And so the stench was okremo one kind of one, next vikoristovuvat border-collapse: separate. It is important to understand what given valueє znachennyam for zamovchuvannyam. І zastosovuєtsya only in order to show in person how the task is being violated. If we can see this row, then the result looks like the same number of stashed ones in the middle of savings.

    By themselves, the tables look like “bad”, before that, browsers in their own way reflect the characteristics of tables, zocrema, frames. At the same time, these nedolіki can easily be corrected by speeding up the mіtsyu styles. When this is done, the tables are expanded, which allows you to enter the tables into the design of the site and show the table data more clearly.

    Color background middle

    The background color of all elements in the table is set at the same time through the power of the background, as it is set to the TABLE selector. At the same time, remember about the rules of vikoristannya styles, zokrema, decline in the power of elements. Although the power of the background does not decrease, for the middle background, transparent is used behind the blocking, so transparency, so the effect of filling the background will appear in the middle. If you set the color for the selector TD or TH at the same time from TABLE, then this color will be set in the background of the room (Example 2.3).

    Example 2.3. Background color


    Topic 1Theme 2
    seredok 3seredok 4

    IN this butt remove the blue color to the background of the middle ones (tag ) I red at the heading (tag ). This is due to the fact that the style for the TH selector is not assigned, to which the background of the father, in this case, of the TABLE selector "shines through". And the color for the TD selector is obvious, the axis of the middle i is “filled” with a blue color.

    The result of this butt testimonial in Fig. 2.4.

    Mal. 2.4. Change the color background

    Fields in the middle of the middle

    The field is called in the middle of the edge instead of the middle and її cordon. Ring for tsієї meti zastosovuєtsya attribute cellpadding tag

    . Vіn defines the value of the field in pixels from the left sides of the middle. It is allowed to change the style power of padding, extending it to the TD selector, as shown in Appendix 2.4.

    Example 2.4. Fields in tables

    XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


    Topic 1Theme 2
    seredok 3seredok 4

    In this application, for additional grouping, the field selector is installed overnight for the TD and TH selector. The result of the butt of indications in fig. 2.5.

    Mal. 2.5. Fields in the middle

    If the style power of padding is set for table elements, then it will be applied to the cellpadding attribute of the tag

    be ignored.

    Vіdstan mіzh middles

    To change the distance between the middles, the cellspacing attribute of the tag is set

    . Having poured in this attribute, it’s good to remember when the cordons are victorious, but in the middle, or when the middle is filled with color, which is seen on the aphids of the side. As a replacement for cellspacing, the stylistic power of border-spacing becomes stylistic, and it establishes itself between cordons in the middle. One meaning is set at once, vertically and horizontally between cordons in the middle. If there are two meanings for the ruler of power, then the first one is horizontal (then it is angry and right-handed in the middle), and the other - vertically (top and bottom).

    The power of border-spacing is only slightly different because the TABLE selector is not set to have the power of border-collapse from the collapse values ​​(Example 2.5).

    Example 2.5. Stand between the cordons of the middle

    XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 IE 7 IE 8+ Cr Op Sa Fx

    replacement cellspacing


    The result of this butt testimonial in Fig. 2.6.

    Mal. 2.6. Table view with different border-spacing

    browser Internet Explorer up to and including this version, it does not support the power of border-spacing, so in which browser for tables it will freeze the value of cellspacing tasks for closing (sound out it is 2px).

    When you add border-collapse to the TABLE selector with collapse values, the cellspacing attribute is ignored and the border-spacing value is set to zero.

    Borders and frames

    For locking the cordon in the table, there is no back, and її adding to the additional attribute of the border tag

    . Browsers in a different way display such a cordon, so it’s better not to show the attribute in front, but put the painting of the cordon on styles. Let's take a look at two methods, without a middle po'yazanih zі styles.

    cellpacing attribute wiki

    Looks like the cellspacing attribute of the tag

    set the middle of the tables. If different colors are chosen for the background of the tables and the middle ones, then there are different colors between the middle lines, the colors of those vary with the colors of the tables, and the other colors are the values ​​of the cellspacing attribute in pixels. In the case of the pointed person, there is more application 2.3 of the same effect of indications, I will not repeat this yoga.

    Respectfully, there is no known way of creating between, shards of wine may be surrounded by the sphere of zastosuvannya. So you can only take off a one-color mesh, and not vertically or horizontal lines in necessary places.

    stasis of power border

    The stylistic power of the border at once sets the color of the cordon, the style and comradeship of the element. There, where it is necessary to create border lines on the different sides, it is better to vikoristovuvat pokhidni - border-left, border-right, border-top and border-bottom;

    Putting the power of border to the TABLE selector, we add a border around the table as a whole, and before the selector TD or TH - a border around the center (Example 2.6).

    Example 2.6. Adding a hanging frame

    XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


    Topic 1Theme 2
    seredok 3seredok 4

    In this butt, there is a sublime frame of black color next to the table itself and a strong frame of white color next to the skin center. The result of the butt of indications in fig. 2.7.

    Mal. 2.7. Cordon near tables and middles

    Reveal the respect that in the world of convergence the middle lines are established. The stinks come out again for the rahunok di attribute of the cellspacing tag

    . If I want to add this attribute in the code, it doesn’t appear anywhere, the browser will use it for locking. how to ask
    , That is taken away not from subwines, but single lines, but from a sub-company. To change the assigned specificity, the styling authority is set to border-collapse from the collapse values, as it is added to the TABLE selector (Example 2.7).

    Example 2.7. Creation of a single frame

    XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


    Topic 1Theme 2
    seredok 3seredok 4

    In this butt, a strong line of green color is created between the middle and black on the table. All the cordons in the middle of the tables may be the same tovshchina. The result of the butt of indications in fig. 2.8.

    Mal. 2.8. Cordon next to the table

    Virivnyuvannya vmistu komіrok

    For zamovchuvannyam text in komіrtsі tables virіvnyuєtsya on the left edge. Vynyatkom z th rule є tag , Vіn vyznaє heading, in a way vyvіvnyuvannya vіdbuvaєtsya in the center. To change the way the stylistic power of text-align is set (example 2.8).

    Example 2.8. Viewing the room in the room horizontally

    XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


    Topic 1middle 1seredok 2
    Theme 2seredok 3seredok 4

    In this application, there is a tag sorted on the left side, and instead of the tag - in the center. The result of the butt of readings is below (Fig. 2.9).

    Mal. 2.9. Viewing the text in the middle

    The alignment is vertical in the middle, and it always looks at the center, which is not clear. Don’t wind it up by hand, especially for tables, in some places the rooms are divided by height. In such a position, the alignment is set along the upper edge of the middle for additional vertical-align power, as shown in appendix 2.9.

    Example 2.9. Viewing together a room vertically

    XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


    Topic 1Theme 2
    middle 1seredok 2

    Header height is set in this application like 40 pixels and text alignment is displayed along the bottom edge. The result of the butt of indications in fig. 2.10.

    Mal. 2.10. Viewing the text in the middle

    empty middles

    Browsers still show the middle, the middle says nothing. “Nothing” in this case means that in the middle of the vichka they didn’t add any little ones, or the text, moreover, I didn’t take it into the rozrahunok. Naturally, the species is divided only in the same way, as a boundary is set between them. When vikoristanny invisible framework, kind of middle, independent of that, є in them scho-nebud chi, zbіgaєtsya.

    Old browsers didn't show the color background of empty cells , Therefore, in that case, if it is necessary to leave the middle without a place, but to show the color to the background, the middle of the middle was added to the middle of the middle without adding a punch (). I tried not to walk all the time, especially if it is necessary to set the height of the room to 1-2 pixels, through which a wider width is taken off the one-pixel aperture of the little ones. Indeed, such a little one can be scaled to your own discretion, but it doesn’t show up on the web site.

    Fortunately, the era of one-pixel little ones and all sorts of roses on their basis has passed. Browsers work correctly with tables and without presence instead of the middle ones.

    To control the appearance of empty cells, the empty-cells power is used, with the value hide, the border and the background in empty cells are not displayed. If all the middles are empty in a row, then the row is taken as a whole. The middle is taken empty in the upcoming ups and downs:

    • there are no symbols;
    • in komіrtsі there is only a shift of the row, the tabulation symbol or else missed;
    • visibility value is set to hidden.

    Adding an inconspicuous sample is taken as visible as it is, so that the middle will no longer be empty (butt 2.10).

    Example 2.10. empty middles

    XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

    Wikisource empty-cells

    Raphael 11
    Donatello 13

    View of the table in the Safari browser of indications in fig. 2.11a. The same table in the IE7 browser is shown in Fig. 2.11b.

    but. For browsers Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE8, IE9

    b. For browser IE7

    Mal. 2.11. View of the table with empty centers

    The CSS specification gives you the freedom to design tables. Behind the lock, the table and elements of the table do not have visible cordons and background, while the center in the middle of the table does not fit one to one.

    The width of the center of the table is determined by the width of the table, so the width of the columns of the table can be different. The height of all the middles in the series is the same and is determined by the height of the highest middle.

    table formatting

    1. Between tables border

    The table and the middle ones in the middle of it are rendered in a browser-like fashion without visible cordons. between tables set the power of the border:

    Table (border-collapse: collapse; / * empty spaces between middles are removed * / border: 1px solid gray; / * set for tables with a 1px old cordon of gray color tovshchina * /)

    Between the middle of the header skin stitch is set for the th element:

    Th (border: 1px solid grey;)

    between middle table bodies are set for the td element:

    Td (border: 1px solid grey;)

    The number of frames of judicial records is not subdued, so you can set a cordon for all tables in the following way:

    Th, td (border: 1px solid grey;)

    You can see the old cordon of the table by setting its larger width:

    Table (border: 3px solid grey;)

    You can often ask the boundary:

    / * Set for the table the cordon of the gray color of the tovshchina 3px * / table (border-top: 3px solid grey;) / * Set for the middle of the body of the table the cordon of the gray color of the tovshchina 1px * / td (border-bottom: 1px solid grey;)

    You can read more about the power of the border.

    2. How to set the width and height of the table

    For zamovchuvannyam table width and height vynachaetsya in myst її seredkіv. If the width is not set, then it will be equal to the width of the widest row (row).

    Table and column width set for additional power width. If the table is set to table (width: 100%;), then the width of the table will be equal to the width of the container block in which it is placed.

    Set the width of tables and columns in px or %, for example:

    Table (width: 600px;) th (width: 20%;) td: first-child (width: 30%;)

    Table height do not put. the height of the rows tables can be manipulated by adding top and bottom padding to elements і . Fixing height for additional power is not recommended.

    Th, td (padding: 10px 15px;)

    3. How to set the table background

    For zamovchuvannyam table background and seredkіv prozory. Like a side or a block that cleans the table, wash the background, then the windows will shine through the table. If the background of tasks and for tables and for the middle ones, then in the fields of the overlay, the background of the tables and the middle ones will be visible only the background of the middle ones. As a background for the table as a whole and її seredkіv can act:

    4. Table columns

    The table CSS model is focused primarily on the rows (rows) that are formed behind the help tag

    . In practice, there are fluctuations, if special formatting of the columns is necessary, as it is possible in offensive ways:

    for help tag

    You can set the background for any number of posts;

    behind the help of the table td: first-child, table td: last-child selector, you can set styles for the first or the rest of the table column (after the first row in the middle of the table header);

    behind the help of the table td: nth-child selector (the rule for choosing columns) you can set styles for any table columns.

    You can read more about CSS selectors.

    5. How to add a table title

    You can add a title to the table for the help of the tag , And for additional power caption-side yoga can be placed in front of the table or under it. For horizontal alignment, the heading text is set to text-align. Decline.

    Table No. 1
    company Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
    caption (caption-side: bottom; text-align: right; padding: 10px 0; font-size: 14px;) Mal. 2. An example of the heading under the table

    6. How to tidy up the space between the frames of the middle

    Frames in the middle of the tables behind locking divisions with a small gap. Likewise, set border-collapse: collapse for tables, then the gap will collapse. Power declines.


    Table (border-collapse: collapse;)
    Mal. 3. Butt tables

    7. How to increase the space between the frames of the middle

    For the additional power of border-spacing, you can change between the middle frames. Given power zastosovuetsya to the table as a whole. Decline.


    Table (border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 10px 20px;) table (border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 10px;)
    Mal. 4. Butt table with larger spaces between the frames of the middle

    8. How to grab empty tables

    The power of empty-cells will either show empty cells. Dіє tіlki on seredki, yakі do not mіstyat be-yakoy content. If there is a background for the task box, and table (border-collapse: collapse;) is set for the table, then the button will be attached. Decline.

    company Q1 Q2 Q3
    Microsoft 20.3 30.5
    Google 50.2 40.63 45.23
    table (border: 1px solid #69c; border-collapse: separate; empty-cells: hide;) th, td (border: 2px solid #69c;) Mal. 5. Butt attached to the empty center of the table

    9. Layout of the table layout for additional table-layout power

    The layout of the table layout is determined by one of two approaches: fixing the layout or automatic layout. Under the arrangement in this way, it is possible to change the width of the table between the width of the middle ones. Power does not decline.


    Table (table-layout: fixed;)

    10. Better table layouts

    1. Horizontal minimalism

    Horizontal tables - all tables, the text in which is read horizontally. The skin of the day is an okremy row. You can design similar tables in a minimalist style by placing a two-pixel cordon under the th heading.

    Stephen C. Cox$300$50Bob
    Josephine Tan$150-Annie
    Joyce Ming$200$35Andy
    James A. Pentel$175$25Annie
    table (font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", Sans-Serif; font-size: 14px; background: white; max-width: 70%; width: 70%; border-collapse: collapse; text -align: left;) th (font-weight: normal; color: #039; border-bottom: 2px solid #6678b1; padding: 10px 8px;) td (color: #669; padding: 9px 8px; transition: .3s linear;) tr: hover td (color: #6699ff;)

    at great number a row of such a table design makes it easy to read. To solve the problem, you can add a one-pixel cordon with td elements.

    Td (border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; color: #669; padding: 9px 8px; transition: .3s linear;)

    Adding to the effect: hover for the tr element to make it easier to read the table, designed in a minimalist style. When you hover the mouse cursor on the middle, other middles and the same rows are seen at the same time, which will simplify the process of adding information, as if the tables could see a sprinkling of columns.

    th (font-weight: normal; color: #039; padding: 10px 15px;) td (color: #669; border-top: 1px solid #e8edff; padding: 10px 15px;) tr: hover td (background: #e8edff ;)

    2. Vertical minimalism

    Irrespective of those that are similar to the tables are rarely cited, but not less, the tables are vertically oriented for categorization, or similar to the description of the objects represented by the column. You can decorate them in a minimalist style, adding spaces to expand the columns.

    th(font-weight: normal; border-bottom: 2px solid #6678b1; border-right: 30px solid #fff; border-left: 30px solid #fff; color: #039; padding: 8px 2px;) td(border- right: 30px solid #fff; border-left: 30px solid #fff; color: #669; padding: 12px 2px;)

    3. "Boxed" style

    The best style for designing tables of all types, so called "box" style. Dosit pіdіbrati good color scheme, And then set the background color for all the middles. Do not forget to reinforce the seat between the rows, having installed the cordon as a dispenser.

    th(font-size: 13px; font-weight: normal; background: #b9c9fe; border-top: 4px solid #aabcfe; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; color: #039; padding: 8px;) td(background : #e8edff; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; color: #669; border-top: 1px solid transparent; padding: 8px;) tr: hover td (background: #ccddff;)

    More convenient - to know that color range, so that you will harmoniously match with your site. As a site of interest in graphics and design, you will need to emphasize your style.

    Table (font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", Sans-Serif; font-size: 14px; max-width: 70%; width: 70%; text-align: center; border-collapse: collapse ; border-top: 7px solid #9baff1; border-bottom: 7px solid #9baff1;) th (font-size: 13px; font-weight: normal; background: #e8edff; border-right: 1px solid #9baff1; border- left: 1px solid #9baff1; color: #039; padding: 8px;) td(background: #e8edff; border-right: 1px solid #aabcfe; border-left: 1px solid #aabcfe; color: #669; padding: 8px ;)

    4. Horizontal zebra

    The zebra-table looks pleasant and handy. Additional colors for the background can serve as a visual clue for people when reading tables.

    th (font-weight: normal; color: #039; padding: 10px 15px;) td (color: #669; border-top: 1px solid #e8edff; padding: 10px 15px;) tr: nth-child(2n) ( background: #e8edff;)

    5. Newspaper style

    To achieve the so-called newspaper effect, you can put a cordon for the elements of the tables and play with the middle ones in the middle. Light, minimalistic newspaper style can look like this: play with the color scheme, add cordon, steps, different backgrounds, and effect: hover when hovering over the row.

    Table (border: 1px solid #69c;) th (font-weight: normal; color: #039; border-bottom: 1px dashed #69c; padding: 12px 17px;) td (color: #669; padding: 7px 17px; ) tr: hover td (background: #ccddff;)

    Table (border: 1px solid #69c;) th (font-weight: normal; color: #039; padding: 10px;) td (color: #669; border-top: 1px dashed #fff; padding: 10px; background: #ccddff;) tr: hover td (background: #99bcff;)

    Table (border: 1px solid #6cf;) th (font-weight: normal; font-size: 13px; color: #039; text-transform: uppercase; border-right: 1px solid #0865c2; border-top: 1px solid #0865c2; border-left: 1px solid #0865c2; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; padding: 20px;) td (color: #669; border-right: 1px dashed #6cf; padding: 10px 20px;)

    6. Table background

    If you are looking for a unique and unique way of designing tables, choose a suitable image or photo, as they stand in those tables and set them as the background of the tables.

    Png ") 98% 86% no-repeat;) th (font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; color: #339; padding: 10px 12px; background: white;) td (color: #669; border- top: 1px solid white; padding: 10px 12px; background: rgba(51, 51, 153, .2); transition: .3s;) tr: hover td (background: rgba(51, 51, 153, .1); )

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