Warm up for stvorennya turnіrnih androїd table. Vіdeo: cob robot of Excel for Android planshetіv

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Pratsyuvati of the table grafіkami, rozrahunkami i i tablets to smartphones slit 5-7 rokіv to the arguments of velicheznoyu Prace - oseredki of danimi not mіstilisya on ekranі, skladnі obchislennya only be sold to vilotіv i often pomilok and file scho peredayutsya of rozshirennyam XLSX od standard Microsoft Excel, it was not corny, they didn’t see, for they didn’t get back.

In the recent past, the situation has changed - it was believed that the tables were going to scale up for the screen, and the villotes were overwhelmed by little guesswork in the course of hours. Virishiti has gone I'll leave the problem- Vibrate information for Android tables:

Google Sheets

Google developers allow you to navigate tables without access to fonts. Just past the I is not about Lachey butt chi oseredki and the second about grafіki, formulas that skladnі rozrahunki.

WPS Office

Complex ofіsny іnstrument, zdatny on redaguvannya i, i on vzaєmodіyu of PDF, i navіt on stvorennya beautiful prezentatsіy. Z perevag in front of competitors - pidtrimka wicked treasures Dropbox, Evernote, OneDrive, that іnformatsіyu mozhna of legkіstyu send both, zavantazhuvati i obmіnyuvati. First, the WPS Office, with all the versatility of the function, does not look at the menu redesigned with the buttons, or the confused algorithm.

Microsoft Excel

Dodatok Classics genre in compact vikonannі. Tablitsі, grafіki, dіagrami, the formula is the macro - rozrobniki of Microsoft Corporation povnіstyu moved to Android bunt іnstrument buhgalterskogo oblіku, Audit that svitu fіnansіv maximum yakіsno. Then do not know glades, pov'yazanih of optimіzatsієyu, do not know the problems of notatkami, oseredkami masshtabuvannyam i, i navіt redaguvannya foreign table here vіdbuvaєtsya bliskavichno, Nemov robot vіdbuvaєtsya on komp'yuterі.

W dodatkovih plyusіv - klasichne design, yak viklyuchaє neobhіdnіst schorazu adaptuvatisya pid robot on mobіlnih platforms. Varto an opened rozrahunki on komp'yuterі i mozhna smіlivo zakidati result in Khmara and potіm - prodovzhuvati robot vzhe on smartfonі. Shchepravda, if you happen to pay - without a subscription, it’s a lot of things, it’s blocked.

Polaris Office

Unіversalny ofіsny package sumіsny іz half programs available on the komp'yuterі - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe PDF, tekstovі editor іnstrumenti programіstіv that verstalnikіv. Polaris zdatny vіdtvoryuvati whether yak іnformatsіyu and infect - vnositi koriguvannya i navіt pochinati robot at the potrіbnomu formatі without reєstratsії, pay that ADs.

Availability of I Hoca іnstrumentіv dіysno masa, deyakі rechі much dratuyut - Especially Ti, SSMSC pov'yazanі of produktivnіstyu. Through parts of the pardon and villoti, the deyaki speeches here are not brought to perfection.

Docs To Go

Google Sheets- Vstanovlennya tsієї warming up on the gadget is allowed pratsyuvati of Table de if i zruchno. With Google Sheets, it is easy to read documents easily and easily. Simple tools, the knowledge of the robot and the design.

The program will be even more corny additions in the arsenals of Androids, as they often play with their robots by looking at tables, so with Google Tables you can keep a budget. Google Tablitsі rozroblenі spetsіalno for koristuvachіv Electonics pristroїv i daє mozhlivіst pratsyuvati of tabular masivi danih.

Nezvazhayuchi its mobіlnіst programa zdatna obslugovuvati, napovnyuvati, redaguvati that zberіgati ob'єmnі tabular documents... Dodatok get better smart interface, TEMPLE shvidkіstyu Robots that stabіlnіstyu. You can also work with files like Microsoft Excel.

Stvoryuyte novі document redaguyte іsnuyuchі, vіdkrivayte access to them svoїm Colleges. Vіdkrivshi access, wi zmozhete pratsyuvati vsіm collectives, i have skin will attempt zberіgatisya zmіni, zroblenі Yogo Colleges. Relief for the table napriklad can lead Obl_k sіmeyny budget skladati shopping lists that zapisuvati tsіnu.

Features of Google Sheets for Android:

  • adding new tabular files;
  • editing table;
  • saving, editing, reviewing files in Microsoft Excel;
  • you can work without connecting to the Internet;
  • insert formulas, format komirki, pick up the function of replacing that joke, sort the data;
  • All changes are automatically saved.

Zavantazhiti without reєstratsії Google Tablitsі for Androїd, without prescription, bezkoshtovno s nashogo nizhche site.

I'm joking with a simple add-on for robots electronic tables moєmu telefonі on Android.

Bazhanі osoblivostі:

  • Osnovnі funktsії E-Table, tobto. the introduction of tribute at the rows of the same time, including the correct formatted date and hour
  • The formula is simple, for example, supplement, sumi, middle
  • Sortuvannya abo filtration of hundred
  • Import and export of data in standard format, for example, CSV
  • Pratsyuє in Autonomous rezhimі
  • It will be easy to see the pass, so that you will not need a great pledge of memory
  • Bezkostovno



I tasted chotiri okremi programs for your spreadsheets on Android, just sound your list up to two. Tsі two zdaєtsya, proponuyut naydruzhnіshі koristuvalnitskі іnterfeysi i (bezkoshtovnі) varіanti.

I recommend melodiously vstanoviti їh obidva i sprobuvati їh, viznachiti dwellers, yaky of them naykrasche pіdhodit for your іndivіdualnih required. They have both є everything you have guessed... Having said that, I can't open more than two sheets of WPS Office. The problem, as I have not had a problem with Google Sheets, that Sheets can be a winner in the category, but I guess that WPS can quickly add an option if it is guessed.

I spodіvayusya scho one іz pratsyuє them good for you!

Google Sheets (Google tablitsі) - Fіrmovy dodatok to Androїd od poshukovogo gіganta, yaky target comfortably robot of the table. Before the programs enter the tools for organizing the edited and edited documents. The main perevaga Google Spreadsheets those scho Won Got pіdtrimku XLS format stvoryuvanih in Microsoft Excel.

Datasheet for basic robots with electronic tables on Android add-ons... Vikoristovuchi tsey dodatok Wee absolutely bezkoshtovno that can stvoryuvati novі tablitsі that redaguvati vzhe іsnuyuchі without obmezhen, can formatuvati komіrki, pereglyadati grafіki, vikoristovuvati funktsіyu Poshuk, vstavlyati formula and takozh zberіgati tablitsі formatі in Microsoft Excel. For robots with Google Sheets, there is no need to connect to the Internet. OAO All zroblenі zmіni zberіgayutsya automatic and, to be vpevnenі scho zhoden vazhlivy document does not bude vtracheno. Yakscho Je broadband Internet access, you can access up to vіdkriti pereglyadu that redaguvannya table іnshim koristuvacham. With such a rank, you can spilly practice on one project.

Reversed Google Sheets on Android:

  • create tables, edit;
  • a robot to navigate without the Internet;
  • you can see the access to the tables and work instantly with your colleagues;
  • sorting and introduction of tribute, formatting of regular intervals, insertion of formulas, re-viewing of graphs;
  • function to replace that joke;
  • All changes are automatically saved, so you don't have to worry about the Viconan robot.

Pratsyuyte without obmezhen of an array danih i do not hvilyuytesya about vikonanu robot oskіlki OAO All zmіni programa zberіgaє in automaticity rezhimі.

Zavantazhiti Google Tablitsі on Androїd without reєstratsії that sms for direct requests below.

Google Tablitsі - ofіtsіyna od programa Google, yak permitted pratsyuvati of the table in one abo kompanії more farmers, all i Tse directly on ekranі annexe on Androїd. Duzhe zruchno mother analogue prog on personal komp'yuter in kishenі.

Funktsії prog

  • Stvorennya novih table, redaguvannya vzhe іsnuyuchih, stvorenih through web іnterfeys on Android.
  • VZAYEMODIYA іz Colleges in one faylі.
  • editing documents without connecting to the Internet (offline mode); steal a simple function, as it allows mothers continuous access to their documents.
  • Formatuvannya oseredkіv, vikoristannya formulas, insert dіagram i bezlіch іnshih funktsіy for robots.
  • Automatically saving progress. You can not be afraid to spend the result, even if you save yourself, it will be done automatically.
  • Sumіsnіst of Microsoft Excel, tobto mozhna vzaєmodіyati of Microsoft Excel files, stink takozh pіddayutsya redaguvannyu. Duzhe is a handy function, as it creates a lack of new possibilities for a robot.
  • Evidence of Russian. Є An important point, the chances of success lie in all.


Google Sheets will provide access to contacts, to memory of the phone:

  • Dozvіl on vikoristannya kontaktnoї books potrіbny for dwellers otrimuvati pіdkazki pid hour vіdkrittya dokumentіv for іnshih koristuvachіv.
  • Access to nakopichuvacha pam'yatі potrіben for dwellers koristuvach mіg zberіgati abo vіdkrivati ​​file.

Funktsіya spіlnoї robot

Douzhe tsikava and specialness. Vaughn permits singing groups of people at once pratsyuvati over one document. And kooperuvatisya people mozhut time, Square od їhnogo geografіchnogo provisions potrіbne lishe broadband Internet access. Napriklad, students potrіbno pіdgotuvati yakiys draft ale stink not toil in one hour zіbratisya mіstsі. One of the students leaves a table that gives access to their classmates. Leather іz studentіv pratsyuє over svoєyu Chastain at vіlny hour i in rezultatі grupa uchnіv otrimuє finished result, yaky їm potrіben.

For someone priznacheno Qiu programa?

The program can be done in everybody: from an extraordinary schoolboy to the director of a great company. Naybіlsh will be the best for smartphones in business and people who work. Vono їh viruchatime, if Absent access to personal computer For a laptop, it doesn’t need to be updated. Schoolchildren and students can create small projects right on their smartphones, even manually. Sumіsnіst іz Microsoft Excel vіdkrivaє slit bіlshe mozhlivostey, napriklad can doopratsovuvati documents the way Dodoma chi pratsyuvati.


The Qia program for Android is also very important and necessary. Zruchny іnterfeys, bezlіch funktsіy, funktsіonuvannya without broadband Internet access, the robot grupі; all tse mozhna Know Lachey in Google Tablitsі. Zvychayno, here it is not as easy as to be successful. post-production basis But in order to start a small project, it’s not necessary to correct it, or to finish writing, it’s perfect, but if you’re going to work it out, then you can be victorious all the time.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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