For the input at the calls by the mechanics of the TG stations, the correctness of the passage of the control text is revised. Rozdil III Reconstruction and adjustment of telegraph channels and equipment

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In the course of operation, there is visual control over the optical signalization, as well as periodical vimir tension of the structures and rivniv at the control points.

To increase the regulation of telegraph channels and equipment, depending on the value of the performance, it is necessary to use TG signals, for example, ETI-69, ETI-64, ICH-ZU-1, ICH-1U. Before the warehouse of cich is attached to enter the sensor of viprobubal signals, vim_ryuvach rims ІКІ.

3.3. Tactical and technical characteristics of ETI-69


Applied ETI-69 features for vim_ryuvannya for telegraph communications, viprobuvannya telegraph channels, hardware and relays.

The device will secure the transmission of telegraph allowances at the start-stop mode of fixed speeds 50, 75, 100, 150, 203 baud.

Adjustment of transmission for the transmission of telegraphic capabilities in the start-stop mode with smooth adjustment of performance.

It allows for the adjustment of telegraphic adjustments in the synchronous mode, as well as in the mode for the adjustment of triviality in the smooth range of fluidities from 44 to 112 Baud and the possibility of smoothly adjusting the adjustments of 150, 200, 300 Baud +12 at up to -12%.

The adjustment of the nominal fixed speed in the start-stop mode does not exceed ± 0.2% for the normal temperature, ± 0.5% for the extreme value of the working temperatures.

The discrete method is used to determine the discrete method of seeing the value of the edge in 2% at the boundaries of the elementary setting on all products and after 1% - in the boundaries of the half of the elementary setting. The increase in value is carried out in accordance with the figures, which can be displayed, from 0 to ± 25%, depending on the possibility of increasing the price for the second time.

Adjustment of the vim_ryuvale part in case of vymeryuvannye vіdlіvnі vіd vіdnogo sensor on a fluidity of up to 200 Baud with vіdlіk after 2% does not change ± 2%, with vіdlіk after 1% - ± 1%; at 200 і 300 Baud rates, the decrease is ± 3% at a break after 2% and ± 2% at a break at 1%.

Operational adjustment will be applied in synchronous mode when receiving from the sensor, which will be used during a session during a session, 1000 elementary transmissions, at the speed of telegraphy 50 baud with a response through 2 ± 1% of ± 3% overlap.

Prilad restru the value of the start-stop or the start-stop is the maximum value for a session of vimiryuvan.

Prilad will preserve the presence of the fronts of the skin layer of the start-stop cycle.

The adjustments allow the distribution of ideas on the basis of the characteristic, characteristic and revaluation of the values ​​of the echnya sign.

Incoming prism will be secured at rates up to 100 Baud for straight and rounded settings in unipolar mode and with bipolar settings for all rates. The minimum input stream is 2 mA in the two-pole mode, and 5 mA in the single-pole mode.

The input attachment is symmetrical and will prevent the possibility of a parallel and last connection to a broken lance at the approaching gradation of the input support: 25, 10, 3, 1 and 0.1 k0m. Incoming prism of insurance for the provision of line springs in viprovanny lancers up to 130V in a single-pole mode and up to ± 80 V - in a double-pole mode.

Viprobuval signal sensor

Onslaught "+";

Onslaught "-";

- "1: 1" (points);

The text of "RI" international code No. 2, as well as combinations "R" and "I" okremo;

Combination "5: 1"

Possibility of bipolar crossings, which seems to be okay, I do not change 1%.

The sensor is of the form of a single-pole force with a force of 120 ± 30 V and a bipolar force of ± 60 ± 15 V with a voltage output from 0 to 50 mA, as well as a single-pole and double-pole force with a different force of 20 + 6-8 V with an output voltage of 0 to 25 mA. Vyhіdniy opіr will add trocha more than 200 Ohm.

The sensor will also be fitted in the switch mode when connected to the external terminals, it will be attached to the switch from the external switch of the line voltage up to 130 V.

The sensor will be attached to the switch from rewiring, signalization when short confusion that zahist from the change of polarity of the line dzherel live

The adjustment allows for the possibility of the input signal from the whip sensor up to 95%, as well as from the third-party sensor in the gaps up to 92% - by 10 or 1%.

With the help of, I will be introduced, I will give a different sign to the type of reloading with the installation, as well as with an automatic change of the revaluation mark up to ± 89% in the intervals between the triviality of the start-stop cycle up to ± 50%.

Prilad will take care of the translation of the original assignment yak "ON YOURSELF".

The attachment with the block of viprobvannya relay allows you to carry out the conversion and regulation of neutrality, input and dirtiness of telegraph relays, type RP-3

Reconstruction of neutrality and output relays is carried out by straightforward efforts in working, viprobubal and dynamic modes.

The liveliness will come from the hedge of the winter strum 127 + 13-25 or 220 + 22-44V, with a frequency of 50 Hz.

The toughness is adjusted, the toughness at the nominal load of the hem does not overwhelm 100 VA.

Overall dimensions will fit 220х335х420 mm. Trocha mass over 21 kg.

Dimensions for the BIR block are 225X130X125 mm. Masa 1.6 kg.

Range of working temperatures from -10 to + 50 ° С.

Virobu warehouse

To enter the virobu warehouse:

Prilad ЕТІ-69;

Viprobuvannya relay block;

Received cords;

Spare parts kit;

Chokhol will attach ETI-69;

Operation of documentation

Stowage box.

Scheme for the inclusion of an ETI per hour

3.4. Vimir's technique for telegraph channels

Vimir is carried out at the chotiripe dual-pole mode of telegraph inputs with line input 20V, input support 1kOhm, CHANNEL mode. I will be able to switch the channel of inclusions into the mode, the regulator is guilty of being set to position 0. Vimіryuvalny pristіy to connect to communication sockets, on which vivedens enter (enter) telegraph channels. Kintsev telegraph equipment vimikaєatsya. From the sensor vimіryuvach, the telegraph channel sends an onslaught signal “+”, then “-”. When the polarity of the structs changes, it is necessary to tilt, so that the arrow of the millimeter of the meter will appear at the same value. Having retired from the protolezhnoy station of the onslaught "+" and "-" and having crossed such an order of the telegraph channel's presence, then the telegraphic channel was adjusted to the minimum. For any changeover, put the CHANNEL 1: 1 in the position, it is nominal for the given channel the speed of DURATION, without memory.




GOST 14662-83

(ST REV 4679-84)



Basic parameters, technical vimogues
that methods of vimіryuvannya of the admitting tract

Telegraph radio communication channel
transmit-receive equipment.
Main parameters
methods of measurement of transmit-receive channel

14662-83 *

(ST REV 4679-84)

GOST 14662-75

By the decree of the State Committee of the USSR for the standards from 10 October 1983 p. No. 4898 termin dii established

s 01.01.85

until 01.01.90

Failure to comply with the standard is transposed according to the law

The whole standard is extended to the staff, transmitters and receivers, to enter the warehouse of the channels of the telegraph radio connection of the hectometer and decameter ranges of the hectares, and to be used by the stationary minds.

The standard will establish the basic parameters, technical parameters, and methods of measuring the device transmitting to the path.

The standard is increased according to ST REV 4679-84.


Bukvodrukarska Telegraph

International Telegraph Code 2

Signal from 7 digits (2)





Without perforation

(A) (1)

Lіnіya vіlna





(Z) (1)

Line busy

Notes e. A - start signal of the start-stop device;

Z - canteen signal for the start-stop device;

B - onslaught;

Y - visibility;

(1) - at the provincial lantsyuz;

(2) - at the radio channel.

Radio link channel 1

Radio link channel 2

Start-stop device

Morse Code Apparatus

Start-stop device

Morse Code Apparatus

f 4 (whiska)


f 3



f 2


f 1 (lower)





Zbudnik vstanovlyuyut yak viprominuvannya class F1B chi F7B. See dzherela springs post-struma supply a voltage of 10 - 25 to the input of the manipulator and adjust the value of the input stream. Incoming opir R start with the formula

de Uвх - input sprung;

In front of the generator, switch to the signal generator of the robot, which is of the same class as vypromynuvannya, to be inverted (F1B, F7B or G1B) and adjust it to the frequency of adjusting the receiver.

On the low frequency generator (dal - LF), set the frequency equal to the speed of the robot in baud, and send the output voltage 15 to the sensor for triggering the vibration signals. When detecting on the sensor, set the appropriate scalings for the classes of the device:

F1B - 1: 1, 1: 2, 1: 3, 1: 6, 6: 1, 3: 1, 2: 1;

F7B - behind the vimiruvanim channel - | 1: 1 | 1: 1 | 1: 3 | 1: 6 | 1: 6 | 6: 1 | 6: 1 | 3: 1 | 2: 1 |

on an unimportant channel - | 1: 1 | 1: 6 | 1: 6 | 2: 1 | 3: 1 | 1: 2 | 1: 3 | 6: 1 | 6: 1 |

G1B - 1: 3, 1: 6, 6: 1, 3: 1.

It is also allowed to perform a recurrent sequence of 511 sensor pulses.

Output of the sensor of the probing signals in the next step from the input the latest launch signal generator Manipulating the signal from the signal generator is fed to the receiver and to adjust the edge of the outgoing signal of the receiver. At the same level, the signal at the input of the receiver is responsible for a 20 dB higher signal for the sensitivity of the receiver.

(Change of edition, Zm. No. 1).

Carry out the installation of the generators in front of each other until the next step. From the low-frequency generator, the voltage is fed one hour to the direct-current signal sensor for the formation of an information signal and on the attachment - for the formation of the circular rosette of the oscilloscope.

The signal, the edge of the way how to turn, is given the signal input of the prefix.

Draw a circular scale behind the opening, but there are a hundred radial sub-lines and superimposed on the oscilloscope screen.

At a scalding ratio of 1: 1, the oscillograph scale is turned so that there is zero flashing in the middle between the front and rear fronts of the front and rear pulses. Installed on the impulse sensor, the set scalings are indicated as far as possible, the scale is displayed as the lowest possible from the zero brightness in any kind of bik. One sub-scale of the scale is attributed to 1% of marginal counts.

Direct impulses from the sensor of viprobubal signals are fed one hour to the socket of the signal generator, which is connected to the input of the external synchronization of the oscilloscope. The output signal of the receiver is sent to the input of the oscilloscope. Calibrate the oscilloscope before the ear.

When the spar is 1: 1, the image of the pulse with the triviality handles of the oscilloscope rosette is stretched in the boundary between the extreme marks of the linear part of the scale.

For the standard triviality of the impulse, the average value is taken up by the triviality of the positive and negative signals to the signal (for example, the speed is higher when the oscilloscope synchronization is overridden in the "+" and "-" positions). When the front front of the positive impulse is written, set to the zero point of the scale (the middle is vertical to the scale of the rhizik).

The horizontal shift of the exchange on the oscillograph sets the front and rear fronts on the same scale as zero scale marks and on the other side of the telegraph display in the middle.



Telegraph radio communication

Klasi radiovipromynyuvan:

Frequency telegraphy without storing module information with one information channel

F1B (F1)

F7B (F6)

Frequency telegraphy with two more information channels

G1 B (F9)

Phase modulation with one information channel without storing the module

Frequency Manipulation

Sub-frequency telegraph

Telegraphy for additional frequency manipulation, when there is a skin from some of the available signals, and two telegraph channels are shown, presentations at a very high frequency

Intrinsic Phase Manipulation


Index of Manipulation

Frequency response in hertz to frequency in baud

Home country

The most absolutely significant inconsistency of significant moments and significant intervals and ideal significant moments and significant intervals are

(Change of edition, Zm. No. 1).


Characteristics attached


High frequency signal generator

Frequency range, MHz

0,1 - 200

Vyhіdny opіr, Ohm

75, 50

± 1

Vyhіdna sprue on voltage 75 Ohm, μV

1 - 1 × 10 6

View modulation

F1 B, F7B, G1B

The level of secondary vipromynyuvan, dB, not more

Low-frequency signal generator

Frequency range, kHz

0,05 - 20

Frequency setting adjustment,%, three more

It is easy to send your garnu robot to the base of knowledge. Vicorize the shape below

Students, postgraduates, young people, who are victorious to develop the knowledge base for their own newcomers and robots, you will be as old as ever.

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Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Bagatoprofilny College

Pivnichno-Kazakhstan State University

Name of Academician M. Kozibaev


On the topic "Give me a song for a moment"

Spoken in telegraph channels, rates for them

Reconstruction and adjustment of telegraph channels and equipment

Tactical and technical characteristics of ETI-69

Vimir's technique for telegraph channels


Spoken in telegraph channels, rates for them

on the telegraph channel

Discrete signals, which are transmitted through the lanes and channels of communication, are sent to the created and injected adaptive transition codes, as a result of which the pulses can be perceived from the transmitted, in the form and in the polarity.

The shape of the received impulse is not very important for an additional aid, for example, a relay, a trigger and other elements before them. However, the process of renewal of the form can be supravodzhuvatisya before the triviality of the received impulse, so as the meaning of the elements may be sensitiveness (the threshold of spratsovuvannya).

With the correct porosity, the signaling of the relay element will be re-energized without the need for a moment, or it will not be necessary to retaliate until the transmission is timed (Fig. 37a). The change of the threshold of the spratsovuvannya should be brought up to the level of triviality of the impulse, which should be restructured. A decrease in the threshold for a drastic shortening of the strum pulses (Fig. 37b), and a decrease in the threshold - up to їх increase (Fig. 37c).

The change in the triviality of the impulses is taken as edge-to-edge, as it appears in the increased or shortened given impulse for the simultaneous shortening or the increase in the suspension.

The shortening of the strength can reach such a value (the part is shaded), if it will not be fixed by the restructuring element, and instead, for example, the struma that is advancing behind it with the strumless efforts of the tricky skin td, one will get three strumming. So, you can win a pardon for an impulse, as you call it a pardon for an impulse. You can stay until the mark for a pardon, if the transferred combination of one sign will be replaced by the same sign (so, for a little, the combination of IOII will be replaced by IIII).

Winning the pardon more quickly (Fig. 38), for example, when pouring into the force of a strong overshoot of sufficient triviality and opposite polarity. Conveniently, called as crushed, there is a triviality of such a pereshkodi tdr<

In such a rank, graces in the reception and the creation of impulses, amalgamated by the manifestations of some and quiet reasons, which are obvious in the canals.

In the process of exploitation, the main parameters, which are for control, are the reliability of the edge.

Dignity is highly appreciated through the performance of pardons for single elements and alphabetic characters. Vaughn is a common parameter that characterizes the quality of information that is transmitted. Acceptable norms for the performance of pardons are established in the form of broadcasts.

Incidentally, the validity of the visa is based on regional performances. If you want, with the edge of the world, that pardon (incorrectly taken by the symbol) is not unambiguous, a prosthesis with a great degree of ymovinnosty can be done, but with the magnitude of the edge, there will be pardons.

For its own power, the region is divided into three groups: the singularity (n), the characteristic (x) and the type (c). At the same time, it is not possible to get out of the way, but it is brought in by the transmitting and the prime annexes of the Kintsevo apparatus.

Especially special is the revaluation є the steel at the hour of the magnitude of that sign. The stench is used for the additional regulation of the annex at the top of the canal for an hour. Particularly characteristic features є fallowness of their values ​​are due to the nature of the after-effects of the impulses, which are transmitted. The process is caused by transitional processes in the channels and lantsyugah connection.

The size of vypadkovyh poodennyh, vyklikanikh zyvayut transcodes, є vypadkovy and change in time from the new laws. At the same time, it means that in a strict sense, the characteristic of the process of being overwhelmed can be recognized as vaguely. However, you can use all kinds of regulation for help.

In a discrete channel, the normal steps of the power isochronous (synchronous) and the start-stop steps are normal. Most of the simple channels on the nominal broadcasts of the non-guilty change the value given in Table 6.

For switched channels, the permissible norm is one simple channel, and non-switched channels - the norm of seven simple channels.

Table 6

Number of simple channels

Allowable external step of the region

Isochronous (synchronous)


When transmitting discrete signals on broadcasts of 200, 600, 1200 Baud via PM channels, it is not guilty that 20, 30, 35% are not responsible for commutated and non-commutated channels.

The reason, which is brought in by the attachments of communal outbuildings, is not guilty of overhauling 2%, and the transmission of the telegraph apparatus with manual and automatic robots - 5% when the apparatus is adjusted and 8% in the process of exploitation.

Reconstruction and adjustment of telegraph channels and equipment

For usunennya of different stages of the function of the system and the telegraphic call, the conversion and regulation robots are carried out.

At the stage of development and preparation, before the robotics, there will be a conversion of the correctness and regulation of the apparatus.

The basis of the conversion of the original equipment is based on the principle of conversion on oneself. With a wide range of transmission paths, the equipment should be located at the entrance to the reception path. At the entrance to the TG to be converted to the channel of the apparatus, viprobull signals are fed, as they pass through the transmission path, and then go to the outgoing channel by the receiving path. By the manifestation of that level of performance of the signals on the input channel, it is judged about the quality of the equipment. In such a rank, it is possible to change the status of each block of the apparatus, the sensor of the points and the attachment to the control.

The regulation of the apparatus is carried out behind the built-in attachments, at the same time:

- regulation of the struma in telegraph lancers on transmission and reception of the cutaneous canal;

- Regulation of channels for a neutral robot

When the telegraphic apparatus is included in the TC channel and the telegraph channels are adjusted with the correspondent. At the same time, the PM channel, which is seen for the deterioration of the TT apparatus, is guilty of alterations due to excessive extinguishing and the establishment of the necessary equal reception of that transmission. In case of unsteady transmission of calls, it is necessary to reconsider the telephone channel for the amplitude characteristic and the frequency characteristic of the loss. In the vicinity of the fall, there can be carried out in the size of non-linguistic performances.

The ways of converting and adjusting the PM channels are looked at in the course of "military-polovi multi-channel transmission systems".

Establishing channels of TT can immediately start on the wrong side. The channels are regulated to the neutral robot for the viprobulation signals, which are sent to the channel from the prototype station. The other channels, which are not occupied by the transmission of information, transmit a 1: 1 video signal ("points").

To rewire the channel in the direct and ringing direction at the opposite station, a loop should be placed along the continuous stream by way of the path of the receiving channels, so that the nests are transmitted to the channel, so that it can be inverted.

The rewiring of all telegraph channels by a loop can be carried out by a path through the entrance to the telephone channel at the entrance to the prototype station.

The channel is being renewed and put into operation in the telegraph office at the telegraph office (telegraph office). With a whole OTU until the end of May, it will be changed and adjusted.

Mechanics to change and, if necessary, adjust the amount of pressure of the strum in the TG transmission lances and the correctness of the connection.

For the input at the calls by the mechanics of the TG stations, the correctness of the passage of the control text is revised.

In the course of operation, there is visual control over the optical signalization, as well as periodical vimir tension of the structures and rivniv at the control points.

To increase the regulation of telegraph channels and equipment, depending on the value of the performance, it is necessary to use TG signals, for example, ETI-69, ETI-64, ICH-ZU-1, ICH-1U. Before the warehouse of cich is attached to enter the sensor of viprobubal signals, vim_ryuvach rims ІКІ.

Tactical and technical characteristics of ETI-69


Applied ETI-69 features for vim_ryuvannya for telegraph communications, viprobuvannya telegraph channels, hardware and relays.

The device will secure the transmission of telegraph allowances at the start-stop mode of fixed speeds 50, 75, 100, 150, 203 baud.

Adjustment of transmission for the transmission of telegraphic capabilities in the start-stop mode with smooth adjustment of performance.

It allows for the adjustment of telegraphic adjustments in the synchronous mode, as well as in the mode for the adjustment of triviality in the smooth range of fluidities from 44 to 112 Baud and the possibility of smoothly adjusting the adjustments of 150, 200, 300 Baud +12 at up to -12%.

The adjustment of the nominal fixed speed in the start-stop mode does not exceed ± 0.2% for the normal temperature, ± 0.5% for the extreme value of the working temperatures.

A discrete method is used to determine the size of the edge in 2% at the boundaries of all elementary conditions on all products and in 1% - at the boundaries of half of the elementary conditions. The increase in value is carried out in accordance with the figures, which can be displayed, from 0 to ± 25%, depending on the possibility of increasing the price for the second time.

Adjustment of the vimiruval part when the visibility of the vaping sensor is up to 200 Baud, when it is seen after 2%, it does not change ± 2%, when it is seen after 1% - ± 1%; at 200 і 300 baud rates, the drop rate is ± 3% at a glance after 2%, and ± 2% - at a glance at 1%.

Operational adjustment will be applied in synchronous mode when receiving from the sensor, which will be used during a session during a session, 1000 elementary transmissions, at the speed of telegraphy 50 baud with a response through 2 ± 1% of ± 3% overlap.

Prilad restru the value of the start-stop or the start-stop is the maximum value for a session of vimiryuvan.

Prilad will preserve the presence of the fronts of the skin layer of the start-stop cycle.

The adjustments allow the distribution of ideas on the basis of the characteristic, characteristic and revaluation of the values ​​of the echnya sign.

Incoming prism will be secured at rates up to 100 Baud for straight and rounded settings in unipolar mode and with bipolar settings for all rates. The minimum input stream is 2 mA in the two-pole mode, and 5 mA in the single-pole mode.

The input attachment is symmetrical and will prevent the possibility of parallel and last connection to a broken lance at the approaching gradation of the input support: 25, 10, 3, 1 and 0.1 k0m. Incoming prism of insurance for the provision of line springs in viprovanny lancers up to 130V in unipolar mode and up to ± 80 V - in bipolar mode.

Viprobuval signal sensor

- Onslaught "+";

- onslaught "-";

- "1: 1" (points);

- "6:1";

- "1:6";

- the text "RI" after the international code number 2, as well as the combination "R" and "I" okremo;

- Combination "5: 1", scho automatically swipe.

Possibility of bipolar crossings, which seems to be okay, I do not change 1%.

The sensor is of the form of a single-pole force with a force of 120 ± 30 V and a bipolar force of ± 60 ± 15 V with a voltage output from 0 to 50 mA, as well as a single-pole and double-pole force with a different force of 20 + 6-8 V with an output voltage of 0 to 25 mA. Vyhіdniy opіr will add trocha more than 200 Ohm.

The sensor will also be fitted in the switch mode when connected to the external terminals, it will be attached to the switch from the external switch of the line voltage up to 130 V.

The sensor will be attached to change the polarity of the polarity changeover, signalization in case of short faults and the change in the polarity of the linear transitions.

The adjustment allows for the possibility of the input signal from the whip sensor up to 95%, as well as from the third-party sensor in the gaps up to 92% - by 10 or 1%.

With the help of, I will be introduced, I will give a different sign to the type of reloading with the installation, as well as with an automatic change of the revaluation mark up to ± 89% in the intervals between the triviality of the start-stop cycle up to ± 50%.

Prilad will take care of the translation of the original assignment yak "ON YOURSELF".

The attachment with the block of viprobvannya relay allows you to carry out the conversion and regulation of neutrality, input and dirtiness of telegraph relays, type RP-3

Reconstruction of neutrality and output relays is carried out by straightforward efforts in working, viprobubal and dynamic modes.

The liveliness will come from the hedge of the winter strum 127 + 13-25 or 220 + 22-44V, with a frequency of 50 Hz.

The toughness is adjusted, the toughness at the nominal load of the hem does not overwhelm 100 VA.

Overall dimensions will fit 220х335х420 mm. Trocha mass over 21 kg.

Dimensions for the BIR block are 225X130X125 mm. Masa 1.6 kg.

The range of working temperatures will be from -10 to + 50 ° С.

Virobu warehouse

To enter the virobu warehouse:

- Prilad ЕТІ-69;

- Block viprobuvannya relay;

- cords;

- A set of spare parts;

- Chokhol will attach ETI-69;

- exploitation of documentation

- box for styling.

Vimir's technique for telegraph channels

Vimir is carried out at the chotiripe dual-pole mode of telegraph inputs with line input 20V, input support 1kOhm, CHANNEL mode. I will be able to switch the channel of switching on at the closest part, the regulator is guilty of setting it to the position 0. The switch is connected to the commutation jacks, on which the input (output) of the telegraph channels is. Kintsev telegraph equipment vimikaєatsya. From the sensor vimіryuvach, the telegraph channel sends an onslaught signal “+”, then “-”. When the polarity of the structs changes, it is necessary to tilt, so that the arrow of the millimeter of the meter will appear at the same value. Having retired from the protolezhnoy station of the onslaught "+" and "-" and having crossed such an order of the telegraph channel's presence, then the telegraphic channel was adjusted to the minimum. For the whole changeover, put the CHANNEL 1: 1 in the position, it is nominal for the given channel the speed, DURATION, WITHOUT MEMORIES.

For the obviousness in the channel of a permanent revaluation, there will be a value of the numbers that hang on the right and left parts of the scale will be displayed. For usunennya the process of revaluation, it is necessary to adjust the potentiometer REG.CHANAL. the telegraph channel to raise the difference in values ​​on the right and left parts of the scale to the minimum. Read the value for 10 seconds.

The steps of synchronicity start as a sum of values ​​on the right and left parts of the set.

Switch the sensor into the RI mode and, by default, the value is set. Vidmіnnosti mіzh zminnymi in modes 1: 1 and RI practically innocently. Informations of the results in the name of the current channel.

The growth of the warriors at the telegraph channel, for the reason, has changed the normative values.


Mi vivchili put in for vimiruvannya singing, such as ETI-69, ETI-64, ICH-ZU-1, ICH-1U, got to know the principles of ichny robotics, closed their knowledge about seeing the song that took over the whole telegraph sound.

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    robot course, additions 03/18/2011

    Receipt of high-frequency pulse signals for the presence of faults in clock synchronization. Assessment of mathematical evaluation and amplitude. Forecast assessment of scientific and pre-past robots. Rozrakhunok trudom_stkosti distribution of software products for the visitors.

    control of the robot, additions 02/12/2015

    The value of the number of cascades. Rozpod_l l_in_ychnyh sporodin in the HF sphere. Rozrakhunok of the outgoing cascade. Rozrakhunok of the input cascade along the post-strum. Rozrakhunok equivalent circuit of the transistor. Rozrakhunok coriguval lantsyugiv. Rozrakhunok razdilovyh capacities.


Structural diagrams of transmission of discrete signals

1. Block diagram of the telegraph communication.

Malunok. Block diagram of the telegraph communication.

The block diagram of the telegraph communication is stored at the end points (VP), telegraph channels and commutation stations (KS). Distribution of commutated and non-commutated telegraph calls. With a lumped connection, the VP can be closed one to one hour of transmission. Commotion calls are characterized by permanent connections of two OPs, independent of the appearance of the transmission. Prior to the warehouse, the possession includes: a literary telegraph apparatus (TA) and a vicious attachment (VP). Kozhen VP can be transmitted by telegrams, so the telegraph apparatus is suitable. Behind the help of the OP, the operator-telegraph operator of the terminal point will send a message to the COP, I will establish a connection with the required VP and send a message to the end by telegrams.
2. Block diagram of transmission.

Malunok. Block diagram of transmission.

Kintsev installations danih (OUD) to be connected between themselves by the channel of the sound, which vikoristovuyut the standard channel PM (tone frequency) or TT channel (tone telegraph). OUD to take revenge on the possession of the data processing (OOD) and the equipment for transferring donations (APD). Prior to the OOD, there should be an attachment to the introduction-vivedennya danih (UVV), which are manually or automatically introduced by the date, which is sent to the APD; otrimannya s APD priyomlennya and recording yogo on the nose (most often - papir); undocumented display of the data, which is transmitted and received on the TV screen or the scoreboard.

АПД to revenge: ПЗВ - prisrіy to the receptionist of pardons, OPS - prіrіy re-implementation of signals, UAV - prіrіy automatic wikliku. AT - operator's service unit - telegraph and telephone, which is usually a type of victorious channel. ПЗВ vyyavlya and vypravlya grants, which are found in tributes in the process of їkh transmission. OPS will rework the signals that are transmitted by the endless installation at the viglyad, which will prevent the transmission by the channel, in order to use the parameters for the signal and channels; at the moment there will be a ringing change. The amount of the RFP to receive and transfer is called a modem. UAV to serve the establishment of the establishment of a two-house OUD, exchange service signals, take the fate of the conducted service negotiations by operators, such as service OUD service.
3. Block diagram of the facsimile connection.

Malunok. Structural diagram of a facsimile call

Facsimile calls are made through the channels of the TC, so you don’t get confused. Facsimile device (FA), which can be connected to the PM channel without any additional attachments, є is receiving and transmitting.
Power supply for self-control

  1. Explain the principle of a commutated and uncluttered telegraph call.

  2. What are the attachments to enter the equipment warehouse?

  3. Do you want to attach an automatic link?

  4. Yakim can the operator's service device be kept from the channel, why should you be victorious?

Topic 1.3 Telegraphic Methods
Method of transferring discrete information. Unipolar and bipolar telegraph, permanent strum. Tonalne telegrafuvannya z VRK. Simplex, duplex, for example duplex methods of transmission of discrete information. Telegraphicity.

Telegraphic method

The method of telegraphing is based on the nature of the struma when transmitting code combinations and the way of correcting transmitting and receiving devices.

Combination codes can be transmitted by means of a permanent or changeable strum. When telegraphing with a permanent strum, unipolar and bipolar telegraphing is used. With a single-pole telegraph, the struma is formed without one straight line, a pause between the strumming means is recognized in the midday strum. This method is called telegraphs with a passive pause. If the working force is transmitted directly by the strum of one, and a pause - by the strum directly, the telegraph will be called bipolar, or the telegraph with an active pause.

Malunok. Telegraphy: a, b - unipolar; in - bipolar.

Due to the challenge of bipolar telegraphy, it is very fast before the transfer and maintenance of a greater telegraph range.

The skin element of the code combination can be transmitted in parallel along the adjacent dart (if the number of darts is deposited according to the number of elements of the code combination), or one dart at a time.

Kintsev attachments can be applied in one-way, two-way handwriting and two-way one-hour ringing modes.

For the method of correcting the transmission of the station A and the reception of the station B telegraph communication can be synchronized and start-stop.

Malunok. Supported by parallel code.

For example, five-element code combination 00101 can be formed behind the addition of five keys K1-K5 of station A. The keys are connected to the battery in parallel. To transfer the skin element of the dialed code combination to the station, it is necessary to use five lines, up to five acceptable electromagnets EM 1 -EM 5. The need for a mother, the number of lines, is expensive, to rob the system with a collapsible and expensive connection.

The simplest option is a one-line system. Protest from the same line, it is unwise to convey all the powers in parallel, tobto. all provisions at once. Possibilities of guilt are passed from last to first to last (n-th). For the whole parallel code, fixing the spacious positions of the keys, is guilty of re-incarnations for the last one with handwritten connections to the keys in the order of the numbers from one to n-ї. Reading the spacious code combination and transferring the elements until the line is viewed for an additional wrapping of the gearshift. The element pad, which can be read, is switched on through the line to the first key, to the other, etc. On the other side, the key is connected to the line of the electric magnet of the receiver. The speed of recording in the acceptance is guilty of the traffic speed of the transmission. The phase of the shift is guilty of the fall from the phase of the shift. I will call this method a synchronous telegraph. The transmission of one code combination is displayed per revolution (cycle). Reading attachments do not only read what is recorded in the transmission of the code combination, but the last time the code combination is sent to the line, which is called rosters.

Malunok. Supervision over the last code.

With the start-stop method of telegraphing, the transmissions of the transmission and reception of the skin cycle are in the same position, called the stop. Zupinka of the receiver of the receiver, go to the stop position, so that you can use the gear, the triviality of which is 1.5t 0. The ear of the transmission of the offensive code combination will start with the starting strength t 0. With a valid MTK-2 code, one start (t 0), five information (5t 0) and one stop (1.5t 0) elementary telegraphic signals are transmitted to the line with a backward number of 7.5 t 0.

T 0 - The triviality of the elementary telegraph service.




Frequency telegraphy principle

Frequency telegraphy - the whole way of transmission by a changeable strum, modulated by telegraph signals.

When the working contact of the KR key is interrupted (Figure a), the generator R is switched on until the line. The impulses of a changeable struma are called telegraphic forces. Yak key To vikoristoyutsya electromagnetne or electronic relay. To control the robotic relay, an elementary telegraph signal is supplied from the input of the telegraph device (Figure b). As the triviality of the telegraphic power supply is t 0, then by stretching such an interval for an hour, the key is closed to the working contact of the KR. After the end of the hour t 0, the key is switched until the contact is calm KP, so that the lance of the generator is connected to the line, and the transmission of the telegraphic signal is pulled back.

As a result of the code combination, the transfer of the telegraph device to the device from the second line of the telegraph unit from the stationary stream is stored at the input, and the combination of the telegraph power supply to the new line will expand. The process of controlling the trivial impulse of the changing strum, which comes to the line, is called modulation.

Malunok. The principle of frequency telegraphy using the AM method:

A) transfer to the line of the change strum

B) conditions for transferring the telegraph to the apparatus

B) amplitude modulation of strum

With the amplitude modulation (AM), the amplitude of the linear signal changes from zero to the maximum value at the moment the key is switched off and from the maximum value to zero at the moment of release. Kolivannya struma, which comes near the line, is called a fool. Frequency and amplitude їх will be lost continuously for an hour t 0. Frequency modulation (FM) is polarized in that, from the hour of the stream telegraph power supply to the line, the generator Г 1 is switched on, which generates the number of frequencies f 1. From the hour of strumless seeding from G 2 to the line, the line comes up with a frequency of f 2. The amplitude of the kolivan will become post-layered. At the phase modulation (FM), at the moment of change in polarity, the phase of the change in struma changes. The amplitude of the struma at FM becomes invisible.

Principle of tone telegraphy ČRK

Malunok. Scheme of one-hour transmission two times.

The telegraph tone is wider, some of the tonal frequencies correspond to the spectrum of the standard telegraph channel PM, which can be transmitted to the CHRK up to dozens of times.

The scheme of one-hour transmission of two is understandable. One telegraph is usually transmitted from the telegraph device to Tper1, to the other - from Tper2. Elementary telegraphs for transmission Tper1 are fed to the modulator M1, which is connected to the generator of non-sticky kolivan G1, with the frequency F1. The M2 modulator is supplied with elementary telegraphic power supplies with Tper2 and the F2 frequency, which is the form of the G2 generator.

When M1 is correct, the positive strum elementary telegraphic power from G1 will show a nonsense F1, reduced by the value f. Stormless response is not a nonsense frequency F1, increased by f. Also, on the M1 output, there will be a smog of the F1 ± f frequencies, apparently on the M2 output - F2 ± f. Size f is called deviation frequency (you can also see frequency).

At the exit of M1, a signal to approach the swarthy filter PFper1, skipping at the line the swamp F1 ± f, PFper2 skipping the swamp F2 ± f. On the receiving side, telegraphic signals pass through the PFpr1 and come to the power supply, which compensates for the loss of energy signal for the shutdown of the line.

The demodulator DM1 is used to convert the impulse of the changeable stream into the elementary telegraph force of the post-stream stream, as it should be brought into the DIU Tpr1.

The number of elements (M1, PF1, U1, DM1), which pass every time from a TA transmission to a TA reception, is called a telegraph channel.

To transmit telegraphic signals over the channel, without the need for the telegraphic channels to blame the mother for the smog, the width of the bandwidth is the width of the spectrum of the connection, which is transmitted. The value F1 + f is called the upper characteristic frequency. The value F1-ff is the lower characteristic frequency. Smuga transmission  F = 2f to be deposited as a telegraph service.

F1 (1.4  1.8) v

^ The principle of the time clock sub_lu of channels (VRK)

Malunok. Structural diagram of the line z VRK.

VRK - a method of one-hour transmission of a number of telegraphic signals over one line of a call, or a PM channel, in case of any line, or the channel is occupied by skin calls through equal intervals of an hour.

The VRK method is understandable with the additional overlay method. Combination codes for the output of telegraph transmission to the device (Tper1 and Tper2) are sent to the electronic transmission device (Pper). On the baby a and b are shown the combination codes for the input of the skin equipment. An impulse non-carrier is supplied to the rotor of the transmission from the pulse generator (Fig. C). Supposedly, the rhythm of the robot is the same as the one that misses the unpaired impulse nonsense (by the point), since the input of the strum is elementary, if the input is from Tper1; As a result, up to the channel, there is an impulse response (Figure d). The receiving outlet Rpr, synchronously with the transmitting one, send the unpaired impulses (Fig. E) of the non-sticky ones to the receiver Tpr1, and the paired ones (Fig. E) to Tpr2. For demodulation, to reimagine the effect of the impulses of the strum or the strumless power (Fig. G, h), the stench is fed to the different receivers Tpr1 and Tpr2.

For synchronization of the rotor, the receiving end of the transmitting side receives synchronized pulses, connected with the frequency of the pulsed inconsistent and formed by forming synchro-pulses (FSI). On the far side of the synchro-pulse, the synchro-pulse selector (SSI) is selected from the back-end, and the pulse generator G2, which generates the last of the pulses at a frequency, but not too much of the frequency.

In such a rank, one PM channel, two telegraph messages are transmitted at once, tobto. channel of ТЧ of intrusion by two telegraph channels.


Skin telegraph is usually transmitted from the singing shvidkistyu. The frequency of telegraphy is subject to a number of elementary telegraph capabilities, which are transmitted in one second. One vimir shvidkosti є baud. For one second, 50 elementary signals are transmitted, the transmission rate is set to 50 baud. The triviality of one elementary setting for a wide variety of roads:

V = 50 Baud t 0 = 1/50 = 0.02 s. = 20 ms;

V = 100 Baud t 0 = 1/100 = 0.01s = 10ms.

Also, the speed of telegraphy is tied to the triviality of the elementary conditions for the relationship:

V = 1 / t 0; t 0 = 1 / V

Chim mensha is the triviality of the elementary telegraph services, and the greater the speed of telegraphic communication.

Efforts are allowed before the transfer of broadcasts:

  1. low - 50, 100, 200 baud;

  2. middle 660, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 baud;

  3. visoki - ponad 9600 baud.
A group of low personalities vikoristvutsya in the telegraph call and transmissions of tribute, take the fate of the operator. The meaning of vibrancy is based on the ability of people to practice on the keyboard before the hour of transmission or to read the text on the keyboard. Medium and high liquidity is shown when transferring data from EOM.

The speed of telegraphy is based on the type of device. For literary telegraph devices, the speed of telegraphy starts with the formula:

V = (N K) / 60,

De N - the number of characters transmitted by the device for khvili;

K - number of elementary telegraph connections, one character must be transmitted.

The majority of start-stop telegraph devices allow the transmission of 400 characters for a slime, and one character is transmitted by 7.5 elementary telegraph services. From the same time, the telegraphicity becomes:

V = (400 7.5) / 60 = 50 baud.

The speed of transmission of data (information speed) is visible to the number of single information items in a second, and it starts with the formula:

B = (N K`) / 60

De K` - the number of single informational elements for the transmission of a skin mark.

For example, Y = (400 5) / 60 = 33.3 bit / s, since after the hour of registration of the five-element code MTK-2, it is only five information elements that carry information about the sign.
Power supply for self-control

  1. Check out the methods of telegraphing to the nature of the struma for the hour of transmission of code combinations.

  2. What is the difference between synchronous and start-stop telegraphs?

  3. Explain the method of tone telegraphy.

  4. Explain the principle of telegraphing the CHRK.

  5. Explain the principle of telegraphing at the VRK.

  6. Telegraphicity concept. One vimir.

Topic 1.4 Code of Conduct
Forgive that extra code. Kodi MTK-2, MTK-5, KOI-7, KOI-8, SKPD. Matrix and cyclic code.
The principle of coding over time

Telegraph code

When transmitting a message by telegraph, a skin sign will appear to be transformed into a combination of strum and non-strum pillars, or pillars of a struma straight ahead. Such a combination is called a code. The process of replacing a sign, which is transmitted, by means of certain code combinations, is called code combinations. The table of correspondences of code combinations to characters that are transmitted is called a code.

The discrete ones are occasionally converted to an electrical signal for additional singing codes. Tsi kodi are called the first ones. Because of the increase in the cost of viciousness, the second oversized codes are formed, which are formed with the help of the first ones, tobto. From the combination of the primary storage, a singing block is formed, whereby a block of superfluous secondary code is formed behind the addition of mathematical rewriting of the reconfigurations, and then from the reconversion and informational ones.

The first standardized electrical telegraph code is the Morse code - the signs were transmitted for additional help to the electrical strum of the triviality - dots and dashes. Nykorotsha posilka is a point, trivial t 0, where all combination codes are stored, called an elementary telegraph power. The triviality of the dash is the triviality of the three elementary telegraph provisions 3 t 0. The whole code is unreasonable, some transmissions of different symbols are required, an unreasonable number of elementary arrangements is required.

Equivalent code is characterized by the fact that the transmission of any sign of victoriousness is a combination of the equal number of elementary telegraph communications. Be it from equal codes, the combination of which is formed with two meanings of forces: a struma and a strumaless one, or a strum of one directly, that a strum, a straight one, is called a double or a double one. The number of the meaning of the struma, which is an elementary force in the transmission process, is called the base of the code. The number of code combinations A for an equal double code of an n-element type can be started with a viraz:

de m is the basis of the code.

Five-element code gives 25 = 32 combination codes, and seven-element 27 = 128 code combinations.

The Bodo code is five-element, so be it a code combination is stored from five elementary provisions.

When the transmission code of the telegraph communication is valid, there is a lack of 32 code combinations. The number of code combinations can be increased in two ways: an increase in the number of elements of the code combination, or the introduced registries. At the same time, it is necessary to add a number of symbols to the register (two or one): Russian, Latin, digital. At the same time, the signs are found in the new registries, they are transmitted in one and the same code combination, but before the transmission, a signal is given to indicate the register in which the sign is located. There are few registry codes for reducing the availability of transmissions occasionally, so that. Victimization of one registered combination of victories for the incorrect interpretation of the code combination that is advancing behind it. With the introduction of rich-element codes of growth, the number of combinations will change, and the number of changes transmitted in one hour will change.

The international code MTK-2 is p'yatelementny, trireєstrovy. The current posilka is designated 1, bezstrumova - 0. For example, the MTK-2 code sign (symbol) A is written down - 11000, and the symbol H - 01010.

MTK-5 - seven-element, courtyard.

The codes exchange information systems for processing data transferring groups of control and graphic symbols. Before the group of graphic symbols, there are numbers, large and small letters and special signs. I will install five sets of H0-H4 for all the GOST symbols. Try to type in key symbols, numbers and special signs. Type N 0 includes large and small Latin letters. Dial H1 to avenge the Russian literi. Make sure to install symbols including H3. Dial N 4 to take revenge on the numbers, special signs and keruyuchі symbols.

KOI code - 7 maє three dials: KOI - 7N 1, KOI -7N 0, KOI - 7C 1 - code of additional service symbols.

The structure of the codes in the main set H 0 H 1 is a matrix of eight hundred and sixteen rows. Skin from 128 code combinations of the matrix of the numbering of the hundredths from 0 to 7 and the rows from 0 to 15 indicate the names of the set and the fractional number: the number is the number of the hundred, the denominator is the number of the row. For example, N 0 4/5 type of Latin letters "E". If the fractional number is a symbol of the table, it is given in the view of the code combination, designated b 7 b 6 b 5 b 4 b 3 b 2 b 1; Three senior beats (b 7 b 6 b 5) are images above the serial number of a hundred of the code table, іnshі chotiri (b 4 b 3 b 2 b 1) - if the ordinal number of the row is deprived of the rіvnі. During the last transmission, before the line of the combination, go from the young beat.

The standard code for transmission of danih SKPD is eight-element, courtyard. Outside seven information distributions to the warehouse of the combination, there is an eight category, which is a service. The value of the eighth rank is selected so that the number of one code combination is for guys. Tse will secure the simplest acquaintance of pardons.


Overwhelming code

In modern equipment transmissions of the best, two methods of superfluous coding are often used: matrix and cyclic. Insulting methods of abusing on codified information blocks to achieve a great feast, for which codi are called blocky. Before the warehouse of the main unit transmitted by the channel, there should be m * q informational lines and rewiring lines. It remains to be shaped by the way of arithmetic operations with outgoing information discharges.

In the case of matrix coding, the operation of additional data for module 2 is stagnated. The current two numbers of the code combination are written as a mathematical matrix. For example, it is necessary to transfer five combinations of five elements to the code m = 5, Q = 5 => m * Q = 25. It is possible to write down the combination of the matrix form, can be used one discharge one after one.

1-a KK 01011 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 1

2nd KK 10001 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 0

3rd KK 11101 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 0

4-a KK 00111 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1

5-a KK 10010 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 0

Viroblyaєmo addition modulo 2 of all rows and all hundred percent. As a result, the additional amount is recognized as two reconciliation numbers - the sum in rows and the sum in hundred percent. Tobto. The new block of the matrix code is composed of seven five-element combinations: five information and two conversions.

The overriding combination is transmitted by the channel in the final block. In the case of the acceptance of the transmission of the given PZV, it is necessary to convert the unit to be safe. For whom there are a number of rows and a number of one hundred percent in the main unit, including re-energization, to be used for module 2. Null results and all supplements indicate the availability of pardons in the received unit. Appearance 1 at the right hundred or the bottom row is a sign of a pardon at the blots.

The second class of superfluous codes є cyclic codes. On the view of matrix codes with cyclic coding, the basic mathematical operation is used for sublimetric numbers. Dilimim є two number - type code combination of KK. Dilnik is a double number for all code. Tse number is called assertive. The number of distributions and the warehouse of the number, which I approve, vis-à-vis the given authority to the code, so that. the number of grants. As a result, the decision was made for the number, which I will approve, if it will be private and surplus. The overhead is included in the secondary unit as a changeover outlet. That is, the block of the cyclic code is stored from the data (information distribution) and the surplus (conversion distribution). Privatne, scho otrimutsya with rozpodіlі, not vikorystovutsya.

The basis for the correction of pardons in the cyclic code is also arithmetically laid down: as soon as there is a surplus before the date is given, and if I reject a number of new references to the same counter, then it was decided to appear without surplus. Acceptable adjustment to the selection of pardons for the conversion of the combination code to the viral combination of the combination for the same number, which is approved, as well as when blown. As soon as there are pardons, there will be 0 surplus as a result of the rise. If the surplus grows out of 0, it is a sign of pardon, the combination is erased and re-energized.

For example: additional information and information combination is 11 lines, the number of conversion lines is r = 4; I will confirm the number of the cyclic code with the value 10011.

The code of the vicious combination includes the offensive operations:

1) the input of the combination is represented as a double code.

The number is multiplied by a multiplier of the form 10000, de the number of zero lines right-handed from 1 road r.


2) Otrimaniy tvir, scho MA 15 razryadіv, last for the number, scho approve 10011

110100100010000 10011

10011 1100011010

The overflow from the side of the viglyad of the chotiri-rate number will be reversed. As the surplus is less than the number of rozryadіv, it is necessary to add more zeros to it.

3) For 11 information lines and 4 lines, the overflow is formed on the combination of the cyclic code.

In the PZV, when converting a new combination of a cyclic code to the absence of a combination of 15 rows, it should go to those that approved the number of 10011. When the number was set to zero.
Power supply for self-control

  1. What is called koduvannyam, telegraph code?

  2. Explain, for whom is the main reason for simple codes from superfluous ones?

  3. How can there be a number of code combinations?

  4. Give the characteristics of simple codes MTK-2, KOI-7, KOI-8, SKPD.
5. Explain the principle of the formation of additional code combinations to the matrix code.

6. Explain the principle of formulating additional code combinations to a cyclic code
Control zavdannya

1. Vikoristovoyuchi simple codes, recognize the codes of the combination of their prince.
Topic 1.5 Creation of discrete signals
Method of restoration. Correct building. See the krayovyh people. Crushing.
^ Characteristics of discrete domains
To assess the essence of information transmission capabilities, enter a characteristic called the throughput of a building - a number of information single elements (bit), transmitted for a second, reliably from the whole, information of service elements is sent the appearance of pardons at the received information.

The characteristic of the vitality є the power of grants:

R osh = n osh / n wire.

Roche - a number of pardons,

N wire - number of transmitted elements.

The real minds of exploitation have the quality of turning the efficiency of pardons for the elements and combinations of tobto. іmovіrnіstu of pardons for a kіntsevіy interval of an hour. When transmitting telegrams, it is recommended to recommend the rate of pardons by strumas< = 3 * 10-5, т.е. не более 3 ошибок на 100000 переданных трактов. При передаче данных К ош <= 10 -6

Home transmission - the size of the elements that are transmitted is normalized, so that the transmission of the telegraph to the device is carried out without prior notice. The home region is equal to the% of the triviality of the single interval t 0. The rate of transmission is 2-4%.

Correct building - characterizing the quality of robotic pickups, the building of prototypes of two signals. Razr_znyayut building vypravlyat on regional basis and on crushed. Numerically, the building is corrected by the maximum size of the edge, or by the maximum triviality of crushing, with any combination of elements, which will be taken into account, will be registered without pardons.

 cr = 8 max dod

 ін = t ін max dod

The current reception rate may be 25-50% triviality t 0.

Stock of stikosti by the difference between the size of the correct building of the landfill and the value of the total regional landings at the entrance of the landfill

 =  zag

Otzhe, for bezpomilkovosti reception of elements of the combination, the stock of stikosti can be positive.

Need characterizes the quality of the apparatus for transmitting information in a given value, in general and in terms. Non-submission of one chi kilkoh from cich vimog є vidmoyu. Vidmovi will be privately owned.

Povna vidmova - unwillingness to transmit, because equipment chi channel has gone wrong. The preservation of prasezdatnostі in case of partial loss of indications is called a partial vidmoy.

For the assessment of the standard of reliability, the following characteristics are:

  • Intensity of views and elements or systems  - average number of views per year;

  • average hour directed to T0 - average hour of normal robots between two different windows; T 0 = 1 / , then it can be significant:

de T is an hour of spontaneous robots between two different windows.

N - number of views for the period of caution.

Coefficient of readiness.

Kg = (To / (To + Totk))

Totk - the average triviality of the mind, as to lay down the quality of the service personnel and the repairability of the equipment.

Usi ci characteristics є averaging.
^ Creation of discrete signals
Be-like the change of the received telegraph signal to the transmitted one, call it twisted. The process of creation can bring up to the grateful reception of the signs in the text, how to be transmitted, how to produce information, how to be transmitted. The reason for the creation of a telegraph signal may be of a kind of transmutation, and the characteristics of the channels in the sound are not satisfactory.

Significant moments

T 0

t 0

t 0

t 1

t 1

0 1

Interval values

Malunok. Home country

From the step of making telegraph communications, the reliability of the telegraph call is to be found. Sportennya - the steps of inconsistency of the accepted property transferred, tobto. the change of triviality of the form of the accepted provisions against the transmission. The creation of telegraphic settlements is marginal and at the sight of crushed.

The homeland is made up for the difference in the value of a significant moment, but also for an ideally significant moment. Significant moments of the order are called the moments of transition from one value (1) to the first (0), and the interval between two significant moments is called a significant interval. In such a rank, the margins of the creation rotate through the triviality of the significant interval in proportion to the triviality of the ideal value to the interval. The homeland is a substitute for the size of the ear of chi chi (chi instant cob of chi chi) of the received elemental telegraphic arrangements against the transmission.

On the little one is shown the settings for the transmission of the telegraph to the device. For the duration of the day, you will be shown by a telegraph relay or an electromagnet through t1. Recorded for the hour t 1 (positively individual region of the world) wiklikє, however, is the same between the (significant moments). The triviality of accepting feasibility is overwhelming with trivial triviality of transmission (babies b). On the little one in the twisting of the strata. It’s easy to glaze at the change of ears and ends of the crop for a different amount of tn and tk. The ear of harvested milk is by the value of tn, and the end is the value of tk. The reason for the performance is determined by the mobile devices and starts with the formula:

The homeland is divided into three types: revaluation, type and characteristic.

Perevagami is called a performance, how to turn around at the post-change of triviality of the fortune.

Vypadkovі - amumovlenіyu vypadkovyh pereskod on the triviality of the setting, as in the flowing struma pereshkod either to short, or to podvzhuyutsya.

Characteristic - characterize the signal generated by the fallen trees after the day, tobto. to characterize the conditions that have come to fruition only in the same way, if it is short for the triviality of the transition or the navpaki. Characteristic performance will be more significant than the growth in the triviality of the conditions.

All kinds of provinces start all at once, thus far from the home:

 zag =  pr +  har +  sl.
Crushing - such as the creation of energy, if there is a change in polarity of the strength of the її part, for all triviality.

The reason for the crushing is the most intense transition of an impulse character, as well as short-term interruptions. The fragmentation of the mavidkovy character appears. Crushing is a sign, which means directly the change of meaningful position. The triviality of crushing is of a small size, which changes in the boundaries 0 t 0. The majority of telegraph channels and transmission channels are characterized by crushing triviality close to 0.5t 0. More and more short crushed products are developed more. The triviality of crushing is characterized by intensiveness, tobto. the number of crushing per hour (per year):


De n ін - the amount of crushing, fixed in an hour by the time Tizm. The value of  є

Groupy crushing, which may cause one major reason, are called packets crushing.

Craiows created and crushed є the reasons for the appearance of pardons at the reception of information. A grave is an incorrect value of the significant position of the accepted element of the QC. Such a pardon is called a pardon for elements. There are a lot of elements that have not been taken correctly, they grow alone, they are too small. pardons. Naybіlsh unfriendly for the development є sub-line compensation for the pardon, called by the mercy of usunennya - an one-hour transition 1 0 і 0 1 in the boundaries of the KK. For example:

Transmitted 10110 00101 10101 00100

Accepted 10010 01001 11011 10111

Graves 00100 01100 01110 10011

Pomos can be viewed:

1) blame the operator for conducting the transfer, or even ready before the transfer;

2) through misbehavior and words in transmissions and receptions;

3) through the pereshkodi of the kind in the channels of the sound.

Third-party spikes are called crosscodes, which usually come to the canal and come to the input of the receiver with the transmitted signals.
Power supply for self-control

  1. Characteristics of discrete domains
2. What are the characteristics of the viciousness from the assessment and the standard of reliability?

  1. Excuse yourself for a reason.

  2. What are the names of such things as kraiovy?

  3. Explain the understanding of the moment, which means interval.

  4. Overreach vidi krayovyh spotun.

  5. What are the road steps of admissible regional conditions when building a telegraph apparatus, which is correct, 25%.

  6. What are the names of crushed products?

  7. Who can win a pardon?
8. What are called pereshkods?
Control zavdannya
1.Assign the timing diagram of the start-stop combination given in the table of the letters without the use of one-pole telegraphs due to the specified speed of telegraphs.

2. Designate the steps of synchronous performances.

3.Explain, how to infuse the start-stop transition at the moment of restoration.

4.Value the value of the permissible marginal points when changing the start-stop transition at bik stop by t lane



Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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