Zhengzhou Xinzhen International Airport: budget hotels close by. International Code for Zhengzhou Airport in Zhengzhou, China (CN)

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Name of the airport: Zhengzhou... The airport of the sewing in the country: China (China)... Місто mіsceznachnya airport m Zhengzhou... IATA code for Zhengzhou Airport: CGO... The ІАТА code is a three-letter unique identifier, which is assigned to airports by the International Association of Consumer Transport (ІАТА). ICAO (ІКАО) code for Zhenzhou airport: ZHCC... The ICAO airport code is a four-letter unique identifier, which is assigned to airports by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Geographic coordinates of Zhenzhou airport.

The latitude for the route of the airport is 34.520000000000, and the latitude for the airport is 113.840000000000. The geographic coordinates of the latitude and even the beginning of the position of the airport on the earth's surface. I will increase the importance of the position of the airport in the trivial space, the third coordinate is required - the height. The height of the airport above the sea level is 151 meters. The sewing airport in the time zone: +8.0 GMT. In air tickets for the first time, it will be the starting hour of the Villotte and the airport at the same time with time zones.

Zhengzhou is an important airport in China. The current airport has an important role in transport infrastructure. Zhengzhou is even more important for the people of China.

International codes of IATA ICAO in Zhengzhou

Bagato airport mayut international code IATA and ICAO... The IATA international airport code is a centralized unique identifier that identifies the airport. Such codes are used to repent of all the lands of the world. The organization of the IATA (International Air Transport Association) is responsible for the code. You can see your code on your luggage tags. The stench itself does not allow your luggage to be ruined and guarantees that you will fly to Zhengzhou yourself.

The ICAO code is a 4-character identifier of the skin airport, in which we carry out international transportation. This code is seen by the organization ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization). Tsі kodi vikoristovytsya to control the avіatsionny space and planuvannya polotіv. Vin is not similar to the IATA code, which vikoristovuyutsya persh for all yak code, vikoristovuyutsya on the board of airlines, luggage labels and in the most special situations.

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