View the live Denpasar menu. From what hotels in Denpasar do you see wonderlands? Where to know Denpasar

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Before our trip to Indonesia, we read a lot about the reminders of the island of Bali, chose what to marvel at. And even if someone has seen a lot of them, then at once we present to you not just a copy with a description of the place (you will know a lot of such people without us), but an authoritative rating of Bali’s ancient memos with special observations and reactions. And they were angry.

We saw close to twenty old reminders of Bali and on the skin of them we may have our own opinion. But before the rating, I turned on less than 13, even the same devil's dozen after the Balinese new rock - looking organic, are you okay? 🙂

Ale less talk, we present to you your rating- from the weakest hostile and lesser receptions to the strongest and most blind.

Significant reminders of Bali: from this way to the best. No. 13. Goa Gajah

Furnaces Goa Gajah located 13 kilometers from Ubud and the main road. Entering the cave of embellishments with the muzzle of a demon (and this is a friend of the victory of this mission), in the photo of tourists it looks great and terrible ... But only a few are. The oven itself is small, you can pay a little for a whilina. Through easy accessibility, there are a lot of Chinese tourists here.

Goa Gadjah ovens on the map of Bali- For example, statistics.

No. 12. Tanah Lot

It’s just a rally on the Bolotny, їy-god: the people are wearing shoes, and under their feet - like a swamp (with snakes), suddenly they become wet. Well, if you came to the city, then you Tanah Lot- Just for show, and not for spogadіv all life. Well, you can still make a photo on aphids, which breaks.

Tanah Lot temple on the map of Bali- For example, statistics.

No. 11. Palace on the water of Tirtaganga

Really Palace on the water of Tirtaganga- the other side of the garnet is the original piece. Take a walk through the stone maze near the headquarters with majestic ribs! Ale, through the distant roztashuvannya, be it a civilization, and through those that the Crimean labyrinth will grow into nothing, this reminder of the island of Bali takes such a low place.

Tirtaganga Palace on the map of Bali- For example, statistics.

No. 10. Besakih Temple

So, yoga is called the head temple of the island of Bali. So, wines often look at the lists "What to marvel at in Bali". So, the roztashovaniy entrusted from the fiery Agung volcano. So, vin garny. Ale, nowhere did we hear the styles of unacceptable people, like “grazing” the memory of Bali. It’s impossible to go all the way to the temple without going through the screens of impudent merchants and “pomichnikiv”, for which you don’t rehearse “That’s how you see us!” The stinks charge pennies ($5) for those who just stinks walked along with you. Otherwise, you will not be allowed close to the temple. Otherwise, you can only take a walk along the brudny road behind the parkan, you can’t see the stars at all. About maternal Besakih temple we have є.

Besakih Temple on the map of Bali- For example, statistics.

Significant city of Bali: Besakih temple. The Balinese are a kind and welcoming people. And the most brutal and least accepted features of the stink Besakih temple.

No. 9. Taman Ayun

Garne place, where you can take a walk. Even puerile park areas, honestly, there are no shops. Tourists smash bagato garni photo. It's easy to get to it, and there's no cost for parking. The comments are the most positive.

Temple Taman Ayun on the map of Bali- For example, statistics.

Vrazhє have be-yaku weather.

No. 8. Taman Ujung, Palace on the Water

In fact, I was ready to put yoga behind the legendary temple of Uluwatu, but only through the inaccessibility of Bali's memory, I put yoga lower.

V Taman Ujunge you can spend a couple of years just walking around, you can make a hundred beautiful photos on the aphids of piracy stitches, trees, gazebos. Ale, the strongest defeat - if you rise with high gatherings on the observant Maidanchik and bachish you see the sea, blue-presine. Miraculous vision. And there are still few people - like tourists, so are tourists. Suggestions about qiu Bali's memorials the most positive.

Temple Taman Ujung on the map of Bali- For example, statistics.

It is not yet similar to tourists, and in this case it is also a property.

No. 7. Uluwatu Temple

Another one is popular the iconic memorial of the island of Bali, yaku I did not include until the first five Reasons for two. First of all, there are a lot of aggressive maws, and one of them stole Zhenya's eyepieces. And earlier, another mavpa slapped Zhenya on her chest, wheezing a dance of water. But we ran into her))) I had a lot of such "suffered": we were in Uluwatu two and in the sum chuli once six, as if squealing through the bad behavior of the mavp.

Another reason is the impossibility to take a good look and get close to the very Uluwatu temple. So what is the main photo here - skel, that the hell out of nature is being told about them. Too beautiful. Would you stand and marvel for a whole year, enjoying yourself, but no way - in ten order you want to appear? That's right, the devil's cheeky macaque.

Uluwatu temple on Bali map- For example, statistics.

The Significant City of Bali: Uluwatu Temple at Sunset- Tse neimovirne sight! I didn’t feel sorry for it, but only in the photo: one of my eyepieces was stolen by the mavpa, and the other was shoved into a backpack so as not to waste it.

No. 6. Waterfall Gіtgіt

There is a beautiful and tight waterfall, which is easy to get to. Few tourists. And, as a matter of fact, for my observations, I spent two five months, for which there were two reminders of the island of Bali - waterfall Gіtgit that rice terrace Tegallalang. Look at the photo: well, can you tell me what is prettier than that?

And before Gitgit waterfall you can walk even closer and in five seconds you will be wet through. It's more beautiful, even more delightful.

Waterfall Gіtgіt on the map of Bali- For example, statistics.

Waterfall Gіtgit- one of the bad things ancient monuments of Bali island to which it is easy to reach. Vin is located right beside the road.

№ 5. Rice terrace Tegallalang

The rice terraces of Tegallalang are located 10 kilometers from Ubud, it’s easy to get to them, access to the terraces is without cost (which is even more wonderful for Bali). See - fantastic. Obov'yazkovo see them, enjoy this monster sight without haste, take a lot of photos. And you don’t care about anything - there are no snooty merchants, no guides here. Then there are a few small cafes with a view of the miracle monument of the island.

I don’t show what can be given to qiu reminder of Bali negative feedback?

Tegallalang rice terrace on the map of Bali- For example, statistics.

Significant places of Bali island: rice terraces of Tegallalang near Ubud. Not just beautiful, but also cost-free!

No. 4. Rice terraces Jati Luvikh

So, you know, Jati Luvih - tse other rice terraces in the five most hostile ancient monuments of Bali island. It’s long and hard to get to them, but if you get far ... You’ll keep your eyes on your terraces, and sharpen your eyes! The stench will be here, big, smaller, flooded with water, not flooded, so get ready to swell the skin 50 meters and work the photo.

Rice terraces of Jati Luvikh on the map of Bali- For example, statistics.

If you taste such beauty, rice will taste delicious!

No. 3. Nung-nung waterfall

To be honest, the day we saw nung nung waterfall I did not think that I would put yoga in the third place in my rating. But an hour passed, and I caught myself thinking that I would guess this memo in the most part, or rather, my own thought.

First, through the descent. Before Nung-nung waterfall lead the steep slopes, why don't you go down them, but bishish! You bіzhish all the way to the waterfall! What kind of make-up is there, cry to you.

I axis is already close, it's time to say "in a different way." Even more great hostility to those, like the first Bachish Nung-nung. Vіn all guchnіshiy and guchnіshiy, and you already call the order, you have lost thirty, twenty, ten and axis ... Go shaved and you turn 90 degrees. Axis of wines!!! Like in “Maister and Margarita” - “Lyubov jumped up in front of us, like a z-pod of the earth viskakuy driven into a wire, and struck us both once!” They looked like this at Nung-nung Falls. Make up, make noise, rehearse, beautiful, strained, call you to yourself, and there are no more of you here ...

And, thirdly, all the way back, along the steep high slabs, which I didn’t care about, but my body was singing, there were 600 pieces of them (accept, I know, there were 300 of them - they were lifted up in St. Peter’s Church in Munich). And my heart was beating, and it was rattling in my closets, and about ten grains were crushed. But why don’t you drive us in, beat us with the strongest, right? And then, if we were on the mountain, alone, as I continued to repeat, it was “Otse so! Axis so!"

Update. And after a few months, we grew even cooler (for all senses) convergence - on!

Waterfall Nung Nung on the map of Bali- For example, statistics.

No. 2. Mount Batur, Lake Batur and Agung Volcano

All three reminders of Bali can be taken from a single looking Maidan. With the same views, they went to have mercy. 🙂 You can go along the road and remember the angle, make different photos on other oglyadovih maidanchiks. Kindly come in the other half of the day, so that you can collect daily photos of memos of Bali and a photo of Bali at sunset.

Significant places in Bali: Agung Volcano and Lake Batur. Photos are all from the same cafe))

No. 1. Bratan Lake and Ulun Danu Temple

This place was just before the trip to my cohanim - after hundreds of glances photo Bali. I was already afraid of roses, more ulun danu temple it was given to me by the most mystical mystic of the island, the mystic of the power of that beauty. But if we came here, to say that the hostility was really correct, to say nothing.

Lake Bratan and temple Pura Ulun Danu on the map of Bali- For example, statistics.

Significant city of Bali: temple Pura Ulun Danu on Lake Bratan. Our favorite place on the island.

You don’t marvel at the garni temple, but you enjoy a quiet walk in the park, you lie on the grass Lake Bratan, loving the mountains and the glooms that are associated with them. And then we’ll get on the motorboat and go on in every way Lake Bratan, Bachish, like gloomy waters stand, make chimerical figures, and everything is just the same, like it’s more like in films. But at the same time, not in films, but with you, and you feel so happy through those who leaned in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Have you ever been bachili, like glooms descending directly on the water, and then we will open you up one miraculous place after another? Under an hour of walking by the high-mountain lake Bratan you can and so ...


How did you understand, dear readers, all Bali's memorials we got it ourselves, on our own two wheels))) map of Bali with reminders:



Bali Museum

The Museum of Bali was founded in 1931 by the project of the leading Indonesian architect PJ. Moojen, not far from the large Royal Palace in Denpasar. At the museum complex, chotiri pavilions were stashed, which symbolically represent the regions of the island of Bali. At the pіvnіchnіy part of the roztashovaniya pavilion Tabanan, in the collection of which the national costumes are presented, that paraphernalia - masks, armor, as well as deakі ancient statues. Not far away is the pavilion Timyr, where important archeological knowledge is saved.

The Buleleng pavilion is located near the center of the complex. Budіlya is built in the architectural style, the dominating part of the island. Here are presented different objects - dishes and robes, as well as pieces of figurative art. At the pіvdennіy part of the Museum of Bali there is pavilion Kulkul, in the exposition of which is presented zbroya, like vicorist people for an hour of watering, as well as inventory for the silskogo state. Also, a collection of mystic art is stashed here. This place is miraculously suitable for a family reunion, having been here, you can recognize cіkavі facts about the island, as well as bring original souvenirs.

Coordinates: -8.65788400,115.21898200

Have you been honored with any reminders of Denpasar? Order from the photo and icons, by clicking on them you can rate those in another place.

River Telaga Vadzha

River Telaga Vadzha chi White water, as it is considered sacred for the inhabitants of the city. Won one of those who found a river near the other part of the island of Bali. The river Telaga Vadzha flows at the foothills of the sacred mountain Agung, an active volcano, which erupted in the 1960s.

The order is located in Munkan village, Karangasem district. You can reach Telaga Vaj for about the second time from Denpasar, Kut, Nusa Dua, Seminyak, and other areas. The river Telaga Vadzha is full of beauty on the island of Bali for rafting, because the river flows through the green expanses of fields, valleys, hillocks and waterfalls. This river may be 3-4 equal folds, but all the same, it is safe for the buds. The length of the river rafting is 16 kilometers from the pochatkovy point to the end point, and the river walks are available in the color mode. From the rivers you see a wonderful view of rice fields, tropical foxes and waterfalls.

Coordinates: -8.43034700,115.44217600

The Indonesian island of Bali delights tourists with a lack of ancient memories, one of which is a modest house-museum of the artist Gusti Ngurah Gede Pemechutan. The mortgage is not large, there are bays near the newest kіlka, ale, no doubt, wines are more valuable from the historical and artistic point of view and more cicavia for vіdvіduvannya. The artist went to sleep at the museum and opened his work to a wide audience. Many of them are vikonaniya at the special author's technique "finger strikes". The stench always called out a particular interest in spectators, students of art universities, collectors and rich professional artists. Gusti Ngurah Gede Pemechutan dreamed about those, when the museum with a collection of yoga paintings became a hotel house, where discussions were held about the history and art, and meetings of creative intellectuals took place.

The museum of the artist Gusti Ngurah Gede Pemechutan can popularize the artistic culture of Denpasar. Having spent time here, you will not only become familiar with the marvelous technique of painting, but also work richly good photos. The museum has a souvenir shop, where you can get exclusive reproductions of your paintings.

Coordinates: -8.67411700,115.18439200

Ngurah Rai International Airport

Ngurah Rai International Airport, also known as Denpasar International Airport (IATA code) DPS, the only one on the island of Bali. Payments for 13 km per day from Denpasar and 2.5 km from Kuta. The airport is named after the national hero of Indonesia, who died in the fight for the independence of the country in 1946.

There are two terminals in the Airport - internal and external. Although the terminal for domestic flights is even more modest, the international one can boast of spacious halls, Balinese-style interiors, no-frills cafes and shops, and humane prices at Duty free. At the airport there is a post office and a bank. And before the flood, you can get a relaxing massage here, to take the pressure off that praise. There are massage rooms at the airport, for example, a massage for 30 hours costs 100,000 rupees.

Coordinates: -8.65459600,115.22236300

River Ayung

River Ayung, about 12 kilometers long, found the river of the Indonesian island of Bali. She takes her cob near the mountain ranges on the peninsula of the island and flows into the Badung channel of the Bali Sea.

The river Ayung flows through the city of Denpasar - the capital and the largest city of the province of Bali. Most of the streams of the river flow through the unoccupied jungle. Along the shores you can sprout lianas, marvelous growths and gigantic tree-like ferns. Water rivers attract lovers of rafting - a sports rafting on mountain rivers on inflatable boats - rafts, for such a tourist company Sobek is a regular lure.

Coordinates: -8.65440000,115.26654800

Maosahit Temple

Maospasit Temple is the oldest temple in Denpasar, Bali. Vіn prostazhuє his іstorіyu h іn the іmperiї Majapahit mizh XIII і XV centuries. The architectural style of the temple was the development of some kind of art for that hour. The name resembles the name of one of the Balinese deities.

If the temple is not open for the masses, you can call on it in order to appreciate the miraculous architecture with a new world. Significantly, є deakі vіdhilennya vіd original. The gates, for example, are not the same as they were earlier, the stench was changed with the hour. The earthworm on the cob of the XX century also had a small negative impact. In fact, at one time, you can only touch a part of the temple, as if it is overwhelmed with imminent, the axis is already six hundred years old.

Coordinates: -8.65367300,115.21021000

The most popular memories of Denpasar with descriptions and photographs for any relish. Choose the best places for visiting the city of Denpasar on our website.

The status of the capital of the island of Denpasar was removed after the Dutch colonialists were driven from Bali in 1958. Before this place was a modest administrative center of the Badung district, with which it shared one name for two. Vtіm, the rich title did not change much in the life of Denpasar, but rather, having expanded its borders, it added to the growth of a larger bureaucratic apparatus.

After all, the capital has rotted away the sudan places - Sanur and Kutu, which are formally vvazhayutsya її districts, but really independent resort areas. Sound Denpasar characterize as a place of mixing Javanese, Chinese and European cultures, and even if you take a walk in the streets, you will understand that “Asian motives” are still dominant in the daily life of the place.

Significant city of Denpasar

At the request of "Denpasar" the searchers invariably show the photos of the Puputan square. The very stars of the island robbed the first few steps to independence, really, do it in their own way. In 1906, roci, at the request of the Dutch military, took power in Badunga, the mist's elite, having taken their children, came to the square and committed puptan - ritual self-destruction. Here you can find a memorial about the mystery, which depicts a group of people dressed in white robes and pierced with knives.

On the territory of the square there is also the Bali Museum, which, ironically, shares the share of the "foul Dutch" in 1937. The foundation of the foundations will be the objects of folk art and will be pobuted, vryatovani vіd vyvezennya і from the country by smugglers. Three chotiriokh yogo budіvel represent different styles of Balinese palace architecture. In the main distribution of various historical artifacts - like a stone sarcophagus, which is already 2200 years old, up to the photographs of the date of 1906. Up in the mountains, a collection of everyday objects of everyday use and home stuffing was looted. At the first pavilion, decorated in the style of Singaradzhi, you will find ancient Balinese fabrics, and in the other, which repeats the style of the 18th century Karangasem, you will find objects of worship. Design of the third pavilion vikonano in Tabanan regency style; there are saved speeches that go to music and dances, including a collection of masks, dolls and costumes. The museum has no catalogues, no explanatory plates, so you just happen to be satisfied with the beauty of the exhibits exhibited at the new one. Opening hours for Bali Museum: Tue-Thu 8.00-16.00, item 8.30-13.00; paid entry.

Not far from the Puputan square, right on the chewing crossroads, it is pathetic to marvel at the Denpasar "compass" Katur Muka - a Balinese idol hanging by the stone. Skin from the divine faces of the torment of atrocities to a specific part of the world - Pivdnya, Sunset, Descent and Pivnochi, that statue is often taken as a simple showman. The system of one-way traffic directs you to the road to Jalan-Veteran, or to the exit, to the bridge of Jalan-Surapati, as soon as the name was changed, it became known as the “road to Sanur”. On the way to the crossroads Ide Jalan-Gadzha-Mada, oblyamovana banks, shops and restaurants. Nezabar it will grow out of Jalan-Sulaves, and then from the brudnoy and mіstsy we will finish with the stinking river Badung.

Above the great park at Renona hang the Bajra Sandhi monument. This majestic monument with a height of 45 meters is a symbol of the struggle of the Balinese for independence against the Dutch heap on the cob of the XX century. The territory of the monument has a rectangular shape and is divided into three equal parts: at the first part there is a library, an exhibition center, a conference hall and an information center; at the other - halls with exposition and diorama, dedicated to different periods of the island's history and ritual self-destruction putan; at the third zone, the guards, having completed 70 gatherings, spend their time on an observant maidanchik, from which a wonderful view of Denpasar opens up. The monument of Bajra Sandhi may even have a garnier old look and vibrancy in the style of Balinese architecture. Yogo territory is sharpened by tall trees and by a sighting garden, which will make Yogo a miraculous location for photo shoots and a favorite place for city dwellers.

Religion for the inhabitants of Denpasar is an indispensable part of life, so in the mystic temples it is never empty. The sanctuary of Pura Jagatnath is the most famous architectural sight. Temple of dedication to the supreme deity Sangyang Vidi. Three of the impersonal Hindu gods - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva - are considered the main ones, but the only ones who fit into the Indonesian punk power, or the national code. The temple itself is not large, but it is effectively decorated in the Hindu style. You can watch yoga, be it Friday.

The sanctuary of Pura Maosakhit looks more modest on the aphids of its pretentious susid, although it has no less paraffian. The territory of the temple gave rise to dozens of unimaginable sculptures and statues, beyond which there were more visitors. Before we speak, do not try to have a meal in Pura Maospahit through the head gate - they are only opened at the great saint, and then not for the tourist brethren. Ob_ydіt vіvtar z іnshoy side and pobachite alternative vkhіd. Donations are made to the volunteer-primus order.

Crimea is an object of religious worship, in Denpasar there are a couple of royal palaces - the place of residence of many rulers of Badung. One of them - Puri Agung Denpasar - is considered to be unusual for Bali architecture, which is why the "wine" Dutch, yak, changed the imperial residence to their own taste. Bud_vlya dosі sacks - accept, for documents, zgіdno zgіdno s yakimi to be registered with the governor of the city.

The Palace of Puri Agung Pemekutan called is a typical ballet. The complex of impulses of the XVI century served as a royal residence. Needless to say, it will look especially majestic, but for Denpasar, who is not rich in the memory of Denpasar, it is already a must-see object.

If you want to go to the other part of the Balinese capital, you can have a drink at the Taman Budaya Cultural Center (Taman Werdi Budaya). Open on all days, Crimea Monday, 8.00-17.00; paid entry. Internally, it is necessary for you to have a drink in that event, as you have never danced the national Balinese dances and burn the banquet listening to the folklore. Insurance action for the average tourist. Skin worms and limes at the Art Center to host the great festival of Balinese art. Obov'yazkovo find out about the possibility of post-postering at the rehearsals, the stench is just like a cicada, as if you were performing. Dances can be danced and entrusted from Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia, previously known as the Indonesian Academy of Dance, and now as a dance academy.

Mіstsya vіdpochinku i rozvag

Vybіr rozvag in Denpasar is not rich, even if not far away, Kuta is known with the usual attributes of night life. Behind the bazhannya you can “feel good at the cinema”, which is the 5-room blue-plex “Wisata 21” (Jl. Thamrin, 29). Tickets are cheap (up to $ 2), films go to my original with subtitles, the poster is given in the Bali Post newspaper. The second demanded rose is the traditional Balinese dances, widely represented on the squares of the city.

Barong dance near the Kesiman quarter near the center "Catur Eka Budhi" (Jl. Waribang). Service hours: 9.30-10.30, entry 50,000 Rp, transfer to bemo from Ubung ta Kereneng station to go to Batubulan. Anonymous travel companies organize trips to the show directly from the resorts, for a price of $15-20 per person, including admission tickets and transportation. For five minutes of walking on a pіvden vіd tsgo maidanchik to give a manifestation of the kechak dance, even more spectacular. You can dance from 18.30 to 19.30 on the stage of "Uma Dewi" ("Stage Uma Dewi"). In the afternoon, at a break between the spiritual experiences of dancers, spend an hour walking around the city or shopping centers.

Zha near Denpasari

Denpasar is not considered the best place for gastronomic tourism: on the same Bali you can know the place from more high level service and an extensive menu. The archpriests of the mystical varungivs should not flood the mandrіvniks with hunger. Mayzha at the leather cafe is treated with lubricated or boiled rice with additives and spices, lubricated pork (baby gulin), soup from black kvass, and also spiced with rudjak fruit salad. Prices on all sides are not modest, so you can eat, eat and dine at the Varungs with a royal touch.

Steak from Boy "N" Cow restaurant

Asian cuisine is popular in Denpasari, and not less than Indonesian: the city has a lot of Chinese and Korean snacks. Fans of European varto snacks can visit local bakeries, where you can stock up on fresh buns to rank cavi. An important aspect: you can dine at street restaurants until a maximum of 22:00. For some reason, for some reason, I happened to sleep with a meal, in addition to the mystical night market. Starting from the late evening, here the right food bacchanalia is raging, do not take the fate of the albeit more smoothly. Some exotic flavors are confused with an unprepared herbal system, to put it mildly - 90% of herbs propagated at the market are smeared in liters of dewy ole and seasoned with the very thermonuclear varieties of spices. And there is no doubt about the freshness of the products: Denpasartians themselves love to dine at such markets, moreover, without any harm to health.


Denpasar is ideal for shopaholics, as if they were trying to stop asking “what is this”, with a unique Asian flavor. The most prominent trade outlets are shops and craftsmen that promote the batik of the craftsmanship. Varto similar beauty is not cheap, but to marvel at the process of creativity - a lot of shops give such an opportunity - we become aware of why the sellers do not burn for bargaining. Zokrema, don't go through the Bali Bidadari Batik, de mission artists to create right in front of the suffocating tourists. Wonderful selection of painted fabrics in Maju Batik Fabric, as well as Sahara Batik Fabric.

Erlangga has a bad reputation among inexpensive shops - do not pay for cheap batik, but copy T-shirts and souvenirs here. Kumbassari Market is a hybrid of a shopping center and a wholesale market, where you can buy it at any time, starting with gum slippers and finishing with tableware. Krіm rospisnyh drіbnichok, in Denpasar you can buy more and more elite goods, for example, jewelry sets. For my plan, the best option for shopping will be the UC Silver Gold factory store. Go here as soon as possible with a good guide, which is a kind of grounding about the quality of that stage of embellishment, and not stubbornly cheating to buy another skin quality.

De zupinitisya

There is no reason to develop a hotel business in a place that, for 99% of tourists, is no more than a transit point on the way to the beach resorts of the island. As a result: such a sight, like a five-star hotel, at Denpasari in the daytime. Then you can get decent fours from the middle rate for a double room - from 394,000 IDR (about 1,750 RUB). In vipadkah, if you want to be as abstract as possible from the hotel staff and into the whole world, you can rent a villa. Fallow in the rivers, the presence of the lake near the pool and the month of roztashuvannya, similarly satisfied, can cost 956 917 IDR (4360 RUB), so 6 582 784 IDR (approximately 30 000 RUB). For 136 655 - 153 600 IDR (600-700 RUB) tourists can spend the night in a room with a double bed in Denpasari. Lіzhko-m_sce in the out-of-doors kіmnaі cost more cheaply - from 65 830 IDR (approximately 300 RUB).


Mandrіvniki, yakі do not like deposits in the environment, in Denpasari dozilno rent a motorcycle or a scooter, yakі zdayutsya chi not on the skin croci. It’s true, it’s better to post ahead, how to get around on the roads of a city dweller, so that you are aware of the peculiarities of the national movement, which here, to the point of speech, is left-handed. Rent a motorbike in Bali with loyalists nowhere: they could show passports at the outpost and show their driving license, everything is at your own risk. The most economical way is to rent a transport bill for a month. Ring for such clients, the clerks of the offices to earn decent discounts. A similar tariff is much more expensive.

Korisno know: on the vіdmіnu vіd Vlasnikіv rental companies, the Denpasar police officers watch the tourists who saddled the scooter, vіdіyskі vіdchennya. Vіdsutnіst on the hands of the document threatens with a decent fine, it's better not to risk it.

There is still no way to navigate in the transport stream and mingle with my extreme sportsmen, chirp the minibuses - bemo (stuffy, tight, but not cheap). May all minibuses roam not only around the city, but also cross the border, transporting passengers to the resorts: in Kuta, Jimbaran, Ubud, Nusa Dua and others. As a rule, the names of pochatkovyh, end and great intermediate points are written on the minibuses themselves, which make it easy to identify their route. Vartist no more than the place does not exceed 2000 Rp, but the tourists will cry overpay. Zupiniti bemo can be on a be-yakіy zupintsi just wave your hand. You can also take a taxi in Moscow. Alone, like a trip with a minibus, it’s necessary to stay in the water, first you sit in the salon and the car is worth the trip. Baliytsі, obviously, are a people of smiles and affability, but to rip off an unidentified tourist with their skins from this part of Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Asia - a honorable tradition, in spite of which they are not allowed to enter.

How to reach

Denpasar may be in the Ngurah Rai airport, 13 km per day from the place. You can get here from Moscow with a transfer, flights Moscow - Singapore - Denpasar (Singapur Airlines) and Moscow - Istanbul - Denpasar (Turkish Airlines + Air Asia). From Sheremetyevo to smut place Bali are also flying by Russian aircraft: a non-stop flight, an hour from the road - 12 years. 20 min. By the way, in the airport of Denpasar there is a decent duty free zone, so if it’s more expensive for an hour, you didn’t manage to buy everything that you planned, you can spend it here.

You can get from the airport to Denpasar by transfer, just by calling the hotel, by bus (parking for domestic and international terminals), as well as by taxi. The best option for expensive families is online booking of an individual transfer with water.

Denpasar is the largest city in the province of Bali and the capital of madness. to be found here International airport, which serves all the visiting tourists, Denpasar is recognized as a point of departure for trains to other resorts of the island. Ignorance of those, wines of cicavia and here, to marvel at, and go where. Place in the house, i. Details about the capital of the island of Bali, transport infrastructure, excursions and tourist facilities, etc.

Capital of Bali

Denpasar (Indon. Kota Denpasar) is a place near the pvdenno-shidny shore of Bali, the capital and the largest population point of the province. The population of Denpasar is less than 800 thousand, but the place itself is respected by the administrative center. The name of the capital is translated from Indonesian, like “Misto Denpasar” or “instruction from the market”. The markets of the place are one of the key reminders of the importance of tourists. Two more great places Sanur and Kuta together with Denpasar make up the Bali agglomerate of the largest industrially developed regions.

Most tourists do not travel to Denpasar on purpose, giving priority to the provincial regions for relief. The capital serves the entire tourist flow, the rocks here are the only international airport Ngurah Rai. therefore, the flow of tourists is colossal. Denpasar tsikaviy due to various reasons. For all the benefits of the administrative center, here is the biggest difference for the tourism segment. At the capital, what to do, where to go and marvel at what. Head temples, palaces and museums are right here. From the place you can easily get to any area or a dry island, with which transportation is not obtained by the city, it’s just obvious, like for an Indonesian province.

Denpasar is the administrative center of the island of Bali, which is where the governor's residence and the office of the administration of the Badung district are located. Previously, Badung was called the very place. The official name of the wines was taken away from 1936 roci, and less from 1958 roci becoming the administrative center of the island. Tsіy podії overwhelmed the centuries-old colonization of the kistyaks by the Dutch, right up to 1906, if there was a hromada rebellion. Tsya podia entered the history of the island, as one of the highest and least.

On post. In the 20th century, Holland reordered the province and expanded its colonization. As a sign of protest, the king, members of yoga sim'ї and more than a hundred residents of Bali committed an act of mass self-destruction "Puputana". Tsya podia has gone down in history and has become one of the national saints, which are marked for a short time. In order to commemorate the dead and honor the honor of the birth of the royal family of the Balinese people, the square, on which the act of bloodshed was made, is called “Puputan Square”, and a monument was erected on the riddle about the heroic filling.

In 1936, the district of Badung Bulo was renamed to Denpasar. In 1958 it was decided to move the capital here. The very last thing was the economic growth of the region and the entire island. Zaraz, Denpassar is the most industrial and industrial place on the pivdenno-shidny coast, the most popular resort in Indonesia. Vіn maє vіdminniy tourist potential and proponuє sichnu ekskursіynu program. Undoubtedly, yoga varto should be included in the program of expensive Bali and take a look at the memoirs of the church if you want to. The capital is not like any other place on the island and is suitable for shoppers, who love gold, which is cheap here.


Characteristic for Denpasar are those that are marked by the roztashuvannyam of the place on the pivdnі from the equator. Tse means that in the region there are not 4 seasons, as we call the sound of separation, but a total of 2: summer and winter. Winter is accompanied by strong fall and three leaves from fall until spring. Largest number falling off in the chest-fierce. The length of the stretch for Denpasar is characteristic of 1700 mm. Vzimku here, which beneficially pours into the tropical growth. Exotic fruits ripen at this hour, greenery blooms and the peak of tropical winter begins. Ale, with which stand of the thermometer, it is stable throughout the entire rock. The average temperature in winter is +26 Co. Through the temple of moisture, cold weather is felt. to that, the temperature is +22 Co.

Least woods in the summer period. Summer in Denpasar is a sleepy night, smoky and smoky - an ideal hour for a beach break. Closer to the end of the night-on the cob, the grass rises in the summer and three until the middle of the harvest. The short dry season is the peak of the tourist flow. The most pleasant weather for the fall of sickle-spring, if the fall falls no more than 50 mm per month, it lasts only 1-2 days. Ale vlіtku angry mute vzagali. During this period, the woods are short-lived and warm, so they don’t make repairs every day. The stench is trying to win over. After the board is richly accepted, go on excursions. Influx temperature again at the average to become + 26 ... + 27 Co. The lowest day temperature at the lime is +25 Co. Leaf fall is the most special month on the river. In leaf fall, the temperature per day becomes + 28 ° C.

The change of temperature by stretching the rock is selected at +3 Co. Warehouse temperature at night 22 Co. The difference between the dry and wet seasons is 277 mm of fall, while the leaf fall is 46 mm, and that of the sich is 323 mm.

The population of that Meshkantsi

Denpasar has a miraculous population growth rate. According to the rest of the census of 2014, the number of the population becomes 856,412 persons, which may be 70 thousand more, compared with 2010, if the value became 788,600 persons. Since the data is outdated and a new census is planned for 2018, we can only assume that for the trend of growth in the number of inhabitants at the moment, we can become a million people. In this rank, Denpasar can be called a metropolis or the largest city in Indonesia.

Kuta and Sanur, which are located not far from Denpasar, are considered as a single conglomerate, which, in order to praise the inhabitants of these settlements, the number clearly exceeds a million. Denpasar is characterized by national diversity. The majority of the population are native Balinese, who live for 2-3 generations on the island. Nearly 15% of the Indonesians, who came from other places to earn money for their permanent place of residence. Rashta - provincial tribes and tourists from the earth. Bali is one of the most popular resorts in the world, so the number of tourists during the summer season outweighs the number of tourists from the city.

(Agama Hindu Dharma) - a variety of Hindu-Shaivism, which is common in the collection of Hinduism and Buddhism. Shiva chi Brahma is the supreme deity. Balinese Hinduism is being vowed to be old, more precisely, the Indonesian version. Not zaglyuyuchis coils of religii trace signify that the current religion on the islands of Bali is the same version of the tієї, which was in India in the 15th century.

Significant reminders

Denpasar makes history. Mentally, all significant reminders of the place can be subdivided into historical, religious and cultural ones. The place of the cicave of various temples, Puputan square and the national museum of Bali. It is necessary to include the capital of the island in the excursion, even if it is a sacred place for the Balinese and to allow you to get to know the national-cultural warehouse region.

Puputan Square

Puputan Square (Alun-Alun Puputan) is the main square of the city and an important historical center. The name was taken away by the zavdyaks to the historical podias that came to the islands on the cob of the twentieth century. Puputan is a ritual of mass self-destruction. Literally puputan is a suicidal struggle to the death. Raja Badunga is the king of Bali, in protest against the Dutch colonization, prophesying death for himself at once among the members of his family, the nobles and the simple inhabitants of the island. The whole royal homeland and the head officials of the city perished in a zagal at the confused.

As a sign of eternal memory of the 1906 fate, in honor of the great raja of Badung, the Bajra Sandhi monument was erected. The height of the monument is 45 m. The won is a symbol of the struggle of the Balinese people against the Dutch occupation. Based on historical facts, Holland tried to colonize Bali on the cob of the XX century. In order not to give in to the enemies, the raja with this retinue went to the occupants at the ceremonial white tents in embellishments made of gold, they stabbed themselves with daggers. The other participants began to drive in one by one, after which the Dutch fired fire to finish off the people who fought in agony, and take expensive embellishments from them. For unofficial tributes, over a thousand perished at the confused.

Bali Museum

The Bali Museum (Museum Negeri Propinsi Bali) is located on the opposite side of Puputan Square. This is the central museum of the place, which at once from the Puputan square establishes a single architectural complex. The Bali Museum is divided into 4 rooms, in the skin zone there is a single group of exhibits: historical, archeological, ethnographic and objects of figurative, applied and decorative art.

Bali Museum is home to a grand collection of national costumes, ritual masks, paintings, objects for all populations. A special place in the collection is occupied by ritual masks. These are unique exhibits that reflect the history and culture of the Balinese people and the island from prehistoric times to the present day.

The Museum was founded in 1910 by a Dutchman who tried to save the art objects of the Balinese people for export to the USA and the Netherlands. Bud_vlya bula zruynovana through the earthworks in 1917 roci. In 1932, the German artist Walter Shpins was engaged in the reconstruction of the future and the creation of new 4 pavilions. The central pavilion of dedications to the oldest artifacts. Pivdenny pavilion of dedications to costumes and national odeas. The pivnіchna part of the museum - musical instruments, and the back pavilion of dedications to the history of Hinduism and ritual expositions. This is the true cicavia museum, one of the best in Bali.

Pura Jagatnatha

Temple of Pura Agung Jagatnata (Pura Agung Jagatnata), roztasovaniya not far from the pivnіchnoy wall of the Balinese Museum, the main Hindu temple of the island. Zvedeniya Pura Jagatnata in 1953 moved to the part of the deity Sangyang Vidi Vasa. Temple of Tsikaviy with its atypical facade. The main sculpture of the deity Sang is a turtle, which symbolizes the Earth. Near the turtles are installed naked - snakes, calling to protect. Reveal the shrine of the sculptural composition, which vindicates the stories from the "Ramayana" and "Mahabharati". Tse sovereign temple, poke yogo and see in the middle, you can hunt the skin.

Tanah Lot Temple

Tanah Lot Temple (Pura Tanah Lot) is one of the most important temples on the island and is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The temple is not located in Denpasar itself, but 20 km from the place in the small village of Beraban, but all the same it can be seen before the holy memorials. The uniqueness of the temple is poured into a unique rosette. Vіn znahoditsya on the skeleta and oozing water. To see yoga itself, you can only see it for an hour.

Tanah Lot lie down to the sea shrines. Zgіdno z legend, vіn calls to protect the island from unclean evil spirits. Temple of dedication to the sea god Bharara Segar. Before entering the temple, you have to drink water from the dzherel and pray. Near the temple, Holy Piodalan is celebrated - the most holy brand of all believers of the island. Zgidno with historical tributes, Tanakh Lot was inspired by the Brahmin Nirarti, who came to Bali to enlighten the people about Hinduism. The place of everyday life was chosen inviolately. Nirarti bobbed at the rock the fermentation of the bird and the light that came out of the dzherel. The water is fresh and vvazhaetsya healthy. Tse sovereign temple, poke yogo and see in the middle, you can hunt the skin.

Palace Pemekutan

Pemecutan Palace (Puri Pemecutan) is one of the few palace complexes that are open to tourists. The palace is the largest residence of the royal homeland of that kind of Pemekutan. The palace is located near the Kumbasari market, near the old quarter of the city. Inspirations of the XVII century, vіn chastkovo buv ruynovaniya pіd hour of fighting with the Dutch in 1906 roci. After the death of the king, that member of this same palace turned into ruins. The blue rajas lived, they inspired yogo and at once Pemekutan should lie with the king of Ida Kokord.

This part of the place is still known by its guests. It was entrusted from the Palace of Pemekutan to find the best apartments of the place, from which one can see a wonderful edge view on the city's beaches and all the place.

Satria Palace

Satria Palace (Puri Satria) and the royal temples form a single architectural ensemble. Vіn buv the main residence of the royal homeland of Denpasar. Viconic in the traditional colonial style. The middle ones are pavilions dedicated to the kings of the island. Dosi palats Satria victorious for administrative purposes. Here is the residence of the governor. The palace has a unique collection of daggers. Palats vodkryto for the introduction of tourists.

Maosahit Temple

Maospahit Temple (Pura Maospahit) is one of the oldest sacred spores of the island. Yogo іstorіya syagaє to the period of rule of the Majapahit epoch, dated XIII-XV Art. The facade and architecture conform to the canons of that period. Larger budіvlі vykonan z chervonoї tseglya masonry. On post. XX century, the temple recognized a strong earth coward, which zruynuvav more part of life. Part of the statues survived, but more - fell under the walls of the temple. Tse closed the temple, to see yoga and go inside the middle, do not see, but I deserve credit for those just to have mercy on him.

Rice terraces

Rice terraces are one of the iconic monuments of the island of Bali. I cover a thousand hectares, and move 10 centuries a century. There are no rice terraces near Denpasar itself, but there is a stench on the outskirts of the place. This is definitely the largest monument of the island, which is a natural and man-made object. The most popular rice terraces:

  • Tegallalang (Tegallalang) for 9 km from Ubud;
  • Jatiluwih for 3 km from Tabanan;
  • Belimbing Village (Belimbing Village) for 50 km from Denpasar;
  • Kekeran Busung Biu 2 km from Munduk.

You can get to them from Denpasar by public transport. There are rice terraces and rice fields on the island. Not the same. Rice fields are roztashovanі on the plains and є sіlskogospodarskim ugіddyami. And the axis of rice terraces is popular among tourists. The stench of similar plantations on the slopes. They look like hell.


Denpasar is a shopping paradise in Bali. The capital is known by markets, which attract tourists to see the capital. In the markets of Denpasar, everything is richly cheaper, lower in other places. Find the critical markets of Badung and Kumbasari. Tse tsili chotiripoverkhovi shopping centers, yakі dilet the river Badung. Having visited Denpassari, you should see the following:

  1. Rinok Badung (Pasar Badung) is one of the largest markets in Bali. Raztoshovaniya at the very heart of the place on the street Jalan Gazakh Mada. Є chotiripoverhovy shopping complex. On the first page, food products are sold. Souvenirs, Balinese textiles, masks and other items are sold on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th surfaces. In Ubud and Nusa Dua you can buy everything, but the price will be more.
  2. The market of Kumbasari (Pasar Kumbasari) is a great market, which is known in order from Badung. Here you can also sell anonymous souvenirs, fruits, special handicrafts, and a bigger market. Prices in Kumbasari are the same as in Badungu.
  3. Textile shops on Jalan Sulawesi street. On this street there are many fabric shops near the city. Vulitsya є sutsіlnі trade rows, filled with different fabrics. The selection of traditional Balinese folk costumes and fabrics is simply majestic. The most popular store on the street is Batik Popiler II. Here you can buy fabrics, hand-painted batik, hand-painted women's clothes, as well as take a tour of the factory to get to know the craft better.
  4. Jewelry boutique Naia Jewelry. The embellishment industry flourishes on the island. From Denpasa you can buy gold, silver, decorate with expensive stones cheaper, no matter what. Naia Jewelry is the most popular embellishment store, where you can buy beautiful and inexpensive heels, earrings, bracelets and more.

So, Denpasar has a shopping center. Find some of them:

  • Robinsons;
  • Ramayana (Ramayana);
  • Matahari (Matahari Duta Plaza).

You can buy everything your heart desires from these shopping centers: from luxurious fabrics to hand-made souvenirs.


I know Denpasari. Vіn serves the resort, zdіysnyuchi flights from rіznіh prіmіkіv, navіt moscow. To be found not in the city itself, but 13 km from the capital. Closer to the new one is the resort of Kuta, only 2 km away, but still you can enter the Denpasar airport. The third largest airport in Indonesia. I named the airport Nguah Rai after honoring Gusti Ngurah Rai, who died in 1946 during the war for the independence of Bali.

The airport was inspired by the 30s. XX Art. from 700 m smuga, and only in 1992 the rock was increased to 3 km, which made it possible to serve large passenger airliners. Ngurah Rai serves over 6 million passengers on the river, with direct and interchange flights around the world.

Denpasar - cіkave, samobutnє i more privablivy place. Tourists often undeservedly honor this respect, giving the honor to the greater tourist regions, and darma, so that the capital of Bali will take away all the flavor of the Balinese people, the history and culture of the island.

- A small island near the warehouse of the Indonesian archipelago. The wine is covered with emerald rice plantations, flower forests and brown trees. Yaskravі tropichnі kvіti smell on the whole island. Washed by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean.

The city of Denpasar was located on the main island, its capital since 1958. The population of the administrative center will be 500 thousand inhabitants. Mіstsevі inhabitants are more good-natured, zhitєradisnі and friendly people. The stench sacredly vshanovuyut their traditions and old religious zvicha, not allowing guests to destroy them. Therefore, tourists should follow the established code of conduct.


Zavdyaks are close to the equator, temperature fluctuations here are even insignificant. Tsiliy Rik is trimmed constant temperature between 30-33 ° C during the day and 22-26 ° C at night. The moisture of the temple, whether it be the time of fate, but the main amount of fall falls in the season of wood from the chest to the moon. The water in the ocean is like milk - the temperature does not fall below 26 degrees, in the dry season, the peak of which falls on the sickle, warms up to 29 degrees.

Significant reminders

The architecture of Denpasar is a marvelous mix of Javanese, Chinese and European cultures, a mix of everyday life with a provincial landscape.

At the center of the place is Puputan Square. Її embellish the monument with a group of Balinese - men, women and children - with Malay daggers in their hands. The monument symbolizes the hope of the colonial population at the beginning of the 20th century. And the order to hang a 5-meter statue of the god Shivi.

The entrustment from the square is one of the main monuments of the city - the temple of Pura Jagatnath. Tse marvelous palace. There are stars of white coral on the walls, there are vines on the tortoise shell, and around the perimeter of the city there are statues of dragons.

Nearby there are famous people in the whole world, the Bali Museum. It is an architectural ensemble of palaces and temples, inspired by the style of mystical traditions. The stench opposes the visualization of forms and the subtlety of details. The main theme of the museum is anthropology and ethnography. Expositions dedicated to the history, culture, traditions and people, religion of the natives. Here are exhibited objects, costumes and masks, sarcophagi, elements of folk art. This treasury is made up of exclusive gold and silver embellishments, unique jewelry of Malays.

The center of mysticism of roztashovaniya on pіvdenno-shіdnіy outskirts of Denpasar. A majestic complex, which chimerically intertwined the straightforwardness of modernity and the subtlety of the Right, sprawling over five hectares of coconut hai. Here you will find the Museum of Art, a sprinkling of art galleries that represent all sides of the cultural and historical life of Bali.

Visiting card to the Center - the amphitheater of the city of 600 osib. A large-scale festival will take place near the red-lipny stage on the yoga stage, before the program of which includes theatrical performances, musical compositions and graceful dances. There is a restaurant on the territory of the establishment, which mainly promotes national cuisine - hospitality and taste for Europeans. "Sate" - grilled meat seasoned with local spices and sauces, "gado-gado" - salad made from local vegetables with peanut butter, "soto ayam" - hot chicken soup, smeared with rice and pasta, cooked according to a secret Balinese recipe. Denpasar has announced the rest of 30 years. To this significant world, spriya zbіlsheniy to tsikh mіsts Іstsі interests of tourists. The city has grown fashionable hotels and exotic mini-hotels of the rural type. There are no-one restaurants here to promote the skhidni, American and European strains, cafes with family cuisine.

"Bioscope" - a local cinema with five screens. Here to love young people. The poster of the sessions is specific. It mainly shows Indian and Indonesian films, as well as American cinema with similar martial arts.

Night life is concentrated at a number of social clubs and disco bars. The main dance is hot Balinese dances: legong, kechak, janger. Aboriginal sticks are completely artistic. The stinks don't just dance, they create whole folklore manifestations that enchant with their unique rhythms and storylines. Ale zagalom life in Denpasar, calm and quiet.

Uzdovzh dorіg shops and small trading complexes were built. Pasar Budung is the main local market, the largest and the largest on the entire island of Bali! Chinese, Arab and Indian merchants in all directions call out to buyers, propagating wealth. On the shelves you can find tubular spices and spices, exotic fruits and vegetables. Proponuyutsya to the respect of the buyers of the hospitality like a razor dagger, kilim fabrics with marvelous visor, colorful sarongs - a classic Balinese robe, openwork gold and silver wool, expensive dishes in the style of filigree, ethnic goods - masks, toys, tools, tools. For special respect, the fabrics are endek or ikat, prepared for the original craft technology.

The transport link at Denpasari is good. You can reach any point of the place by a scheduled minibus. Exotics for tourists is a kind of transport, although the Baliytsiv is the best way to transfer.

To the respect of the guests, there are no number of tourist routes and excursions. Walking can be done by walking or cycling.

Bedugul is a mountain reserve on the outskirts of Denpasar with an area of ​​120 hectares. Yogo is guided by a special reminder of the miraculous beauty of the garden of orchids. You can look at skils - there are hundreds of colors of different varieties and varieties.

Not far away, a mawpy forest grew up. Mavpi nemov manual squirrels! It is important to make contact with people, asking for frequent and not giving inaccuracies. The park of birds inhabited by over 250 species of tropical birds and birds of color. At the Reptile Park you can see the largest lizard in the world - the Komodo dragon, which grows over three meters of the head with a weight of up to 100 kg. It is not safe, therefore excursions to the Reptile Park are carried out only by informed medical guides.

At 10-20 km from Denpasar there are Sanur resorts and Kuta resort. Sanur is suitable for family support. Coral reefs protect yoga from the dry sides, coastal waters here are calm and warm. Kuta with its strong sea currents and steep whirlpools is a perfect paradise for surfers.

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