Spoleto: history and head memorials of the place. Cuisine and restaurants

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Bashtoviy Mist (Ponte delle Torri) is one of the most famous monuments of the Italian city of Spoleto. Sporuda, prompted by nearly 800 years of that, by the same function of the bridge and aqueduct.

The name Bashtoviy Mist has been removed, as it is easy to greet, through vezhi, as roztashovani on yogo kintsyah. At the party fortetsya Albornoziana (Rocca Albornoziana). From the side of the old fort is 12 meters high.

The height of the bridge will be close to 80 meters, and the height of the bridge is close to 230 meters. 9 arches, which are suitable for the place, are folded into blocks of musk vapnyak. At the central pylon є nishi. Earlier, mabut, the stench was stagnant for the sentinels. In the 19th century, the maidans began to vikoristovuvatisya yak oglyadov, to see the boyish land.

The arches of the bridge are located on the rise one way out of one. Shvidshe for all the tse is tied with the features of the relєfu. Budwellers are mali on the way to the growth of the place, but it’s far away, judging by that, some rocky winnings have already been in place.

At the upper part of the Bashtovoy bridge, there is an aqueduct, and in the lower part of the way you can cross the gorge and marvel at Spoleto from the side.


Dear reader, for a joke to see if there is food in Italy, speed up. I refer to all the power supply from the comments on the basis of the current articles more often than not. Your guide in Italy Artur Yakutsevich.

The historians did not go one thought to the drive of that, if the Bashtoviy Mist had itself appeared. One version of the test was that they built a yak aqueduct for the 12th century. It began because the people of Barbarossi were robbing the place of Spoleto. Іnsha version of the transmission, but the place has appeared at the 14th century, for the Spanish cardinal Albornos.

Refusal to decide, but they will be in the place practically all over the place. Vikoristovuvavsya principle "in the world by the nittsi". With such a rank, we will be ridiculed at that hour with the butt of a huge project.

Yak disstatsya

Bashtoviy place of retouching for 800 meters on the highway from the Moscow Rinka Square (Piazza del Mercato). Win prompts through the girsku gorge, like a protoku river Tessino (Tessino). The sporud was seized by the pagorba of St. Illi and the mountains of Monteluko.


Spoleto is one of the most famous places in Umbria. Tsikaviy vin is not only through numerical memorials, not less respect for the merits and beauty of the world nature. It’s almost, very much, from the history of the Duchy of Spolets - a feudal state, the capital of which and Bulo Spoleto.


The first time they settled on that place, where Spoleto was located, they nailed the umbri. Proof of the great number of the massive walls dating from the IV centuries to our era can be found in the newest part of the city, close to Fortetsi (Rocca). During the Roman era, there was a place of great importance, and it was a lot of things to do in the distant place of Spoleto, and it is also a place to be located not far from this very Flaming road, which is a nation from the winter of Rome. Then the place became the capital of the Lombard duchy, and with a stretch of baguity to capitalize the wealth, the glory of Spoleto did not become more abundant, but multiplied.

Photo: panoramic view of Spoleto

In the meantime, if you read the history of the Umbria and read the literature, then the mysteries of the Duchy of Spolet from the capital of Spoleto, which appeared here from 570 to 776 and from 842 to 1213 years old, remember On the right, the duchy, for a stretch of more than five capitals, gave the strongest political inflow to fill the great territory of the central part of the Apeninsky Pyostrov. The territory of the Duchy of Spoleto stretched from the Tiber Valley to the Marche region, and the history of the past reached the Adriatic Sea, but also the center of the Italian regions of the Umbria () and the last three years passed through the last three years.

In the photo: a map of the Duchy of Spolets

The Duchy of Spoleto became known to the 570th rock, because the Lonobardi swallowed up the territory. It’s trivial to see it (and it has cleared up more than the Longobard state), the duchy is once again, in the first place, not far from the geographic position, and even the territory was otochened from the sides of the mountains. Another reason for more and more success (especially on other suspects) is the possibility of growth, not making a serious support from the side of Vizantia, as well as visibility towards the center of the logo

In the photo: the square of the Cathedral of the Cathedral

On the very ear of its own, the Duchy of Spoleto controlled the Via Flaminia, which bridged Rome and the Adriatic Uzbek, and, more precisely, the Ravenskaia Exarchate and Petnapolis Marche. In addition, a number of reinforced places have been built on the Flameninewoi road, such as Narnia, Amelia, Terni and Perugia. All the places of the place were dominated by the Duchy of the Territory of the Longobards, which took over the autonomy of Spoleto. In the last quarter of the 8th century, even after the sunset of the Langobard Kingdom, the duchy became a feudal volodymyr of francs and in general status existed until the 13th century. Ale in 1201, Emperor Otto IV gave Spoleto to Papi Rimsky, and from 1213 to Spoleto, ruled by the governor (call in the cardinal's rank), we will order without priority to Papi. That duchy became part of the Pap region.


Inspection of the monastic monuments can be seen from the top of the hill of St. Ilya (S. Elia), where there is a bila pidnizhzhja Monteluco. The name burn, before the speech, is deciphered even more quickly, in the new one there are two words monte - mountain and lucus - sacred fox.


Here, at a height of 400 meters, a fortress was laid out. Vona is named in honor of Cardinal Albornots, which in 1359 rotsi, if the place was an outpost of the papal state, when he called to the founding point of Spoleto fortets, she could serve as the papal residence. As soon as you marvel at the plan of the fortress, then you start to look at it, you’ll see a straight line with bolsters around the perimeter, building around two courtyards - Zbroyovy dvor and Poshani’s Dvor. Until the speech, the fortress of the buduvali, the dawn, and with the aim of enhancing the authority of the church, even in the same period the Vatican plans to turn the residence of the pontiff to Rome, sending the popes to Avignon.

Until 1983, the fortunes of the fortress were held in good condition, and in 2007 the National Museum of the Duchy of Spoleto was located here. Here, at the chronological end of the presentation of the materials, the art of the historical scenes of the great region of Spoleto, and the museum's exhibits are known to last until the other half of the IV century. Well, plus, from the height of the fortress walls, one can see an overwhelming landscape on the navkolishny green pagorbi, the Spoleto valley and the very place.

In the photo: Rocca Albornoziana fortress

Until the fortune, it’s simplest to go for an additional system of escalators and lifts, which are Italian called percorso meccanizzato. It is enough to glance at the map of the place, as you can know, for example, on the site, the minds of the mind, the devil's fancy. "Mechanization pidyom" to spare a lot of an hour of effort, and, smut, lift and escalator at Spoleto bezkoshtovnі. Shkopravda, the smell is not tsyuyut tsіlodobovo, but deprived in the afternoon hour, too, respectfully marvel at the distribution.

Bashtoviy Mist

There is another landmark monument of Spoleto - the Bashtoviy Mist (Ponte delle Torri), next to the pagorbom of St. Ille and Monteluko. It’s easy to get to the bridge, it’s not necessary to go down the lift or go down the fortress and go along a shady road, skirting the top of the pagorb.

In the photo: the road to the Bashtovoy bridge.

Bashtoviy is a place of knowledge by the Romans, and its present viglyadem is responsible for the restoration of robots during the past Middle Ages. The ten-arcs place is thrown across a gorge, which is the opposite of the river Tessino; The aqueduct reaches 206 meters at the top and 81 meters at the top. Before the speech, after having honored the unforgettable hostility on Keta, you should have guessed it at your “Podorozhi Italiyuyu”.

Photo: Bashtoviy Mist (Ponte delle Torri)

Probably the words of the classic: “I went to Spoleto and buv to the aqueduct, as a water hour to serve as a bridge from one mountain to the other ... This is the third ancient world, which I bach, and everywhere that very high idea. Їхnya architecture is like nature, ordered by the goals of the community; such є і amphіtheater, і temple, і aqueduct. Now, only I see, at least a fair hate, as if everything was so happy in me ... All the time I feel like a dead nation, because there is no real, internal sense, there is no life, there is no great life.

It is possible to walk by the bridge, but especially if we go down for an hour, we will not wonder more beautifully. Before the speech, on the small boat of the gorge you can see a small fortress Mliniv (Fortezza dei Mulini), from which you can see a stupid landscape to the place and fortress of Albornots.


The Sopolsky Cathedral (Duomo di Spoleto / Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta) was inspired by the XII century at the church of S. Maria del Vescovato (VIII - IX centuries), yak, at his own devil, was prompted at the martyrdom of the early Christian church in honor ... The crypt of Saint Primiano of the IX century is the only element of the pohatkovo church, which was taken care of. Vaughn is a memorial of the early Serednyovichya, ala in її frescoes, images of the scene from the life of St. Benedict and St. Scolastic.

Photo: Cathedral Cathedral (Duomo di Spoleto / Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta)

The Spolitsky Cathedral was consecrated at 1198 ric, ale later, at the period from 1634 to 1644 ric. The facade of the cathedral є, without a sum, is the most significant in Umbriya butt of the Roman style. Three tiers of the façade represent the minimum of the three stages of the cathedral's building. The project itself of the basilica and dzvynytsya should be laid before the cob project. Until another stage of development, which reigned in the XIII century, the pediment is known from the great mosaic of authorship of Solsterno, which dates back to 1207 rock, that three upper rosettes.

In the photo: Solsterno mosaic on the facade of the Spoletsky Cathedral

And the axis of the portico, which curtains the lower tier of the facade, was built in the same era as the Renaissance, more precisely, in 1491, and the authors were Ambrojo Barochchi and Pipo di Antonio. When the cathedral was revived, the chromatic contrasting materials were observed between themselves - beads and rhombus stones, which were seen near the mountains near Spoleto, and with a great pleasure they allowed us to assess the weight of light and the subtlety of the details.

Above the central portal of the cathedral, you can pave the bronze chest of Urbano VIII by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, dated 1640 by rock. The interior decoration of the Viconano Cathedral is still in the Baroque style, and was built in 1644. Colonies add three naves to the cathedral. The right-hander for the entrance is the chapel of Bishop Costantino Eroli, was created at 1497 Roci.

Vona was re-adorned with frescoes of Pinturikky, depicting the Old Man and the Angels, Madonna of Nemovlyam, John the Baptist and St. Stephen, at the beginning of the images of the characters of the Old Testament. In the apse, you can paint a cycle of frescoes made by the Florentine artist Fra Filipo Lippi, who was the teacher of Botticelli himself. The scene from the life of Divi Mary: the Annunciation, the Victory of Christ, the Coronation of the Theotokos and the Assumption.

Fresco "The Funeral of the Mother of God" Fra Filipo Lippi

On the fresco "Assumption and Funeral of the Mother of God" Philipo Lippi imagining himself. The artist's knowledge is simple - the figure is right-handed, the head of the white raincoat and the black headdress. Another tsіkava detail of the fresco "Assumption" - the prototype for the post of an angel, shvid for everything, becoming the blue of the artist - Fіlіppino Lіppі. The robot rocked over the frescoes at 1467 rots, but I didn’t rise to finish it; The frescoes of the cathedral were completed by the same priests of Lippi, especially the riddles of the middle merit, Fra Diamante. There is the artist's tombstone near the church. Filipo Lippo bobbing at the Cathedral of Spoleto, and yogo sin, who by that hour had already lost the artist's car, painted a tombstone with a bust of the old man.

Portrait of Fra Filipo Lippi on the fresco "Assumption and Funeral of the Mother of God"

The axis of writing to Vazara about Philipo Lippi: “The Spoletska commune asked Philipo Lippi through the Cosmo dei Medici to write a drop in the head of the Church of the Mother of God, as soon as the death of Fra Diamante had not come for some reason. It’s not for nothing that it seems that through this overworldly mental strength to their woeful blessed amours, the relatives of the same woman, who’s bully and whoa’s, have been cut off. Having finished his life with Fra Filipo at fifty seven years, at 1469, and for the precept, having laid on Fra Diamante’s son Philipo, who, after looking at a new mystery boy, turned ten to him Diamante lost three hundred ducats, as she lost the money for the Viconan robot, and bought her a little bit of maetkiv, which came out of the cich to deprive a small boy of a penny.

In the photo: fresco by Philipo Lippi "The Coronation of Divi Marya"

Fіlіppo buv arrives to Sandro Botіchellі, which at that hour was found by the maestro; The old man Philip was buried at the tomb from the red and white marmur, delivered to the donors in the church he had assigned them. His death was mourned by a number of friends and especially by Kozimo dei Medichi and Pope Eugen, who for his life wanted to take a clerical dignity, so I won’t have taken Lucretia de Francesco Bout in a legal squad, about Fytrosya’s mother. ordered by themselves and by their nahilas so as to be lured. For the life of Sixtus IV Lorenzo dei Medichi, signs of the Florentine ambassador, choose to travel through Spoleto, and squeeze Fra Filipo at the local commune for transferring it to Santa Maria del Fiore near Florence; The protestors said to you that there were no memories and the head rank of prominent people, and that, in order to glorify themselves, the stench asked for a favor, giving, that Florence had no more famous people, I could help him get along without tsyogo; so the mustache was deprived of the old way. True enough, Lorenzo is still in the world of power to remember Fra Filipo. ”

In the photo: interior decoration of the Spoletsky Cathedral

Not far from the apse there are two drops: the right-handed person is the Holy Ikoni (Cappella della Santissima Icona), and the leader is the chapel of the Holy Mysteries (Cappella del Sacramento). The first chapel is named in such a rank of non-fallout - here you can get a chance to see the icon from the images of Divi Marya. Behind the legend, її the author of the book is not hto, but Svyaty Luke himself. Ikoni's history is tied to the names of Fridrikh Barbarossi. At the Lipna 1155, the king of Nimechchini and the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, having barefaced Spoleto Viyinu, some of the inhabitants of the city sent a tribute to them in a coin, like Barbarossa in respect of a counterfeit. Obloga Spoleto was a trivial day; Barbarossa did not spare the church of the VIII century, which was the same at the cathedral. Svit bulo has reached deprivation after thirty years, and as a sign of reconciliation, the emperor presented the city with a vizantiysk ikon, restored in 2009.

In the photo: vizantiyska icon near the cathedral of Spoleto

Near the cathedral there is a rose, a branch of Alberto Sotio, which is the prototype of the romance school of Spoleto and the masterpiece of middle-aged art. Rozp'yattya was opened in 1187 for the small church of Saints John and Paul (Santi Giovanni e Paolo). The images of Christ of images are similar to the iconographic type “Christ of the Urochist” (Christus triumphans).

In the photo: rozp'yattya, shot by Alberto Sotio

The savior of images is such, that one does not hesitate at his peremozi over death, on the soul of Jesus there is no trace of a fellow citizen who exposes the light and is clean, and not created in the face of pain. The chrest is the symbol of the strati, and the throne, symbolizing people and divine, death and salvation. Tsey type Iconography of Panuvav in Western Culture until the XIII Century. Scene that postati, how to feel Christ, can symbolize triumphantly sent. The Ascension of the Lord is depicted at the upper part of the rosary, on the side panels - Diva Marya, as a symbol of the Church, and John the Baptist, as a symbol of the Holy Letter. At the lower part of the cross is a picture of Golgotha ​​and the skull of Adam. A crunch of parchments on parchment, and then overlapping on a wood base. Also, at the Cathedral of Spoleto, it’s important for the Catholic Church to take care of the religion - a list written by St. Francis, we’ll learn, brother Leone.

In the photo: the leaf of St. Francis, which is to be kept near the cathedral

There are two such leaves, the other is in Assisi, in. The sheet, which is taken to the cathedral of Spoleto, goes to the miraculous camp before us, nineteen rows are written on parchment from the sheep's shkiri, and the size of the parchment is 13x6 cm. Having straightened out at the Vіyskovy detachment, ale through a bunch of fantasies, I zupinititsya here. Avoid his voice feeding Francis: "Follow the one who is more corny: follow the servant?" Francis vidpoviv, scho for the pan. "Now, after having overshadowed the gentleman, why should you drink for a servant?" - having slept that very voice. Francis turned to Assisi, and a new sense of life was born.


Rinkov's square is roasted at the found part of the place. Perche, there is a fountain of the XVIII century. Before the hour of the last day, as of the materials of the vicorists, the details of the city's buildings were studied, for example, the coat of arms and the memorial plate of Urban VIII.

The town hall is located here (aka the palace of the commune - Palazzo Comunale). It was built around Serednyovichi, but at the 18th century, after a strong earthquake, it was reconstructed. The town hall is erected right above the Roman booth, as you are familiar with antiquity, then behind the address via di Visiale 9 you can add receipts and poachiti, so that archaeologists can know it in the distance.


In the ancient part of the city, not far from the Rinka Square, there is the Druzo Arch, built in 23 centuries before our era on the clue about the blue of the Emperor Tiberias, one of the ones - Druzo - the old blue of the Emperor, and the other - under German About the tse write on the most arts.

For hours of antiquity, the Arco di Druso was a monumental entrance at a place for quiet, hto having added to Spoleto from Rome and straight through the head street Cardo Maximus.


On via Brignone, behind the crocodile of the arch of Druse, which is the main Roman street Cardo Maximus, there is the church of St. Ansano with the crypt of St. Isaac. Budivlya tsіkava tim, but in this architectural view, we immediately saw the epokh - Roman, Serednovіchchya and the last century here, as it seems, "to be found" one on one. The church of Bula was prompted on the church of the Roman temple in the first century of our era, and the axis of the crypt of St. that Isaac.

Photo: Church of St. Assano near Spoleto

Saints Isaac with Monteluko ​​is a Buv Chent from Syria, arriving to Spoleto in the first half of the 6th century and in the wilderness of life on the Monteluko ​​mountains. At Spoleto, the nasіlki chanuvali, they nominated them in honor of their honor, and in honor of their patron saint, San Marziale. When you enter the crypt, you can go out of the window, the capitals of the columns date back to the 8th-9th centuries, and the Viconan's logbook is from a white marmur. If all the enclosed crypts, including colonies and capitals, are covered with inscriptions, the frescoes, which can be painted and seasoned, remain until the XI-XII table.

In the photo: the crypt of St.Isac Spoleto

It is a pity, unaffected by the color of the colors, victorious by the artists, until the present day the fragments of the frescoes have survived, which is a sign of slowing down the interpretation. The authorship of the frescoes is attributed to the Spoletian majstras, on which they have embedded Roman painting, and the relics of St. Isaac are stored in the copy of the sarcophagus of the XI-XII century, the original sarcophagus is located in the National Museum of the Duchy of Spoleto. Enter the crypt - bezkoshtovny, smut, if you look around do not forget to vimknuti light behind you.

At the inner courtyard of the Episcopal Palace there is the Basilica of the Holy Euphimia (S. Eufemia). There is a single sporuda that has been protected from the complex of the awakening of the Holy Monastery. The Bula Church was inspired by the XII century and the Viconan in the Romanesque style.

Guests of Spoleto will be honored with respect to the matronage - two galleries, roztasovani on the upper tiers of petty oil, which were designated specially for women. The whole architectural element of the lured Lombard architecture, and the church of the Holy Euphimia - one butt similar to all Umbria.


It’s hard not to say a couple of words about I’m wearing Spoleto, and I’ll call it Maslyana to wear it. It hangs 45.5 meters, and the name is not like an olive olive, when you go to Umbria, but from a middle-aged one I call to water it with boiling olives, I’m looking forward to it.

Nayimovirnishe Vezha Bula was erected in the XIII century, but it was similar to the defense sporuda, which had been in operation at all times from 217 to our era, since Hannibal's people would go straight to Rome, they had to go to Spoleto. The result of the whole pod is seen in the same name as the gate, as it is known as it grows, the stench is called the Gate of the Gate (Porta Fuga).


Є In Spoleto and the Roman Theater, the Church of St. Agati was built, in which the National Archaeological Museum is being developed. You can spend some days before the Roman theater by buying a ticket to the Archaeological Museum, at the same time to the festival of Two Saints - one of the main city's podiums - the theater, like and earlier, will win prizes for its direct.

The Festival of Two Sights has been held since 1958. Yogo organization of the ball is an initiative of the American composer of the Italian campaign Jan Carlo, who is close to European and American culture. Minotty has seen a rich place of Italy, and the first vibe on Spoleto has fallen into an unimportant way: there have already been two theaters, cinemas, and, besides, the composer has been able to enjoy the atmosphere of that place in the central Cathedral square. An important factor in the choice of the festival was its close proximity to Rome, because Spoleto has a better transport connection, and the first whistle, shown here, becoming Verdi's Macbeth by the production of Luchino Visconti.

Having taken over the provinces of Latsio, we again turned to Umbria, cute charming Umbria, hunchbacked, green and even quiet. Mabut, mountain landscapes and turn over the beauty of Tuscany. Umbria is an "internal" Italian province, you don't have to go to the sea, not between other countries, the "bosom" of the Italian, the most beautiful and the smallest coils.

For an hour of the trip, we went to see some of the Umbrian townships: Orv'to, Spoleto, Assizi and Perugia (provincial capitals). The man-made beauty of the skin is superimposed on the natural beauty. Spoleto has a natural warehouse that is simply stupid. Gliboky and vuzky, overgrown with a forest yar with an ancient bridge-viaduct thrown across a new one, a castle on a mountain and a place, to descend like a slope into a wide valley, previously occupied by a lake - a miracle of additional architecture and nature protection.

Spoleto- one of the found Italian towns (III century BC) with a beautiful history. Who stood before the onslaught of the Vіysk Hannіbal, he lastly served as a branch of the Ostrogoths, the Lombards, and the Franks, having been instructed by Fridrikh Barbarossy, innovations, who saw the middle of the Guelphs, then their own Mistseviy Duomo became the main attraction for the artist Philipo Lippi.

At the entrance to the place, they immediately went to the old amphitheater, which was small and good. Behind the theater, there is a landscape on the Navkolishnі Pagorbi.

The place in the porous from Viterbo is more developed: old-time mowing napivarka, walls of rough stone in a new one are built with little plastered facades. At Nyomu not zberіgsya, as in Viterbo, the style of one hour: the whole hour of that chi іnshy booth "viskaku", "vipadaє". It is the place to be built to see.

We soon focused on the Albornots castle on the mountains, and, having gone out of the group, viralized to the top of the pagorb. We walked along the road along the forte wall, we poked the aqueduct, which became even more vigorous and vitonized on the smallest ravine and grabbed, so we were dumbfounded.

Krіposnі stіni

Aqueduct (Ponte Torri)

Enter at the fort

In the middle of the fortress, the vastness of the inner courtyard is visible from the edge in the middle. We went to the gallery of another on top, had mercy on the outskirts. There is a museum near the fortress.

Offensive yard

From the galleries of another, on top of it, there is a garny look

See the link of the Duomo

Go to the lake

Near the fortress museum

Downright іlustratsії to the Russian Cossacks!

Indoor mosaic pidlogi

Vihodimo for fortune muri

Old masonry

We were sent to the museum to get to the aqueduct, or Ponte Torri. Inducing wine at the XIII century, Dovzhin yogo 206 m, height 81 m.

A walk by the aqueduct in the general order is guilty until the entrance to the Spoleto place! For us, there are some of the best enemies from the world. The sporuda tsikava itself is on its own, and how beautiful it is seen from the bridge!

View of the fort through the yar

Having moved to another bik yar, the three strolled along with a stitch, so they went to the middle of the forest to the top of the pagorb. Before the cob of stitches, there is a poster with a diagram of possible routes for walks. I declare that you are happy - walk in the monstrous fossil hills and miluvat in the landscapes!

Turn back

After walking for a walk, we turned to the place. Orієntuyuchis on dzіnitsyu, scho vistupaє over the dakhi, they straightened up to the Duomo, which roztashovuvsya lower with a grab. Until the Duomo (іnakshe, the Church of Santa Maria Assunta), the dorizhka-drabinka led the abduction, so that we could cross the wide area, so the head of the Cathedral of the city appeared nearby. The facade is embellished with windows-trojans and golden mosaics, in front of the entrance there is a gallery with high high arches.

At the bottom of the descent, in front of the Duomo, is the church of St. Eufemi (XII century) in the Romanesque style. Navproti ney - palace of Theodorikh, king of the Ostrogoths.

At the gatherings of the Drabinka in the ochіkuvanni vіdkrittya cathedral (sієsta until 15-00) people bored. Crumbs of ostoron, near the majestic Livansky cedar, we have seen a part of our group.

The systa ended without a bar, and the people reached out to the Duomo.

The main memorial of the church cathedral is a cycle of frescoes in the apse, dedicated to Diva Maria, - the penzel of Fra Philipo Lippi (for the participation of Fra Diamante). At the temple - the remains of the robot of the great maister, that is, the rest of the lodge. After the death of Lippo, having finished the frescoes of Fra Diamante, it was three hundred ducats for the Viconan Robot (for Vasara's testimonies, the sympathies of Filipo Lippi got rid of the screams from the price of sumi).

Lorenzo Medichi himself asked to transfer the remains of the artist to be taken away from Florence, but the inhabitants of Spoleto asked him to find the deceased Lippi in this place: moving, from Florence, and without that, we already had not enough flowers for them. Todi Lorenzo gave a penny for the day. In the case of the deyakie dzherelakh, write, as you saw the motto on the writing tombstone. In іnshikh there is a very modest memorial. Winning food: why did all the pennies go for the whole thing?

The tombstone bulo viconano behind the little ones Fіlіppino Lіppі, sina painter. Epitaph by writing Politsiano.

“Here I sleep, Philip, painter, now immortal,

The wondrous beauty of my brush is on everyone's lips ... "

Frescoes in the apse: evil - "Blagovischennya", right-handed - "Rizdvo", at the center - "Death of the Madonna" ... The first two are superbly clear, peaceful, even more calm and lead into the quiet turbidity of a fragrant day, reminiscent of the smells of herbs and humming coma. Virgins are built opukly, and they never see you as people who have been fooled by the nemovlya - you yourself stand in the same place and at once, from them, marvel at the new born.

The fresco in the center "The Death of the Madonna" is a chain of places from the earthly and shvidkoplinnogo life (represented on the frescoes right-handed and liv-handed) to the eternal sky (fresco on the dome). Even more richly life in the people who feel the Madonna, still everything has become quiet and dead, and far away and up the hill the road is destroyed here, very high in the mountains. At first glance, straight along the road, go to the upper fresco, de farbi become bright and dim, de-no earthly, and deprived of development space, at the center of which Father-God is the crown of the earthly woman.



"Death of Madonna"

"Coronation of Mary"

Also near the cathedral, near the Eroli chapel, є Pinturikko's fresco "Madonna and Child". The painting of Lippe's frescoes is built flat and mentally, especially the background, ale viraz revealing Madonna's even more poetic. Low Rum'yanets on the guise of mothers and dullness - at Dumb Rum'ians, nibbles - add warmth and razchulyu.

Another relic to be kept in the cathedral is a sheet of 800 years ago, signed by St. Francis. In Umbria, there is a special place to Francis: tse, mabut, one of the leading "brands" of the province, which is brought into the center of the number of pilgrims. Thin of this holiness is now invisibly lying on the ground, it has passed its lack of maturity, a deeper life, it is evidently infallible and ascetic, who was canonized even after two fateful deaths.

Spoleto itself began to feel like the life of Francis was changing sharply. Having straightened out at Vyysky's despair, and at night, having slept: they energized him, follow him more beautifully, who's a servant? - Pan, - Francis replied. - Why do you find a servant?

On the coming day, Francis turned to Assisi, and from the moment of his life he went on a normal course.

Pislya Spoleto was violated to Assisi, to the Fatherland of St. Francis.

Corresponding information for tourists about Spoleto in Italy - geographic development, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and memorials.

Spoleto is one of the found places of Umbria, located in the province of Perugia, 95 km away from Rome. For the last census of the population, 40 thousand people live close to the new one.

Already in the middle of the 3rd century BC. It was from the home of the Roman colony Spoletium, which successfully defended the attacks of Hannibal. Growth on one of the most important antiquities of the dear Apennine Piostrov - Via Flaminia - has given rise to the prosperity of the colony and the growth of economic and political significance. Especially burhlivy period of the development of Spoletium, having survived in the middle of the 6th century. And in 570 rotsi Langobardi, who slipped on the pivday of the Pyostrov, destroyed the capital of the duchy, as if they occupied the whole Middle Italy and entered the war with Ravenna. The mighty duchy has dropped to the ear of the 13th century, for which it has gone to the warehouse of papal volodya and has lost the status of one of the most important political centers in Italy.

This year's Spoleto is a great provincial place, whose middle memorials are home to thousands of tourists.

The old man Spoleto was hanging out on the little boy's pagorba, over the dominion of the great castle of Rocca Albornotsiana, from 1359-1370 rocks on the city of the citadel of the Spolent dukes. With its gothic windows and the majestic mosaic on the façade, I respect the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, buildings near the 12th century. In the middle, you can paint the fresco "Vіnchannya Dіvi Marіya" by the penzel of the great painter Philipo Lіppi.

For hours of antiquity, the titles of "Crooked Mist" of the 1st century BC, the Ruins of pre-Roman and Roman fortifications, the amphitheater and the Arch of Druse were preserved, prompted at the 23rd BC. On the ruins of the Roman theater, the church of St. Agati was built, in which the National Archaeological Museum is being built.

The aqueduct of Ponte delle Torre is also inspired by a long-standing foundation: the 13th-century tower is 206 meters high and 81 meters high. Also from the middle buds of the varto vidiliy Palazzo Comunale, Palazzo Racania-Arroni, Palazzo della Signoria, in which the Moscow Museum is located, and the miracle of the Palazzo Vidzhily in the middle of the night Torre del Olivio is

Near Spoleto, you can also patronize ancient churches, about the hour of the coming days of the church, for example, the early Christian church of San Salvatore, I will include before the list of all the Holy Recessions of UNESCO, the temples of Santa Euphimia, San

Since 1958, the Festival of Two Saints has been held here, which is a selection of artists and amateurs of art for us. It’s not a bit of a problem, but it’s just like a large-scale visit was carried out: in the middle of the 20th century, there was a small place because of the apparently inexpensive unreliability and low quality of goods and services. In addition, there were great maidanchiks - two theaters, a Roman amphitheater and a number of primitives, for which one can get organized. An important fact is that it is close to Rome, where Spoleto has a good transport network.

Spoleto from A to Z: map, hotels, memorials, restaurants, rozvagi. Shopping, shops. Photo, video and messages about Spoleto.

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Umbriya, nemov old-fashioned screen, prikhovu in its own lack of costlyness. Having found a place of the central Italy of Spoleto, I am sure of merit for the invitation of one of the Perlin regions. It is located 100 km from Rome and 50 km from Perugia and has brought its rich history. In ancient times, a Roman colony is possible here. At the middle of the century in Spoleto, it will be the capital of the largest duchy in the Apennines. The monstrous Roman castle of Rocca, the number of churches and Malovnichi streets, loops with steep grasp of Umbrian pagorbivs, has been surpassed by the monstrous Roman castle of Rocca. Ale y tsiogo abundance, so the place of tsіliy rіk bulo is like tourists.

Yak going to Spoleto

The best way to get to Spoleto is "Aeroflot" and "Altalia" through Rome. At the Fiumicino airport, it is necessary to connect to the express "Leonardo", which can be reached to the Termini train station (during the journey, the skin is sent 20 quills). At Rome, take a train to Spoleto - go to go and spend 1.5 years at the road.

You can buy tickets and specify the distribution at the office. Trenitalia's website. Zagalom way from Sheremetyevo to Spoleto takes 6-7 years.

Poshuk aviakvitkiv in misto Rome (niblijca airport to Spoleto)


Hromadsky transport Spoleto bus performances with 6 routes. Alle the average tourist you can get by without them, while in the place of pratsyu there is a unique system of travolators (bezoschtovnyh), which allows you to quickly and manually oversaturated in the minds of a hunchbacked relay.

The centralized offices for renting bicycles near Spoleto are pretty dumb - I know, through the special features of the bike, you can ride the bike smoothly, and through the sharp turns, you can drive through the streets without fail. The car - maybe not the best option - the drive to the center is fenced off by everyone, except for the residents. A car can be found in one of the parking lots on the outskirts of the city, and if necessary, a taxi can be speedy. 10-hour trip kostuvatime 10 EUR. From the railway station to the center of the taxi take a fixed fee: 15 EUR. Prices on the side indicated for the jovten 2018 rock.

Hotels Spoleto

Most hotels in Spoleto are located near this historical center. All the stench of space at the old booths, so the rooms in them are often even smaller. Naybіlshі happy hotels with swimming pools, stylish foreheads and spacious hills roztashovanі nearer to the outskirts, and then thrown behind the place. The rate of living there and there is approximately the same. A standard room at a chotirizirk hotel can be purchased for 80-140 EUR for extra. Nicholas for a three-star hotel in kostuvati is 60-80 EUR. You can stay in a guesthouse for 60 EUR, and in an apartment - for 50-70 EUR.

An excellent option for quiet, hto in a car - life at the Zamiski Sadibakh. It is possible to rent a room in the authentic Silsko style for 5-10 km from Spoleto for 50-60 EUR. Hostels near the town and the outskirts of the city.

Cuisine and restaurants

The heads of the region: "strangozzi al torufo" (toddlers spicy pasta with a strong truffle), yalovy steak with mussel tomatoes and parmesan, "chirole alla ternana" (pasta with a chapel, olive-flavored olive oil. with delicious stuffing: prosciutto, mortadella, bresaolo You can have a snack on the go for 5 EUR.

Lovers of high cuisine can taste the masterpieces of the Umbrian culture at the Michelin restaurants - there are two of Spoleto's. The part of the evening for two warehouses is 100-120 EUR. And the axis of life in traditional osterias can be rather cheaper: the supper accompanied by the accompaniment of the kelikh of the mussel merlot cost 20 EUR per person.

Visnichnі mісtsya Spoleto

Familiarity with the head memorials of Spoleto is more beautiful to repair from the summit of the pagorb of St. Illi. Here, at a height of 400 m above the sea level, there is the Rocca fortress (P'iazza B. Campello, 4). In 1359, Cardinal Albornots ordered to build a place near the most important points for the papal residence. Until 1983 p. at Budivl Bula Vyaznytsya.

At the center of the sharpened tough walls of the fortress there is Budova, where the castle is divided into two courtyards: Poshani and Zbroyovy. The first one has the Museum of the Duchy of Spoleto, opened in 2007, and the other has a literary theater for 1200 glades. The courtyard is surrounded by frescoes from the 16th century. The coat of arms of Pope Gregory XIII is on the second, and on the walls is the coat of arms of six places of the Papal region: Porto d'Antsio, Perugia, Orvito, Ripatransone, Spoleto, and one left unidentified place.

If you go to the fortress walls, you can enjoy the wonderful landscape on the adjacent pagorbi, the valley of the river Tesino and Spoleto itself.

Another important memorial, the Bashtoviy Mist (Ponte delle Torri), has been built between the pagorb and the castle and the mountain of Monteluko. Drink up to it is even simpler: it is necessary to go down on a boardless lift or to skip the top of the pagorb.

I will call my name a place, having cut off the zavdyaki in two we will look around, and the axis of versions about it is just a little bit. Behind one of them, it spirals on 10 tilted arches of the Ponte delle Torri, showing the function of the aqueduct in the 12th century. I must say that the 14th century is a place of mastery by the Spanish cardinal Helem Albornos.

The head of the Spoleto church - Cathedral of the Ascension of the Mother of God at the pivnichny descent of the Old City (P'iazza del Duomo, 2). The top of the fold has two tiers, and the top one has three round windows and three blind arch parts with mosaic with Isus, God and Saint John in the middle. In the middle of the cathedral, the 15th century was embellished with frescoes by the renowned artist of the same century, Fra Filipo Lippi, from the images of the Mother of God. In the center of the presvіterіyu there is a rose-colored marmorium vіvtar іf 4 columns-candelabra.

Roman spadshchina Spoleto is represented by an amphitheater of the 1st century to the sound. e. (Via delle Termi, 2). In ancient times, having seriously zruynuv the earthquake, then they began to pick it up on the stone. Zalishki amphitheater viyavili liche 1938 p. New Years have been updated and live free visits. In the orchestral pit of dosi, the pidlogue of marmur tiles was saved, and on the proscenium - open, in which the number was baked.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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