Operative scheme of thermal mesh butt. Systems that dzherela electrical supply (3 sem)

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Commercial risk (risk of reduced service costs) minimized by the right choice of marketing strategy and advertising campaigns, continuous monitoring of customer needs, and the implementation of a flexible assortment policy. It should be noted that for the financial and economic assessment of the project, a protective assessment of the services provided was accepted.

Risk of surplus (neotrimanna of the estimated equivalence of surplus to the project) minimizing with the help of a flexible tariff policy, choosing an obligatory service price on the average market level, and controlling fees.

Political Risks to the singing world, there are exchanges with additional contacts from the local authorities, legal support for the project and its implementation.



Head of hydraulic rozrahunka:

1) designation of pipeline diameters;

2) the fall of the vice (pressure);

3) the appointment of pressure (pressure) at different points of the fence;

4) linking all points of the system in static and dynamic modes with the method of ensuring the allowable pressure and the necessary pressure in the subscriber systems.

In some valleys, the task of determining the throughput capacity of pipelines with a known diameter and a given pressure can be set.

The results of hydraulic spraying of vicorist for:

1) the designation of a capital deposit, vitrati metal (pipes) and the main obligatory work z arranging a thermal barrier;

2) setting the characteristics of circulation and maintenance pumps, the number of pumps and their placement;

3) z'yasuvannya minds of robotic heat, thermal barriers and subscriber systems and the choice of schemes for connecting heat-saving installations to a thermal barrier;

5) rozroblennya operating modes of heat supply systems.

As a matter of fact, for carrying out a hydraulic refurbishment due to the task, the scheme and the profile of the thermal barrier, the placement of the heat pipes and the respite and the refurbishment are assigned.


Thermal framing is a successful transport system and a heat supply system.

It is the fault of the mother of such a quality:

1. arrogance; the stench is to blame for saving the building of an uninterrupted supply of heat to save up at the necessary amount of time for a short period of time, for a short break for a preventive repair of the inlet;

2. kerovanistyu - tobto. secure the necessary mode of operation, the possibility of a sleepy operation of the heat supply and mutual reservation of mains.

The required mode of operation is a cost-effective and accurate distribution of heat transfer at heating points in normal rooms, in critical situations, as well as for a sleeping operation, heating for saving the heat.

The scheme of the thermal barrier is displayed:

Distribution of the heat source (CHP or boiler) according to the distance to the area of ​​heat supply;

The nature of the thermal pressure on the area;

Type of heat transfer.

The main principles that should be followed when choosing a scheme of a thermal barrier are reliability and economy of heat supply. When choosing the configuration of thermal lines, the next step is to take away the simplest solutions and the least amount of heat pipes.

The promotion of the reliability of the border is achieved by the following methods:

The rise of the superstition of the other elements that enter the system;

Zastosuvannyam "sparing" mode of the robotic system as a whole or the most ushkozhuvanyh її elements in the way to keep the water temperature in the lines, which serve 100 ° C and higher, and in the return lines 50 ° C and lower;

Reservation, tobto. introduction to the system of supplementary elements, yakі can replace more or less often elements that are out of tune.

For equal arrogance, all supporters are divided into two categories:

I - likuvalni mortgages with hospitals, industries for the constant reduction of heat for technological needs, groups of local residents from the heat demand of 30 MW. A break at the supply of heat is allowed for less than an hour of interruption, then. Trochi more than 2 years old;

II - reshta spozhivachіv.

A pair of heat-carrying victors is the leading rank for technological advances in industrial enterprises. The main focus of steam treadmills is concentrated in a small number of knots, such as workshops of industrial enterprises. For this reason, the amount of steam framing per unit of rozrachunk thermal stress is small. If the nature of the technological process is permissible for short hours (up to 24 years) to interrupt the supply of bets, the most economical and water-efficient solution to serve as the laying of a single-pipe steam pipeline with a condensate pipeline.

It is necessary for mothers in the field to build up the duplication of wires to a significant increase in their varnosti and vitrati materials, for example, in front of steel pipelines. When laying the replacement of one pipeline, 100% secured, two parallel, 50% secured, the surface area of ​​the pipeline increases by 56%. Vіdpovіdno zrostayut vitrati metal and cob varіst merezhі.

More foldable tasks need to choose the scheme of water thermal barriers, tk. Their interest is less concentrated.

Water lines are less long-term in pairs with steam through:

Greater slippage to severe corrosion of steel pipelines in underground water lines is lined with steam pipelines;

Sensitivity to accidents due to the greater heat transfer distance (especially in large systems with fallow scorching installations to the thermal barrier).

When choosing a scheme of water thermal barriers, special attention is given to the power supply and the reservation of heat supply systems.

Water thermal barriers are poured onto mainі rozpodilchi.

Heat conductors are heard to the main ones, which connect heat sources with areas of thermal comfort, as well as among themselves.

The mode of operation of the main thermal barriers is responsible for ensuring the greatest economy in the case of vibration and transportation of heat for the working hours of the sleeping operation of the thermal power plant and the boiler house.

Robot Rippodіlchih Mezhie Merezh is no longer for Rakhivshu Svetiyu Svetiusa at її Vicarvanni for Rahununa Regulavanna Parameter Taito Taito Gerloniai Vіdpovy Lady to Negotian Speeding Model, Planning Schedule Camera Para, Znigension Rosjunki Tiscus For їDejninnya Tom Male Kilkosti Regulatory Vіdput Tuba Svethennya.

The heat-carrier comes from the main lines to the separate lines and is supplied through the separate lines through the group heating points or the central heating points to the installations of subscribers, which provide heat. Without intermediary, the arrival of thermal supporters to the main lines is allowed only for the mind, the arrival of great business enterprises.

The main thermal barriers for additional drafts are divided into sections of the wind farm 1-3 km. In case of opening (opening) of the pipeline, it is necessary to localize the accidents with sectional draughts. Zavdyaky change the cost of merezhnoy water and soon the valor of repair is changed after the change in the hour necessary for the drainage of water from the pipeline before repair and for filling the pipeline with merezhnoy water after the repair.

Vіdstan Mіzh Sex_ynimi drowsy Vibiotsya Z Umovy, a bus hour, challenge for the repair, Bouv membrane for an hour, softeing the internal temperature in obscenities, when the name of the name of the name of the Sovnіyshni, for the Obalen, did not lower the Nerchy Minemal Boundary Sign. 14 °C is valid until the heat supply contract. The hour required to carry out repairs, increase the increase in the diameter of the pipeline, and navit in between sectioning zasuvki.

Fig.1. Principal diagram of a two-pipe thermal barrier from two mains: 1 - CHP collector; 2 - main line; 3 - rozpodіlna merezha; 4 - sectional chamber; 5 - sectional injection; 6 - pump; 7 - blocking call.

Vіdstan m_zh zasovkіymi mає but less for the great diameter of the pipelines and for more low rozrahunkovoї zvnіshnyoї temperature for scorching.

For the repair of a large-diameter heat pipe during the period of permissible decrease in internal temperature in the scorching booths, it is important to see how the repair is carried out due to the increase in diameter.

In this case, it is necessary to transfer a system of reservation of heat supply when the thermal barrier is out of order, so that the mind is not brought up for an hour of repair. One of the methods of reservation is the blocking of the sum mains.

Zasuvki, scho sectioning, spaced at the nodes of the junction of rozpodіlchih merezh to the main thermal merezh.

In these nodal chambers of the Crimea, sectional vents are also located on the main vents of rozpodіlnyh merezh, zavodki on blocking lines between the summіzhnymi mains and between the mains and reserve dzherelami heat supply, for example, district boiler houses.

There is no need for a section of steam mains; Sectional zasuvki owennі but possessing an electric or hydraulic drive and a mother telemechanical link from the central control room. Rozpodіlnі mérezhі povnіnіnі mother priєdnannya priєdnannya єkіy єkіy єkіy ії єіvanіy іnіyаnіy dіlyantsі trіgіstrіlі.

Blocking links between highways can be single-pipe.

In booths of a special category, which do not allow interruption in heat supply, the possibility of reserve heat supply can be transferred to gas or electric heaters, or to public boilers for emergency connection of centralized heat supply.

According to SNiP 2.04.07-86, it is allowed to change the supply of heat in emergency drains to 70% of the total rozrakhankovo ​​vitrat (maximum-year for scorching and ventilation and the average year for hot water supply). For enterprises that do not allow interruptions in the supply of heat, they are responsible for transferring duplication or circular schemes of thermal barriers. Rozrahunkovі emergency vitrati heat due to be taken in accordance with the regime of work and enterprises.

The radius of the thermal barrier (Fig. 1) is 15 km. To the end district, the heat supply of the merezhev water is transmitted by two two-pipe transit mains of the plant 10 km. The diameter of the mains at the exit from the CHPP is 1200 mm. At the world, the waters have broken down in the future, the diameters of the main lines are changing. At the end of the district of thermal retention, water is introduced through four mains with a diameter of 700 mm, and then it is distributed along eight mains with a diameter of 500 mm. Blocking links between mains, as well as pumping substations that reserve, installed only on lines with a diameter of 800 mm and more.

Such a solution is acceptable in that case, if, upon acceptance of the transition between sectional cuts (on the diagram 2 km), the hour required for the repair of a pipeline with a diameter of 700 mm is less than an hour, by stretching such an internal temperature of the scorching buds, when the scorching is switched on, when the temperature is lowered to 1 12 ° С (not lower).

Blocking connections and sections of the pipeline are divided in such a way that in case of an accident on a highway with a diameter of 800 mm and more, the heat supply of all subscribers who come to the thermal barrier is more secure. The heat supply of subscribers is less likely to be damaged for accidents on lines with a diameter of 700 mm and less.

At this point, the heat supply of subscribers is attached, as if they were restocked for the month of the accident (along the course of heat).

In case of heat supply of the great places in the form of kolkoh TPPs, blocking the TPPs for additional blocking of their mains with blocking calls is done. In this area, there may be a combined kіltsev thermal barrier with kіlkom zherelami (Fig. 2). Such a system can be used by a number of joint ventures of heating systems of thermal power plants and large regional industrial boilers.

The integration of the main thermal barriers of a certain amount of heat supply in order to reserve a heat supply allows changing the total boiler reserve at the CHPP and increasing the level of the most economically advantageous power in the system for the optimal distribution of heat supply between the heaters.

Blocking connections between the mains of great diameter due to the mother will have enough throughput building, which will ensure the transmission of water flows, which are reserved. At the necessary levels of increased throughput capacity of blocking links, pumping substations are arranged.

Independently from blocking links between mains, dotsily at places due to hot water supply, transfer jumpers of small diameter between summary rozpodilchim thermal barriers for reservation of hot water supply.

With the diameters of the mains, which enter the heat source, 700 mm and less, the radial (promenevu) scheme of the thermal barrier with stepwise changes in the diameter in the world in the distance of the station and a decrease in the incoming thermal load (Fig. 3) should be fixed. Such a mesh is found behind the cob vitrates, and the least vitrati metal is easy to use. However, in case of an accident on the main line of the radial barrier, the heat supply of subscribers who come for the cause of the accident is connected. For example, in the event of an accident at point "a" on the radial highway 1, the life of all the passengers, roztashovanih at the direct line from the CHP after point a, is attached. As if there is an accident on the main line near the station, the heat supply of all the rescuers who come to the main line is connected. Such a decision is acceptable, as the time for the repair of pipelines with a diameter of at least 700 mm satisfies the higher-ranking mind.

For greater heat supply, thermal barriers are due to the block principle. The block is responsible for buti rozpodіlna merezha with a radius of 500-800 m. apartments or thermal pressure of some 30-50 MW. The block is guilty of buti without interruption to the collector of the dzherel or the mother of two-way heat supply to the heat mains.

On the thermal map of the district, the places of the GTP are orientated;

After the placement of the GTP, it is possible to trace the highways and the jumper between them;

Namіchayut rozmіshchennya rozpodіlnyh merezh.

Rozpodіlnі merges are designed as dead-end, sectional lines are not designed.

Rozpodіln_ merezhi allowed to lay on the pіdvalam budіvel

Thermal energy from hot water or steam is transported from a heat source (CHP or a large boiler house) to thermal coolers by special pipelines called thermal barriers.

Thermal mesh - one of the most expensive and labor-intensive elements of centralized heat supply systems. Vaughn is a heat conductor - folded spores that are made up of welded steel pipes, thermal insulation, compensators for thermal vents, locking and control fittings, budding structures, rukhomi and non-robust supports, chambers. The design of the truss is based on the improvement of SNiP 2.04.07-86 "Thermal trusses".

For a certain amount of parallel laying of heat pipelines and thermal barriers, there can be:

  • 0 one-pipe - the most economical and simple. The stench of the merezheva water after the systems of scorching and ventilation is guilty of vikoristovuvatisya for hot water supply;
  • 0 double pipes - the widest, folded from the supply and return heat pipes for water lines and the steam line with the condensate line for steam lines;

about three-pipe - two pipes vicorist as to serve for the supply of heat with different thermal potentials, and the third - as a sour pipe;

About chotiritrubnі - one pair of heat pipes serving the system of scorching and ventilation, and another - a system of hot water supply and technological needs.

Steam thermal barriers vlashtovuyut more importantly with two pipes. Turning to condensate is done with a rimmed pipe - a condensate pipeline. A pair of thermal power plants with a steam pipeline with a speed of 40-60 m / s and more direct to the city of respite. In quiet weathers, if the steam is recovered in the heat exchangers, then the condensate is collected in the condensate tanks, and the pumps turn the pumps through the condensate pipeline to the CHPP.

Water thermal barriers may be wider zastosuvannya, lower steam, hot air of high accumulative water supply, which allows for further heat supply, as well as greater economy and the possibility of central regulation of the release of heat to the sleepers.

For the method of preparing water for hot water supply, the stench is given as follows:

  • 0 closed - plumbing water is heated by water from water heaters; at the same time, the water is turned to the CHPP or the boiler house;
  • 0 vіdkritі - water for hot water supply is picked up by the workers without intermediary from the thermal barrier, and after that, it does not turn around at the barrier. The water quality at the top of the thermal barrier may be consistent with the requirements of GOST 2874-82.

Thermal barriers are added to main, which are laid on the main routes of settlements; rozpodіlnі, which are laid in the middle of the quarter, microdistrict; i vіdgaluzhennia until the next day.

In practice, there are schemes of thermal meshes of radial (dead ends), radial-kiltsev and kiltsev.

Radial lines(Fig. 5.1, o) the most simple and economical for cob vitrates, they sporadzhuyut from stepwise changes in the diameters of heat pipes directly from the heat source. Їхній main nedolіk - vіdsutnіst reservation. Vіdpovіdno to SNIP 2.04.07-86, dwellers uniknuti Pererva teplopostachannya (at razі avarії on magіstralі radіalnoї MEREZHI pripinyaєtsya teplopostachannya spozhivachіv on avarіynіy dіlyantsі) Got peredbachatisya rezervuvannya podachі heats of spozhivacham for rakhunok ulashtuvannya peremichok mіzh thermal trammel sumіzhnih rayonіv that spіlnoї robot Jerel heat kіlka) . The radius of thermal barriers near rich places is even more significant (15-20 km).

Attached jumper transforms the thermal barrier to radial-kilceu, there is a partial transition to Kіltsevym merezham(Fig. 5.1, b). For enterprises, which do not allow a break in the heat supply, transfer the duplication of chi kіltsev (with two-way supply of heat) schemes of thermal measures. If you want to buy a thermal barrier, it will become more expensive, which will significantly increase the heat supply, creating the possibility of a reservation.

Mal. 5L. Dead-end schemes (but) and calciferous (b) thermal mesh:

  • 1 - promenevium main heat conductor; 2 - thermal comfort; 3 - jumpers; 4 district (quarter) boiler houses; 5-section chambers;
  • 6 - Kiltseva main line; 7- central heating points; - promises


Prokladannya Tracy thermal trammel in mіstah that іnshih Settlement Got zdіysnyuvatisya on areas naybіlsh schіlnogo heat navantazhennya of urahuvannyam pіdzemnih that aboveground sporud, danih about warehouse ґruntіv that rіven Stoyanov ґruntovih waters have vіdvedenih for іnzhenernih trammel tehnіchnih Smuga pose proїzhdzhoyu Chastain that Smuga Green nasadzhen. When designing, the next step is to bend to the smallest length of the pipeline, which will ensure the least amount of work for the laying of the pipeline.

Laying of thermal barriers buvaє: about above-ground (povіtryana) - on the shoes, which should stand okay, or flyovers, brackets, which zaroblyayutsya in the wall of life, zastosovuetsya on the territory of industrial enterprises, when thermal barriers are arranged between the places, when they break, etc.; above-ground laying of thermal barriers is recommended more importantly at high standing of ground waters;

About subterranean - at passing canals and collectors with other communications; in napіvprokhіdnih and not prokhіdnih canals; channelless (in zahisnih shells of various forms and with suffocating thermal insulation). The method of laying pipelines for thermal barriers is more important.

Laying heat pipes at passing channels - the best, but the most expensive way. Yogo zastosovuyut for the obviousness of a few heat pipes of large diameters. Great places will have the rank of city collectors, where heat pipes, water pipes, electric and telephone cables are laid.

At temperatures above 50 °C in the channels, natural or mechanical ventilation is transferred through draft shafts, which are located on the highway after about 100 m. On the plots of thermal barriers with a large number of pipelines and a high temperature of the heat carrier, mechanical ventilation is installed. When the temperature is repeated in the channels below 40 ° C, they are periodically checked, opening the hatches and entering. Under the hour of the repair work, it is possible to shut down the mechanical resupply ventilation unit.

On the route of the underground heat pipeline, special chambers and wells are installed for the installation of fittings, winding fittings, gland expansion joints and other, as well as niches for P-like expansion joints. The underground heat pipeline is laid on supports that are forged. Vіdstan mіzh supports priymayut zalezhno vіd pipe diameter; the supports of the supply and return pipelines are installed separately.

Napіvprokhіdnі channels stacked of wall blocks of L-shaped form, concrete bottoms and overlappings. There will be їх under transits with intensive street traffic, under zaliznichnymi kolіyami at rest breaks, and it is difficult to install heat pipelines for repair. The height of the sound does not exceed 1600 mm, the width of the passage between pipes is 400-500 mm.

Non-transfer channels most widely used in the practice of centralized heat supply. There are three types of duct types: a KL type duct (Fig. 5.2), which is made up of trays and reinforced concrete slabs; channel type KL p, which is folded from the plate-bottom of that tray; KLS-type channel, which consists of two trays, one placed on the other one on the cement rack for additional I-beams.

Channelless way of laying a heat pipe - Found. Zastosuvannya yogo allows you to reduce by 30-40% the life expectancy of thermal measures, significantly reduce labor costs and the cost of everyday materials. Heat transfer blocks are manufactured at the factory. Installation of heat pipelines on the highway is carried out before the blocks are laid by a truck crane near the trench and zvaryuvann stiks.

Burying of thermal barriers in the surface of the earth or road cover to the top of the overlap to the channel or collector is accepted: for the presence of the road cover - 0.5 m, without the road cover - 0.7 m; to the top of the shell of the channelless gasket - 0.7 m; cameras - 0.3 m.

In Denmark, over 80% of the thermal barriers are laid in impassable channels, close to 10% - aboveground (Fig. 5.3), 4% - in through channels and tunnels, about 6% - without channels.

Mal. 5.2. odnoseredkovy (but) and two-middle (b) impassable channels type KL: 1 - food preparation; 2 - Tray element; 3 - overlap plate; 4 - cement key; 5 - pisok

Thermal barriers as a whole, especially the main ones, and serious and secondary spores. Rosepodіl Wartosti Prodeldina Gerliezh Mizoj Budinevelnimi, assembly of that izlyatsіiniy robots aged: WartiTe Bud_velli Retail for Internal Floor-Floral Ta Mіzhkevartnye Thermal Mezh in dry ґruts to become 80% of Tom in Mokrich - 90% of the tanning of the Wartosti Traci, the decision of 10-20% becoming Varti insulation robots; varіst budіvelnyh robіt for main thermal fringes in dry soils should be at an average of 55% varnostі tras, in wet - 75%.

The middle term for the service of underground duct heat pipes does not exceed 10-12 years, but for non-channel insulation based on bitumen 6-8 years. I basic reasons for sampling є Zovnіshnya Korozіya, Scho Viknikiє Vnaslіddi Niyakіsnnya Anti-Cornery Preektiv Aboy Aboy Vіdstnostі, Nozzable Yakosti Aboy Skorivnya Skiva, Shah, admit the Ovmіrna Svyzlinnya izolyatsії, and Torzlіddok Flood Channeliy.

Thermal framing - the sequence of pipelines and outbuildings that will ensure

transportation of heat from the dzherel heat supply to support for additional heat transfer (hot water or steam).

Structural thermal fencing includes pipelines with thermal insulation and compensators, an extension for laying and fixing pipelines, as well as locking or regulating valves.

The choice of heat is determined by the analysis of both positive and negative powers. The main advantages of the water system of heat supply: the high building of the water, which is accumulative; the possibility of transportation is great; por_vnyano with a couple of less heat spent per hour of transportation; Possibility of regulation of thermal navantazhennya by means of a way to change the temperature in the hydraulic mode. The main shortfall of water systems is the large amount of energy spent on the movement of heat in the system. In addition, vikoristannya lead in the quality of heat-carrying wine is necessary for special training. During preparation, indicators of carbonate hardness, instead of sourness, instead of flooding, and pH are normalized. Water thermal barriers sound zastosovuyutsya for the satisfaction of opaluvalno-ventilation navantazhennia, hot water supply and technological navantazhennia low potential (temperature below 100 0 C).

The benefits of pari as heat transfer are as follows: spend little energy for an hour in the channels; Intensive heat transfer during condensation at thermal accessories; in high-potential technological steams, it is possible to vicorate with a high temperature. Nedolik: the operation of steam systems of heat supply will require additional care for special security entries.

The scheme of the thermal barrier is determined by such factors: the location of the heat supply dzherel according to the distance to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthermal cooling, the nature of the thermal demand of the coolers, the type of heat transfer and the principle of yogo selection.

Thermal barriers are subdivided into:

Main lines, which are laid behind the main lines of heat supply facilities;

Rozpodіlnі, yakі roztashovanі between the main thermal barriers and vіdgaluzhennya;

Vidgaluzhennya thermal barriers up to okremih spozhivachіv (budіvel).

Schemes of thermal barriers, as a rule, change, fig. 5.1. From the CHPP or boiler house 4 by interchange mains 1 heat-carrying lines should be connected to the saving heat 2. With the method of reserve heat supply, the interchange mains are connected by jumpers 3.

The radius of the water line of heat supply is reachable

12 km. With small lengths of mains, for rural thermal systems, a radial scheme with a constant change in the diameter of pipes in the world is far away from the heat supply.

Laying of thermal meshes can be above ground (replace) and underground.

Aboveground pipe laying (on

It’s okay to stand on the canvas or estakadi, on concrete blocks and stagnate on the territories of enterprises, with sporudzhenny thermal barriers between the poses of the place at the break of the day, etc.

In rural settlements, land laying can be on low supports and supports of medium height. Tsey way zastosovuetsya at a temperature of heat

wear no more than 1150С. The underground laying is the most wide. Separate duct and non-duct laying. On fig. 5.2 shows a channel gasket. When duct laying, the insulation design of the pipelines is separated from the zovn_shnіh navantage of the backfill. With channelless laying (div. Fig. 5.3), pipelines 2 are laid on supports 3 (gravel

or squealing pillows, wooden bars and otherwise).

Zasipka 1, like vicorist: gravel, coarse-grained sand, milling peat, expanded clay, etc., to serve as a defense against cold weather and at the same time reduce heat loss. With duct laying, the heat transfer temperature can reach 180 °C. For thermal barriers, steel pipes with a diameter of 25 to 400 mm are most often used. In order to prevent the collapse of metal pipes due to thermal deformation along the length of the entire pipeline, through the pipes, they are restored to competence.

Various design variations of compensators are shown in fig. 5.4.

Mal. 5.4. Compensators:

a - P-like; b- lyre-like; in- Salnikovy; G– lenticular

Compensators mind but (P-similar) that b (lyre-like) are called radial. The stench of the change of the pipe is compensated for by the deformation of the material at the bends. For stuffing box compensators in you can forge trumpets in trumpets. In such compensators, there is a need for the superstructure of the reinforcement. Compensator G - choose a lens type to change the length of the lens for the spring-loaded lenses. Great prospects for susylphonic compensators. The bellows is a thin-walled corrugated shell, which allows to absorb various movements in the axial, transverse and lateral straight lines, to reduce the vibration level and to compensate for the sluggishness.

Pipes are stacked on special supports of two types: free and non-robust. Vіlnі supports secure the movement of pipes in case of temperature deformations. Unruly supports fix the position of the pipes on the singing plots. Vіdstan mіzh neruhomomimi supports lie down in the diameter of the pipe, for example, at D = 100 mm L = 65 m; at D = 200 mm, L = 95 m.

Nin replacement of metal pipes, which require serious protection against corrosion, plastic pipes began to be widely used. Industries rich in the country produce a wide range of pipes made of polymeric materials (polypropylene, polyolefin); metal-plastic pipes; pipes, made for winding threads from graphite, basalt, steel.

On the main and rozpodіlchih thermal barriers, pipes with thermal insulation applied in an industrial way are laid. For heat insulation of plastic pipes, it is better to use vicorist polymerized materials: foam polyurethane, foam polyurethane and others. For metal pipes vicorist, use bitumen-perlite or phenol-poroplast insulation.

5.2. Thermal points

A thermal point is a complex of outbuildings, which are installed in a water-reinforced area, which are made up of heat exchangers and elements of heat engineering equipment.

Thermal points ensure the arrival of heating facilities to the thermal barrier. The main tasks of the TP є:

- Transformation of thermal energy;

- Rozpodіl teplonosіya on systems teplospozhivannya;

– control and regulation of heat transfer parameters;

- the shape of the heat carrier and heat;

- inclusion of heat supply systems;

- Defender of heat supply systems in case of emergency movement of heat parameters.

Thermal points are subdivided for the presence of thermal barriers following them to: central heating points (CHP) and individual heating points (ITP). Two and more heat supply facilities are brought to the central heating point. ITP comes to the thermal barrier up to one object or one part. According to the location of the heating points, they can stand still, arrive until the next day and wake up at the next day.

On fig. 5.5 shows a typical scheme of ITP systems, which ensures the scorching and hot water supply of the object.

From the thermal barrier to the locking taps of the heating point, two pipes were installed:

inversely (cooling of heat carriers is introduced). The parameters of heat transfer in pipelines that are supplied: for water (pressure up to 2.5 MPa, temperature - no more than 200 0 C), for steam (p t 0 C). At least two heat exchangers of a recuperative type (shell and tube or plate parts) were installed in the middle of the heating point. One ensures the transformation of heat in the scorching system of the object, the other - in the hot water supply system. Both in this and in the other system, in front of the heat exchangers, there is a built-in control device that regulates the parameters and supply of heat, which allows you to conduct an automatic form of the heat transfer. For the scorching system, the water in the heat exchanger is heated up to a maximum of 95 0 C and is pumped by the circulation pump through the heating accessories. Circulation pumps (one robot, another standby) are installed on the return pipeline. For hot water supply

water, which is pumped through the heat exchanger by a circulation pump, is heated up to 60 0 C and is supplied to the cooler. Vitrata water is compensated to the heat exchanger from the cold water supply system. For the appearance of warmth, stained for heating water, that її vitrati are installed in the same sensors and registering accessories.

I course of lectures for the first time

Dzherela and heat supply systems

  1. Heat supply systems for industrial enterprises

  2. See thermal advances

  3. Classification of heat supply systems
- for the scheme of supplying heat at a slow pace (decentralization and centralization);

By type of heat transfer (steam systems and water systems);

Behind the method of letting in the warmth of spozhivachevy; (for scorched: fallow and independent ; for hot heat supply:close and close )

For a number of heat pipes, which should go in parallel;

For a number of steps you have to come.

4. Schemes of thermal meshes (Tupikova, Radialna, Kiltseva)

5. Steam systems and heat supply (PST).

6. Installation of thermal fencing
Heat supply systems of enterprises (STSPP) - the whole complex of outbuildings from vibration, transportation and security of keeping the necessary amount of heat of the necessary parameters.

The heat supply system (Fig. 1) includes:

1. Dzherelo (CHPP, boiler house);

2. Main lines (thermal);

3. Rozpodіlnі merezhi (thermal);

4. Keep warm

Zhytlov and community facilities ZhKG);

5. Subscriber introduction (thermal high-rise building, MTP thermal point, elevator high-rise building);

6. Central heating point of the CHP.

Fig.1. Heat supply system.

You can see the thermal advances:

  • Thermal savings:

  1. scorching (prevention for scorching);
    ventilation (heat at the heater (heat exchanger));

  2. hotter water supply;

  3. technological needs p.p.

  • Thermal energy is different:

  1. seasonal (scorching, ventilation);

  2. color (hot water supply, technological needs).
Classification of heat supply systems :

  1. for the scheme of supply of heat

  2. looks like heat transfer;

  3. for the method of letting in the heat of spozhivachevy;

  4. for the number of parallel heat pipes;

  5. for a number of steps to come.
1. For the heat supply scheme :

Decentralization - keeping warm at home. І there are daily thermal barriers; zastosovuyutsya in areas with a low concentration of heat demand, if there are small growths in the plots, which are not easily forgotten, as well as in technical and economic rounding.

Centralized - dzherelo heat supply (CHP or boiler house) is located on a significant amount of heat. Therefore, the skin of the STS is made up of three lanoks (dzherelo warmth - thermal measures - thermal supply systems). Mіstsevі STS - thermal substations and heat receivers.

Centralized scorching systems may prevail over decentralized, and nin C T signify the role of the development of heat supply in places and industries. Near metro station Petrozavodsk, a thermal power station was commissioned in 1977.

2. Looks like heat:

Steam systems (heat-carrying - water vapor);

Water systems (thermal - hot water).
Hot water vikoristovuetsya to satisfy the need for scorching, ventilation and hot water supply. Water vapor is vicorous at the facilities for technological needs (rarely vicorist overheated water). At the required temperature of heat transfer, the vicarious water is heated up to 150C, and at higher parameters - water vapor. Before the heat transfer, special benefits are suspended:

but. sanitary - hygienic (at the premises of the housing and communal services, the temperature of the appliances that are heated is not allowed higher than 90 ° C, at industrial workshops it can be even higher);

B. tehnіko - ekonomіchnі (variability of material, installation and operation may be optimal);

V. exploitation (the heat-carrying one is guilty of volatility, which would allow centralized regulation of the heat transfer of cooling systems).

Por_vnyalna characteristic of the driver and steam as heat transfer:

Advantages of the water: the range of temperature changes at wide boundaries (from 25˚С to 150˚С); the possibility of transporting a large distance without changing the thermal potential (15-20 km); the possibility of centralized regulation of the heat transfer temperature on the dzherel; ease of accession of mechanical systems to thermal barriers.

Shortage of water: a significant amount of electricity is required for the operation of pumps for pumping heat; the heat transfer temperature can be less than the given value.

Benefits of the bet: zastosovuyt yak for thermal comfort, so for power and technological needs; quick heating and cooling of the system, which is valuable for the application, de-periodically needs scorching; in steam systems, it is possible not to break the hydrostatic pressure through a low volume of water (in 1650 times less volume of water). Steam systems can zastosovuvatysya in mountainous mіstsevosti and rich-topped booths; the cost of electricity consumption for the transport of steam (without pumps); the simplicity of cob regulation in the aftermath of self-regulation betting.

Nedolіki bet: when transporting in significant weather, the temperature can be great and vice versa, so the radius of steam systems is less than 6-15 km, and that of water systems - from 30 to 60 km. The term for the service of steam systems means lower, lower water through corrosion of pipes.

3. Behind the method of letting the heat out :

For scorching - TK connection schemes: fallow and independent;

For hot heat supply - TZ connection schemes: close and open.

Fallow connection scheme - if the water from the heat source comes directly into the heating fittings of the misting system (MOS).

The connection scheme is independent - if there are two okremі contours (the first one is water that circulates in the thermal system, and the second one is the water circuit of the booth, the water that circulates in the MOS), with which water from the heat source through the heat exchanger delivers heat to the water circuit. Water from the heating plant is less likely to reach the thermal substation of the MOS (thermal substation - tse TsTP or MTP), where at the heaters (heat exchangers TA) they heat the water that circulates in the MOS. In this season, there may be two heat transfers: combustible (water from TZ) and heated (water in the MOS). The pressure of the primary circuit is not transferred to the secondary pressure, which works for the damp circulation pump.

Vіdkritiy vodozbіr - without intermediary іz thermal barrier. Closing water intake - through the heat exchanger, water from the heating plant heats the water in the drinking water supply system.

Owning a thermal substation for fallow schemes is simpler and cheaper, lower for independent, prote, it is necessary to protect, that in fallow schemes the pressure is transmitted from the thermal barrier of the MOC, as it vitrimuets up to 6-10 atm. fallow according to the type of heating appliances. Butt: chavunn_ radiators vitrimuyut 6 atm.

Diagrams for the connection of scorching systems to thermal barriers:

T 1 - supply heat conductor TZ,
-1-1 T 2 - MS return pipeline,

1 - armature of a viscous extension.

Mal. 2. Fallow scheme without mismatch

The temperature in the pipeline TZ, which is given, does not exceed the boundaries established by sanitary standards for the fittings of mechanical systems. It is possible to have a small heat exchanger, if the boiler room vibrates heat-carrying parameters of 95˚-70˚С, or for a heating system of industrial alarms t ? 100˚ C, ale won.

  • The fallow scheme with elevator shifts (Fig. 3).

? 130˚С ? 90-95˚С


Mal. 3. Fallow scheme with elevator zmіshuvannyam Small. 4. Elevator
Water from the pipeline, which is supplied by T 1 h t = 130˚ C come near the elevator (Fig. 4), through the branch pipe to the elevator, water is pumped from the cesspool T 2 t =70˚ C . Zavdyaki snot, yak budovana in the elevator, the one for the principle of injection, zmishannya t = 130˚ C and t =70˚ C, mixed water t = 90˚С to be near the heater. The elevators are refurbished and the diameter of the nozzle is selected. In our country, there are more inputs and there are security elevators there, where superheated water is transported by heat meters. It is necessary to ensure that the operation of the elevator requires a pressure on the water of 15 m of the water column.

  • The fallow scheme of pumping noises (Fig. 5).

At times of insufficient pressure to set

V_dtsentrovy pump on the intermediary

90˚C? 70˚С ? supply and return pipeline i vіn

How the elevator podmіshuє up to the driver, what is given

Zvorotnu chilled water. ale pump

Dear delight.

130? Іsnuє scheme і with an elevator, і with a pump.

Mal. 5. Fallow scheme with pumping noise

  • Independent circuit (with heat exchanger) (Fig. 6).
there is an independent scheme to divide the MOS into two circuits, preventing the pressing of the pressure. Obidva circuits are hydraulically insulated and independent one in one. With this scheme, it is easy to secure the need for heat, to regulate the supply of heat, tobto. reduce the problem to overheating, and also save.

1. Misceva opaluval system;

2. Circulation pump;

3. Heat exchanger;

4. Expansion tank;

5. Vimic fittings.

Mal. 6. Independent circuit (with heat exchanger)

Schemes for connecting the GWP to thermal barriers.

  • In closed systems, heat supply heat transfer surface rotates up to
dzherelu heat supply (crim vitokiv). The heat-carrying vicorist is like a medium, which is warm, in heat exchangers. Closed systems are hydraulically insulated from thermal barriers, which ensures a stable water quality of the GWP, because there is no fault of slag deposits in the GWP system (ne plus). However, water from a cold water supply system enters the GWP system (in the pipes), which does not allow deaeration (distant sourness and carbon dioxide), heats up and increases corrosion activity, which means that pipes are more likely to collapse in the presence of corrosion, lower in other circuits. Therefore, in closed systems, it is recommended to install non-metal, plastic pipes.

Closed circuits separate one-stage and multiple-stage parts. Choose a scheme to lay down in the form of spivv_dnoshennia vytrati heat for scorching that GVP. Choose a scheme to get through on the basis of a rozrahunka.

  • For open systems GVP vikoristovuyut not only the warmth to be supplied
heat carrier from the thermal barrier to the mass barrier, and then the heat carrier itself. In open circuits, the GWP pipes corrode in a smaller world, lower in closed systems, because water comes from the thermal barrier after chemical water treatment (CWT), but if it is possible, the stability of the sanitary standards of water indicators can be damaged. Open circuits are cheaper. Close it, because do not need to spend money on heat exchangers and the pump is not equipped.

Schemes for the delivery of hot water supply systems to the thermal barriers.

  • Single-stage circuit (Fig. 7, 8):

One heat exchanger and heating on the GWP is installed before the MOS).

Mal. 7. Single stage shifter


Mal. 8. Single stage parallel

T = 55-60?

T = 30C T = 5C

Mal. 9. Last two-step

Mal. 10. Zmіshana dvostupіnchasta
The two-stage circuits are effective in stagnation, which results in a slight decrease in the temperature of the whirlpool water, and also causes an independent heat transfer to the scorching of the GWP, tobto. colivannya vitrati in the GWP system does not work on the MOS robots, which can be done in other schemes.

4. For a number of heat pipes, which should go in parallel.

Fallow in the number of pipes that transfer heatin one straight rozryznyayut one-, dvu-i bagatotrubnі systems of the HARDWARE. For the minimum number of pipes you can use:

Vіdkrita single-pipe system - zastosovuєtsya at centralized scorching on technological and butovі consumption, if all the water is known to be safe when supplying heat to scorching, ventilation and GVP, tobto. if Q vіd + Q vent. = Q hot water . Such situations are typical for industrial districts and technological advances (rarely increase).

The two-pipe system is the widest, it is made up of supply (T1) and return (T2) pipelines.

Tri-pipe - is built from the double-pipe system of water supply to the scorched ventilation and the third pipe for the purposes of the GWP, which is not easy.

Chotiriokhtrubna - if a circulation pipeline is added to the GWP.

Smart designation of pipelines in accordance with GOST:

  1. supply pipeline (T 1 ),

  2. return pipeline (T 2 ),

  3. GVP pipeline (T 3 ),
    GVP circulation pipeline (T 4 ),

  4. pipeline of technological needs (Тт).
5. For a number of steps, admission.

Distinguish single-stage and rich-stage parts of the scheme of heat supply systems.

A single-stage scheme (Fig. 11) - if the heat is reduced to the thermal barriers for additional MTP.

Mal. 11. One-stage circuit
1- warmer,

2-mіsnі thermal vozli (MTP),

3- element of industrial boiler house with steam and hot water boilers,

4- water boiler (peak),

5-merezhevy steam-water pіdіgrіvach,

6- jumper with fittings, which is switched on, for the adjustment of various modes of operation (for switching on a hot water boiler),

7-line pump,

8- TsTP.
Two-stage scheme (Fig. 12).

Mal. 12. Two-step scheme
Bagatostupіnchasta scheme - if between the heat source and the spacers, the central heating station and the group heating points (GTP) are located. These points are designated for the preparation of heat transfer in the necessary parameters, regulation of heat transfer and distribution according to the heating systems, as well as for the appearance and control of heat transfer and water.
Thermal mesh schemes

Schemes of thermal barriers to lie down in:

  • Distribution of heat to the district of the settlement;

  • In view of the nature of the thermal attraction;

  • In view of heat transfer (steam, water).
When choosing a scheme of thermal barriers, one should go out of the minds of superiority, economy, and take into account the simplest configuration of the barrier and the least amount of pipelines.

Thermal barriers are subdivided into categories:

  1. main lines;

  2. rozpodіlnі merezhi;

  3. internal quarters;

  4. Vidgaluzhennya to spozhivachіv (budіvel).
Thermal barriers are designed according to the following schemes:

  1. Tupikov (Fig. 13) - the simplest, the most widened in the settlements and small places:


2-main lines,

3-rozpodіlnі merezhі,

4 quarters,


6 - goodbye,

7 jumper.

Mal. 13 Dead end scheme

  1. Radial (Fig. 14) - it is powerful, if there is no possibility to transfer to the kiltsev, but the interruption at the heat supply is unacceptable:

Mal. 14 Radial scheme

  1. Kiltseva - najdorozhcha, sporudzhuetsya at great places, ensuring uninterrupted heat supply, for which you can transfer thermal energy to another:

Mal. 15 Kiltseva scheme

Steam systems of heat supply (PST).

The steam systems of the heat supply system are mainly occupied at the great industrial enterprises and can be found on the objects, where industrial workers can be found, as well as at the places with an unfriendly relief of the urbanity.

Type of steam systems:

1-one-pipe (Fig. 16) (no condensate return to the system):

1-dzherelo (steam boiler),

2-wall of a promissory spozhivacha - between the subscriber's introduction of a spozhivacha,


5-steam heat exchanger for MOS,

6-tech unit,

Mal. 16 Single pipe steam system7-condensate fans,

8 - condensate discharge to the drain.
Mal. 17 Automatic condensate drain.

The one-pipe scheme should be completely blocked if there is a significant amount of condensate behind the minds of the technological process, and the degree of turbidity is not effective for cleaning. Tsya scheme zastosovuetsya for warming up the fuel oil, steaming the pre-cast concrete slabs.

2-pipe (Fig. 18):

1-dzherelo (steam boiler),

2-stіna promislovy

Spozhivacha - cordon

Subscriber introduction,


4-steam heat exchanger for

5-steam heat exchanger for

6-tech unit,

7-condensate fans,

Mal. 18 Two-pipe steam system8-condensate line,

9 condensate tank,

10-condensate pump.

Two-pipe systems with condensate turns to stagnate, so that the condensate does not retaliate against aggressive salts and other impurities (to ensure that wines are mentally clean). The schemes are laid out in such a way that condensate flows into the condensate tank by self-fuel.

3-multipipe (Fig. 19):

Mal. 19 Tritube steam system

A three-pipe (multi-pipe) scheme is zastosovuetsya, if a couple of different parameters are needed. The boiler house vibrates a couple with the maximum pressure and temperature, which is necessary for one of the comforts. If it’s slower, if steam is needed with lower parameters, then the steam is passed through a reduction installation (RU), in which steam it reduces only the pressure, or through the reduction cooling installation (ROU), it is necessary to reduce both pressure and temperature.

Installation of thermal barriers

There are the following ways of laying thermal barriers:

  1. Overground (ground) laying - may be a place for industrial enterprises, when roads are rebuilt and crossings, near permafrost areas;

  2. Underground laying buvaє:
- in impassable channels,

At the best channels,

At passing channels (collectors),


Collectors and napіvprokhіdnі channels mіtse near the great places, on the territory of industrial enterprises, de є sens to lay various engineering merezhі (communіkatsії) spilno. This way of laying is easy to maintain, but expensive. Pipes of thermal fringes, as they are laid in impassable channels and without channels, are not serviced. In this manner, choose the laying of a line to lie in the minds of the territory, mind the soil, forget that technical and economic lining.

The depth of the laying of thermal fencing is to be deposited in the place of laying. The maximum depth at the non-passing part should be 0.5 m to the top of the channel, at the passing part - 0.7 m. ί min = 0.002 ( min = h / L ).
The installation of thermal barriers, which will require constant control and maintenance, is installed at heating chambers (Fig. 20). Tse: zasuvki, disk gates, control valves, attachments for the release of the drain and the drain of the water (empty line). As a rule, at the same time, unruly supports are arranged from the chamber. It is necessary to sprout (near water-filled soils) drainage measures (pipes with openings to the animal and from the sides are laid for food preparation and sipay with crushed stone).

Mal. 20 Heating chamber

At the thermal fences, electric or seamless pipes are installed, as well as options and chavun trumpets from chive chavun with kulyasty graphite.

For yard treads with a working vice P slave up to 1.6 MPa and with a temperature of T up to 115˚С, non-metal (plastic) pipes can be stuck.

Support structures.

Razrіznyayut: - ruhlivі (vіlnі) supports,

Unruthful (dead) support.

Ruhlivі supports are used for spriynyattya vag pipes and safe moving of pipes (at elevated temperatures). The number of rotten supports is indicated in the tables as fallow in diameter and chimney. According to the principle of free movement, the ruhli supports are divided into: kovznі poles (kovzachki), skating rinks, sacks, rukhlivі.

Ruhlivі supports vikoristovuyut in all ways of laying, krіm channelless.

Non-destructive supports serve to relieve thermal deformation by the method of fixing the pipeline, and to lay for demarcation of the lines of thermal compensation. Razrіznyayut unbreakable supports:

Shields (with underground laying),

On the beams, on the foundations, on the pillars (with ground laying or tunnels).

Compensation for thermal losses.
The compensators are designed for spriynyattya temperature podovzhen heat conduit and expansion of pipes in the presence of temperature stresses and deformations. The following types of compensators should be installed at thermal barriers:

  1. compensator wilt,

  2. compensator back,

  3. twisted windings,

  4. ruhomі support,

  5. tightening bolts,
install onMal. 21 Gnuchka (P-like) supportclamps.
∆l=? ∙ L (?max -? min), de? - Coefficient of line expansion,

L - Dovzhina between non-destructive supports (dіlyanka compensation).

P-similar compensators are stretched by half of the thermal heights. Stretching to slacken on the first spring sticks of the compensator.

P-similar compensators, as if turning around do not require service.

  1. kuti turn trace (self-compensation),

  2. bellows, lenses (one or rich corrugation),

Compensating building of the bellows expansion joint

Stock 50-150 mm.

Bellows trichvillion compensator.



3-gland stuffing,

4-primer box,

5-pressure flange,

6 tie bolt.

Mal. 22 Gland compensator
Gland compensator can be unilateral and bilateral.

Kuti turn traces and p-like compensators work like radial ones, and bellows, lenses and glands work like axles.

Channelless laying.

For thermal barriers of ductless laying, vicorist pipelines are made of foam polyurethane insulation (PPU insulation). Russia is the country with the highest level of centralized heat supply; meters Of these, 50% of thermal barriers will require a major overhaul. Thermal barriers consume 30% of the input heat, which is approximately 80 million toe/Rik. To overcome these problems, channelless laying with polyurethane foam insulation is recommended. Advantages of this gasket:

Durability increase from 10 to 30 years,

Reduced heat consumption from 30% to 3%,

Decreased operating costs in 9 times,

Reduced costs for the repair of heating mains 3 times,

Lowering the terms of everyday life,

Nayavnist of the system of operational-remote control (ODC) for the placement of an insulating ball.

Accumulated defects statistics:

38% - by outsiders of the UEC system,

32% - steel cladding powder,

14% - free stick fees,

8% pardons for the storage of the UEC,

2% - neakіsne zvaryuvannya,

6% - internal corrosion of metal.

With channelless laying, use a polyethylene sheath.

Thermal energy from hot water or steam is transported from a heat source (CHP or a large boiler house) to heat sources by special pipelines, as they are called thermal measures.

Thermal mesh- one of the most labor-intensive elements of centralized heat supply systems. Vaughn is a heat-conducting-folding spores, which are made up of welded steel pipes, thermal insulation, compensators for thermal vents, locking and control fittings, building constructions, rukhomi and pristrokom non-robust supports, drainage

For a certain amount of parallel laying of heat pipelines, thermal barriers can be single-tube, two-tube and bagato-tube.

One-pipe meshes the most economical and simple. They have fresh water after the scorching systems and ventilation must be recycled for hot water supply. One-pipe thermal barriersє progressive from a glance of a significant acceleration of the pace of life of thermal measures. At three-pipe chains two pipes vikoristovuyut how to serve for the supply of heat with different thermal potentials, and the third pipe - like a sour turn. At chotiritrubnyh merezhakh one pair of heat-conducting service systems for scorching and ventilation, and another pair for a hot water supply system and technological needs.

In Denmark, the hour of greatest expansion of Nabuli double-pipe thermal barriers, which are formed from the supply pipe of the return heat pipes for water lines and the steam line with the condensate line for steam lines. Zavdyaki vysokіy akumuliuyuchіy zdatnostі vod, scho allows zdіysnyuvat dіysnyuvat dіysknіvаt іnє teplopodachannja, аs also greater ekonomіchnіchnіchіnіstі sposobnosti central regulivanny vіdpusk vіdpuskі teplovachach, vodіrі mаyut shirі stosuvannya, nizh vіzh vіvі.

Water thermal barriers for the method of preparing water for hot water supply, refer to close and close. At closed yards for a hot water supply, vicorous water is supplied, which is heated by water from the water heaters. When tsimu merezheva water is turned on the CHP or the boiler house. At open pits, water for hot water supply is picked up by the workers without intermediary from the thermal pit, and after that, it doesn’t turn to the pit.

Thermal barriers are added to main, which are laid on the main routes of settlements, rozpodilchi- in the middle of the quarter, the microdistrict and the service until the next few days.

Radial lines(Fig. 1a) due to stepwise changes in the diameters of heat pipes directly from the heat source. Such measures are the most simple and economical for cob vitrates. The Їх main shortfall is the total reservation. Dwellers uniknuti Pererva in teplopostachannі (at razі avarії on magіstralі radіalnoї MEREZHI pripinyaєtsya teplopostachannya spozhivachіv, priєdnanih on avarіynіy dіlyantsі) guilty peredbachatisya rezervuvannya podachі heats of spozhivacham for rakhunok ulashtuvannya peremichok mіzh thermal trammel sumіzhnih rayonіv that spіlnoї robot Jerel the heats (Yakscho їh kіlka). The radius of the water lines near rich places reaches a significant value (15-20 km).

Mal. 1. Schemes of thermal mesh: dead end(but) ta kiltseva (b)

1-promenevy main heat pipe; 2 - thermal comfort; 3 - jumpers; 4 - regional (quarterly) boiler houses; 5 - section chambers; 6 - Kiltseva highway; 7 - central heating points; 8 - trades of business

We will add a jumper of the thermal truss to the radial-kiltseva, we will make a partial transition to the kiltsevy trusses. For enterprises, which do not allow a break in the heat supply, transfer the duplication of chi kіltsev (with two-way supply of heat) schemes of thermal measures. If you want to keep the line more expensive, then in the great systems of heat supply, the increase in heat supply is significantly increased, the possibility of reservation is created, and the quality of civil defense is also increased.

Steam lines vlashtovuyut more importantly with two pipes. Turning to condensate is done with a rimmed pipe - a condensate pipeline. A pair of CHPPs with a steam pipeline with a speed of 40-60 m / s and more to go to the city of recovery. In quiet weathers, if the steam is recovered in the heat exchangers, then the condensate is collected in the condensate tanks, and the pumps turn the pumps through the condensate pipeline to the CHPP.

Mal. 2. Laying of heat pipes on drawers

Mal. 3. Passage channel from selected concrete blocks

Napryamok Tracy thermal trammel in mіstah that іnshih Settlement Got peredbachatisya areas naybіlsh schіlnogo heat navantazhennya of urahuvannyam іsnuyuchih pіdzemnih that aboveground sporud, danih about warehouse ґruntіv that rіven Stoyanov ґruntovih waters have vіdvedenih for іnzhenernih trammel tehnіchnih Smuga parallel Cervone lіnіyam vulits, dorіg, posture passing part of that swarm of green plantings. Sliding up to the smallest length of the route, and then, to the smallest stretches, it works for laying.

Mal. 4. Non-passing channels of the brand KL (a), KLp (b) and KLs (v)

For the method of laying thermal barriers, they are divided into underground and aboveground (resurface). Overground laying of pipes (on drawers, where it is possible to stand, or on trestle bridges, on brackets, which are built in the walls of a building) stagnates on the territories of industrial enterprises, when there is a need for thermal barriers between places, when there are breaks, etc. groundwater. The most important way of laying pipelines in thermal barriers is underground laying: in passing channels and collectors, it is shared with other communications; in napіvprokhіdnih and not prokhіdnih canals; channelless (in zahisnih shells of various forms and with suffocating thermal insulation).

The most thorough, and even more expensive way is to lay heat pipes in passing channels, as if to stop for the presence of large diameter heat pipes. When the temperature rises in the channels over 50 ° C, natural or mechanical ventilation is transferred.

Vityazhni mines on the highway are located approximately after 100 m. On the plots of thermal barriers with a large number of pipelines and a high temperature of the heat carrier, mechanical ventilation is installed. When the temperature is repeated in the channels below 40 ° C, they are periodically checked, opening the hatches and entering. Under the hour of the repair work, it is possible to shut down the mechanical resupply ventilation unit. Great places will have the rank of city collectors, where heat pipes, water pipes, electric and telephone cables are laid.

Napіvprokhіdnі channels stacked of wall blocks of L-shaped form, concrete bottoms and overlappings. There will be їх under transits with intensive street traffic, under zaliznichnymi kolіyami at rest breaks, and it is difficult to install heat pipelines for repair. Height їх does not exceed 1600 mm, width of passage between pipes 400–500 mm. The practice of centralized heat supply is more likely to get stuck impassable channels.

Mal. 5. Structural elements of thermal barriers

a - thermal barrier chamber; 1-omental compensators; 2 - manometry; 3 - unbreakable support; 4 - channel; b - placement of a niche by a heat pipe route: H - a non-rotating support; P - rukhli support; c - placement of the compensator in the niche: 1 - pipeline; 2 - Zvorotny pipeline; 3-wall; G - gland compensator; 1 - branch pipe; 2 - grundbuks; 3 - stuffing-cord; 4 - kіltse ushchіlnyuvalne; 6 - Frame; 6 - counterbox; 7 - kіltse zapobіzhne; 8- bolt: 9 - washer; 10 - screw; d - nerukhoma shield support; 1 - reinforced concrete slab-shield; 2 - Welded stops; 3-channel; 4 - concrete preparation: 5-pipelines; 6 - drainage opening; e- kotkov ruhoma support: 1 - kovzanka; 2 - directly; 3 - metal lining

Mal. 6. Channelless laying of heat pipes in monolithic shells with reinforced foam concrete

1 - armored concrete shell; 2 - food pidsipannya; 3 - concrete preparation; 4 - soil

Three types of channels are divided into types: KL brand channel, which is stacked from trays and reinforced concrete slabs; KLp brand channel, which is folded from the plate-bottom of that tray and KLS brand channel, which is folded from two trays, one on the other and one on the cement gap for the help of two-beam beams. On the route of the underground heat pipeline, special chambers and wells are installed for the installation of fittings, winding fittings, gland expansion joints and other, as well as niches for P-like expansion joints. The underground heat pipeline is laid on supports that are forged. Vіdstan mіzh supports priymayut zalezhno depending on the diameter of the pipes, moreover, the support of the pipeline, which supply and return, install vrozbіg.

Thermal barriers as a whole, especially the main ones, and serious and secondary spores. Їhnya vartist, porіvnjano z vitraty for the life of the thermal power plant, to become a significant part.

Channelless way of laying a heat pipe- Found. Zastosuvannya allows you to reduce by 30–40% the life cycle of thermal measures, significantly reduce labor costs and the cost of work materials. Heat transfer blocks are manufactured at the factory. The installation of heat pipelines on the highway is less likely to be carried out before the blocks are laid by a truck crane near the trench and zvaryuvann stiks. Burial of thermal barriers in the surface of the earth or road cover to the top of the overlap of the channel or collector is accepted, m: - 0.3.

Nearly 80% of the thermal barriers were laid in impassable channels, about 10% - overground, 4% - in through channels and tunnels, and close to 6% - without channels. The middle term for the service of underground duct heat pipes is less than the normative one and does not change into the average 10–12 years, and for non-channel ones with insulation on bitumen and caustic base - no more than 6-8 years. The main reason for this is the level of corrosion, which is due to the presence or lack of application of anti-corrosion coatings, the unsatisfactory quality or the mill of the curved balls, which allow over-the-world insulation, and also due to the structural failure of the channels. Like in our country, so there is a constant search beyond the cordon, and the rest of the rock is especially intensive, directly increasing the reliability of heat pipes, the reliability of their work, and reducing the cost of their work.

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