International roaming on the phone 2. Roaming "Tele2": tariffs

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At the skin operator є suggestions for subscribers, who often call between Batkivshchina. At the stylist operator Tele 2 I will call this tariff “ grafted to batkivshchyna". A special type of package є a low tariff for calls to the regions of the SND. The price of one khvilini rose and becomes less than 4.9 rubles. It's fair to say that it is attractive for the adjusted tariff plans.

Single tariff for calls in the home zone (St. Petersburg and Leningradska region), you can call the subscriber to a mobile or a local number. The whole tariff plan has a subscription fee and all incoming calls and SMS messages without a fee.

When sending an SMS message to a Tele2 number in Russia, you will be charged 1.5 rubles for the first time you receive a message, 99; The subscriber is guilty of popovnuvati rakhunok or koristuvatisya by the services of the operator would like b times for 120 days.

On the subscriber's account, there is a fee for the price of 1 ruble per day, repaired from the 121st day. Tse prodovzhuvatimetsya doti, docks on the rakhunka will not be worthwhile to write off.

Yak switch to Tele2 tariff "Privit to Batkivshchyna"

Transfer to the tariff available to us for the telephone call Tele2. To change the tariff plan, you need to supply USSD power *116*54# ... Warehouse price 30 rubles. The change to the tariff is renewed by pulling it out at the moment of renewal. You can also change the tariff by calling the phone number 630 .

Servant "Internet from telephone" Tele2

If the service is connected, the coristuvach will take away 50 MB of mobile Internet for dob, and the rakhunk will know the sum in the size of 4.5 rubles. Additional services are paid, warehouse rate is 10 rubles.

If a subscriber vikoristovuє for extra 50 MB, before the end of the flow day, the next megabyte is blocked or transferred to the information tariffs are purchased for 1 ruble. To connect, you need to supply USSD power *155*31# ... You can vimknuti the service for the additional help of the command * 155 * 30 #. If there is a surplus MB is required to be supplied * 155*3# .

Variety of basic services for the Tele2 tariff "Privit to Batkivshchyna"
Subscription fee 0 rub
Visited calls on the number of the home zone
Visited calls on Tele2 1.5 rbl
Telecommunications on mobile and mobile numbers of the home zone 1.5 rbl
Visiting links in Russia
Calls to mobile numbers Tele2 in Russia 1.5 rbl
Dzvinki on Misk and Mobile across Russia 4.9 rbl
Dzvinki in the region
Dzvinky at SND 4.9 rbl
Azerbaijan, Moldova, Bilorus 9 rbl
Europe and the Baltic region 19 rbl
USA and Canada 35 rbl
In the region RUB 60
Support for Tele2 subscribers RUB 0.15
Supervising the visit to the main room 1.5 rbl
Stronghold over the cordon 3.4 rbl
Send MMS RUB 6
Mobile Internet
WAP access to the Internet RUB 6
GPRS mobile Internet with "Internet with telephone" service 0 rub
International Telecommunications
SND 20 rbl
USA 35 rbl
Canada 35 rbl
Europe 35 rbl
Інші countries RUB 65
Satellite call 240 rbl
  • You can get more detailed information for the tariff under the number 611. Tse number of the operator Tele2 for receiving subscribers. Dzvіnki to tsei number from mobile numbers Tele2 without koshtovnі. (Jcomments on)

Whenever you go on a trip outside Russia, check the tariffs for roaming around the cordon 2017 roku vid Tele2.

Servant "Rose without cordons"

If you need to get used to the call before the price goes up for an hour, turn on the service "Root without cordons". You are allowed to have mercy on promotions - when all incoming calls are connected, tariffs are charged for 5 rubles of khvili, regardless of what you are in your country.

You can activate the service with the help of the USSD command * 143 * 1 # 📞. Connection without koshtovne, subscription fee will be debited similarly - 5 rubles per day.

Do not forget to turn on the service from the turn to the house, so that you can remove the unnecessary vitrates. For others, dial * 143 * 0 # 📞.

Servant "Internet behind the cordon"

If you don’t need to connect for mobile Internet for roaming discounts, you can enable the option “Internet for cordon”. Vona is allowed to use the Internet on a large head - with a fixed payment of 100 rubles per day. The subscription fee includes an Internet traffic package of 10 MB.

To brutalize respect! After finishing a single megabyte package, the service is paid for 10 rubles per 1 MB.

To connect the option, speed up with the command USSD * 143 * 31 # 📞. To get the service, dial * 143 * 30 # 📞.

International roaming

When the phone is connected behind the cordon, the win is automatically re-set in the middle of the net. For the subscriber, there is a good time for services in roaming.

Land Inbound and outbound connections, rubles / min. Віхідне SMS, rub. / PC. Mobile Internet, RUB
Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turechchina, Georgia, Cyprus 15 6 25
Bulgaria, Bilorus, Moldova, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Ugorshchina, Nimechchina
Abkhazia, China, Thailand, Afghanistan, Egypt 35 12 50
V'utnam 65 12 100
Tunis, Algeria 165 29 700
Albania 65 12 700
Barbados 65 12 50

Prices are specified without adding additional options. As long as you have assets of the service "Rose without cordon" or "Internet without cordon", payment for incoming calls and mobile Internet will be available for the opt-out. The number of outgoing calls and SMS messages will be invisible to anyone.

It's joy! Before the trip, set the call forwarding for the additional command USSD ## 002 # 📞. In addition, there is a fee for redirected victories for roaming tariffs.

Check out the list of countries and roaming prices in them at

Head over to the bitch mobile phone call in the fact that you don’t get there, if you don’t want to be available on the phone. Tariffs can be changed, even if you have a call with your loved ones. Pitannya, chi є roaming at tele2 across Russia, can be found at new subscribers, as only they thought they were receiving services.

Yakі vidi roamingu nadaє company Tele2

The home region on the TV2 is charged according to your package, even if you go outside the cordon, the mobile phone call can be easily changed. When you go out of the zone, roaming turns on, which switches you to the other operator, which is good enough. The company has є 4 options for a better pose in the home region:

  1. International. The subscriber, perebuyuchi behind the cordon, vikoristovuє for the establishment of the vezhi mіstsevoy mobile company.
  2. Regional, internal cut. Lyudina will be used in the country, she will use one operator, but all the representatives in the regions will have a reasonable tariff for calls.
  3. Mіzhmerezheviy. It was laid out for the sake of the style of the same country with the introduction of the new regions.
  4. Interstandard. An option for outbuildings that adapt to the standard communication. The phone is responsible for switching from GSM to CDMA format.

National - all over Russia

Yaksho vi shukayte, like switching on roaming on TV2 across Russia, a follower of the nobility, so that the process is automatically displayed when you enter the region. You do not need to work with zhodnyh dodatkovyh projects. For the obviousness of the pokrittya from the company, the partnership of dvinkiv becomes 1.5 r / hv. If there’s no such thing, then you will have to pay for mobile services for the tariffs of the national roaming. Tele2 is a novice on the market of stylish brands, and there are many regions that do not fall into the coverage area.

International roaming Tele2 outside the cordon

Survive, as you turn on international roaming on your TV2, it may not be so, so you have to switch to automatic mode. As long as the phone is not known for a day, I will not ring, rewrite it, show the handcrafted pooch of a fancy. All additional options that can be used during the introduction of foreign countries can be accessed with the help of USSD teams.

Tariffs for sms, calls and the Internet are not fixed: the rate of change is widely accepted from the country. You can get the price of the service on the official website of the company, or by calling for an international number without a special number with a special. In the Internet representative office, you will simply need to vibrate the required land and show up a list with retail prices.

Part of the tariff for Tele2 services at roaming 2017

I propounded the tele2 services in roaming in Russia, as well as in the home region. The payment is not deprived of the tariff plan, but the first of the operator, which is sorting out the service of your subscriber number. Most of the people choose the number of dvinks and sms from the countries of the world, as the stinks are displayed for an hour (Turechchina, Egypt). The company should send the following data from the tariff:

  1. The price of roses at SND, Europe - 15 rubles. for incoming, outgoing calls.
  2. Wikliki to Asia, Africa, Australia - 35 p. write off the balance.
  3. For a phone call to America, it will cost 65 UAH. for the wickedness.
  4. In case of outgoing connections from Thailand, India, pay 35 rubles. for the skin quilting.

SMS message

  1. Visits from Europe - 6 people.
  2. Send SMS from Thailand to India - 12 rubles.

Mobile Internet at roaming Tele2

  1. The operator has a tele2 Internet price for all Russia.
  2. For vikoristannya to the Internet behind the cordon, you need to pay 25 UAH. for 1 Mb.

Yak turn on roaming on Tele2 according to Russia and the whole world

There is no problem to connect to roaming tele2, so you can switch to automatic mode. The win can become a vipadok if you want to switch on "Skrіz Zero", as you will be clueless when you travel to different regions. The main plus of this option is that all incoming calls are not charged. The number of outgoing calls in bude on the bottom - 2 rubles. for hilin (to lay down to internal cut-outs and calls on the numbers of the leading operators of the Russian Federation). The fee for a short time becomes 2.5 rubles. Option vikoristovu subscriber payment system, soum, which can be written off throughout the day - 3 rubles.

At the first time the payment is not contracted, but at the repeated connection it is necessary to pay 30 rubles. Instructions, how to enable roaming on TV2 in Russia with the option "Skrіz Zero":

  1. Connect via the USSD command, dial * 143 * 21 # and press the call button.
  2. Go to the LC (special cabinet) on the company's website, switch on the tariff for deposits "Keruvannya Servugami".
  3. Call the company’s specialist under the number 611 or +79515200611, if you are outside the cordon, then ask for the "Skrіz Zero" switch.

Yak vimknuti opts_yu

The connection of additional options when opening the other lands is automatically displayed, but not all of them are called to call, but to write to friends with their own SIM cards and give them. For koristuvannya services, a subscription fee is drawn, which is needed by the nobility, as to enable roaming, but they didn’t know a penny. A simple SIM card cannot be used. For the whole, you can choose to use the USSD power supply, which includes the option, for example:

  • * 143 * 30 # or * 143 * 40 # - vimikє "Internet beyond the cordon";
  • * 143 * 0 # - curl "Root without cordons";
  • * 143 * 20 # - deactivate Skry Zero.

To enable additional options, you can go to the site and in a special cabinet you can find everything you don’t know about from the “Keruvannya services” distribution. You can call for a bazhania as a sportsman for a non-koshtovny number +79515200611 from the other regions, or 611 - on the territory of the Russian Federation (the call is not charged). Explain your problem to the specialist, and a representative of the company will help you to see it.

There is no additional payment for the cich manipulation. As soon as the phone arrives before the phone is still showing up in roaming, rewrite the settings. As soon as it is not automatically re-mixing, I will need to manually vibrate and use it to activate it. The price is displayed through a malfunction in the mobile phone, and not through a problem with the operator.

Video about roaming passes from tele2

Visiting Dilova vidryadzhennya, for reasons beyond the cordon, or outside the home zone of the mobile operator, earlier it was important connect roaming on Tele2... This year's service is activated in automatic mode, except for the countries of the world, it is necessary to increase the number of maneuvers to connect to a stylized sound, ale such regions are the only ones. However, the parity of receiving calls and sending SMS, when it is known beyond the boundaries of the home zone, є to reach a high one, so that you can spare the cost, you can use special additional packages and messages for quick vitrat to the service call.

Connecting roaming on Tele2

It is meant that the operation is carried out in automatic mode. There’s enough money for a mobile rakhunka, there’s enough money for a mobile phone. However, it is necessary to transfer - the price of switching forwarding, as long as the subscriber is still in the home zone. The price can be changed for an additional set of combinations of symbols: ## 002 #.

Roaming in Russia

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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