Those are UX designers that stink. Why would you want to start a UX design? Good knowledge ux ui

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Design is an understanding to achieve wider and unimportant. If you want to talk? "I am a designer", not at once astonishingly, what is it that is in the real life of a skin day. To find a circle of different regions, shared by the concept of “design”.

Professions related to design are found in the very different areas - from industrial design (design of cars and furniture and in.), Hand-made design (magazines and best friends) to web design (websites, mobile).

However, in the recent hour, a lack of new design professionals appeared, focused on the development of interfaces for a different kind of screens. Jobs titled UX - or UI designers are not intelligent for the uninitiated and often for the designers themselves from other areas.

Let's try to get back to what it means to skin with terms.

UX designer (USER EXPERIENCE designer)

The UX-designer in the first place concentrates on how the product is "seen", as a result. The designer has been supplied with more than one kind of vidpovidi. UX designers are trying to solve the problem, but the problem is specific. V wide list Requirements for a UX designer to enter into the process of transferring the product from one stage to the next. One of the ways to achieve this is to carry out non-mediated tests with a real corystic, so that the mother can help her for his behavior. Vyavlyayuyu verbal and non-verbal transitions, UX designers to complete the product and come last until the end of the most suitable version of the interaction with the product. The test version is necessary in order to ensure that the product is kept as fast as possible.

I'll describe the experience designer's robots on Twitter:

“Visnachate models of interaction, designation for the flow of buildings, and UI-specificity. To identify the development options for the development of the pod, describe the process of corroboration and models of interaction from and to and demonstrate to the educated persons. Talk with our creative director and visual designers to create a visual identity of Twitter and its characteristic features. Develop or save layouts, mock-api and standards as needed "

Robot results: mock-ups of the image on screens, frames, site plan.

Tools: Photoshop, Sketch, Illustrator, Fireworks, InVision

UI designer (USER INTERFACE designer)

On view of UX designers, as for the secret place the product, the robot of the UI designer is spinning about what is the product of designs. Such fakhivtsi are indicative of the design of the skin side of the screen, with some interrelationships of coristuvach, and crop knitting in order for the UI to visually match the stitch laid by the UX designer. For example, a UI designer, which opens an analytical panel, can show the most important content of a high side, or a visibility, a pozunok or a control button, more go to the receiver to adjust the graph.

Call your UI designer and also do not know how to do it. є one styleі zobov'yatsyyatsya in the fact that the common "mova" design stasks in all products.

Preserving the consistency of all visual elements and the design of behavior (for example, how to display a note or to preserve it) is determined by the competence of the UI designer.

Cordon is a place where two different professions can reach the size limit, and most of the companies hire one people for two vacancies.

Tools: Photoshop, Sketch, Illustrator, Fireworks

Visual designer (graphic designer)

A visual designer is the one who does graphics. Yakshcho vi feed kogos, hto do not deal with design, who is such a designer, mabut, who will come to the rosum as a graphic designer. Graphic designers are not tied to each other, because the screen is used one by one, not because it is in conjunction with the product. Replace the overall stink of the image on the ledges of the icons, control elements and visual elements and select the visual fonts. Graphic designers work on small details, as they don't really matter, and often work in Photoshop in 4X or 8X mode.

The situation is also expanded if the UI-designer is able to view the sub-robot and create the last option for the elements of the image. Good companies take the decision not to hire an outspoken graphic designer.

Tools: Photoshop, Sketch

Interactive designer (motion designer)

Remember how uncomfortable the add-on animation is if you are using it on your iPhone? Tse of a motion designer robot. At the view of graphic designers, which are working with static elements, motion designers create an animation of all the mediums. Smell you may be right for us, show off the interface, so that you can’t knock. For example, the stench of virіshuyut, like the rank of the menu, how the transition is effective, and how it is guilty of reactivating that chi іnsha button. Good Vikoniy motion-design is not a lot of part of the interface, it smells like visual suggestions like vikoristovuvati product.

Description of a motion designer robot at Apple:

“Visoka quality in graphic design, motion graphics, knowledge in digital art, garnishing of fonts and colors, I will respect materials and textures, as well as practical intelligence of animation. Knowledge of iOS, OS X, Photoshop and Illustrator, also knowledge of Director (or analogue), Quartz Composer (or analogue), 3D models, motion graphics "

Tools: AfterEffects, Core Composer, Flash, Origami

UX Doslіdnik (Doslіdnik koristuvachіv)

The UX meta of the presenter is to respond to two feeds: "Who's our friend?" і "Would you like our friend?" Let the reader's instructions include conducting an interview with koristuvachi, receiving marketing tributes and a foreign analyst's survey. Design - the whole process of post-voskonalennya. The presenter can help in the whole process, carrying out A / B-testing, schob viyaviti, as a designer solution most of all satisfied with consumers. The UX-glorified person is the main support in great companies, de access to the great amount of information and enough opportunities, to come before the significant events.

A description of the Facebook UX Robot:

“Start working with the teams to launch the product, but also to the topic of the message. Spend the next day, as soon as you lay down yak before the happy behavior, and until the thoughts. Carry out a wide range of innovative and basic methods, for example, practice. "

UX designers periodically check the requirements of UX slides.

Robot results: portrait of koristuvach, results of A / B-testing, behavior of koristuvachiv / interv'yu.

Instruments: microphone, paperu, document

Zovnishny rozrobnik (UI rosrobnik)

The names of the developers are responsible for the functional integration of the product into the interface. Zvychay, UI-designer handed over a static mock-up to a brand new retailer, which in a fake transformation into a practical, interactive product. Renowned developers are also responsible for coding, layout of interactive graphics, as a motion designer.

Tools: CSS, HTML, JavaScript

product designer

A product designer is an all-in-one understanding, how to describe a designer, who is in the background of engaging in the process of creating an image and receiving a product.

The role of a product designer is no less well-known and important in developing companies. A product designer can, at a minimum, engage in code, carry out signs for a clerk of a message, set up an interface, or set up visual elements. From the ear to the end, the product designer will help you find the problem, set up some criteria for the new date, and then you will, testuvati and voskonaluvati development... Those companies that want to be successful within the framework of a larger "flowing" sport.

The actions of the company are “UX-designer” or simply “designer” in the sense of an all-inclusive term. Reading the job description is a great way to get in touch, which will be within your competence.

Describing a robotic product designer for Pinterest

“Volodinnya in all spheres of design: interaction, visual part, robot with a product, layout. Creation of templates for elements of the image and layout ".

pranking the designer

Nayposhirenіsha phrase, as I can smell the kind of young startups. Zazvychay the stink of whining of the fact that everything is different. Smell of the fact that there is a lot of beautiful icons, that of the Lands, launch of A / B testing, it is logical to display the UI elements on the screen, and you can find the work from the accessories of the distributor of the distributor. Through the zagalny character, like wearing a tsya posada, we often feel sick, but the company wants to find just a "designer", not getting lost in the details and specifics of the profession.

Between the skin and the skin directly in the design, it is even larger. Transferring things to UX designers can also work on how to work together, and things of UI designers will also be engaged in graphics. Great way know a designer - describe in detail how you will be able to find out within the framework of the robot for your company, and vibrate the title of the vacancy, the best information about the design of the designer.


User Experience (dosvid vzaєmodii) abo UX- the most popular in the Danish hour of terms in technological and design industries. So, as UX continues to develop and start, there are still a lot of people who still don’t sing, which means UX, and as correctly vicarious terms.

Singingly, you often read about UX if you talk about interface sites. mobile supplements... Often it’s right, a slightly bigger glance at UX is necessary for the general intelligence of the one who is so important about the nobility.

So also User Experience (UX)?

UX is deciphered as "user experience (dosvid vzaєmodii"). Dosvid vzaєmodії - tse those, as people interact with the product.

See UX everywhere. For Idea, all of us are in contact, fixing software securityі end with a button to turn on / visualize і і ї form, є butt of elements, so ux. The sum of your interactions with the product will become suspicious, which you will take away the vicarist product.

All the objects around us can see the information about the mods - from the touch-screen kiosks in the metro to the elite kava machines, which allow you to pour a cup of kawi for gourmets. the power of vikoristovuvati mobile phone For any device on the go, I will paint the UX, as well as interacting with the car for the additional touch-screen and voice commands to rob the keruvannya with the car simpler and more efficiently.

Success for the product to be primed on the fact that it is like a crusty water. Vikoristovuchi product, people ask to rate their admission in the following way:

  • What if I get rid of the corny of a product?
  • Chi easy yogo vikoristovuvati?
  • Qi really yogo vikoristovuvati?

Those who will become people who become permanent and lasting criminals to the product will not be able to stay on top of the food.

UX elements

Don Norman, sp_vsasnovnik of the Nielsen Norman Group, who was the first to introduce "user experience" in the 90s, said "Dosvid vzaєmodii hunt all aspects of vzamodii koristuvach with the company, її services and products."

"I came up with a whole term, so respecting that human interfaces and user interface are used by the university's understanding. I want to want all aspects of human awareness in the interconnection of the system, including interface and industrial design, graphic

Don Norman has a lot of video to share his thoughts about the UX term.

For nutrition, in what is the difference between a UX-designer and a UI-designer, to love the view through the list. You know, such a literary priyom. On kshtalt "UX is not about the interface, not about graphic design, not about usability, which is not analytics, which is not a prototype." This year is briefly showing a growth, the history of the term appears and I will explain why two understandings navigate through the styles of rock with such a desire to anger in one - UX / UI.

Briefly about the retail

UI-designer (user interface) is a designer of interfaces in the ideal middle, such as small buttons, icons, shapes, select fonts and robust harmony and a beautiful layout. To the site, add-ons, I would like to, for what it will be interconnected koristuvach - I would like the screen of the station terminal. I don’t think about it anymore.

A UX designer (user experience) is not a designer, but a project manager (just in English, the word designer has a different meaning). Vin vivchak consume koristuvachiv, I will logic diagrams robots to the interface, test prototypes on living people, write technical specifications for the design. In other words, a central marketing engineer: at the entrance of the analytics, at the entrance is the principle of establishing the interface, the logic of the robot, layout, content. Malyuvannya yak such a fault does not shrink.

From and everything.

Now everything is needed

Yak bulo earlier: the designer had to create a "namalyuvati site". All sites bully big-mens are the same: head, about companies, catalog, list after list. The designer thought: “and if you give us content?”. Nikoli, comrade spirit, tse army.

The first designer named himself simply "designer". No foreign prefixes.

It became a bit more: the agencies wanted to get more money off, and little by little they went from “just sites” to folding web services. And the service is not just a unique interface, but it is a special business process. For example, guess the Airbnb site - without a glimpse of a subject, a grafdizayner would not be able to create an interface.

Once the robot has become larger, there is no more need to distribute one profession per chain. Now the UX-fakhіvets (let's call it this way, besides, there isn’t a lot of rogue), it has been developed and designed in the information architecture, the prototype is robust in a functional part, and the graphic (UI) designer has created a wonderful product for

The same was already in the galuzy. For example, just "programs" were distributed to "front-end" and "back-end". And the front-endrs on the reference front-endrs and "just layouts". Before speech ,.

There is only one reason for this: one person is not challenged for a great process. Demo gave.

What kind of UX / UI designer

It's fun: vacancies often blink to plant a UX / UI designer, itself, through a slash. Navіt Tіnkoff shukє such a combo-fakhіvtsya:

On the other side of the barricades, the designers all without exception began to envision themselves as UX / UI. Tom scho bootie is simply DizaynRu - fu, unfashionable.

What kind of UX / UI in the ideal world? Nadlyudin, who is to carry out the entire cycle of robotic UX, and later on, see all the right-sided iterations (development UI).

Kim є for the UX / UI? Just a good designer. Tim, hto vvazhaє with his ob'yazhaє not just "fit the model", but go to the skin project individually, fix it for the analysis, nutrition, clarification, sketches, diagrams, etc. The price is not povnotsinna UX-examination, albeit, as a rule, for the preparation of a ready-made service or the distribution of "just a site", її is enough.

So why, bach the wondrous mutant UX / UI, you know, well:

  • Tse is a designer who should go to the project with his head, and not just click with a bear and dziob.
  • Tse whip, which has read a lot of clever words and now calls itself UX / UI.

It’s elementary to change: ask the designer for a prompt, why did you choose to change the elements, the last time the screens were, etc. A good designer doesn’t have to worry about a part of the interface just like that - everything is logical.

Before speech

The article is already a friend in the series "What is one web fahivets see from the one". What brought us to the idea of ​​growth was the follower of all professionals from the Internet, with different variants of their names. The client's friend (that and usim, who else) has become the intelligence of life.

About those who are a designer.

My friend seemed to know that she wanted to become a designer, but she missed the opportunity to become a designer. I started singing very well її, I don’t know how to play it, because I’m that boolean to the most beautiful testimonials. As a matter of fact, a lot of designers were able to reach UX design without any formal input.

The yak axis at me is all tse dbuvalosya, croc by croc:

1. Think all the way to design

Є visual designers, interaction designers, designers of Koristuvalnytskyi media (UX), interface designers (UI), product designers, graphics and so on. Є y unversali, I know all the giblets. Start by being able to use it, as a specialization for you.

2. Read articles on UX / UI design on the road to the robot

4. Take a break if you run into difficulties

you will be lost early, but you will be lost, overwhelmed and overwhelmed - buy some kind of latte weasel! Laugh to yourself for that important robot, as you contribute to your addiction. Be positive.

I will think of the day with a laugh, since I know my friend, but I don’t think I’m understanding it, as if I could use the pen tool (you’ll be smart through the circle of miscellaneous). My friend and I took the robot in the same company through the day and until now, laughing, guessing the day, if the literal sense vitrailized 8 years, tiny figurines in Photoshop.

5. Read good books.

6. Know a designer who knows how to work and feed it.

I do not seem to "know the mentor". I don’t believe in mentors, so I think that people will still be busy working over the vicinities of the powerful worlds. I didn’t do it, well, if I would like to put a lot of energy into my career, if I knew a few wonderful friends, I can quickly supply power or come along with some cava, if I need joy.

7. Get inspired

Hear Mathias Duarte, Vice President of Android Design questions about material design.

Robots marvel at Dribbble, The Best Designs and Awwwards. To grow up to priority employees. Vono help you visualize UX templates, visual design and give you strength.

8. Paint over unsettled projects

If your meta is a trainee or the position of the cob in UI / UX design, then you will need to show it to the robot teacher. The most attractive croc, the most attractive, the most attractive from the skeletons. It is unlikely that you will be ready to start working on a project for a robot; Try to open portfolios in Sketch or Illustrator, find out the values ​​for streams, wireframes, interaction and nareshty, mockup. If you want to rewrite the site, you just need to do it. Create a vlast supplement from the list of entries. Create a supplement for delivery. Continue to open the door if I am sick of you.

In IT-galuzi, you can finish a lot of straight knitted designs. The most popular of them are designers who are accustomed to abbreviations of UX and UI. Well, the dekhto get used to writing in the designer and navigate the front-end rosters. Let’s try to develop, some of the designers in IT, in what the difference between UI and UX, as well as the approach to design may be frontend.


The development of the interface for additional information, sites or for the purpose of completing the folding process and the need for knowledge of other areas: engineering, psychology and design. The designer of the interface (in English - User Interface or UI), which is designated for the user interface, focuses on the way of displaying the functionality of the site (push, tabs, menus) and details of the client's modality and interface. Meta UI designer - naturally accepted design for a product... UX stands for User Experience, which means "koristuvalnytsky dosvid". UX-designer is more efficient and smart about the interface with a potential clerk. Such fachіvets often carry out further development and experience, as it becomes the basis for the establishment of the concept design, as well as the test of the concept in the process of distribution and writing. Name the winnings on the structure, change, navigation, and that, as a coristuvach in conjunction with cim elements.

Vin viroblyaє pictures of sites, prototypes, which are the basic structure for the establishment of software security. The meta of a UX designer's robot is that it’s safe to come from the site. On the other hand, it is often possible to create a double specialization through a slash. Tobto the knowledge of both direct vicon is one fakhivets. A UX / UI designer to a project interaction of a corystuvach with an interface, vyrishuє, but the very thing needs to be built and shown for those who like the interface as a result of being watched.

It is necessary for the nobility of UX / UI-designer

    Graphic editors... Most popular on the tool market are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, as well as Sketch, Figma. Choose a handy editor for yourself and try for a cob on a small screen shot of the site, or if you have modernized programs.

    Prototyping tools (Mockplus, Axure)... A tool for the stemming of prototypes with the help of a good lantern and a tool for implementation. If you are not respectful with a yak instrument, you will be koristuvatsya. You can try a little bit and start with a team, as if you go for the style and the passages.

    Designated for koristuvach psychology. Already at the stage of the layout of the layout, think about those who will be able to you by hand or who will use the interface. Reveal yourself at the customer’s mission, induce a hearty call with him and be respectful to your needs. Even the product will be successful, as soon as it gets drunk.

    So also know the knowledge color theory... Childhood is a sign of childhood, especially when I went to an artist's school. Protest, the specificity, which is common for the very robotic designers. Pochatkovі knowledge can be edited from books or articles on the Internet.

    Bazhano mati uyavlennya pro typography, Provide information about text and visual storage.

    Composition and use of the site.

    As a result of the specifics of the robot, you can know the intelligence of the HTML and CSS or the (troch) changes of the program (you can wonder at the resources below, in the section "Who is guilty of the nobility of the Front-end rozrobnik").

Front-end retailer

The main staff of the front-end developer is the development of the client part for the interface. Tobto, such fakhіvets "revive" those that were designed by the designers. Winning for the robot and the operation of the interface and less - for the visual resemblance. Front-end retailers often know good decision for an interface designated for a koristuvach at the stage of development, which is often in conjunction with a UX / UI designer. The code, written by the front-end developer, is displayed in the browser of the koristuvach (as it seems, "on the side of the client"). It is also one of the most popular sites є a reversal of the fact that the site or the web sites are the same on all platforms and browsers.

Shou guilty of the nobility Front-end rozrobnik

As a rule, front-end stand on three whales: mova rosmіtki HTML sidebars, CSS Style Sheets and JavaScript Language Programs. In addition, the frontend developer is guilty of the principle of the robot and the HTTP protocol, servers and browsers, especially the display of the interface on outbuildings, I will be on the market in a Danish hour. The tools and methods of web-interface development are constantly evolving and changing, and the retailer is guilty of this continuously.

HTML and CSS (layout)

The layout, that is, the whole site will be used. The HTML layout dictates the organization of the site, together with all the interactions between them. Wien allow me to mean upper part sidelines, bottom, bicnі blocks with vmіstom, headers, displaying the text and multimedia elements. CSS style sheets are used to embellish HTML elements. Smell you start, as the very image of a leather graphic element, which will be displayed on the side. In addition to the most recent versions of HTML5 and CSS3, you can move video and audio components to the side, create two-world images and animations, and navigate awkward writing. It is not necessary to store all tags and styles at once. It will be corny to vivchit the basics and immediately zastosuvati їkh u dії. Do not fake a site, how can you vivchiti HTML basics i CSS - W3School. Ale only, if you have a basic knowledge of English. Also, the front-end developer is guilty of cross-browser and cross-platform development, adaptations and chuyna layout.


Tse framework for HTML, CSS and JavaScript. To use templates, like a constructor, you can select a site more quickly, without them. Ale, zrozumіlo, yogo need to touch it up for yours to consume independently. If you know English, the getbootstrap website is recommended and the same w3schools.


Javascript is the core of the front-end rosette. The most recent and the most advanced interface programs have been extended. Win a building to add a lot of opportunities to the site. At the basic level, it is allowed to add interactive elements to the side. Yogo vikoristovuyu work for the opening of cards, which are in real time, interactive online-іgor and fіlmіv. In the senior courses of CodeGrush, there is a lack of JavaScript. You can also see it on the same W3School or read about it in Russia, on the site


jQuery is a library of Javascript that accommodates plugins and extensions to make the distribution easier and faster. Instead of writing the code from scratch, libraries allow you to add ready-made components, so you can then set up a new project. You can choose the function of auto-storing the forms of the message, rearranging and changing the size of the grid and setting the timers of the ringing display. A hands-on jQuery course at w3school

Javascript frameworks

to run різні tipi frameworks, but you can vibrate one of them, which will be the best for you. Nayvidomish - Angular, Backbone, Ember, and React. I am a ready-made structure for the code. The stench will help you to speed up the outlet. And in the end, with libraries of buildings, you can create a website or programs from scratch. Review of 5 most popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries 2017

Git version control system

The systems for controlling the versions of the building show the changes that are entered into the code every year. Also allow you to turn to front version project. Git is a very broad version control system. Smart Git is an important navigator for a skin retailer.

short visnovki

UI is encrypted as User Interface, which in the cross-section means "Koristuvach's interface". Tobto, UI designer vidpovida in the first place for those as a product of the representations of koristuvachev. Winning buttons, icons, fonts, ready-made layout. UX stands for User Experience. So wow UX designer the design of the site, the additions - so much appreciated - so, how can you get the best results? It is often offensive to see a robotic vikonuє one lyudin-orchestra: UI / UX-designer. The Front-end roster revives the robot of the designers, bringing dynamism to it: the buttons for repairing are found at the rolling station, and the picture is changing. Guilty of the nobility of the program, seasoned with frameworks, preprocessor and libraries.
Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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