How to quickly add a side to the Google index.

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

On the Internet, you can use the word yak addurilka but not to know yoga knowledge. I'll guess to myself, having started smartly, a lot of unknown terms, so don't forget the moment to remember. In order to introduce a few things into the course, I want to get stuck with those words in the first speech.

Addurilka (addurl)- this is a special page, on the same form, it is necessary to remember, in order to inform about the new site or a page. As a rule, the form is folded in one row, in which it is necessary to enter the url of the site or the side, after which the search engine will be notified about the new entry and is obliged to come to you at the guest.

Newly needed addurilka yandex and google

so yak Yandex, one top in Runet, and Google in the whole world, then, as a rule, all sites are optimized for them. Adduryls are needed, in order to:

  1. Accelerate the indexing of the resource by push systems.
  2. You have bought a return on your resource, in order to speed up the indexation of these pages.
  3. If you have placed free postings on sites, in catalogs, then do not start such pages, they can be indexed by search robots, which is the best way to addurilka.

What is self-sustaining, then at the same time someone is not corying addurl, so social services for the help of which you can speed up the indexing of the site to a small hour. Twitter is especially victorious, on which robot to sit day and night, and with it you can achieve great results. Start your own personal account on twitter and develop yoga, a richly functional tool.

Addurilka Yandex and Google

Let's skip ahead to the right. In order to add the site or side to Yandex addurilka it is necessary to follow the instructions:

If everything was done correctly, then take away the reminders that the addresses have been added and the robot will look over the world.

Now let's move on to Google. To add the address to addurilku google it is necessary to go to the side:

After that, as they crossed, we repeat the same procedure. In the field enter the address of the page or the site that enters the captcha.

In the beginning, everything is correct, but I think that there are no problems, but take care of what the charge is taken off and will be completed in the next hour.

So you can easily achieve good results with an accelerated indexing of the resource. I recommend vikoristovuvati on young sites, which are only launched, the stinks of stink are less authoritative and not popular with search systems.

Dosit often new site does not dare to know from Yandex. Navigate where to dial to per row name yoga. The reasons for this can be different. Other search systems simply do not yet know about those that have a new resource. In order to find out why you are solving the problem on the right, you need to register the site in Yandex Webmaster.

What is the indexation of the site in Yandex

We’ll sort it out, like a search system, they’ll find out about new sites or change them. Yandex May special program, Yaka is called a joke robot. This robot walks the Internet and searches for new sides. Sometimes wines come on the old ones - they overthink, what didn’t appear on them now.

If the robot knows the root side, add it to your data base. This database is called a joke index. If we are shukaєmo schos u poshuk, we bachimo sites z tsієї basi. Indexing if the robot adds new documents to it.

A robot cannot surf the entire Internet for a day. Youmu tsogo not to pull out the tightness. It is necessary for you to help him - to remind him about the new sides or change on the old ones.

What is Yandex Webmaster and what do you need

Yandex.Webmaster - tse official service via Yandex. It is necessary to add a website to the new one, so that the robot will know about it. With this help, resource managers (web-masters) can bring what is the same site.

More at Webmaster you can marvel at:

  • if th kudi entering the robot;
  • yakі storіnki vіn pro_indeksuvav, and yaki - nі;
  • for some keywords people come for a joke;
  • chi є technical pardons.

Through this service, you can customize the site: set the region, price of goods, protect your texts from stolen goods. You can ask the robot to re-enter the sides, for which you have made changes. Yandex Webmaster will ask you to move to https or to another domain.

How to add a new site to Yandex Webmaster

Go to the Webmaster panel. Press "Release". Login and password can be entered tі, yakі vikoristovuєte to enter the Yandex mail. What else do you have oblіkovogo record, get registered.

After entering you go to the side with a list of additional resources. If you have not been served by the service before, the list will be empty. To add a new resource, press the "+" button.

On the next side, enter the address of your site and confirm it.

At the rest of the stage, it is necessary to confirm the rights - to bring to Yandex what you see as a vlasnik. Є kіlka ways to grow.

How to confirm the rights to the site with Yandex Webmaster

The easiest way to confirm the rights of Yandex Webmaster is to upload the file to the site. To click on the HTML file tab.

A small file will be captured. If you need this file at once, then save it in the cold place. For example, on a working steel. Chi do not rename the file! The new one does not need anything.

Now upload the file to your site. Ring for whom vicorist file managers, but nothing is needed for InSales koristuvachіv. Just go to the back office, press "File". Potim nagorі storіnki - "Add file". Select a preference file.

Then turn back to the Yandex.Webmaster panel and press the "Review" button. After successful confirmation of access rights, your site will appear in the list of additions. In this manner, you told Yandex Webmaster about the new site.

Meta tag Yandex Webmaster

Other descriptions can not be used in any other way, and spymasters cannot confirm the rights to the site from Webmaster. At this time, you can try another way: add a row of code to the template.

At the webmaster, go to the "Meta tag" tab. Find a row that needs to be added to the HTML code.

Koristuvachі InSales can go back to technical support and ask you to insert the code. Tse will be vikonan within the framework of the cost-free supplementation.

If you want to stink, press the "Review" button at the Webmaster. Vitaёmo, you have registered the site with the search system!

Front lashing Yandex Webmaster

The site of donations is at the search, now the robot will definitely come to you and index yoga. Call for up to 7 days.

Add a request to the sitemap

In order for the robot to index the resource more quickly, add the sitemap.xml file from the Webmaster. This file should send the addresses of all sides to the resource.

In online stores on InSales, this file has already been updated and must be automatically added to the Webmaster. If nothing happened, add a message to sitemap.xml at the "Indexing" - "Sitemap Files" section.

Reverse robots.txt

The robots.txt file has sidebars, it is not necessary to enter the robots.txt. Tse cat, registration of the zamovlennya, back-office and other technical documents.

For the lock, InSales creates robots.txt, which does not need to be changed. It is recommended to reconsider about every change, because there are no pardons from the robot. For whom go to Tools - Analysis of robots.txt.

Set the site region

On the side "Information about the site" - "Regional" you can put the region of the site. For online stores in these places, regions and countries where purchased goods are delivered. If you don’t have a store, but a blogger, the whole world will be the region.

Set the sale region as shown in the screenshot:

Why is the brown webmaster?

On the side of "Poshukovі ask" you can bachiti phrases, for which they will take you to you from a joke.

At the "Indexuvannya" branch, you will see information about those, if the robot is on the site and how many of the parties know the wines. I added "Moving the site" to help you, if you failed to install it and switch to https. Likewise, a corny quote “Crossing the Sides”. You can tell the robot a side, for which the information has changed. Then, during an offensive visit, the robot indexes it forward.

On the side of the "Goods and Prices" section of the "Information about the site" section, you can send information about your online store. For whom on the resource can be configured to show data about goods and prices in YML format. With the correct adjustment, the buyer’s supplier’s side of the goods will receive prices and information about the delivery.

If you want to increase the visibility of your company in Yandex services, follow Corresponding services". In Yandex.Dovіdnik, you can enter the phone number and address of your store, godini work. This information can be obtained directly from the Yandex viewers. Also add you to Yandex.Cart.

Yandex.Metrica is another important tool for managing an Internet resource, which shows data. Statistics and dynamics of the site are displayed in tables, diagrams and graphs that are easy for analysis.

After connecting to the Yandex.Webmaster and Yandex.Metrics services, you will take enough information to manage the position of the site and yogo. These are indispensable tools for hosting websites, so you can put your resources in the most popular search engine in Russia.

The next step at the site is through similar service search console.

On the Internet, you can use the word yak addurilka but not to know yoga knowledge. I'll guess to myself, having started smartly, a lot of unknown terms, so don't forget the moment to remember. In order to introduce a few things into the course, I want to get stuck with those words in the first speech.

Addurilka (addurl)- this is a special page, on the same form, it is necessary to remember, in order to inform about the new site or a page. As a rule, the form is folded in one row, in which it is necessary to enter the url of the site or the side, after which the search engine will be notified about the new entry and is obliged to come to you at the guest.

Newly needed addurilka yandex and google

so yak Yandex, one top in Runet, and Google in the whole world, then, as a rule, all sites are optimized for them. Adduryls are needed, in order to:

  1. Accelerate the indexing of the resource by push systems.
  2. You have bought a return on your resource, in order to speed up the indexation of these pages.
  3. If you have placed free postings on sites, in catalogs, then do not start such pages, they can be indexed by search robots, which is the best way to addurilka.

What is self-sustaining, then at the same time someone is not corying addurl, to that є social measures, for the help of which you can speed up the indexing of the site to a colossally small hour. Twitter is especially victorious, on which robot to sit day and night, and with it you can achieve great results. Start your own personal account on twitter and develop yoga, a richly functional tool.

Addurilka Yandex and Google

Let's skip ahead to the right. In order to add the site or side to Yandex addurilka it is necessary to follow the instructions:

If everything was done correctly, then take away the reminders that the addresses have been added and the robot will look over the world.

Now let's move on to Google. To add the address to addurilku google it is necessary to go to the side:

After that, as they crossed, we repeat the same procedure. In the field enter the address of the page or the site that enters the captcha.

In the beginning, everything is correct, but I think that there are no problems, but take care of what the charge is taken off and will be completed in the next hour.

So you can easily achieve good results with an accelerated indexing of the resource. I recommend vikoristovuvati on young sites, which are only launched, the stinks of stink are less authoritative and not popular with search systems.

(Last updated: 03.05.2019)

Good luck, colleagues! Call Sergius. If you have published a new article on the site, do not check until the search robot is allowed to index it again. Live, fly and let me know that I have good content and need it to be indexed in priority order. How to fight? About my today's rozpovid. ?

Read, friends, and diemo: Yak dodati new side to Google, Yandex, Bing index? We need to speed up the indexing of the side. For whom we need to send a page for indexing to manual.

How to submit a new article to a website directly in the index of search engine systems

In order for your new article to be better indexed by search engine systems, you need to help Yandex, Google and Bing about the new side of the site. Previously, for this operation, they won the title of addurilka (Add URL), now this shop has been covered up. For the time being, head poke systems to inform the masters of the web resource to advise the search robot about new record on your website - at the webmaster's office. In this way, search engines remove information about the new sides of the site.

How to tell about the new side of the site Google, Yandex, Bing

To change your site, it was more visible in the results of the search that indexes the robot in the webmaster's office of the upcoming popular search systems.

How to add a side to the Yandex index

Go to Yandex.Webmaster on the page Indexing - Change pages. In the form, enter the URL of the updated page. Day limit 20 sides:

Enter the addresses of the parties, which should be indexed in priority order

Press the Send button. The Yandex robot sees the address you entered in priority order. If you edit the addresses of the sides, they will accept one of the statuses: For this - the side has been transferred to the robot for bypassing. Robot obіishov - side view by the robot:

Robot obіyshov - side view by robot

If the robot is on the other side, win it over to its base. It can be shown in the results of a joke, as it is poke request koristuvacha. Rambler/poshuk - From 23rd of March 2011 Rambler/poshuk is based on Yandex's search technologies, which are complemented by powerful services. That’s enough to help Yandex.

You can request a URL scan Google robots at Search Console. At the refactoring Refactoring URL, insert the address of the page in the rechecking field, which is not visible in the Google index. Press Enter:

Rechecking the URL of the side of the site

After all, Google will tell you - the URL is not in the Google index. Obviously, no. Even more so, even if the article is new, there was only a little more than that. Dalі, you need to request її indexing by pressing the button:

Request indexation of a new side of the site

We'll let Google inform you with a sign - Checking the possibility of URL indexing:

Possibility of indexing side

І new vikno - Requested for indexing:

Requested for url indexing

Everything, with two poshuk systems, has been sorted out, let's move on to the next ones.

How to send a new page directly to the Bing index

In Bing, the webmaster posted - "Submit URLs". The Send to URL feature allows you to send a URL from your website directly to the Bing (Yahoo!) index. If you have important content, it can be easily indexed. You can win up to 50 times per month and up to 10 times per harvest. Data exchange is less likely to be equal to a given domain.

Upload new side directly to Bing index

Enter the address of the new article, wave to "Send" and that's it. By the way, Bing webmaster has a lot of cool tools like this - SEO analysis, Search keywords, Follow-up key words and a lot more. There is a whole list, you can’t list everything. If you haven't submitted your site to Bing yet, then the raja will get it right at the same time. Axis marvel at the butt of my blog. Three of these poke systems come to me at the guest's:

Є find home. Be it, but give traffic to Bing, Mail, and Navit Satellite. Demo given. Yak buti with reshtoyu PS. Sputnik used to have a webmaster's office earlier, but now, when the tabs are pressed, the webmaster appears. Only "Analytics" is left out, so you can install the name of the Sputnik on your site. We pass to Mail.Ru.

The Mail.Ru webmaster's office doesn't allow indexing the site's URL. There, you can only ask for re-indexing of the site and those, if possible, you can check in no more often than once for 7 days for your skin domains.

You can tell the robot that your site needs to be re-indexed.

Perhaps, it is necessary to use this tool as a tool, if you have published a copy of new articles on the site. And after one, I think, it’s not varto to tell me to poke mail ru. Another one important moment, in order to speed up the indexing of new content on the site, chart the article for your merezh.

On what, friends, I can do everything. I am sorry, my post will be correct for you. Until new zustrіches. Boowai.

(function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "RA -292864-4", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-292864-4", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s .type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); , this.document , "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

Have you created a website and thought about it, what did you do? Zvichayno, spin yoga!

Nasampered, it is necessary to work so that search engines know about your site, so that. so that the site was indexed. About 7 ways to get to the index base, they briefly wrote in the article “How to speed up the indexing of the site”, in the same place, in the comments of the readers, they added more of their options.

Today, we are reporting on the most advanced way to improve search systems about the site - adding the site to the Yandex and Google index through webmaster services of these systems.

What is it for?

  • Prompting to reach the site with search systems.
  • Speed ​​up indexation.

How to add a site from Yandex?

Log in to your Yandex account and log in to the Yandex.Webmaster service. You can just go to the site for help. Save the Site Address field and press the Add button:

After whom follow to confirm the rights to the site. It can be done in three ways: by helping an html file, a meta tag, or via dns.

Way to confirm the look of dns. For which it is necessary to add a TXT type record to the DNS record for the site, which should have a unique value.

The way to finish folding, you need additional knowledge.

Two ways, which are left out, to make it easy and to get in touch with them, you can make a bud. The essence of these methods lies in the fact that the key is placed on your site. The logic is like this - if you can do it, then you have the rights to the site.

To confirm rights via html, it is necessary to create an html-file with a unique name and a zmistom (otherwise, click on the request for “download request”), after which add yoga to the root folder of the site.

Verification of rights for an additional meta tag on the main page: it is necessary to add a special meta tag to the code of the main side of the site. Everything is simple. Copy and paste it on the block .

If you did everything correctly, the service will tell you that the rights are confirmed.

After confirming the rights of the site to spend at the end of the day for indexation, and as there are no annual delimitations and pardons, your resource will appear in the search engine (as a rule, it will take 1-2 days). Prote, that the site is not just showing up to the viewers, but having spent on a visible position (top 10), it will be necessary to carry out more complex work with it.

Tool "Crossover of sides"

The last version of the office was able to speed up the indexing of the site for the help of the tool “Report about the new site”. Now the wine is called "Passage of sides" and performs three other functions: it allows you to add a side, as it is necessary to index it in the first line and in an accelerated mode. The tool is available upon request after the resource has been added to the webmaster's office and confirmation of rights.

Here you can add the sides of new product cards, or new articles, or the old sides with updated content, as if re-indexing.

Single exchange - you can add no more than 10 sides per day.

How to submit a site to Google

Google will help us with the arrival of the Search Console. Google Search Console - tse no-cost service, which will give you the opportunity to recognize how your resource is presented in Google. In essence, it is an analogue of the Yandex.Webmaster account.

Support the project - share your efforts, darling!
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