Yak onoviti additions to tablets. How to enable automatic update of additional information on Android - the easiest way

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Sposib first. Updating programs at launch

1. If there is an update in World of Tanks Blitz, then when you start the gree you will be aware of those that the current version of the game client needs to be updated. Press the button for the price onoviti.

2. Having eaten in Play Store, Get more information.

Check out the completion of the installation - in the fight!

Other way. Updating through the Play Store

1. Go to the Play Store.

2. For an additional menu in the upper part of the screen, go to the Play Market profile.

3. Enter "Osobist".

4. The list of additions to know World of Tanks Blitz and press a button onoviti.

5. Having consumed the main page assigned to the World of Tanks Blitz in the Play Store, press the Update button again.

All! The completion of the installation is overdue, and you can go viral!


If you do not update the actual updates, however, the update has gone, rewrite the attachments and re-convert the appearance of the update.
At the entrance to the grocery, as long as it has not been installed, you can be propounded onoviti її. When you are on your side, it will automatically stand up.
Yaksho in nalashtuvanny Google play If you have set up auto-update of additional data, then immediately when the update is done, it will be set automatically. Automatically update can be set up in Google Play behind the minds: "Start" - additional items will be updated upon access to any hemmed z'єdnannyu, Including through the mobile Internet; "Tilki via Wi-Fi" - program to read it when connected to Wi-Fi.

My prodovzhuєmo іdpovіdati on nutrition, tied with the operatic Android system... Christmas updates about those who are new to the newsletter and іgry. Immediately nagaduєmo to you about those who have seen a rejuvenation for a deyakim vinyatka. Tom, persh, nіzh innoviti dodatok, read vіdguki, mozhlvo, the updated bulo is not far away.

Pretty much. Connect to the Internet and go to Google Play.

It is possible to know the supplement, if you wanted to be new, for an additional joke on Google Play, or for an additional distribution of "My supplement". Another way to be seen.

Robimo swipe evil to the right from the left frame for the menu to appear. Newly select the item "My supplements and іgri".

Change two tabs: "Set" and "All". For the first deposit, it is represented by the programs installed on the annex that you are looking at in your hands. At the "All" deposit, you can use all the programs that have been installed on all the annexes without a blame. danish account... Sign up for the "Installed" deposit.

It is acceptable that it is necessary to update the Yandex browser. Onslaught on the supplement and go to the side of the browser. Give an onslaught on the "Update" button.

If necessary, give permission with a supplement:

The pre-installation and installation of the update is automatically displayed.

As soon as the update will be updated, the "View" button will appear. This means that the last version of the programs will be victorious.

Remember that you can update all the programs at once. To turn over to the "Install" tab and onslaught, "Unwind everything." In general, there will be updates of all supplements for those of them. Remember, it will take an hour, before you can get a great deal of traffic, we recommend that you take additional data through unlimited internet, For example, at home.

If you want the additions to be processed automatically, go to the menu and select the item "Nalashtuvannya".

Natisnіt "Updating of supplements" and vibrating "Zavzhdi".

Now add-ons will be automatically updated when connected to the Internet.

How can an onoviti program on Android through a computer (without the Play Market)?

The simplest option - add additional items to the remainder of the updates in the viglyadi apk-file, add it to the attachment and install any file manager for help.

how to open automatic update dodatk_v on Android, as soon as the installation of new danikh vitrach great number traffic i operational memory phone?

You can enable the function behind the additional functions of your gadget.


Yak pratsyuє program updateAndroid

vipuskayuchi programmatically secure The growers cannot build it up ideally for all attachments. In fact, the program can often be wrong. In addition to some inaccuracies, the program corrects flaws, tests the product is removed and new components are released. Having installed їkh, koristuvach otrima a more thorough version of the beloved grizzly or a kind of software.

Skin improvement has its own digital designation - version number. It will be recorded in the format 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 and so far. If you first install something on your gadget, remove it yourself I'll leave the version update. The year will be more and more sophisticated programs.

But the corystuvach didn’t see it and installed it, the function of updating was transferred to the store - you just push the button and cancel the new version in a matter of seconds. All the tributes and files of the koristuvach will be saved. At the Google Store window, you can wonder how a new feature has been announced and added to your favorites.

Often, in stores for Android, the function of automatic update of the software installed on the phone is also active. Such a function will allow you not to go after the permanent release of the components, as well as the developers create them practically. As a background installation, your robot will be connected to an add-on, or it will turn on the Internet, then turn on the function.

Turning on automatic updates for helpPlay Market

If you don’t want to install additional utilities, which are important for robots, go to the standard speed. With this help, you can customize the robot with updates. Nastupnі dії, schob fence automatically entangling and installation of new components:

  • View the Dodatk Store;
  • show up Home side store. Open the menu behind the additional flip to the right or click on the pop-up icon;

Small. 3 - home screen in Play Market

  • At the bottom of the menu list, select the item "Nalashtuvannya" and go to the window for configuring programs;

Fig. 4 - in the shop menu

  • In the category of foreigners, adjust the slid on the parameter "Program update"... See the selection for the update method. Viber "Nikoli" and close it up.

Small. 5 - enable the update

Enabling the update in the phone settings

If you install it roughly the program, you will accept it for the sake of the corystuvach, so that the PZ can access the built-in functions of the system. If you have added updates to stores, the installation of a new version can be carried out not by the Market, but by the add-on itself. It is also displayed, if the function of automatic updating of the PZ is activated in the settings of the smartphone.

Turn on the function, see the next steps:

  • Go to the gadget setup;
  • Click on the icon "Information about pristriy";
  • Select the parameter "PZ update";

Fig. 6 - Window "Information about pristriy" in OS Android

  • In the new window, deactivate the checkmark against the item "Update".

I will update the program manually

I will hand over the rest of the new items and versions of your favorite programs, and you can change the traffic and simply, even in the background processes of participation, the process of downloading the data will not be constantly carried out. The manual robot is equipped with new features for quiet people, but the phones have a large number of additions installed, and the resources of the phone do not allow a lot of background operations.

Also, gradually changing the updates quickly change the battery charge and make the gadget work more and more. When you enable the installation of new data, periodically carry out the update yourself. It can be done in the following way:

  • Go to;
  • Click on the menu icon in the upper codend with the programs;
  • Have a list, select an item "My supplements and іgri";
  • Go to tab "Installed";

Fig. 8 - view and update established documents hand over

  • For software, for any available update, the "Update" button will appear. You can start the process of locking up a new version of the utility, both for one program, and for all at once. Just click on "Update All" in the upper right part open tabs store.

By sending a tag to one click on the "Update All" button, you will remember the process of downloading and installing the remaining programs from the server to the store. It can take a trivial hour, depending on the amount of software on your gadget.

For skin programs, the process of installing new components will be launched through:

Fig. 9 - Installation of new components

Plus, the method of robots with additional information is that you yourself choose the hour of installing the components and the stink of downloading at an odd hour, if there is little traffic on the phone, or there is a low speed of communication.

Another update method is to update system updates on windows launched supplement... If the manufacturer of the release is important in terms of safety and functionality, but skip it, immediately after launching the software, it will appear at the end of the notice about the need to install new version gri / utilities. In such a way, just wait with the installation, and add the package of data from the distributor, the program will be stable.

If you have automatically turned on the update, the Play Market will periodically tell you about the availability of new versions of Igor and Utilit. The center will have one or more information about the new features of the programs and the keyboard for installation.

Fig. 10 - Android service center

I wanna be honored, if at the Google Play window every day of the key for updating specific programs or for all installed dues, then install new components for the store itself:

  • Go to the device setup;
  • Open the window "Programs" - "All" - "Play Store";
  • Launch the update of the software security, and also see the cache, so that you can get the pardons.

Fig. 11 - Play Market update

One of the perevag from the vicoristannya store dodatk_v Google Play є updates regularly. It is also practical to see the new version right away in order to let the developer release a new version. At the same time, there is no need for any additional actions, everything is in automatic mode.

In a large number of vipads, such a pidhid is even more annoying. Ale, Inodi Vinikє, you need to enable the update of the supplements on Android. For example, in order to spare the traffic. We have a lot of materials about those, how to enable new additions to Android.

First it is necessary to change - tse vidkriti addon Play Market to your Android addons... In the upper right corner є menu, program, open yogo.

Select "Nalashtuvannya" from the viable menu.

At the window with the settings, you need to display the "Auto update of additional information".

In this menu you can add new additions to the Android add-on.

Krym tsyogo, if your attachment is a smartphone or a tablet with a pidtrimkoyu mobile Internet Then you can turn on the "Only Wi-Fi" mode at the "Auto update" window. In the whole range of new developments in the future, they will be seen only through the bezrotova wi-fi... Tse allow uniknuti not obovyazkovyh vitrates on the mobile phone call.

In addition, as we have enabled the update to the Android device, the update will only be enabled in manual mode. For the whole of it is necessary to display the usual menu and select the item "My supplements".

At the window "My add-ons" you can manually pick up the add-ons, for which you need to click on the "Update" button or "Update everything"

Once the "Update All" button is installed, there will be updates to all the add-ons installed on your Android device.

It is necessary that the add-ons installed manually (not for the Google Play store that is not available) cannot be automatically updated. In order to update such a supplement, it will be necessary to hand it over to the annex, and then re-install it.

Do you want to add to the statti? Submit information in the comments.

Zgadaimo our store Fyodor.

Do not turbuwati, where is the work process

For a couple of reasons, I got the submission “Metro map” for Moscow and added it to the Play Market. Over the course of an hour, the koristuvachi sent out a few comments - they asked to add a picture of St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk. Fedir with entuzizm taking care of the right and already in three days after giving new schemes. Poti vіn zavantazhiv new additions in the Play Market, describing the changes and breaking the mark, the next version is 2.0.

Updates to version 2.0, screenshot from Play Market

If you didn't get the tune up before, try it out, then stink version 2.0 - with maps of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk.

If you have installed the first version, you will not be able to secure the supplements - it has already been installed on these outbuildings. Do not see supplements і do not add up again, in Android є there is a possibility of renewal. Before the hour of the update, the new version of the programs will change in front of the front, and all data (settings, files) will be overwritten.

Dodatki are presented in two ways:

  • Manually - the skin will be delivered on its own;
  • Automatically - all programs are updated without your participation. This is the way to look at it.

As it does not automatically turn on the update, all programs will be automatically updated.

At first glance, it is logical: for now I will hand over those that can be done automatically. Ale didn’t sleep with the visnovki, but we’ll turn more beautifully to Fedor.

In a dozen hour, he updated the update to version 20.1.15: adding the diagrams of all places in Russia and Europe, having completed the design of routes and remembering the design. The fact that the newcomers are automatic, they did not know about the snakes, - the smartphone was all dead without additional food.

Updates to version 20.1.15, screenshot from Play Market

Distant ideas have been distributed: there is a new design in the capture, but someone is not befitting the floor, but they cannot be addicted to it. Fedir can't wait for everyone new design... Tim, to whom the design does not befit, to be too lazy, or to shukati іnshu program.

Potik dumok, screenshot from Play Market

Before the new version, do not enter and do not use analogs, then you will get a shukati instalation file old version in the Internet or write to Fedor. Alle the lottery: the file may not be either Fedir of activities or not updated. Krym, to see the new version with the help of the data and only then put the old version.

I don't get this, I will update the additions by hand: before the updates, you can read the list of changes and comments, virishity, and updates.

Yak enable automatic update

I will hand over the additions

Now, if you want to do something new, a special display will appear at the upper part of the display.

Press on a new one, and a list of programs will appear, for which new versions have appeared.

Select supplements, read about the changes in the item "What's new" and in the comments and take the decision - just look at it.

For renewal, press the "Update" button.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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