How to park in the Trieste of Italy. Parking in Italy

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help in case of likhomantsi, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and zastosovuyut antipyretic preparations. What is allowed to give to children of the chest? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

Come to Italy for pizza and gelato. Why not?! On our way to Pula (Croatia), we spent a couple of years advancing to the Italian city of Trieste. It is only 50 km from the Slovenian Pred'yamskogo castle to the new one, before that our children have not been in Italy yet. Trieste - a place in the region of Friuli - Venice - Giulia, a great port on the Adriatic Sea. Roztashovaniya on the sea coast, 20 km from the cordon of Slovenia, 100 km from Ljubljana, 150 km from Venice, 130 km from the Croatian resort of Pula. Trieste is a place of its own, not similar to traditional Italian places. Cym wine and cicavi. What to marvel at in Trieste in 3 years. Let's share our opinion.

Read about our enemy in Slovenia here:

And it started more expensive like this:

The itinerary for this day is: Ljubljana - Pred'jamsky castle - with. Villa Opichina - Trieste - Koper - Portorož - Pula. We planned to cover 240 km per day. (I love Europe - for such a small one you can visit three countries: Slovenia, Italy, new in Slovenia, in Croatia)).

After the Pred'yamsky castle, we needed to travel only 45 km, and we were in Italy. Vіdsutnіst Checkpoint zrobili tse more expensive than zruchny. Cordon Slovenia - Italy ... without a cordon. Tsіkavo, scho Triest Slovenian mine spelled Trst. Mi tse on the road signs patted.

Buongiorno, Italy! We missed you! For our children, the price is new architecture and the atmosphere of the place, the temperament of the people, delicious cuisine. Hocha Trieste can be called a typical Italian place. Why? Rozpovimo in this article.

The time has come to offend. So the children tried the spravzhnyo іtalіyskoї kuhnі, we vyrіshi vydvіdat like a local restaurant.

The village of Villa Opicina, before the Trieste.

Not far from the cordon from Slovenia and 5 km to Trieste, on a high hillock, there is a small village of Vila Opichina. Our path passing through the new. Here varto zupinitis, there are two reasons for this: italian hedgehogі naming landscapes.

Italian cuisine is one of our favorites. We enjoyed the savory mystic herbs in Naples, . (In the tourist center of Venice, unfortunately, I didn’t have a chance to taste delicious). Children even wanted to try pizza and gelato in their fatherland, in Italy (they chose the country itself). Dosvid our more expensive show - more likely to try national cuisine in non-tourist restaurants, served in the center of the city. There, de їdyat mіstsevі inhabitants. It will be tasty, inexpensive and colorful in a right way. If we were getting ready before the trip, we looked at a lot of reviews about the pizzerias of Trieste. Those who knew what was needed in the frontier, in the village of Vila Opichina. We chose a pizzeria - Buffet Pizzeria Rino. It is easy to know її - there is a road in the center of the village.

Quiet little cafe. A homely, family atmosphere was worthy. There were no "vishukanih" waiters and starched tablecloths. We were hit with a wide laugh. Served by reception and respectful women. We spoke in Italian on our cob par)), the waitress knew more Slovenian, so we kindly understood one of the other.

We washed the Margherita pizza, Prosciutto pizza, Bolognese pasta and aqua naturali (mineral water). All the insults to something we were charged at 24.00 euros.

And the axis is our prayer. The children tried Italian flavors. Bulo sitno and tasty.

Well, where would it be without Italian gelato?! Gelateria Arnoldo was known on the protracted part of the street. Gastronomic mission of this day vikonan!

And in Vila Opichina it is gorgeous oglyadovy maidanchik . The village is located on the mountains, at a height of 330 m above the sea level, and in the valley, under a hump, Trieste spreads out. It's easy to find Maidanchik. Pravoruch vіd road vіїzdі z vіsochit village obelisk, Installations in 1830 in honor of the Emperor of Austria Franz Josip. Bіlya nyogo - bezkoshtovna parking, a square with shops and a fountain. The sky is just a fantastic view of the Trieste and the Adriatic Sea.

Uzdovzh roads that go down to Trieste, the laying of tram lines. Here, behind the route Piazza Oberdan (a square in the center of Trieste) - Opicina, unique historical trams run. Tse part of the city transport. Old trams were made in the 30-40s of the XX century. Pid gіrku їх shtovkhaє or galmuє on the descent a small locomotive. It's a pity that we didn't get the original trams along the way. Triest us sistiv sistoy. In the outskirts of the place it is quiet and deserted. Only in the center tourists "wander".

Parking in Trieste. From a lot of parking lots, we chose an underground parking lot - Park San Giusto, at the address Via del Teatro Romano 16. elevator to Castello di San Giusto. I don’t know if I wanted to / could climb the mountain. And on the elevator - fast and handy. The parking lot is great and beautifully designed. As long as you walk to the exit through long corridors, you can find out about the history of the life of the port and the city.

Variety of parking: 1.6 euros for a year, 15 euros for production. We paid for parking with a card in such a parking machine.

They knew the doors to the elevator and went up to the old fort.

Walk around Trieste. This place is unique. As I wrote more, Trieste can be called typical Italian. Maizhe 550 years (from thousand three hundred and eighty two) wines having changed under the Austrian rule. And to yourself, under the panuvannya of the Habsburgs. The Trieste Maw is of great importance for the Austro-Ugric region, even if it is the only sea port of the country. With this, 2/3 of the population became Italians. Only after the First World War the place became a part of Italy. The following of Austrian, Italian and Slovenian traditions for a long time formed a special, unique atmosphere of the place: its architecture, culture, cuisine. It’s amazing to marvel at the sum of Austrian punctuality and Italian impulsiveness.

Our plans for the trip to Trieste ( through the speck happened yogo trochi speed).

Castle of San Giusto promptings in the XV century on the old Venetian fortress. Saint Giusto is the patron saint of Trieste. Castle of rotting on a high hillock.

Monument in honor of the faithful of Trieste.

See Trieste from the castle pommel.

The axis is such an entrance to the castle. In the middle of the fortifications there is a museum. Entry is close to 6 euros. Ale, after an hour, they didn’t go in there. They marveled at the fort without a museum.

Here the original sculptures from the life of the City Hall are saved.

Entrusting the fort with a remnant of the ancient Roman forum - the head part of the town of Tergesum (abo Tergest), so called Trieste. The Romans were inspired by the emperor Octavian in 33 years BC. The city has a great port of the Roman Empire. The place belonged to Italy, and then to Venice until 1382.

Basilica di San Giusto- head Cathedral of the city. Names in honor of the patron saint of Trieste. Signs in the XIV century on the church of the Christian church of the XVI century. At the cathedral there is also a small church, a dzvіnitsya, a lapidarium.

area Piazza della Cattedrale.

We also went down to the place with an elevator. Until the speech, from the castle, the pokazhchikov is dumb to the new. Whoever succumbed to him, to get up, I easily know the entrance. Є tіlki podkazka-tablet bіla lift.

Stare Misto (Città Vecchia)- the most recent part of Trieste, occupying the territory from the castle hillock to the square of Unity. Remembrances of the Roman era, palaces and houses of Italian architecture, colorful little streets have been preserved here.

The remains of the Roman Theater (Teatro Romano) you can know the right-hander when exiting the parking lot. Amphitheater of Inspirations 2000 years ago, accommodating up to 6000 spectators. In the middle of the century, new houses were built in which city. And only in 1939, roci, under the hour of earthworks, knew the ancient amphitheater. Mussolini, in order to demonstrate and bring the legal belonging of Trieste to Italy, punishing the Roman Theatre. For whom it was possible to build a sprat of budinkiv.

Zliva at the exit from the parking lot - two old churches. One of the oldest in Trieste - Basilica of Saint Sylvester XI century (right-handed in the photo) Santa Maria Maggiore XVI century.

What immediately rushed into the eyes - a large number of mopeds and motorcycles on the streets. And in Trieste - siesta.

wishli on area Piazza della Borsa, Abo Birzhova. The closer it is to the embankment and the head square of the Unity, the closer it is to the greater, lower Austrian architecture. Three roses and turned into a luxurious place in the 17th - 18th centuries during the reign of Emperor Charles VI of Habsburg and his eldest daughter Maria Theresa. A small settlement on the birch of the Adriatic Sea in 1719 took away the status of a free imperial place with rich privileges. For 180 years there were vishukan palaces, a great port, fountains, squares, a canal, parks. And the number of inhabitants increased from 6,000 to maybe 150,000.

Piazza della Borsa one of the most beautiful in Trieste. Chamber of Commerce Chamber.

On the square you can dance the original zero meridianі sleepy year 1830 roku.

And here Trieste map.

On the square there are a lot of cafes, shops, restaurants, street musicians sing.

Piazza Unità d'Italia- the head of Trieste Square, where you can go to the embankment. Previously, it was called - the p'yatsa San P'etro, then the p'yatsa Grande. For the first time in 1918, after the arrival of Trieste to Italy, it took away the current name of Unity Square. Until the 18th century, there were city walls, stajn, port budіvl in every city. During the hours of Mary Theresa, a new life began and the square became an excellent calling card of the city. Navkodovani rozkishni palats. The stench is already telling us and we are not similar to that Italy, to which we sounded. For example, after seeing.

municipal Palace and Town Hall(1875). Here the city of Trieste is located. The palace of the monks was sometimes called Palazzo Sipario, which means the palace-firanka. To the one who hid the zanedbani of the port, he would be behind himself. ensign fountain Chotiryoh continents(One thousand six hundred and fifty one) - Europe, Africa, Asia, America. Australia has not yet been recognized, that її symbol on the fountain is not. Right-handed to the fountain - statue of Emperor Charles VI of Habsburg, which soil is the development of the place.

At the Town Hall - sculptures of two moors, Yaki b'yut at the door. All copies, but the originals were sent to the Castle of San Giusto. ( Photos of the originals in the castle marvel at this state).

Around the square of Yednosti in the 18th - early 20th centuries there was a large ensemble of Vishukani palaces.

Earlier, the area of ​​​​Yednosti went straight to the sea, but an hour later the sea stepped in. A road and an embankment were laid between it and the square.

At the gatherings, which lead to the water, there are sprats of sculptures.

The speck was pleasantly refreshed.

order to be known Molo Audace, sho enter far into the sea. Earlier it was called San Carlo. In 1918, a lot of residents of Trieste chose to go to the new one, and the Italian destroyer "Audache" was chosen. Tsya podium became the cob of inclusion of the Trieste to the Kingdom of Italy and the completion of the 536th Austrian panuvannya.

From the pier you can see beautiful views of the Trieste and port.

Square of Unity with Molo Audache.

The sun burned mercilessly. Evening is approaching. We are checked by Croatia this year. How I wanted to zanuritisya in the cold weather of the Adriatic Sea! We failed to speed up the planning of the route and complete the walk around the city. On the way to the parking lot, we enjoyed the cobblestones and little houses of the Old Town. Here the Italian flavor is revisited.

Trieste is a kind of Italian place with Austrian architecture. Vіn stand for more respect, lower sprat years. We did not reach the Grand Canal, which was prompted by Maria Theresa of Austria, so that after sea walks we could easily get to our palace. The well-known castle and Miramare park, which rises above the waters of the Adriatic Sea, 8 km away from the bridge, did not help. At the Trieste of accommodations, there is a single beach in Europe, which divides the wall into a woman’s and a man’s half. It is not far from the place of the cavernous stove, one of them, the grottoes of the Giants, with the largest stove hall in the world. And in the beginning, we love Italy, and even today the Adriatic Sea in the Croatian town of Pula blew us. They straightened the axis there and straightened it.

Desupinity in Trieste.

And for the quiet, who want to stay in this place and outskirts, it is recommended to book a living room for cim pleas:

I will help you - Step by step instructions

More promotions and special offers of hotels in Trieste to marvel here:

Route Slovenia - Croatia.

From Trieste to Puli is only 130 km. At the entrance of Slovenia, we may exit to the Adriatic Sea. Navigator having plotted a route not on autobahns, but other row Slovenian roads vzdovzh uzberezhzhya, Through the city of Koper and Portorož. About everything you need to know for a trip to Slovenia by car, read here:

Although all the road signs told me to turn onto the autobahn, we tried to listen to "Susanin". Another argument against the greediness of choosing a different lane road is the possibility of a smaller one on the cordon between Slovenia and Croatia;

Our route from Trieste to Pulion the map:

The way is not swedish, but more like a malovnichesky. We were treated near the Slovenian town of Strunjan and the Strunjan Nature Park I found an alley of pine trees in Slovenia. It was already full of flowers to walk along them, admire the views and breathe in the aroma of pine needles.

Another bonus of the reverse route was those that we spent at a small point on the cordon line between Slovenia and Croatia. І for the first time in the summer tourist season (on the cob of a lime tree) there was no cherga. Axis looks like this between Slovenia and Croatia. Khvilin 10 was poured onto the cordon peretin.

swung at Croatian roads. Get to know the new for us system of payment for roads. On the vіdmіnu, for example, vіd аbо de payment dоrіg to lay down vіd termіn koristuvannya, in Croatia the payment to lay down vіd passed vіdstanі. More reports about Croatian roads we wrote in this article:

Take the Croatian autobahns no less. New country, new landscape. Uzdovzh trasi - a lot of olive orchards, vineyards, oleander bushes with bright erysipelas and white flowers. Roads were laid out with skel, yak for safety covered with netting.

From the high flyovers, you can see the bare eyes. It was not possible to take a picture of this beauty, even though the ridge on the bridge was fenced.

Today is the day of the number of received injuries and new declarations. Mii Dіznasya, Scho і on the autobahn a great tube, I was afraid of the famine in Svіti Peterki Fortez - B, Vіdvіdali Іtlіyski Mistіst Tієst, pіdnіmyliya at Starovinn the Citadel, walked on a muli, on ільсина піцито, і и и ї ї идкися Slovenian avenue of pins.

Before our apartments in the Croatian city of Pula we got there early in the evening. Settled and immediately - in the sea. But about this already another story.

Read the continuation of our news about the trip to Croatia here:

Croatia: Pula, Medulin, Fazana. Vidpochinok on the sea. Travel to Croatia. Part 4.

Before speech, I lived on the roads, we booked on this site, it is recommended to that one:

Bazhaemo you yaskravih vrazhen and tsikavih more expensive!

Trieste is a city and seaport in northeastern Italy, between the Adriatic Sea and Slovenia. It is a very charming city with several pubs and cafes, beautiful architecture and sea view. Popular sites are Città Vecchia (Old Town) with several museums, the Roman Theatre, and the nearby Grotta Gigante.

ZTL in Trieste

The center of Trieste is partly a ZTL (Zona Traffico Limitato). The zone is operational permanently and controlled by cameras.

The car free inner city of Trieste is a pedestrian zone with around the ZTL (Zone Traffico Limitato). On-street paid parking is set in the first area around the ZTL and the pedestrian zone on working days. Visiting car drivers are advised to park in the car parks outside the ZTL or pedestrian zone.

On-street parking Trieste

On-street paid parking is set in the area around the ZTL and the pedestrian zone on Monday-Saturday from 08:00-20:00.
Parking rate in the inner city (red zone) is € 0.35 / 15 min (€ 1.40 / hour).
In the adjacent area lower rate apply:
yellow zone € 0.25 / 15min (€ 1.00 / hour)
green zonee € 0.20 / 15 min (€ 0.80 / hour)
blue zone € 0.25 / 30 min (€ 0.50 / hour)

car park Trieste

Unlimited parking is set to car parks in the city center. Parking rate in public car parks around EUR 1.40-1.90 per hour.
1 - Saba Flavio Gioia - Via Flavio Gioia - Trieste
2 - Silos - Piazza della libertà, 9 - Trieste
3 - Parking Hangarage - Via Milano, 4 - Trieste
4 - Saba Foro Ulpiano - Foro Ulpiano, 1 - Trieste
5 - Autorimessa Central - Via Scipio Slataper 5 - Trieste
6 - Saba Via della Pietà - Via della Pietà, 7 - Trieste
7 - Park San Giusto - Via del Teatro Romano 7 - Trieste
8 - Parcheggio Campo San Giacomo - Campo S.Giacomo, 16 - Trieste
9 - Garage Regina - Via della Raffineria, 6 - Trieste

For a long time, the most unloved place in Italy is Bologna (despite the fact that it has, obviously, its own advantages). After tsієї trips to the first month of viyshov Trieste. Do not say that it was especially unacceptable in the new one - here, rather, for the corruption of officials. Ale, I'll start in order.
Otzhe, Trieste (in Slovenian TRST, a word without a single vowel) is the largest place in our program with a population of more than 200,000 people. Julius Caesar wrote about the new one (under the name Tergest) in Notes on the Gallic War. From the 10th century of vociferation by the great city within the framework of the Italian kingdom, later by the Venetians, and under the onslaught of the Holy Roman Empire, the Indians before it and before the First Svіtova bouv її For the sake of the new italian, they got into Persha Svitova. On this day, the Italian port is the largest for commercial transportation.
The peak of life in the Trieste fell on the 19th century, so the architecture here, zdebilshoy, is like that, I don’t like it. Ale, the place of the great concentration of the same old budives - the pagorb of San Giusto, there we straightened the first for everything. Vernishe, they straightened like... with stakes.
Here is a smut food in what: Trieste, yak and Genoa, stand white of the sea, ale, on a vіdmіnu vіd it, chi not on an equal footing, but on a number of far-spaced, ale-visibly high skelnyh vіdrogs. Apparently, the part that adjoins the sea is absolutely flat, and farther away there are dovgast or rounded hillocks, along the ridge of which the streets ring out. Parallel and perpendicular to them tezh go streets. To go out, that a street net is thrown over the wind, some part of the street goes horizontally, but a part of them passes under the hood, part of them, on the other hand, go under the indestructible stubble uphill. And also tunnels, deaks - dosit dovgi.
So the axis, on the hill of San Giusto, you can go in two ways: climb one of these steep streets, cross the curvilinear intersection, go into the ridge with a turn of 180 degrees and go in a spiral for a long time, bending the hill, - or else, , instantly take a look at the navigator you don’t know yet, sharply turn around with a turn at the same 180 degrees and again move along the same spiral. We didn’t have a friend, I had a chance to try first.
The street leading to the hump is parked from the bottom to the top - the crim square is at the very top, as a means of travel. There, on the vіdmіnu vіd vіd mаnу hump, i can park the car for two years without cost, and I'm quite surprised why people don't flinch when they park their fair horse 20 m from the zone of the car park. Mіstsya nagorі vystachit cars for 30, or even more.
The sounds of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Just of Trieste (Basilica cattedrale di San Giusto, website, wiki) do not cope with the great enemy: they do not care about those that were completed in 1320, it is a typical Romanesque design, redesigned from a large ancient low, Trojan dzvіnitseyu, in a sort of roztashuvavsya souvenir shop. (Inconspicuous Budova entrustment - the chapel of the VI century, in which the relics of the saint were buried.)

When talking about the cathedral, let the mosaics ring out, if you’re right in front of the entrance, you want to turn around and drink, cursing your cicaviness.

This mosaic (in absolutely non-canonical colors and poses) was smashed on the cob of the 20th century on the floor, covered with a painting on the same plot (The Crowning of the Mother of God).

That "right" mosaic of the cob of the 12th century was buried in the naves. Byzantine masters are called imaginary authors, as they made mosaics in the Cathedral of St. Mark near Venice.

Jesus stand on two dragons: stay until the 90th psalm: "you step on the harp and the basilisk, trample the lion and the dragon."

Immediately painted, Life of St. Just.

It's a pity, like in a sudsіdnіy drop, stink in a filthy camp. St. Sebastian, fortune-telling on the fresco, - not the one who was shot, but the presbyter, who was seen to know the body of St. Just.

At the nave of the court - the Mother of God on the throne, below - the apostles.

Surpluses of the mosaic are on the bottom, but fragmentary.

From the other details, the respect of the set of wooden stele is imbued with respect ...

І vvtar with the Kostyantin cross, a prototype of that very Aquileian cross "with the vuhom".

On the square in front of the cathedral - one hour behind him is a castle (website, wiki) and the remains of the Roman forum. Marveling at the site, we didn’t go to the castle: the exposition is poor there, it’s like a museum, it’s small. It seems that the oglyadovy maidan on the colossal harmonic bastion is indecent, but at 38 degrees it looked at the bells and whistles, so we went down.

Having strayed along the one-way streets and got lost once (sometimes in the speck, sometimes in the folding topography at the navigator, and happened to work a little bit), we still drove to the very center and far away parked the car right in front of the Grand Canal, 600-seat parking lot Molo IV (Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi, 1 euro per year with street parking in the same area 1.40 euro, postpaid, accept cards).
It is necessary to say that in the far places in the center of the Trieste there is not much: there are a lot of cafes, but all the stench is not slightly offensive to the plan. That is why we went into the first mortgage, which was revealed by the international netting Fratelli La Bufala (website). Fully real, navit tastefully, vibir vibir, incl. such a traditional pasta with tubetti (short tovst tubules) with kvassole, shrimp and sirny sauce, served with cake, sipana silla and rosemary. Smak unseen, ale cicavi. Prices are not the same, they are low, but they don’t bite.

Vlasne, the center of Trieste - the Grand Canal.

The new one has frogs of various colors.

Ale deyaki - burn out with your heart.

To that the Grand Canal is dirty to clean.

The middle of the day is not the last hour for seeing the Trieste (every time, vletka). Everything is closed, including the Serbian Orthodox Church of St. Trinity and St. Spiridon (wiki).

The streets may be empty. Theoretically, it's time to know the architecture, but I don't want to: we don't like this kind of architecture.

Navit statues suffer.

Dobre, scho є Grom (Via S. Nicolò, 18, site), the best Merrezhev Gelateria in Italy. None of the exotic, absolute stability of the quality.

After walking for a few more days, but still not knowing anything definitive, we spat on the plans to ride a mountain tram to Opichina (website, wiki) - more pack, for such a specialty - and went to Sistiana to bathe. Needless to say, the lower route of Trieste-Duino is greedy: it looks like the lower Yalta and the floors are covered with cars that are crossing the road by holidaymakers. In the borders of Trieste there is a "beach" - the embankment, here, right on the sidewalks, there are sun loungers and towels creeping along. Up to Miramare, parking is a centimeter away.
At Sistiana itself, there is practically empty paid parking (4 euros per day from 9.00 to 17.00 without the possibility of a weather payment), all else to park in and out (there is a hint of Krim, you should do it yourself). Here the sea is deeply deep, then the bottom is rocky, and the stones are large and hospitable. It seems that there are pebbles here. but we knew only a pebble beach, at the entrance to the sea - all the same stones. So if you want to swim, it’s better to go towards Venice, on the beaches of Caorle, Bibione or Lignano.

...let's go...

More tourist-oriented places and villages may have large paid parking lots in close proximity to historical centers.

Parking spaces on the streets are marked with special signs and color markings on the road.

Paid parking - marked with blue lines

In most regions, marking with lines of blue color indicates paid parking on the street. In order for such parking there is an automatic kiosk for the sale of parking tickets.

On which parking ticket you will be charged, until what time you can change at the parking lot. It is necessary to put this coupon on the accessory panel under the windshield.

This photo shows paid parking, marked with blue color lines in Pisa. The payment needs to be viroblyat in the parking machine.

parking machine

One of the ways to pay for parking is to pay at the parking machine. If the parking lot is large, then the machine, which is better for everything, will be changed in the middle of the parking lot.

On the sign on the right it is indicated that the payment for parking is from 8:00 to 14:00 (Crimea and Holy Days). The tariff for 1 year becomes € 0.60. Payment is made at the parking machine.

The axis can look like a parking machine in Italy. Instructions for using the text in 4 languages: Italian, French, German and English. Payment is due for additional coins.

On the very automatic device, a yearbook is set, in the parking lot is paid, the tariff is coins, which are accepted before payment.

In order to pay for parking, you need to lower the required number of coins and press the green button. The machine can see a ticket, for which an hour will be indicated, until which parking is paid. Place this coupon on the accessory panel under the windshield on your car so that you can see the sound.

The minimum amount that can be paid is 1 year.

underground parking

At great places there are underground parking lots or large open parking lots. When entering in front of the barrier, a ticket is taken from the machine or from the service personnel, for whom the hour of entry is assigned.

Before leaving, it is necessary to pay for parking at the automatic parking lot or cashier. At the same time, the ticket will be turned back to you.

When you see it, in front of the barrier, insert the ticket into another machine, and as soon as the payment is made correctly, the barrier is lifted, and you see.

No-cost parking - marking with white lines

At great places, the marking with white lines indicates free parking on the streets, but the stench can be closed in an hour. The parking sign will tell you how long you can park at this station and if you need to install a parking disc.

Install an hour on the cob of parking on the parking disc and put yoga on the accessory panel under the windshield. You are guilty of turning the stretch of the installed term, which is an indication on the sign. Dodatkova information in retail

Be careful when parking in great places like Florence. White lines can mean cost-free parking only for local residents.

Free parking - no sign

Deyaki car parks outside the boundaries of the city are just a place, vidilenі for parking. They have daily be-like a rosette, and the stench can be cost-free.

parking disc

If the parking sign indicates that the parking lot is fenced for an hour, then you need to break the parking disc to show the hour on the cob of parking. You can pick up the parking disc at the Tyutyun kiosk ( Tobacco) Abo at the gas station. request disco orario.

In order to speed up the parking disk, it is necessary to put the parking lot on the cob at the new hour and put it on the forehead in such a rank that the parking police could help it.

The photo shows a typical parking disc, which you can buy in Italy. Made from cardboard with a size of 10x15 cm. In the photo, the parking disc is set at 17:00.

This parking disk is called disco orario. An hour, which you are guilty of setting on a new one - the same hour will come.

parking signs

May it be on the verge that the crossed hammers on the sign speak about those who are occupied only on working days and do not die in the week and holy days.

This parking sign indicates that you can leave the car at the parking lot free of charge for 90 minutes from Monday to Saturday, but if so, you must ensure that the parking disc is available.

Also, we can’t talk about those that are parked on Saturdays from 7:00 to 15:00 (market day), otherwise the car will be wheeled into a fine parking lot.

This parking sign indicates that it will expand over the entire area, and you can leave the car free of charge for 1 year from Monday to Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00. The presence of the parking disc obov'yazkovo.

On Fridays from 6:00 to 14:00 (market day) the parking lot is closed. At the same time, the damaged car will be wheeled into a fine parking lot.

Parking lots in various places in Italy


Near the center of Veroni, a number of parking areas are surrounded. The cost of parking on them is about € 1 to 2 per year. On the map of the center of the city, you can see the layout of these parking lots.

Also, there is no cost of parking, but the stench is far away from the center. Nearest of them is a handrail from the area Porta Palio.

Two more restockings for the next addresses:

  • on the street Sergio Ramelli(Google Maps)
  • beat the stadium Arena di Verona(Google Maps)


As soon as I entered old town through the gate Porta Vittorio Emanuele Parking will be on the right side (Google Maps).

The cost of parking in autumn 2011 was € 1.20 per year.


Parking near Florence is overpriced - from € 20 to 30 for pick up. Free parking is available at Piazzale Michelangelo (Google Maps).

Near Florence, you can see the car parking arrangements on the website in Italian language.


Found parking got on the street Via Atleti Azzurri Pisani entrusted from the bay (Google Maps). It takes about 10-15 hvilin to walk through it to Pizanska Vezha.

The parking rate in autumn 2011 was € 0.60 per year, and then only from 8:00 to 14:00. And after 2:00 p.m., it became free of cost. Photo of the parking lot itself.


The average parking rate in Sienna is € 2.00 per year in specialized parking lots. Leaving a car for work will cost € 35.

Cheaper only in the parking lot near the station - Parcheggio Stazione (Piazzale Rosselli 1). The first year costs € 0.50, and the whole day - € 2.00. The only minus is that you have to walk far to the old place (about 20-25 hvilin, about 2 km uphill).

The cost of parking on the streets of the city is € 1.50 per year. І payment for a period of time from the 8th morning until 8 pm. At night, parking is free of charge.

Also, there are a few free parking lots, but all stinks are far away - (map of paid and free parking lots).

In the autumn of 2015, a cost-free parking lot was opened in the Medici Fortress. Just follow the mother on the street, so in the afternoon all the busy people will ring out, and free time z'yavlyayutsya closer to the evening, if more tourists are already here from Sieny.


Near Orvieto itself, the streets are narrow and narrow, and there is no varto without special need. Before that, a lot of space was already surrounded by them. You can look at the map of the location for the parking lot breakdown.

In the evening, after 20:00, the entire free space on the squares and streets is filled with cars of the local residents. Call for yoga no later than 8:00.


Parking is laid out under the bridge that leads to Bagnoregio. Won є paid from 8:00 to 20:00. Variety is € 2 for the first year and € 1 for a skin attack.

Bagnoregio has free parking. Vaughn is located on the square in charge of the street Via Don S. Nello Ponziani. Її coordinates - Google Maps


Free parking in Montefiascone is located on the street Via del Castagno.

Lido de Jesolo

Lido de Jesolo will be a cicada in Persh teem, who wants to see Venice, but does not want to see Venice itself.

On the vіdminu vіd Venice, where the car happens to be left at the Moscow parking lot and get to the hotel on your own, in Lido de Jezolo it's easier to know the hotel (for example, tsey) with no cost parking.

From Lido de Esolo to Venice you can get on the river tram (30-40 hours). Handrail from the pier on the street Via Faustaє parking, de car can be left for a full day. The cost of parking in autumn 2013 was € 7 for the whole day.


Paid parking is located on the outskirts of the place from the opposite view from the side of the street Via Roma near the church Madonna del Soccorso. The cost of parking in autumn 2016 was € 1.50 per year.

I’ll look at what the place looks like small and I’ll look at it, and I’ll also buy the famous Brunello di Montalcino wines (at Bazhanni), not until a very early hour, the parking lot looks quite pleasant.

Montalcino has one more paid parking with the same rate. Vaughn is known to be in charge of the Mishka Fortress. Aleone is much less over the area and on the other hand it is better to know the better place.

Free parking can be found right next to the fort at the bottom of the yard (map). It is not so far to go to the center, but it is necessary to climb into a small mountain.

Another one without cost parking is entrusted with the walls of the old place to Via di Gozzano the bula was revealed, if we had mercy on the turn and drove through the center (ZTL zone), which is not recommended for renting a car. It is impossible to get on it from the road, because the road there is one-sided.

Paid parking is located near the square Piazza Grande on the pivdenniy side of the place Piazza Minzoni G. on pivnіchniy. The tariff is € 1.50 per year.


Amalfi is located on the very birch of the same shore. Until recently, we have seen great difficulties with parking. Ale kіlka rokiv to that in the middle of the pagorba bula vikopana 4-surface parking Luna Rossa I'm asking for over 200 machines.

Parking is located in front of the entrance to the place. Vartist parking in Luna Rossa warehouse € 3.00 per year or € 13.00 in stock. You can also try to know the place in the port, but there you can always take all the places.

In addition to the parking lot in the middle of the hillock, there is a pishohidny tunnel that leads the way from the Piazza Municipio square in the very town.

The Amalfi uzberezhzhі is very little and meritorious. And the road, like a bridle of a new one, I’ll call you at home Nastro Azzurro and respect one of the most beautiful in the world.

Wrong parking ticket

The fine for illegal parking in Italy becomes € 40. Well, in order to pick up your car, you had to call a tow truck, then the amount of the fine is increased by a factor of 1.

Okremo varto to guess the zone of the fringed ruhu transport ( zona traffic limitato). per leather entry into such a zone can be fined up to € 100.


Hoping all the places of Italy does not seem possible, but there is little joy special certificate trips in Italy:

  • Do not varto shukat the parking lot closer to the center of the city - an hour's drive along the narrow streets in the bag can appear more, lower the distance to walk.
  • Parking may be busy - everyone wants to get closer to the historical center and in the peak season, you can get so that you happen to get a stake near the parking lot in the open city.
  • The closer you are to the center, the more dear you are - having snarled a little far away, you can save a little.

In this rank, having shrunk the troch earlier, you can save your nerves, pennies, and sometimes take an hour.

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