Mosaic of Willy Adrian in Tivoli opis. Tivoli

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

From Villa d'Este (Tivoli) to Villa Adriana you can get there only on a private bus. Roman proїznі, as well as a ticket, which you bought in Rome for the Cotral bus, are not allowed here. There is no automatic sound, so you will get a ticket for the public bus in one of the newsstands(violet ensign on the map). A ticket for one person costs one bik 1.3 euro(2017 rec). If you plan to return to Tivoli, then buy two tickets at once, and if you want to return once to Rome, then buy one ("One ticket to villa Adriana please").

Bus line, so you can get to Rome by bus Cotral or to Villa Adriana by buses 4 and 4x

Having bought a ticket, go to teeth, as if you were on the opposite side of the tієї ulitsa, where you were hung up, if you came from Rome (div. Zhovtu mark on the map and photograph).

Here you need to sit on bus 4 And go to the zupinka L.go M. Yourcenar (Villa Adriana) - you will find yourself right on the side of the cashier of Villa Adriana (the erysipelas on the map). The number of the bus line (Linea 4 or Linea 4x) is written on the table below behind the slope (div. photo). Do not take the familiar blue Cotral bus! N.B. Vodії busіv tickets do not sell! When you get on the bus, just give a ticket to the water - wine of yogo trohi nadirve and then composting yogo is not necessary (that and nіde).

Bus 4x

Zupinki do not deafen(Navigator for help). Buses run every 25-50 hours (div. schedule for 2017). You can also sit on the same denticle bus 4x(layout); you'll walk a little faster, but you'll take you to your teeth L. Go M. Yourcenar (Villa Adriana).

Bus layout 4

Arrangement and bus teeth 4x

Back in the villa of Adrian in Tivoli, you can see the teeth, on the way you see it. There is a charge from the cash desk (there is a sign with the layout of buses 4 and 4x, and on the pavement there is a straight line with the inscription BUS).

Casa Villi Adriana and Zupinka Buses 4 and 4x

What do you need in Rome, and not in Tivoli, you can go to the nearest lane on the street via Nazionale Tiburtina, Cotral buses run to this lane (div. map - orange mark Tiburtina/via della Serena). Walk from Adrian's Villa to the nearest ridge - close to a kilometer. Here you will need to wave your hand to the dark blue bus that is passing, with the inscription Cotral. Come in, compost the ticket, which you bought in Rome at Ponte Mammolo, and you will go to the crown of the tooth.

The soul of a person has been laid down to the beautiful, otherwise it is impossible to explain the fact that in any hour people jumped beautiful landscapes, as if pleasing to the eyes, and not only quiet, so that the mind called out vibrati with the method of clarity to defend against opponents and wild animals. Life in the metropolis, such as Rome on the cob of the first thousand years, was similar to life in the capital at once, it’s not surprising that a wealthy Roman, having broken his mother’s villa on Rublovtsi, or the sea, or in the mountains, de quiet, beautiful countryside and purerly reinforce spiritual zeal. Zagalom, you can quote Brodsky here: Yakshto vipalo in the empire to be born , it’s better to live in a deaf province, white of the sea.
Varto guess that at Ancient Rome, two centuries of rokіv marked 1 May Day of cabbage, to that Emperor Diocletian on 1 May 305 rocked the throne, to sit quietly in his villa and grow cabbage.

Tivoli, the place for 24 kilometers from Rome has become one of the favorite places for the life of the villas with its wonderful landscapes. For hours of romanticism, if artists have risen in price for the purchase of miraculous views for paintings, it has added riches.
Van Wittel. Tivoli review.

Jacob Hackert. Villa Maecenas.

Jacob Hackert. The Great Cascade at Tivoli.
Tіvolі zustrіchaє fields of poppies.

The biggest bula was the villa of Emperor Adrian. What a bula, you can work for a model-reconstruction. Excavations of ancient villas were found in the 16th century, in the villa of Adrian a lot of antique statues were found, the discus thrower, Antina, Capitolian centaurs, Diana of Versailles were also found here. A lot of what was brought from the stars to the villa of Cardinal D. Este, as far as possible.
The majestic state with palaces, libraries, guesthouses, huge palaces and two theaters occupied the valley, which spreads under the hump, where the place stands. The emperor Adrian ruled, for example, his life, the Roman Empire right out of the blue.

The villa was induced between 118 and 134 pp. on the edge of the vapnyakovo terrace, which stretches from the Tiburty mountains to the Roman plain. On this day, less than a fifth part of the 300 hectares of the cob area of ​​the villa was saved.

Name the rich parts of the villa given by Emperor Adrian in honor of the most memorable places of the Roman Empire. Їхній alterіk buv premises at the book "Augustіvska іstorіya" Elio Spartiano.

Public Eliy Trajan Adrian was a glorious warrior, Trajan's protector, who adopted yoga before his death for the sake of power. For his life, he served on the right side of the service in all the provinces of the empire, and in Africa, in Mauritania, and on the Rhine, in Gaul, in Athens and in Jerusalem. Under Adriana, the provinces were actively forgotten, at Rome the mausoleum of Adrian (nine the castle of the Holy Angel) was sprouted, and the Adrian rampart was built to protect the cordons from the side of Gaul, dividing the empire into 4 parts with its consuls, like Mali but including the Romans.
This incumbent emperor has been remembered in history, having worn a beard first, to graft defects and disguise on the favorites of Antinous's reddening, as if he had sunk behind unkempt furnishing. Antina was so sweet to you, that close to five thousand sculptural images were found, as if the emperor had installed all over the empire.
Qiu antique head is richly painted, if you have begun to study an academic little one, you can understand the ideals of beauty for that hour behind it.

Well, before the name of the mother is the favorite, then it was the same on the right. Plato, in his dialogues with Socrates, and in his own "Benquet" explains the exercises to the point of his status simply. As we know the story about the apple, as the gods divided and those who could not know their own half of the apple, then in ancient times they marveled at the wider, lower infection. An apple could have been made up of two women, or it could have been two people;

Behind the remains of the colossal one can lay down a statement about the beauty of the villa in those hours, if there are no majestic ruins.

Particularly welcome to the place - a swimming pool, statues of stone. The space here is calm and proportionate people. The architects were known in the everyday life of the villas.

At the frontier of Rome, in the majestic expanses of the Tiburtinsk mountains, on the outskirts of the ancient town of Tivoli, there is one of the leading treasures of Lazio. Villa Adriana, as a unique reminder of the architecture of Ancient Rome today, envelops respect with its colossal dimensions. In the words of archaeologists, the summer residence of the Volodar of the Empire in ancient times occupied an area of ​​​​not less than 300 hectares, about 30 spores were planted on this territory, and a lot of water ponds were planted. The holy tracts passed here for the fate of the high-growers, important political decisions were taken and the emperors passed the everyday life of the emperors to prodovzh a century.

Villa Adriana - rich history of the imperial residence

In the 117th generation of ours for the throne of the Roman Empire, having become Public Eliy Trajan Adrian - cousin nephew and successor of Trajan. During the two decades of his reign, Adrian managed to make a great number of colossal spores, many of which have been preserved to this day. It seems that the emperor himself, having created the projects of his spores, the simple fact is covered with a ball of bagatovik saw and it is impossible to declare about the architecture of the Volodarians with perfection.
From ancient times on the territory near the ancient town of Tibur, having named what today sounds like "Tivoli", luxurious houses of representatives of the Roman nobility were raffled off. One of these villas, which was founded in the 1st century BC. And in the Mіstsі as a year, the emperor, having prompted his summer residence, lay for the great-grandfathers of Vibіy Sabіn-friends of Adrian.

There were no reliable reports about the beginnings of the life of the imperial villa near Tibur, the protégés, who wove the ruins of ancient spores, made wisps, which were carried out at least in three stages: in periods from 118 to 121 to 18, 138 years. Adrian did not get far enough to enjoy his creations, the emperor died on 10 lime 138 fate.

In the course of two coming centuries, the emperors of Rome continued to win the villa as a summer residence, raising the camp at the stern look. However, in the distance, Adrian's villa gradually began to fall into mist. It is clear that already in the 4th century the Emperor Kostyantyn visited the territory with a lot of sculptures and decorative elements to Constantinople, and starting from the 6th century, the Tiburtin residence gradually recognized our barbarians.
The first excavations near the city were completed in the 16th century. Antique sculptures, bas-reliefs and other works of art, found on the territory of Hadrian's Villa, were moved to museums. Most of them are saved at once from the funds of the Vatican Museums.

Architecture of Villa Adriana and її sporudi

Behind the vineyards of the doslidniks, the territory was de-roofed by Adrian's villa, in ancient times it occupied an area of ​​at least 300 hectares. Before the warehouse, the complex of spores included about 30 buds of different recognition, as well as zones for the repair of 3 piece water fountains and parks.

The roof of the main palace, where the imperial chambers were located, the sadibi roztashovuvavsya the Gostinny Dvir, assigned to the praetorians - guards of the emperor, and to bring in the quarters of the servants and barracks of the guards.
There were Greek and Roman libraries, a large library hall, a hall of philosophers, an academy, a sprat of temples and sanctuaries of pagan gods, as well as a theater.

One of the most important warehousing life of the ancient Romans was the presence of baths, which is why a luxurious residence, moreover, an imperial one, could not do without these disputes. Not the territory of the village of Adrian were zbudovanie vіdrazu kіlka baths: Mali and Veliki Thermi, as well as the laznі from the sony scorched. Crimea

a place with hot, warm and cold baths, near such spores there were rooms for sweating, gymnastics, grilling in a ball, special rooms for massages and relaxation, as well as a sports maidanchik for taking on the open air and right at the fight.

For the maintenance of the flooring of the Great Villa, a whole system of underground tunnels was possessed, through the yak, the slaves could calmly move around, not turbulently calm high-ranking osіb.

For 20 kilometers on the trail from Rome, on the very birch of the river Anio and right on the pictorial scales of the Sabinsky Mountains, overgrown with green olive trees and vineyards, the old Italian town of Tivoli grew up. Historians admit that they were founded in the 13th century BC.
Trochs of the past, littered with roly-poly landforms, which rise from these places on Campania, as well as waterfalls of great beauty, like such a rich Anio river, representatives of the Roman nobility tried to evoke in their number one of them. From that hour, the very place, as well as its surroundings, became a treasure trove of ancient Roman architecture. True, at the hour of the rest of the light war, the Allied aviation, with its kilim bombings, led the wrongful Shkodi region, changing its historical appearance to the point of unrecognized.

Tivoli has two famous villas: Villa Andriana and Villa d'Este.

Villa Adriana

One of the most important Roman emperors was Adrian. He took off his popularity as an architect, artist and philosopher. A lot of sporuds of that hour were woke up for you. Likewise, the emperor, loving to raise the price, de yogo always supported the honor of artists, how to carry out the underlayment of poached memos. It is not surprising that a person with such interests in the schili of fates decided to inspire for himself more marvelous and calm at the same time, that he would take self and zanurennu in himself. Such a dispute was the villa of Emperor Adrian near Tivoli.

A dish was taken as a place for everyday life, as Adrian's retinue lay. Vіn buv bіla shila Tiburtinskiy gir for 30 km from Rome. Here, 125 to the fate of our eri, the life of Adrian's Villa in Tivoli began. Everyday life thrived until Adrian's death. To say that the emperor especially developed the project for his creation.

On the majestic territory of 120 hectares, piracy rates and parks broke out. There are also roztashovanі raznomanіtnі sporudi - libraries, theatre, gardens, rest of the emperor, termi, museum, vezha, temple, academy, booths for the protection, slaves, service personnel. Here they knew everything was more expensive than Emperor Adrian, the villa of Emperor Adrian brought together Egyptian, Greek, and cultural cultures. Tsіkavі y mіstsevі porticos, the stench was navmisne underestimated, so that the emperor instantly felt more.

To embellish the villa of Emperor Adrian in Tivoli, they brought here copies and originals of works of art at that time - frescoes, caratides, sculptures. Viriznyaetsya and zagalna thoughtfulness of the dispute, here everything is recognized by itself for the calm life of the emperor. Navit in order to get rid of the nasty noise and the snobby staff, there were underground roads for transporting people

The warehouse of the villa included about thirty buds, scattered over an area of ​​one square kilometer. It seems that the emperor gave them the name of the quiet places of the empire, de vin pobuvav. Systematic excavations in the villa were not carried out until the fret, but the stars themselves resemble the figures of the most famous ancient statues: Discobolus, Diana Versalskaya, Capitol Antina, Capitol Centaurs, etc. Tivoli.

Regardless of the ruins of the ruins, which are buried with skin rock, UNESCO respected the possibility of making Hadrian's villa a monument to the All-World's Fall, as the greatest sight of the Imperial Villa and the Alexandrian garden, typical of the Roman Empire, has been saved.

The Golden Square is the great atrium near the pivnіchno-shіdnіy part of the villa, which is square in shape with a size of 51 × 61 m with a sub-portico, which is formed near the vіdkritіy part of 60 granite and marmur columns with veins.

Main spores

Poikile (pechil) - a majestic rectangular area with a size of 232 × 97 m with a lake near the center, surrounded by 9-meter fortifications, which ends with double-sided porticos. Ninі were spared only a surplus of walls; the porticos themselves are wrought. Іsnuє pripuschennya, scho on the territory of the lake there was a moment buti іpodrome.

Cento Camerelle (“Hundred kіmnatachok”) - a small place for slaves that adjoin to Pechila.

Budіvlya with tryoma eksedry- A budinok in the form of a trefoil, which comes close to Poikili, whose first recognition is left invisible.

Mali termi

- laznі, mabut, recognized for women. They have є types for Roman baths, frigidarium for cold baths, calidarium for hot baths and tepіdarіy for warm baths. The rest was near the eight-room kіmnati, covered with a dome with a diameter of 10.5 m. At the small baths, there were pools with marmur descends and small rooms for sweating, massages, gymnastics and water.

Great thermal baths

- Bathhouses for people, vіdokremlenі vіd small service yard. A large rectangular area in the background was occupied by a palestra for right on the open floor, a row of spheristers - close the place for the grill in the ball. At the center of the sudny straight-line kіmnati boulevard razdyagalnya with exit to the calidary.

Closer to small thermal baths are tepіdarіy and laconicum (sauna with hot winds) at the looking round hall behind the apse. Behind roztashovuvavsya frigidary. In different parts of the thermal baths one can see traces of scorching of the undercurrent type: water on the basis of hot water and steam, which are vibrated by great boilers, and dry on the basis of hot wind from wood stoves.

I pairs, and pіdіgіte again, circulated in special rooms with a sliding bottom and thin channels in the middle of the walls.


The canopy is a water reservoir with rosemaries 119 × 18 m near the valley between the highlands, reinforced with supporting structures. Tsya sporuda guesses the Egyptian settlement of the present-day Aboukir, near the old house of his rozkishshyu. The leader Adrian Antinoi drowned there. Uzdovzh dovgogo side with water basins containing the splinters of chotyrokh cariatids (copies of statues from Erechtheion) and two strong ones.

The Canopy Museum of tattering at the ancient tabernae (shops, taverns), which bordered the right-hander of the Canopy valley. The museum exhibited 4 cariatidi, 2 cat noses, statues of Mars, Mercury and Venus, as well as Roman copies of Greek originals: Phidias Amazon, Polikleta Amazon, Nile and Tiber, crocodile from marmur, human marmur and busts, columns. .


- a majestic complex on a sprat of surfaces, which was assigned for maintenance. Vіn know levoruch vіd Canopy and є one of the best savings budіvel vіlly Adrian.

Chotyrokhstoronniy portico with a ribbed stake on the skhili pagorba. At the back wall, the rate of the boules is filled with niches for fishermen. On the front wall there were large panoramic terraces overlooking the Great Plain.

Nimfey- an expanse of rectangular shape between a portico and stoves, which used to be a stadium.

Thermi іz drowsy scorched — a spa at the lookout of a large round fireplace with a wide bathtub and five windows on the back wall

library door size 65×52 m-code.

Guest door scho folded from a dozen bedrooms for the reception of praetorians


Pavilion Tempe - Large panoramic terrace.

Greek Library

Island villa

- The Kiltsevy Canal, which is a round island with a small villa, which was formed from a room next to a courtyard with a colonnade and a embossed fountain. Near the canal, a ring-shaped arch gallery was laid out, surrounded by a cylindrical wall, 40 ionic columns. There were two wooden footbridges leading to the island, with ceramic tiles in the middle. Narazі stinks are replaced by stone bridges. Previously, Ostrivna Villa was called the Sea Theatre.

Hall of Philosophers

Basta Roccabruna(vezha brown forte)

round temple chastkovo created in 1958 roci z ulamkiv. Near the center there is a copy of the Roman copy of Venus Knidskaya, which is stored in the Canopy Museum.

Maritime theater

The villa was induced between 118 and 134 pp. on the edge of the vape terrace, which stretches from the Tiburty mountains to the Roman river. On this day, less than a fifth part of the 300 hectares of the cob area of ​​the villa was saved. The service life and further services were large-scale, so that the judicial Tibur recognized the great demographic and economic growth.

Mosaic from the Villa Adriana

The villa was built in line with the Roman architectural tradition, if the artistic subtlety of the viconnance harmonizes with the noisy landscape.

Name the rich parts of the villa given by Emperor Adrian in honor of the most memorable places of the Roman Empire. Їхній alterіk buv premises at the book "Augustіvska іstorіya" Elio Spartiano. However, only Canopy can be authentically known, and all other evidence is known.

Mosaic with doves.

Sim'ya Adriana and yoga's adversaries continued to greet the villa like a summer residence, but then they practically forgot about it. For example, in the III century, Diocletian restored the villa, and later, behind deaky dzherel, Kostyantyn I Great vision of the stars of impersonal artistic creations to beautify Constantinople.

Let's wait for the period of zanedbanosti. In the 6th century, the camps of the army of the Goths and Byzantines were smashed here. The ruins of that rozkradannya were three to the first archeological excavations in the XVI century, if about 300 masterpieces were found, as if they were going to the museums of the whole world at once.

Emperor's Palace

Systematic excavations in the villa were not carried out until the fret, but the stars themselves resemble the figures of the most famous ancient statues: Discobolus, Diana Versalskaya, Capitol Antina, Capitol Centaurs, etc. Tivoli.

In the Crimea, in the villa there is a network of underground tunnels, servants victorious for the transition from one day to another. In 1998, the ruins of the temple were revealed in the villa, which archaeologists consider to be the temple of Antinoy, the leader of Adrian. Excavations on the territory of the village continue until this day. Among the works of art already known are the Marmur statue of Antinous, antique mosaics, copies of old Greek statues, too. You can find these artifacts at the Vatican and Capitol Museums.

Urania and Hermes

Adrian mav bezlich zakhoplen: oratory, painting, poetry, poluvannya and amazing architecture! The architect is self-taught, Adrian designed his villa in a special way. For yoga conceived, the villa is small enough to become a place for them, where it would be possible to huddle in the chaos of Rome.
Adrian richly increased the price of the majestic territories of the Roman Empire (for 21 years of rule by the crown of the whole 12 years of the provinces near Rome). Ale, the shards of the wines, obviously shaking up the beauty of that mysticism, then on their own villa of the wines, having created the most architectural solutions, like a chisel at the road. Here is a little bit of Egypt, Greece, Asia, what to stomp at the majestic park

Vibiya Sabina

Flora and Paris

It seems that Adrian did not like his palace on the Palatine Hill in Rome, so the fate of his reign in the villas remains. The majestic door was baggy in the villa, and the postal message allowed for regular contact from Rome, which is located 29 km from Tivoli. Since Adriana's villa served as a deputy residence for many emperors, but during the fall of the Roman Empire it was closed and closed. And in the 16th century, Cardinal Ipolito II d "Este moved most of the marmur statues of the villa near his own city - to Villa d" Este.


A. Betori, Z. Mari, "Villa Adriana, edificio circolare not available Sepolcro o Tomba: campagna di scavo 2004: breve sintesi dei resultati", in Journal of Fasti Online,

E. Salza Prina Ricotti, Villa Adriana il sogno di un imperatore (2001) Hadrien: tesor d'una villa imperiale, ed. J. Charles-Gaffiot, H. Lavagne (1999. Milan)

W. L. MacDonald and J. A. Pinto, Hadrian's Villa and Yogo Allies (1995)

A. Giubilei, "Il Conte Fede e Villa Adriana: storia di una collezione d'arte", in Atti e Memorie della Società Tiburtina di Storia e d'arte; 68 (1995), p. 81-121

J. Raeder, Die Statuarische Ausstattung Der Villa Hadriana Bei Tivoli (1983) R. Lanciani, La Villa Adriana (1906)

Villa Adriana (in Tivoli near Rome) - the main complex of classical budivels, built in the II century. under which ancient Roman emperor. The villa combined the best elements of the architectural landscape of Egypt, Greece and Rome, giving them the shape of an ideal place;

The list of the All-World's Fall Villa Adriana Bula was included in 1999.

This is how she looked in the antique hours.

The warehouse of the villa included about thirty buds, scattered over an area of ​​one square kilometer. It seems that the emperor gave them the name of the quiet places of the empire, de vin pobuvav. Systematic excavations in the villa were not carried out until the fret, but the stars themselves resemble the figures of the most famous ancient statues: Discobolus, Diana Versalskaya, Capitol Antina, Capitol Centaurs, etc. Tivoli. The villa was induced between 118 and 134 pp. on the edge of the vape terrace, which stretches from the Tiburty mountains to the Roman river. On this day, less than a fifth part of the 300 hectares of the cob area of ​​the villa was saved. Life and further services were large-scale, so that the judicial Tibur recognized the great demographic and economic development. For example, in the III century, Diocletian restored the villa, and later, behind deaky dzherel, Kostyantyn I Great vision of the stars of impersonal artistic creations to beautify Constantinople. Let's wait for the period of zanedbanosti. In the 6th century, the camps of the army of the Goths and Byzantines were smashed here. The ruins of that rozkradannya were three to the first archeological excavations in the XVI century, if about 300 masterpieces were found, as if they were going to the museums of the whole world at once.
Pechile is a majestic rectangular square with a size of 232 × 97 m with a lake near the center, surrounded by 9-meter fortifications, which ends with double-sided porticos. Nina saved only a surplus of walls. The porticos themselves are wrought. Іsnuє pripuschennya, scho on the territory of the lake there was a moment buti іpodrome.

Cento camerelle (“hundred kіmnatushki”) - small places for slaves that come close to Pechila.

Great thermal baths for people. The great square square in the background was occupied by a palestra for right on the open floor, entrusted with the spheristery - close the place for the grill in the ball. At the center of the sudny straight-line kіmnati boulevard razdyagalnya with exit to the calidary. Closer to small thermal baths are tepіdarіy and laconicum (sauna with hot winds) at the looking round hall behind the apse. Behind roztashovuvavsya frigidary. In different parts of the thermal baths one can see traces of scorching of the undercurrent type: water on the basis of hot water and steam, which are vibrated by great boilers, and dry on the basis of hot wind from wood stoves. I pairs, and pіdіgіte again, circulated in special rooms with a sliding bottom and thin channels in the middle of the walls.

The canopy is a water reservoir with rosemaries 119 × 18 m near the valley between the highlands, strengthened by supporting structures. Tsya sporuda guesses the Egyptian settlement of the present-day Aboukir, near the old house of his rozkishshyu. The leader Adrian Antinoi drowned there. Uzdovzh dovgogo side with water basins containing splinters of chotyrokh cariatids (copies of statues from Erechtheion) and two strong ones.

Uzdovzh dovgogo side with water basins containing splinters of chotyrokh cariatids (copies of statues from Erechtheion) and two strong ones.

The golden square is the great atrium near the pivnіchno-shіdnіy part of the villa, which is square in shape with a size of 51 × 61 m with a hinged portico, which is formed near the vіdkritіy part of 60 granite and marmur columns with veins.

On the back side of the portico, they were supplemented with trefoils covered with a thud-column. On the pіvdenno-zahіdnіy storіnі vіv vosmіkutnі їmperskiy і hall with zіnnimi vіgnut-puffy walls. On the pivnіchno-zahіdnіy side there is an eight-faced vestibule with round and rectangular niches near the walls. To finish the good, the glass dome on eight columns from the central window was saved. Mosaic statues have been preserved near the small adjacent vestibule.

Chotyrokhstoronniy portico with a ribbed stake on the skhili pagorba. At the back wall, the rate of the boules is filled with niches for fishermen. On the front wall there were large panoramic terraces overlooking the Great Plain.

Mosaic on the underside of the Imperial Palace.

Greek library.

The island villa is a kіltsevy canal that looks like a round island with a small villa, which was formed from a room next to a courtyard with a colonnade and a embossed fountain. Near the canal, a ring-shaped arch gallery was laid out, surrounded by a cylindrical wall, 40 ionic columns. There were two wooden footbridges leading to the island, with ceramic tiles in the middle. Narazі stinks are replaced by stone bridges. Previously, Ostrivna Villa was called the Sea Theatre.

Hall of Philosophers.

Wall of Villa Adriana.

The round temple was often built in 1958 by the roci z ulamkiv. Near the center there is a copy of the Roman copy of Venus Knidskaya, which is stored in the Canopy Museum.

Greek amphitheatre.

City of Tivoli (Tivoli) - a place in the province of Lazio, on the river Teverone (Anio), 24 km to the piedmont from Rome. Close to 66 thousand. Meshkantsiv.

Headlines: the ancient Roman villa of Adrian, the middle-class castle of Rocca Pia,

famous Villa d'Este (XVI century) and Gregorian Villa (XIX century).

For a long time, Tivoli was called Tibur and crossed from Rome along the Via Tiburtina road. Following instructions, Tibur was founded in the 13th century BC. i.e., one generation before the Trojan War, two sons of Amphiaraus, Catill and Coras, and in honor of their brother Tiburt, otrimav his name. After another retelling, we were founded by the Siculs and the Sikans, then we moved to the power of the Pelasgians and nareshty bowed to the Latins. For the sake of the rest, Tibur attained a significant world of power, like one of the great places of the Latin Union and, later, the fiery camp, becoming one of the favorites of those fashionable places in Italy. Tibur was famous, among other things, for clay pots, fruits, olive oil, figs, quarries (in which travertine was found, which was used for facing the Colosseum); here іsnuvav cult of Hercules.

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