More late at the start of Skype - Skype won't start, what's the problem? Chi does not start Skype scho robiti? Skype won't start white screen at the entrance hour.

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“When starting Skype, there is no field for entering the login and password”

The axis of such bullshit blames, like a fiend, unstoppable. Pratsiuvav, pratsyuvav Skype, and then bam (!) That empty vikno at startup. No login, enter no password, and start as soon as you start on the machine, without feeding data, everything is empty.

So there is no need to panic. For those who are turbulent for their contact list or skype, I can calm down, the stench will not disappear (so do not try).

What is the reason? As z'yasuvalosya, stable work of new versions of Skype (starting from 5.5) Internet Explorer(IE) and Windows Scripting Engine. Authorization in Skype allows access to JavaScript and ActiveX. On some systems with the first IE tweaks, the tasks are not fixed, which is why there are authorization problems in Skype.

What can you learn from this situation? I will describe a few possible options.
Axis yaky spratsyuvav me especially:

  • View from Skype (right-click on Skype in the tray > View). Check it out, skype.exe is now complete for Windows Task Manager. If necessary, close the process as it is still active
  • Open the folder C: Program Files or C: Program Files (x86) (if you have a 64 bit system)
  • Find the Skype folder and then the Phone folder
  • Right-click on Skype.exe and select Send to Desktop (create a Skype shortcut on the desktop)
  • Now, right-click on the selected shortcut, go to Properties and select the Shortcut tab
  • The Target field will be "C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" (or (x86) as you have 64 bit Windows)
  • Click the mouse in the same field. After the paws are right-handed, put a probe and write /legacylogin
  • Now the text for the Target field will be "C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /legacylogin
  • Press OK to save the stitching. Launch Skype for the help of which shortcut

The /legacylogin key is responsible for launching Skype through the old authentication window, which does not require IE components.

Well, before the global correction of the pardon, then the axis of the possible options:

1 - The problem is broken by the launch of a larger early version of Skype-Vid 5.3. i earlier (logically from the deposited);

2 - Skype is visible, then START -> VIKONATI (command is entered) regsvr32 jscript.dll i tisnemo OK. To appear at the end de new onslaught OK. Let's renew the START menu -> VIKONATI and enter the next command: regsvr32 vbscript.dll i tisnemo OK. After whom skype is installed.

3 - Re-registration of libraries for Windows 7 64x:

a) Press START .
b) Enter a query in the field "command row" .
c) In the list of results, right-click on the item « Command row» and choose a team "Run as administrator «.
d) enter the next command and press the ENTER key.

cd windows\SysWOW64
regsvr32 vbscript.dll
regsvr32 jscript.dll

regsvr32 jscript9.dll

Restart the system.

4 - You can try to update IE to the very the rest of the version h help Windows Update or see IE and install yoga for a new one. You can also try and reset IE at the factory (by lock). Abo navpaki v_dkotiti, for example, from version 9 to 8.

5 - It is possible to reach the result of combining methods.

Good luck with skype brought to normal.

One of the faults that can be caused by coring skype messenger white screen at the start of the hour, without any pardons or records. Please, you need to open the authorization form. In other words, the problem is not blamed after entering the login, but after trying to launch it. The only thing you can do is to prepare a koristuvach, order a menu. How to solve such a problem? Aje richo who wins the messenger, doing business, making presentations every now and then.

Causes of that liquidation

Factors that call out similar problems, may be a little. Among them, the version of the attachment on the PC does not function correctly, the presence of viruses, a conflict with others software security on a PC and open the Internet Explorer browser. To fix the problem, you can go to a number of ways.

Update settings of the Internet Explorer browser

It may be surprising that, for its function, it needs to be supported by the best, Skype won't back up the IE browser. If the wine is not working correctly on the working table, the program will save a white screen. RIS 1

You can try to throw off and fix IE. For this purpose, it is necessary for me:

  • close all IE add-on tabs, as well as Windows Explorer, by closing the main browser tab;
  • at the top coddle, right-handed press on the pictogram at the sight of the gear and go to the “Browser Authority” section (for some PCs, “Browser Authority”); RIS 2
  • near the window, select the “Dodatkovo” command and press the “Drop” button; RIS 3
  • confirm again rest day"Skidannya". pic 4

Checking the correct work of IE

If this method did not bring positive results, it is possible to launch a re-verification of the system's practicality. Yakshcho will be revealed poshkodzhennya system files, won їх usune. For carrying out this procedure it is necessary:

  • run the option with privileged rights (for Windows 10, right-click on the “Start” button and select “Command row (administrator)” from the menu, for a younger version, open poshukovy row then type in the CMD, click on the result of RMB and select "Run as administrator"); PIC 5 and 6
  • When displayed on the terminal screen, it is necessary to run a recheck of system files using the additional sfc /scannow command.

The process of scanning the system to finish the trials in an hour, so the desktop needs to be processed until the end of the year. After the verification process is completed, if Windows eliminates all errors, you will have to restart the PC and check the correctness of the Skype robot.

Reinstalling the messenger

There may be a reason why the screen is blank, if you start running the program, it may be due to the incorrect functioning of it. In such a situation, you can restart yoga. For whom to grow:

  • Zupinka robotic programs, going up to the Dispatcher of the manager of Windows; pic 7
  • vodkrittya vikna "Vikonati" pressing on the keyboard combinations of buttons Win + R;
  • enter the command "%APPDATA%\" in the field and click on the option "OK", which appeared. RIS 8

We know the Skype folder. If it’s not categorically important for you to save dialogues in chat and other data, you just see it. In another way, just rename the folder. RIS 9 We see the program for the help of the service of remote control and change Windows software. After which the standard algorithm is used for the installation of the program. pic 10

Otzhe, let's start the program. At the time of the launch, the program is closed and the main.db file is transferred from the folder, as it was renamed, the newly created Skype directory. In other words, we seem to be listing.

With a slow start, you can see new folder Skype, with whom the old one turns past the name. And the cause of the inaccuracy is continued by shukkat. pic 11

System upgrade

In the operating room Windows systems The retailers gave the option, called on to help turn the praxis of the PC to the right point, if it was correct. For whom it is necessary to grow:

  • entry to the "Control Panel";
  • relocation to the port "Vidnovlennya"; pic 12
  • vibir, vіknі, command "Launch system update"; pic 13
  • select three points, among the available points you can see which were displayed, if the messenger is functioning correctly.

Creation of a new yarlik

  • close the program by clicking in the tray after the shortcut PKM;
  • select the “Exit Skype” command from the context menu; pic 14
  • click at the wide open space of the RMB screen and go to the “Create” command, then “Yarlik”; pic 15
  • at the end of the day, set the location of the roztashuvannya vykonavchy file zavantazhenoї program, now tap on the option "Look"; pic 16
  • from the explorer, who found out, to know the file for sending C: Program Files Skype Phone;
  • see the file by clicking the bear, and click on "OK"; pic 17
  • click on "Dali"; pic 18
  • complete the procedure by clicking on "Finish". pic 19

Now try to go to the addendum for a new shortcut.

Summons the LoginCleanup file

This method allows you to delete all files from the PC, using the LoginCleanup file. For whom it is necessary to work:

  • downloading a file;
  • unzipping the archive and launching the attached document (File).

This file will automatically close the program and clean it up, after that, it will automatically start it. You will be left with less to distort the appendage to the obviousness of the poor.

Other ways to solve problems

Another reason for the fact that when you try to launch the messenger, the screen, like a white arch, does not register Internet Explorer files with the Windows registry.

Registry of system files

To start, close the browser program. We gave the following algorithm:

  • press on the keyboard the combination of keys Win + R for the viklik vikna "Vikonati";
  • sequentially type in the text “regsvr32…..” next to the window and add the following: …Ole32.dll; …Inseng.dll; …Oleaut32.dll; …Mssip32.dll; Urlmon.dll
  • after skin injection, press the "OK" key. RIS 20

Reinstalling IE

After all the procedures carried out, you cannot enter the program even earlier, you cannot enter the password for that login, how to react to such a situation?

You can turn off Skype and Internet Explorer at the same time. It is important to understand that in such a state of the program it is not possible to see access to the main page, as well as to some other options. However, enter to your oblіkovogo record, zdіysnennya vyklikіv, listuvannya mozhlivy.

To make Skype look like Internet Explorer, you need:

  • see the program shortcut on the desktop;
  • having gone to the help of the explorer, go for the help C: Program Files Skype;
  • click on the document Skype.exe RMB and select "Create Shortcut"; RIS 21

Recently, I got stuck with an unusual problem for me at the start of Skype. On the computer, it has been a long time since a long time ago and the Windows XP operating system is not supported officially. So, and on it sit a singing vіdsotok koristuvachіv! :) When starting Skype, it says, as if it were, it was necessary to enter the password for the login, but then, after the entry of these data, nothing appears. It’s just that it’s easier to see if you can only turn to the front door for a second try to enter! The problem turned out to be not so easy to fix, and after that, Skype was still far away to run, after writing this article, de sharing it in ways of її virishennya.

First, what did I think, if I got stuck with a similar problem - like a timchasov problem with the Internet. Rebooting the router, reconnecting to the Internet, the problem did not change. Dali, having tried the solution, yak ryatuє in the presence of more problems (moreover, all programs should be solved) - reinstalling Skype. After reinstallation, to my surprise, Skype did not work.

Even though I hadn't tried it yet, I had a chance to try different solutions on the Internet, and I didn't help them. At the walk of trivaly dances with a tambourine, the problem has been overcome.

Everything on the right is reflected in the fact that Skype has been upgraded for the first time and the upgrade has completely blocked the ability to log in normally to your Skype account. As long as I'm joking possible reasons When such a problem occurs, and that way, it turns out that, as a rule, this happens through the wrong installation of a standard browser in Windows - Internet Explorer or through an Internet connection.

The only thing that helped me in this situation is the installation of one of the old skype version a. The rest of the version at that time was 7:30, but I knew and installed it from the 6th version (I don’t remember exactly). After installation old version, skype raptom earned! Well, as soon as you get to Skype, once you have hindered you to get on with it. In principle, everything is so clear, even though the operating system is already old (Windows XP) and there are already problems with the program, it doesn’t start up, but it works with different jambs.

However, reinstalling Skype to an older version is the last step and it’s better to try other options.

The problem is similar in my locality and in other operating rooms. Windows systems What happened after Windows XP

Method number 1. Just reinstall Skype

Nasampered, as if we got stuck with the problem of a white night before the hour of launching Skype, just try to reinstall Skype. For which you need to download the version of Skype from the computer, and then download it from the Internet itself new version and install її.

The correct order is:

  1. Remove the installed version of Skype and restart the computer;
  2. Go to the official website of the Skype program:

    Having pressed the download button, download the Skype installation file to the computer.

  3. Reinstall Skype after telling the file and restart the computer.

If anything, try launching Skype and go to your public record. Often a simple reinstallation can solve problems with Skype.

Method number 2. Skimming Internet Explorer browser settings.

Other Skype shows more than once after entering the login and password through wrong lashes standard Internet browser Explorer, to the very same from the new wine, I take the deeds of the connection.

The way to accomplish this is even simpler:

As a result, the upgrade of the Internet Explorer browser, with the help of Skype, will be thrown off again. Reboot your computer and try again to get to your Skype record.

Method number 3. Change the parameters of the shortcut to launch Skype

Often the problem with launching Skype is due to some problems in the robotic Internet Explorer browser, which should be mentioned above and above the descriptions of method No. 2. For some browser, for some reason, it may not work, or it may not work correctly with JavaScript, and without it, it's impossible to launch Skype further. The second option is to try to get around, adding to the shortcut, through which you launch Skype, a special command.

Otzhe, it is necessary to work on the step:

Now try launching Skype.

Method number 4. Installing an old version of Skype

This is the way that helped me fix the problem on Windows XP. You will need to download one of the old versions of Skype, for example, from the 6th and install a replacement for the new one, which is now. On the official site of the Skype program, unfortunately, there is no archive version of Skype, so you can only get the call, but you can find the old version on other sites on the Internet.

So that you don’t surf the Internet in searches of the old version of Skype, if you want to try such a way of solving the problem, and God forbid the virus from such a site has a hit, I’ve taken a copy of the version of Skype on a gloomy disk, so you can calmly zavantazhu.

A lot of koristuvachiv on the Internet vikoristovuyut robot Skype. Ale, you can often see the situation if Skype does not start or the field fails. Bagato who po'yazuє tse z "bug" Skype. How to get out of this situation, our article is rozpovist.

First way

Yakscho dana diya if you don’t help, then we move on to another method.

Another way

For help, you can go to Skype. Ale tse timchasovoe decision is not for authorization.

Third way

  1. I'll see it again from the program (how to tell, read more).
  2. Vidkryte " My computer», drive C, « Program Files”, folder Skype and go to the folder « phone».
  3. Click on Skype, and then with the right mouse button: Nadislati - working steel (create a label). Another shortcut will be created on the working table.
  4. Click on the creations of the shortcut, and then with the right mouse button select " power". At the vikni that appeared in a row " C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe", write a command through the pass /legacylogin. Then press the button below " Zastosuvati».
  5. Now you can go to Skype by launching the program through shortcut creations. The Skype program will start at the old window ( Skype versions), for which you do not need Internet setup explorer.

If the above methods did not help, download the Skype program from the official site of the program and install it again.

Sometimes on old computers there is an unacceptable situation, if, when you open the program, you only see an empty screen. More precisely, more vikno pіd o'clock the launch of Skype, In which nothing is seen. Let's try to figure out why the reason for such a pardon, and also look at options for adoption.

Cause pardon

Although paradoxically, the problem is not Skype. Vaughn cry in the modules of Internet Explorer, yakі vіn vikoristovuє. In fact, vіdkrivayuchi vіkno entrance to physical record, we want the HTML side of the IE window. Through this side the program communicates with the remote server and authorizes you as your own account with login and password.


If you have such a problem when the Internet is working in general, then the reason why Skype shows a white screen at startup is Internet Explorer. To fight against the white screen, you can stop by the following:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /legacylogin

For 32-bit systems, you need to hack the folder at the address Program Files. To go to Skype, double-click on your shortcut and enter your username and password in the window.

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