Optimization programs for Windows 7 systems

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The productivity of the computer is to be kept in the form of the laboriousness of the hardware components, and because of the correctly adjusted robotic operating system. Few of the cries are taken from the operational memory, which is jam-packed with marry programs. The forced processor will not speed up the robot, as it will be enclosed for the economy of the battery charge. Windows fine-tuning can be optimized to optimize the robot system without additional material vitrates.

Injection to the productivity of the system

The productivity of Windows 7 is due to a number of factors, one part of which is the result of compromise between performance, performance and vitality of the battery, and it is because of the "guessing" of the computer. Therefore, in order to improve the speed, it is necessary to set up the system for maximum productivity and use all the transitions for a normal robot.

You can, until the end of the day, you want to self-grace the skin element of the system and adjust the computer for your consumer. For those who are short of solutions, I will be quicker with special programs for fine-tuning the system (tweaker), which in a manual and intelligent view will show problems and help them to usunuti.

Optimization programs

The program, the main features of the Windows 7 robotics, is presented in abundance on the market. Explore universal great programs and small specialization utilities, programs with a no-use option, so you can wake up with one "red button". There are a lot of programs with additional functions, which do not seem to be directly related to shvidkodiya, but are also important for a corystuvach, for example, to get special tributes.


As a rule, the universal programs offer a great set of utilities for optimization, and, at the same time, they are paid. Packages can be expanded without koshtovyuyutsya with functionalities or old versions.

Advanced SystemCare

Universally addon Advanced SystemCare is a significant set of fine-tuning Windows, a collection of shkidlivnyh, spygunskih and advertising programs. Special utilities learn about problems with restructuring, adjusting security and operations with industrial files. On the current day of the program, one of the names of those in this category.

Three acceleration modes available

  • Management of car orders. Vidalennya of the selected programs and services from the list of auto-mailing for the accelerated robots.
  • Background mode. Formova technology ActiveBoost acceleration of robots, continuous monitoring of the system and renewal of resources before consuming the corystuvach.
  • Setting up robots in the Internet. Advancing flexibility and robots safety from all-round hedge.
  • Watching the hard drive. Scanning, cleaning and defragmentation of the accumulator. The declared speed of defragmentation is in addition to development, but not from competitors. Transferred one-hour defragmentation to decilk drives, as well as the download of solid state drives.
  • Personal zahist. Guaranteed (with the possibility of renewal) deletion of information. Clearing time folders, data histories and browsers.
  • Productivity monitor. Display on the screen about CPU temperature, motherboard and video card, fan speed.
  • Center for renovation. Revision of the obviousness of the innovations for the establishment of programs.
  • Program for the changes. Adjustment function for selection of additional data for different types of files or browsers.
  • It is a pity that it is unimportant to put the productivity of a personal computer in a large number of cases to build a new one, but, obviously, it is important to be dependent on the diligence and functionality of the annex. The quality of robotics and the correctness of the display of all processes in the computer is to be found at the stage of its operation by third-party objects. You can solve the problem of productivity by optimizing Windows 7 for additional special programs for cleaning.

    Productivity as it is

    Productivity - the speed of information processed by the computer per one hour. And what is more efficiency, it is more productive.

    The main features of the common robot of a computer

    The main signs of the general robotics of a computer are: the last hour when the computer is turned on and off, the program has already started and the data has been started, the reaction to the oversimpling of the cursor and the drawing has been recorded, as well as the signs.

    Injection to the productivity of a computer and a laptop

    The following officials infuse the productivity of the computer:

    • the incompetence of the software security of the computer, programs, igor, operating systems and accessories PCs;
    • presence of third-party, unnecessary files;
    • a breakdown of the cooler, or even the heat from the central parts of the computer;
    • in bugs, the reason is є a conflict between programs: installation of two antiviruses at once, or inadvertent drivers in the middle of a program.
    • pardons in the established operating systems and / or incorrectly;
    • damage to the robot BIOS;
    • infected with shkidlivy programs;

    Basic methods of OS optimization and performance improvement of PC

    Cleaning the hard disk for polishing robots Windows

    The most widespread way of optimizing the operating system - the process of cleaning the hard disk from the current files and browsing the large files. There can be copies, active programs, time files, browser cache, etc. I can hand over the yachts to see the team clock files:

    • C: \ Users \ Im'ya koristuvach \ AppData \ Local \ Temp;
    • C: \ Windows \ Temp;
    • C: \ Users \ All koristuvachi / TEMP;
    • C: \ Users \ Default \ AppData \ Local \ Temp;
    • recent documents: C: \ Users \ im'ya koristuvach \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Recent \;
    • time files to the Internet: C: \ Users \ im'ya koristuvach \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Temporary Internet Files \.

    To clean up the disk from the team clock and save files, you can also use the standard "Clean Up Disk" tool from the Windows OS. Onslaught "Start" - "All programs" - "Standard" - "Services". Then start the program. The disk we need is vibrant, it is known / put by the showers of the files of the quietest category of files, which need to be cleaned (visualized), it will start before it is cleaned.

    Nalashtuvannya Automatic defragmentation HDD

    Another way to optimize your system is to defragment your hard drive. This procedure gives you the ability to improve the speed of access to files, such as heritage, to improve the speed of the robotic system. All should be kept in the bag due to the fragmentation of the disk: if there is a high value of the disk drive, it will appear visibly.

    The program for defragmentation is located: "Start" - "All programs" - "Standard" - "Services". I dal vibraєmo "Disk defragmentation". Vkazuєmo disk required for defragmentation. Until then, the program is to analyze the disk and it can be shown that defragmentation is required at a given moment. And for the bazhannya koristuvach the job will be done, for the yak the procedure will be automatically carried out.

    visual effects

    The interface of the system includes no visual effects, which serve to make the system presentable, unique and, in a sense, the style of the system. However, the productivity of such an efficient repair of a negative inflow, which will take a great deal of operational memory and an hour to galvanize the robot. And it’s not very useful, it’s absolutely not necessary.

    In order to optimize the visual effects of the "Provider" display, then vibrate the item "Advanced system parameters". At the deposit "Shvidkodiya" vibrate "Parameters". Now you can see the menu, you can control the robot of visual effects.


    On the productivity of the computer, when starting up, it is often infused with programs into auto-protection. For the cleaning of auto-provisioning, you do not need to use special programs and use it. Zrobiti can be done with the help of an operating system. At the command row (the wiklik of the command row is displayed when the WIN + R keys are pressed), the MSCONFIG command is entered. So, we can start configuring the system. We pass to the item "Avtozavantazhennya". In the list of programs, you can support programs that go to the quick launch of defragmenters, players, etc.

    As soon as such operating systems are installed on the PC, like Windows 7.8 and then the robot will say goodbye to the cleaning of auto-mailing. The retailers wins the item "Avtozavantazhennya" okremo in the dispatcher Zavdan. The plant dispatcher opens a combination of keys Ctrl + Alt + Delete. In the field of the Plant Manager, you can see that the processes are running right at once, I will name and become the program in one go to the productivity of the central processor and hard disk. You can also enable auto-mailing.

    Covering the end of the day when cleaning through the viglyad registry is as follows:

    • open the registry editor;
    • open the tree of the restructuring and when you go to the instructions HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion;
    • zvernit respect for two parts: "Run Once" і "Run" (in the first sub-item appear as programs, as next to start everything once, and in another - programs for autostart);
    • respectfully lead the way to the launch, name the keys, which are all in the middle of the programs;
    • see the programs;
    • repeat the same with HKEY_CURRENT_USER;

    Uvagu, it will be turned on for those who, when connected, be some kind of programs in auto-mailing (as a joke of an awesome advertising virus), they really turn on antivirus. To put the system on a bigger scale.

    Windows services enable

    A lot of Windows services are often victorious and don't play any role in robots. Apparently, the stench is easy to invade the robots of the most important user programs. However, turning them on, if necessary, to increase the productivity of your computer minimally, especially on the outbuildings with a great amount of operational memory.

    When choosing any procedures for optimizing the system, it is recommended to set the point of updating the system, so that the inheritance of any non-transferable situations (for example, seeing the required software or incorrectly turning on / turning on the operating systems) is recommended.

    To enable system services, go to: "Start" -> "Control Panel" -> (Change the view in the menu of the Keruvannya panel to "Other icons"), select the "Administrator" tab, then "Services". Then a list of services will appear, and to enable any service, click on it (see a list of the service management menu). The splash deposit "Type to launch" vibrates "Manual" і "Zupiniti". Zberigaemo snake. It’s a good idea to connect a service to the system and can lead to unstable robotics. Be on the edge of safety while robots with a great option!


    Tweaker is an interactive menu of system tools in one program. Tvіkery nadayut rights with the management of the most necessary and fundamental options for changing the parameters of the system, therefore, it is necessary to work with them even more carefully.

    A program-tweaker, as a rule, can be a systemic pardon (and a serious one), that is why you can start it on your own fear and risk.

    Існ кілька most vіdomih tweakers:

    • EnhanceMySe7en Free;
    • Windows 7 Little Tweaker 1.1;
    • WinUtilities Free Edition;
    • XdN Tweaker;
    • WinBubbles Lite 2009 for rock;
    • TweakNow Power Pack 2009 for rock;
    • Windows 7 Manager;

    We will not be described in detail on the program inventory, but it will be easy to understand the programs, specialization for optimizing the system.

    Programs for optimizing the operating system

    Advanced SystemCare - a non-standard set of options

    The program is a package of basic options for improving, repairing, updating and simply monitoring the system for any irregularities. It is presented in two versions: paid and without koshtovaya. As a rule, the bezel-less version does not depend on the correct one, moreover, it does not include all the components of the system installer provided by IObit. Updating the bezel-less version of the evil on buggy computers, otherwise it will not be carried out. However, the program in terms of functionality and form is displayed in the interface quickly to see all of them in the shortest direction. To that, as well as all kinds of links in advanced productivity, Advanced SystemCare itself is victorious.

    Central fact: To download the programs from the official site, you need to enable the limitation of the anti-virus programs. Yak viyavilosya, the IObit site is on the list of suspicious sites.

    CCleaner is a good tool for cleaning systems

    Ccleaner is a simple and borderline program for cleaning and optimizing the system. One of the best programs on the hopes and latitude of the profile of the victorian. Become a great successor of re-winners: quickness to launch / robots, good buzz and visualization of time-consuming and unnecessary system files, as well as correction of mercy to the registrar to finish efficiently. There is also a paid and non-paid visa application. However, in the bezel-less version, the functionality is minimal.

    Easy Cleaner will help you speed up your Windows robot

    Bezkoshtovna program for stable robotic systems. The main її tool - cleaning the Windows registry. Ale, krym tsiogo, the program of the vison is a wide range of facilities for optimization. In practice, Easy Cleaner is a non-flammable tool, like a buv bi-coriander to skin corystuvache PC. The axis is not correct. Often, problems are seen when files are seen (for a joke), when programs are added during the process of robots. On the forums there are negative messages and low ratings of programs.

    Red Button - optimization for amateurish dilettantes

    A collection of the program was conceived as an easy simple solution to optimize the system for koristuvachiv - dilettantes. All that is needed is the price of pushing a button on a large ruble. The result will be seen by itself. In tsyomu polyagaє simplicity of programs.

    Remaining version of Red Button from the recent hour of paid. Also, there are analogs of programs, prices at one time as much as possible. Behind the program's guides, there is no great hope, and there is not a lot of uselessness in robotics. Red Button is the simplest upholstery tool for optimizing and cleaning the system.

    AusLogics BoostSpeed ​​for no control

    The program, like and a lot of others, to follow the camp of the computer and its productivity. The possibilities of the new version allow you to organize the robot with a hard disk and computer information more beautifully than the other programs. It is stocked with decal components, leather-like components for singing functions.

    The main features of the programs:

      seeing unnecessary files (Disk Cleaner);

    • defragmentation (Disk Defrag і Registry Defrag);
    • cleaning the registry (Registry Cleaner);
    • Correction of defective sectors on a hard disk (Disk Doctor);
    • optimization of the Internet (Internet Optimizer);
    • more visible files (Track Eraser);
    • updating of existing files (File Recovery);
    • pochuk of the same files (Duplicate File Finder);
    • displaying system services (Services Manager);
    • setting up auto-enrollment (Startup Manager);
    • setting up processes (Task Manager);
    • Information about files on a hard disk (Disk Explorer);
    • Information about the system (System Information) and інше.

    Problems arise when the product key is installed. Most often it is seen as an antivirus program, for antivirus simply does not allow activating the program. Do not wait to activate the program. Foldably pick up the key, generate it.

    Glary Utilities - Forget about the wrongs

    There is another unfortunate program from Glarysoft to optimize your operating system. There are 20 tools in the set for correcting malfunctions, improving productivity and cleaning.

    Main features Glary Utilities

    • correction of pardons in the system register;
    • seeing unnecessary files;
    • deinstalation of the program;
    • optimization of operational memory;
    • management of Windows auto-avantage add-ons;
    • visualization of time files, when they are present in the Internet;

    SpeedUpMyPC - Optimizing Work Performance

    SpeedUpMyPc is a basic program for configuring Windows systems and speeding up a computer's robots for optimizing basic working characteristics. For the application of the developer, the tool can be used to drive the necessary cars.

    Possibilities with programs:

    • cleaning the hard disk і reєstru.
    • system optimization.
    • adjustment of the productivity of your computer;
    • simple and intelligent interface;
    • the program for the underdog and for the underdogs;
    • optimization process is automated as much as possible;
    • diagnostics and information about the causes of the general robots of the computer;
    • change in the level of security of the computer and new programs;
      First and foremost.

    Often, you will see a problem when you activate a program. Licensed license keys, or in an hour the program looks like a pardon for activation. Along with the help of koristuvachіv, the program is working to improve the productivity of the PC.

    Comodo System Cleaner - Keroo with settings to speed up your computer's robots

    The main features and functions of Comodo System Cleaner:

    • management of practically all settings of Windows 7;
    • Optimization of the productivity of the system, disk space and social stability, the installation of the Registry Cleaner and Disk Cleaner tools;
    • Provide complete control over your computer;
    • Management of online and offline private information - clearing history, cache, time files of Internet browsers, IM programs and additions to Windows;
    • Achieve confidentiality and information with the necessary security utilities, such as the Permanent File Wiper, by changing the hash value, etc .;

    Minus programs polyag is that you can vantage the processor at all 100%. It is not advisable to run both programs and services in parallel.

    nCleaner - see all nun necessary files

    A simple program for a non-commercial victorian, which allows koristuvachev to carry out cleaning of the system of unnecessary files with the method of optimization. There are more than 90 ways to clean up, additionally helping to get rid of the saved entries in the system registry.

    There was a problem with the slaughter of the whole system for cleaning up: the program vibrated the OS, did not give it correctly. For the skin launch, the files are expanded ..dll in the system folders.

    Table: Comparative characteristics of programs for cleaning

    program assessment Paid / bezkoshtovna Chim is more beautiful for the others
    1) Ccleaner4,7 +/+ No cleaning of the computer
    2) Advanced SystemCare4,3 +/+ Wide range of functions
    3) Easy Cleaner3,9 BezkoshtovnaManual graphical interface
    4) Red Button4,1 +/+ Simplicity in victorian programs
    5) AusLogics BoostSpeed3.7 +/+ Robot with hard drives
    6) Glary Utilities4.6 BezkoshtovnaPull-down tool for uninstalling files
    7) SpeedUpMyPC4,2 +/+ Change of system loading
    8) comodo system cleaner3,9 +/+ Greater gliboka and soil cleaning systems
    9) nCleaner3.8 BezkoshtovnaZruchne zasosuvannya module for robots from memory

    Video: Optimized for Windows OS Robot

    In the robot of a personal computer, productivity is even more important. When you buy it in a store, you should save only from the health of your computer if you want to see a vibrating annex, take information with the maximum speed. І for the improvement of productivity on a regular basis, without any methods and tools, available to all corystuvachi.

    Zavanazhennya software security for optimization, settings and cleaning of the computer. You can add a custom version of the program to our website in one minute.

    version: 5.3.3 on 18 May 2019

    Wise Care 365 can help you detect a file system and speed up a laptop or a stationary PC robot.

    Weiss Kea 365 combined its functionality with two alternatives - Disk Cleaner and Wise Registry Cleaner. Includes everything you need for this software category.

    version: 10.2.3 on 18 May 2019

    Wise Registry Cleaner Free is a miraculous utilizer of computer "smittya". I have seen all the unnecessary and incorrect files, there is no possibility of their innovation.

    Tsya is small, ale cinnamon utilities є one of the shorter "cleaners" of the system registry. For the applications of a number of programs and koristuvachіv, won’t find more beautiful commercially available analogs.

    version: from 11 May 2019

    Here is a program for cleaning Windows, as for the characteristics I will overturn such monsters as CCleaner, AusLogics BoostSpeed, Advanced System Care, Wise Memory Optimizer. To help you, add your PC from unnecessary files, shortcuts and updates, as well as speed up the launch of the system and the robot.

    Riznі professional vision, carrying out the competition of optimizers, came to the notice, giving soft loans in leading positions in their segment. So the rank "Index of Corrosion" (demand, flexibility and efficiency of robotic skin functions) of Gleri Utilitis to become 97-98%, at the same time the indicator, for example, for Wise Memory Optimizer to become only 60%, and for Advanced System Care - 85%.

    version: 5.58.7209 from 10 May 2019

    CCleaner is one of the most popular optimizer programs for Windows, now available for Android and Mac. The mobile version of Cyclener will convey a quick joke and it is not efficient to see non-working, non-pictorial and unnecessary files, as well as hourly data from browsers and other supplements, which are sent via the Internet.

    Functional programs for smartphones and tablets for easy viewing of what sounds are played on computers. There is no clearing of the register, the plan of the plant or the control of the auto start. Ale є dodatkiv manager, managing the processes, clearing the cache and adding it.

    version: from 20 May 2019

    version: on 26 April 2019

    Program for accelerated defragmentation of hard drives. Bring the hard disk productivity indicator to the maximum and accelerate the computer's robot.
    Smart Defrag is one of the most popular kosteless defragmenters. Yogo vikorystovuyut ponad 30 million koristuvachiv in the whole world. The program will accelerate the robot being installed on the PC with additional information and a guarantee of information protection.

    version: from 26 Berezen 2019

    Auslogics Registry Cleaner (rus) - a price program designed for joke and correction of pardons in the registry. Allowing is significant to improve the productivity of the computer.

    Punishments and conflicts in the Windows OS can lead not only to the wrong function of the program, but to the trust of the computer's robots and the system freezing. Deal with the problem of special utilities, as they see pardons and unused entries in the register - there, deciphered data about the parameters and parameters of the new data.

    version: 12.9.4 on 20 August 2018

    Vit Registry Fix is ​​a tough and no-shit program for clearing the register of grants and old gifts. Vona can automatically scan and see the grants of the young types themselves, there are more than 50 types of grants in the register.

    In addition, there is the possibility of manually viewing keys from the Software distribution. Also, with the help of this program, you can view lists of history of programs and lists of files that have been recently accessed in the operating system. Dodatkovo before the clearing of the program, I know and see the shortcuts with the inevitable powers.

    Have a nice day!

    Yaky koristuvach you don't want to, what the computer is doing?

    It’s not a secret for anyone that in an hour, whether a computer will fix a galmuvati: Windows is not really quick, the PC will turn on more (vimikatisya), if you go with freezes and lags, and including simple operations, on the standard launch of the browser for the programmer - zmushuyut "zamislyuvatsya" prіtіy for a few seconds, etc.

    To see more, most often, through those in Windows OS without cleaning or optimizing the registry, services, old "tails" from earlier installed programs, which did not see time files, browser cache, etc. More than an hour has passed since the installation of Windows - it’s like, as a rule, it’s stronger than “smitten”, and it’s all the more important for the productivity of the computer.

    At the top of the statistic, I want to look at the utility and program, so that I can help fix the problem and speed up your computer.

    At a number of statistics, there will be programs guided for a comprehensive cleaning, optimization and Windows service. The stench can be used in auto-mode to destroy those, which can be used in the "manual" mode (if you have your first priority). To save your hour and pennies.

    Advanced SystemCare

    Advanced SystemCare is one of the shortcut programs, as for the help of one or two teddy bears to clean, clean up and optimize your Windows from big problems. The program of drinking a magnificent drink throughout the whole world - її downloaded and victorious ponad 150 milionіv koristuvachіv!

    Before the speech, the program єwith the help of many contests, and the people of the computer should be recommended to install them for the votes at once with Windows.

    Briefly about the smut:

    1. I will speed up your system, access to the Internet;
    2. to clean the disk, restr vіd zyivogo "smittya";
    3. optimizing and assimilating problems with safe Windows;
    4. know and see spygun modules and programs;
    5. I will come back with a Russian language;
    6. all diy and settings can be changed for additional 1-2 clicks with a bear;
    7. in the edge of the friendly interface and the cues allow you to use the program to visit all the cobs of the corystuvach;
    8. automatically nagaduvannya about the need for cleaning and optimizing Windows (if you forgot about it, and it has not been robbed for a long time);
    9. work in Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 32/64 bits.


    This is a great package of utilities, which will be in the present for all kinds of life. Moreover, the package contains not only those utilities that are necessary for the uninterrupted service of Windows, but, for example, for joking and updating files, recovering files with a password, analyzing a borrowed memory, etc.

    The entire package will be automatically utilized from the virobnik's website (manually!). All the stinks are broken up by category, but quite a bit of a mess. A package of more translations into Russian language, expanding in decilkoh versions: paid, without koshtovaya (difference in functionality).

    Basic programs are added to WinUtilites

    Basic programs and options of the package:

    1. Keeping an eye on disks, reєstru;
    2. vivid old people yarlikiv, programs;
    3. optimization of memory, RAM;
    4. optimization and cleaning of Windows auto-mailing;
    5. defragmentation of the system restore, disks;
    6. zakist program;
    7. clearing the history (for example, browsers save the history of the sites you have seen);
    8. files are not visible, but it is not possible to update;
    9. updating vipadkovo viable files;
    10. shove dublіkatіv files;
    11. podіl files, you can write them on a number of nosіїv;
    12. system management, plan manager, etc.

    With the other utilities for optimizing Windows, you can read the following statistics:

    Utilities for rooting computers igor

    For the bagatokh koristuvachіv the word "hackneyed" is tied without preference to the igrami (more often in those programs of yogo prikryuvati?). Utility for increasing PC productivity in games - to finish a great number, here I want to cite those that really work (do it and speed up by a modest 10-15%, if you check hundreds of messages from them ...).

    1. setting up and accelerated nVidia -
    2. accelerated IntelHD -
    3. accelerated AMD -

    Game gain

    Simple, ale effective utility for accelerated computers igor. The message is locked to the launch - you only need to press one button: "Optimize now" (In terms of English: optimize at a time).


    • invert the correctness of the value with the utilization of your Windows OS;
    • Check the correctness of the value of your processor.

    GameGain has brought the customization requirements to your Windows to increase productivity in games virost. Before the speech, in order to put the stick on maximum productivity (Maximum Bust) - it is necessary to add the utility.

    Iobit - Game Buster

    site: http://ru.iobit.com/gamebooster/

    Game Booster is a utility for adjusting the productivity of a computer when starting 3-D ігор. To finish one or two claps of a bear, the program automatically took up all the resources of the computer for the easy game process.

    The Viconan program is in a simple and intuitive and intelligent design, for the launch of Game Booster - you only need to press one button, turning on the game mode (div. Screenshot below).

    Briefly about the smut:

    1. an increase in the "real" productivity of a PC in a group, so as for it there will be a reduction in the size of all available resources;
    2. easier and simpler to get rid of: everything for 1 clicks with a bear (even more and more in the middle of the cob);
    3. recording video and audio in real time;
    4. іgrove middleware with a "play" working table;
    5. tuning and optimization of the system for accelerating ігор;
    6. robot in Windows 7, 8, 10

    Game fire

    Game Fire is another famous program, as it really increases productivity in computer games. One of the main advantages of the program: you do not need to spend a lot of hours for an hour to get started, how to set up grids, OS, parameters, etc. - having pressed all a couple of buttons, Game Fire set the priorities, turn on everything that is not needed, and give the maximum resources for a specifically launched grid. In the wake of someone, it’s better to play it better, more frames per second to go (At.: Here), Reduce the number of galmas and lags (and it’s better for everything, to disappear).

    Key features:

    1. easy and quick help to improve PC productivity in games;
    2. vbudovaniya defragmenter іgor;
    3. management, launch, optimization of the software from one window;
    4. the program works in automatic background mode, so you won't be allowed to, if you don't need it;
    5. In the task manager, only those processes are displayed in the new one;
    6. easy and intuitive intelligence interface;
    7. good practice in all versions of Windows can be repaired with XP (including in Windows 10).

    Utilities for cleaning Windows, hard disk

    They didn’t work very well in Windows (and they didn’t use it because of the cleaner), in an hour there’s a lot of “smitty” files and records: old browsers cache, some old programs, ” entries in the system registry, etc. All the advantages of free cleaning and optimization.

    Wise Disk Cleaner

    The price of one program is one of the most "smart" cleaners of disks: to know and see the maximum number of "smitty" and see this one in the smallest time in an hour (a number of which sounded open to the space, as a result of the enormous number of programs!

    It’s easy to turn the program to goddamn - to launch your є chotiri options version:

    1. cleanup (if you want to clean it quickly and do not forget to clean the computer from everything);
    2. glyboke cleansing: It will take more than an hour to analyze and write all "smittya" on a PC;
    3. cleaning the system;
    4. defragmenting a hard disk(For cleaning, for maximum speed, I recommend defragmenting the HDD).

    Wise Disk Cleaner will help you to analyze the system, before it sounds like it. Anything that is not good for you can be overridden on the mice, having ticked the checkmark in front of the front.

    Key features:

    1. 4 Maystri, to help you clean the system and defragment the HDD;
    2. even thinner steps of cleansing, which are dumb in the same similar utilities;
    3. mega-zuchny interface: cleansing is viewed in total for 2 clocks with a bear;
    4. more Russian interface;
    5. pidtrimka new OS Windows 7, 8, 10 (32/64 bits).


    One of the most useful utilities for cleaning Windows from a kind of smitty: time files, browser cache, "tails" from programs, etc. In the world of development of utilities in its entirety, it has been given without additional additional features: control of auto-provisioning, updating of the system, erasing disks, pushing duplicate files, etc.

    Utilities become a high level of cleaning up the system, wide possibilities of cleaning up, "clever" robots (you don't see anything interesting through ignorance - if you don't know, you will definitely not have pardons in Windows, everything will be correct!).

    Key features:

    1. smart and quick cleaning of the disc and the reєstroy of the kind of smittya;
    2. vbudovaniyu program installer: you can help you see the program, navigate the one that doesn’t appear to be of the highest rank;
    3. vividly "zyvikh" programs for auto-mailing;
    4. system update;
    5. clearing the system of files-duplicates (to see if you have locked up a dozen or two copies of pictures - in the skin є duplicate pictures. You have a lot of pictures - you can easily see the stench on the HDD);
    6. pidtrimka russian movi, OS Windows 7, 8, 10.

    Instructions for cleaning the computer from "smittvich" files:

    Hard disk defragmentation software

    In addition, as a hard disk will be purified from "smittya", it is necessary to carry out a defragmentation in the region (especially, since it has not been vikonuvili for a long time). An operation has been given that allows for quick access to files on the disk. More details about the "mechanism" and the principle of robots, you can glean on.

    Iobit Smart Defrag

    A stand-alone defragmenter program that allows you to accelerate and adjust the productivity of your hard drive to the maximum possible value. The program has implemented the implementation of tsikavi algorithms: Smart Defrag does not just defragment the hard disk, but also update files on a new basis in the current frequency. In such a rank, an hour of access will be quickened to the price, for the rakhunok of what koristuvach and "bach" the system's productivity advancement.

    Still one of the program's re-runs - it’s very uncomfortable, in the closed mode it is automatic, but it’s not easy to get through the rules. Go for great discs (they are popular all over the place at once).

    Key features:

    1. duzhe shvidka disk defragmentation;
    2. the robot in the background automatic mode;
    3. an increase in the productivity of a disk for a "smart" defragmentation;
    4. guarantee of saving money and stable robot disk in case of any breakdowns in the process of robotics;
    5. new program is free;
    6. pidtrimka Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Russian interface.

    Auslogics Disk Defrag

    Unimportant to those who have a small enough program for the size - there is much more efficiently and efficiently defragmenting a hard disk (overlooking the backwardness of the lackluster competitors in the topic of software).
    Clearly carry out the optimization of the disk file system for accelerated robots. Proof of the knowledge of the programs - I would like the fact that there are more than 11 million people to complain about in the whole world!

    The program is even more simple in stasis: to start it, press a button on the cob, and go as far as the recommendations of the master (your disk will be analyzed, and then a recommendation on the need for defragmentation is given).

    Key features:

    1. defragments as quickly and efficiently as possible;
    2. optimizing the distribution of Windows system files for improving productivity;
    3. you can defragment specific files (such an option is not available for all programs);
    4. the ability of robots in the background mode, so as not to allow the creep;
    5. povnistu bezkoshtovna for home vicarious;
    6. pidtrim Russian language is 100%, practical in all versions of Windows.

    Best utilities for HDD defragmentation -

    Utilities for cleaning and tightening the system registry

    All settings in Windows OS and in large programs, information about installed programs, services, and others - are stored in the system registry. Alas, for example, when you see some kind of programs, you often get information about it in the register (those rows that are not needed by anyone) - and in the world of robots, there can be hundreds of such rows! It’s necessary to clean it and put the rest in order. And if it is correct and without pompomilkovo it will be reminiscent of the reestra - it will be necessary for the information to be needed in the new future. In such a rank, optimizing and cleaning the registry, we increase the productivity of our PC ...

    Windows is a simple utility for keeping an eye on the Windows system registry. When you start the program, you need to finish pressing one button to analyze your registry, and then to clean it up (everything is simple and smart!).

    The program will increase the Russian language, it has an intuitive-intelligence interface, which can help you to visit all the earliest people who are talking about it.

    Before the speech, except for its main work on clearing and restoring the register, the program allows you to optimize the system for maximum speed!

    Wise Registry Cleaner: cleaning, squeezing and squeezing the registry

    Key features:

    1. clearing the system registry: program paths, updates, file types, history list, DLL, etc.
    2. optimization of the system for accelerated computer robots;
    3. squeezing the system registry;
    4. the backup system (backup copy of the registry), if something goes wrong, you can always turn the system into a cob (before the word, I’m creeping with the program - make sure everything is good!);
    5. simple and intuitive intelligence interface;
    6. pіdtrimka russian movi.

    Auslogics Registry Cleaner

    Auslogics Registry Cleaner is a simple and effective utility, as it will help you to get rid of pardons in the register, see old and new records, see non-pardoned keys. Utilita povnistu bezkoshtovna for home victoriannya.

    Key features:

    1. visibility of non-porous keys (registry keys);
    2. correction of pardons in the register;
    3. Possibility to lead a message on: extensions, fonts, associations, DLL;
    4. before the change of the backup є the possibility of the backup;
    5. after cleaning the systems - you will be happy to hear about correcting the changes and forecasts of the increase in the productivity of the system (div. screen vishche);
    6. pidtrimka to the Russian interface;
    7. low systemic vimogi.

    I conclude this article. For the addition on those - zzdalegіd dyakuyu.

    All the best!

    Unimportant on a regular basis updating versions of operating systems and adjusting indicators of their quality and reliability, as well as the speed of processing information in the robots of software security, all one is a singular moment, as soon as it happens.

    Apparently, the resource of a normal robotic system in general can be upgrades, as long as all the rules for operating the OS are kept, however, insignificant pardons are constantly being bought up, other malicious programs connected with the system files and brought to the OS one time.

    To create a stable robot in the system, it has a special built-in utilities, ale їkh functionality of interconnection and resource-consuming, that with a lot of change, analysis and cleaning of the OS, the stench does not come. At the end of the day, it’s speedy with special programs, local utilities.

    Other programs of the year, which are ineffective, are rather ineffective in practice, but the arsenal for the skin OS is always seen to be disposed of in an hour, to ensure that the functions of the system are updated and are significantly improved.

    On the application with Windows 7, in the whole statistics, it is possible to add two different programs to show all users how to optimize:

    • CCleaner;
    • Auslogics BoostSpeed.

    Offensive programs can be securely linked from the Internet on the official website.

    About OS optimization services

    For foreign information, three are presented by those who once again know about the process of finding service utilities to optimize the OS. The main ones are:

    • disk defragmentation;

    To speed up the defragmentation of the disk, or to clean up the disk, the next step is to see the Start menu - All programs - Standard - Services (the list contains data for utilization).

    To convert the local disk to pomos, the visitor starts: Start menu - Computer - click the right mouse button on the required disk - in the menu select "Vlastivost" - Service - Viconati change. Before speaking, you can immediately defragment your disk.

    CCleaner software for system optimization and cleaning

    Before the team, how to add a tsey software, you need to have a number of operations:

    Start menu - Computer - click with the right button on the white field of the screen - Power.

    Now it is necessary to know the program, be it a version, or even before the size of Windows 7.

    After downloading the product, I will install it for the change on the system drive C, vibrating it in the menu item. For the economy of traffic, especially if you have a mouthless connection to the Internet, it is recommended to clean the checkboxes before installing:

    • Automatic revision of CCleaner update;
    • cookie scanned.

    I’ll look at that, when Windows is optimized, the framing is not interrupted and all service processes go through the entire OS itself, then it’s not a new version of the program, but we’re going to work on the problem, so that all the necessary functionality is included in the utility.

    After that, the program is installed, by sending the computer immediately to restart the computer in manual mode via the Start menu, navigate as the installation manager without powering the computer. Before the word about re-engaging, it is necessary to follow the instructions for the installation of the skin program. To ensure normal robotic OS, people should take it as a rule.

    Having opened a shortcut on the work table, you can reach a simple interface with 4 buttons on the left edge of the screen. Moreover, it is not only the version of the programs that is indicated, but the general information on the operating systems and the main parameters of the computer.

    Now it is necessary to press the button "Nalashtuvannya", vibrate "Stezhennya" and clean all the checkboxes from all points.

    Immediately, you go up the hill according to the list displayed in the column "Nalashtuvannya" and automatically update CCleaner.

    Give the onslaught the "Service" button and go into the "Avtozavantazhennya" section. In general, you can easily switch on and see these processes, which are switched on automatically when the system starts up on the skin. Naturally, the skin of them is a part of the resources, the singing obsyag of memory. Here you can turn on the navpaki buttons behind the additional ones: Turn on; Vimknuti; Vidality. It is also necessary to adjust browsers (plugging in extensions and upgrades, as well as upgrading the browser itself, as long as it was not already enabled through the control panel).

    It is necessary to adjust the programs of destruction, and now for the robot with utilities, by the day, all two functions are required:

    • cleansing;

    Vibrating the "Cleansing" mode, the list of files is displayed, which will be displayed automatically and, if necessary, will be displayed automatically. Slid recommend not to clean up the obvious checkboxes and do not add new ones, in the program also select the necessary categories for the suggestions.

    We know at the bottom the button "Analysis" and onslaught. As soon as the analysis is completed and when the files are seen, the onslaught on the "Cleanup" button and the "Ok" button is pressed. When the files are cleared, they will appear on the screen.

    We pass to the function "Registry". There is also a list of submissions and services, as utilities are ready to be optimized. Let the onslaught on the button "Shoot problems" and check the completion of the process.

    If, as a result of the problem, you do not know, then you can close the program, optimization for additional utilization of CCleaner is completed.

    As soon as a list of problems appeared on the screen, there was an onslaught on the button "ViPraviti". Dali - "True values", the clear completion of the clearing of the register and is also possible with the programs.

    Description of utilities Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​for optimizing computer robots

    Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​program is briefly described in one of the guides on topics. Now the product can be seen in a larger presentation.

    For successful installation of software on a PC, the program is displayed. At the upper part of the screen there are standard buttons for external control:

    • file;
    • Installations
    • Dovidka.

    Below, as in the application from CCleaner, the version of Windows and the main parameters of the PC are indicated. There are also 4 main portions, with the help of which it will be successful:

    • Rearrangement of the system;
    • radnik;
    • resources;
    • Іtools.

    Describing in detail the skin point in the program, in this particular view, was not too much of a problem, so it was only necessary to tinker with it, specifically for optimizing the OS.

    Otzhe, in the first place, the first breakthrough - "System revision" and information on files and programs presented for scanning in the first place. Onslaught on the "Revision" button and check the completion of the process.

    Having forgotten about the known problems, learned from the onslaught of "Vypraviti vidvalue". Upon completion of the fixing of problems, it is also possible to receive information on the screen from the viewer.

    We pass to the section "Radnik". Slide means that it is unlikely that it will happen often, as in Radnik there is a one-time connection or adjustment of the system's services.

    As soon as the revision of the ball was carried out earlier, then the notification "At the given moment of problems on your system is not known."

    Even when Radnik's scanned, a list of singing services appears, then the last time you need to turn on the skin from the representations, the onslaught of the buttons from the skin from them. Tim by himself is very quickly entangled in the system and the efficiency of any operation on a PC as a whole.

    The upcoming distribution of "Resources" is completely informative, and the robot of the system is represented by the main blocks in real time.

    Vidkrivaєmo razdil "Instruments". Here are shown 9 functions, all of which are the most useful for a stable robot system:

    • Servicing disks;
    • Servicing the reєstru;
    • System adjustment;
    • Accelerated to the Internet.

    For the skin function, the interactive buttons are seen in blue color. In general, the program's interface can also make it easy and simple. For example, in the first point "Servicing disks" you need to go through three steps last:

    • cleansing;
    • Defragmentation;
    • Poshuk pardons.

    We go into the skin from them and follow the instructions, and if at the end of which stage you turn up to power the utilities for the rebooting of the system, then go right there to the viconati. For whom I know to go into the program and to continue the optimization from that moment, we have been deactivated.

    Servicing the restru:

    • cleansing;
    • Defragmentation.

    System adjustment:

    • parameters;
    • Optimization of services.

    In this function, in the parameters, you can enable all the graphic visualizations that optimize the PC system with parameters lower than the standard ones (for example, a video card (VGA) is inserted, lack of processor frequency and in.)

    At "Optimization of services" it is possible to polish the system to the robot for the connection of the services, the change of which appears immediately after the selection of the corresponding profile of the PC.

    The first function for optimization is “Accelerated to the Internet”. For automatic conversion, the robot system will also be assessed according to the criteria for setting up the robot in the Internet. Before manual optimization of accelerating to the Internet, go to the Internet, in the section "Accelerate to the Internet" to complete the effective result of automatic settings.

    Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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