Document. Changes in housing legislation and new law on housing and communal services Zmini in housing and communal services z 01.01

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It is better for all the community to remember the tradition of tariffs for housing and communal services. So, from 1 lime in Moscow, the tariff for cold water increased by 7.2%, up to 35.40 rubles. / Cube. m.Segodnі wіn become 33.03 rubles. per cubic meter. The rate of hot water is 10.6% and stock is 180.55 rubles. / Cube. m. There will also be an increase in gas prices by 3.9% (UAH 6.40 per cubic meter). In addition, the minimum size of the bill for capital repairs in Moscow is up to 17 rubles. for a square meter of area, it will be 15 rubles. Besides, a number of innovations have come into force, such as changing the evolving mechanisms of robots in the sphere of housing and communal services. Already in the end of 2016, a number of bills have been prepared for the rock, which can also be inserted into the hole.

“The changes in the housing and communal services sector in 2017 will be super-articulate. On one side, a part of legislative initiatives is tied without prejudice to the protection of rights and legal interests of the authorities, to the policy of social guarantees. On the other hand, the fact of the unequivocal increase in prices for housing and communal services is of the utmost financial difficulty for the bagateh category of baggage and in the end-to-end bag, the HEAD is an important heavyweight for the lunatic.

Kerіvnik to the project "School of the competent companion", as well as visnna, that the robot is located in two straight lines: from one side, to the rescuers to go nazustrіch, from the other side - to register the visibility of how to accommodate, so and for postmen.

"They are not the ones who are in charge of fines, but that, if there will be no doorway punishment, it is innocent to go down on the galms",

- meaning expert.

New rows in payments

If you talk about the changes that are guilty of cleansing the survivors from the city, then you can see the onset of innovations. For 1 day, a fee for fixing and repairing the booth to go to the warehouse; Nagadaєmo, earlier, they planned to kill in April 2016, but they moved it to the end of the day.

Yak explained Oleksandr Kozlov, the transfer of a row in payments to allow for more regulation and pay for zalnobudinkov consumer (ODN). There is a fee for communal services (for cold and hot water, electricity and heat, gas supply and water supply), as you go to the room to get to the booth.

“Earlier, the fee was practically uncontrolled - there was a charge, if the organizers were playing the rakhunks for making the day off, turning the rakhunks over for the indivisible living in the apartments, so everything would be contagious.

Another row will go from the living services to the communal services - a lucky smittya.

Varto means that Vlada has long been overwhelmed by putting things in order and clearing the blockages in the spheres. According to the Federal Law No. 458-FZ, we are firmly in the position of being recalculated in solid municipalities, and they, apparently, have prescribed new methods of robotics. It will be transferred if the tariff will be paid both for the standards from the skin bag, and for the exchange of money. Such a rank is planned to stimulate the separation of smittya: the more smittya you can re-process, the lower the cost will be. In addition, it’s possible to transfer that the region will be responsible for the powerful operators, as it will regulate the sphere of processing the smitty.

“For the time being, not to wear a binding character, the region, which is already ready, will take in the whole possibility of working in a new way, using new schemes of robots, to designate operators. Seemingly, there is a sphere in the edge of opacity, a lot of unsanctioned names, etc., a total revision has long been demanded, "- meaning Kozlov.

A second launch of the GIS ZhKG system is also planned at the end of the day. A single information resource, which allows the baggage of users to make payments online, to seek information about the functionality of their own accounts, service rates, creditors' trade, tariffs, etc. However, it means that the terms were already transferred more than once. Yak meaning Kozlov, for the launch of "GIS ZhKG" in the system of public utility government "there will be a revolution" and all processes will become easier to control.

Overhaul pіlg not pereshkoda

On top of that, a number of promising bills were hung up.

“So, the order has dismissed the bill, in which the growth of licensed energy efficiency will be promoted, and also a special register of energy companies will be established, so that you can get to know the official website. At the thought of the order, the meaning of the change is to take the polish of the quality of the robots and energy management organizations ", - even Ilya Shakhmeister.

Yak rozpov is a lawyer;

Proponents of repairs since 2017, do not wait at the warehouse, pay for the living costs, the cost of capital repairs.

“The Danish draft law does not transfer the oblique extras for the overhaul of the booth. On the idea of ​​the parliamentary, the main idea of ​​the draft law is the practice, when the vlasniks, who may be overpriced to pay for the overhaul, cannot reject the pilgrims to pay for the living expenses and communal services, ”the lawyer will explain.

19 Chest 2019, Sports and Massive Sports About the state regulation of the hotel service staff in St. Petersburg for an hour during the UEFA European Football Championship 2020 Resolution from the 9th day of the month of 2019, No. 1622. The maximum frequency of hotel service in St. Petersburg has been established for the term, which should be repaired 10 calendar days before the day of the first match of UEFA Euro 2020 and will end after 10 calendar days of the match day.

17th March 2019, Railroad transport The statutory capital of the VAT "Russian Zaliznytsia" was added with the help of the complex development of the dilyanka Mezhdurechensk - Taishet Krasnoyarsk Zaliznytsia Order from the 14th month of 2019 to the date of birth No. 3048-r, the order from the 16th day of the birth of 2019 to the date of registration No. 1687. The statutory capital of the Russian Railways Agency was increased by 8.23 ​​billion rubles due to the integrated development of the Mezhdurechensk - Taishet Krasnoyarsk Zaliznytsia. Subject to the transfer of funds to the federal budget.

17th breast 2019, Automotive and special technology The plan for the implementation of the strategy for the development of the automotive industry has been approved until 2025 Ordering from the 7th breast of 2019 to rock # 2942-r. The plan, the wake, is to transfer the stem of the mechanisms, to stimulate the implementation of the NDDKR, the development of the development of automotive components in Russia, the release of the locally updated components in the Russian automotive global companies, post-integration

16th breast 2019, Turnover of drugs, medical viruses and substances About changes in the system of state reform and restructuring of border release prices for drugs, included before the change of life, necessary and most important drugs Resolution from 16th March 2019 to the Rock No. 1683. Zokrema, hardened the Rules of binding restructuring in the 2019-2020 rocks of the established border release prices of virobniks on drugs, included before the transition of vital drugs. A procedure has been established for the development of the boundary price for a drug for a drug in case of re-adjustment in order to reduce it.

16 chest 2019, monomist A decision has been taken to establish the territory of the development of "Tulun" in the Irkutsk region Resolution from 16th March 2019 to the Rock No. 1682. Establishment of the Tulun ASEZ with the help of the diversification of the economy of the place, the reduction of the fallowness from the local enterprise, the promotion of the investment attraction of the place, the stem of new work in the world.

16th February 2019, Headquarters of the Industrial Policy About the state of the art of scientific and pre-ancient and pre-modern design robots for modern technologies within the framework of the implementation of innovative projects Resolution from 12th December 2019 to the Rock No. 1649. Subsidії of the federal budget will be nadavatisya of metoyu stimulyuvannya іnnovatsіynoї dіyalnostі organіzatsіy, zasnovanoї on provedennі NDDKR for Suchasnyj tehnologіyami, bezposeredno pov'yazanih s away stvorennyam i adaptatsієyu pid vimogi okremih rinkіv, virobnitstvom i realіzatsієyu konkurentospromozhnoї promislovoї produktsії within realіzatsії іnnovatsіynih proektіv.

16 chest 2019, zhitlova policy, rinok zhitla The special features of viplacy in the 2020-2022 rockets of penny compensation for the hiring of living entities have been established to the limits of the categories of vyskovosluzhbovts Resolution from 16th March 2019 to the Rock No. 1681. In order to make the most of the social security of soldiers, sergeants, sailors, or foremen and members of their families, they will be transferred to viplachuvati and a penny compensation for hiring livelihoods for the analogy with the sizes of viplayers to officers, warrant officers.

16 chest 2019, MediaSphere. Internet The rules for the selection of the municipal compulsory broadcasting channel and the order of the broadcast were approved Decree from 10th breast of 2019 to rock # 1630, # 1631. Take the decision to provide information security for the population of programs, so that the food of the world value is visible, in which the speakers of the municipalities need to communicate with out-of-the-box TV channels.

March 14, 2019, Cultural Policy Headquarters About a thorough system of premiums in galusi culture Resolution from 11th December 2019 to the Rock No. 1640. In 2020, the rock was awarded a number of prizes to the Uryad of Russia for significant contributions to the development of Russian culture, to creative workers and children of culture, the prize of the name of Fedor Volkov for contributions to the development of theatrical mystery of the people, to make a prize imeni A. V. Lunacharskiy for the significant additions to the development of the Russian culture.

14th chest 2019, Інvalidi. Bezbar'єrne middle-midst A change of specialty products for food for children-invalids for 2020 rik has been approved Ordering from the 11th month of 2019 to the rock №2984-r. Prior to the transfer, 76 special products were included for the dietician food consumption of children who are ill with Orff. In 2016 there were 54 products, in 2017 there were 69 products, in 2018 there were 71 products, in 2019 there were 75 products.

13th day of 2019, Nutrition of organization and quality of services in the social sphere The plan for the implementation of the II stage of the National Strategy for women in the interests of women was approved Ordering from the 7th breast of 2019 to rock # 2943-r. The plan includes 21 enlarged visits, directing to the list of priority buildings, placed at the National Strategy for Women in the interests of women.

12th March 2019, National Program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" About the state of affairs in the digital transformation of the priority halls of the economy and social sphere Resolution from 5th March 2019 to the Rock No. 1598. A procedure has been established for granting subsidies to the federal budget within the framework of the preparation of projects for the re-implementation of priority galuses of the economy and social sphere on the basis of the introduction of innovative products, services and platform solutions, based on digital technologies

December 12, 2019, State program for voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of spivvitchizniks, who live outside the cordon The plan for the implementation of the State Programs for the purpose of voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of Spivvitchizniks, who live outside the cordon, for 2020-2022 was approved Ordering from the 4th month of 2019, No. 2917-r. Implementation of the plan to allow for voluntary resettlement to Russia in the 2020-2022 period of 197.5 thousand people.

12th baby 2019, Social education for families with children The change of sub-nationalities of the Federation has been confirmed, in which in 2020 there will be spivfinansuvati vitratic goiters due to the connection of the family to the people of the third child for the coming children Ordering from 10th breast of 2019 to rock # 2968-r. To allow the regions with an unfriendly demographic situation to promote in 2020 the growth of the family with the third child, or the coming children, will be directed to the mainstream of the mind for the development of the population.

12th March 2019, Shipbuilding and Morska Technology The procedure for granting subsidies for the maintenance of large-tonnage ships has been established Resolution from 4th March 2019 to the Rock No. 1584. Take the decision to allow the formulation of new points of growth in the industrial sector, with the help of the increase in the number of enterprises, increasing the exchange of competitive products, satisfying the consumption of the domestic market in the large-scale vessels

12th March 2019, Migratsiyna policy Designated to be required in the collection of the Earth's workers at 2020 rotsi Decree from 3rd March 2019 to the Rock No. 1579. The demand for a number of foreign workers in 2020, which arrives to Russia at a visit, will become 104,993 individuals - 72.6% of the consumption, which is set for 2019.

11 chest 2019, A decision was made about the re-creation of the state natural reserve "Gidanskiy" (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District) into the National Park Resolution from 10th March 2019 to the Rock No. 1632. In the boundaries of the reserve "Gidanskiy" live innumerable indigenous peoples - Gidanskiy Nenets and enci. With the aim of safeguarding the traditional state-of-the-art performance, the reserve has been transformed into a national park, in which a zone of traditional extensive environmental protection is transferred, in between which ribalism, love, and mushrooms are allowed.

11th day of 2019, Yakness of regional and municipal government 5 billion rubles will go to the registration of regional and municipal management teams of the federal subunits, which reached in 2019 the most significant indicators in the range of regional authorities Resolution from the 7th breast of 2019 to the date No. 1614, the order from the 9th breast of the 2019 to the date of No. 2960-r. 5 billion rubles distributed between the regions of Ukraine, which borrow from the 1st to the 71st according to the completed assessment of the indicators, the

11th day of 2019, National project "Ecology" A decision has been taken about the establishment of the national park "Koygorodskiy" (Republic of Komi) Resolution of the 7th breast of 2019, No. 1607. On the territory of the Republic of Komi there will be a National Park "Koygorodskiy" with an area of ​​56,700.032 hectares. Take the decision to establish the right to provide for the protection of the regime of special protection of natural complexes and facilities included in the border of the national park, as well as the development of natural-organic, recreational and sports tourism.

11 breast 2019, Nature protection. Reserves, national parks The territory of the National Park "Land of the Leopard" in Primorsky Krai has been expanded Decree from 3rd March 2019 to the Rock No. 1578. A land plot with an area of ​​6,928.28 hectares has been brought to the National Park on the Gamov Peninsula, which is typical for the migration of a distant leopard, which may be of great importance for the preservation of a biological, coastal and landscape development.


What changes in the area of ​​waste management, capital repairs and information about the management of the MKD have been prepared by the legislator before the end of 2016?

About povodzhennya s MSO.

Nagadaєmo, from where it was transferred, how the milling of MSW became a communal servant from 01.01.2016 (div. Law No. 458-FZ in the cob editorial office). Because of the Federal Law dated December 29, 2015 No. 404-FZ Daniy Term Buv transfers as of 01.01.2017 (the details of the procedure are described in S. N. Kozir'ev's statute "Emergence from Visits in 2016", No. 2, 2016). Now we are going to make amendments introduced by the Law No. 486-FZ, specifying the terms of damages in two ways.

Subject to the new edition of Part 8 of Art. 23 of Law No. 458-FZ, as well as part 20 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 No. 176-FZ of the obligation to pay for the utility service for the supply of municipal services, if there is evidence of the laid down by the authority of the Viceroy of the Russian Federation, a regional operator according to the need. to the tariff for the service from the MSW on the territory of the specific sub'ct of the Russian Federation, but not on 01.01.2019. Nagadaєmo, according to the approval of the given norms of such regulations, from the day of the consolidation of the tariff and the arrangement, please.

Heads of special orders in new paragraphs 3 and 4 of Art. 29.1 of the Federal Law dated 24.06.1998 No. 89-FZ "About the entrance of the virobnitstva and socialization":

  • The pleasing of the authorities of the Viceroyalty of the Subsidiaries of the Russian Federation and the regional operators has not been completed until 01.05.2018;
  • Proposals about the establishment of a single tariff for the service of a regional operator are submitted to the regulating body no later than 01.07.2018.

In addition, until 01.01.2018, the Federal Law was continued on 30.12.2004 No. 210-FZ "On the basis for regulating tariffs in the organization of the communal complex" (Div. Novu Part 7, Art. 24 of Law No. 458-FZ), until this day the tariffs for the services of organizing the communal complex will be fixed, approved in accordance with the law (part 7 of article 23 of Law No. 458-FZ).

Prior to the determination of the owners and the hiring owners in the MKD, the obligation to pay a fee for the communal service on the basis of the TKO is to obtain the obligation to pay for the living service for the visit.

About the overhaul of the zalny lane in the MKD.

Law No. 498-FZ in distribution. IX "Organization of the overhaul of the zalny lane in large apartment booths" of the RF ZhK made changes that could hardly be called cardinal. Shvidshe, the stench is straightforward for the ordering of the right to drive the overhaul. In addition, given the amendment to drag out the need to correct regional laws on capital repairs.

Warehouse robot for repair.

Zgіdno s new part 5 of Art. 166 ZhK RF robots for overhaul can include robots for replacing and (or) updating non-functional alarm constructions of MKD and (or) engineering measures, which are considered prior to the legislation on future reconstruction. The transfer of robots, which can be made up of professional funds for the fundraising, formed from the minimum size of the bill, is posted in Part 1 of the Statute. The region can expand the list of major overhaul robots. Vlassniks, who rallied the money in the size of the minimum, start a change of robbery at their own resolution. The amendments introduced give the ability to carry out large-scale robots (only two categories of elements of the zalny lane), not earlier. Understanding the capital repair and reconstruction of the capital construction facilities in st. 1 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. So, a major overhaul is a replacement or renewal of some elements of non-functional alarm structures, so that prior to reconstruction it is necessary to replace or renew such structures as a whole.

Budget boxes are a part of the fund.

Zgіdno with the amendments made to Part 1 of Art. 170 LCD of the Russian Federation, go to the sovereign pіdtrimki, municipal pіdtrimki capital repairs (budget subsidies) now approve the fund for capital repairs. The price can also be secured for special funds, an indication for the formation of the fund for the decisions of the extraordinary collection (new clause 5.1, part 1 of article 177). Regarding the manifestation of this money to the fund (including budget subsidies), the owner of the special rakhunka is guilty of the law of the utmost responsibility, transferred by legal acts on the procedure for granting subsidies.

Misyats is a term for local self-government bodies.

Immediately in the number of norms of the RF Housing Code, additional amendments were made, so that a boundary term (month) was established for the decision of the OMSU officials in case of passiveness of vlachniks (earlier, the terms were not transferred):

  • OMSU took over the decision about the formulation of the capital repair fund for the regional operator's rakhunku, stretching out for a month from the day it was taken out to the GZhN body until part 4 of Art. 172 ZhK RF іnformatsіy about booths, vlachniki in which they did not form a way of formulating the fund and (or) did not implement it (part 7 of Art. 170 of ZhK RF);
  • OMSU has taken a decision about the overhaul carried out according to the regional programs, as the owners are not aware of the fact that the fund for repairs is being formed in the "boiler", they did not take the same decision by the operator's three months of registration. The decision was guilty but accepted by the OMSU for a month after the end of the line, introduced for the acceptance of the decision by the owners of the law (part 6 of article 189 of the RF LC);
  • The OMSU has accepted the decision about the transfer of the overhaul fund to the "boiler", as the owners are primitive to form the fund for a special one, since they did not carry out repairs near the line, established by the regional program, and the repairs are necessary. The decision to take a stretch for a month from the day of the observance of the fact (part 7 of article 189 of the RF LC).

Also, a team was set up to take a decision about the presence of a regional operator in the capacity of the owner of a special one, if the authorities did not conduct a fight or did not implement a decision about the vibration of a special owner to determine the form of a A decision has been taken about yo liquidation or a bankrupt bankruptcy. Otzhe, the local self-government is guilty of settling in the same term, as well as the vlachniki (two months after the day when the booth was ruled by the master of the spetsrakhunka) (part 9 of article 175 of the RF LC).

Special rakhunku rating.

In connection with the entry into force of Law No. 498-FZ, the information about the capital repair fund, which is formed on a special rakhunka, is more to blame. So, zgіdno z dodatkami in part 3 of Art. 172 ZhK RF the master of the rakhunka is guilty of being called before the body of the GZhN in the order of the i lines, as established by the law of the sub'ukta of the Russian Federation, transmitting information to him:

  • about the size of the kosts, the narahovanih yak exsi;
  • about the size of the cards, which were needed in the quality of the outside (so bulo and earlier);
  • about the size of the kosts, the vitrazers and the special racks for overhaul;
  • about the size of the surplus of cards for the special rahunka (so bulo and earlier);
  • about the arrangement of the agreement of the position and (or) of the loan agreement for the overhaul with additional confirmed copies of such agreements.

As a matter of fact, for the decisions of extravagant payments for a person who is not a master of a special rakhunku, the payment of additional payment documents for the payment of additional payments for capital repairs (part 3.1 of article 175 in the order of the owner of the housing complex of the Russian Federation) і lines, which were established by the regional law, about the size of the housing, which are paid for capital repairs (new part 3.2 of article 175).

Subject to changes in part 7 of Art. 177 ZhK RF not only the owner of the housekeeping in the MKD has the right to turn to the bank and to the owner of the special rakhunka for information about the amount of insured payments from the owners, the surplus of payments, all operations on the rakhunka. Now it is analogous to the right of the body of the GZHN, in such a rank it is possible to reconsider the veracity of the owner of the spetsrakhunka.

About the transfer of the fund from the "boiler" to the spetsrahunok.

Amendments made up to Part 5 of Art. 173 of the RF LC, the term will come into force sooner, the decision will come into force about the assignment of the form to the fund for overhaul for the regional operator and the form of the fund for the special fund. Earlier, it was repaired two days later by sending it to the regional operator for the solution of out-of-town fences, which is less than the lines of the provisions of the regional law (with the appearance of foreign trade for a loan for the overhaul of the background, in such a way, for such a form of change The current term of the warehouse is one pik.

Dodamo, that at the presentation of visnovkiv, broken in the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated 04/12/2016 No. 10-P, judge Vimogi Vlasnikov with satisfaction about the inaccurate change in the way of forming the fund, as a result of the decision about the formulation of the fund in the " іnformvannі vlasnikіv, іnіtsіyuvannya zborіv.

Capital repairs of supervised situations.

Have a part of 6 tbsp. 189 of the RF LC introduced new provisions, it is clear that in case of any oversight situations, the decision about the repair (the change of robots, terms of the report, the most important vitrates and the system of financing) is adopted according to the regulations of the Russian Federation. Kapіtalny repair carried out without the inclusion budinku in korotkostrokovy plan realіzatsії regіonalnoї prog i tіlki in obsyazі, neobhіdnomu for lіkvіdatsії naslіdkіv nadzvichaynoї situatsії for rakhunok koshtіv regіonalnogo operator viznachenih yak penny koshtіv for zabezpechennya fіnansovoї stіykostі dіyalnostі regіonalnogo operator i vrahovuєtsya at schorіchnіy aktualіzatsії regіonalnoї prog kapіtalnogo repair.

Oskilki additionally introduced in part 6 of Art. 189 LCD of the Russian Federation, it will be expanded if it is necessary to repair the buildings, the vlachniki are used to form the fund for the regional operator's rakhunka.

Also, the changes have stuck to the order of the selection by the regional operator of the credit organization, in the case of a special rakhunok (special rakhunok) and as guilty of admitting to vimogs of Part 3 of Art. 180 LCD of the Russian Federation, and the procedure for transferring rakhunks to such a credit organization. The term for the selection of transfers until 03/01/2017.

About the information release.

By themselves, and one hour we learned the law No. 469-FZ, which changed the terms of the current statement for the information on the information provided by the GIS ZhKG. The whole law has also updated the regulations for publishing houses on the website as a license. Besides, the law is to take revenge on the amendments. Visible in order.

Distribution of information in GIS ZhKG.

Obov'yazok is quiet, hto governing MKD, the change in the information system has been transferred to Part 18 of Art. 7 of Law No. 209-FZ, as well as part 10.1 of Art. 161 LCD RF. In the remainder of the meaning of the norms, it is said that the order, warehouse, terms and periodicity of distribution in the GIS ZhKG of information about the management of MKD are established by the federal authorities of the viconavcha government. Now there was a postscript here: as if the same term of distribution in the system of designated information was not established by federal law.

Special procedure for h. 10.1 of Art. 161 ZhK RF vikladeno in part 5 of Art. 6 of Law No. 263-FZ, changes were made to the yak buli. Otzhe, after the end of some months of the day, I will enter into force, please see the previous exploitation of the GIS ZhKG on the territory of the sub'ukta of the Russian Federation, the provisions of Part 10.1 of Art. 161 stagnate in the form of sub'ekts of the Russian Federation. With tsom:

  • from 01.07.2017 the provision of part 10.1 of Art. 161 will be fixed for all sub'ektiv of the Russian Federation, with the blame of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol (earlier the Bulo was established by the United Term - from 01.07.2016);
  • from 01.07.2019 the provision of part 10.1 of Art. 161 will become stagnant for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol.

For the information distributed on the websites of the GIS ZhKG and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, please about the previous operation of the system in 82 sub-regions of the Russian Federation, and 66 regions came into force behind the mill on 06/02/2016. In addition, it’s necessary to distribute the whole information about a large apartment building on a large part of the territory of the country.

Visited vimogi duplicated in st. 12 Law No. 209-FZ. So, hereafter from the new edition of Part 4, the head of the information on crop knitting in the system from 01.07.2017, for the sake of the decile categories of the post head, for any rulings is the lowest term. For example, the providers of information, like the activity in the territories of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, are guilty of the publication of the information in the system from 01.07.2019 (as of 01.07.2019, it will not be re-insured in part 4.2-12 of Law No. 209)

However, why will it be stuck in punishment for the failure to submit to the given vimoga?

The revision of the amendment of information regarding the amendment to the legislation of the Russian Federation in the GIS ZhKG, for the violation of the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the methods and (or) the term 13.19.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for individuals, as well as for the management of the MKD, as well as for the physical entities, such as without the need to manage the booth, RSO, forgotten in the MKD. Part 2.2 of Art. 6 Law No. 263-FZ established that until 01.01.2018 (earlier - until 01.01.2017) the provisions of Art. 13.19.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation shall be fixed only for IP and legal entities, such as licenses, in part of the distribution in the GIS ZhKG Vidomosty, transferred to Art. 198 LCD RF. In addition, it has been given that the given statute is supposed to be specific, as the situation on the territories of Moscow, St. (see information for other information providers).

In such a rank, in this hour (and earlier) we will quarantine є depriving the licensees of the GIS ZhKG information, stipulated in Art. 198 LCD RF. Nagadaєmo, before the entry into force of Law No. 469-FZ, the regulations for the distribution in the housekeeping system about the change of budgets in management were established on 01.08.2015 by the provisions of Part 3 of Art. 7 of the Federal Law dated July 21, 2014 No. 255-FZ "On the introduction of amendments to the RF Housing Code, around the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, and the recognition of such that have lost the force of the provisions of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation."

Nowadays, the orders have appeared in the Living Code. The price of the innovation did not bring any new obligations, however, after a positive assessment, some of the same information (about the information disclosure) are now covered in one document, and not approved for a number of federal laws. Moreover, it is important that Art. 198 LCD of the Russian Federation is no longer visible on the site (however, this does not mean that such a connection is more dumb). Switching of views, which are open to open, guidance at the Order of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation No. 368, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 691 / pr on 09/29/2015. Zgіdno with the amendments to Part 4 of Art. 198 LCD of the Russian Federation, the right to manage the booth to deposit a license for the booths about the booths in the system itself, and not on the official site for the dissemination of information.

The upcoming important moment is in the fact that the distribution of information in the GIS ZhKG became licensed. Yaksho tochnishe, part 1 of Art. 193 of the RF LC (revision of the licensed vimogs) was updated with clause 6.1: under the license of the vimog until the information was updated, part 10.1 of Art. 161 tsya code. Subject to h. 2 tbsp. 5 of the Law No. 469-FZ the provisions of clause 6.1 of part 1 of Art. 193 ZhK RF will be closed from 01.01.2018, and on the territories of federal cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol - from 01.07.2019. It is logical to let it go until the moment in st. 14.1.3 The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation will be amended, however, it will be valid for the entire statute of the license until the revision of the license for the destruction of licenses, except for the information in the GIS ZhKG.

At the connection with the transfer of control terms of distribution in the systems of houses in general, the following lines were also damaged:

  • until 01/01/2018 (and in federal ministries - until 07/01/2019), Art. 47.1 of the RF Housing Code in the part of conducting out-of-town gatherings of the masters of primacy at the MKD in the form of absentee voting in the GIS ZHGS victories;
  • from 01.01.2018 the visibility in the information system about the payment of payments (or the appearance of the data, which is shown in the submissions in the paper payment document) means that the payment document is not filed (the terms are to be taken by the examiner). Correcting from the same dates, the terms introduced by us with the payment of bindings before the information about the size of the pay in the GIS ZhKG, and not before the submission of the paper rakhunku.

The information disclosure is adapted to the Information Disclosure Standard.

On July 1, 2016 (if the MCDs had a requirement to distribute information in the GIS ZhKG), and it also added its part 10 of Art. 161 of the RF Housing Code until part 4 of Art. 6 of Law No. 263-FZ ) there are a lot of ferocious observances on the basis of the site, moreover, they can be found with the help of the local government authority and the GZhN body. However, it is unlikely that such a lawmaker's name is. Adzhe GIS ZhKG has not yet applied in the world, and the Standard for the information dissemination of information transmission to the people who live in the house is not only via the Internet, but rather displayed on the power supply. Having shown an hour, well, really, it is impossible to forget about the site

On the right in that, scho in h. 3 tbsp. 5 Law No. 469-FZ stipulates: the provisions of clause 6 of part 1 of Art. 193 ZhK RF pіlyagayut up to 31 December 2017 inclusive, and on the territories of the sub'єktyv of the Russian Federation - places of federal significance Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol - up to 30 chervnya 2019, inclusive.

Zgadaimo, scho zgіdno p. 6 h. 1 tbsp. 193 of the RF Housing Code of the Russian Federation with a license issued by the license until the release of information, established by Part 10 of Art. 161 LCD RF. At its own devil, the norm says that the QC of goiters is required to provide free access to information about its activity, according to the Information Disclosure Standard. Zgіdno h. 4 tbsp. 6 of the Law No. 263-FZ as amended by the Law No. 469-FZ the provision of Part 10 of Art. 161 ZhK RF will freeze until 01.01.2018 (earlier - until 01.07.2016), and in the territories of federal ministries - until 01.07.2019.

In the presence of a whole lot of invincible others, the speech of Part 4 of Art. 6 of Law No. 263-FZ, at the end of the day when the end of the day will come into force, please see the previous operation of the GIS ZhKG of the provision of Part 10 of Art. 161 ZhK RF does not become stagnant on the territories of the sub'-authorities of the Russian Federation, as they have done so for good reason. Does it mean that in the so-called pilgrim regions, which in Danish times is even worse, the information is open up to the Standard for the information is not licensed? On our thought, no: in paragraph 6 of part 1 of Art. 193 ZhK RF 161 LCD RF. A vimoga was given for all licenses independent from the region of presence. For yogo porushennya priznachayut administrative fine for h. 2 tbsp. 14.1.3 KpAP RF.

Payment for communal resources on the ONE.

Крім іншого іншого, Law No. 469-FZ in Art. 154 Housing Code of the Russian Federation, amendments were made, important for the establishment of new rules on payment for vitrates on communal resources, for living with the loss of a residential mine in the MKD, in the warehouse, pay for living costs, as entered into force on 01/01/2017.

So, zgіdno s new part 5 of Art. 154 ZhK RF payment for utility services includes a fee for cold and hot water, electricity and heat energy, gas, by-run gas in cylinders, solid fire in case of the presence of food scorching, the introduction of cold water, a charge for MSW, in addition I hot water, electricity, live when the spil lane is removed in the MKD, as well as for the introduction of waste waters when the lane is drained in the offensive weather:

  • with a bezposredny control of the booth by the masters of the primacy;
  • as if the masters did not choose the way of managing the booth, or they didn’t use it.

In such a rank, as in the booth there is no keruyuchiy (CC, HOA, ZhK, ZhBK, etc.), Vlasniki pay a fee for communal services, as in the past, in general public relations (including on the ONE), and the payment for The primitive does not include the vitra of water, electricity, as well as the payment for the introduction of waste water with the help of a waste lane. The rule was made more specific and developed in the novels introduced by the Decree of the RF Uryad dated 26.12.2016 No. 1498 before the Rules for the provision of communal services.

The changes in the norms of the living legislation, which came into force in the very end of 2016, were not revolutionary. Some of them will destroy the terms of the cob of new rules of robotics, and some of them - by the norms of the RF ZhK, the bullets are given in accordance with the realities.

Federal Law dated December 29, 2014 No. 458-FZ.

Federal Law dated July 21, 2014 No. 209-FZ "On the state information system of the housing and communal government".

Federal Law dated July 21, 2014 No. 263-FZ "On the introduction of amendments to the amendments to legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law" On the state information system of housing and communal government. "

Approved by the Decree of the Uryad of the Russian Federation dated 23.09.2010 No. 731.

Statti Є. V. melyanovoy "Opening of information from 07/01/2016" (No. 7, 2016) buv of priming pidhid, for which the connection is not taken out The standard of information is safeguarded, and the standards could be impeded according to the sanctions.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade received a 2% increase in tariffs for housing and communal services due to an increase in MPE from 18% to 20%. About writing Izvestia.

It is evident that some changes are needed, for the information about the "receipt of income" from the resource-supplying organizations, which can lead to the collapse of the financial state.

As a result of the information, the Ministry also confirmed that in this hour the options for compensation for resource supplying companies will be negotiated.

To clarify, with such changes, the parity of the services of the ZhKG will not change, ale the sum of money will be changed through the tribute included in the payment.

Earlier, the Russian leader Volodymyr Putin signed the law, which approved the increase in the tax rate for the date of payment from 1 June 2019 to 20% from 18%.

Tariffs for housing and communal services from 1 April 2018 to Moscow, table, official website information.

Vlada Moskvy has been adjusting tariffs for a number of utility services for 1 month, the maximum rate for cold water supply and water supply has become 7.5%, we reported to Interfax in the administrative department.

“According to the ordinances of Moscow, the middle-aged communal services for the population are not guilty of overriding 5.5%, the protest for those who see the service did not change the tariffs,” said the agency's spokesperson.

For Muscovites, the growth rate at cold water supply and water supply became the maximum - by 7.5%. Now the rate of a cubic meter of cold water is 38.06 rubles, a cubic meter of water supply is 27.01 rubles. A cubic meter of hot water for residents of "old" Moscow has grown by 4.4% to 188.53 rubles per cubic meter. With a large increase in the tariff for scorched warehouses from 1.5% to 3.7%.

The rate of gas per cubic meter for the population grew by 3.6% to 6.63 rubles. The price of electricity at a one-rate tariff in booths with gas stoves has not changed and has been surpassed at the level of 5.38 rubles per kWh / year. The rate of 1 kWh / year at a tariff differentiated for two or three zones has not changed in the daytime either, and at night it increases by 7.3% to 1.92 rubles.

At booths with electric plates, electricity at a one-rate tariff has risen by 6.4% - up to 4.3 rubles per 1 kW / year. The rate of 1 kW / year at the tariff, differentiated for two zones, did not change in the daytime, but at night it grew by 7.1% - up to 1.35 rubles; with a tariff differentiated for three zones, the increase in the price of one kW / year in the middle and for the next hour has grown by 6.4% to 5.16 and 4.3 rubles, on a separate basis, at night - by 7.1% - up to 1.35 rubles ...

In addition, there are a number of tariffs for housing and communal services for residents of the "novoi" of Moscow in one line of adjustments.

At the same time, the size of outlays for the overhaul of 1 linen does not change and costs 17 rubles per 1 sq. M. m per month.

In Russia, it is customary to increase tariffs for services provided by ZhKG. The first tariffs were growing from the present, and by themselves, the inflation started to break out.

The order has shifted the adjustment of the rates of communal services in summer, if the inflation is promoted through seasonal officials, and for the economy, the increase in tariffs is increased a lot. Yak new tariffs for housing and communal services from January 1, 2018 to the future in Moscow - as information to the official website of the measure of the city and the providers of communal services.

  • Naskilki virostut tariffs for electricity from 1 lipnya 2018 to rock in Moscow
  • Naskilki podorozchaє cold water and water supply in Moscow from 1 lipnya 2018 to rock
  • New tariffs for scorching and hot water in Moscow from April 1, 2018

Naskilki virostut tariffs for housing and communal services in Moscow for 1 linen for the population

In the middle of the service of housing and communal services in Moscow from 1 April 2018, the price will rise no more, not more by 5.5%. Accept, the same figure is to be revenged in the decision of the region of the country, as it appeared in the end of 2017. The maximum rate of growth of tariffs for all regions of Russia has a maximum rate of increase in prescriptions.

Altogether, low against the background of the earlier rates of growth in the service rates of housing and communal services, the increase in tariffs in 2018 is easy to explain. The official inflation in the last growth has dropped 2.5%, in the flow rate it has been measured at 4%.

Unimportant to those who finance from the budget, the press should pay 5.5% of the growth rate as if it were reached by the government, as a rule of thumb - to finish the great.

At the end of the day, the prime minister of the country Medvedev spoke about those who are not guilty of the tariffs for communal servants, but not the growth of inflation. For the fact in the same Moscow, the services of ZhKG from 1 April 2018 will go up in price to the top, which is changing the inflation rate.

Chi є on the official website of Moscow events novi tariffs ZhKG z 1 lipnya 2018

It's a pity, the official website of the Moscow measure of the new tariffs for ZhKG, as to celebrate the days in the capital from January 1, 2018, do not produce. Moreover, there is a lot of information about the new resolution of the Moscow district regarding the overhaul of new tariffs.

In such a rank, shukati information about those who will be kostuvati communal servants in Moscow, fixing in the middle of the fate, will be posted on the websites of servants of communal services.

For large residents of Moscow, the cost of one kilovat-year of electricity from lime is not changed. I’m talking about the inhabitants of the so-called old Moscow, such as vikoristovuyut gas stove and pay for the electricity on a single-tariff feeder without breaking for an hour. For them, one kilovat-year of electricity will cost 5.38 rubles, at a time.

If you live quietly in the old, or the main, Moscow, who have established high tariff rates, then for them the price will not rise too high - they will change 1.79 rubles for a year of energy and will cost 1.92 rubles. For two- and three-tariff zones, there will be no tariffs for two or three tariffs.

And the axis is for quiet residents of the new Moscow, who use electric plates, a kilovat, a year to grow up to the next values:

  • For a single-tariff hospital - up to 4.30 rubles (4.04 at a time).
  • For a two-tariff feeder:
    • for the peak zone - up to 4.95 rubles (4.65 at a time),
  • For a three-rate feeder:
    • for the peak zone - up to 5.16 rubles (4.85 at a time),
    • for napіvpіkovіy zones - up to 4.30 rubles (4.04 at a time),
    • for new zones - up to 1.35 rubles (1.26 at a time).

And the axis for the inhabitants of the so-called new Moscow (Troitsky and Novomoskovsky okrugs of the capital) grows up to 100% of the skin.

For most people, they live in the cich districts of electric power, they will be so kostuvati, as for the residents of old Moscow, see the portal And the axis of vikoristovuvati large tariffs in the new Moscow will not be so obvious, as in the old - the tariffs for them appear to be visceral.

For those living in the Novomoskovsky and Troitsky AT of Moscow, who live in booths with gas stoves in places that are not common to those of the Silska, new tariffs are in the offensive rank:

  • For a one-tariff hospital - 5.38 rubles (5.24 at a time).
  • For a two-tariff feeder:
    • for the peak zone - 6.19 rubles (6.03 at a time),
  • For a three-rate feeder:
    • for the peak zone - 6.46 rubles (6.29 at a time),
    • for napivp_kov_y zones - 5.38 rubles (5.24 at a time),
    • for a new zone - 2.41 rubles (2.24 at a time).

For quiet people who use electric plates, new tariffs from electrics look like this:

  • For a one-rate hospital - 4.30 rubles (3.93 at a time).
  • For a two-tariff feeder:
    • for the pikovoy zone - 4.47 rubles (4.41 at a time),
  • For a three-rate feeder:
    • for the peak zone - 4.93 rubles (4.59 at a time),
    • for napivpіkovіy zones - 4.11 rubles (3.83 at a time),
    • for new zones - 1.70 rubles (1.58 at a time).

Nareshti, for the residents of the new Moscow, who live in the world, natural to the Silk, the new tariffs for 1 linen are as follows:

  • For a one-rate hospital - 3.77 rubles (3.67 at a time).
  • For a two-tariff feeder:
    • for the peak zone - 4.34 rubles (4.22 at a time),
    • for new zones - 1.70 rubles (1.58 at a time).
  • For a three-rate feeder:
    • for the pikovoy zone - 4.52 rubles (4.40 at a time),
    • for napivpіkovіy zones - 3.77 rubles (3.67 at a time),
    • for new zones - 1.70 rubles (1.58 at a time).

On the official website of Mosvodokanal, information about new tariffs for cold water and water supply in Moscow is posted.

Similarly to electricity tariffs, service rates are also available for residents of old and new Moscow.

At the border of old Moscow, new tariffs for the population with the maximum permissible allowance are as follows:

  • cold water - 38.06 rubles per cubic meter (35.40 at a time),
  • water supply - 27.01 rubles per cubic meter (25.12 at a time).

For the new Moskva, tariffs lie in specific districts and settlements.

Cold water
water supply

Miskyi district Shcherbinka

Settlement Moskovsky, Vnukovsky, Voskresenske, Desenovskoe, "Mosrentgen", Sosensky, filimonivska

Settlement shchapovsko, Klenivsky

Settlement Voronovskiy, Krasnopakhorskoe (behind the vignette of the village of the state minzag), Mikhailove-Yartsevskiy, Rogivske

Settlement of the general government minzaga settlement Krasnopakhorskoye

settlement Ryazanovsky

Miskyi district Troitsk

Settlement Kievsky, Pervomaiske, Novofedorivskoy, Kokoshkin, Marushkinskoe

As soon as there is a scorching and hot water, then the tariffs for the services are desirable and visible, for the common resident there is a lot of these services for the better. Tariffs є the rate of Gcal of heat, as you go to the hot water supply and to get the service of the hot water supply.

Moreover, the tariff is due to the fact that the connections are available to the heating point anyway. It is practically unrealistic to go to all of the most sinister Muscovites.

Protest, new tariffs are visible, and it is possible in them zorієntuvatisya:

  • if at a time Gcal of heat costs 1742.92 rubles for you, then the new tariff is 1806.89 rubles,
  • If you pay 2199.24 rubles for Gcal of heat at a time, then the new tariff is 2279.95 rubles.

You can easily clarify the current rate and you can easily pay for scorching or hot water.

Zrostannya to the tariff in both drops - 3.67%. It’s very simple to see the rise in tariffs for hot water and heat.


A new ric to bring new happiness and joy and new tariffs for communal services, ala, only one joy for all residents of the city will not be for the first time, but for the first day of 2017. So, in a whole hour, the district can look at the food for the promotion of communal services, but it’s better for all that it’s not going to be broken even if everyone knows the economy won’t be in the best camp.

The adjustment of tariffs for the services of housing and communal services in 2017 was negotiated on the previous Uryad. Prices for gas, scorching, water, and electricity are moving forward according to inflation. In 2017, the growth rates for housing and communal services will increase by 4.9%. Aleksandr Zrostannya prices on ZhKG will not be from 1 June 2017, but from 1 April 2017.

The price adjustment is greater than that of all residents of Moscow and the region. In the middle in the capital, communal services grow by 7 vids. Growing up in Pivnichniy Ossetia is less common - by 2.5%. On the other hand, St. Petersburg is the private capital of Russia, as well as the city of Kamchatka and the Republic of Yakutia. There is a retail price of 6 vids. The republics of Bashkiria - 5,8 vids, Tuva - 5 vids, Sverdlovsk, Irkutsk oblasts - 5 vids, and the Primorsk Territory - also 5 vids.

The growth of gas prices in the flow line for all regions will be practically 1.5 times as fast as I said earlier. As a matter of fact, the gas tariffs will be increased at the level of 3 rockets in three rockets (2017-2019). In 2016, gas increased by 2%. Gas has risen in price by 2.9% (Rik 2017), 2.4% (Rik 2018) and 2.1% (Rik 2019).

Tariffs for scorching and water increase insignificantly. Scorched, on the yak, a third of all the communal vitrates of the population will fall, if they cherish more for all. In the new roci by 4.9%, in the offensive roci (2018) - by 4.4%, in 2019 roci - by 4.1%. Prices for water will grow more and more - 4.9% (2017), 4.4% (2018), 4.1% (2019).

The increase in prices for electricity, in terms of gas, will be more, less transferred. Earlier, the Ministry of Economic Development looked at the following retail prices: in 2017 it was 7.1%, in 2018 it was 5.4 - 5.9%, in 2019 - 5.1 - 5.6%.

What tariffs have been set for Moscow residents for 2017? According to the published information, you will have to pay for the fixing of living entities (tariffs for the 1st half of 2017):

gas supply - 6.16 rubles. for 1 cubic meter;
electrical supply - 5.38 rubles. for 1 kWh.;
centralized hot water supply - 163.24 rubles. for 1 cubic meter;
scorched (heat energy) - 2101.52 rubles. for 1 Gcal.;
cold water - 33.03 rubles. for 1 cubic meter;
water supply (canalization) - 23.43 rubles. for 1 cubic meter;
capital repairs of residential buildings - 15.0 rubles. for 1 sq. m.;
Utrimannya zhitlovyh primischeny area, yak to be found within the framework of the established norms - 23.60 rubles. for 1 sq. m.;
Utrimannya zhitlovyh primischeny area, scho go beyond the established norms - 26.53 rubles. for 1 sq.

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