Vivedennya of a new satellite into orbit. Glonass has lost three supporters per month

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08/30/2019, Fri, 18:00, Moscow time , Text: Elyas Kasmi

Operator of the Russian system GLONASS viviv for technical service the third month of the navigation assistant GLONASS-M. Win, yak and all companions of the other generation from the warehouse of the group, vyishov between his own world-class term of exploitation. The lack of supporters called for an unreasonable coverage of the surface of the planet, and the terms of turning two from three devices to the fret of not.

GLONASS without companions

Rosіyska navigation system GLONASS has injected the third companion with a stretching of a sickle 2019 r. The spacecraft (SC) 745 (7th working point) was launched into orbit for most of the future, in 2011.

For the data of the information-analytical center of the coordinate-hour and navigational security GLONASS, the companion of the buv viveniy from the system and the time - you need to carry out maintenance. The result is a pitched 30 sickle 2019 r. s 27 SC GLONASS-M, which will be in orbit, depriving 21 of them will be victorious for direct recognition.

Three companions are available for technical services, one undergoes a special vip test, and two reshti are reserved. For the information of RIA "News", this is a disadvantage for a 100-hundred-hundredth coverage of the surface of the planet - for a total of at least 24 space devices in service.

Unwarranted supporters

In a given hour, the GLONASS system is half-stored from the companions of another generation of GLONASS-M, which came to replace the first generation (the launches were carried out from 1982 to 2003 inclusive). The terms of the technical service of the companion numbered 745 at the time of publication of the material buli nevidoma. Exact dates The turn of the companion 742, introduced from the system of the decilcom a few days earlier, may not be called. The space device 717, according to the plan, can turn to fret 1 spring of 2019, win for servicing from 1 spring of 2019, and the launch of it into orbit of the Earth came in 2006.

Satellite GLONASS-M, the basis of the GLONASS system

Another generation of space devices GLONASS is a guarantee of the term of operation, regulations of the subsidiary enterprise "Roskosmos", "Information satellite systems" im. M.F. Reshetnova In other words, half of the 27 supporters work outside their guarantee term. Until then, the new GLONASS-M does not vibrate - the new version of the bulo was pinned at 2015 r.

Not completely pokrittya and maybutnє GLONASS

For the Russian analogue of the American GPS, the unpredictable coverage of the Earth has become a regular phenomenon. So, in 2018 p. A non-trivial hour, when the signal was sent to the device No. 723, three times before the new arrival, and the companion 734, which was reanimated through the month of going out from the fret, at the same 2018 r.

Veresnі 2018 р. The GLONASS-M 730, 743 and 745 devices did not work in connection with the routine work. However, at that time, the terms of the report were sent out exactly two days - 9 and 10 spring 2018, on the date of the situation, report No. 7 dragged on for a month.

The update of the GLONASS companions, which is in orbit, for the data of the RBK, is to be seen as a matter of necessity - in some situations, the old device will simply be replaced by a new one. For the replacement of all GLONASS-M companions, the third generation of space apparatuses will step by step, I will call it GLONASS-K and the 10-year term of operation. The price is three times higher for the previous generation from GLONASS-M, and the price is three times higher than for the first generation of companions. First GLONASS-K bulo was launched into orbit on 26 February 2011.

GLONASS-K can vikoristovuvatya 10 rock_v, replace 7 at GLONASS-M

At Chervna 2019 р. Russian vlada stated the fact of the unhappiness of the serial release of GLONASS-K devices within the framework of the budget for 2019. The reason was the failure of the imported components, tied to the sanctions against Russia and the electronics of the subordinate status.

History of GLONASS

GLONASS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is a collection of radio navigation system of a subordinate attribute, a civil one. The start of the development was given in 1963 p.

The system was developed as an alternative to the American GPS, which was the first to enter orbit in 1982. (the first spacecraft GPS device was launched in 1978). A small number of wonders are very small. Ugrupovannya satellites GLONASS collapse at three orbital areas with a height of orbits 19.1 yew. km. On the view of the GPS, the GLONASS companions do not miss the synchronicity with the planet’s wraps, for which the stability of the robot of the entire system as a whole can be reached. I will also ask the service of the system through the presence of the need to carry out additional corrections to the attendants.

Masa Vantazhu is a record-breaking

Sixty satellites, completed in the framework of the Starlink project of SpaceX, were successfully delivered into orbit by the Falcon 9 launch rocket.

Starlink is a low-orbit satellite system project, which was launched in 2015. The first croc to turn the tide of goals was the launch of the test companions Tintin-A and Tintin-B in the fierce past rock. Every once in a while, a Falcon 9 carrier rocket delivered 60 satellites to orbit at once - the "Correct Navantage" delivered a record 18.5 tons for the company.

The launch of the buv messages about 22:30 after the hour of the US economy or about 05:30 after the Moscow hour. They were successfully delivered to orbit. A dozen hour later, the American trainee, Ilon Musk, wrote on his side on Twitter that the companions would be online, and the nearest hour would be to clear the throat of the sleepy battery.

Tim is not in the least, for a successful implementation of the project, there are up to 500 leather workers in the company, for orbit it is necessary to bring in two hundred times more supporters - it is planned that there will be a total of up to 500 warehouse

As a result of the project, approximately three and a half thousand satellite speakers, which work at Ku-and Ka-ranges, vary from 83 orbital areas at a height of 1,110 to 1,325 kilometers, and a sieve from half a thousand to 335 kilometers ... Permanent access to the Internet is to blame for the fact that at a certain moment of time one companion would like to be above some point of the planet, and as soon as one goes beyond the horizon, then through another, it is inadvertently appearing.

A new series of Ilona Mask's space companions, launched into orbit, has added a number of satellites to the Starlink Internet project. At that time, skeptics speak about the security of space over the Earth, their ideas to develop and compete with the Mask - Project Kuiper by Jeff Bezos, the authoritative projects of Mark Zuckerberg and the OneWeb international grid, which is already on the cosmic 2021 Internet. Kerіvnik "Roskomsvobodi" Artem Kozlyuk will explain how the cosmic Internet is proprietary, how people can see it through a new one for the support of those powers and how they can be recognized on the Internet.

Yak tse pratsyu

At the fall of the leaves, the space company of Ilona Mask SpaceX has launched a new party of near-earth companions within the framework of the project to start the cheap and fast satellite Internet - Starlink. Last time, 60 satellites were sent into orbit - now it is 122, including two tests. Zagalom plans to launch close to 42 thousand satellite vehicles in different orbits ranging from 238 to 580 km: it seems that SpaceX has submitted applications to the US Federal Commission (FCC) for the distribution of 30 thousand additional Starlink satellite vehicles.

Multiple launches of satellite systems in space Internet systems and pass successfully. Be amazed at the video recording of the landing of the first step of the Falcon 9, which already four times successfully landed on the platform in the Atlantic Ocean with the romantic name Of Course I Still Love you(“Sly, I, like and earlier, I love you”)

It’s wonderful, that 2015 will have a project that will be overwhelmed by rozrobtsi, for 2018 we will have prototypes of supporters, and even with the current year's bachimo, as the new global idea of ​​the Mask will be included, how to go beyond paradigms. The strength of this pose is the rules for a good sense - the head of a goat of a home entrepreneur and engineer. Yogo projects, slyly, criticize including for the hype and the inconsistency of the reports for the result. A little shit of new and non-standard - keep pardons and criticism on the side. I, obviously, competition.

What is not so simple with the cosmic Internet?

One of the main arguments against such a number of companions in the hands of the Earth is a sharp splash of "cosmic confusion". Surrounding the intelligent and obvious man-made confusion, as it grows through the non-transferring of man-made objects, but also fly into near-earth orbits, that splinter, and even fight against SpaceX through As soon as it will begin, astronomers will not be able to support the Alliance from the Earth.

“As in the sky, richly-richly rich objects, which will collapse, will superficially speed up our robot. It will potentially block the very science of astronomy, ”astronomer James Lowenthal told The New York Times.

According to the estimates of the European Space Agency (ESA), 42 thousand fellows from Starlink are 8 times more, less than the number of fellows in orbit. A series of catastrophic hindrances can reclaim the vast expanse of the earth on the minor field of ulamkiv. At the greatest time, a spiritual disaster can close the people of the Earth, allowing the possibility of launching new space equipment. How can you like this scenario?

For most people, a spinal smitty catastrophe can close people on Earth.

Starlink engineers are looking forward to seeing problems on the bright paths: planning to move their companions into orbit, looking for their companions to be fired on the sides, sending them to the Earth, robbing all the while The rockets of exploitation, so that all the details burned up from them. Chi will be thrown into the truncheon, show the hour. Along with Starlink, it needs competitors, ahead of OneWeb, Athena from Facebook and Project Kuiper from Amazon.


Facebook has its program of distribution to the Internet for the additional help of higher-than-high-end users, as it gradually transforms. The rest of the news about it will be reported until the ear of 2019, since it became obvious that Facebook has spoken about it with Airbus as part of the Zephyr project. Natomist є information and about the space project of Mark Zuckerberg. In 2018, the Facebook corporation launched a daughter of the PointView Tech company, yak pratsyuє over the companion Athena, who would deliver data ten times faster than Starlink. Little details about the project - it looks like it’s still at the stage of the previous weather.

Project Kuiper is the youngest of the satellite megaprojects. Ale, I know that the power is not less ambitious, but Musk, the head of Amazon Jeff Bezos, you can bet on the smart way. Bigger Tim, Bezos has his own aerospace company, Blue Origin, to deal with the development of the New Glenn power rocket. Blue Origin has already signed a contract with Telesat, which is still one company, which has been expanding companions into the low earth orbit with the help of wide-dark services from all over the world. Satellites from Amazon will be roaming in orbits similar to Starlink: 590 km, 610 km and 630 km. The plans for the project are 3236 supporters.

So far, Amazon has received 146 vacancies within the Kuiper project, so we can talk about the conscientiousness of our business and our specific goals. Amazon is actively listing with the FCC about restructuring its satellite system.

Have your own house, OneWeb is a multinational cosmic project great number Supports for securing wide-area access to Internet-koristuvachiv all over the world for the general hunting of the surface of the Earth. The satellites will be in orbits 800 and 950 km. Investors in the OneWeb project include such companies as Airbus Group, Intelsat, Qualcomm Incorporated, Coca-Cola Company and others. On the OneWeb site, there will be more global Internet services in 2021. For the whole, hundreds of micro-satellites will be brought into orbit.

In OneWeb, the head mess was made to motivate the global communal festoon, to make sure that half of the planet’s population was not covered with a sound. The project will take the part of the Russian company. In 2015, Roskosmos rotsi had a contract with the OneWeb project for the launch of additional 21 Soyuz launch vehicles. The companions are launched at the 2019–2021 rockets from the Baikonur (Kazakhstan), Skhidny (Russia) and Kuru (French Gviana) cosmodromes. The sum of the contract is one billion dollars. Near the fierce rock "Roskosmos", the Soyuz-ST-B launch rocket was launched from the Kura cosmodrome near the French Guyana Bula, which delivered the first companions for the OneWeb project into orbit.

Yak tse bude pratsyuvati in Russia

The fate of "Roskosmos" in OneWeb could not be met. At the same time, the FSB launched a counter-ring over the territory of Russia to the project of a satellite communication. Having said that the representative of the Russian special services Volodymyr Sadovnikov, the OneWeb system does not pose a threat to the national security and can be victorious for the investigation.

Zazhayuchi on everything, where the struggle for those, de itself will be roztashovuvatisya ground stations for the coverage of the territory of Russia via the Internet. Obviously, the FSB wants the station to stay with Russia, and not because of the summit lands. Once I have seen the Russian special services, I don’t turn on, I’ll try and “jam” the signal of other Internet distributions, but the process is not trivial, I don’t think that Russia is already ready to fire this fight on a larger scale. Knowing about the price is not possible - all the secrets of the budget, in principle, unimportantly, because the stench is already formed, purely. It is also not known which rank is the reception-transfer of Internet traffic from Kintsev's survivors. The most obvious option for receiving is supputnikova tarilka at that chi іnshomu viglyadі, but, perhaps, "cosmic projects" come up with what appear to be portable receivable modules. Transferring food can also be displayed and folded. You can, there will be combinations of options with vikorisstannya on obvious hemlines, and, perhaps, projects will be seen as domesticated attachment transmissions up to base stations... I didn’t leave such details.

The Russian special services can try to jam the signal of the satellite Internet distributions, altogether non-trivially.

The special services, obviously, wanting control over them from the Primus OneWeb, Starlink and the direct communication of the community through supputnikov's framing virvutsya z-pіd їhny sawnogo look. But there is still a problem of navigating the Internet for the mobile phone. Not the same ones we have "with a bang" the SORM standard, "pumped" to the "Yarovoy package" (SORM - "System technical assistance for securing the functions of operational-rozshukovyh calls "). Due to the number of information from the operator's market, not all Internet providers can, in principle, go “tovarish major” from the available channel to the remote control of the FSB communication. And those "boxes", which stand, are not a fact, how to work, and not just boules were installed "for show" within the framework of the development of services by the offices of the special services, which make money on the installation of SORM.

With the whole system of the third generation "Yarov +" - there are also other problems of certification. There is a problem of reading encrypted traffic: more than three years ago, the share of HTTPS traffic in the Internet changed 50%. Navi as the FSB matima access to all traffic of koristuvachіv, tse bude nagaduvati nagaduvati nagaduvati gossip in a copy of the sin, as it is, in its own way, ephemeral.

Legal nutrition

Until the end of the day, it’s dumb and clear about all of our peer-to-peer projects - on some minds that, behind which scheme, may be connected to the cosmic Internet. Imperceptibly navi, as they will be commercial projects, as they will take pennies from the survivors, and as cleverly without koshtovny access. For example, we are not paid to bezposeredno satellite companies for the GPS and GLONASS victorian, but we are not paid for gadgets with the inclusion of this module. Why develop and project for the fate of the powers? At all times of food, more for everything, we can take it closer to the ear of exploitation of these systems through the other.

Chi emerge one z satellite systems All-round distributions to the Internet under the control of Russia - food can also be displayed. Aleksei, some of the other projects of Mask, Bezos, Zuckerberg and some of them are ground stations in the territory of the Russian Federation, so it will show that the cooperation with the Russian special services has been honored, however, at some of the phases we are about to come across.

To that, when communicating on the Internet in the first place, help on yourself, advancing your seizure and serving you, how to defy the confidentiality and pride from outside eyes. The blessing of such tools at once is a lot and there is a small threshold for entry.

Well, bootie to the cosmic Internet! The right to access to the net becomes one of the basic rights of the people in the digital era, and without companions the whole world will not reach it.

Artem Kozlyuk - the head of the community organization "RosKomSvoboda ", member of the expert for the sake of the Committee of the State Duma of Information Policy, IT and Communication

The launch of a companion into space marked a new hero and became a breakthrough in technology and astronautics. The need for a companion's account was on the ear of the 20th century. However, from the very cob on the way to the launch of the companion into space, there were no problems, the most beautiful engineers were trying to solve them. Tsi problems will be tied up with the need to start moving, old workers in the best minds, and when there is a stench of guilt, they will be superficially strained. There are also problems related to the correct identification of the traktorії to the companion’s path.

Also, the radio station was installed, and on 4 July 1957, a piece companion was successfully launched in the SRCP, behind the collapse of which he spared a weight of light. Tsya podіya became a light breakthrough and signified a new stage, like in science zalom, and in all light.

Live broadcast of Soyuz-Progress launch (mission to ISS)

Zavdannya, yaki virishuє supputnik

The control, which can be seen by the launch of the companion, can be achieved by means of the following:

1. Vivchennya klimata;

All in all, like an infusion of klimat into the Silsk statehood, on the Vyskovo infrastructure. The staff of the companions can transfer the elements to appear, show them, and unify the great number of victims.

2. Vivchennya meteoritiv;

In the cosmic space there is a majestic number of meteorites, which are as many as thousands of tons. Meteorites can become a problem not only for companions, space ships, but for people. If the force of rubbing is not great when a meteorite is spilled, then the part is not burnt to reach the Earth. The range of speed of meteorites reaches from 1220 m / s to 61000 m / s.

3. Stagnation of television movement;

Nini the role of the TV stand is great. In 1962, the first TV broadcaster was launched in 1962;

4. GPS system.

The GPS system has a great role to play in the skin areas of our life. GPS is connected to the civil and vіyskova. Vona є electro-magnetic signals, viprominuvans in the radio-frequency range of the spectrum with an antenna installed in the skin of the patient. It is located in 24 satellites, which are located in the orbital space at a height of 20,200 km. The hour for sure near the Earth becomes 12 years old.

Telecommunication satellite "Arabsat-5B"

Soyuz launch

Launch of satellite vehicles and vikhid їkh into orbit

For the ear, it is important to recognize the traktorіyu benefit of the companion. At first glance, it’s logical to launch the rocket perpendicularly (according to the smallest vidstani to the front), however, this type of launch appears invisible, both from the engineering point of view, and from the economic point of view. On a companion, launches vertically by force of the heavy Earth, which is meaningful to bear the given traction, and the pulling force of the old force of the heavy Earth.

Schob uniknuti the fall of the companion, sprout it vertically, schob vіn zmіg podolati spring balls of the atmosphere, such a flight trivially stretching all 20 km. Allow the companion for an additional autopilot to screw up and collapse horizontally to orbit.

In addition, the staff of engineers in the field is in the fact that the development of the trajectory is of such a rank, that of the airs, that it turns out to be on the side of atmospheric spheres, and also the vitrate of the paliva became deprived of the crumbs of the highs in the form of characteristic features.

We are important є th those, at which bik run a companion. When the rocket is launched at the Earth's wrap-around space, there will be an increase in performance, as it stays in the direction of the launch. For example, in the equator it is є the maximum і to become 403 m / s.

The orbital companions are circular and elegant. An eliptic orbit will be in that case, as the speed of the rocket will be looking beyond the envelope. The speck, which at the nearest camp is called the perigee, and the most widespread is called the apogee.

The very launch of the rocket from the satellite is carried out at the bunch of shchables. When the robot is moving the first step, the boom rocket becomes more than 45 degrees, at a height of 58 km, then it starts spinning. The robot turns on the movement of another step, from the rostannyam kuta nahilu. Dal, another shchabel goes up at a height of 225 km. Then the rocket is beyond the inertial reach of 480 km and end up at the point where it is 1125 km from the start. Let's start pratsyuvati moving the third step.

Turning the companion to the ground

The turn of the companion The earth is supervised by deyaky problems, tied to galmuvannya. Galmuvannya can be done in two ways:

  1. Zavdyaki is the mainstay of the atmosphere. The swiftness of the companion, which escapes the upper ball of the atmosphere, changes, or ricochets back through the aerodynamic form at the cosmic space. Inspiring a fellow companion to change his performance and escape more into the atmosphere. So repeat the development. For a decrease in performance, the companion is going to descend behind the aid of the sun krill.
  2. Automatic rocket dvigun. The rocket dvigun is guilty of straightening at the bik of the protolezhny ruch of the piece companion. A plus given the way polyagaє in that, shvidkist galmuvannya can be regulated.


Otzhe, the companions of all during the pivstolittya have gone to the life of the people. Їkhnya fate dopomagaє doslidzhuvati new cosmic space. The companion yak zasib the uninterrupted call additional help to build up the life of people everywhere. Laying a path near the cosmic expanse, the stench will help us to grow our life in such a way that it looks like it at a time.

The Great Synoptic Telescope (LSST), the flagship observatory, is the flagship observatory that will be able to unprecedentedly read the signs of the blue sky and the potential for asteroid Earth. The project, which will last for five years and a cost of $ 1.3 billion, can be practically carried out through the network of thousands of partners for distribution to the Internet from SpaceX, Amazon, OneWeb and other companies. At a time, the near-earth orbit is close to 5 yew. devices, then due to the launch of partners in three re-insurance companies, the number of which grows up to 52 yew. - tobto more than 10 times. Tse to destroy astronomical caution is practically unsparing, for that the companions will call out from the Mask to blot out all the sky. "Hi-tech" said, what astronomers think about the launch of such a number of supporters (spoiler - the stench is even unhappy), as the company thinks about them, and for some kinds of things, there is a warning to the minds of the difficulty.

Well for the projects - SpaceX, Amazon and OneWeb?

In 2015, the head of the company, Ilon Musk, voiced his plans to launch a global project from the distribution of satellite Internet to Starlink. At the level of 2019, the company launched 60 satellites into orbit - the stench became the first from the group of 12 yews. Apparatuses, which grow into near-earth orbit.

Launch of Starlink satellites

Companions occupy a range of 349 to 1190 km, and the Internet, which is distributed from them, is 40 times faster than any operator on Earth.

SpaceX has given permission to launch more than 30 thousand rubles from the United States Federal Commission on behalf of the International Union. supporters - in such a rank, the number of those planned before the launch of the apparatus has grown to 42 yew. Until the end of 2019 Starlink plans to bring 720 satellite vehicles into orbit.

SpaceX satellites

The dermal companion should be about 225 kg - you should be able to eat from a sleeping battery. The aparati will be connected one to one through the optical and radio communication, and the control will be connected through the terminal of the koristuvach on the Earth. The devices have a unique system, and when the term of service ends, it is practically possible to burn the stench in the atmosphere of the Earth.

Launch satellite vehicles into orbit for distributing plans and OneWeb to the Internet - according to the company's plans, 700 devices will be in low earth orbit at a height of 800 to 950 km above the surface of the Earth. Companions broken up by Airbus concern - leather from them is important 147 kg, possession of two sleeping batteries and a plasma rocket unit. A number of companions have already been brought into orbit in the fierce 2019 rock, more than 30 will be launched before the end of the rock.

OneWeb companion

The third great project for tsiy galuzi is Kuiper from Amazon. Win transmissions launch into low-earth orbit 3,236 satellites: 784 units will be at a height of 590 km above the surface of the Earth, 1,296 will move at 610 km, and 1,156 satellites, which have already become redundant, will be launched at a distance of 630 km.

Amazon companions are responsible for the Internet access in the latitude range from 56 ° Eastern latitude to 56 ° Eastern latitude. In the middle of the territory of the bag, 95% of the world's population is over. At the same time, the company didn’t launch a railway companion - all the aparaties were being worked on at the stage of design.

On orbit so richly supporters - how to get new?

Yak minimum new supporters will be even more abundant. Infection on low near-earth orbit is located close to 5 yew. Apparatuses - like SpaceX, Amazon and OneWeb, to launch their own supporters, it’s just 52 thousand, so it’s growing more than ten times.

The skinny companion is great - for Starlink devices it is an indicator of a range of estimates for two stars (to be less, less bright than the polar light). Then astronomers clarified the estimate - the aparati will be 5-7 values.

Svitlove obrudnennya from fellow Starlink

In addition to the post-production of light, supporters can only use “spalahuvati” with the “Iridium” devices, if they have consumed the sleepy light on the batteries. At the moments of ob'ykti under the care of the Earth, they will be as bright as Venus or Jupiter. In other words, at the moment of sleeping, the Starlink companions will be seen by an indefatigable eye from the very beginning from the low light obstructions.

Professor of Astronomy at the University of Michigan Patrik Zeitzer said that the companions will be more comfortable in their hustle and bustle - in order to expedite the care of potentially insecure asteroids and the most important systems in Ukraine.

Another problem is that in order to connect and distribute to the Internet, the companions will be victorious radio frequencies, close to quietly, so that astronomers will be victorious for an hour before the help of terrestrial radio telescopes. Pereshkodi, as you can win for an hour, be careful, slow down science robot, and deyakikh vipadkah zroblit її marnoyu.

Who is the one to get the companions?

The main battle of astronomer was tied to the robot of the Great Synoptic Telescope (LSST). At the same time, we were tied with the project, they opened a model of the light fixing, like opening the launch of 50 yew. companions in a stretch of the coming 10 years. The preliminaries showed that the skin of the image, which was taken out by the telescope, would be captured by a single bright smog, but that it would turn out to be a companion. On the other skin mark, you can see swines from three-chotiroh apparatuses.

LSST telescope project

The operation of the Great Synoptic Telescope has been conducted on the summits of the Siro-Pachon mountains near Chili since 2015. The observatory was prompted by the Paul-Baker scheme - an eight-meter mirror to allow keeping caution with a diameter of 3.5 degrees and an area of ​​9.6 square degrees. For the porch, Sonce and Misyats, we see from the Earth, the diameter is 0.5 degrees, and the area is 0.2 square degrees.

The telescope will take care of the chatter of the dark matter and dark energy, the cartography of the malikh til Sonyachnoy system, the chatter of potential asteroids for the Earth, as well as detailed picture Chumatsky shlyakh.

LSST suffers from light obstruction more strongly for its ground-based telescopes, so it’s possible to enter into the sky because of the development of the day. For one croc observatory to rob the mark of a square with an area of ​​about 40 months in a normal sky - for 30 years, astronomers will start hunting for a territory with an area of ​​40 million months.

As I walked until the end of the day from the telescope mission, for the additional processing of the image, I saw a swarthy glow, and I am also deprived of the mark by one of SpaceX's companions - for the whole month. As soon as you have vitrized styles for retouching the image, then you will not get lost in science, you will use authorization robots.

Smugi from all over the place to the sign of the night sky

From the great number of fellowships in near-earth orbit, a large number of ground-based telescopes are affected and overwhelmed - we are in front of the largest radio telescope FAST. On the right, in the fact that caution in the radio spectra is being conducted on dovgy hvilyah - the stench of being victorious for a companion's call.

How do you react to the company?

The head of SpaceX, Elon Musk, wondered if the astronomers' claims were cleared away - he wondered if the company would try to make the details of the companions darker, in order to reduce the power of the world, but to visualize.

The company was given information about the establishment of its companions in the United States' catalosis and had a conversation with astronomers about the whole world, to assess the legacy of that strategy of rationing. SpaceX is ready to change the orbital of its neighbors, to uncover the spill over the areas of caution, to be found at a nearby company.

However, astronomers vvazhayut, well, come in unlikely to help - forward through the vidblisks on sleepy batteries supporter Tim is not the man, the Science Committee for Radio Frequencies of the United States (CORF) at once is engaged in the development of the agreement with SpaceX, which, in a word, will allow the temporal development of the interest in science and telecommunication project.

Інші companies, such as OneWeb, Amazon, Samsung and TeleSat, do not yet take part in the science of science.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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