Ways to change the level of pellusts in viprominuvach systems. Phase diagram of straightness

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Vidnosny (normalization to the maximum DN) rіven vіpromіnіvannya antena vіdnosіnіh pelyustok. As a rule, UBL is expressed in decibels, it is more appropriate to indicate UBL "for pushing" or "on the field".

Butt with diagrams of directness of the antenna and parameters of DN: width, KND, UBL, rear vibrating airway

The DN of the real (final range) antennas is an oscillating function, in which they see the global maximum, which is the center head pan RP, as well as other local maxima of RP and other similar names side pads DN. term bichny follow the mind secondary, and not literally (pelyustka, straightened "vbіk"). The DN pellets are numbered in order starting from the head one, which is given the number zero. The diffraction (interference) pattern of the DN, which is to blame for the resolution of the antennas, is not taken into account. Minimum DN, which separate the PLs of DN, name zeros(Riven viprominyuvannya in direct zero DN can be as small as ever, prote in reality viprominyuvannya zavzhdniy present). The area of ​​biological vibrance is divided into subdomains: area(I lay down to the head diaper DN), industrial regionі the area of ​​the rear flanks(The entire rear pivsphere).

  • Pіd UBL razumіyut the best rhubarb of the largest rhubarb. As a rule, the largest after the size of є persha (lay down to the head) is a pelustka.

For antennas with high straightening, vicorist also average rіven bichny viprominyuvannya(normalized to its maximum DN is averaged in the sector of the flanks of the lateral rіven distant bіchnyh pelyustok(visible rhubarb of the largest pellus in the region of the rear pellusts).

For antennas of late vibrating for assessing the level of vibrating in a straight line “backward” (in a straight line, to the opposite straight line of the head lobe of the DN), the parameter Vіdnosny rіvіn posterior vіpromіnyuvannya(Vid English. front/back, F/B- Forward / backward), and in case of assessment of UBL, viprominuvannya is not insured. Also, to assess the level of vibrance at the straight line “on the side” (at the straight line, perpendicular to the head diaper of the DN), the parameter is victorious Vіdnosny vibrіchny vіpromіnyuvannya(Vid English. front/side, F/S- Vіdnoshennia forward / vbіk).

UBL, yak and width of the head pellust DN, є parameters that determine the razdіlnu zdatnіstі і overshoda zashchenії raіotehnіchіchnih systems. Therefore, in the technical requirements for the distribution of antennas, these parameters are of great importance. The width of the UBL change is controlled both when the antenna is put into operation, and in the process of operation.

Targets for reducing UBL

  • In the reception mode of the antenna with low UBL, “zavadosity”, the oscillators are more likely to have a better selection in terms of the space of the cory signal on aphids, noise and shifting, and some kind of roztashovani in the straight lines of the white pellets
  • Antenna with low UBL secures the system with greater electromagnetic interference with other radio electronic devices and high-frequency devices
  • Antenna with low UBL provides more security to the system.
  • In the antenna of the auto-supply system, there is a possibility of pardoning support from the side pads
  • Decrease in UBL (with fixing the width of the head vent DN) leads to an increase in the level of the head vent in the straight line of the DN (up to the increase in the LP): the increase in the output of the antenna in the straight line, to the head vent - an empty waste of energy. However, as a rule, when the dimensions of the antenna are fixed, the decrease in UBL leads to a decrease in the CVP, expansion of the head lobe of the DN and a decrease in the directivity factor.

The payment for the lower UBL is the expansion of the head vent of the DN (with fixed antenna sizes), as well as, as a rule, the folding design of the sub-system and the smaller KKD (for PAR).

Ways to reduce UBL

Scatters of the antenna pattern in the far zone and the amplitude-phase distribution (AFR) of the strum on the antenna are connected to the Fur's transformations, then UBL as the second parameter of the pattern is determined by the AFR law. The main way Decreasing UBL when designing antennas is to choose more smooth (which falls to the edge of the antenna) spacious distribution of the amplitude of the strum. Mira tsієї "smoothness" - the coefficient of variation of the surface (KVP) of the antenna.

  • Markov R. T., Sazonov D. M. Anteni. - M.: Energia, 1975. - S. 528.
  • Voskresensky D.I. Attach HF and antennas. Design of phase antenna arrays .. - M .: Radiotekhnika, 2012.
  • For suffocating the drink from the flaxseeds of the vicorist, there is the use of energy equalities in the production of the head tassels.

    1.2.1. The priming of the power supply in the form of air pellets by the directivity diagrams of the dispatcher VRL is applied to the so-called three-pulse system (Div. Fig. 2).

    Mal. 2 Asphyxiation of the water in the air vents of the DRL behind the three-pulse system.

    Up to two pulses of the energized code P1 and RZ, which is supported by a straightened radar antenna, the third pulse P2 (smothering pulse) is added, which is replaced by a straightened all-straight antenna (smothering antenna). The smothering pulse goes on 2 µs after the first pulse of the power code. The energy rіven of the antenna suffocation is suffocated in such a way that, at the time of receiving the rіven signal, the suffocation will be more equal than the signals, vibrated by the bean pellets and less than the signals, vibrated by the head pellet.

    At the output, the amplitudes of the impulses P1, P3 and the strangulation impulse P2 are balanced. When receiving a power code at a straight side pellust, if the signal is strangled, or if the signal is switched over to the power code, the signal is not beaten. The audit is carried out only once, if the level Р1, РЗ is higher than the equal Р2 by 9 dB or more.

    1.2.2. The suppression of the water droplets by the directivity diagrams of the landing radars is carried out in the BPS unit, in which a method of strangulation over the threshold that floats is implemented (div. Fig. 3).

    Fig.3 Removing the packet of signals from the signal
    in case of jamming of the strangulation system with a floating threshold

    This method is based on the fact that in the BPS, for an additional inertial system, the stiffness is memorized by looking at the voltage of the signals, taken from the main pellet by the straightening diagrams. A part of the tension voltage, which corresponds to the given level, which outweighs the level of the signals in the field fluctuations, is set as the threshold at the output of the subsilience and the onset of the change of the level is carried out only when the value of the threshold is changed by the input signals. Tsya the pressure is corrected at the foot of the prominence.

    1.3. The structure of the signal

    The signal to clear the word information is composed of a coordinate code, a key code and an information code (div. fig. 4a *).

    Fig.4 The structure of the code in the code

    The coordinate code is two-pulse, and its structure is the difference of the skin word of information (div. Fig. 4b, c*).

    The code of the key is three-pulse, its structure is different for the skin for the words of information (div. Fig. 4b, c*).

    The information code is 40 pulses, which will generate 20 bits of the double code. Skin discharge (div. fig. 4a, d) to take two pulses, which are sent one by one for 160 μs. Interval between pulses of one order of fillings with impulses of other orders. Leather category to take revenge on your own double information: symbol “1” or symbol “0”. In the case of CO-69 transmission, for the transmission of two symbols, the active pause method is used, the symbol "0" is transmitted by an impulse, which is delayed by 4 μs at that time, at which moment the impulse is transmitted, which designates the symbol "1". Two possible positions of the skin discharge impulse (“1” and “0”) are shown by crosses. Hour interval between two characters "1" (or "0"), coming one by one, taking 8 µs. Also, the interval between successive one after one characters "1" and "0" is 12 µs, and if the character "0" is followed by the character "1", then the interval between pulses will be 4 µs.

    The first discharge transmits one pulse, which means one, which means 4 µs jamming, and zero, which means 8 µs jamming. The other discharge also transmits one pulse, which means 2, which means 4 microseconds of jamming along with the forward discharge, zero, which means 8 microseconds of jamming. The third digit is transmitted 4 and 0, it is also fallow in the same position, the 4th digit is transmitted 8 and 0.

    So, for example, the number 6 is transmitted as the number 0110 in the double record, so the sum is 0 + 2 + 4 + 0 (div. Fig. 1)

    Information transmitted for 160 μs, in the next 160 μs, something else is transmitted, which significantly increases the resistance to the transfer of information.


    The width of the DN (head lobe) determines the degree of concentration of the viprominated electromagnetic energy. DN width- Tse cut between two straight lines in the boundaries of the head pan, in which the amplitude of the intensity of the electromagnetic field becomes equal to 0.707 per maximum value (or equal to 0.5 per maximum value of the intensity of tension). The width of the DN is indicated as follows:

    2і - the width of the DN behind the tension at the level of 0.5;

    2і - the width of the DN for the tension on the level of 0.707.

    Index E or H indicates the width of the DN at the vertical plane: 2i, 2i. The equal of 0.5 for the tension is equal to the equal of 0.707 for the field strength and the equal is 3 dB on the logarithmic scale:

    Experimentally, the width of the DN is manually determined by the graph, for example, as shown in the little 11.

    Malyunok 11

    The riven of the flares of the DN determines the steps of the side vibration of the electromagnetic field by the antenna. Vіn vplivaє yakіst elektromagnіtnoї nemіsnostі with the nearest radio-electronic systems.

    Vdnosny rіven bіchnі ї pelyust - tse vіdnozhnenya amplitude of the field strength in the direction of the maximum of the first bіchnії pelyust to the amplitude of the field strength in the direction of the maximum of the head pellus (Figure 12):

    Malyunok 12

    This rіven is expressed in absolute units, or in decibels:

    Coefficient of direct air distribution and coefficient of strength of the transmitting antenna

    Directed air coefficient (CND) characterizes the directing of the power of the real antenna equal to the standard non-directional (isotropic) from the DN at the sight of the sphere:

    KND - the same number that shows how much the gap to the flow of tension P (i, c) of the real (straight) antenna is greater for the gap to the flow of tension P (i, c) of the reference (non-straight) antenna for that direct and on the same remote for your mind, What is the tension of the antennas being the same:

    Z urahuvannyam (25) can be taken:

    The coefficient of strength (KU) of the antenna is a parameter that is not only focused on the power of the antenna, but also the possibility of transforming one type of energy into another.

    KU- the number that shows how much the gap to the flow of tension P (i, c) of the real (straight) antenna is greater than the gap to the flow of tension PE (i, c) of the reference (non-straight) antenna for which direct and on the same remote think that the tightness, brought to the antennas, however.

    Strength coefficient can be measured through KND:

    de - coefficient brown dії antennas. Really vikoristovuyut - the coefficient of strength of the antenna at the bek of maximum vibrance.

    Phase diagram of straightness. Understanding the phase center of the antenna

    Phase diagram of straightness- the importance of the phase of the electromagnetic field, which is observed by the antenna, in view of the hull coordinates.

    Since in the far zone of the antenna the vectors of the field E and H are in phase, then the phase pattern of the same world is brought to the electric and magnetic storage EMF, which is modified by the antenna. The phase DN is indicated as follows: W = W (i, c) at r = const.

    Where W (i, u) = const when r = const, ze means that the antenna forms a phase front of a whirlwind like a sphere. The center of the circle of the sphere, where the cob of the coordinate system is located, is called the phase center of the antenna (FCA). The next step is to indicate that the phase center should be on the antenna.

    For antennas that have a phase center and a large amplitude of the directional pattern with clear zeros between them, the phase of the field in the ventricles is p (180 °). The relationship between the amplitude and phase diagrams of the directivity of one and the other antennas is illustrated by a small 13.

    Malyunok 13 - Amplitude and phase pattern

    Directly widening the EMB and the position of the phase front in the skin point of space are mutually perpendicular.

    It is safe to dow a small equal amount of pellusts at the DN, as it was planned earlier, one of the most important ones could reach modern antennas.

    In the analysis of linear systems of uninterruptedly growing viprominuvachies, the fallowness of the equal of wild pellusts was noted according to the AR law in the system.

    In principle, it is possible to adopt such a law of AR in the system, in case of any case, the fluctuations of DN are daily.

    True, let it be an in-phase grating with two isotropic

    viprominyuvachіv, roztashovanih on vіdstanі d= - one kind of one (Fig. 4.36).

    Amplitudes of the arousal of viprominuvachivs are the same (equal AR). Valid to formula (4.73) DN of a two-element lattice

    When you change 0 vіd ± - the value of sin0 changes from 0 to ±1, and the value of D0) - vіd 2 to 0. DN has only one (head) pellet (Fig. 4.36). Bichni pelyustki daily.

    Let's look at the linear lattice, which is made up of two elements, leather from some of the most well-glanced gates. A new lattice, like before, vvazhaemo in-phase, stand between the elements X

    d=-(Figure 4.37, but).

    Mal. 4.36. In-phase grating with two isotropic viprominuvachi

    Mal. 4.37.

    The law of the Republic of Azerbaijan at ґratah nabuvaє viglyadu 1; 2; 1 (Fig. 4.37, b).

    Appropriate to the rule of multiplication of DN, there is no lattice of beetles (Fig. 4.37, in):

    Offensive croc - in-phase line system, which is added up in two

    forward, shifted in a straight line to the rear - (Fig. 4.38, but). Take away a choice of element grating from AP1; 3; 3; 1 (Fig. 4.38, b). DN cih grate also does not have flails (Fig. 4.38, c).

    Pursuing the proposed algorithm for increasing the number of viprominuvachi in the system, for the DN of in-phase gates, which consists of eight elements, we take the formula

    Mal. 4.38.

    AR in such letters should be written in such a way: 1; 7; 21; 35; 35; 21; 7; 1. Recording the number as coefficients in the layout of Newton's binomial (1 + x) 7 in a row, that is why AR is called binomial.

    For the obviousness of a linear discrete system P viprominuvachіv bіnomne AR is indicated by the coefficients of the expansion of Newton's binomial (1 + x) n ~ 1, and DN of the system - Viraz

    Yak bachimo z virazu (4.93)

    In this way, for the fluctuations in the in-phase discrete system of the binamic AR, it is possible to reach the total switching off of the white flutes. However, it can be reached at the cost of a significant expansion (matched with equal AR) of the head pan and a change in the KND system. In addition, it is difficult to blame the practical safety of synphasic wakefulness and to achieve an accurate binomial AR in the system.

    A system with a binomial AR is more sensitive to changes in the PRA. Small creations at the law of the AFR cry out for the appearance of beetles at the DN.

    Due to the assigned causes, the AR binomial in antennas is practically not victorious.

    The AR is more practical and dotsilnym, for whom the optimal DN is called so. Under the optimal understanding of such a DN, in which case, with a given width of the head pellus, the rib of the flank pellets is minimal, or with a given ravine of the flank pellets, the width of the head pellet is minimal. AR, which shows the optimal RP, can also be called optimal.

    For a discrete in-phase system of isotropic

    mortgages on vіdstanі but> - one type of one, optimal є

    Dolph - Chebyshevske AR. However, in a number of vipadkіv (when there is a singing number of vipprominuvacs and a singly equal number of beetles), the AR is characterized by sharp “splashes” at the edges of the system (Fig. 4.39, but) and importantly implemented. In these drops, go to the so-called quasi-optimal AR with smooth drops to the edges of the system (Fig. 4.39, b).

    Mal. 4.39. Amplitude difference: but- Dolph - Chebyshevske;

    b - quasi-optimal

    With a quasi-optimal AR, it is equal to the optimal level of the rye of the pellusts, but it is less likely to increase. The implementation of a quasi-optimal AR is much simpler.

    The task of searching for the optimal and quasi-optimal AR solution for systems of continuous circulation of viprominuvacs. For such systems, the quasi-optimal AR є, for example, was given by Taylor.

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