Applied component k2. Component K2 for Joomla - but don't you? Individual clearance of the skin field

Zharoznizhyuchі zasobi for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconspicuous help in case of fever, if the child is in need of giving it innocently. Todi fathers take on the versatility and consistency of fever-lowering drugs. Is it allowed to give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

Componentsі K2 є great number parameters for quick distribution into tabs. Go to їх change - click on the icon of Parameters K2. Adjustment of parameters in K2 Allowing to set an option for a request for the most recent viglyad, Display methods available for displaying items, integration with other extensions and in.

Layout and Display

tweak CSS

Including the style file, the vibrating version of the library jQuery for the site and vibir local or viddalenoy copy jQuery for the admin.

Layout and display of the sides of the koristuvach (author)

Vibir points, as will be displayed on the side of the koristuvach. If it is necessary, the settings for the settings of the keys of the corystuvach were set to the option menu item, then the next vibration in the item - Standard Batkiv menu.

Layout options and views for viewing materials by tag

Fields that will be available on the list of materials by tag. And also the number of items in the list of tags and sorts.

Layout and Display Options for Posting Pages, Tag & Date Lists

The designation of a number of materials, which will be displayed in the results for a joke, tags and for the date. I vibir fields, which are displayed on all pages (title, date, introductory text, RSS, etc.)

A unique moment, as well as a ready-made website, and you can substitute for the transition according to your wishes -


RSS feeds

Nalashtuvannya RSS lines If you select a number of materials, you need fields for displaying, if the entered text is vibrated, then you can add a number of symbols. Also, there are transmissions from spam bots, which copy E-mail messages, for which you can use the specified E-mail address.

cleared vm_stu

Possibility of installing a fence on the site of HTML tags in the introductory text. when included function for clearing the introductory (main) text in HTML, You can use tags (attributes), Available for display.

additional fields

Installation of sizes ( width / height) for fusing vіkon dodatkovyh fields.


Headroom settings for images:

  • installation of image quality
  • width / height for small / medium / large image
  • width of the image of the material
  • width of the image category
  • width of the image of a koristuvach in profiles and comments (avatar)

Online image editor

Vibir from the list of the online editor, which will be launched from the module K2 Quickicons.

Enhanced picture settings

You can set the date of the image in the image URL. So, if you see the image in a new window, then you will be able to take revenge on the date. So here itself it is possible to make a bit of memory, how to be stained on the image of the image, and if necessary, it is necessary to protect it.


Here you can insert HTML code for social bookmarks like - Add thisі Share this... Also, for personalizing the Twitter button, you need to set up your own account.

Component files are located along the way components / com_k2 /

Alleged templates for templates can redefine and add their component to the route templates / your template / html / com_k2 /

A little lesson about components K 2

1.Buv marked a pardon, when it is shown for the redaction of material additional fields(ExtraFields) are not available for editing until a quiet period, as long as the category does not change, until the material is available (so that you need to throw off any change to be in the category, but then vibrate the ear).

For correcting ydemo by wayi vidkrivaєmo file itemform.php

Shukaєmo such code (about 532 rows)

type = "header"):?>

i minyaumo on tsey code

type == "header"):?>

2. When adding material from the site (Front-End), you will not automatically receive the category in which you will be re-using it, so

Ydemo ro way components / com_k2 / templates / default / i vidkrivaєmo file category.php

Shukaєmo such code (I can’t say a row like this, as we have a file of strong changes, joke on the class class = "catItemAddLink")

addLink; ?>

i minyaumo on tsey code

addLink ... "& Catid =". $ This-> category-> id; ?>

Now, with the addition of an element, the current category will be immediately displayed in the editor.

Vidalyaєmo from Front-End

Vyrishili nakidati yak vidaliti deyaki functii i text when editing or adding material from the site

Slightly from the file itemform.php go by the waycomponents / com_k2 / templates / default

See abo commentmo code

1. Tidy up logo, headline Dodati material

2. A clean panel

3. Tidy up writing permissions koristuvach

permissionsMessage; ?>

4. Selectable title pseudonyms


5. Pick up tags

params-> get ("taggingSystem")):?>

    row-> tags) && count ($ this-> row-> tags)):?>

    row-> tags as $ tag):?>

  • name; ?>

    "Class =" tagRemove "> x


  • params-> get ("lockTags") || $ This-> user-> gid> 23):?>

    " />


    lists ["tags"];?>

    »" />

    " />

    lists ["selectedTags"]; ?>

    The component itself is enchanting the original image and saving it in 5 options - even big, big, middle, small, even small.

    Most of the time we need a maximum of three image options.

    I only creep with great middle and other images.

    In order to fence the stem of the image, you need to comment on the row

    $ Handle -> Process ($ savepath);

    the parameter that we do not need to save the image of the file/administrator/components/com_k2/models/item.php

    If there is a need for people to be sick, connected to the organs of the intestinal tract, then they must send the analysis of feces to the coprogram. Likar, by smell, consistency, color and chemical warehouse, it can indicate some kind of ailment in people, and it is necessary to work, to get around all the problems. The statistics have a detailed description, as it is necessary to get ready for the analysis, as to collect feces for a new one. In addition, it is understandable that the indicators of the whole clinical experience are the norm, and they are indicative of the pathology.

    For a shy viyavlennya zabudnik when deprived, the zagalny analysis of feces is also indicated.

    In children, such diagnostics is carried out in case of allergic reactions, in case of susceptibility to helminthes, be it any deterioration of poisoning.

    Yak pidgotuvatisya before giving to the analysis of feces

    Preparing for the delivery of feces for the loan coprogramє for a few days. Do not get any special zusil, if you want to correct the exact results, you still need to apply the awkward rules. Todi in the laboratory can make a precise picture of the grass tract.

    Come on in for preparation, persh for everything, taking into account the special children, direct to the bowel cleansing. It is innocent for feces to avenge the houses of the food and grub fibers.

    The rate of eating is guilty of balancing and adjusting the balance of alcohol, fat and carbohydrates.

    For many purposes of breaking up and most often two children are vicious.

    Harchuvannya mode for Pevzner

    Transmission implantation up to 3 yew. Cyclic per day. At ratsion it is allowed to include:

    • khlib s zhitnogo or wheat fern;
    • meat, boiled or oiled;
    • porridge with rice or Greek cereals;
    • potatoes, yak cooking is good;
    • fresh apples.

    Diet according to Shmidt

    Here additional calories are allowed less - in total 2400. I products in the main dairy, including eggs and vershok butter. Allowed more:

    • porridge;
    • potato;
    • meat.

    Harchuvannya shot, in small portions, 5-6 times per day.

    Often, it’s necessary to grow up a lot of feces. Anyone who wants to eat 24 years before collecting feces should not take alcoholic beverages, do not drink tea or kava.

    Scho categorically zaboronyaєte before carrying out cleaning

    • cleanse the intestines for help;
    • take protidial and antidiarrheal drugs, do not interfere with the process of intestinal peristalsis;
    • enter rectal suppositories;
    • Accept the preparations, before the warehouse, which can include bismuth, barium or other components, which can be removed from faeces.

    Yaksho you give an analysis of feces for the shelter:

    1. Include a variety of green colored vegetables, meat and ribs of vegetables, tomatoes and chicken eggs in any kind. Їx surplus can show positive results.
    2. Do not take a likarsky zasobi, in which there is a zalizo.
    • pathology of pidshlunkovoy zalozi;
    • stones in the ducts;
    • manifestation of hepatitis;
    • pancreatitis in the state hospital;
    • improvement of lymph nodes.

    Analysis of feces for coprogram: microscopic dosage

    I will show you how it’s okay to overtake the implant.

    Shho viyavlya, norms and vidhilennya

    myazov fibers- surplus of non-etched meat grasses. The normal presence of changes in fiber. Of course, it’s kind of talking about the pathology of podshlunkovoy zolozi, when there’s a lack of herbal juice or a change in its warehouse. As a result, you will not be over-poisoned or over-poisoned badly.

    You can also talk about:

    • diarea;
    • the processes of gnittya abo wandering in the intestines.

    Fibers from the resulting fabric- surplus of meat products, in the norm of the day. Evidence of information about:

    • gastritis with decreased acidity;
    • pancreatitis, lack of viroblenny enzymes.

    roslinn_ fibers- klitkovina bushinnoy and unrepentant.

    It is not susceptible to vivodat with feces in viglyadі skins of fruits and vegetables, grain husks, legumes. At the same time, it is the norm and the discharge of toxins, toxins, and a thin layer of products spreading through the intestines.

    starch- in the norm on the day, it will be overwhelmed. Evidence at the sight of the grains is indicative of the strength of peristalsis, the back-to-mouth oversupply grubby breast, high moisture content, lack of enzymes and clicks:

    • we go to pancreatitis;
    • gastritis.

    iodophilic flora- wickedness at the bowels of the intestines wandering. Visits to farbuvannya for additional iodine and acidity of feces from 5 to 6.5. In addition to the deterioration of microorganisms, the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, it is possible to inflict a digestion of food.

    neutral fat- with a healthy gastrointestinal tract, it will become more common, that in pre-daytime. Too much to talk about the problems with the slurry cavity, blockage of the ducts and pathologies of the twelve-fingered intestine, viclikani:

    • lack of vyroblennya zhovchi;
    • problems with intestinal mutilation;
    • damage to the synthesis of the herbal enzyme lipase.

    detritus- the sum of digested food with bacteria and epithelial cells. In normі, the presence is guilty in excrements. Low vm_st is tied to the damage of etching and ignition processes of the mucous intestine, especially if the presence of shelter or mucus.

    leukocyte- in normal, healthy people do not appear during analysis. It is obvious to talk about the pathologies of the slunk-intestinal tract:

    • intestinal oncology;
    • polypah;
    • twists and turns
    • Crohn's ailments;
    • proctitis and paraproctitis;
    • intestinal tuberculosis;
    • worm infections and in.

    erythrocytes- do not take revenge in the norm. It is obvious to talk about bleeding in the intestinal tract from the inner organs.

    Fat, fatty acids, salts of acids- in normal visibility. It was a motion instead to talk about the lack of synthesis of zhovchi, ailments of the licks, diarrhea.

    amiak- normal vm_st is 20 to 40 mol / kg. Vidhilennya in bik pidvishennya - ignition processes and excessive pressure in the intestines.

    pathogenic microorganisms- in the norm of dysentery, the stick, Trichomonas, lamblia and balantidia are seen.

    Egg worms, others, fungi, pathogenic bacteria- talk about the manifestation of worm infections or candidiasis.

    Coprogram: deciphering the norms for grown-ups in the tables:

    Features of decryption by coprograms in children

    Analysis of feces for coprology in children is not often seen as old. I would like to see some ideas, especially in new-born women and babies before fate. It is tied up with the peculiarities of the viku and harchuvannya - the invisible slunk-intestinal tract, the thoracic or piece-shaped vigoros:

    • the ph rate is acidic or weak between 6 and 6.7;
    • ph is sour in children up to three thousandths;
    • bilirubin in feces up to 3 months is the norm, when the fecal masses are responsible for sterobilin only;
    • puddle middle є signs of destruction of etching processes;
    • block - ignition processes in the intestines;
    • obsyag fecal matter to be deposited from kharchuvannya. Ale, a change, or a change, can be said about the deterioration of the functions of the podshlunkovaya zalozi;
    • color and consistency - the standard of change in fallowness from a lifetime;
    • the analysis of feces for blood is positive - bleeding in case of acute ailments;
    • roslinne fiber and starch - degradation in the robotic small intestine;
    • other fungi - dysbacteriosis, candidiasis.

    Coprogram for children: deciphering the norms in the tables:

    Do not expect a child to report pathologies in the analysis of feces. Tilki lykar virishit, chi є stink of symptoms of illness, for such a camp is normal for your baby.

    The results of the deciphering of the analyzes are only informational in nature, not diagnosed or overridden by the doctor's consultation.

    Coprogram - the process of carrying out physical, chemical and microscopic dosage of feces. Analysis of feces is an important diagnostic tool that allows you to diagnose, control the development of seizures and diseases, and often detect pathological processes.

    The analysis of feces allows the deterioration of the functions of the intestinal tract, the liver, the intestinal tract, the appearance of the accelerated passage of the intestine through the intestinal tract, diagnostics of the firing processes in the herbal tract, as well as the supplementation of the intestinal tract.

    Special preparation is not required for the analysis of feces. Alle, it is necessary to skasuvati with the intake of medications, as they inject feces onto the preparation, to increase the intestinal peristalsis. It is not possible to analyze the feces due to clings, rectal suppositories, and to the reception of the carried ones.

    Deciphering by coprograms online will help you to decipher the analysis before the visit to the doctor, go to the indicators of the analysis of the feces, decipher the analysis of the feces of the child.


    Coprogram - advanced physical, chemical and microscopic characteristics of feces.

    Will I show you an analysis of feces?

    Doslidzhennya kalu allows diagnostics of the deterioration of the functions of the slunker. pidshlunkovoy zalozi. ovens. the appearance of accelerated passage of the izhі through the slunker and the intestine, the deterioration of moisture in the twelve fingers and the small intestine; ignition process in the intestinal tract, vyrazkovy, allergic, spastic colitis.

    All types of analyzes and diagnostics

    3D, 4D SPL. EKG. klinik

    Yak pidgotuvatisya until later?

    7-10 days before delivery of the analysis of the drug. It is not possible to work in advance. For X-ray dosage of the bowel and intestines, the analysis of feces can be performed not earlier, not through two dobs.

    Does yak need to take a child before the analysis?

    For 4-5 days, it is necessary to take care of such children: milk, dairy products, cereals, mashed potatoes, biliy bread with butter, 1-2 soft-boiled eggs, three fresh fruits.

    Yak correctly pick up feces for doslіdzhennya?

    The feces should be collected from the self-contained intestine into a disposable plastic container with an airtight container. Slid unique houses to kalu sech.

    How can you take an analysis of feces?

    The container with feces must be delivered to the laboratory on the day of the collection of material, before the return of the collection to the refrigerator.

    How many days to prepare for analysis?

    6 working days.

    Are the feces analysis normal?

    Coprogram. Decryption, normal values. Coprogram of a child, newly born and unmovable. Yak correctly prepared, take material for the analysis of feces?

    Frequently asked meals

    • Yak correctly prepared for analysis?
    • Yak correctly collect feces for analysis?
    • How much did you take for food before being sent to the laboratory?
    • Do you need a lot of feces?

    The analysis of feces is an important tool in the treatment of illnesses and functions of the herbal system. The growth of the long lasting feces allows for the appearance of such organs as: liver, shlunok, podshlunkov zloza, and the thin and thin intestines. I wish we didn’t want to expand the same analysis of blood as well, but the results were discarded in the course of this event, allowing the politicians to reject the report on the picture of your health. ...

    Analysis of feces for coprogram

    A coprogram showing the calu by a great number of different parameters. The managers of the coprogram can talk about the body of etching organs, robotic ovens. pidshlunkovaya zalozi, intestines and viyaviti fired or damaged microflori.

    A coprogram is created for diagnosing, and for monitoring the course of therapy.

    As soon as the feces are zanadto svitliy, then talk about the disease of the liver and zhovchny ducts. As long as it is black color, then it is worth talking about bleeding in the upper intestines. There is also a feces of chervonia vidtinok, it is possible for ailing blood loss in the lower intestine. In some non-physiological color of feces of accumulation with the intake of medications, or with specific types of products. Besides organoleptic indicators, coprogram includes and chemical analysis of feces, in which case there is a manifestation in feces, blood, stercobilin and other components.

    Yaksho in the coprogram є mucus, tse talk about the inflammation in the intestines. Coprogram of obovazkovo viznacha and acidity of feces. I also pick up rotten bacteria in the intestines. then the acidity rises to the side. If fermentation processes are in the intestine, then the feces are acidified. Coprogram also allows for the appearance of some of the components that can lead to the manifestation of ailment.

    Before zasosuvannyam it is necessary to consult with a Fakhivite.

    analysis of feces

    Out-of-the-box analysis of feces - one of the most popular analyzes. A lot of us, for other reasons, stuck to the need. The whole analysis gives the user the opportunity to assess the shlunkovo-intestinal tract and in the whole health of the people.

    The same analysis of feces is called a coprogram. Analysis for the coprogram of a small training course. In Pershu Cherga, Lyudin is guilty of dothrimuvatisya zvychaynu dіetu. For a number of reasons, a license can be considered a special way. In this case, there is a long list of live products and an easier assessment of the analysis. Diet Shmidta includes 1 liter of milk, 2 eggs, a small piece of white bread and a small amount of butter, about 100 g of chopped meat, 200 g of mashed potatoes, porridge. Tsya dієta vvazhaєya zvychanoy, її calorie content of trocha is more than 2200 kcal. Diet Pevzner Volodya more navantazhennyam. Її standard set of products: biliy and chorniy khlib, 200 g each, 200 g greased meat, 100 g butter, tsukor, greased potatoes, sauerkraut, Greek and rice porridge, fresh fruits and carrots.

    At the stage of preparation, prior to the analysis of the drug, it is necessary to report on all the drugs taken. Deyakі people use the method to take material for the analysis of feces to carry out kіzmi or to take the carried medications, but robiti is not possible. Call the analysis of feces 1 time, albeit one for the testimonies, and, especially when the child is recognized, the analysis of feces can be known to be taken at 3, 4 or 5 defecations. For such a vypadku the analysis should be asked for about 3 days of age.

    Material for analysis of feces must be taken in clean dry dishes. A small jar can be bought in a pharmacy or taken in a laboratory. The material followed the brothers neatly and quilted, and the fecal matter did not go astray. For the analysis, clean about 10-20 m. Bazhano deliver the analysis of feces to the laboratory as it is, albeit unwise, it is allowed to be taken at temperatures from 3 to 5 ° C for no more than 8 years. The jar can be placed in the refrigerator.

    Zrazok form for analysis of feces :

    Coprogram - yak correctly add cal for analysis

    To create the coprogram correctly, you need to learn it in advance. On the right in that, it is wrong to pick up on the analysis of feces, which can lead to quiet indices. And it’s in its own right before the establishment of the wrong diagnosis and the sign of ineffective treatment.

    This is also a coprogram and for whom is it necessary?

    Coprogram - zagalny analysis of feces yes, there is a notice about the robot of all etching organs. The coprogram allows you to identify those who are sick of the organs of etching, stitches for their development, as well as for the time, as effectively as possible. Coprogram - tse dіdzhennya, as it is carried out not only for grown-ups, but for children. Especially great is the value of the dosage of ma for the detection of natural problems and functions of the organs of etching.

    In order for the result to be reliable, it is necessary for the nobility to rule on the collection of feces for this dosage.

    Chi needs to go to collect feces for coprogram

    So, it’s because of the nature of the harvest and the acceptance of the young barvniks, to the submission of material for analysis. For a few days before the end of the day, it is necessary to live together with the dosed together of the main Ingredients. This is the most correct manifestation of this pathology. It’s a short-hour child before the delivery of feces.

    • Dieta Pevzner is a very good food. Vona transferє is the maximum permutation on the etching organisation. Dobovy ratsіon zagalnaya caloric value 3250 kcal include: 400 g white and black bread, 250 g meat, greased with shmat, 100 g butter, 40 g zukru, Greek and rice porridge, greased potatoes, dried salad with cabbage, kvasshen fruit and fresh apples. On such children it is possible to see little functional damage on the side of the etching organs.
    • Diet Shmidta - the whole food is sparing, the calorific value of what is expensive is 2250 kcal. Dobovy ratsion tsієї children include: 1-1.5 liters of milk, 2-3 soft-boiled eggs, 125 g of lightly fried chopped meat, 200-250 g of mashed potatoes, slushy cakes, 100 g of white bread or crackers, 50 g of butter ... For such a meal, healthy people do not appear in the feces of an undisturbed one. Well, the etching is destroyed, the pathology will be revealed.

    Standards for analysis of feces for coprology in children and adults

    coprogram- zalnoklіnіchny doslіdzhennya kalu. For the normal development of the baby, it is important not only to get it right. ale and such an indicator, like a good over-etching. According to the results of the given analysis, the diagnosis can be assessed, in which case the poisoning has been damaged and the infection has not been damaged.

    K2 tse component materials for Joomla! CMS with some additional functions, you can guess CCK (Content Construction Kit - in Russian you can interpret it as “component-like opening-be-type-content”). Yogo distributors є JoomlaWorks walnut portal.

    Vin allows koristuvacheva keruvati on the site in a more manual and casual mode. You can open a blog, a catalog of goods or services, a file archive, a multimedia gallery, an online magazine vikoristovuchi all one component! The distribution of the whole hard-hitting renaissance was published in 2006 but, alas, unfortunately, until the moment, no documentation on the new published was published. No more articles and video files in English.

    A small amount of cover instruction was written for those quiet who want to try and attend K2 in a day, but literally do not know much about it.

    Croc 1. Download the last version of K2 from the official site of the developers. Step 2. Install the K2 vikoristovuchi Joomla Extensions Manager.

    Krok 3. Download and install the basic version of the translation of the K2 component

    Croc 4. Open the K2 control panel through the "Components" menu item, or speed it through the module on the admin side.

    Krok 5. Create a group of additional fields. Name them according to their names: Blog, Catalog, Directory, or whatever the name is.

    Note: Adequate fields realize the definition of submission of materials, so that when a new material is introduced in the category, which has been awarded a scientific group of pre-existing fields, you can memorize these fields. And in such a rank, all materials of this category are given to the information “field - meaning”. Price is absolutely necessary when opening a product catalog.

    For example, add a group of additional fields in the Catalog and add those fields:

    b) Rosemary

    Whenever new skin material is established, you will also see a card for a product, and when a product is entered according to a statute-description, it will be neatly displayed in a tabular view (for replies).

    Croc 6. Add additional fields to your groups of additional fields

    Note: For the suggestions, be-a kind of material is already a Subject, Text and Main image. If you need to pick up K2 if you don't have an article engine (for Novin, Blogs), then you can not pick up additional fields (as it can be added to a large number of views). Vikoristovyte additional fields for the entry of File archives, Catalogs, Galleries.

    Note: You can import all the current categories and materials in Joomla! with the help of one button (In the upper right kuti "Import"). Thus, your transition from the extraordinary component of materials to K2 will be practically painless. One of the powers that be so quickly gave K2 its last popularity.

    Croc 8. Give a group of koristuvachiv. Registered and Site Owner. You can provide access rights for other groups before publishing materials (in singing categories), peering, editing materials and actions.

    Krok 9. Assign to the already existing joomla-koristuvachi one of the group of koristuvachiv K2. Install їх become, give a description and add an avatar. Qia minimal blog-questionnaire is given in the basic delivery of K2. The details of the author can be seen in the published statute or news.

    Croc 10. Give the tags. The system of tags is not just a very fashionable "flash", but it actually gives a hole for the use of this site, allowing the implementation of pseudo-multicategory, forcing linking for SEO, brings order to chaos.

    Krok 11. Assign K2 related items to the menu items (categories, materials, sidelines).

    Note: Same tsei stage wiklikє the newcomers have the most power. Often it’s not up to the mark of K2, to rob the import of old materials, write new materials in the category, but not the result. And that’s all because the menu items still apply to Joomla! That was treated to Krok 11 with special respect!

    Krok 12. Publish the K2 LOGIN module in the module managers, if you still have launched the interactive site. You can also publish the K2 modules for comments, K2 content or K2 tools. Oh, I'll stick around in articles.

    Croc 13. Submit the material to the skin category. If you have passed point 8, and then 12, then you can work directly from the face panel of the site. If you have a vipadku, you can see it through the admin. Joomla! Panel

    There are still more dull moments, but I will definitely cover them in the upcoming articles. I’m in the hands of a complete instruction, whether a ear can not only stand up K2, or even see the whole thing, and far to the right in creativity, and commitment.

    Posting to JoomlaWorks materials

    Component K2 is also a tsіkave extension for Joomla. The main feature of the field component is that it is possible for Joomla to enable new functions, which are not available for Joomla, but in some other CMS such as Drupal and Wordpress.

    In the first place, the possibility of adding materials and articles to the site by users of the site, as well as the creation of new portals, blogs, catalogs, the introduction of additional fields for skin statistics, adding video to the gallery for an additional plug-in AllVideos, an additional Image plug-in a system for adding comments from captchas from Google, a module for restoring and authorizing, an author's module that allows you to display information about authors, how to publish statistics, openness to an archive, a category and tags module.

    All modules are added to K2 and from Joomla for suggestions. The robot with this component is even simpler, as the text editor has the same parameters as Joomla, and the selection of categories gives you the ability to display the settings right away for all articles of the given category of the function "Successfully enter" from the category. In addition, in the skin material there is the possibility of displaying social bookmarks, views, rating of votes, navigation.

    Today's day component K2 Updated to version 2.7.1. Tsei release has learned all kinds of pompki, created by K2 by the cultivation of the previous versions. Besides, in the whole version of the introduction of serious changes, you can adjust the display of your content and edit it from the face of the site. A new version 2.7.0 will be cleaned up in the next hour.

    Yak correctly onoviti K2 until the last version

    Updated K2 to the rest version (2.7.1)

    Bagatokh to update the nutrition, as it is correct to update the K2_v2.4.1 component or the version is up to version 2.7.1.

    It’s easy to update the k2 component to the last version, but it’s easy to upgrade to version 2.6.5. The new version of k2 is installed on top of the previous versions. (You don't need to see anything, just install a new version and everything will be correct). If you are not aware of it, you are guilty of intelligence, but if you are using your template for the previous version, for example, for 2.5.7 and earlier, such a template is not confusing for us.

    Template version 2.6.2, complete with version 2.7.1, I want three files to be displayed in front of the front version in one file (generic.php) and go to the file components / com_k2

    Download the zip archive of K2 and go to the extension manager (Install / View) in the Joomla admins and vibrate, add the add-on and install the zip file, which you just did ( com_K2_v2.7.1.rus). Writing a whole component will be updated until the last version, or just pick it up automatically from the Joomla admin.

    Yak and zavd, do not forget your site, first try K2 until the last version, vikorist for tsiy bezstavny backup component Akeeba .

    Є You can change the template, if you fix it from version 2.7.0, there will be changes in the K2 template, so be respectful when (if) you are updated, you will get a coriguvati template.

    Installing the Russifier for K2 through the Joomla admin

    If you have installed the English version of K2, todi, you can use it, for the component, install the russian version, Russifier is installed through the extension manager (Install / View) in the Joomla admin, like and whether it’s the extension for Joomla. For installation of the Russifier, the K2 component on the site and in the administrator will be increased by Russification.

    Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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