Modules for photoshop cc. Modules for Photoshop

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If you want Photoshop to be superbly versatile in its own right (especially CC 2017), it’s unwise for you to do it for other obvious tools. In general, come to the aid of Photoshop plugins - a tool that is often ignored by designers.

A large number of functional polygons (as well as some resources for Photoshop) are intended for photographs, albeit є y ti, which can help the robot to help web designers. One of these plugins is to navigate your building analysis and generate functional CSS code.

10 boxless Photoshop plugins


Price: Bezkoshtovno

FontAwesome is a majestic collection of 675 new icons that will cover all possible visuals for UI design, layout, etc. FontAwesomePS is a plugin-free plugin that can add everything to Photoshop without any problems. The icons are more scalable and can be changed as if it were the only vector object. This plugin is indispensable for web designers.

Price: Bezkoshtovno

Fontea is a plug-in for Photoshop without a plug-in, so you need access to all Google fontsі permits the classification of їх on their own investigation.


Price: Bezkoshtovno

Ink has given additional information about your layout: formatting text, color, scale, gradients and a lot of things. This is a digital assistant, who will not be just for you, but for your customers. Skoda, in real life there is no such speech ( by the way, Zdalegіd zrazumіti, where come the sofa for the room).


Price: Bezkoshtovno

CSS3Ps is a plugin-free Photoshop plugin that lets you create CSS code from your PSD document. The plugin in the Danish hour has been developed and correctly processed such functions of CSS3, yak border-radius, Scale, gradinti, tini etc. Krim tsyogo, win also sumsny with SASS for Compass.


Price: Bezkoshtovno

IsometrIcon is a unique plugin, which is suitable for the establishment of realistic isometric objects, as you can use it at the establishment of sites and development of the site. Win propony 4 strands of isometric reimagining, dull cube generator and 50 px isometric grid. Tsey plugin will be successful with Photoshop CC 2017.

Seamless Textures 2

Price: Bezkoshtovno

Seamless Textures 2 In an enchanting order, I show realistic seamless textures from photographs. You can add textures or mirror textures and add them to your library of templates in Photoshop.

Nik Collection

Price: Bezkoshtovno

Google - to reach the bagata of the company, it’s good to propose deyaki pershoklasnі tools absolutely bezoshtovno. I Nik Collection is one of them. The whole plugin is a set of effects that can accommodate 7 professional filters for photographs - Analog Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro and Dfine.


Price: Bezkoshtovno

Velositey is a reference guide for web designers. The Danish Photoshop plug-in includes easy-to-use ready-made website layouts and extra elements, such as headers, sliders and content blocks, which can be quickly modified and changed.


Price: Bezkoshtovno

Have you ever gotten around to the neat curve settings in Photoshop? For the solution of your problems є simple і bezkoshtovne solution... The Curves plugin proposes a number of frontal adjustments of curves and more manual adjustment of brightness and contrast, as well as allows for inverting parameters.

Transform Each

Price: Bezkoshtovno

As long as your mastery of the field is in order to change or rotate the circle of objects that are roasted on the small balls, you will know Transform Each Photoshop. The button for the front view allows you to change the look, as you can see all the changes made in front of them.

10 premier Photoshop plugins

Fontself for Photoshop

Price: $ 49

With the help of Fontself, you can create innovative colored fonts and export them as OTF files.

Perspective Mockups

Price: $ 19

Perspective Mockups give you the ability to showcase your website design or mobile supplement as professional as possible. On the view of static models with adjusted combinations of objects, you can easily modify them according to your project.

AD Brutus Symmetry

Price: $ 10

AD Brutus Symmetry is a superbly brown Photoshop plugin for digital artists to work with characters. Win vikoristovuє directly Photoshop for the generation of simulations in real time, as well as work with vibrators.

ON1 Resize

Price: $ 79.99

The editors of the unique technology, based on the fractal of the ON1 Resize plug-in for Photoshop, give you the flexibility to scale the image without losing any sharpness.


Price: $ 15

Fontic is another brown premium font management plugin. I scan your PSD file and display a list of victorious fonts. Krym ts'ogo vin also generates the necessary code, which can be exported without the need to go into your web project. Fontic works with Google Fonts, Typekit and the smartest version of Photoshop CC from 2014 to rock.


Price: $ 10

Tsey plugin has more possibilities with victorian Grid Photoshop. With this additional help, you can set up a hundred, rows, midpoints and straight lines, like for all document, and for an adjacent ball.

Chameleon adaptive palette

Price: $ 15

"Vibir color for suggestions" is no longer an option, if you have a super-plug-in Photoshop plug-in. The adaptive Chameleon palette gives you additional control over the quotations of your project.


Price: $ 39.99

CSS Hat 2 analyzes your Photoshop balloon and transforms it into CSS code. The most effective plugin for converting ready-made PSD-templates into interactive websites. Win pratsyu on Windows and Mac, with Photoshop CC 2014-2017.

Filter forge

Price: $ 37- $ 328

Filter Forge will provide you with access to continuously update the collection of color filters, textures and templates - a total of 12,000 effects. The Professional Plus license (one for $ 328) gives you pre-requisite access to all major plugin updates. Filter Forge is also available as a standalone add-on for Windows and Mac.

Machine wash deluxe

Price: $ 99

Yak to add retro style to your images? You can store the textures manually, cup the styles of the ball, and do it automatically, or you can use the premium Photoshop plugin. The remaining option is the most economical, since Machine Wash Deluxe comes with 3500+ presets, which can be stuck to photographs, text, touch-ups and the latest artworks.


Vikoristovuvati Photoshop plug-in is not necessary, but it will help you to spare a great part of an hour. Think about їх victoriannya! With them, you can optimize your work process, stop worrying about terms and bring something new to your project!

Graphic editor Photoshop є one of the most demanded tools, which designers and photography should reproach. The functionality of the programs is gradually expanding, the skin version proposes new ways of robots with raster graphics, and there are no fewer than many designers to import, so you can often use it in the program. The price to increase productivity called for the appearance of the numerical plug-ins for Photoshop, the skinny ones I will ask the robot to use the program. FreelanceToday promotes your uvazi 20 cool plug-ins for Photoshop.

The Danish plugin will allow designers to work over the leaves of the layout, as well as web fonts, as they will be displayed on the website. The robot with the plugin displays access to more than 1100 fonts from Google. Web Font Plugin works with Photoshop versions from CS5 to CC (2014 Rock version).

Velosity V2 will be one of the most popular plugins in 2015. With the release of another version, the plugin has become more corny - with the help of the designer, you can assign more than an hour to the most important elements of the layout and become a monotonous robot. Vikoristannya templates and surrounding modules allow you to create prototypes of sites literally for free.

The Layrs Control 2 plug-in without a plug-in offers 6 ways of robots with balls and files. Vikoristannya plugin to allow the robot to simply simplify over great layouts with a ball. The designer can in one click see the nevikoristovuvani effects on all the back balls, see all the empty balls, know the files and folders with the same names. You can use the handy tool to change the name of the balls and folders. The plugin is sumy from Photoshop CC and CC2014.

Cut & Slice Me is a plugin-free plugin, for which you can simplify the preparation of design elements for different types of attachments. By no means all designers call the ball correctly, but often make it a mess. The plugin will forgive the process of changing, so when exporting an image, you can change the item to the exact size of the pixel. Okremo varto means the function of the robot with buttons - the designer can automatically assign a button to all countries.

For the additional Flaticon plugin, you can quickly know the required icon, not running with the programs. The icon can be picked up immediately in the design. The plug-free version of the plugin shows only 10 icons for one sound supply. Another simple plug-in for robots with standard icons. If you need it to be original, then you will get a paid version, which costs $ 9.99.

Another brown plugin that allows converting different styles (tini, gradinti) into CSS code. The designer can send the finished shape, save the styles and then send the finished result to the server through a special extension. After a few seconds, CSS3PS came up with a code that could be victorious in versts. The plugin will allow the developers to play around with monotonous robots and listen to more important speeches.

The Ink plugin allows you to add information about layouts. Tse buvaє duzhe cinnamon, if there is a copy of rozrobniks above the site. Correctly documented balls to lie down in a frost, so that all the necessary specifics can be accommodated in the model. As a result, the finished site will be visually accurate as the designer needs.

Duzhe tsіkaviy plugin, created by web developer Roєm Barber. With this additional help, you can in one click wake up from all textures, even gradients, and re-create the design with pseudo-reduced elements in the plane of construction. The creator of the plugin has already carefully presented his project (beware, the site has profanity). However, the plug-in is brown, especially when there are a lot of large elements and a robot over these corrections can be tightened. Skeuomorphism to destroy the whole boring robot! As soon as the result is not satisfactory, then you can probably update the website with a lot of views.

For the additional Pictura plug-in, you can quickly know the required images on Flickr and immediately follow the design. It is no longer necessary to accept and add the image by hand - all the joke will be done without a second in Photoshop. Flickr API plugin, but the service itself is not official. If it is necessary to provide a picture without a frame, then you can enter filters for looking at pictures, as you can choose for special and commercial purposes.

The Social Kit plug-in allows you to create custom templates for Facebook, Google, Twitter and others. social hedge... The creation of the template will be automatically updated in case of any changes to the design of social media. I don’t need to hand over anything;

With the help of the Bounce plugin, you can connect to the Dribbble partnership and view the content on the site without using Photoshop.

Composer - tse duzhe hand tool for robots with balls. The ordered designer є chotiri command for the help of which you can control whether the changes in the layout. With the help of the plugin, it is possible to synchronize the styles in all the back spheres, which is especially important in great projects, if the style is necessary for all the sides of the layout. One-hour synchronization and additional control over how to make changes to help speed up an hour of the robot over the layout.

An hour in the design of the site it is necessary to take pictures of koristuvachiv. Don't waste an hour on the sound of an incoming image, as you can use the Random User Generator plugin without beating victorious in the design. Using the plugin is even simpler to use the plugin: it is not necessary to vibrate the required images (number of images) and drag the image into a Photoshop document. All randomly generated images of corystuvachiv are extended under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0 license, and can also be used in commercial projects. The plugin base has over 1000 photos.

Step by step select the balls in the layout and display the palette of colors for removing the sixteen-point color - how can it be better? However, with the help of the Hexy plugin, a heavy robot can be easily simplified. It is necessary that you do not take the required amount with a pen and copy it into the exchange buffer.

The plug-in Swatchy plug-in allows you to select the vibran color in the same dad and then pick up the required video by simply clicking on a new bear. Even a small and brown plug, for the help of which you can pick up a great collection of the best in the distance of the collegiate palates.

Free Lorem Ipsum Generator is a ribby generator. The generated text needs to be copied to the clipboard and then saved in the layout. Start by hand with a simple tool for generating text! The plugin is not only for Photoshop, but for Illustrator, InDesign and Dreamwever. You can install the plugin once for the additional Adobe Extension dispatcher;

When designing websites or web-based information, designers are provided with layouts of dozens of screens and alternative options. To find out what you do, you can do it with the plugin. The plugin is a tool for making comments, which can be seen by third-party vendors.

A plug-in free plug-in for the development of all types - one of the most popular effects in flat design. The effect can be set up to fonts, so up to new elements, Naprylad, іkonka. It is necessary to deprive you of vibrati, until there is no effect, to provide the type of tini and vidregulyuvati dzhinu for the help of the pozuniv.

Breeezy is a plugin for quick export of balloons. In addition, you can significantly improve the functionality of Photoshop and speed up the robot over the graph for additional information and sites. Breeezy sberіgaє vision of balls when exporting and sberіga all vibranі files in one papacy.

With the help of the Gradient Blur plug-in, you can open the gradient gradients. Tsei efect allows you to screw up your gaze to the most important part of the image. The regulation of the gradation is located behind the aid of the building, it is also possible to vibrate the type of gradation - vertical or horizontal.

I want Photoshop itself to be superbly versatile, but it’s impossible for the deyaki of the operation to find out for the help of the already obvious tools. In such cases, plugins for Photoshop come to help - tools, which will allow you to help the robot to improve productivity.

The modules are great for working with hard-working or repetitive projects, such as exporting balls, converting files to SCC3 from PSD, converting texts to SVG format and so on. Photoshop plugins are great quantity. Below you will see a look around the great plug-ins for "Photoshop" with the description, which will help you with the robots.

Adobe camera raw

Plugin for editor Adobe photoshop CS5, available in RAW format. You will be able to adapt the robot with RAW photodits, familiar with the most advanced photocamera models.

Bagatma designers have been using a plug-in for "Photoshop" for a long time already as a necessary editor, which is good enough for a copy of photographs. Image toning, import of files RAW format, Correction of the balance of colors, victorian masks - far from re-list the possibilities of the whole plugin. The Adobe Photoshop platform together with the Camera RAW module are indispensable tools in the professional activity of any photographer.

The new version of the plugin will adapt "sire" files in the DNG format, which allows you to work with "digital negatives", to achieve the necessary results in terms of the artwork.

Plus and minus in vidgooks

In addition, the plug-in of practical work from a large number of amateur and professional cameras from all types of virobniks, as well as those of perevagi:

  • hand-held instrument panel for correction;
  • support for a wide range of digital camera models;
  • the plugin can be expanded without koshtovaya;
  • tools for visualizing colonic noise;
  • editing of presets and the first effects for Photoshop;
  • loading RAW files;
  • the appearance of the tool for editing masks through gradients;
  • Possibility of changing the display, temperature, contrast, light, color, strength and other parameters of the color;
  • The Adobe DNG Converter utility has been added to allow converting RAW files to DNG;
  • Possibility of the usunenny of the optics;
  • preview panel for adjusting the image;
  • The function of exporting video bits is similar in many ways to the similar option in Adobe Lightroom.

I shortcomings:

  • the plugin will be installed only for the obviousness of Adobe Photoshop;
  • If you install Camera RAW, you can change the setting;
  • older versions of the plugin are not supported by Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Bridge CS6.

Plugin for "Photoshop"

Portraiture is a plug-in, which is used for breaking up specially for Adobe Photoshop, which is used to lighten the process of correcting portraits. You can clean up a photograph of a different kind of artifacts that have been removed due to inadequate illumination of the object, which can be photographed even if the ISO values ​​are high. At the same time, the correction does not blend into the texture of the skin, but the important details on the face are left unfinished (lips, eyes, eyes, eyebrows).

The graphical interface of the module is designed to be handy and simple, at all times when editing a copy of a photograph is sent from the file being edited, as it allows you to display a copy of a snapshot in real time. The elements of the management of the head rank are to serve as guides, as they show the skin for their parameter. Є function for automatic visualization of the surface of the mask and the opening of the mask, as you can hand over it. It is also possible to smoothly adjust the parameters of illumination and color effects for Photoshop. possibilities:

  • seeing inadequacies in skirts without a change in texture;
  • accelerating the retouching process;
  • displaying a commission of two copies of a photo for evaluating the results "before" and "after";
  • vivid artifacts;
  • the manifestation of the tool for the correction of illumination;
  • handy and practical interface.

For good quality

Plugin for "Photoshop" Color Pilot Plug-in adaptations to graphic editors PhotoDeluxe, Paint Shop Pro and Photo-Paint. I will allow you to carry out a quick review of the image and the building process of correcting the color balance of the photograph, which are primed on the indications for the number of pictures. The program is intuitive smart interface... For example, in such a collection it is possible to take the color of juice grass and on its basis to carry out the correction on the other landscape signs. It is also possible to automatically display the color of the photo.

By the head, for the witnesses of the corystyvachiv, є the possibility of accumulating and forgiving information about the information with the robot with the plugin (it is not possible to save the number of rings).

Another non-perevagoyu is called a corner with a support color, like a pole at a vkazіvtsі in a similar color and the power of thіth victorian in a shabby image.

And before the shortages, they brought in:

  • visibility of the operation of the ball and filter;
  • visibility of the "Panorama" function;
  • the scope of the batch processing function.

Knoll light factory

The Danish plug-in is used for the output of the mirror image from the display of the bright light through the camera lens. The tool is significantly larger than its counterparts in standard versions of Photoshop, Premiere and After Effects. With the exit of the last minute from Windows 32/64, it is possible to work with Windows XP. A plugin to replace unimportant templates and more than 200 installations. "Photoshop" plugin interface with Russian language views in the view of two vertical smokes with buttons for displaying effects on the left side of the screen.

Є Possibility to look at the effects in real time (without the need for saving) and 19 additional tools on the mainstream of the most powerful imaging effects.

  • plugin will work in After Effects, Adobe;
  • more than 200 presets;
  • intelligence without prompts; simple and simple interface;
  • 19 іnstrumentsіvnіvnya vlastnyh glareefektіv;
  • Realized the consistency of the Windows 32x / 64x OS.

View of the onOne Software retail outlet

Perfect Photo Suite is one of the smallest plug-ins for Photoshop with a great number of possibilities. It is intuitively simple to operate the supplementary tools, because the module is not only for professional photographers, but also for amateurs.

The plugin offers a whole range of basic editing functions: retouching, editing photos, gluing with panoramas, scaling. Є Possibility of robots with balls (copying, processing, adjusting the vision, etc.).

The middle of the tools in their books is rich in variety of markers, brushes, pens and other standard speeches for photo editors.

Also, like adding a color photo in "Photoshop", you can also add original frames with effects to the finished image, set up the images, and also add portraits.

  • easy import of photographs (through the browser or using the "drag and drop" method);
  • vidіlennya key object in the photo;
  • correcting without losing the quality of the image;
  • library of professional photoeffects;
  • fractal way of improvement;
  • settings for weight and depth of tone;
  • robot with balls.

Topaz ReMask

One of the smallest plug-ins for "Photoshop", which vikoristyu even more accurate algorithm for seeing on images of objects. With this help it is possible to see the necessary element from the background, or we can see through the background. There is a collection of plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop with the ability to integrate. And quite recently it has become a "self-contained" supplement.

By installing Topaz ReMask as a plugin, you can remove the possibility of seeing objects in the outer sphere and transferring it to your image.

In newer versions of Photoshop, you can use the tool to open a new ball automatically in case of skin vision. I as a "self-contained" add-on, as a plug-in, it can be used in 16-bit and 8-bit modes.

  • Photoshop can transfer the object to a new ball.
  • The function of showing the background of the objects with folding contours.
  • Possibility of adjusting the intensity of the mask, stepping up to the level of excellence and rigidity of the region.

For Adobe Photoshop editor

Perfectly Clear is a plugin for "manual" and automatic image correction. Especially the popularity of the quickest plug-in for "Photoshop" deserves the power of "polishing" the picture with one click.

Perfectly Clear, for every single decision, proposes instantly all modes for automatic correction.

If the results of the automatic mode will not wipe you, then you can independently "use" the pozunki by switching to the manual adjustment.

  • Expands yak plugin for Photoshop.
  • Reveal unlawful parameters and adjust for correction in "manual" mode.
  • Pratsuє with RAW images.
  • combination of possibilities new modes auto-correction.
  • Possibility of correcting an out-of-the-box image with one cliché.

Plugin Exposure

I want you to be built, but your photographs are not vistaca, the stinks look backward and unremarkable and flat - todi dane dodatok For you. With this help you can add a soul to your digital photo. And the specs of the plug-in interface are intuitively intelligent and not easy to learn, it can be done in just a couple of clicks.

Exposure can also carry out basic operations with graphical files, such as: changes to contrast, changes to display, intensity, light / thin and so far.

The vibe of presets for the imitation of analog photographs is simply magnificent: from the black-and-white float and before the cross-process of the style of lomography and the effect of re-exposing the float on the Lomo Compact Automat.

Adobe Photoshop is cult programmatically secure, Has formed a modern light of graphic design.

Unfortunately, the strong side of Photoshop is a great list of functions and possibilities - maybe it's weak, since it’s about the rational organization of the work process.

Happily, for Photoshop, it is possible to add more, which add to the speed of the number of days necessary for the execution of typical operations. Five plugins are discussed in the statty, which can really spare your hour and let you go from everyday routine.



The first plug-in, which is understandable, is called Renamy and the designation of wines for carrying out mass operations with the names of layers.

For designers' ideas, we can think of a plugin. Ale in folding projects with dozens and hundreds of Renamy balls can become a reference guide.

Renamy allows you to change the number of balls in one day. Moreover, there can be a joke and a joke with a change right in the names of the balls. For example, if you want to open the gray green balls with a duplikatsia path, the yak axis can simply be broken:

Author Renamy Navit included an auto-save function in their plugin. Read more, and Renamy will serve you as a continuation of the list of previous introductions. Tse additional help to obtain steel in the names of balls and release from the grants.

You can, if you name the ball in you, also the order of their mutual roztashuvannya. Renamy will help you with the numbering of balloons.

Renamy is available for Windows and MacOS. The price of the plugin is $ 9.99, and you need to tell me, I have a lot of money. Є also i bezkoshtovna version, Ale in nіy not vistacha deyakykh korisnykh opportunities.


Pixel2Vector is a modest, ale cory plugin from the Orange Box, which can help you export your project in vector format.

All your diy penzlem or olivets will automatically be re-configured in the line vector baby... It is especially hostile, it is aimed at one click of the mischief.

Pixel2Vector save your little one with the contours, and the offensive once you can change the size or the color of the little elements without sacrificing quality.

Pixel2Vector will adapt Photoshop CS5, CS6 and CC.

Moreover, the plugin is plug-in-free, so plug it in right at once.


The author of the GuideGuide plugin is Cameron Makif. Yoogo robots with guides in Photoshop are not smooth, that is why they implement in their plugins more manual methods of directing and directing.

In practice, the plugin allows you to store a number of prizes, which will help the designer's hour.

The first glimpse of a pole in the stem of the net is all just a couple of clicks. You don’t need to go viral if you have any problems or try. Just enter the number of columns, their width, the size of the cordons, and the GuideGuide to complete everything else.

Another method is the stem of the guides along the edges of the streaming video, or by the middle point, is automatically calculated by the plugin. Superbly corny function.

You can install Photoshop free of charge, if you want to follow the author's account, you can make a modest donation on his site.

The plugin goes to all versions of Photoshop.


The TinyPNG plugin allows you to change the size of a file in PNG format. Files in PNG format are supervisedly expanded through the ability to gain insight. All browsers and graphical add-ons. Unimportant on the price, often PNG-files on the Internet may be more expensive, not required.

TinyPNG allows incremental speed of the number of quotes in the PNG file. In less than palette, in less time in one pixel, in less time in less file. In such a rank it is possible to spare up to half a file without a shkodi yogo zvnishnim viglyad.

To install the plugin add to the Photoshop interface, a new panel will help you to set a folder to save your tight files.

Tsey plugin kostuє $ 40, if you happen to be able to cut a lot of PNG-files, don’t tell me about vitracheni koshty. The online version of TinyPNG is simple and free of charge, but it’s easy to use the robot through the need for a skin-like time to go to the browser. More dear: a penny for an hour, - vibrate to you.

TinyPNG will adapt Photoshop CS5, CS6 and CC and two versions: for PC and Mac. You can add plug-ins here.


The SavePanel plugin optimizes the file saving process. Plugin interface є a simple form for the introduction of standard parameters for files: the catalog of the designation, format, size and template.

We'll stick the plugin for the best cinnamon stick in Photoshop.

Be aware of the situation, if you need to save a number of the currently opened files in one directory. SavePanel will help you to edit with a couple of clicks - zoom, if you set the parameters in advance.

The first time, just shut up Photoshop, you have to make your way through a series of dialogues to save a file, then the whole plugin is just for you.

SavePanel for Photoshop CS5, CS6 and CC can be expanded without kosher here.


CSS Hat is a superb brown plugin for web designers, so it can be used to transform Photoshop balls into CSS files, so it can be added to your web project. Bagatoob_tsyayuche, what's wrong?

As well as being smart, the main feature of CSS Hat is to automate routine actions when transferring a site's layout to style files. The whole process, I will hand over the vibrations, to finish the laborious and load up with pardons, but with the help of this plugin, the layout stage can be completed in a few seconds.

All you need to do is install the plugin and move the required ball to the CSS Hat panel. The CSS code will be generated mittєvo.

Modules are used in Adobe Photoshop by the programs, as a singing order of the image. You can add plug-ins for Photoshop, by yourself, expanding the functionality of your graphic editor.

How do I install plugins in Adobe Photoshop?

Download the archive from our site, unpack it and place the file with * .8BF extensions into the Plug-Ins \ Filters folder. When launched, the editor looks at the Plug-Ins \ Filters directory and restructures the plugins there, which are available in the Filters menu.

  • Format: ZIP
  • Size: 0.6 Mb
With the help of the Catless FlatIcon plugin, you can quickly know the icons that are necessary for your design. At the moment of the hour, 63578 ikons are located in the base!

  • Format: ZIP
  • Size: 0.6 Mb
With the help of the Catless FlatIcon plugin, you can quickly know the icons that are necessary for your design. At the moment of the hour, 63578 ikons are located in the base!

  • Format: ZIP
  • Size: 0.5 Mb
This small plugin allows you to convert all your balls to CSS3. In one archive plugin for Adobe version Photoshop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC and CC 2014.

  • Format: ZIP
  • Size: 2.1 MB
I will upgrade the boardless SuperPNG plugin to adapt the PNG format, as well as additional options: Alpha channel control, Variable Compression, Smart Quantization, ICC profile embedding, Meta Data saving.

  • Format: ZIP
  • Size: 38.6 Mb
CristalEye has integrated 30 filters for the graphics editor Adobe Photoshop, for the addition of which you can easily visualize without problems: the establishment of logos, the imagination of different natural phenomena and a lot of them.

  • Format: ZIP
  • Size: 3.9 MB
Tsey plugin will help you with portraits. Visoka Yakity The images of the image will be similar to the preservation of the texture of the skin, hair and other important details of the call.

  • Format: ZIP
  • Size: 6.2 MB
A whole lot of plugin features for smoothing an image in Photoshop, so that you have a wide range of options for editing photographs and adding promotional effects to your robots in a whole graphic editor.

  • Format: ZIP
  • Size: 1.1 MB
Layrs Control 2 is a plugin-free plug-in that can take revenge in a number of scripts for simplifying your robots in the graphic editor Adobe Photoshop. The vison plugin has five main functions: editor for changing balls, seeing non-porous ball styles, rasterizing ball styles, seeing all empty balls and rasterizing all smart objects in the ball panel.

  • Format: ZIP
  • Size: 13.1 Mb
The TechArt plugin is a re-creation of the graphic image, opened with Adobe Photoshop, into babies, vikonaniy from the hands in different styles, with the help of other artists. You will neglect the pictures, painted on the canvas or on the porch, in the vugillam or in the watercolors, in the olive farbs or in the color olives. A number of ready-made forms to help you finish the picture with one click of Mish.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Portable

  • Photoshop is a package of professional programs for processing raster and vector graphics. Win for a long time and deserved to get involved in the insane leader of the middle graphic editors... The main editor will stop for finalizing compositions, editing photographs and producing images, color correction, preparation of other polygraphic products, finalizing and editing 2D and 3D files, editing and editing images for images
  • Adobe Photoshop CS5 Portable necessary tools stem and processing of point and raster images, for storing different effects to versions and channels. This version is new, practically non-interchangeable, for robots with images. CS5 includes support for free graphic formats.
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