Do not see an ordinary document. Having locked the file, but the win does not appear, but the file is not displayed

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UVAGA! The translation of the central statistics of the bulo viconano is not human, but behind the additional programs of the machine translation, broken up by the Microsoft corporation. Microsoft Corporation will provide you with statistics that have been transferred both by people and by means of machine transfer, so that you can learn more about the articles of the knowledge base KB native language. Protect the machine translation as a matter of course. There can be a vengeance of meanings, syntactic and grammatical pardons, like before, like a foreigner to rob pardons, rewrite your words with yours. Microsoft Corporation is not aware of any inaccuracies, punishments or misbehavior that might be caused by incorrect translation or registration. Microsoft Corporation will also frequently update it with the machine translation.

All products


Word є one of the most popular text editors. Basically, the document should be displayed in the doc format, which reads a text editor, it is not necessary to read the document. Protect vipadts, if the document does not appear. The reasons for this may be development, for that, in the statistics, there is a report.

Also, in the statistics you can find information about those who can display documents in the format of doc and інші text formats in addition to similar text editors from Microsoft.

How to open a text document for additional Word

This might be because the version of the text editor is outdated. You can easily update it on the Microsoft website, however, if the key was found illegally, you will have to pay with the new version.

At the same hour, the Microsoft company will propose the bezel-less counterparts of the Word text editor. It's about the so-called re-glancing programs. The stench allows you to see and overlook, as well as to drukuvati the text. At the same time, the functional is also enclosed by the opposite package. You can add danny analogs for qimi posilannym:

  • ExcelViewer.exe - for looking at Excel files;
  • - I would like to look at the Word files.

On the remaining versions of PCs and laptops with the installed Windows 7 operating system, Office Starter 2010 has been installed in most cases. There is an error in the operating systems, with some Word and Excel files not being displayed. If the files are not displayed on computers, you will need to try to reinstall the official package, it’s easy to finish it, if you don’t borrow a lot for an hour.

You know

  • - Instructions for reinstalling the software package.


  • Found the available and the best way to display a file on a computer: reinstall Office Starter 2010. The process is not so easy and scary, as it is a bug to find out. A further description of the operating system Windows 7. Go to the "Start" menu, then you need to vibrate the "Control Panel" option.

  • The tab "View programs" is available. Vibrate Microsoft Office Starter 2010. You need to vibrate the command "View" and confirm. Do not put a tick at the box "View all parameters", the stench is needed for a new program update.

  • Then go to the Start menu, vibrate Microsoft Office Starter 2010, click for this parameter. There will be a dialogue window, in which case a number of options will be projected. Select the option "Vikoristovuvati".

  • Then go to the Start menu, vibrate Microsoft Office Starter 2010, click for this parameter. There will be a dialogue window, in which case a number of options will be projected. Select the option "Vikoristovuvati". In most cases, the file cannot be displayed on a computer, so additional help.
  • Assess the article!

    On a PC, it’s not anxious to worry about it, but at any time, for some reason, there can be provocations of beats, in which case the operating system can be unsecured. You can also scan a file, which will not be displayed for the first time.

    Melodiously, richly reading the situation, if there is an important document of references for the help of an official supplement Microsoft Word, even if it is necessary to see the criterion, before the clerk it was announced that the file was informed, and the file of verbosity could be displayed. As for the stem, there is a lot of strength and vitality to become, be it worth, it can also provoke a heart attack.

    In order to preserve your health and do not get sick more than once when such a visit is made, rather read the recommendations, as you can see the Word file.

    Microsoft Office software vendors supervised situations, podbali about the methods of updating the generated files. In the link with the list, it is important to use it, as to update the updated version of the Word file, not for the third party but for the PZ.

    Functionality of Microsoft Word

    Like a document typed in Microsoft Word, having three changes, after which it has ceased to display correctly, it can be easily updated to the robot using the additional capabilities of the office add-on.

    For a wide range of views new document... Going to the top row of the menu, you need to move the mouse cursor over the "File" group, immediately open the context menu; Now it will be shown to the choice, in the next step, the document will be saved.

    Call the keystroke by clicking on the buttons, yaka led to the opening of the document. At the end of the day, you can see a list of additional possibilities by clicking on the menu. Itself here you can easily evolve the proposition "Vidkriti and vidnoviti". Well, really, the document is not aware of the catastrophic changes, the official supplement can easily be reanimated.

    If you didn’t have a little bit of success, didn’t go down in time, you couldn’t see it and the power of updating documents.

    Updating for additional third-party PZ

    If it is unfortunate to display an important document behind additional official programs, find out the best ways to allow you to reach the designated mark. Dosvіdchenі koristuvachі to propose valuable recommendations, as to update the Word document for the addition of special software protection, or service resources.

    Potential of online services

    On the wide open spaces of the Internet, it is easy to find powerless services, which will provide an effective help with serious documents, if the supplement itself does not have a problem.

    One of these services is The resource is absolutely intelligent, so it will not matter for newcomers.

    Uvіyshovshi to the site, from the list of slіd vibrate the document, vkazuyuchi way, de yogo saved on the PC. When you open it, it is important to vrahuvati, if the document is to be set up with a password, it is necessary to enter it in a special form at the end, if all attempts will be simply unsuccessful.

    Pislya tsiogo zalishaєtsya natisnut button "Bezpechna". The process is not trivial, it’s almost two-fold. On completion of the koristuvachev, a small piece of the updated document will be demonstrated. If it’s not readable, it means that it’s because it’s important to use the resources it’s worth. I'm okay, you can ask new text document. It's a pity that the whole resource is paid, so that will have to pay for the services. Bagato koristuvachіv weather, especially in quiet fall, if the file є great value.

    The whole online service is not unique, it is simple, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.

    Special PZ

    You can also add special programs, as well as functions for updating specific documents. Among them is є Recovery Toolbox for Word. The program is simple for Vikoristan, it doesn’t take a lot of money on a hard disk, it can be used for Vikoristan and on "weak" machines.

    For the launch of the programs, Koristuvach is already guilty of providing a document, which is important to update. The program was given to carry out the analysis, as soon as the update process was started.

    Recovery Toolbox for Word є using a pushing tool to help you reanimate and navigate through the documents.

    Otzhe, put down the problem, I am tied with the unfriendly display of any document, opened by the Word, it is possible to decalcom in ways. As the file is valuable, it is important to test all the methods, including the completion and payment of resources.

    Pomilka at vіdkrittі Word file... Solution є. Pomilka Word for an hour try to open a file

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    Virishiv write a little bit, I will love you, with Word programs.

    First, let's talk about pardoning the display of a file in Word. Check in with her this year. The first axis is before you come. Otzhe, when receiving files from Word format at me everything is normal zavanazhuvalosya and appeared on the computer.

    Alle, when opening files, the Word poured out when trying to open a file. Yak virishiti qiu grave Word?

    Pomilka pid hour of reading the Word file. Word, gratitude for the hour of the file Rishennya schodo krokiv ...

    Vidkrivaєmo Word. At the height of the onslaught, the "File"

    if we switch to “Parameters”, shukaєmo is in the list “Center for Bezpekoy Management”. An onslaught on a new one.

    When you see a new tab, de shukaєmo "Abductions of the peep-glance", an onslaught just on the button. For all these manipulations, we will see that we need to pick jackdaws from the first three rows, there are some rows of jackdaws.

    The three rows are as follows:

    • Enable hijacking of files from the Internet;
    • Including abductions of viewing files from potentially unsafe roztashuvannyah;
    • Remove the hijackings from the Outlook attachment.

    The picking up from the pererakhovannyh vishche obmezhen jackdaws, sberіgaєmo setting up and showing that file, which we have not seen. Infections of win can be seen.

    Arrive abductions re-glance

    My vipadku can be very, very sensitively, turn on the persecution, so that "Turn on the abductions for the files from the Internet" Know all three jackdaws of the stolen peers.

    Before the speech, in copywriters make money.

    Otzhe, pidsumuєmo: display Word / File / Parameters / Security control center / Parameters for security control center / Theft of a peek / Appliance three first jackdaws in a checkbox.

    More clicks with the cob text "Word pardon for an hour try to open the file ..."

    A gratitude when you open a Word file - now you know, how to put it down! Successful robots from Word.

    P.S. I will attach a screenshot of my earnings from partner programs. Moreover, I guess, so you can get a skin, find a newcomer! The head is correct in order, and hence, it seems to be among the quiet, who are also livelihoods, so that among the professionals in the Internet business.

    Grant friends. Vibachte for such a not even original title, but I would like to as accurately as possible razkrit the entire topic of the statty. I want to write this year about those who work, if you download it from the Internet and fail to access your computer, I think that if you've got it on the side, then you have such a problem. Well, oh well, oh, oh, oh well, food :).

    Below I will show you how to view files, as you simply cannot view your computer. But you can't look at you if you don't have a special program set up to adapt that format. І middle of standard equipment operating systems not that kind of program. Let's see everything on the application and with screenshots. I think it will be brighter and smarter this way.

    Displayed unavailable file

    1. You have blocked the file, which you do not want to edit, you can see it like this:

    When you try to see it, it will show up like this:

    2. You can vibrate “ Feedback on the Internet“, And what a program for given to the file know, then you can add the link to the file and open it. Well, if the program will not be known, you can joke with pens.

    Let's look at the stock in the most popular format .pdf, Kotriy standard way The OS does not appear, and it is so necessary to look at it.

    3. Marveling at the expansion is indicated in the file, as long as you have received the view of the expansion, then you read the article. І shukaєmo in Yandex or Google program for displaying a specific file. If, for example, you have a .pdf format, then it’s written in a pdf format. how to open (and extend your file)“. A couple of websites can be displayed as a joke, and the program can be displayed in the same format. At times with.pdf, you will be lucky for everything.

    4. The program will be installed by default;

    Yak vidchiniti word document?

    Word є one of the most popular text editors. Basically, the document should be displayed in the doc format, which reads a text editor, it is not necessary to read the document. Protect vipadts, if the document does not appear. The reasons for this may be development, for that, in the statistics, there is a report.

    You can also find information about those that can display documents in doc format and other text formats in addition to similar text editors from Microsoft.

    How to open a text document for additional Word

    Tse finish simple operation how you can fit in to see the child

    1. Vibrate required text document, which needs to be seen. Press the right button on the mouse and vibrate at the context menu "Look for help".
    2. Then from the list you need to vibrate a text editor Word. In this way, you can view documents in the format docx, doc, dot, docm, xml, xps and інші.

    You can also view documents in new versions of the Word text editor, as they are saved in older versions. Slid vrahovuvati, so deyaki formats, for example, pdf may not be identical to the original document when viewed in this text editor. Їх it is recommended to see a special programmatically secure adobe pdf reader.

    I do not document the word

    One of the main reasons for editing a text editor word to display that document is to send it to a file. When a file is received, you can update it for an additional added update function. For all, you need to open the text editor and go to the "File" tab, then "View" and vibrate from the menu "View and Update".

    Such a method is used in a lot of ways, however, it is not a guarantor of the renewal of the entire text. Part of the file may still not
    for updates.

    So much enough effective methodє vikoristannya special programs Recuva. Vona yesє I can update documents microsoft word, excel.

    This might be because the version of the text editor is outdated. You can easily update it on the Microsoft website, however, if the key was found illegally, you will have to pay with the new version.

    At the same hour, the Microsoft company will propose the bezel-less counterparts of the Word text editor. It's about the so-called re-glancing programs. The stench allows you to see and overlook, as well as to drukuvati the text. At the same time, the functional is also enclosed by the opposite package. You can download analogue data for the poles.

    Statute, as you see the problem, as the Word document does not appear.

    Software package Microsoft Office»Having won its popularity amongst the possibilities of such robots. But all the same, and with it, as if it were some kind of software, there are some problems.

    For example, some of them are confused about the problem, if it is hard to see " Word»A document that has no bearing on those that have recently opened the file normally.

    Tse bulo b pivbidi, as there is no bulo in the document important information... Anyone have a problem with the need to check, and in this look around we will talk about why the document should not be read. Word 2007/2010/2013/2016 and a pardon.

    Do not read the document "Word 2007/2010/2013/2016"

    Why can't you see a Microsoft Word document, and why not?

    If the document " Word»Do not be shown, we are displayed on the screen, as a matter of fact. As a rule, the system tells us about those that the file is encoded and it’s unwise to see it. If not, the file may not appear for some reason. There may be some reasons for this, for example:

    • Documents “ Word»Є free of charge small malunks, tables, formulas, and pardon can be found through those who do not use a text editor with codes. You can, the stench will be spared incorrectly and the program is not reasonable, but you need to see it.
    • Document " Word»Before displaying the bucket saved in the wrong format
    • You are magalized to see the document " Word»More new version with the help of a text editor more old version(zokrema for help " Word 2003"). In this vypadku you just need to update your Word».
    • « Word»Not displaying summaries of documents that were sent from the Internet

    How can you solve the problem, how can a Word document fail to appear?

    Now there are a few ways to see how we can correct the pardon.

    Updated document with the help of Microsoft Word

    Text editor Word»Help us to correct the document that has been created. If you have a problem with the display of the document " Word", Then try to fix the problem in the following way:

    • Zakryvaєmo at the end of the notification about the pardon
    • Launching Word" across " Start»Or a jarlik on a work table (or a program has been installed in the fathers).
    • Onslaught in the mountains on " File", Dal klatsaєmo in the left menu to" Vidkriti", Then - on" Look around»That is known on a computer that document that does not appear. Ale tilki not see yogo!
    • Vidіlyaєmo tsey document
    • Now at Vіknі, a file was whispered through yake, there was an onslaught on the black arrow (as shown on the screenshot) by the button “ Vidkriti". The list, scho vipadaє, onslaughtєmo on " View and update».

    On the list, scho vipadaє, onslaught on "Vidkriti i vidnoviti"

    Pislya tsikh operats_y document maє razkritisya. Please, pay attention to the fact that at the same time there may be some changes introduced into the process of updating. Push on " Show redirection", And you will beat those that are changed. With this rank, you can correct the serpent. Give to save the document.

    If there are any descriptions of it, you will not be able to do it, so we will use some other methods.

    Renewed document for additional converter backups

    Converter for backups with a package Microsoft Office". If you don’t have an additional package, for there are additional components, then install an okremo converter (for additional adjustment “ Microsoft Office"), You can try to get started on the Internet.

    Otzhe, robimo follow:

    • Launching Word" Start»)
    • Go to " FileVidkritiLook around»
    • At vіknі " Providnik"At the top of the buttons" Vidmina"That" Vidkriti»There will be a list, scho vipadaє, an onslaught on a new one, for which the list is displayed.
    • Viber " Updating text from any file»And through the window display the document you need.

    Select the item "Updating the text from any file" and display the document you need through the prompt

    Writing a document can be seen. But I know the problem will appear, and when a new document is opened, a pardon is tied to the tables in the document, which is also updated. Go to the whole table and on the toolbar go to “ TableRe-makeTable before text».

    Zmіnyuєmo nalashtuvannya stolen glance

    As far as you are not helped by the great options, the only way to understand it. Buvaє so, what a program Word»Do not open documents taken from the Internet. Tse vidbuvaєtsya through those who " Word»Take us away from the creation of non-home documents. Yaksho vi vpevneni, scho Danish document do not take revenge on viruses, because you can do it in a quick way.

    Switch on the switch:

    • Launching Word", Passable in" FileParameters»
    • At vіknі nalashtuvan it is passable in " Bezopekoy management centerParameters for the center of keruvannya without bakingAbduction of the peg».
    • The jackdaws are taken from each point and the onslaught on " OK". It’s impossible for us to see the document we need Word", Then we will turn everything back.

    Daws are taken from each point and the onslaught on "Ok"

    Vidalyaєmo nadbudovi Word

    If you don't see the same document Word”, Then in some cases the reason for the problem may be the editor himself, or rather, the reason for the problem. It’s necessary to see it, and for the whole person it’s like this:

    • Launching Word", If you ask me to see if you know about those who got a pity at the front start, and you will be prompted to go into the program ovenless mode... The weather is on the tse (the onslaught is on " OK»).
    • Dal is passable in " FileParametersNadbudovi»
    • At the lower part of the onslaught on " Go to»
    • At the new window, jackdaws are put against all the points that are presented and onslaught. OK»

    At the lower part of the window there is an onslaught on "Go"

    New document format

    Most often document " Word»Do not admit that, while being careful in advance, they identified it with the wrong format (or simply forgiven when the name was entered, correcting the extension). Here you can correct the pardon by specifying the virtual format: .docx"Abo" .doc»Send the name of the document.

    Alle the document can be used, the same is true for the reason:

    • Old empty document Word"And for example, name it written" .rar", So that it is re-created on archiv.
    • Now it is so self-re-created on our archives of the document, having entered in the letters the names of the symbols.
    • Dalі zberіgaєmonovy archіv with the transferred information and knowledge that it is now re-translated to the document " Word", Having entered in the letters" .docx».
    • Then the document was launched, for which the editor can send the update to the information

    Rozcryєmo insult to the archivist, transferable all information from one piece to a new one

    Video: Word jar when trying to open a file

    Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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