Mental Ray GI: illuminating the interior. Lesson: architectural visualization (mental ray)

Zharoznizhuvalny for children is recognized as a pediatrician. Allegedly, there are situations of inconvenient help for feverish women, if the children are in need of giving innocently. Todi dad take on the versatility and constipation of fever-lowering drugs. How can you give children a breast? How can you beat the temperature of older children? What are the best ones?

3ds Max 2013 has a dash of light for robots with a visualizer mental ray:

mr Area Omni;

mr Area Spot;

mr Sky Portal.

Note. Dzherela mr Skyі mr Sun (Sonce mr) Mut zastosovuvatisya in the system daylight Daylight.

Effort specialization dzherela to replace the suv parameters mental ray Indirect Illumination. Daniy suviy available in the panel Modify(Fig. 23.11).

With the installed ensign Automatically Calculate Energy and Photons pro

grama vikoristovuvatime rozrakhunka zagaln_ parameters os_nnya.

Small. 23.11. Scroll mental ray Indirect Illumination

Group of parameters Manual Settings it is intended for the establishment of the adjustment of the illumination by hand and the revenge on the parameters:

Energy - ask pochatkovu energy viprominuvanih photons;

Decay (Zgasannya) - viznacha steps in the development of energy by photons before the hour of changing the space;

Caustic Photons regulating the level of caustic photons;

GI Photons Make the number of photons before the global coverage.

Algorithms for the construction of the visualizer illumination mental ray based on the physical power of the particles of light - photons. The skin grew dimly lit viprominu because of the photons, which expand in the open space and are seen from objects, consuming part of the enia. On the other hand, the photon will glaze over the surface. The Danish algorithm is called Global Illumination.

Another important power of the algorithms in the development of illumination mental rayє stem caustics. Caustics optically, they call light, how the breaks of light occur on the primacy of opaque objects. A real light of caustics is easy to mark on the walls and stele in the pool.

At the dialogue window there is a tab mental ray for adjusting special parameters of illumination (fig. 23.12).

For a group of parameters Caustics and Global Illumination to take revenge on the following authorities:

Exclude Caustics;

Generate Caustics;

Receive Caustics;

Exclude from GI;

Generate Global Illumination;

Receive Global Illumination.

Small. 23.12. Fragment of a tab mental ray dialogue window

Object Properties

Note. In folding scenes, for accelerated visualization, it is possible to gain the power of indirect illumination of deeds of objects.

For nalashtuvannya foreign parameters global illumination, caustic and visualization tab Indirect Illumination dialogue window Render Setup... Qia tab to revenge suviy for adjusting the filter viraz (fig.23.13) that scroll for the installation of special visibility parameters (Fig. 23.14).

For a group of parameters FG Precision Presets scroll Final Gather Dopnі navni nabori nalashtuvan filtratsії: Custom, Draw (Chornoviy), Low, Medium, High

(Visokiy), Very High... Tsi get up to change before the change of the bigunka.

Group of parameters Basic to find the basic settings for the development of coverage. Field Multiplier is intended for the establishment of the intensity and output of the vibrating light.

Small. 23.13. Suviy parameters Final Gather

Small. 23.14. Suviy parameters Caustics and Global Illumination (GI)

It is also possible to take revenge on the additional parameters of the path and filter of the image.

Note. When activating the visualizer mental ray The main visualization qualities appear in the lower part of the dialogue window to the frame, when it appears.

Scroll Caustics and Global Illumination (GI) revenge a group of parameters Caustics for setting up caustics.

Praporets Enable including the parameters of caustics in the visualization aority (Fig. 23.15).

Small. 23.15. Teapot with caustics

Parameter Maximum Num. Photons per Sample Make a number of photons that you can use for skin examination. With the increase in the value of this parameter, the increase in the hour of visualization is increased, the prosthetic image is increased.

Field Maximum Sampling Radius set the radius of the extended photons.

Group Global Illumination Reveal analogous parameters for adjusting global illumination.

Group of parameters Geometry Properties take revenge on the great priest All Objects Generate & Receive GI and Caustics... With the establishment of this forerunner, the parameters of the global illumination and caustics will be carried out for all objects on the stage, in order to ignore the adjustment of the authorities of the objects of the dialogue window. Object Properties.

When you open critical scenes with the parameters of global enhancement and dzherel Daylight Recommended yak call mr Physical Sky. Given a card permits the creation of a real dark, which shows the horizon, the heavenly crypt and the door of the sun (Fig. 23.16).

Small. 23.16. Scene from storing cards mr Physical Sky

Privit everyone. Take me Maksim Ganzha, this year's letters of my friends' numbers, I still wrote a small article about those who am opening my inter'eri. We can see everything in one of the last robots with the chumy illumination and the pop-up composition =), as I am a vicon at MentalRay.

"Livingroom "

If you wondered, why do robots post on the forums more, not more? Let me tell you a little secret. All on the right in a beautiful staging of illumination and strong composition. About the tse, as well as about the abundant іnshiy mi and we will talk in the th statty. =)

The process of modeling, I think, is permissible. Let's go too!

1. Statement and adjustment of illumination.

In order to read the robot, first of all you need to display the scene, and vibrate the Mental ray render from the list of explicit renders.

See the scene.

We go into the adjustment of renders F10, the "Assign renderer" tab is pressed by the "Choose renderer" button and the mental ray is selected.

In addition, as the render vibrated, the mental revision shaders and materials will become available in the browser materials and maps. Vibiraєmo Material "Arch & Design" with such a rank of color diffuse RGB is close to 0.8 0.8 0.8 resolution on screen shot. although it would be so in itself, it’s not easy to forget to include "AO" in the materials. With the help of the set-up and the look, it is more realistic. and the kutahs appear in power of the real light of obscurity. "Max Distance" I always put it close to 3 meters (from the floor to the stele).

When the render has been adjusted, the "Translator Options" contributor has a tick Eneble on Material Override and kidaimo in the slot of our preparations for the material override. Tsim mi surely rozfarbovannya of all objects on the scene with one material. So it will be easier for you and your computer to set up lighting. The render will be quick and so, I won't work it out for an hour. The materials of all objects in the scenes are clearly visible.

Writing a recognition to all objects of heavy materials, we can open the daylight system

the beginning and the rise of the night of nothing terrible, as soon as there is a glimpse in the first bik. we go into the adjustment of the system and it is shown on the little one below the checkbox "Manual" is put on, so that we can put the date on the hour. Razmіschuєmo son yak is shown to the little one.

Before the hour of the release of the system of day illumination, 3ds max will be sent to us for delivery of the "mrSky"

for that, they installed the system of daylighting, taking care of the windows. They need to put "mr Sky Portal" in order to be photometric svitniks.

the onslaught of the button that vistavlyaєmo yak is shown on the little one below.

as you remember the portal, straightening the arrow in the wrong bik. We need it, the little shooter marveled in the room. For tsogo just an onslaught tick off Flip Light Flux Direction. І all stand at their m_stsya yak on a little below. =)

our portal mi vidіlyaєmo, zatiskamo clavіshu Shift and rukhaєmo lіvoruch to another wіkna. 3ds max will propose to us the copy type. Vibiraєmo "Instance"

Nareshty was shown the day of the sanctification. Now we have lost our yogo nalashtuvati. Onslaught "F10" includes Final Gather (FG) Global and Illumination (GI). The settings are shown below. I turned on the FG & GI checkboxes and changed the FG Precision Preset.

The visualization of the picture is 450 by 338 and robustly a test render.

Onslaught to the keyboard 8 and in the settings "Environment" at the "Exposure Control" depository "mr Photographic Exposure Control" is displayed.

Onslaught, render and marvel at how we got it =)

The following display settings are rendered to the general renderer:

Yak bachimo, nothing primitive did not come. The light is dark, and not black. In order to create a garnered illumination, we will have to twist the control of the exposure. Then I guessed that I wanted a piece of light by the way. Turn on the floor lamp from the sofa. Sontse obviously got a kick out of it, and I got him in. We go into the setup of the System of data illumination and it is known to check the "On" checkbox next to the "mr Sun Basic Parameters" tab.

Now I know the onslaught with the key "8", the control of the exposure is carried out on a regular basis, as shown at the bottom of the little one.

The first axis has entered us.

Well, the axis is zovsim іnsha rіch. The light has become similar to the day. =)
Now we are starting to fix the lighting of the floor lamp. In the case of a piece illuminated me, vicoristovuvati photometric svitniks befitting. Vibiraєmo tsey svitnik:

I can be put on the light bulb in the floor lamp, as shown on the little ones below.

at the fixture's settings, see "Ray Traced Shadows". At the "Shape / Area Shadows" tab, a disc with a radius of 30 mm is displayed. The "Light Shape Visible Rendering" checkbox is turned on and 64 samples are displayed. Tsi nalashtuvannya to allow us to reach the beautiful realist days from the svitnik.

wondering what happened.

Wondering how light from the svitlnik came out more. And I would like to make it more similar to a simple light bulb. For that, we need to lower the temperature of the light. So it’s my bachimo, but the light is busy. With this kind of photo camera and such daylight, it is practically innocent to be seen. and we have like a searchlight. =)

I know that the photometric lamp has been set up and the temperature has been adjusted with intensity.

Wonderful, what happened:

We need prices. Ideal light! I don’t know, yak to you, but it should be better for me. The same grains of orange light with blue unlimited option in architectural visualization. =)

I would like to add some special features. To adjust the render, and in the "Camera Effects" tab, turn on the "Output" DefaultOutputShader (Glare) checkbox; ok ".

Behind the windows, the "plan" is put on the bottom, which will play the role of the background.

in nalashtuvannyah ob'єkta "plan" vimikaєmo ticks in such a way.

First and foremost material "Arch & Design"

Once again, the render button was embossed and we wondered how we succeeded. =) For a shrewd prorahunku, I am all objects, except for the background, having designated the material.

Well, we got a picture from us. A small serpentine from the effect of a gloomy picture of a lively atmosphere. You can zupinititsya with the adjusted renderings and look at the materials.

2. Adjustment of materials.

The hour has come to take up all the materials, as I am the vicarist at the scene. It’s almost impossible to find it.


Yak can be seen from the grid, the geometry is even simpler.

on kilimi vikoristovuvavavsya simple material "Arch & Design" with the advanced parameters:

Diffuse map.

the "Displacement" has a nasty texture.


The sofa set is foldable. There are two materials on this model. The fabric is the tree on the bottom.

The first is the material of the fabric.

in the slot diffuse kidєmo shader "Ambient / Reflective Occlussion" and in a new size two of the same type of fabric texture. Only one person is aware of those who are one darkness for one. Nalashtuvannya on the image below.

onset parameters ambient closed and bump.

now there are trees.

I am a vicorist at the diffusion simple map parquet. Nalashtuvannya on little nizche.

adjusting the bump.

Coffee table.

Material and coffee table mesh look like this.

Everything is simple from the skom, the "Arch & Design" material is vibrated and the ready-to-use material is vibrated, as shown on the little one below.


I wanted to create "Arch & Design" a glossy magazine, especially not fooling around on the adjustments to the material. Tom's vicorist is simple glossy plastic.

network of magazines.

Nalashtuvannya viglyadayut the offensive rank.

The sides rosefarbouwed by the material itself only with a large color in Diffuse color.

Newspaper girl.

The magazine rack itself is made from lacquered wood. Virishiv rozfarbuvati ї "ProMaterials" Hardwood.

A network of newspaper racks.

Set up Promaterial Hardwood.

So I myself am a vicarist of another material, schob rozfarbuvati sami newspapers, scattering yogo matovim.

adjusting the material of newspapers.


On this stage I am the vicorist of the same, my love material "Arch & Design".

The adjustment can be done in the pictures below.


With the curtains I brought three experiments. The first axis is nareshty I came to the tsiy option.

A set of curtains.

In the case of diffusion, it is shown on the lower part, I am naturally vicarious in the texture of the fabric. It's also not forgotten about the AO parameter. =)


Walls of old plaster, they used to be farboa for years. The first axis has changed in me, I know of "Arch & Design".

On the wall there is a card that looks like this.

Parameters of vidobrazhennya viglyadayut the offensive rank.

Material for parquet


Floor lamp.

There are three materials on the floor lamps. Tse lampshade (material fabric), stiyka (material metal) and electric wire (material plastic).

It is almost impossible to forget from my beloved "Arch & Design" material from the fabric on the lampshades of the floor lamp.

Win to finish the simple. The amount of diffusion, the insight and the bump are small. Tse mi pobachimo for the shaping in the pictures below.

ProMaterials: Metal.

ProMaterials: Plastic / Vinyl

I would like to please you with one resource, which is directly related to Mental Ray materials. Meni vin is not once additional. Thank you for falling asleep on the site.

Axis, mabut, and everything, finished with materials. You can discuss the composition at any time.
3. The final adjustment of the render.

Now is the time to adjust the rendering and finalize the final render. On the picture below you can see the pictures.

Including render and check =)

4. Composition.

There are 10 rules of composition, like varto vivchiti.

1. Contrast.


Yak screw up the look before rendering? In the frame there is a contrast: A light object is known for a dark aphid, and a dark one for a light.

2. Distribution.


Important elements of the plot are guilty but chaotically distributed. The stench was more beautiful than simple geometric figurines.

3. Rivnovagu.

Ob'ykti, roztashovani in different parts of the frame, guilty of giving one to one at a time, in size and tone.

4. Gold overflow.

Golden peretin buv vіdomy shte in ancient Egypt, yogo power vivchali Evklіd and Leonardo da Vinchі. The simplest description of the golden transition: the most beautiful point of expansion of the zyomka is approximately 1/3 of the horizontally and vertically between the frame. Roztashuvannya important ob'єktіv at the cich zorovye points viglyadaє naturally that I respect the look.

5. Diagonal.



One of the most effective compositions is the whole diagonal composition. The essence of the її is even simpler: the main picture of the frame is diagonal. Forward, from the upper left kut to the frame to the lower right. Tsey priyom is a good team, so such a composition without interruption leads to a glance across the whole picture.

6. Frame format.



As long as the renderings are overlapping with vertical objects, choose the format of the vertical frame. Yaksho horizontal objects - rob horizontal frames.

7. Zyomka point.


Vibir of the zyomka point without pre-pouring into the emoticon. There are some simple rules: For character rendering, the best point on the eyes. For a portrait on the outside of the waist - on the belt. Frame the frame in such a way that the line to the horizon does not distort the photograph. I will be able to focus on the objects at the frame. Adjust the camera angle on the level of the object, in the first place, correct the proportions. I am amazed at the object from above, it is to be built smaller, below it. So, tiny character from the top point, render a small character on the render.

Dmitry Schuka

Our brain sounds like reading evil to the right, so it’s very appreciated and familiar. To that, the sense of the center is more beautiful than the roztashovuvati at the right side of the frame. In such a rank, look and ob'ykt zyomki yak bi collapse nazustrich one to one. When prompting the composition, keep the moment in check.

9. Number of beaches.

As in one part of the frame, the beach is koloru, then in the first place it is, I will surely respect the glance. Tse can be a color dance or, for example, I go in the frame.

10. Rukh at the frame.


Yakshcho vi vir_shili namalyuvati object, scho to collapse (car, cyclist), be sure to fill the space in front of the object. Simpler it seems, shake the object so that it doesn’t win the frame, and not go out of it.

Mabut zupinimsya on the composition і we start to revise the render.

5. Post processing.

Now, after setting an hour for a small amount of time, I will plant a picture of the image, which has gone. Zazvychay I want to go out to my creepy robots. So, it’s easy to ask for photoshoppers, but not just for a render. Otzhe mi maєmo =)

Just to be impressed with the power of Mental Ray is even wider, the picture is practically not visible. But all the same, it’s a good idea to add a few lenses effects. It seemed like a real photo.

I’m looking forward to a little marriage of the blue light effect near the windows, which is evident from our render from the miraculous Fusion program and to the obvious image of the glacial effect. Speak among the people of the world to the nod "SoftGlow"

the onslaught of the polygon is outlined visually, yak is shown on the little one below. With such a rank, they painted a mask for fusion, for which there would be an effect of glosses.

now the onslaught on the SoftGlow node and on the spot by the offensive rank.

we will have a sweetheart bilya vіkon.

I know of the SoftGlow node and the stagnant effect of all the pictures, the next step in order to make sure that all pictures have a blue light.

checkboxes Red, Green and Alpha are enabled On the little one below, you can see the offense of options. Zliva to, the right-hander wrote to the effect.

Fusion is crooked and the image is crooked in Photoshop.

In Photoshop, the image is displayed with the Magic Bullet Photo Looks plugin ...

the holy of God has already appeared in the power of the real cameras. distant Vignette effect is not too much darkening along the edge of the picture, so it is shown in the lower right codend.

It’s even more effective to be called Shutter Streak. There are not many promises below and above our picture.

now my love croc =)
The addition of the Chromatic Aberration effect is shown at the bottom of the little one.

with great permissiveness, the picture will not be visible, but all the same, the realism of the pictures can be given.

Embossed button

that zberigaєmo picture.

The axis was in me.

Axis and add a final lesson, I want to give all of you good luck and quick renders. Start your Maxim Ganzha.

Lesson taken from

Everyone is welcome! Years of the year progressed to the thin trivial model. In the past lesson, we have learned about polygonal models and textures. For the year, it is more appropriate to respect the visibility and visualization. At the current level, you will need:

  • Pratsyuvati with texture maps
  • Install dzherela light
  • Visualize the scene behind Mental Ray
  • Storyuvati splines

Otzhe, as we have seen in past lessons, the model is visible to all warehouses and shared by the group. For a vibemo in the main menu, the item - "Group> Group" that is ok.


Now we can work with the model as a single object. Leave a stool at peace, turning to it piznish. For visualization, it is necessary to set up the scene, so that the model does not hang around the corner. Speed ​​up for a spline (line). You can know everything in the same right panel, by pressing the button at the viewer of the stake with a square ( Shapes).

Viberemo ob'єkt - "Line", let's move on to the view of evil and namaluєmo L-similar to the laman line. If you want a little lamina, you need to click the mouse in the mouse on the cob of the line, move the mouse to the first point and click again, if the line is needed, you will be prompted to click the right mouse button. To correct the irregularities on the keyboard "1" and change the point of the line, some are necessary. Guilty to go to the kshtalt tsyogo:

Turning around in perspective, the modifier is set to the line. "Extrude" for values "Amount" Rivnim 10000mm and can be adjusted exactly under the stool.

Razmіstіt ob'єkti such a rank, the stool stood on the crinkle of the fat lines of the sieve, like on the screen below:

Now converting our L-like squiggle into "Edit Poly", і ob'єdnaєmo usі її faces at the first group zgladzhuvannya (Guess the last lesson).
Immediately, it is significant new material white color. Wonder at the screenshot:

The scene is ready, let's move on to the setting of the visualization. Before it is necessary to reassign the render from the standard to "Mental Ray"... Displaying the render adjustment by pressing the button "Render Setup" abo "F10" on the keyboard, at the very bottom of the "Common" tab, we know the stack "Assign Renderer"... Klіknemo by pershіy kraptsі (Production) and in vіknі viberemo "mental ray Renderer".

Meaningful mental head)

The adjustment of the render is not easy, but we will pass it before the illumination. Dzherela svitla you can know the right-hander from the splines. There is an item on the list. "Standart"і Instantly dzherelo light - "mr Area Spot".

Swipe yogo over the object, having taken the ubik. The backbone position is less than the real clock, it is necessary to switch over to the display mode. "Shaped" into mode "Realistic"... Screenshot below:
Perekonetsya, scho in the nalashtuvannya svitelnik included tini.

Including tini

Now let's turn to adjust the render. We are ready to give you permission to receive your deposit "Common"... For a cob, I recommend Vista 800 * 600, and even before the final visualization, there may be some future updates.

Іnshi adjusted to wonder also on screenshots:

The quality of the image

Remaining Folding - Imitation of Global Illumination

Pislya visualization is as follows:

Yakos no worse ...

Nepogano, a little more beautiful. Tini nadto rizki, sob tse correct, more radius of the svetiler in addition to the additional tool - "scale" (about the new one in the first stage) and visually familiar:

More beautiful, ale not those

So beautiful, the tree of the viglyad is unnaturally smooth. Well, the price can be easily corrected. For a selection, you need to open a map of the profile. Zrobiti is possible, for example, from gimp.
The texture is displayed in the editor, and it is stored until the tool is ready. Zvychayno, not a nice option, but smart.

Іnstrument- "Porig"

Shthos on kshtalt tsogo

Turning around at 3d Max, we move on to fixing the material for the stool, which was opened at the last stage. There, the stack is known to the bottom - "Maps" and in the new item "Bump" it is stamped on the button with the writing: "None". At vіknі vibraєmo "Bitmap" and vkazuєmo black-biliy version of texture. Nalashtuvannya teksturi zalishaєmo without changes and turning up to the main nalashtuvannya material. The "Bump" value at the top is 20.

Likewise dodamo trochi vіdbliskіv. Screenshot adjustment:

Before the final render, the size of the image is larger and smaller:

Polished the habits

Now you can brew your own tea, so that you will have to finish drinking it)). The result can be seen on the cob lesson.
Totally decent visualization for Autodesk 3ds Max. It can be said that the foundation of motives and now it is possible to repair the background in all subtle trivial models.

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Unimportant to those, the concept of the Global Illumination is even simpler, the correct illumination of scenes from the victorious algorithm of the wikipedia is difficult.

As a rule, it’s a paradox - mental ray to finish the stage quickly, but when GI is turned on, it’s possible to destroy the quality and namagamosya to correct the number of photons and changes in the last few moments of happiness. but the result is not visible. In the urotsi bude on the butts shows the problem and the way and the transmission.

The first part of the lesson is short and theoretical, Tim, which is for the first time stuck with the algorithm of global visibility, the other part is practical and I have to respect, but it is also practical to use mental ray or all my earlier lessons from the visibility.

Available in 3ds Max 2009.

In the urotsi I am a vicious speed:

GI - Global Illumination - global illumination

FG - Final Gather - final folding (indirect illumination algorithm - reports Mental Ray Illumination part 1 - FG

ІС - Dzherela svitla reports Mental Ray Osvitlennya part 3 - dzherela

In the other part, I show the trend of certain problems, but I do not pretend to be 100% correct in the methods, all the stinks come from individual practice.

Part of the persha - theory

Global illumination (distance GI) is an algorithm for indirect illumination, based on the generation of light (distance IC) GI-photons, which are designed to change with the ability to hang around and hang around. At first glance, the effect is on a simple little kid:

there, de turned on the GI, the light appeared from the sphere, took the red color and hung the box from the middle.

GI stagnation to provide illumination of scenes more detailed rivn, moreover mental ray є dzherela light, as they generate direct illumination, depriving the photon of GI.

Turns on the GI algorithm for the entire scene in the Render Setup.

Nalashtuvannya GI:

Multiplier is a generic multiplier for the quality of the effect and the color of the filter.

Maximum Num Photons per Sample - as a characteristic - the number of photons for the sample in the sample - the change in the signal before the noise appears.

Maximum Sampling Radius - the radius of the maydan for the collection of photons, even often stray with the radius of the photon - in the mental ray, the photons do not interfere with the radius, the parameter of how practical part)

Merge Nearby Photons - as a characteristic - the algorithm for combining photons - it is set to start, on which one is being added to add decile photons in one - when the parameter is turned on, you can bring up the number of photos, but the economy is actually included in the memory. The quality of the picture in one problem area, and in the whole of the other area does not require such a number.

Optimize for Final Gather - for an hour the GI test at the same time from the Final Gather (DAL FG) optimizes the calculation of spilly illuminated dalyans. This is a kind of advanced algorithm that takes more than an hour for rendering.

Field - Light Properties:

Average GI Photon per Light - a number of photons, which can be displayed with a dull light. As a rule, change the parameter without changing the radius of the sample until the visible positive results are not produced (details of the practical part).

Decay - parameter of fading out of photons, physically correct value = 2 (here with the square of appearance)

The Trace Depth parameters include a number of images and breaks, as it appears with a photon, if it is lost, it is necessary to set the maximum depth to 5, and not 10 for suggestions - it’s worth sparing an hour, the result is practically unimportant.

Otzhe, all we need is the knowledge of the theoretical part of the GI.

Let's create a model and improve it simultaneously (and in one fight) with global coverage.

A friend's piece - practice

Otzhe, mi maєmo the scene, yaku mi want to visvitliti. I am not very much depraved:

The main flow of sleepy light is padatime with a hole in the stele (at once there is a dark dirka), everything will be visible by the system of daylight, the sun is practically in zenith. As a result, the colony will have a clear view of the sky through the sky, and all of it will be visible through the indirect light, through the sky, through the sky, through the sky

I turn on the sun, on-the-spot exposure, and once again, I will persist the GI problem.

All at the beige tones! For what?

Sleepy light (straight) was visible to the beach on the floor, as in me it was covered with A&D material (wood was polished) in brown tones, the photos of indirect lighting appeared on the background of the material and everyone flew into the background. As a matter of principle, it’s more tolerant for painting, but it’s okay with blue tiles (also A&D):

say zhah? However, it is also tolerable, but the axis, depending on the material from the set of ProMaterials - Plastic, also blue:

the axis of the tse is closer to the edge!

Having modeled in the metric system, theoretically the GI and FG are guilty and correct. Maybe I don’t think of the race, but in real light there is such a strong transfer of color from the bright surfaces, as the Sonce hangs a chervony kilim near my room (and it’s also buzzing in our gloomy place of Piteri), then it’s not busy.

Well, here the rozrobniks have missed, for example, they themselves are guilty of adding a defect.

Let's pick it up and correct it. I will describe three ways - two approaches and one cardinal.

Turning around to the side of the woody grass (rice No. 2)

The first way to polish is in the selection of a filter on the GI and, as a matter of fact, it is put on the FG.

To compensate for the yellow-beige color, a light-bright filter is required, it can be supplied (although on GI and FG I managed to put three different filters, but if I said, it will be easy):

robimo rendering:

obviously fit in beige color. Who has two minus tsiy ways?

For a better color filter (less than two) and other colors, so we can compensate for less than one color. Why robiti, if I have half of the money, and my friend is green? The filter is not useful for any filter.

Another way. Let's think about what to see is so much stronger than photons. May I have mercy, alas, in my opinion, diffuse color from the surface shader without changes be transferred to the photon shader, otherwise it should be too weak (it’s a matter of great importance to install materials, when robots are using mental ray materials), I’m self-corrected. Let's take a shader. The "mental ray Connection" tab is displayed on the basis of the material and the known blocking (lock) from the photon shader:

that diffuse warehouse colora napolyagaєmo for my bazhannyam:

tse the same color, which will be a photo of GI when it is connected with the material, it is the fault of the material itself, but the diffuse color of the material itself, well, apparently, it is the darkest, the least effect of the material.

Zmіnyuєmo and rendered:

The power of power may have a couple of shortcomings. The first step is that the FG algorithm is all one to make its own black right (or beige in our vypadku), and even more so, the installed materials of the ProMaterials group do not have to change the photon shader.

Otzhe, third way.

Winning the robots with the photon cards, and at the same time with the FG card.

Zberigaєmo our project (about any kind of vipadok, if you want to get around it and the function of displaying a ctr + Z)

Robimo is another material of a dark-gray color, with a minimum of images and more opaque (I am quick to material for a farbuvannya wall, but in principle and raju):

Brutal respect, I have activated the Ambient Occlusion option, as long as the checkbox is just put there, the details will be lower.

Vidilyaєmo all ob'єkti the stage that is signified by the material (don’t fight, we saved a normal scene)

The scene nabula offensive viglyad:

siro, gloomy, we so need it.

Now we go to the installation of indirect illumination

For the cob, save the FG card. Rozdil Final Gather Map, including the checkbox - "Read / Write File", then stamped on the buttons with the dots and in the moment, where the map is safe:

For which the button "Generate FG Map File Now" is embossed and check for the generation process.

Uvaga - as well as a final render, set the normal parameters of quality, then more check on the FG generation you will only at once, you will not be able to do it for more than an hour! All brothers and sisters save the picture.

Similarly robust for GI:

put a daw, vkazuєmo іm'ya file and embossed on generation.

Offended pictures are saved, now I can save the scene with normal materials, or even more quickly.

I know the checkboxes are put in the Read / Write File on both algorithms (or change, how stink stand, like skasovuyu diya)

Reversed, our savings file is indicated in the algorithm for FG "frozen" the map, squeezed on the "lock":

now the RENDER button is embossed, in addition to the process of generating photons and FG:

This is a very acceptable result of the transfer of the color by photons.

Bagato hto at once you can get into:

“And what the concept itself is transferred to the color material by photons !!! we were driven into the roots! and people wrote with algorithms, did it!

In the first place - nothing і didn’t drive in, but it was necessary to signify all materials one Syriy / Bіliy kolіr, and for a while we can do it

And in another way, the animal is up to physics, how to see the process of transferring the color, more precisely, the image of the spectrum.

Mental ray rely on respect, so it’s just as soon as I’m going to get started (or if I’ll start in a weakened viewer - I don’t know exactly what the shader program is needed for)

In real svіtі farbuvannya vіdbuvaєtsya through results Svitla in tovschu materіalіv i Povernennya of neї Vzhe of vіdfіltrovanim spectrum navіt nayneprozorіshі materіali mayutsya prozorіst on zrіzі duzhe malenkoї tovschini, ale A major masa Svitla vіdbivaєtsya od polіrovanoї poverhnі vіdrazu not pronikayuchi in vseredine i denote schіlnіshy materіal , tim more.

To that the stone in the main biliy kolir (kolir dzherela more precisely) was thrown by three pidfarbovuvati, plastics were even more zmishuvati with their color, well, and sklo. and so zoos .. there is more caustic, except for the color of the image more polished, the shorter surfaces are more bright, the light is polished less.

We can’t leave the material in Maxi, but in the installed materials we can see that it’s not so kind as we want it. This will happen in the described ways, otherwise, for greater reality, you can turn on the effect of caustics ray on the basis of a general distribution - the SSS group.

Now we are attracted to another problem.

The colony gets angry at little number 7; The root of the problem for the unclear photon-illuminated GI. Direct light from ІВ yes With photons, three are more foldable - they do not give off a stench, those that go on quiet places, less photons were consumed, probably less photons (and more photons received - samples) than fewer photons.

At the same time, for example, attachment, as it hangs without an indirect illumination, and a construction with uneven surfaces has been installed in the new one, I was shooting at the same time:

і brilliantly render, having removed the GI, but do not change the number of photons:

Let me remind you of the miscellaneous that the problem is clearly swirling, so we can discuss it. Wait, an inappropriate situation. Ask for a change - there are a few photons and a change in the sample's radio, but it takes a lot of time to calculate, for which, in addition to a couple of three tasks, there is no new process for a few photos. Immediately, a lot of anecdotal situations, about the quality and quality, can be interpreted on the display of which one can interpret the anecdote about the graphic:

Sitting in the memory of three workers at the CG sphere, that discuss their projects.

The first one is like:

Another suggestion:

- If I’ve finished everything, I don’t need to go through the work of the computer, I’ll deliver the memory and finish the project.

Sit to skarzhat technology, and then nourish the third:

- And what about movchish? How do you fight with folding arms?

- And I'm vicious Ambient Occlusion! All are good and tomorrow at the office.

Let us not see the problem extensively, but rather quickly reflect on the global coverage of materials.

If you want to use the materials of the ProMaterials group, then є the Special Effects option, in which you can include Ambient Occlusion

The samples parameter is the quality of the prorahunku - more, more beautiful.

The Max Distance parameter is one of the main ones - the distance, from which the field of geometry is displayed, which is of order, to form the effect of global illumination (from the sides). If I want to show the effect clearly, then you need to set it up to the middle object, but if you just want to talk on the geometry of the object (like in our vipad) enough 10cm to the meter. Below the parameters of the change and growth, at once the stench is no worse for us than the AT function is different.

It’s easy to get material not from the ProMaterials group, to get a diffuse color change with the AT shader, based on the Falloff cards. And in some materials and material shaders there is an Ambient slot, for which it is necessary to install an Ambient / Reflective Occlusion shader and adjust the distance:

in any case, do not overstep the distance for the arguments (equal to 0) for the critical reasons, if the parameter is zero, then the material will be taken from the maximum view (from the background of the stage) and from the reasons for the obscurity of the reasons Samples parameter, analogous to quality. Інші parameters adjusted for our vipad do not require.

Otzhe, even Ambient Occlusion, which is very practical, and not too many photons:

wait a bit dear! I will look at those who rendered for an hour mayzhe did not get better.

Let's move on to the third and fourth problem, the stench of mutual relations.

To be amazed at the baby (No. 8) at the upper opening on the stele, as if you were amazed at the round light of the beach.

To see the effect, I cut through two windows and a three-way stele, for example:

The first is designated by the red arrow - the tse of the beacon, at the same time the sample of photons on the power of the eyes, which shone for the weird background. The cardinal resolution of the problem will be lower, but at the same time okremiy vipadok:

I put Raytrace material on one of the columns. Due to the mental ray, the visualization of standard 3D Max materials, adjusting the surface of the material, I didn’t read the photon shader, but it’s not correct to see the adjustments! To that, the colony saw the unbalance of photons, which took a sample, opening a little maidan that was scandalous.

Visnovok - bazhano koristuvatsya materials mental ray, but if you have є love and adjusting old materials, tell us about adjusting the shader of photons, as we robbed the eye in the first problem. Ale tse okremiy vipadok. The place is squeaky in the adjusted samples and the number of photons.

To be astonished at the zhovtu arrow, you also saw that in the less stele above the windows it wasn’t allowed to go to the wall (or navpaki), for the sake of it all there was a garazd, innakhe whitened around the entire perimeter of the stick. On the right, after I have continued the stele over the doors and trimmed out the effect of how often the styling is done when the visualization of the interior is illuminated with light.

Take advantage of the most common and obvious application. Such beaches, as a rule, are considered to be pidvikonny, it is for the reason that it is dark for the audience, and I think it’s mental to put it there. Axis schematic diagram:

black sample of collecting photons. The program is a visualizer, in the visible part of the line, set a sample to the collection of photons, the center of which is located before the windows and all the winners are at the level. A small part of it should be taken from the illuminated part, and there it is even more "small part", there are even more photons, as a result, the average arithmetic photons for a dark world are great, but for a light one it is not enough. The sample is not a single one, so the visualizer is not correct.

View only at the changed radius of the sample and the increased number of photons. According to the size of the sample, one tenth of the size of the stage, and ours need to change the size of the stage.

The optimal layout can be done as follows:

Sample Size (Maximum Sampling Radius) = Y

Number of photons (Average GI Photons per Lihgt) = cob value multiplied by X subdivision by Y (less than 20,000 * 40 = 800,000)

Vishche parametri set marno - not to give a price - it is less than an hour vitratimo.

(Lovers of geometries can get caught up at a time - why are we going to be 40, and not 2 in the 40th step? Even the area will change by the square! Everything is correct, and the samples should be re-adjusted and applied! Change to the root of 2)

my scene got 400,000 photons, plus another deyake adjustment:

As a result, an hour will be rendered at once from the generation of illumination cards on 2x2GHz processors - 4 chilini 31 seconds (148 thousand polygons - a tree behind a window)

Wait more beautifully, less generates fewer photons and fewer results.

For the next lesson, I’ll think about it - all the results are good news and I don’t pretend to be correct.

I will finish my lessons from the visitor's office.

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Lesson taken from RENDER.RU

Continuing the topic of illumination from Mental Ray. At the end of the day, I would like to tell you about the imitation of a piece of light for lighting purposes. Vikoristovuvatimutsya photometric jerela lights, as we have ordered 3D MAX 2009. Photometric control of exposure will also be displayed.

Transmitting, when reading a lesson, learning from a lesson from indirect visibility: victories earlier.

It’s pretty much

When choosing a photometric light dashboard, Max will easily turn on the photometric exposure control, and I’ll learn a lesson in describing the type of exposure.

Exposure control:

For the sake of lightness for its physical characteristics (clarity, color, ...) rely on respect, so that the illumination of the stage is correct and we need to be deprived of globally changing the quality of the mark (renderer).

Photometric control of exposure in MR for analogue cameras.

Regularly updated for the first aperture photometrics:

We are also included in the exhibition.

Access to the exposure control menu from the main menu:

or through the item "Environment" (key 8).

the scroll mr Photographic Exposure Control will vibrate in front of the set exposure parameters:

for an ekster'ernoy stage (day \ nich) and an inter'ernoi (day \ nich) stage, ale stench, as a rule, even more rude and still more beautiful and more correct I will hand it over:

Who knows how to use cameras, I know that the main parameters (for illumination) are needed for the hour of recording the sensitivity of the video / matrix (ISO), the diaphragm and the window (shutter speed). As a result of the establishment of these parameters, the quality of the sign is stored.

For example, Signs on which є a table lamp with a lamp with the advanced parameters:

so that the brightness is 370 lm and the color flow is 4500-5000K (halogen)

Through the installation of a small triviality of a showcase, the brightness of a sign of growth. Similarly, in the MR, different parameters of the display are displayed, and the brightness of the picture changes. do not change the parameters of the dzherel light .

For the butt, I made a simple scene, de dzherelo lights with the same physical parameters, as in the photo, and change the display in the exposition:


Shutter speed- the main window, for the shutter speed, the value on the yak is displayed for 1 second - the more value, the darker the sign

Aperture- size of diaphragms - chim more, tim znimok yaskravish

Film speed- the sensitiveness of the fish - more, the more sensitive, the more sensitive, the light and the more sensitive.

In 3d MAX, all three parameters are not necessarily redundant, on the basis of them the parameter Exposure Value if you want to use a render, it is enough to ask EV, anyway, yak, I call out to be timid, put a showcase.

The lower parameters in the display are the parameters for the processing of the sign, similar to digital cameras, or similar to the display of filters for swimmers. - din, adaptation to the type of dzherel light.

It’s not a big deal in the display of a small folding, but in a smudge there is no change in the intensity of the light, by themselves introducing an imbalance in the scene - it’s enough to adjust the display for a darker light.

Now, vlasne, dzherela svitla

When a piece dzherel was opened, the editor podiljaє їkh on the basis of the purpose:

independent of the fact that it was shut down, it is possible at any hour to develop it, either we will target it, or it’s vilnim, by placing a checkbox in the tabs of the main parameters of the jerel.

For my own admiration, I can be grateful that there are a lot of ways to get it out of the way for making it more efficiently on the stage, and then turn it on, so that there were no problems with organizing the emiter in the dashboards, the views.

For the correct development, it is necessary to propose vikoristovuvati ti, to run "Ray Traced Shadows", which are based on the characteristics of the material of the object.

It’s fallen from the stage, which results can be faster using the “Shadow Map” cards, which can be protected more quickly, but it is not possible to control all the characteristics of the materials.

Add more:

Тісні, scho get around:

card tіnі with adjusted for the items:

Obviously, the foresight of the material is not secured, these are the stems from the urahuvannyam of the network of the object. The quality of this is to be found in the quality of the stem of the picture, and it is to be established at the suvoy "Shadow Map Params". For example, if you have increased the size of the picture, or the quality of the sample, you can reach the clear ones.

oskіlki lesson of straightening on the stem of piece dzherels of light for the inter'er, then we don’t write reports on the stems of the pictures, since in the inter'ers (my thought) it’s topical to vikoristovuvat tіnі, how to go around.

Also, there are some artefacts on the surface, in the eyes of the cyatoks (wondering at the first little ones with the same colors - on the inner cube of the beaches) Polіpshuvati parameters of sampling in rendering are marno here. It is necessary to change the parameter of two-sided colors in the setting of the dzherel light:

Photometric Web- Dzherelo lights, configuring the intensity of the “photometric pavutiny” is more accurate in transmitting the parameters of the light and to save a lot of the hour before the lighting of the stage.

Spotlight- Dzherelo lights of the "spotlight" type are victorious as a rule for the global stage performance, in the inter'ernie decisions of the thier victorious is irrelevant (I know my thought), except for the imitations of special projectors in any case.

Uniform Diffuse- dzherelo light, which hangs from the side of the emiter to the front.

Uniform Spherical- Dzherelo light, which hangs in all directions from the emitter.

Uniform Diffuse and Uniform Spherical

Establishing certain types of dzherel identical, for the help of which it is possible to indiscriminately imituvati practically be-like dzherel light - lamps of daylight, light bulbs and bed panels:

The vibrati type of emiter is perceived in the nalashtuvannyas:

if the emitter will be seen as a point, then it will be possible to include it in the rendering process

It is possible to understand the nuances of the opening of specific light switches:

Light bulb:

When the lamp of the day light is turned off, the intensity on the basis of the introduction of the given light will be restored as from the large djerl of the light, but at the lamps of the day light (especially the old ones) the expanded light will be visually three-fold. At the touch of the moment, when the luminescent ball is reformed by the ions at the singing frequency (and in the old days the lamps at the frequency of 50 hertz) and at the connection with the peculiarities of our light, the intensity of the light will decrease more and more deprived of the visible image, physically, for the singing interval of an hour, weakening of the light є completely normal).

Otzhe, zbіlshimo extinguished:

Front-end render from normal shading:

a renewable weakening of 50%

Hello b, you can simply change the quality to the dzherel, albeit with the ready-made profiles of the dzherel with IES, so it’s faster and more correct:

Lamps roasting:

In the case of roasting lamps, there is also a supplementary effect of changing the light from the back, a bit of twisting in the changing spectrum of the dzherela in the chervona region:

To turn on the effect, you just need to check the box:

for the butt, I will have three better values ​​than the last one, but I will have the best effect:

Forward rendering with a light temperature of 4000K:

і included deduction:

butt the scenes from vikoristannyam danih tipiv dzherel

the scene of the emperor does not take part in the process of visualization, but the visualization on the surfaces is, however, correct to show the appearance of the dzherel:

on another scene of the object of the type of "huge MeJo", dzherela visualized and simulate the surface of the lamps:

Photometric Web

In real life, the flow of light from the lamps is even narrower than one-sided, through those like the bulb of the lamp itself by its own line, so, as a rule, it tends to change the reflectors and additional optics in the lamps.

For example, the axis of the photo of the first dzherel light, which trapil, on the yak I rubbed on the obid:

To create such a picture of the light stream, if you need additional information, give it a hand with a jerel, or create a map for the Projector Map, so that you can see an additional hour and see the creative process.

To make it easier for us to open the dzherel svitla, vikoristannya type Photometric Web:

With vibration given type at the nalashtuvannyakh dzherela, a suviy will appear for the selection of the card set:

pressing the button to select the file, you will see the dialogue for the selection of the picture:

at the box "IES information" there is a diagrams for expanding the light on "pavutintsi" and information about the light.

IES files can be added from the framing, as a rule, virobniks of light possession, such a picture can be represented or you can know the archives of the interior design. Also є IES-generator, for the help of which you can open your dzherela.

Pislya zasosuvannya IES picture, ikonka dzherela svitla accepted the configuration of dzherela:

For Photometric Web adjustments, the parameters are wrapped along three axes, the adjustment values ​​are up-to-date, if the setting is not visible from the point. Yaksho dzherelo, for example line (Line), and the map can be folded for configuration, then it becomes an actual way of positioning a picture:

on the little one near the right dzherel, the map is rotated 90 degrees behind Z.

Axle butt for storing cards at the point of dzherelo lights for imitatsiya svitlnik

If you use the 3D Max 6.0 watch, I have a problem with the illumination of the road with the headlights of the car. Todi bi stasosuvannya IES it took an hour for me to get bogged down.

With the help of IES's juice, it is possible to imituvati not deprive some of the dzherel light, but the th group dzherel, which is more and more widespread.

For example, bed linens are stored from a number of daylight lamps and additional lighting on a number of reflectors. To simulate such a light panel, it is enough to install one light and save on a new card. In the inventory of the picture, add the reports and the parameters of the light and the same generator. IES files can be viewed with a notepad.

For example:

IESNA: LM-63-1995 / GPA22-3t





FO17 / 31K


talk about those, where there is a panel of 3 luminescent lamps, 17 watts of power, stacked in 9 parabolic lines.

The attachment of the LSD imitation of the local lamps from two separate lamps:

on the wall, you can obviously see the darkening underneath the djirel of the light, as there is the edge of the hardness between the two lamps at the warehouse of the whole svitelnik.

Well, from a mustache, I want to develop a piece of light. As soon as I miss it, I write about those speeches that are vikoristic in robots and those that are relevant to my thought.

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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