How to set a password for WiFi: manual instructions How to set a password for WiFi: manual instructions Setting a password for Wi-Fi

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In order to password-protect wi-fi, you need to vikonat the entire kіlka diy. First, you need to go to the web interface of the router. Further it is necessary to know the division with the stitching of the dart-free mesh. If you have a distribution, you need to enable the WPA/WPA2 password protection method and enter the password. If so, your router is equipped with two radio modules (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz), then you will need to install a cable for skin radio modules OKREMO. Oskіlki kozhen іz raіо dоduіlіv mоzhe vlasny sposіb zahіst і vlasny password for connecting to Wi-Fi.

It sounds simple, but practical nuances are possible. With this material, we will demonstrate how to password-protect Wi-Fi on the butt of such popular routers as D-Link, TP-LINK and ASUS.

How to password protect Wi-Fi on a D-Link router

To start, you need to go to the web interface of the router. About those, how to be timid, they told the world, so here we don’t chime in on tsoma. Once you have reached the web interface, you will need to open the "SETUP - Wireless Settings" section and click on the "MANUAL WIRELESS NETWORK SETUP" button, as you will be at the bottom of the page.

If you are guilty, spend on the sidelines with the wi-fi. Here we have established a division into sprat blocks. For starters, you need to know the "WIRELESS SECURITY MODE" block and change the "Security Mode" parameter from the "None" value to "WPA-Personal".

Now the router will vicorate WPA as a way to protect your Wi-Fi network. And that means that now you can password-protect Wi-Fi. For this, we go to the PRE SHARED KEY setup block and enter the password we need there.

How to password protect Wi-Fi on a TP-LINK router

In order to password-protect Wi-Fi on the TP-LINK router, you need to go to the web interface of the router. About those, how to be afraid, you can read at. After logging in to the web interface, open the section "Wireless mode - Protecting the wireless mode".

If anything, you may see a party with the updated Wi-Fi. On the other side, you need to activate the WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK protection method and enter a password in the "PSK Password" text field.

After making all the adjustments, do not forget to press the "Save" button.

How to password protect Wi-Fi on an ASUS router

Otzhe, back to back. At the web interface, go to the section " Bezdrotova merezha» ( danish split be in the block Dodatkovі nalashtuvannya»).

Bezdrotov Wi-Fi, so that the transmission of data is repeated for additional radio whil, more and more wires are being built, founded on wires. For the sake of clarification - Wi-Fi is simply better. More recently, the dart nets were panuvali, the speed of transmission through wi-fi was very low. Ale technology do not stand on the ground, and the butt of that dartless standard IEEE 802.11ac, which develops speed up to 6.77 Gb / s (however, as a standard, it should be praised on the cob of 2014, but at the same time). Ale in the dartless computer networks It’s also important to remember about the zahist, who can be connected to her, and the article is given, how to password-protect a wi-fi router, without a dart net, and other moments like a zakhist in the presence of unfortunate guests.

Zahistu wifi logo

Trohi of the report is heard on the power - what are the passwords, and why are there two? On the right, the setting of the router is done through the web interface. Tse means that a person, chatting behind a wall or on a street, can connect to a router and just “drive in” yoga, otrimavshi in the form of satisfaction. For whom we will set the first password, which will be energized at the entrance to the setup menu.

Another password is for connecting to a non-rotor network. Tobto, having shown Wi-Fi, we are pressed to “connect”, and raptom is able to enter a password. If you don’t know yoga, then you won’t be able to steal someone else’s Internet.

Defend the web interface of the router

I’m going to rattle on the back against an unsanctioned adjustment. As a rule, this password is already set in advance by the manufacturer, but it is the same for all devices ("admin" + "1234" for ZyXEL, and "admin" + "admin" for other manufacturers). You know the skin, and therefore the default password must be changed immediately when you first enter the setup.

I'm that password is shown on the bottom of the router

Let's take a look at some of the widest models, as if they were blocking the entrance.

Router first

The first will be D-Link dir3000.

First router

Connecting to the router via a computer, launching a web browser, enter in the row with the address. Ask the router to log in - enter the factory name and password.

Entrance at the station

The menu is being adjusted. Go to the menu "System", in the list embossed "Administrator password". You will see the window with the password parameters.

Change administrator password

Respect! Sob the password is foldable, ale and don’t forget yoga, manually in the form of a twist to the mac-address or serial number router, as indicated on the label under the bottom of the router!

The device will immediately re-enter, and you will be prompted to enter the menu with a new password.

Router other

Another attachment will look at the TP-Link picker company model tl-wr740n.

Other router

The entry in the setup menu is identical to the one in front. Starry look menu, zrozumilo, vіdrіznyaєtsya, moreover, Russification is far from all versions of the firmware. Ale razіbrati all one is not foldable. Select the Maintenance menu, go to the System Tools submenu, go to the Password sub-item.

Change administrator password

In the “Old User Name” and “Old Password” fields, we write the current password, in the third row we write a new name, in the fourth and fifth rows - New password. Remember to change the settings by pressing the Save button.

The router will also automatically reboot, and go in with a new name/password.

We found out how to password protect the router, let us know about the other part of those - the zahist of the dartless mesh. It is possible to maintain a password when you try to connect to Wi-Fi other dartless outbuilding- Computer, smartphone, tablet computer, etc.

Entering a password to connect to Wi-Fi

The technology will also be reviewed on the buttstock of the front routers. It is important to understand the very essence, in this case it is not important, what kind of router, the procedure is given, the same for all.

Router first

Let's do it for D-Link dir3000. We again go to the menu for the update, select the Wi-Fi item at the start window, give the submenu “Set security”.

Wi-Fi password setting

The list "Merezheva Authentication" is selected for the selection of a password encryption technology. The most crypto-resistant, so that it does not lend itself to evil, is WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK. We choose yoga. Dali in the "Encryption key" field, we see that we write our password, which is a kind of goiter and a little help:

    The key cannot be as short as 8 characters;

    The key is to be folded all the way from the letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers, mixed together;

    Register letter may have a value.

We save the patch by pressing the "Change" button at the lower right corner.

Router other

Wi-Fi security setup

We select the type of encryption "WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK", and write our password in the "PSK Password" row. Wimogi up to the password, like on the front router (like for all others).

Tisnemo Save

You can also learn this procedure from the video lesson:

Having passed that hour, if the Internet was connected to a PC, it was only for the help of a wire connection. At the same time, all modern gadgets support the Wi-Fi function and can be used in a wireless network just as well as with a direct connection with a dart! Practically in a leather apartment for satisfaction with Wi-Fi, you need a special attachment, a router. Basically, such measures are victorious for home and office services.


Bezdrotova merezha can expand for tens of meters, fallow in the tightness of the router. And so that the unfortunate guests do not win over your traffic, you need to know how to password-protect a Wi-Fi router.

How to put a password on a wifi router (password)?

In this article, we can look at the principle of changing the password, even independently from the virobnik, Asus, D-link, TP-link, Zyxel, wine identical. You can easily change the settings, and it's even easier to throw them off to the factory ones. It is necessary to consider importance given, even if all the outbuildings are united at the bedroom of the local area and you can get access to them. So that it didn’t become necessary to protect the password with a password!

Changing the parameters of the router is done through the web interface. On your own label, on back krishtsi The router says “website”, which consists of less than 3 numbers and a dot (call or it’s similar). Yogo needs to be entered into the address bar of the browser, as it is used to review web pages. Before you see in the end, where you need to enter the factory login and password, assigned to your own label, to turning side router. For minds, the stench is displayed - "admin and admin" obviously. Since we entered the data, we press the “Log In” button.

If you want to change the factory login and password of your router, otherwise you just forgot it, you can press the Reset button to turn all settings on the router (including the login and the password for accessing your router) to chat (default). Sound the Reset button is pressed in and for її pushing it is necessary to use a syringa or a toothpick.

Also, before you saw the map of the site - the main menu of the keruvannya router. Your task is to know the Security tab. If so, we will go to the side, it will be necessary to know the fields with the names “Password” and “Confirm the password”. Your task in the dermal field is to write the password for you. Which password is better to put together for the defense of your merezhі - rozpovimo troch zgoda.

After you have written a new password in two different fields, press the Save Setting button. Ideally, change the value of the login by changing the standard "admin" to "hamer17" (for example), so the router will be stronger than stealing from the evil one - now you know how to password protect wifi.

Deyakі koristuvachі after all vikonanih ptіv ask how to change the password for wifi. Just like that, put yoga on! You need to go to the site map, typing your password and login. І at the Security tab, write a new password value, save it, from and that's it!

Navite after changing the password of the router, do not forget to marvel at it without cost!

What password to choose for WiFi?

This is the most important moment that the zahist of the system of the dartless fence is worth. Quite often there are attacks against an evil password in Wi-Fi along a simple yoga path. Tobto. it is necessary to try such a password; Before speech, there is a lot of software for an evil password, but you can’t guess a folding password, you can get a folding password for a loan for dozens of years. Again, take a look at the basic principles of password folding:

  • Do not set the primitive password, enter qwerty options or 12345 or similar!
  • The password is guilty of mischief like numbers, letters, and special characters (*,%, #, etc.)
  • Vykoristovyte not po'yazanu іnformatsiyu with you. Tobto. rіk narodzhennya or the address of the booth, where you live - do not go for the password.
  • When folding the password, secure the register letter. In other words, the password is guilty of revenge as small as it is great letters.

Respect! Your password is not responsible for any lesser than most symbols!

As you speed up the tributes, you can 100% heal your dartless netting. Axis and everything, the power appeared: "How to set a password for wifi?" not so important! Good luck with your hard work!

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Go to the setup of your router. It's best to use a CD, which is included in the kit with a router, otherwise you can download the same remotely, via the Internet. To gain access to the router through a web browser, enter a special address in the entry row. Standard addresses for routers:, and

  • If possible, go into the setup of the router from the computer, which is connected to the new one with a special Ethernet cable. If you connect to the network via Wi-Fi, then if you change the Internet, it will be connected, and you will have to re-enter the router to fix it.
  • How is it that the password for locking in rich routers is "admin". Otherwise, try leaving one field empty, and otherwise enter "admin". Even if you don't work, go back to your router's instructions, or contact the dialer.
  • If you previously changed the password for accessing the router and you cannot guess it, press the Reset button on your router to turn it back to factory settings. Vrahuyte, scho d_ya brought to the end of all nalashtuvan.

Know the power of the security of your measure. The names are checked on rich routers, but basically the whole point is in the "Settings of the cordless chain" or "Settings of security". Yakscho Dane nalashtuvannya if you don’t know, ask a search for the name of your router and ask where you know how to fix security.

  • Select the type of encryption. More routers can make a dekilka possible options zahistu merezhi. Basically: WEP, WPA-PSK (Personal), or WPA2-PSK. If possible, select WPA2, as it is the best type of encryption for wireless networks. This function can be found in some older models of routers.

    • Older add-ons do not support WPA2 encryption. Remember about the fact that you have such an extension and connect them to the fence.
  • For WPA2-Personal, select the AES type. You can also choose to select AES for WPA2 encryption. The second option is TKIP, older and smaller proteins. Deyakі routers support only AES-algorithm.

    • AES is the standard for block cipher symmetrical algorithm and the best algorithm of all.
  • Enter SSID and passcode. SSID - the name of the access point, and the code word - the number of characters that you need to enter to connect to the access point.

    • Your password may contain letters, numbers and symbols. The simpler your password is, the easier it is for unkind people to guess it, or use the “brute force” method, how to call yoga programs. Merezha has password generators, which will help you choose the password for your merchant.
  • Save the settings and reset the router. Press the "Save" or "Save" button to save new security parameters. Most routers will be automatically reconfigured and all attachments connected to the new one will be turned on in the future - they will have to re-enter the password.

    • If the router is not automatically reset, I will have to do it manually. To turn on the router, turn on the plug from the socket and turn it up to ten. Let's reconnect the router to the border, turn it on and check it, until the win has passed the beginning of the interest (it will be completed, as soon as the indicators start to burn without change).
    • Do not forget to update the connection to the fence on all outbuildings. For greater security, please change your password about once a day.
  • Support the project - share your efforts, darling!
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