Yak virіshiti problems at gііs electronic budget. Perevagi and shortcomings of the start of the "electronic budget"

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Adjustment of automated workstation of the electronic budget is taken from a few stages, the stink is not folding, but it requires respect. Everything is robust for the instructions on the adjustment of the electronic budget. Briefly and at the right.

Electronic budget for setting up a working mission

Koreneviy certificate

Create a key folder in My documents, so that you can get them in your papacy certificates:

On the site http://roskazna.ru/gis/udostoveryayushhij-centr/kornevye-sertifikaty/ in the GIS menu -> center, scho start -> Korenev certifikati, you need to add " Koreneviy certifikat (qualifіkovaniy) "(div. Babies), if you took away a USB flash drive with certificates, copy them from the Certifіkati folder.

Continent TLS VPN Certificate

Another certificate, which you need to add, is the Continent TLS VPN certificate, but I don’t know about the new roskazna site, I’ll put it on my site. Confirmation of the Continent TLS VPN certificate in the key folder, we will know more if the Continent TLS client program is installed.

Vstanovlyumo zavanazheniy Koreneviy certifikat (qualifіkovany) for robots with an electronic budget.

At the START menu -> Use programs -> CRYPTO-PRO -> start the Certification program.

Go to the item Certifikati yak shown on the little below:

Go to the menu Diya - All zavdannya - Import, show up in the Maister import of certificates - Dal - Oglyad - We know downloads Korenevy certificate (qualification) our vipadku is found in my documents at the father's key

Yaksho everything was done correctly, the root certificate of the UC of the Federal Treasury will appear in the papacy certificate.

Installation "Continent TLS Client" for robots with an electronic budget

Continent_tls_client_1.0.920.0 can be found in the Internet.

Rozpakovuєmo zavantazhivayu archives, go into the CD folder and runєmo ContinentTLSSetup.exe

At the point of the onslaught on the Continent, the TLS Client KC2 launches the installation.

Take it away

Papa has a sign behind the default

At the start of the configurator, put a tick on the Start configurator after the installation is complete.

Before the hour of getting started, show up on the service:

Addresses - vkazuєmo lk.budget.gov.ru

Certificate - vibramo other certificate of entrapment earlier from the papa key.

Onslaught is OK that the installation is complete, Done.

On the power supply about rewiring operating systems vidpovidaamo Ні.

Vstanovleniya zasobu e-signature "Jinn-Client"

You can add the Jinn-Client program on the Internet.

Go to the Jinn-client folder - CD, run setup.exe

Onslaught from the list of Jinn-Client, start installing programs

Not brutally respect for the mercy, onslaught Prodovzhiti, Dali, take the Dal button to please that onslaught.

Enter vision license key

I will install the program for the changes, the onslaught of the Dal

The installation is completed, on the power supply about the rewiring of the operating system and the display

Installation of a robot module with an electronic signature Cubesign

As soon as there will be required archives from the program, write in the comments.

Launching the cubesign.msi installer file

Customization of the Mozilla Firefox browser for robots with an electronic budget.

1. Open the "Tools" menu and select "Nalashtuvannya".

2. Go to the "Dodatkovi" section to the "Merezha" tab

3. At the section “Z'ednannya” press the button “Nalashtuvati ...”.

4. Set the value for the parameters

"Manually adjusted proxy service".

5. Set the value of the HTTP proxy fields:; Port: 8080.

6. Press the "OK" button.

7. In the "Parameters" window press the "Ok" button.

Login to a special office of the Electronic Budget

See the window with the vibrator of the certificate for the entrance special cabinet electronic budget.

Vibiraєmo certificate for entering the Special Cabinet of the Electronic Budget, which is the password for the closed part of the certificate, written and onslaught is OK, for which the Special Cabinet of the Electronic Budget is displayed.

It’s a matter of time to receive a message in the electronic budget system. Experts magazine Oblik in the installation prepared a great memorial with pardons in the Electronic Budget and for their solutions.

Memo has been added to the number of razdiliv:

  • The creation and management of forms of renown;
  • І import;
  • Signature;
  • The introduction of that redaction.

Development and management of forms of visibility

The most frequent problems are for DIVS. The electronic budget is determined by the accounts and redactions of the forms of visibility. See how robiti comes at the onset of mercy:

  • When entering a special cabinet, the list form of documents is not displayed;
  • When entering a special cabinet, the icons of the buttons are not displayed;
  • On the 1st of the month of the month, the names of the lists appeared;
  • The system to give a pardon: after the hour of the start of the report of the visibility for Instruction No. 33n without memorizing the chapter code;
  • It is unwise to save it when the change is introduced;
  • It is unwise to blackmail the text part of the explanatory note;
  • Do not fail to re-register the sound forms at the presentations of the last sounds;
  • It is necessary to enter a filter for a joke of the necessary value;
  • The form was folded with zero indicators, the document was given a status
    "Indicators on the day". Does not change the status to "Submitted";
  • The system of the form of a pardon: “There is no special rakhunka at the name of f. 0503779 ";
  • The form is overwritten with the "Control not passed" status. Redaguvati is not possible. Why rob it with him?
  • How can you turn it off with the status "Scattered"?
  • Control over the name of the knowers of the pardon, yak є allowable;
  • Form 0503769 does not vibrate the required rakhunok from the assistant "Working plan of rakhunks";
  • At the entrance to a special room, at the work of the German head office "Oblik and security";
  • At the entrance to the menu "Formation and presentation of value" in the list
    increased visibility of installation (AU chi BO);
  • There are no buttons "Uzgoditi" for documents with statuses "Made with pardons", "Made without pardons".


By the import at the memory you will know how robiti, for such pardons:

  • The system of registration of pardons from the hour to the import sound: "The transformer of the document is not known",
    "Inconsistency of number of fields for blocks TB = 01, TB = 02";
  • The file will not be encrypted, but the system will display "Chapter code not displayed";
  • It is not hard to add a link to the name of the form 0503779 from the Russian Federal District -
    conversion to uniqueness. When a new call is locked up,
    KFO oldies skasovutsya.


It is also described in the memory of how the operation with the signature of documents in other situations is described:

  • The system of view
    it is not possible to solidify the document ”;

  • at yogh visibility? The sound is not cleared;
  • Koristuvach, as a sign to call, where at the vidpustku. Yak signature
    at yogh visibility? See already signed by one or a few koristuvachami.

Introduction and management

  • The system will make a note of gratitude from the opening hour.
    narrow-mindedness of zvitnyh forms ". When vibrating uzgodzhuyu P. І. About
    koristuvacha vіdsutnya chi repeat kіlkka razіv;
  • At the counterparty "Kontragenti" there is no need for organization.

As soon as in these lists you knew a pardon, for which every hour of robotics was started with DIVS Electronic budget, wonder and download the memory of the updates of these problems

- Budget plan and release.

1. At the entrance to the special cabinet, the form is shown as follows: “ There was a problem with a certificate for a secure website «.

Decision: Internet Explorer must be configured. For a great onslaught mo on the pictogram gears at the top right codend, then from the list Browser power.

At vіknі, scho wіdkrilosya, go to the tab Bezpeka

Vibiraєmo New sites and embossed with the bottom of the button Site.

Dodaєmo *: //ssl.budgetplan.minfin.ru at the top of the floor and embossed Dodati.

2 ... Вікно " Insert the key nose«

Decision: Change the number of inserts your flash drive \ ruToken \ eToken with key information. Yakshcho vin at the meeting and correctly get a certificate. I can hurry up .

3 .It’s hard to imagine a side.

Decision: Change the browser version. For correct robots, Internet Explorer 11.0 or an analogue of the TLS GOST driver. Schob reconversion internet version explorer needs to be pulled on the gear , at the list, when you see it, vibrate the last row - About the program.

Revise the correctness of the installation of the certified version of the cryptographic provider CryptoPRO CSP(At the time of this writing, the statistics are version 3.9 and 4.0).

Reconsider the appearance of the other crypto providers installed at once from the CryptoPRO CSP (possible conflict).

Re-adjust the anti-virus and firewall settings. Fіltruvannya https traffic maє buti is included, for the addresses of the portal maє buti u vinyatki.

There is an unprecedented turn of problems, which can be found in the process of robotics on the portal of the Budget Plan. For a more detailed analysis, you can contact us for further assistance (contacts at the upper right side of the site).

4. When the vibrator of the certificate is sent, the entered password will be displayed.

Decision: Whenever there is a wink to talk about those who have been registered in the system. System of sound SNILS of a koristuvach, instructions from a certificate (at a field), from SNILS, we will specify an hour of restoration of a koristuvach from a system. Bully vipadki, if during the restoration pardons were allowed in SNILZ, for clarification, you can call for a non-koste channel number of technical support 8 800 350-02-18.

5. It’s hard to imagine a side. Upgrade TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols

Decision: Most of the time, a pomilka vynik through problems with the CryptoPRO CSP crypto provider and incorrect settings of the anti-virus software security... If you want to see the problem, make sure to follow the recommendations from point 3.

Also "Electronic budget"

The "Electronic Budget" system is a single system of management by the sovereign and municipal finances, the operator of which is the Ministry of Finance. In the whole system, all participants in the budgetary process (more than 10 thousand. Organizations) lead the work of forming the budget of the country, vikonannya statezadan, kostorisiv and in. Through the "Electronic Budget" everything is arranged for additional subsidies.

The "Electronic Budget" has established a new system for managing national projects, which will be implemented according to the presidential decree until 2024. The participation in the implementation of all national projects is estimated at 25.7 billion rubles. from 2019 to 2024 (.pdf). They have 13,200,000,000,000 vizma on themselves the federal budget, for 4.9 trillion rubles. vidpovidatime regional vlada. At the same time, it will be important to ensure that the regional budget will be secured from the federal budget (close to 95%).

Officials skarry on hovering and wretchedness

For the skin national project, federal and regional officials are guilty of entering into the system from hundreds to thousands of indicators, a federal official explains to RBC. "Editing of one control point can be taken up to the first year - the system reacts every now and then, hangs, looks like a pardon," he said.

To edit one control point in the middle, seven to ten checkpoints are required. In such a rank, the middle hour of editing one control point can reach a few hilinas to pivgodini. Once you have consumed a federal project for technical process in the middle can be close to 54 people-years ”, - the official described the processes of robots in the system.

Coriguvannya 350-400 control points of one federal project can be carried out by three fahivts in a stretch of several days, now a federal official can use it. In his words, the system is especially hazy in the middle of a working day: a reaction to one click can take up to fifteen minutes.

Technical problems are fixed by regional officials. “Technical problems in the system of justice є. Between them the sticks in the robot and they are transferred to the permanent connection with the Federal Treasury for the nutrition of their services ", - v. O. Ministry of Finance of the Chelyabinsk Region Andriy Pshenitsin. “To a great extent, information about the financing of national projects is passing through it [the system]. That, madly, will need post-laydown", - Dodav vin. Behind the words of Pshenitsyn, problems arise from access to the system, the restoration of criminals, the introduction of information, the correctness of the process.

“Often it’s a trivial matter to look at the system and end it with mercy, because in large cases it is necessary to go over and fix a new session,” a federal official said later.

The press service of the Ministry of Education confirmed to RBC the information about the disease, having voiced it, but the stench was not injected into the robot of the house, the technical support service promptly responded to the information about the disease.

The press service of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Belarus was informed that the spokesmen of the ministry regularly visit different problems the robot has an "Electronic Budget". “Periodically, new types of pardons are recognized. Everything should be done to the point of idle time, to the loss of an hour by the sportsmen, as the stench could be more effective. Alert, it means that the technical support of the system has become more helpful, better, better, less earlier, ”- they called at the Ministry of Communications.

At the Ministry of Finance of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and the Republic of Crimea, they looked at them, but they didn’t get stuck in robotic systems. When preparing material for RBK, sending power to the press service of the finance ministries of the Moscow, Sverdlovsk, Leningradsk, Novosibirsk regions, as well as to the ministries of finance in the Khabarovsk Territory, the Republic of the European Region. RBC also sent power to all ministries to take part in the implementation of national projects.

Мінфін to settle for lack of publicity at koristuvachіv

Мінфін фіксує all the pardons, as soon as the robots of the "Electronic Budget" system come to an hour, they called RBC at the office. “I’ll look at those systems that are less than the lowest, and in the online mode I’ll start working on 12 yew. corystuvachіv, gratitude trap, it’s inevitable, "- said in the Ministry, adding that the problems in the middle are learned in lines no more than 18 years.

Information system based on demand great robots on the cob stage of the formulation of the tribute, they voiced it at the ministry. But the big thing is important - the number of applications for consultation from the controllers, who were first introduced to the robot system of such a class (electronic document processing, only one chuck, without the need to wake up the control system), "Punishments in robotic systems and becoming a small part", - they say at the house.

"For more and more six-fold history of the function of the" Electronic Budget "system, there has not been a long list of terms, but galvanized into the process of forming a budget", - they guessed in the Ministry. For a thorough robotic system and the Ministry of Finance regularly carry out the robot with the optimization of the code of the programs, testing the installation, balancing the installation on the server.

The structure of "Rostec" guided the development of the system

The contract for the distribution of software security of the system was laid at the State Scientific Innovation Center of Ukraine (DNIVC), distributed by RBC in the Ministry of Finance. The company was also engaged in the development of the IT-system of the Federal Tax Service. The price of the contract was paid 299.7 million rubles. "Payment is carried out in stages according to the minds of the contract in the world of issues," they added at the office.

The subcontractor of DNIVTs є "BARS Group" is a daughter of the company DK "Rostec". I’m already running the development of the electronic budget system for control over the visas of national projects, and for the press release of the company.

The representative of "BARS Group" has read the comments. Dzherelo RBK, close to the company, stverdzhu, the system is labor-free. “In the presence of any new system and support for food and the need for consultation with the survivors of the system. The company should receive applications for technical support, Ale the stink of being in a working order, "- says the spy of RBC.


When you try to go to the special office of the DIVS "Electronic Budget", you will be notified about the grant:

It’s hard to imagine a qiu side

Upgrade the TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols at the branch " Dodatkov_ parameters»And try again to connect to the web site https://ssl.budgetplan.minfin.ru. As soon as the pardon has not been pushed into the depths, it should be sent to the administrator of the website.


It is necessary to reconsider the adjustment of the working process from the document.

The instructions do not say about the nuance decilka:

  1. Need to get up CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in and convert it to the robot on the demo site.
  2. It is necessary to enable the filtering of the SSL / TLS protocol in the anti-virus settings, so that for the naughty site, it will turn on the conversion of the stolen data. In other anti-viruses, you can name it differently. For example, Kaspersky Free needs to go "Nalashtuvannya> Dodatkovo> Merezha> Do not overturn the stolen goods" .
Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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