Yak is the name of the logo iz pingvinom. What is the symbol of the operating system Linux є pingvin

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History of the Center operating systems respected in 1983, while Linux has not yet bore its own fancy name, richard Stallman was praised over it. Approximately through all the rocks, we practically finished the rosette of all system programs go to the warehouse.

A young hacker and a programmer joining the 90-s rock to robots over the system Linus Torvalds Win breaking the kernel for the operating system. And as it is visible from the name of the people, the system rejected its name from itself. Before speech and penguin, which became a symbol of the system, it became a special symbol of Linus, and the axis of death of a penguin was a symbol of the operating system and was seen by the squad of the programmer - Tuve.

In the spring of 1991, Torvalds is ahead of the Viklada in the Internet with a viral code. Tse one time has turned the respect of hundreds of programs, as having tampered with the vyhid code, they chanted over it, adding their programs. From that moment on, I felt a great deal of happiness and growth. The first rockies were engaged in a cycle of deprivation of the program, but even before the end of the distribution, the whole company came. In view of the fact that, as soon as we were working on a commercial basis, the robots of such a system were taken care of, the robot would need about 11 billion dollars. To bring Linux to its ninth place, I’ll start over it with a stretch of successive rockets, 70 thousand people began to play. Linux itself viyshov in 2012 rotsi on persha misce on vikorystannyu in smartphones, they will be stuck in Linux kernels specially for mobile annexes.

Perevagi Linux

Linux itself is in our hour, as there is no such thing, albeit іinshi operating systems and broken down into its cores. Like writing in Cyrillic, then the tse of Fedor, Ubuntu and Android, the most popular and most popular systems for a given moment. Desktop Linux Fedora

In front of us, slyly, I want to see one big gidnist, those who will expand without a boon. Also, if you install Linux on your computer at the enterprise, you can not be afraid of any changes. Nichto do not ring you at the victorian piratsky software security... Also available be-yaki required programs, scho work with Linux, yak for robots, so i for rozvag. To whom and most of all, it is not possible to negotiate a wide range of non-standard programs.

Another great thing about it is that Linux can handle the code. Don't talk about it, I'll just try to explain. However, Windows, writing the kernel of the whole system and the code to close and open it is unfortunate, it is not possible to rebuild it in Windows. It is obvious, the singing world of change, decorated by us, can go to the middle of Windows, not to see it. With Linux on the right, there is a display, yo display code, if you are familiar with the program, you can put your own experiment, view the system, and change it.

More kilka perevag and small shortcomings

And the axis is still deyakі perevaga and shortcomings of Linux. Perche, bezpeka, in which there is a polyagaє, for the one

scho viruses, as they constantly plow the Internet in the jokes of an unprotected computer, do not shy away at the system.

For example, when a virus is consumed in a computer with Windows, all folders on all disks do not appear to be infected. The system, and in most cases, can only be placed outside the format of the entire disc. Linux doesn’t have to go through the folders, because it’s impossible to create a shkodi system.

In other words, the accessibility of software security, for Windows, it’s more important to know good work bezel-less program... Licenses, even more expensive, but without koshtovny, do not fit. With Linux, all navpaky, are new programs, absolutely no shipment, and because of that functionality, it is often possible to reverse their counterparts, broken down for Windows. І installation of the program is simplified, you go to the distribution site, you select the program number, type the required row command line and installation went.

I also want to see the shvidkodiyu Linux, designed in new forgiven, that's a good system, more shvidshvid for Windows. Obviously, if people for gusto more befit a retail design, or if you have the opportunity to buy a supercomputer, then Linux may not be honored. Qia system Good luck to use budget models and computers, you won’t be able to do it because it’s sprite.

Until the shortage of the whole system, it is possible to deprive one of the reasons why it should be saved from the release of the drivers for the possession. The hour will fall forward, everything will change, before the professional software to rob drivers for Windows 7, and then for Linux. It is tied with a price, for the first option it is possible to earn money, and the other option is not in stock. Ale nezabar, such a camp will be correct. Guessing and insignificant shortcomings of the whole system, a bit of a thin stench far-fetched, and a deadly skinny koristuvach himself virishu, shho yomu vibrati.

Tux ( Dachshund, Runet is wider in wider Tux) - Official Linux talisman, opened in 1996 by Larry Ewing. Tse chubby penguin, like a viglyadє sitim and please. The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bvikoristovuvati penguin yak talisman Linux by hanging the creator of the kernel Linus Torvalds.


All the rest of 1996 came to rock, if the list of Linux kernel rosters showed up with new rosters about talisman. In the middle of a bagatech proposition, you can see either parody of the logos of the OS, or standard animals like eagles or sharks. Discussions have been scolded because Linus Torvalds vipadkovo swallowed, which befits a penguin. Bulo k_lka try to namaluvati pingvіnіv at іznі poses, for what the logo was needed in viglyadі pіngvinіn, trima the Earth. Linus's axis of view on the back of Dale Shitz on the screen like this logo:

Linux logo prototype.

Linus Torvalds ( [email protected])

Htss, having voiced the competition for the logo, melodiously, people can already supervise their propositions.

In any case, there’s a lot of ideas: a tough penguin can’t be overpowered by a strong person, but you can’t take it out, and you can’t play it. Negative, negative logo from the point of view ...

Now, before the tim yak mirkuvati about pingwini, a little bit of fun, and think "cute". Again zitkhnit: "mile". Turn around to "nice" for a day (do not pinch the dichati), then realize: "satisfaction".

Dos with me? Vidminno ...

Turn around to penguins (so cute) - "grants" can mean only two words: schoyno fuck anyway. Turn me up, I am an expert at pingwines, who cannot be of value.

I don't want it, but our penguin will be vulgar (maybe it’s not in our rules, we will not do that), it means we will not be able to do it, meaning we will not be able to do it.

Otzhe, be guilty to represent the chubby (*), how to sit and all the penguin, but just bend. Win to sit out of a blissful smile - even life garne, if you have a dozen kilograms of Syroe Ribi and see a new cut on the way.

(*) Not tovstoy, ale maє butti at once zrozulylo, wіn nadto puffy, wіll stand.

If you can't get yourself a kimos, you can’t be hungry for some blue ribbons, replace it with chocolate, or even more, a little more than a zealous idea of ​​great beauty.

Apparently, we are clearly so cute, cute, friendly, fluffy penguin, who just became a settler. Dos with me?

Here the best part of it will be repaired. With the picture, clearly played in your testimony, you need to throw in a stylized version. Lack of details - deprived of a black contour with a penzel (you know exactly the effect, if the width of the line changes). For all the necessary talent. Show people this picture, and the stench is guilty, say [over-malt voice]: "Mmm, what a mile penguin, I'm trimming a pair of winners, I’m a donkey man ..." so? "

Then there will be another version, more, more detailed (і, maybe, grabbing onto the earth's kulu, but I don’t think it’s a macho-penguin, but we’ll associate with the Atlantean anyway). This version can play hockey with the devil FreeBSD, but it still works. Protect the penguin itself, one at a time, will be a logo, but it will be victorious to see the actor in the scenes.


However, it is not Tux that will run a Linux-style like the Linux logotype. Vin has pierced the axis of the whole supernik, the creation of Mett Yerikson.

Yaksho vi with modern technologies, then, shvid better for everything, I’ll be right with Linux, and it’s not deprived of that, if they threw off the susidam forget password view of the "video" for the additional LiveUSB. Ale for a broken OS with a display code, like and earlier, is not handy. I independently know and manually install all the programs - so happy.

Tuxedo InfinityBook 14 for Ubuntu 17.10 can be purchased at tuxedocomputers.com for a price of 50,000 rubles. Option from Windows 10 Home will cost more. Є delivery to RF.

Unimportant on the price, a lot of people are able to save the Linux functionality and recommend to be easy to use as much as possible in Ubuntu 10.17. I vypravdovuvatsya Tim, you don’t want to mess around with the installation of the program, you can even cleverly, even in the European company Tuxedo, I will install on the PC and notebooks ideally adjusted Linux distributions. Moreover, it’s the way to roam so that you can see all the functional keys and indicator lights to see those who see them.

See Windows as

Until the end of the day, the InfinityBook Pro 14 is a stunning premium laptop with the function of subordinate support for the total dislike of Linux: as an alternative to Windows 10.

Tuxedo InfinityBook 14 laptop is equipped with a choirma USB ports(one of them is USB Type-C), microSD-card-reader, high-speed SSD and Intel processor Core i5 (two cores with a frequency of 1.2 to 3.2 GHz). Display based on IPS
the matrix with a bright brightness of 272 cd / m2, a slightly low contrast ratio (138: 1) and lack of space for sRGB space (68%). The ergonomics of the miracle: the robot is noiseless when it comes to passive cooling, it looks like the body, accepts the keyboard and trackpad. It’s almost 11 years old when you look at the video, it’s close to the ninth year without recharging.

Ale vikoristovuvati the option from Windows is not obligatory - melodiously in the office, and in the home of a lot of routine robots on computers and in browsers. Electronic mail, Rizni office, re-viewing of video clips, displaying in messengers - in Linux, for viewing, everything is not at all viewed from Windows.

And if it is necessary to tweak the power materials, I will propose a powerless tsikavogo PZ: LibreOffice is a package that includes texts and a spreadsheet editor, a program for closing and peering presentations and a lot of it; graphic editor Gimp; Add for robots with multimedia files - for the production of video clips and music - that additional tools: for example, for screen capture with the help of screenshots; archivator and I will buy everything. This is the ideal option for trying Linux.

Linux has a reputation for being a system for cunning koristuvachiv... Ale ti, hto pratsyuє on Ubuntu OS, I know, melodiously: it’s not true.

Ubuntu, set up by the Tuxedo company for a laptop, controls LED indicators - for example, to display the battery of a laptop.

Deyaky moments wicked help nagu: if, for example, a dumb Misha with a USB dongle fixes it right away and without a touch, like wyklikє the installation of drivers (and the very power of Windows), or if we are ready to start using the HP printer parameters to the victorian in seconds.

The HPLIP package is equipped with drivers and programs for MFPs and HP printers, so you don't need to install sudo commands. The nature of Windows will need to be installed manually in accordance with the PZ. In a word, a friend and a scan on Linux will fix the problem at once, the interface of the computer will be more efficient than in Windows 10. Here you can know more parameters, like the size of a paper or a format. Single minus: the indicator of the level of ink in the cartridges is not practical.

More triples have been brought about with the results of the laptop i childless headphones: the stench has seen such a dirty sound, not on the phone of the 80s, but it’s okay. The reason for the failure was known. Headphones with a handful of them were like a headset, and Bluetooth was installed in the HFP / HSP protocol due to the low sound quality. After manually setting the A2DP profile, the headphones again felt a high-pitched sound.

Inodі vereduє

Quite a few problems were seen quickly, but not far into the distance, but also the creation of music from the Amazon Music Unlimited service. Front Firefox browser I will not accept Flash plugin, for rozvagi brought vidduvatisya Google chrome... Ale y vin inodi vibrikuvav: for example, local copies Track the Amazon browser once, and edit the streams easily.

And here I have come to see those who use Linux to associate with buggy koristuvachiv: a message about problems on the endless expanses of business forums. We installed Kodi - it didn't work. Installed Nuvola - also povz. I decided to vikoristovuvali a spare option - Windows 10. Ale zagalom Ubuntu earned 8 points out of 10.

Tax - official talsman Linux

Until the 25th day of the LINUX operating system

On the 25th day of 1991, the Finnish programmer Linus Torvalds launched a project to establish a new operating system for personal computers.

At that hour, the development of information technologies began to play an even greater role in the development of information technologies.

The operating system is the whole program, as it starts up immediately when the computer is turned on, a kind of middle ground, in which all the other programs are installed. In order to keep the correct function of the whole computer, the efficiency of the information security and safety.

From the 80s to the greats of the year, companies have been developing operating systems "for yourself", and for the last time they have developed models of computers.

At the same time, the software code of the systems will start to be closed, so that some of them could not bring in any new changes, they could not have glazed or inaccuracies.

With this rank, great companies seized their copyrights and lost their income. It is also possible to correct all the proceeds from the sale of the operating system and it is possible that only if it is broken by power.

As soon as in the whole process, surrounded by the company's programs, take the part of the powerless simple koristuvachi, then it will happen to them to go on, and also uzgodzhuvati are planning to develop operational systems, but they don’t expect it to be obvious for business changes.

Ale vipusknik to the University of Helsinki Linus Torvalds has propounded the last message. Win stverdzhuvav, “with enough eyes, all the pardons lie on the surface.

The one who is important to know is a glib pardon. However, if there were a lot of people shukk pardons, then all the stench goes to the surface ”. Tse zgodom bulo is named Linus's law, in honor of his creator.

In the spring of 1991, Torvalds Viklav has a project of his own operating system. Kozhen bazhayuchiy mіg without koshtovno yogo to download and bring in any changes to the court.

Bagatomilyonna army of koristuvachіv testuvala programs that have brought about the appearance of pardons. The creators have lost the deprivation of picking up information and bringing in snakes. I got used to that vyvchalisya proposition of a thoroughly detailed system.

Moreover, be it possible to install on the basis of the operating system of Torvalds its own powerful software complex, and absolutely free of charge. The author did not vimagali zhodrakhuvan for the change in the history of his operational system.

As a result, for the current day 98% program code Torvalds' systems were written by the first koristuvachi. Win only by putting a straight line.

The army of programs from the US took over the mercy of the great companies. Prior to that, there was a possibility of creating specialized operating systems for high-school spheres of activity.

Computers giganti make sure not to roam through the high vitrati and the small market for the booth. And the henchmen with a code- Easy. Special versions of operating systems have appeared for educational and scientific installations, virobnicheskie enterprises, retail and naval regions.

He called his software complex Torvalds Linux, and became a symbol of the open-ended operating system and became penguin.

Tux - Official Linux talisman, opened in 1996 by Larry Young.

The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bvikoristovuvati penguin yak talisman Linux by hanging the creator of the kernel Linus Torvalds.Vin himself explained the tse simply: "Go to the zoo for less pecking birds."

Text: Sergiy Tolmachov

Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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