How to import products into CMS Simpla. Information of a koristuvach about the camp of a zamovlennya

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It was revealed to give a lot of pardons tied to imports.

Most of the time I want such a simple food - but how do I import? The proof is not so simple and not so obvious, as it may seem at first glance. And the stars are whistling richly.

For example, koristuvach zrobiv export. In the received file, having removed all the rows of goods, only one. І qiu one row of dublіrovannye goods. Now, how can I import two rows of rows, what can happen? Vidpovіd asks itself: two rewrite one and the same product, so there will be no real change.

How about changing the name of a dubbed product? The evidence is ambiguous. They can blame different situations in the fallow in specific data. One of the situations is that duplicate goods will appear, but two goods will have the same URL, which in practice will lead to the fact that the side of one product of two will be theoretically inaccessible

Another moment. Even irrationally pracyuє іmport s power goods. A simple example: if 100 power values ​​are set on the site, but in reality the product has 10 power values ​​in the middle, then import, krіm write down 10 real power values, if you also add 90 empty values ​​to the skin, then replace it, so that you can see the empty power supply with one . And if you try and program the space more accurately, you can get by with a couple of requests for hundreds ... If the file import has 1000 rows, then maybe in the process of importing at least 90 000 inputs. In addition, it is also stupidly bagatorazovo repeating the request for a link to the category and authority. If you want to optimize imports in one place, you can make a significant savings

Third moment. It is even more marvelous how the goods are imported with addresses. Let's assume that the file import has one row with an empty address field and there is no such product in the database of the store. An example to the import file:
category; Product; Price; Addresses; Bachimo; Brand; Option; Vendor code; Warehouse
Divani; Little; 163.00 ;; one; Feed; v1; 10011; five
As a result of the import, a new product will appear, the addresses of any formations are transliterated with the names. It's true.
And now let's repeat the import of the same file. Naturally, it is clear that the product is overwritten without change. Ale, it didn’t seem to be there - in reality, the address of the goods will become empty.

Fourth moment. Іmport processing fields is not so, like stinks are processed when the product is edited in the administration. If in the administration I create manually the goods with the article "xyz" (with a pass on the cob), I create it myself so that with the pass "xyz". If you do the same through import, then the article will be written as "xyz", so without trying. Therefore, duplicate goods and similar nedolіki can be added.

The leather side can be found in the song menu (for example, top, bottom) or in the “other sides”. Other sides - all sides, send them on the same side in the menu, but, at the same time, to these sides you can go directly to their address, or put an appropriate article on them (or go to other sites).

"Other Sides" - top sides, and order with other sides of the site are indexed by search engines and are present in Google Site Map.

Creation / change of side


Expansion name - vikoristovuetsya as the name of the menu item, which is applied to this side.


The heading of the side is displayed on the side itself in the quality, weight, heading.


The side can be found in one of the menus on the site (the number of menus on the site depends on the design) or be the “other side”. "Other Sides" - the main sides, and the order with the other sides of the site are indexed by search engines and are present in the Site Map, regardless of those that are clearly not present in the menu.


The activity of the side is not only added / displayed in the song menu, but also the availability of the side for the direct address. The side is inactive on the day behind its direct address and on the day in the Site Map.

News (blog)

In order to display a new page on the site, you need to create a page in the “Materials → Sides” section, specifying the “News line” type for it. So, in design, it can be seen that the novelties are presented not on the other side, but as a part of the other side. In such a state of mind, novelties are available without folding the supplementary side.

New items are automatically ordered by date, regardless of the order added to the site.

Creation / change of news


Set a caption for the news

date of

For the locking up Current date, But you can її change with the help of a hand-held calendar - just click on the input field.


This parameter determines whether the novelty will be visible to the site and the search machines.


This parameter is given to the URL of the novelty within the site. This parameter is not binding, but it is recommended to set the address for the benefit of the site and search engines.




It is accepted by the poshuk machine as a description of the side, and you can win when you see the results of the posh. Ask for a side (news) succinct description.


Abstract - a short description of the article in the list of novelties. Fallow in the design of the site annotation can be different sizes, Abo vzagalі buti vіdsutnіm.

new text

The latest text of the news is displayed without interruption on the side of the news.


At the “Products” branch, you will have a list of all the products of your store. Leather goods may belong to one category and brand. Zlіva in the list of products there is a filter for categories and brands. Choose a category or a brand, so that only products of the same category or a brand can be selected. If you need to know a specific product, please use the form of a request. The search for a given word (abo dekіlkoh) is carried out in the namenuvannі (modelі) and description of the goods.

List of goods

The list of goods should be completed with the help of managing goods, without going into the form of editing the goods, but itself:

goods ordering

Pіslya adding a new product vіn automatically becomes the top one. You can manually remіstiti whether the goods are schodo susіdnіh for additional strіk in the lіvіy partіnі row of goods.

The order of goods can be given exclusively within one product category. It is not possible to remember the goods of different categories by category.

product activity

Name the product and send a message to the side of the product

Creation of a copy of the product

When pressing on the icon of the creation of a copy of the product, the duplication of the product, and the editing of the new product. At the name of the product, the word “copy” is added, the new product for locking is inactive. Since the URL of the product cannot be duplicated, the vіn is assigned automatically.

If you pressed “make a copy” and didn’t save it, you won’t get enough on the site. If you don't need a copy, I'll do it manually.

When a copy of the goods is created, the additional images are left alone on the offense of the goods. Yakscho nebhіdno zmіniti їh - vidalіt in kopії product dodatkovі izobrazhennya і zavantazhte novі.


Comments to products

The comment icon for the product is inactive, because this product does not have a comment. If the goods are maє komentarі, a pіdkazka z kіlkіstyu komentarіv is displayed above the icon, and the icon itself is sent to the search for comments to which product in the rozdіlі "Komentarі".

Prices and quantity in stock

You can change the price and number of goods in the warehouse at once for the number of goods in the list. Set the required values ​​and press "save" at the bottom of the page.

If you want to change the price of the goods, the goods will be in the box at the moment of purchase, the price will be automatically added to the box. If the goods in the warehouse have been changed in the bag at the buyer, the quantity will be automatically changed in the bag. As soon as changes are made, after the date of the pledge, the data should be kept in the pledge at the time of the pledge.

view of the goods

When the product is seen, it is so self-disappeared, krіm of the product itself, yogo dodatkovі images and comments. So the product itself ceases to be related to other goods, as if it were shown to be related to other goods.

When the hour of seeing the goods is found in the bag with the purchase, it is automatically recognized as not. If the goods are already priced out, the information about the goods will be left in the notice.

Creation / change on goods


I will name the product, but I can name it more, so I will name the product model (for technical equipment) or the article.


Enter the yoga brand for the product. The list of brands is set on the "brandy" tab


An inactive product is not displayed on the site, it is not visible to search engines and is not visible in price lists.

How to get drunk so that you turned on the goods at that hour, if you lie in a cat with some purchase - you automatically drink from the cat. Well, the buyer has grasped this zamoviti, in the zamovlenn_ zamovlennі zamovlennі tsey goods.


Whether a product can be considered as a hit. Sensing parameter to lie in the design of the site. For example, you can hit the icon "promotion" or "hit sales", and appear on the main page of the site.


For leather goods obov'yazkovo is guilty of buti, a category is indicated. Please note that one product can only be of the same category. Possible product categories can be added to the “category” tab


The price of the goods is set in the main currency of the site. Copies are speckled

If you want to change the price of the goods, the goods will be in the box at the moment of purchase, the price will be automatically added to the box. If the price of the goods is changed, the price of the item is fixed - the old price is left in the lock, due at the time of the lock.

Quantity in stock

In the system, the automatic appearance of goods in the warehouse is processed. The goods are debited from the warehouse at the time of acceptance of the order for processing or at the time of payment for the order by online payment. When the goods are in stock at the warehouse, the site cannot be allowed to change. So it goes, vіdvіduvachі can't name the big kіlkіst product nіzh є in reality.

Old price

The old price is displayed on the site with a new order.


This parameter is set to the URL address of the product within the site. Vіn not є obov'azkovym, but it is recommended to put the comprehension of the address for the benefit of the site and search engines.


Instead of the title parameter, it will be displayed in the title of the browser window. The parameter is selected by search engines to be shown in search results and added to the position of the site in the search rating.


Vkazіvki poshukovіy mashinі about the key words of the storіnki to the goods. For a long time it has not been victorious with poke machines for direct recognition.


Spriymaєtsya poshukovoy machine as a description of the storіnki goods, і can be victorious when the results of the poshku are shown. Ask a concise description for the side.

Short description

Short description product - description of the product when adding to the list of products

New description

New description goods - description bezposeredno on storіntsі goods.

Product categories

category ordering

The order of categories of goods is established by the order of displaying categories in the menu of the site, as well as the very order of displaying goods on the site - the goods are ordered in the first order by category, and only then by themselves.

category activity

remote category

Creation / change of category of goods


Name in one

Vikoristovuєtsya as a prefix to the name of the goods of the category. For example, " Phone Mitsubishi Trium Aria. If such a prefix is ​​not needed in the name of goods, fill the field empty.


category activity


This parameter is set to the URL-address of the category of products (sides with a list of products of this category). Vіn not є obov'azkovym, but it is recommended to put the comprehension of the address for the benefit of the site and search engines.


Instead of the title parameter, it will be displayed in the title of the browser window. The parameter is selected by search engines to be shown in search results and added to the position of the site in the search rating.


Questions of the search machine about the key words of the side. For a long time it has not been victorious with poke machines for direct recognition.


Accepted by the search machine as a description of the category, and can win when you see the results of the search. Set a concise description for the category.


category description

Creation / brand change


Having named the brand, it will be victorious as a prefix to the name of the goods of this brand. For example, "Phone Mitsubishi Trium Aria.


This parameter is set to the URL address of the product side of the chosen brand. Vіn not є obov'azkovym, but it is recommended to put the comprehension of the address for the benefit of the site and search engines.


In addition, having added one or more goods to the box, you hope to be able to choose the delivery method and fill in the information about the owner. After tsikh diy zamovlennya is saved in the base, and koristuvach will go to the side of the zamovlennya. Tsya storіnka zalishaєtsya available koristuvachevі zavzhd.

So, at the moment of the engagement, the coristuvachevi and the administrator are informed about the engagement.

The delivery rate of the package in the box of a koristuvach is shown in line with the line order of the package. Tsya vartist is calculated from the improvement of the possible reduction of the koristuvach. It is possible, and so, that you can buy goods without a discount, slightly increasing the amount of the purchase, but take care of the cost-free delivery.

Skin zamovlennya to collect information about the zamovlenny goods (quantity, price) and іnformatsiyu about the purchase, yaku vіn zapovniv pіd hour zdіysnennya zamovlennya.

All information in the engagement is valid at the time of the engagement and the insurance premium is at the time of the engagement. If the price of the goods is changed, or the goods will be seen from the store, otherwise the price will be charged, the price will not be related to the data in the reservation.


Skin protection can be one of the upcoming statuses: “new”, “in production”, “viconano”. Regardless of the status, the application can be listed in the “payments” and “not paid” section.

In the wake of the zdijsnennya zamovlennya koristuvachy zamovlennya the status of "new". and comrades are not written off from the warehouse. As it turned out that the information is irrelevant, you can just see it, and don’t worry about changing in the warehouse.

After that, as you change in the correctness of the pledge (for example, linking with the buyer), transfer the pledge to the work. When you order, the goods will be written off from the warehouse.

For example, the successful completion of the vikonano (for example, the goods delivered to the buyers) - transfer yoga to the status of "vikonano".

When the goods are sent away, or they are known in the processing of the packing, the goods are “turned” to the warehouse. So, when the status is turned to “new”, the goods are also turned to the warehouse.

Pay-in-place mill

Payment for the purchase is divided into two types: manual processing and payment online.

Under manual processing, they toil on the payment forms, which require the administration of the site administrator. For example, payment to the courier or overhead payment.

Online payment - payment for the purchase by the buyer without intermediary on the site, without the involvement of the administrator. For example, payment through the Webmoney system or a bank card.

An important consideration for manual and online payment is those that, when making an online payment, the station is automatically transferred to the "payments" station, and the goods are debited from the warehouse independently of the status of the order.

Information of a koristuvach about the camp of a zamovlennya

When you change the status of the voucher, the notification about the current status of the voucher and the detailed information about the voucher are automatically added.


Distributed "buyers" to avenge all registrations on the site. I’ll look at those that for the registration of neobov’yazkova registration on the site, I still hope supplementary ability: Saving the history of the purchase, as well as self-recognition of the discount to groups of buyers.

Once registered, the koristuvach must not be included in any of the groups and cannot be reduced.

In addition, if you will be insured to the first group, all prices on the site will automatically be repaid for the new insurance premium.

How the change of the discount (group) will be paid at that hour, if the new one has commodities in the bag, their price will be repaid for the adjustment of the new discount. The same thing will happen, like a koristuvach having added goods to the cat, and uvіyshov under his login only after that - in the cat automatically vrahuє znizhka. Obviously, the total amount of the order will also change, and, obviously, the delivery rate may also change. As soon as the rozmіr znizhka is changed after the registration of the zamovlennya, the number of goods for the zamovlennya will not be rescheduled.

You can timely block a koristuvach, if you can’t see the wine under your names, and if the wine is blocked at the same time, an automatic exit will be made.

At the list of buyers, it is possible to review the number of requests for a skin coristuvach, and to revisit the list of your request. Vykhodyachi s tsgogo, the administrator of the store can take a decision on the award of a reduction for coristuvachiv.

How to import products into CMS Simpla

For this article descriptions, import of goods to the online store based on Simpla (version 2.2.4). Required to say what is given CMS one of the simplest and most convenient for a swedish fold to your store. You also need to deal with the import of data from files CMS. However, on the other hand, there is less overlap, less opportunities for import. The most important thing you need to know is the format of the CSV file , You can replace the next columns:

The name of the site






Old price


vendor code






Side header


side description

Product name

product brand

Name the option

Product price

Old price of goods

Quantity of goods in stock

Item number

Vіdobrazhennya goods on the siteі (0 or 1)

Short description

Addresses of the party to the product

New description

names local files or the url of the image on the Internet, through whom

Product side title (Meta title)

Keywords (Meta keywords)

Product side description (Meta description)

Qi columns can be roztashovuvatisya in any order, not obov'yazkovo in this sequence, as shown more. In addition, as your file does not have any data, as if from the designations of the stovptsiv - you can simply not create them. With whom, be-yakі іnshі, the names of the columns will be interpreted as the names of the additional powers of the product.

It is also necessary to know that the categories are marked with the “/” sign, for example, to set the subtitle “Smartphone” to be in the root category “ Mobile attachments”, It is necessary to insert the next row in the “Category” column:

Mobile Appliances / Smartphones

In addition, it is necessary to indemnify in the numerical columns "Price", "Old Price" is not guilty, but there are gaps between the numbers, otherwise the value of 2,364.34 is imported at a price of 2 rubles.

Another important nuance when importing to SІMPLІ is the ability to specify a kіlka varіantі in goods with a reasonable price. For example, sometimes smartphones can change the price through color or visibility additional functions. Let's say the black version costs 1000 rubles more than the white one. To set qi options, it is necessary to add the column "Option" to the file and in this option indicate the variant, in this case the color will be:




Side header


iPhone 4s



Apple iPhone 4s


iPhone 4s



Apple iPhone 4s

As can be seen from the assigned butt - only two powers are recognized: naming the option and the second price (this price can be the same). In this order, in the name of the option itself, the vіdmіnnostі mіzh goods, all other columns are filled in the same way! In order to set the number of vіdmіnnosti in the characteristics of the nomenclature - it is necessary to set the okremy goods, for example, for them Apple iPhone 4s White and in the new show all the features: color, vaga, price, dodatkovі authority.

After that, as the table is loaded, it is necessary to just zavantazhit. For whom, go to the Automation menu.

At the deposit "Import" you can add only one word - choose required file for import with an additional button "Look around". Remember what maximum expansion file for streaming version 240 Mb. Also on this tab you can read a short annotation for the file format. To make sure that your file is correctly folded - boldly press the button "Available".

Further, the process of acquisition is more familiar and convenient for the koristuvach: an indicator of the process is displayed, as well as information about the dermal commodities is displayed. As everything goes, as required for skin position, there is a green check mark.

Also marked two rounded blue arrows - to mean that the goods are already in the store and the information about the new one has been updated. Also, when you are interested, all the options are shown right-handed in the name. After the import process is completed, you can go to the catalog and check that everything has loaded as required.

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