History. Marvel at how ESET is in the latest ESET vocabulary lists how to get around the preferences of Russian software

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Peter Pashko and Miroslav Trnka, two young people from Bratislava, wrote in 1987 small program for the young woman of one of the first who knew them computers viruses, yaku stench was called "Vіden". For the first virus buli novi, it went to the thought universal program for the emergence and development of threats, which appear.

In 1992, Peter, Miroslav and Rudolf Gruby, who came before them, officially registered the "ESET" company, the headquarters of the Vidkrita in Bratislava (CRSR, nini Slovacchina). Recently, in 1999 we started to open a parent company in San Diego, USA. The name ESET (Essential Security against Evolving Threats) represents a proactive approach to detecting unintended threats. ESET became the first company, as it felt that the technology was adopted, calling it ThreatSense ™, the basis of which is the block of extended heuristics.

NOD is a speedy version of "Nemocnica na Okraji Disku" ("Lykarnya on the outskirts of the disk"). The name may be more likely due to the popular chesky serial "Likarnya on the outskirts of the world."

The company's strength

The first released product of the Bula company is the NOD anti-virus system for MS-DOS.

U 1998 ROCI FOR OPERATING Windows systems Bula released version 1.0 of the new anti-virus system, which rejected the name NOD32, the numbers in the name represented the translation program code on a 32-bit basis. The name is taken care of dosi, unaffected by those that are programmatically secured in 64-bit systems.

In 2002, the company ESET took over the fate of the CeBIT visitor in Hanover, Nimechchina.

In 2003, a new version of the new version, NOD32 2.0, was released, with additional improvements, until the end of 2006, and the appearance was added to a deprivation in 2012.

In 2007, the company ESET introduced a new version of its antivirus, I will name it, NOD32 Antivirus 3.0, as well as a new product, NOD32 Smart Security, which will add anti-virus functions to the firewall and anti-spam.

In 2009 rotsi presented a new version of cikh products - 4.0.

In 2010, we have updated the stream version to version 4.2, and also introduced new solutions: for Mac OS X - ESET Cybersecurity, and more - for mobile annexes From Windows OS to Symbian under the name ESET Mobile Security.

In 2011, a new version of Antivirus was released Smart Security – 5.0.

In 2012 rotsi - newer versions up to 6.0, with a whole Smart Security inclusions of the Anti-villainy module. Spіvpratsі z zavdyaki by Google The solution of ESET Mobile Security for Android was released.

ESET New Years

The ESET Christmas company is a vip production for home victories and corporate clients. Accepted from different platforms: Windows, Linux, BSD, Solaris, MAC OS, Android. In 2013, a new version was released software products – 7.0.

) - international anti-virus rozrobnik software security, an expert in the field of cyber-security problems and computer threats - the club was established in 1992. The headquarters of ESET is located near Slovacchina. The company is represented more than 180 countries. ESET has become a pioneer in the development of technologies for detecting threats, as it allows you to know both new and advanced programs.

ESET Representative Office in Kazakhstan, it was accepted at the end of 2009 and to enter up to one of the largest representative offices of the ESET company at Russia and SND.

Russian representative office of ESET Since 2005, it has become a tradition to enter before three strategically important representatives of the ESET company in the world. ESET Russia is engaged in the development of priority areas in business, engaged in the promotion and sale of ESET NOD32 anti-virus products in Russia and the regions of SND, and also needs a complex of consulting services from ESET in the On the current day, the regional offices of the company with a state of 100 people will be seen in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Ekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk and Almaty. For the tribute of the pre-old companies KOMKON and "Romir", ESET NOD32 became another for the popularity of anti-virus solutions in Russia and the preserve of the third computer. At the same time, 90% of people recommend ESET NOD32 products to their friends and family.

ESET anti-virus solutions, which are issued under the ESET NOD32 brand, have taken a record number of VB100 cities, seen after the test results of the authoritative British magazine Virus Bulletin. Also ESET NOD32 products may the best number who find ADVANCED + and ADVANCED Austrian laboratory of Andreas Klimenti AV-Comparatives. Based on the results of the testing of the organization of products, ESET NOD32 will significantly overturn the competitors for the level of proactive detection of threats and liquidity of robots.

Partnership of a hem The representative office of ESET includes three distribution companies - 1C, MONT, Comportal - there are 40 partner companies that are happy to sell ESET NOD32 products. The partners of the company cooperate closely with ESET, so that they can quickly and efficiently respond to the power of the clients. Anti-virus solutions ESET NOD32 are available at any point in Kazakhstan and practically at any point in the world.

The great Kazakhstani and international companies have already become ESET clients in Kazakhstan: HALYK Group, ATFBank, AT Kazposhta, Tele2 Kazakhstan, the National Center for Expertise, the Committee for the protection of rights of the citizens of the Ministry of Parameters of the National Economy , Kazakh National Medical University, S.D. Asfendiyarov AT "Kizilordinska rozpodilna elektromerezhnaya kompaniya", Rixos Khadisha Shymkent and a lot of them.

ESET Company- є one z best companies at the back of the anti-virus programs. Її the first product became antivirus under the name NOD. Dalі vіn buv renaming on NOD32 1.0 і presentations to the 1998 rock. The company itself fell asleep in 1992, it started to fall asleep, and in our hour it’s a lot, and it’s just about the delivery. The company has reached a lot in an hour of its discovery, there are more houses in 180 countries around the world and the popularity of food production.

The thrill of the bitchy antivirus NOD32 7 and 8 є. In some cases, the mens use the resources of the computer, they work in quiet mode, do not ask you to work. With the help of antivirus, you can feel it in people who are safe. We have two types of ESET products: NOD32 Antivirus and NOD32 Smart Security. The first one is to get the files on the computer. The other antivirus includes antispam and firewall, and this means you can seamlessly transfer it to the Internet and to the work table.

If they helped you - fill in your message and share the site with your friends. social fringes!

The key for the actuation is to be seen as an additional official generator of keys, given by the ESET company. Victory of official keys to legalize your version of ESET NOD32 Antivirus and remove current updates anti-virus databases... The number of generated keys is not interconnected, with a slot, 1 key is visible for 1 installation (you can re-register: for a complete replacement and start the generator again).

Zip the distribution kit to ESET NOD32 Anti-virus with an installed key generator

Instructions how to make a legal key for NOD32 for 30 days

You will need to sign up. Start yogo. Pislya povayav vіkna maister installation:

1. Go over to the one I’ll write right now "Lock and Unlock Browser with Protect" checkbox is ticked(Without a check mark, you will not see the key).

2. Press the button "Install trial version".

3. Copy the key, so you can activate antivirus

* ESET Company has secured distribution of activation keys for ESET NOD32 software products on the Internet. The activation key will appear when the lock-free version is installed.

ESET- an international rozrobnik anti-virus software security and solution for computer security for corporate and home koristuvachiv. Accepted from 1992 roci. The headquarters of ESET is located near Bratislava (Slovakia). The company is represented mostly in 180 regions of the world.

Abbreviation ESET approved from sliv Essential Security at Evolving Threats ("An effective fight against threats, how to evolve"). At the heart of current ESET products lies a software platform, the main element of which is a block of expanded heuristics under the name ThreatSense.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 3

    ✪ Yak vidaliti eset Nod32 antivirus from a computer. Vidalyaєmo for additional utilities ESET Uninstaller

    ✪ Yak seen antivirus ESET Nod32

    ✪ Yak videality ESET NOD32 ANTIVIRUS | Windows 10



The first ESET product was the NOD antivirus software for computers running MS-DOS. In 1998 rotsi Bula released NOD32 1.0 for Microsoft Windows, version 2.0 appeared in 2003 rotsi. last version at giltsi 2.x - 2.70.39, won the bullet in the fall of the leaves 2006 to the next day Windows Vista... In 2010, ESET voiced about the sale and about the unhappiness of the NOD32 2.x update for the fierce 2010 rock, and about the update of the signatures of the fierce 2012 rock.

At the fall of leaves 2007, a new version was released to the rock anti-virus programs with a new name - NOD32 Antivirus 3.0. The company also presented Smart Security - a new product, which, alongside NOD32 Antivirus with firewall and antispam functions.

In the fall of 2009, ESET introduced NOD32 Antivirus and Smart Security 4.0.

In the fall of 2010, ESET introduced NOD32 Antivirus and Smart Security 4.2.

In spring 2011 ESET introduced NOD32 Antivirus and Smart Security 5.0.

In 2012, ESET introduced NOD32 Antivirus and Smart Security 6.0 (the Anti-villain module appeared and the anti-virus module for social fringes).

In the fall of 2013, ESET has introduced NOD32 Antivirus and Smart Security 7.0

In the fall of leaves in 2014, ESET introduced NOD32 Antivirus and Smart Security 8.0 (appearing to hijack from botnets and swipes to hijack from exploits).

In June 2015, ESET introduced NOD32 Antivirus and Smart Security 9.0 (the hijacker of Internet banking has appeared and the hijacker of botnets has been abolished, the interface has been updated).

In June 2016, ESET introduced NOD32 Antivirus and Smart Security 10.0.

ESET NOD32 Internet Security version 10 including advanced details:

Zakhist homemade festoon: Take down your computers from all incoming threats.

Webcam capture: control of the processes and programs, which give access to the camera, connected to the computer.

Capture scenario-based attacks: capture dynamic attacks based on scenarios and unauthorized attack vectors.

Visoka productivity that insignificant inflow to the system: version 10 will prevent the loss of all new types of threats and with the most efficiently victorious system resources, allowing you to enjoy the productivity of your computer.

Windows 10 Smart: ESET will bring Microsoft Windows 10 to the fore.

NOD32 Antivirus and Smart Security support Windows 2000, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Also available in 64-bit (x86-64) version of cich operating systems... Koristuvacham big early Windows versions(Windows 95, and NT 4.0) old version 2.70.39. Windows is also supported by operating systems

ESET is the leader in the sphere of retail cutting edge solutions for securing IT security from cyber threats. The Bula company was founded in Bratislava (Slovakia) in 1992. At the same time, the unique technology of scanning, implemented in ESET products, overwhelmed the company and in 2012, it meant a 25-year anniversary.

ESET People

The history of the ESET company took its ear from the distant 1987, since two young people of the entusiast program, Peter Pashko and Miroslav Trnka, knew one of the first among the world's computers. Threats were given by the name "Viden" and the program was written for the new arrival.

An unprecedented bullet was made to create a great variety of viruses, which served as the basis for the nation's idea of ​​developing universally software solution to fight against unknown types of threats.

1992 The rock of the young programmers together with their friend Rudolph Grubim officially fell asleep the partnership with the interconnected view of "ESET".

The anti-virus program, over the roots of a few people, they have been deprived of a few entusies, which have then been re-created on the legendary solution in security, as one of those who have seen the most effective ones. Visoka Yakity and the stability of the robot is based on the cob concept of the creators - the development of advanced technologies available to the wives.

Throughout the years, the company developed and expanded, but at the same time lost its true philosophical principles - the prominence, reliability and honesty, which in the future has succeeded in developing too much

The current hour

ESET Company is a leader in the distribution of anti-virus software security. Head office at Bratislava (Slovakia), children at San Diego (USA), Wexford (Ireland), London (Great Britain), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Praz (Czechia) and Singapore, as well as backwardly , ESET products will be able to secure a superb capture of digital traffic from more than 180 countries around the world.

Fixing since 2005 to rock, anti-virus ESET programs officially represented in Ukraine.

There are a lot of ESET products for the past 100 million years, as well as independent expertise and authority. The decision of ESET is to regularly find out about the number of tests in their laboratories AV-Test, Virus Bulletin, AV-Comparatives, ICSA, Passmark and others. Besides, the ESET company is included in the list of vendors of anti-virus software security, the product line of those that have been rejected by the State Service for special communication and the source of the information of Ukraine is relevant. The certificate confirms the ability to validate ESET solutions from all state, financial, international and other organizations.


  • A new generation of ESET products has been released for the capture of Mac OS X platforms - a comprehensive solution to ESET Cyber ​​Security Pro® and an addition to ESET Cyber ​​Security®.
  • In the middle of the world, bouly presents a solution ESET Smart Security 6 and ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6.


  • Falling leaves have a new generation of flagship ESET products for home criminals - ESET Smart Security 6 and ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 - officially presented in Ukraine.
  • Among the falling leaves of the current business versions of ESET products, the experts of the DSSSZI of Ukraine were recognized.
  • The veresnі company ESET meant its 20-th hour from the moment of falling asleep.
  • At travny zavdyaki spіvpratsі z Google play For users of mobile attachments for Android OS, a new solution for anti-virus capture of smartphones and tablets is presented - ESET Mobile Security for Android.
  • At the moment, the vision of a new science-pre-history center in Canada on the territory of the prestigious Polytechnic University of Montreal has been introduced.
  • In Berezna, ESET took part in the best pod of the world mobile technologies- A show of GSMA Mobile World Congress 2012, which took place in Barcelona.


  • ESET has been included in the list of companies that are developing the most, in the field of high technologies it has become a Deloitte Technology Fast 50 rating in Central Europe and it has become the only company that has borrowed ten times in this rating. Earlier, ESET Company has developed a list of Deloitte Technology Fast 500 in the EMEA region.
  • Veresna has Richard Marko, the visitor director of the ESET company, with the names of the specialties of rock in the IT sphere in Slovakia.
  • Veresny koristuvacham has a new generation of flagship ESET products - ESET NOD32 Antivirus 5 and ESET Smart Security 5.
  • ESET went up to the number of the most beautiful European companies and was honored with the HSBC European Business Awards 2011. The ESET company went up to the ten most beautiful European companies by the nomination “Innovation Rock” and deserved to be rated “Ruban”
  • In the worm's current business versions of ESET products, we have reviewed experts from the DSSSZI of Ukraine.
  • At Chervna there is another office in Slovakia, the center of dosage and retail is in Kosice.
  • Quite a decision was made to secure computers for Linux OS management.
  • In the family, Richard Marco has become the new Vice-Director of ESET.


  • The first company, which became a volodar of 60 cities "VB100".
  • In the fall of the leaves, CRN Magazine has included Miroslav Trnka, ESET's visitor director until the 25th most important news in 2010. At the same hour ESET was honored with the title of "Rock Company" for the version of "TREND", which is popular among the Slovak economy.
  • The fall leaves have a solution for capturing Mac OS X platforms - ESET Cybersecurity.
  • At Veresna ESET has voiced about the release of ESET Mobile Security for mobile devices for Windows and Symbian keruvans.
  • The ESET company has added the COMDOM Software company - a Slovakian vyrobnik decision, which will make it impossible for you to get it out of the box.
  • A new ESET office has been opened in the Asian and Pacific Regions - at Singapore.
  • In the birch, the current business versions of ESET products were presented with the experts from the DSSSZI of Ukraine.
  • Sichni Richard Marko, Visiting Director of ESET Company, has been upgraded to the TOP-25 of the most beautiful technical cores in all the light for the version of "CRN".


  • Submitted to ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4 and ESET Smart Security 4.
  • For the first time, ESET was awarded the title of "Rock Company" for the version of the popular among the Slovak economy "TREND".
  • The current business versions of ESET products have reviewed the expert publications of the DSSSZI of Ukraine.
  • ESET is included in the Gartner Magic Quadrant of the Gartner Analytics Company.


  • Zlittya from ESET, LLC USA.
  • Welcome to the center of the boxes near Poland.
  • Volodar 50th in the city of Virus Bulletin.
  • Add a feature of the Setrnet company.


  • ESET products are officially presented in Ukraine.


  • ESET has suddenly become a volunteer for the IT-company of rock in Slovakia.


  • The first independent fate of the ESET company is with the CeBit visitor from Hanover, Nimechchin.
  • The ESET company has renounced the recognition of the city of "IT-company of rock" in the Association of Information Technologies communal technologies(Slovakia).
  • ESET is forwarded to Deloitte's Fast 50 CE and Fast 500 EMEA lists.


  • Visiting ESET from Praz (Czech Republic).


  • Viewed from ESET at San Diego (USA).


  • The anti-virus program NOD32 took away the first place in the city from the testuvanna Virus Bulletin.


  • Wihid new version anti-virus programs under the name NOD - iCE.


  • Rudolf Hruby, Peter Pashko and Miroslav Trnka were officially registered ESET company Spol. s.r.o. near Czechoslovakia.
  • A message from the Slovak Anti-Virus Center (SAC) and SAC BBS.


  • A ear of sales through A.T.A. Syndicate.
  • The first version of the product called STOPVIR was intended for sale on the Austrian market.


  • Peter Pashko and Miroslav Trnka launched the first version of the NOD anti-virus programs.
  • Abbreviation NOD є with the short name "Nemocnica na Okraji Disku", which means "Lykarnya on the edge of the disk" after the analogy with the popular serial "Lykarnya na Okraji Disku".
Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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