IPhone SE - information and technical characteristics

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Virus problem

Perevagi: There won't be a lot of plus, like and minus. Roughly with 5S, so I think it's logical. Apple also tried to replace the 5S with a good win over the 6S. I’ll come back from the offensive: 1. For the first time, it’s like 6S, it’s okay to finish it. 2. Apple Pay... It’s not like that on 5S, if I want it b. 3. The camera has become more beautiful in the smaller 5S (12MP versus 8MP). 4. Becoming really nimble faster. Up to tsiho buv 5S. For example, Twitter is one of the most effective start-ups, on 5S it starts in 4 seconds, on SE in 1.5-2. 5. TouchID is more beautiful, on 5S the buvalo is not spratsovu for the first time. Close to 10 shots 6 in the distance. On SE 10, try 8-9 in the distance. 6. Yak Apple and the battery was trimmed better, and really so well and well. Spokiyno vistachaє for the whole day without recharging, vrahoyuchi, for 12 years for about 3 years I have been using the Internet with 3G for 2 years with Wi-Fi, for music for about 2 years. At the same time 7:20 am, plus until the end of the day, 40% of the charge will be consumed, which is simply unhealthy. 5S, at the same time, they are installed at less than 15-20% before the end of the day with a one-year recharge on the robot. True 5S, when I wear 2 rocks, I don’t remember the problem at the time of purchase, having surpassed 40%, maybe close to 30% without recharging. 7. Naturally, a plus to shine a design for lovers of non-talented classics. 8. iSight, Live Photo I think it’s okay with a plus, I think it’s good, more beautiful, no more vzagal. Shortcomings: 1. Hi 3D Touch like on 6S, ale tsei minus nachebto yak and not minus. Accepted rіdko bachiv vlasnikіv 6S, as vikoristovuyu 3D Touch. If Apple is already porting the 6S into a 5S case, then it would be melodious to bring the right to the end. I don't know if I can use the SE and 6S display. Minus doesn't know anymore. Comments: For those quiet, who have 5S at once and get to switch to SE, get ready, there will be no "WOW" effect, if you open the box, and if you are wearing this model, the Apple phone may not. Seeing all the same, build yourself up and still carry with you that same 5S daddy, which you yourself have. Maybe buti tse good chi nasty I don’t know. So, most of all, there may be new functions in the camera, the most convenient Apple Pay, but all the same, I will not change your call until 5S. The same as you have є copy backup copies iCloud in your AppleID, then when you enter a new phone, absolutely all the same will appear: photos, icons, settings, music, numbers, sms, navigate, enter the add-on Vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram, then really your 5S)). Brothers, I didn’t get involved, they made a little noise, they didn’t move towards the Apple shovels without wondering, everything should be repaired from the iPhone 6 and from the distance. I wanted a building with a new warehouse. Raju brothers yogo team, who do not use Apple phones and do not like shovels. The same raju team, who needs Apple Pay, is really good at it, having just forgotten the card, the booth is needed at the most unacceptable moment, and brought the robot into the 40th trouble before taking the card and all the Apple back, ale ... As long as you have 5S, then think about it, go ahead, call all "for" and "against", maybe you need a better camera? What about Apple Pay? You may need it through іgri and you want some choice Pomichna. If I would like to get 1-2 points, then take it, and I don’t bach the sense in SE. 5S is the first 64-bit processor in line Apple phones, and mean pіdtrimka Apple and everything is new iOS version will be at least 4 years old. I will serve 5S every year. Zagalom SE provides a solution for people with special needs. Already again I will tell the owners of 5S, think first nіzh brothers, think carefully about usіma nuances. I give you shopping away!

In 2016 rotsi 4-inch smartphones are big rіdkіsnі, nіzh Edinicorns. Zhoden is a great smartphone wyrobnik (for Sony), it doesn’t matter for the need to work with a high-class phone, which is less than 5 inches. Ale Apple, turning to their old tricks with a retro 4-inch Apple iPhone SE.

If you were thinking of buying an iPhone 6 or 6S at the factory, but the 4.7-inch screen is "great", then the Apple iPhone SE is the phone that has been checked since 2013, and the wine is small and even tighter.

4-inch Apple iPhone SE - Widhooks

As soon as we vikoristovyvali phablet ostanіy rіk or more, and turned up to a 4-inch screen, then I see myself absolutely marvelous.

You will have a chance to re-use, like trimati and vicoristovuvati smaller smartphone. I don’t take two hands, like the iPhone 6S Plus, don’t twist my thumb in the air, wiggle the buttons back to the upper left codend. The iPhone SE is different. As soon as you can put it in two hands, you will be alone, you will not be able to see it, as you will take care of the dear child of your smartphone. We are guilty of grabbing a 4-inch phone with one hand, and a smart phone.

Apple iPhone SE - a cute phone that can be victorious with one hand

Pislya pіvtora rokіv samonavchannya vicoristannya phablet, interaction with Apple iPhone SE bulo smіshno. I didn’t understand why I sniffed my other hand to go through the style of inappropriateness. Raptovo, I could easily grab my phone with all my hand, without straining to reach any programs, but I wanted (to go to the upper part of the screen!)

Apparently, є short and small in size. Dial for changes on IOS claviatures mayzhe unsparing. My fingers seemed majestic! After downloading SwiftKey, voila, the problem is violated. So as SwiftKey knows your dialing keys, it is easy to correct the jokes of giant fingers on the cryptic keyboard.

One major shortcoming little screen, Tse those, scho it is not a lot of mice for reading e-books For articles in the Internet, for viewing video or when viewing photographs. There are a lot of victims who need to be received for the phone, which can be accommodated in the chisinau and in the hands.

Rosemary iPhone SE

The new Apple iPhone SE is only 4.87 inches wide, 2.31 inches wide and 0.30 inches thick. Pick up an iPhone 6S that's 5.44 inches tall, 2.64 inches wide x 0.28 inches thick.

With a small SE and iPhone 6S Plus, the speech will be funny. The entire body of the iPhone SE fits in a 5.5-inch area iPhone screen 6S Plus. If you have two telephones in stock and at the same time, the iPhone 6S Plus looks like a tablet. Well, I know, it's not a secret that the iPhone 6S Plus is great. The framing at the upper and lower parts of the frame broke more on the way, but it’s guilty for the bottom, like in the larger 5.5-inch phablets, Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge or LG G4.

Retro iPhone design

If you can trim your iPhone 5S for an hour, then you know for sure, like the Apple iPhone SE is a vigilante. Win on the classic flat sides with beveled edges, if you want the stench and matt - and not flashy. On the upper and lower part of the back of the phone, there are beautiful glass sections, such as Apple company layout on iPhone 5S. Іnsha part of the telephone is metal.

If you want a lot of hto stverdzhu, sho Apple company varto bulo b vikoristovuvati iPhone 6S-subtitle design for iPhone SE, not suitable. Moreover, the design is retro and fun; If you hate the unattainable antenna lines on the back of the 6S and 6S Plus, you will be glad to know that it’s not here.

I am especially keen on the design of the Apple iPhone. No bezels on the front panel near the screen are larger than on the SE, and the edge is not rounded. Pick up the phone by hand in the rutsi. Surely, the state of the land would be in hand, like the iPhone SE would be three more, but with such a size, the stench is not a problem. I will reach the non-buoyancy to the bottom of the body and glue inserts on the back. The stench is "cooler", below the antenna lines on the iPhone 6S.

The new SE also turns the display at the top of the phone, on the top of the phone at 6S. It’s worth it, because the phone is on Malia, so you can reach the button in any mission (it’s more beautiful on the sides).

If you reach the screen on the right, Apple iPhone SE is 4-inch 1136 × 640 pixels Retina display... It can be better and lower in different buildings than in the iPhone 6S, albeit and earlier than a wigglyad, it's wonderful. Tse yaskraviy, clear, clear, and miraculous screen. For all intents and purposes, do not remember the numbers of the windows on the screen, since the screen is so valuable, the functionality of the pixels does not need to be seen. Let’s unite the real mischief є maliy rozmir, ale, as they have already guessed before, this is the victim, as the deyakis are ready to accept the iPhone.

IPhone SE has the same 64-bit A9 processor, M9 sp_processor and 2 GB operational memory, Yak iPhone 6S and 6S Plus. In such a rank, wine is equally smart and hard-hitting, and I am guilty of saying, well, one of the best out-of-the-box attachments that can be bought in a given hour. The iPhone SE doesn’t get paid. So, like the iPhone 6S, it is very smooth and smart, and all the action is brilliant. Navigate at that hour as soon as I have seen all my 100+ submissions, I have not galvanized or hung. I could go to see the victoristovuvati in the hour after jumping the main part of my programs.

If you want a 4-inch iPhone, then SE is for you

Zanadto bogato virobnikov Android phone vibrates mini-simplified versions of their flagship attachments with substandard specifics, rather quiet, if you want less pristіy.

Yaksho Vi want to get some digits iPhone tests SE, Axis results: 3D Mark Sling Shot 2112, Geekbench 2342 for one core and 3880 for multi-core and AnTuTu 128.145.

Here, not all are related to the specifics of the Apple iPhone SE, the TouchID sensor is not an old model, like a hack. Win is not that smart, for it is not so unattainable to the fingertips in the quality of the fingertip sensor, like in the iPhone 6S. Tim is not the least, not so great. You may be able to drive one to a new twist of development, first one to one, if your fingers are wet.

Liniytsi SE has a 128 GB model. Alternatively, you can vibrate between 16 and 64 GB models. I want 64 GB is enough for a lot of people, the 16 GB version is just bad for this day. Fuck you, Apple! I know about photography, get music, and get tons of extras, and keep the whole space in some of the best terms. Then just buy the 64GB model.

IOS 9.3 brings new possibilities, rather than a 3D sensor

Apple s iPhone SE launchє I'll leave the version operating systems company: firmware 9.3, I will pack a number of cyclic functions that work on the Apple iPhone SE without problems.

Like the iPhone, the SE will have regular updates. software security, Yak only the Apple company to introduce їх in sales. Apple has also released a patch for OS upgrades to iOS 9.3.1.

Isnu, one great incomplete iPhone purchases SE, not iPhone 6S: there is no 3D torch sensor. If you don’t know - I’ll allow you to press on the screen with the programs for access to the smart games. I would like to ciu tsikavu the particularity of the richly developed and victorious in their interests, which is not so good before. Obviously, the 3D sensor has a low potential, and it might be necessary in one day - but not a whole year.

Stable rear camera, ale hanba for selfies

Apple iPhone SE is exactly the same as 12 megapixel back camera, Yak iPhone 6S. Apparently, there is a day optical stabilization Image (OIS), like є on the iPhone 6S Plus, does not add up to one of the smartphones' cameras.

Only the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and LG G5 can compete with the iPhone, every hour. In fact, the iPhone proposes simple information for camera programs and realistic colors, and at the same time, for example, for LG and Samsung.

Prote, front camera The iPhone SE is a 1.2MP sensor, down from 5MP on the iPhone 6S. Yakshcho vi robite bagato Selfies, get ready before the charm. It’s still a lot, so Selfies are zhakhlivy here, and we have a Skoda, so it’s so. Tse neyakisnі pіdhіd, at that hour, if there Android phones May 5 megapixels and visible on the front panel.

Battery Life Apple iPhone SE

The iPhone SE has a battery of 1,642 mAh, which is just enough for a small phone. So, as they vikoristovuyu yogo for a long stretch of years, importantly say, how good the battery will lead itself.


Apple, I will propose a guarantee with a term for one rik when buying an iPhone. You can make your installation for a whole hour, or Apple, can help you with repairs, or replace the deprivation with singular furnishings. schob vikoristovuvati guarantee of service, You can either bring him to the store especially if you ask me for it.

I want more high rіven I guess you can buy Apple Care for $ 100 on the phone, if you want to buy more seriously when using the phone. AppleCare + expanding to two rockets at the time of purchase and I am looking for two types of low-cost products, I’m asking you to pay a service fee in the range of $ 80.

If you have missed out on AppleCare +, if you have bought a phone, you can remove all one thing in 60 days.

pid bag

Apple iPhone SE is a smartly designed 4-inch smartphone that you can buy today. I will remember the phone number on the market, servants to people who want a smaller phone, which stench can be easily trimmed and worn in comfort.

When looking for an alternative to the iPhone SE, it is important to think about Sony Xperia Z5 Compact or Xperia X Compact - two goodies small smartphone, Ale of offense may be a 4.7-inch screen. The Samsung Galaxy Alpha is old, so whenever you want a 4-inch iPhone, the SE is for you.

Especially I can’t change the screen up to 4-inches, so that the whole hour is a vicorist phablet, a lot of people vvazayut for a beautifully smaller size. If you are one of them, buy the iPhone SE. Do not leave any alternative, as you grow up with it.

Ostannya Apple presentation Ended up to finish quickly and unsupported. All checked new iPhone smartphone SE, but they didn’t see it like that ... By the essence of the iPhone 6S in iPhone cases 5S. The popularity of the front model has not changed at all, it just has a horny body. The price starts at $ 399 for the 16GB model. Before the change can be issued from 26 birch trees already and 31 birch trees to start sales in the lands of the first hvily ...


Yak tilki was not named in ZMI new 4-inch Apple smartphone... Either they fiddled with the name iPhone 6c, then they didn’t name it like the iPhone 7c, but for the rest of the hour everyone was called the iPhone SE. The last option is to sound the most believable, so the novelty is replaced in the iPhone 5s line.

The official name of the new model is iPhone SE (Special Edition).

Zovnishny viglyad



Before the official presentation, there was a lot of information, but the new iPhone SE will be similar to the sum of the iPhone 5s and iPhone 6s. The first one will be unnumbered, and the rest will be the regular shape of the body. scho, new smartphone If you put on the case from anodized aluminum, and on the other side, judging from the last turns, "paint" the plastic inserts, just like in the ninth generation of iPhone From which wine we can also deactivate the buttons for adjusting the oval shape.

Behind the fact, the call of the novelty will increase the copy of the iPhone 5s. On a vibrant customer base, choose a choice of barn for the case: silver, gold, dark gray and gold.


iPhone SE, like iPhone 5s, will be equipped with a 4-inch Retina display. 1136x640 pixels, 326 pixels / inch. With a tsom

3D Touch technology, which will preserve the screen's sensitivity to the force of an onslaught, this model will not have.


Having installed the A9 chipset in the new smartphone, Apple does not need to equip the new product with a stale processor. It’s quite logical, all right, as soon as you rise to the market, come to the market from the single-chip platform A10. In addition, for the presence in the iPhone SE of the A9 chip with the M9 processor, the Siri voice assistant will be available in the background and for its activation it will be enough to use the phrase "Hey, Siri". The Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC will supply A9 processors for the iPhone SE;

The iPhone SE has pulled out its 4.7-inch older brother, the iPhone 6S!

The AnTuTu iPhone SE test scored 134,458 points in total. For the sake of argument, the iPhone 6s score in the AnTuTu benchmark is at 132,500 points, while the iPhone 6, even less, has only 80,000 points.

Prior to that, the new 4-inch iPhone supports NFC chip for Apple Pay, Bluetooth 4.2, VoLTE, 802.11ac WiFi and Touch ID finger scanner.


About operational iPhone memory SE stock 2 GB. And if you talk about the built-in memory, then buyers will have available versions: from 16 to 64 GB. Our colleagues from 9to5Mac spent individual test We installed 2 GB of operative memory of the Safari tabs in the iPhone SE to lose more memory in the iPhone 5s earlier. Tse will secure more effective web surfing, some of them can go to open the tab without the need to check, if it is new.


The Wall Street Journal ruled new iPhone SE test, but also the triviality of the autonomous robots... Also in the test took the fate of the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6s and new Samsung flagship Galaxy S7. The novelty showed itself from a short side and with the same brightness of the display

iPhone SE can be used as a battery for two years more than iPhone 6s and iPhone 5s,

Yaky, like the iPhone SE, possessing a 4-inch Retina-display, the separate setting is +1136 x 640 points. Well, if the Samsung Galaxy S7 has a QHD-screen with a 5.1-inch diagonal, then it will grow shorter for three years than the iPhone SE.


iPhone SE, like iPhone 6s, will be equipped with a 1.2-megapixel front and 12-megapixel main cameras. Also, we got a picture of "Live Photos", which became one of the "flash" iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. Video recording will be available in 4K quality (3840x2160 pixels) at a frequency of 30 fps.


I’ll look at if the iPhone SE will come to change the iPhone 5s and borrow the first place in the line of the iPhone, which will be identical to the one, at which time it will be lost. In such a rank,

Part of the novelty starts at $ 399 marks without a contract and binding to the stylist operator... Russian App Store- 37 990 rubles.

Prior to the speech, iPhone 5s, as it seems dzherela, will be available for sale immediately after the launch of the iPhone SE.

Ownership of iPhone SE becomes $ 160.

So, the display of a smartphone, which is displayed as an iPhone 5s, is charged at a time for $ 20. The A9 processor, the same as in the iPhone 6s, costs 22 dollars, memory - 11.8 dollars, LTE-modem Qualcomm MDM9625M - 15 dollars. Rechargeable battery Apple's 1624 mAh cost is 2.15 dollars. In general, all components of the iPhone SE cost the American corporation 156.2 dollars. Up to $ 3.8 Apple to pay its Foxconn partners for a leather product.

date of entry

The start of the first installments for the iPhone SE will start on Thursday, 24 March, and sales will be expected through the day, 31st. Until the end of the day, the novelty will be on sale in 110 countries around the world.

First feud and vidhooks

The first feud of koristuvachiv about the novelty buli is mostly positive. The stinks were twisting the straining stuffing of the iPhone SE, three hours of autonomous robots and compact size. But all the stinks converge on the Duma, as the iPhone SE is an ideal smartphone for quietly, who would like to reject the flagship of the iPhone line, altogether in a small form factor. Magazine The Independent vvazayut, scho iPhone SE atrocities to quiet people, like in this hour will be 4-inch smartphones. And the axis will rotate to a 4-inch iPhone SE from a 4.7-inch iPhone 6 / 6s or 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus or 6s Plus is important. The editors of iMore indicated that the iPhone SE, having removed the 12-megapixel main camera from the iPhone 6s, was equipped with a modest 1.2-megapixel front camera, like the iPhone 5s. Stink vvazayut, in conjunction with the fashion on the Selfies, a new smartphone will require a shorter camera.

In Russia, a new smartphone will become more popular. The first batch of iPhone SE was sold for a few years in advance. І, judging by the results of voting on the whole party, the new model befits our readers much more than the flagship 6s.

Alina oleshkoiPhone SE - information and technical characteristics 0

The last presentation of Apple ended up being fast and unsatisfactory. Everyone checked for a new iPhone SE smartphone, but they didn’t find it like that ... By the essence of the iPhone 6S in the iPhone 5S case. The popularity of the front model has not changed at all, it just has a horny body. The price starts at $ 399 for the 16GB model. Before the change can be issued from 26 birch trees already and 31 birch trees to start sales in the lands of the first birch ... VK.Widgets.Poll ("vk_poll", (width: 300), "219870600_0021a6e1f52689f2c9"); The name of the new 4-inch Apple smartphone was not named in ЗМІ. Either they fiddled with the name iPhone 6c, then they didn’t name it like the iPhone 7c, but for the rest of the hour everyone was called the iPhone SE. The last option is to sound the most believable, but the novelty will be replaced in the iPhone 5s line. The official name of the new model is iPhone SE (Special Edition). Before the official presentation, there was a lot of information, but the new iPhone SE will be similar to the sum of the iPhone 5s and iPhone 6s. The first one will be unnumbered, and the rest will be the regular shape of the body. Shho, the new smartphone will be fitted into the case from anodized aluminum, and on the other hand, judging from the remaining turns, it will be “embellished” with plastic inserts, just like the new generation of iPhone, because of the good functionality of the buttons. .In fact, the new product will be added to the copy of the iPhone 5s. For vibrant shoppers, choose a choice for the case: silver, gold, dark gray and gold. The iPhone SE display, like the iPhone 5s, will be equipped with a 4-inch diagonal Retina display. 1136x640 pixels, 326 pixels / inch. The conventional 3D Touch technology, so that the screen will not be sensitive to force, the model will not have. The Apple processor, having installed the A9 chipset in a new smartphone, does not require new hardware. It’s quite logical, right, right, as soon as the iPhone 7 appears on the market with the single-chip A10 platform. In addition, for the presence in the iPhone SE of the A9 chip with the M9 processor, the Siri voice assistant will be available in the background and for its activation it will be enough to use the phrase "Hey, Siri". The Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC will supply the A9 processors for the iPhone SE, but it is not included, but Samsung will also need to. The AnTuTu iPhone SE test scored 134,458 points in total. For the sake of argument, the iPhone 6s score in the AnTuTu benchmark is at 132,500 points, while the iPhone 6, even less, has only 80,000 points. Prior to that, the new 4-inch iPhone can handle NFC chips for Apple Pay, Bluetooth 4.2, VoLTE, 802.11ac WiFi and Touch ID finger scanner. The iPhone SE has 2 GB of storage. And if you talk about the built-in memory, then the buyers will have available versions: from 16 to 64 GB. Our colleagues from 9to5Mac conducted an approximate test and installed that in the iPhone SE, 2 GB of operational memory of the tab in Safari will be lost More recently in the iPhone 5s and, apparently, re-engaging earlier. More effective web surfing is possible, some of them can go to the screen without the need to check, if it is updated. Also in the test took the fate of the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6s and the new flagship Samsung Galaxy S7. The novelty showed itself from a shorter side and with the same brightness of the display and with the smaller wits, the iPhone SE can be used as a battery for two years more, below the iPhone 6s and iPhone 5s, like the iPhone SE, possessing a 4-inch Retina display the distribution of the capacity is 1136 x 640 points. Well, if the Samsung Galaxy S7 is equipped with a 5.1-inch QHD screen, then it will run out three years earlier than the iPhone SE. The iPhone SE camera, like the iPhone 6s, will be equipped with a 1.2-megapixel frontal and 12-megapixel main cameras. Also, we got a picture of "Live Photos", which became one of the "flash" iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. Video recording will be available in 4K quality (3840x2160 pixels) at a rate of 30 fps. Thus, the part of the novelty starts at $ 399 without a contract and binding to a stylistic operator. The Russian App Store has 37,990 rubles. Before the speech, iPhone 5s, as it seems dzherela, will be sold immediately upon the launch of the iPhone SE. The cost of the iPhone SE will become 160 dollars. So, the display of a smartphone, which is displayed as an iPhone 5s, is charged at a time for $ 20. The A9 processor, the same as in the iPhone 6s, costs 22 dollars, memory - 11.8 dollars, LTE-modem Qualcomm MDM9625M - 15 dollars. The rechargeable battery mn_styu thousand six hundred twenty mAg costs Apple still 2.15 dollars. In general, all components of the iPhone SE cost the American corporation 156. 2 dolari. More than $ 3.8 for Apple to pay its Foxconn partners for a skin-friendly device. Start date Until the end of the day, the novelty will be sold in 110 countries of the world. The stinks were twisting the straining stuffing of the iPhone SE, three hours of autonomous robots and compact size. But all the stinks converge on the Duma, the iPhone SE is an ideal smartphone for quietly, if you want to reject the flagship of the iPhone line, or in a small form factor. smartphones. And the axis will turn to a 4-inch iPhone SE for a 4.7-inch iPhone 6 / 6s or a 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus or 6s Plus. camera, equipped with a modest 1.2-megapixel front camera, like the iPhone 5s. Stink vvazhayut, in conjunction with fashion on Selfies, a new smartphone will require a shorter camera. In Russia, a new smartphone will become popular. The first batch of iPhone SE was sold for a few years in advance. І, judging by the results of voting on the whole party, the new model befits our readers much more than the flagship 6s.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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