Galaxy Apps for the program

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Privit to all lovers of Android Ex, these phones are cool, well, it's just dumb. And you know, my axis is tricky, it smells a lot, and you can sit in the Internet, try to try it in the office (though not manually), and drive a torrent, move a little bit of fun, shorter cool! I wonder if I can make such great calls by hand on smartphones? Hmm, from I don’t know, it’s especially awkward for me, so I’m a vicious little phone for the ringing, which is the right hand for the chi. So, what am I talking about? Today I am guilty of telling you about those Galaxy program Apps! Well, blin, and I started forgetting ...

program Galaxy Appsє Formal supplement from the Samsung company. First of all, I think that you can only use Samsung phones to view the program. Vaughn is not worth a penny, tobto bezkoshtovna, і as a rule call me where already installed on the phone! Well, tobto vi bought an apparatus, and there the program is still there є, the axis is such a gift for you

Why do you need additional Galaxy Apps? You can know new programs for a smartphone, іgri, any software, office applications. As long as I don’t know guys, I’m so mindful that Galaxy Apps are priced like Google Play Market, only very much less ...

The axis of knowledge is described by the Galaxy Apps programs on the forum:

The axis of the screen will open the shop, then you select Galaxy Apps:

Then you can view the menu as well, here you can specify the category of supplements to the Bazhan:

I axis then, if you apply vibrati Іgri (Games), then you will be shown the following:

And the axis is in the mountain bach, there є another menu, well from є there is also a PAID, a tse yak I am paid programs, Є FREE, well bezel-less supplements, Well, є і NEW, tobto new additions. Nawpaki skin gri є arrow down, I think it means zavantazhiti gru. At the bottom, there is a skinny zirochka, so that you can approximate a zoosmit tsikava gra chi ni for tsimi zirochka, the same type of rating

The axis I know one more picture, here it is shown that in Galaxy Apps the ChatON program (spilkuvannya, exchange of files), POLARIS Office 5 (type of office package), Clean Master (clean the system with a smittya), Samsung WatchON (TV control) , PayPal ( payment system), Well, in short, a lot of programs here є і you know, really, I think the stink is bad:

Lads wonder, but the axis is Galaxy settings Apps:

Yak bachit here є auto-update of add-ons (it is written only via Wi-Fi), є as a shopping cart ...

If you vibrate like a supplement, well, on the other hand, if you use HD trellises, then the axis is displayed as follows:

Bach here є blue button Install? Here you can see disgusting, the alley axis of the nachebto on the buttons is written in the same way and the price ...

Uninvolved on the dominance of the digital store market " Google play»І« iTunes Store»Інші companies do not forget to try to learn favorites from their positions. The company "Samsung" has launched a store of supplements "Samsung App" by the spring of 2009, which is a popular competitor, and in the future - a leader among other services. Nini service "Samsung App" I will name « Samsung Galaxy Apps "(It’s fast "Galaxy Apps"), and the robot will be serviced with one additional supplement, with the assignment of materials. In any case, I would like to tell you about the "Galaxy Apps" program, as a sign of recognition, and if you want to use a digital product on your phone.

Vivchaєmo addon "Galaxy App"

Galaxy Apps (Outside - "Galaxy App Store"- in the list of" supplementary store "Galaxy")- tse official catalog of supplements for mobile annexes from "Samsung". The guessed catalosis has a lot of mobile software, which is important for the Galaxy series (name and name). I want the owners of the last annexes from "Samsung" to melodiously know in this catalosis (digital store) it’s tsikave and right for their gadgets.

When in the store, a number of exclusive products, which, upon request, can be downloaded from Galaxy Apps (the store interface is localized for more than 160 countries).

The robot of the designated catalog will be serviced by one mobile add-on "Galaxy Apps", like inviting it to be installed on the phone as "Samsung" (practical on the OS "Android" and "Windows Mobile"). After launching the program, koristuvach will deny the possibility of adding paid or uncounted products from the Galaxy App Store, sorted by decilcom categories (games, music, promotions, photographs, gifts and so on).

Zovnishny viglyad Galaxy Apps

It’s as good as looking at the supplement is very stable, and you don’t think about any drastic shortcomings, so I recommend that you do it too, and that you’re looking for it with abundant possibilities (zokrema, respect for the merits, the system of digital products has been stuck on a number of users). If you are not satisfied with its functionality, then read the information given below.

Incomplete additions to Galaxy Apps

When looking at food about those that also have Galaxy Apps, one cannot help but guess about the low level of their shortcomings, but they have already raised their respect for the powerless ones. In the wake of the day, you can use a hundred resources on the phone, actively innovate advertising and spend time occasionally. The staff will assign the officials the telephone to repair actively, and comfortably use the functionality of the function.

I recommend that you enable the splicing options and relevant topics in Galaxy Apps). To launch Galaxy Apps, click on the More button (or Galaxy Apps in the list), and go to the Settings menu in the upper right corner of the screen. There you know "Push notification", and by tapping on them, you get the rest. There you can also enable "Update notification" (more about updates). If you want to turn on the “Galaxy Apps” update, just tap on the “Auto update apps” settings, and then select “Turn off”.


Galaxy Apps is a catalog mobile supplements for gadgets from Samsung (zokrema, for Galaxy series). As soon as the program has been installed on your device, and because you are satisfied with its possibilities, it’s not enough for the senses to see supplements from your outhouse. Yaksho z functional tsyy supplement dragging overly melting windows, as well as negatively pouring into the backwardness of your phone, so I recommend changing the adjustment of the programs to turn it on, and if necessary, call this gadget on your phone.

In contact with

Samsung - Galaxy Apps - a chain of company documents from the Korean company Samsung. The program will run on all popular platforms: Windows Mobile and Android. Vona is absolutely bezoschtovna і yde zі standard supplements when buying a new smartphone. At catalosis, you can know the development of programs for the smartphone OS, іgri, office utilities and іnshy software.

Samsung Galaxy Apps

Samsung Power - Galaxy Apps

Paid and non-paid supplements from other retail companies are available to our customers. The main ones are directly introduced to the smartphones of the Galaxy series of the strongest Wi-Fi. The menu provides additional help to provide you with relevant supplements for the improvement of your device. Periodic systems and records will promptly stimulate users to purchase content from the store itself.

Galaxy prefix supplement Apps means that utilities can be stored only for this series of attachments.

Everything is done for the easy operation on the market, and Apps are actively repaired on smart-years, TV-sets and tablets. Online store stavati in an efficient way to purchase the necessary software, which can be used on a skin day, starting a number of contests from the Samsung company for the development of supplements.

Lowest competition Galaxy Apps

Obviously, there is a direct competition with the Google company and the Google Play store. In general, the platforms are the same, but the programs are rich in what is simply dubbed for their koristuvachiv. Vibrating that chi іnshu platform is deprived of special passages. Inodi one program is simply an alternative to іnshy, in that case, if one of them is not available or stops working.

Samsung - Galaxy Apps is great for a smart phone: additional help knows the need for additional updates, software, I will securely download Igor, trim in the trend of the remaining new products in the sales and programs. The resources of the phone on the phone are not rich, it is not enough to see the additions of a special sense, and the axis is to be used. Apps are on the right. Galaxy Apps will be developed and given by the Samsung company, as well as statistical data will indicate the popularity of this supplement among all sorts of people;

I thank you for the Galaxy Apps program and put it on your phone, as soon as you will be useful to you.

Get ready for the project - please, thank you!
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