Google pomone process. Prank programs apps press on Android

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As a matter of fact, “the program has seen a little pardon,” I would like to see all the corystuvachi once again, but if they do, I don't know everything.

Against this kind of thing, it can be a serious problem that it can get the function of an annex.


The essence of the problem

The pomice has been applied to the normal function of the telephone. The bottom line is that before the hour of the robot there is a supplement, the graph of the head of the world, and in a few seconds there will be a notice about those who have become a grave. When the program is closed, either the phone or the tablet hangs.

Moreover, the problem can be caused by the fact that in the basic background add-ons, a stable robot is necessary for the normal functioning of the attachment. In another, you can give a pity to another person before you are prone to being unpredictable.

Solution of the problem

It's easy to fix this problem. There are many ways to grow.

Zupinka zavantazhennya

As soon as there is a pardon, there will be an hour of robotics in the program. As soon as it’s gone, you don’t run the phone, and don’t run through the programs, just touch the algorithm:

  1. Burn the program out of the way, as if it didn’t catch fire automatically;
  2. Go to the main menu of your add-on;
  3. View Nalashtuvannya annex;
  4. Know the point through which the keruvannya programs can go "Dispatcher add-ons", "Nalashtuvannya program", "Program management" etc.);
  5. At the same time, there are three children (zazvychay, at the viglyadі bookmarks) - All, Zavantazhenі, Pratsyuyuchi (abo Vykonuyutsya);
  6. Go to the tab All, there are guilty of displaying all the programs, both intangible and basic;
  7. Go to the very bottom;
  8. In the end, there can be programs that are not entangled, but rather are in the process of entailing;
  9. Oh, it is necessary to see, the odor itself can be a problem.

If you want to rewrite your phone, you need to re-enable it. And if the problem was in the whole, then it’s not a big deal. Protecting this is the reason for the battles є to endure ridkisnoyu.

<Рис. 2 Остановка загрузки>

Clearing the cache

The way of being simple is that smart. However, if the reason for this, then such a pardon will appear regularly. It is necessary for Turechchina to reload the phone and tablet for skin cleansing.

To clear the cache, use the following:

  1. Go to Program management abo їх Dispatcher, yak in front of the way;
  2. Know whether it is from the tabs (it’s not principled), a good supplement;
  3. Press on a new one;
  4. Scroll down the line and find the "Clear cache" button;
  5. Attack on her.

<Рис. 3 Очистка кеша>

The method is simple and smart, besides, you don't need to re-use the pristines. If you want to do it, don't wait, but try it again.

Skidannya nalashtuvan

One of the reasons for the pardon can be a conflict with individual adjustments to other programs. By ourselves easy way get rid of the problems in the whole range of problems if you can get rid of all the nalashtuvan. However, the method can be recognized on robots and their input.

Just throw off all the adjustments, check out the following:

  1. Go to the Installation, and then at the point with the use of programs, like the methods described in the program;
  2. Go to the tab Go to the All tab;
  3. Show the menu to the section - try to do it in a reasonable way outbuildings(one needs to click on the smudge icon in the upper right or lower left corner of the screen, one needs to click on the button on the keruvannya panel);
  4. The menu needs to know the item "Throw off nalashtuvannya programs";
  5. Confirm your vibration again.

<Рис. 4 Сброс настроек>

Varto pam'yatati, scho the snakes are aware of the lack of great additions. As soon as the bullets are turned on, they will not be thrown off. Pislya skidannya rewrite abo.

The method to finish is smart, ale, like and before, not giving any further guarantee of breaking the problem.


Such a simple way is also one of additional help. Especially in vipadkah, if the gravy is victorious once. If vona vinikaє regularly, then restart the program without a blind eye.

Ale at the time, sing once, and simply turn on the program again. Yakshcho pomilka know vinykla, try to re-enable pristіy. As soon as the problem was not familiar, then the problem is serious.

However, vimknuti I'll start the gro don't expect buvaє enough. It’s better just to go to Nalashtuvannya, and then at the program menu, and to know the program from the workers. If you want to hit on her, scroll down to the bottom, know the button "Zupinennya programs", that vimknuti the program.

Varto means that you can help this way even more. Moreover, there is a great possibility of repeated accusation against a slaughter.

<Рис. 5 Рестарт>

Vidalennya account

One problem can be found in the history of illnesses when installing the program connection to the oblivious record of the corystuvach. More often than not, there are many reasons to lie in the fall, if the entanglement has been interrupted, the results of the supplements will have appeared trochal, and for the other reasons. In addition, there is also a problem when an interrupted and incorrectly renewed or not renewed one is locked up.

You can visualize an oblivious record like this:

  1. Go to the main menu of the tablet;
  2. Know item Google preferences ;
  3. Have a razdіlі Account natisnіt item Recording field settings;
  4. For example, you know a row in the list Vidalennya account;
  5. Push on and on and on again.

The method does not give a guaranteed result. With a lot of win to finish the laborious. And besides, I saw all the data of the regional record - contacts, notes, calendar pods, data about the purchase of a supplement, etc. ... Before the speech, you can read it on our website.

<Рис. 6 Удаление аккаунта>

Vidkat to factory nalashtuvan

Tsei sposib is one of the most extreme. I saw everything I set up the phone, and by ourselves the sutta changed its functionality. Arrive before give by method stand at extreme vypadkah, if nothing else could not help, but pristіn unpredictable through tsyu pardon.

  1. Go to the main menu of the annex;
  2. Go to Nalashtuvannya;
  3. Know the item or the tab Confidentially;
  4. Go to item Updates and discounts;
  5. Know at the window the Skidding tribute button;
  6. Press on her and confirm the action.

Call the phone to rewrite automatically. If you didn't stop, rewire the Primusovo. On the way, the entrapment can easily take an hour.

As soon as you get the chance to re-register your phone. An alternative method is to assimilate the grave every day. Ale procedure to finish triva - loan - 30-40 khilin. - Solution to glitch on samsung on Android

What robiti, what a pardon in the program?

Є Two kinds of pardons, which are most often found in the Android KitKat version: "Sorry, the process is zupineno" і " unsuccessfully interrupted." Such pardons are a single problem, and you can easily stick it out. Bottom mi rozpovimo, as the price can be changed.

As soon as you mentioned that, given that the pardon was repeatedly written to try the singing programs, it’s great that the program’s itself is the cause of the problem. At the set up, see the programs "Programs" and know this program. Go to the yo ikonka, and to the offensive side of the net “Clearing the cache”. It is worthwhile to help.

As they did not help such children, you also need a visitor to see these programs. At the same time, take in the progress of the game; backup copy your data. You can know the icon "Purified Danih" above the icon "Purified Keshu".

If you didn’t see the problem, then the next day you’ll see the programs (you can do it on the same side, if there’s an icon for clearing the cache and danikh), and then reset it again.

Cleansing the Google Play Services tribute

Wu vipadku, as cleansing danih ta keshu, as well as re-establishment problematic zasosuvannya did not give a positive result, then you can try the best way - see all the data of your Google play Services. Apparently, it’s a good way to see all your adjustments that are similar to Google Play Services, if you can easily recognize them. For all, in the settings, open "Programs", and then - Google Play Services. On the side with information about the program, you can hit the icon "Keruvannya with space" and press on it.

The painting "Clear all the gifts". Before you on the screen, you will appear on the confirmation of the fact that you need to see the data. Click on the OK icon.

Dovgo thought, what did I do wrong? Ale not passed the time - I know the same time. The service did not want to be carried. I shoveled a lot of ideas from the subtle instructions, which were written on the whole site, but I didn’t have a phone number. The cake of the two-year cake got caught up, and not seen until the whole day.
Ale me is not a Skoda, now I have new phone, I am pleased. But all the same, although it might be clearer, the problem is that Viryshuvan is too much of a trivial term, less than a day or two? Chi, yak just again, I’ll give it to me again, once more for a new gadget?

Mykola Lugovskiy

My old stuff Lenovo smartphone A516 I am still widely aware of this problem. I make given a pardon it was found only once, but all the time - all the more often. I'm just not shy. Having cleaned the cache, having seen the programs, navіt throwing off the nalashtuvannya to the basic ones. Having become enchanted by their Zusillas, they saw an apparatus at service center, de me, they "quieted", saying that the operative fell, and now it’s simpler than wikinuti, now it’s supposed to. Now wallowing here on the mezzanine, nagaduyuchi me, if you pay meager two. I started to buy budget models of smartphones.

Inodi on the screen "googlephone" will see "Process zupineno". It’s worth talking about those who are attached to the robots with a cover. But most of all, as soon as I started to work out of the enviable periodicity, the part of the program was brought up to the point of being irrelevant, and it was tied to normal additions. Most often about attacks є software, hijackings from Google Play. And the reason for the problem, as it happened, is due to the fact that one of the processes was incorrectly interrupted. Well, you can kill, why don't you get a kick out of this misfortune?

Option 1... You can clear the cache. In some cases, there are enough elements of elementary manipulation.

Option 2... Launch the program manager (Inodi can also be called programs) via customize Android That respectfully vivchete the list of dodatkiv (svayp if you are right-handed). Then open the dispatcher of the lock-up (or the lock-up), start the program again, until you get attached most often.

Option 3... As soon as it was not the first one, no other means helped, it is possible to try to go out from the encampment, having visited the skid of the road. For the whole view through the nalashtuvannya Android manager program, then go to the program and select "Menu". Before this point you know Reset app preferences - tse і є "Skidannya nalashtuvan dodatkiv". Push - it’s possible, there’s a last chance to get pardoned.

There is another reason for the appearance. zupinenno- included "Zavantazhennya". Know in the dispatcher how to do it again, go down and change: the assignment of the fault is included.

We wish you a successful resolution of the problem and that will help you to please us.

Also, on the screen of an Android smartphone, from an enviable period, it has become known that "Process is zupineno", which means that in the robotic system there is no way to get it.

Most often, the problem manifests itself due to the incorrect completion of an important process. For example, the bulo was emergency synchronized with the synchronization of the data or the updating of the system programs. The pardon can provoke third-party software, which can be installed on the annex.

Nayprykrishe - because of this kind of can often be found, it’s simply not a matter of hassle to admit it.

Unimportant for all the inappropriateness of the situation, the problem is easy to see. Іnsha rіch, which is a universal method, which stagnates to all kinds of diagnoses like a slaughter, not іsnu. For one koristuvach, there can be spratsyuvati ways that it is not a good idea to shine in oneself.

In addition, all we have propounded is the decision not to take away a rich hour from you and to finish it with simple ones, not to say they are elementary.

Method 1: clearing the cache of Google services

Naybіlsh trivial manipulation, which allows you to fiddle with the description of the pardon, є clearing the cache with system programs. Google services Play ". In single vipadkas, you may have additional help.

The way is absolutely safe і, as it is meant to be vische, to end up simple, but in some cases you can be dіevim.

Method 2: launching enabled services

A whole lot of options for the overwhelming majority of corystuvacs, as they stuck out of trouble. The issue of the problem in this vypadku will be raised to the level of the supine services and the primus primus launch.

For tsiogo just go to "Nalashtuvannya""Dodatki" that change to the end of the list the establishment of programs... As soon as the service is connected to the annex, you can know it at the tail itself.

Vlasne, u Android versions, repaired with the next, the process of seeing the gaze by the next rank.

Even though they didn’t bring much result, we could go to radical methods.

Method 3: skidannya nalashtuvan dodatkiv

Pislya vikorstannya in front of the foreground options for the slaughter, and the rest of the "fiery circle" before the system's upgrades to vikhidny camp... Sposib polyagaє in skidanny adjustment of all programs installed on the annex.

Well, I know, there’s nothing folding here.

After finishing the process of canceling, it is more than once to re-enable the attachment and reconsider the system's robot for the subject of a slaughter, so that it can be looked at by us.

Method 4: system skidding to factory nalashtuvan

Naybіlsh "perfect" option in case of unhappiness to pick up the pardon in the other ways - to update the system to the final state. Having quickened in its many functions, all the data accumulated in an hour by the robotic system, including installed by programs, contacts, views, authorization of regional records, alarms, etc.

That is why it is necessary to create a backup copy of everything, which is great value. Required files on kshtalt music, photos and documents can be copied to a PC or in hmarne skovische, for example, to Google Drive.

And the axis іf the data added to all the three folds. For a "backup" and an update, it will be possible for the vicarists to have some third-party solutions, such as, etc. Such utilities can be complex backup tools.

The data of the "Corporation of Good" program, as well as the contacts and parameters for the inputs are synchronized from the Google servers. For example, it is possible to renew contacts with "khmari" if it is an offensive rank on any attachment.

In principle, backup copy that renewal of the tribute is a topic that should be considered in the context of the statute. We'll move on to the skid process.

Having re-set up the gadget, you will see that you have a good time about it. But we, vlasne, need it.

Significantly, all the manipulations described in the article are displayed on the butt of a smartphone with Android 6.0 on board. At you, it’s hard to see the virobnik of that version of the system, you can see the points. However, the principle of being abandoned by ourselves, since it is difficult to carry out operations, because of usunity, is not guilty.

Everyone is welcome! Happy New Years new bug in Android phones and tablets - more information about the new programs: "The addition of Apps press has become a pity." You can see that there is a supplement for Apps press and I can see a pardon on the phone.

Even more often, when writing Chergov's innovations for Android, koristuvachi fixes massively otrimuvatsiya about zbiy. One of these system bugs is the robotic programs Apps Press... The pardon can be permanently or changeable, it can also be recognized when you try to display the programs installed on the SD-card. Let's pick up a handful of them, too tse take.

Scho tse for the pardon in Apps Press

Apps Press - set in front of the systemic supplement, for the launch of the installation on SD-cards of the IGOR program.

Crooked update, systemic troubles, broken flowing, abnormal processes - everything can be integrated into the process of Judging from the quick power supply of the coristas, at the appearance of the App press update, the update of Android, which triggers the conflict with the third-party programs.

Yak saw a pardon Apps Press

As we have already written, as soon as the winners were asked, they tried to display the program, which was printed on the memory card. Ale not vzvazhayuchi on such nuances, the method of seeing such ills is to finish the standard. Late, activate it on your Android, since it’s not promising, pick it up.

  1. Remove the prist, remove the battery, reconnect the memory card;
  2. Start the phone and follow the highway " Dodatkiv dispatcher", Which is located in" Nalashtuvannyah»;
  3. Know at the deposit all»Process the model of the device of the same firmware, name the process can take three steps) and standardly clear the cache, data, backup and restore;
  4. Give me a new phone / tablet for consuming an active service
  5. Yaksho pomilka vinikє all is one, only a moody confrontation singing supplements on the map. For such a vipad, it is necessary to transfer the programs from the SD-picture to the riddle about pristіy, handwrittenly overturned, there was a pomp chi nі.
  6. If, as a matter of fact, I didn’t know about this kind of fallacy, just read the options: “
Get ready for the project - please, dyakuyu!
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