Rozrahunok kuli for three. Now, about the bag, that grief. Third party items

Antipyretic remedies for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of indispensable help for fevers, if the child needs to give faces negligently. Then the fathers take on themselves the resuscitation and stop the antipyretic preparations. What can be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What are the most safe faces?

- correctly building cards - High card pick up time - if you take a buyback - mirrors - cards closer to orders - eyepieces - third party items - recorded by olive - tell partners about your lack of information - the right to draw your own option - remember to open the bag yourself - follow your balance for an hour gri - vіdmovtesya vіd podvіyny record: mountain - kulya - monitoring the results recording at a different nominal value - (gear: in the coil 2, uphill - 4) - mountain that bag

Don't play with unknown companies. As a matter of fact, it’s important to bring, it’s necessary to match the value of the rate and the transfer of risks with your gaman.

You can’t do well in other companies on games of the “preference” type (on 12 cards) (like in other ones, as a rule, you can’t play sports. “Success” is not to blame for determining the result of the game). If your partner leans on something new and discusses the nuances of yoga, then I’m even more imaginative that we can play yoga))

If you want a good hour, it’s a rich beginner, unfortunately, not for a long time, you can’t develop it richly. Oskіlki gameplay is based mainly on zhorstokomu bezladdі, more points, emoji for skin gravel, to move the rіvnyu fire vіd zvichaynoї, energetic, important, vibuhovoї and invisible zbroї. In this moment, nothing more will be enough - which is really not in line with the group. It would be better, if the newcomers - the show is faster. Only the art of splintering the flooring is scarce, so that you can change the bare water from a bloodless solution.

At 90% of the game hour, the hero will rise in price with exits, tunnels, corridors, keep his beloved guinea pig in his hands and follow everything that we stand on the road. This allows graves to switch to the exact aiming mode, select a spear of targets and give a spear of marks. Yakshto rob vin dodatkovo, vin povze - a critical blow even more immovable.

Try to stick to the most equal, calm rules, tobto. graze the innocent but inexorably progressing, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 ... and so on. The best - 1,1,1,1... At the extreme point 1, 2, 3,3,3,.. more zgranim 8 or 9 allows shakhrai to take the maximum benefit from the "secret knowledge of cards". How does your partner continue to play on the "wonderful" rules, you need to understand what you have for steel in order to have a pleasant evening, or do you want to foul the adrenaline in the blood and the pennies in the gamants?

First, the fact that the points are enough for a few shootings. Repeated selections of the system appear only after repeated collections - only a few tens of seconds. For tsey hour we sit down at the best mode of the shooter. There is no such thing as an active pause, to allow you to look around and know your goals.

Graphic and sound effects gri to stand on the arch high equal: good vikonanі ob'єkti that textures, roblyachi unimpressed vіd critical hit animations and final battle scenes, will please usіh. The music is loud on the atmosphere and does not care about the people.

- out without three, without whist.

First. Especially my thought. I always play with an acceptable exit - no triplets, no whistles. Only to the one who respects preference for the thunder of gentlemen, and to that, be it rudeness and similar boldness to strangers. Sometimes I’m ready to sing engraving, as if I’ve sprung up in the door of the fool at the time of the spell or the drawing.

However, you can complain about the monotony of the visual graphic design, which is worn for most of the hour in the same range of shades of gray, and after a certain hour, rolls your eyes. How can the postpocalypse really be the same with the absolute abundance of bright colors?

Itself on whom the chanuvalniks of її opedniks were minted, and why the virobniks categorically recounted the price. Objectively, apparently, we got it wrong, wanting a different stony grue. A virtuoso not like other shooters - for a new one, driving in is a piece of art. What kind of grave doesn't want to be an ideal killer? Tsey hero also dream about tse. It would be a good idea to have some strength, but Khada Jin is an even more powerful partner. Be aware that the engraver will testify to his great artist's mark. Do you want to be a participant in what plays at the head of a virtuoso? "Our work is beginning."

In a different way. Use large number rozkladіv, yakі can podklast shahraї, de, for example, 9 is played without 5 khabarіv. So the axis, I think, if you look without 3 without whist, you can lose the rest of the hole for engraving, if you jump on such a nine. Obviously, it’s important to call on such a sight, it’s necessary to distrust your partners, but otherwise it’s still possible to allow yourself the rest of the opportunity to drink without three... To the point - I don’t doubt that the very lovers of succumbing to such an expansion will be on The stench was prepared 9 without five with vistas, and here it’s less than 9 b / t and b / w. And rocky train! And risik burn the number! No, just like that, they don’t let them out of such distributions ... Close up, right? before speech, another example from practice.

One by one arrows from a pistol, like picking up the great number of eyepieces of health, are no less a comedy for shooters. In the ideal world, the skin sack means the death of the enemy. What do you need to work to make friends with a virtuoso? Nasampered, better recognize yoga beginners, because the stench is already grounded on them. Strength, but costless attacks deprive a lot of time to create a beautiful deadly situation with Jin's victories.

Genie's gun, whisper, to fight yoga with a unique one against other archers. Pasiv gives it to you as a serious obmezhennya, so it guarantees yoga the greatest strength - the most wasted in attacks. For beginners, the most important are problems. The speed of the virtuoso attack does not increase the bonus of the item. In this rank, the whole city does not know the great changes in your galleys of your abilities. In addition, the new one has less than 4 cartridges in the magazine, since the wine is guilty of reloading, which, in its own line, takes up to 2.5 seconds.

I play minuscule. At dark. (That's why I said miserable cards). If I win, I’m kinder, I’ll play, there’s no special difference. At the rules, we were washed in advance, that it was a second sight. With whom, I think to myself that what is not fenced (otherwise it has not been specially discussed) is allowed. I’m sorry, you won’t have less than 2 hacks, or maybe you’ll get richer more ... And here, at the moment of the said brain activity, the decision is merging! "Dyakuyu", I say "for a buy. I'm going without three." Health Partners...

You are responsible to know the number of rockets from the magazine. Zabuvannya tsgogo aspect can zreshtoy waste a chance to kill the essence of chi, at times, death in the hands of the enemy. The remaining negative aspect is the change in critical damage by 50%, but it can still be compensated for by additional dryness after the skin wound. In addition, Jin's remaining missile has a 100% chance of hitting a critical hit and hitting additional physical hits through the day of health.

You just need to remember about the passage of yoga. Ale at vipadku with Jin tse may have a special meaning. Without diligent vykoristannya ts_єї novichki vy you can not reach the championship of the grіtsy character. First for everything, you are to blame for the nobility, how many cartridges the magazine has. Through the mechanics of revantaging, the skin rocket gains greatness. It’s also good to know that the fourth one was to bring up shkodi to the zbіlshennya, connected with the day of health.

- No, since you scream miserly at the dark, so play until the end.

- Allow me! Well, we were moved to the opportunity to move in the presence of a bargained gri b / t?! Washed. Mizer - such a gra. Since we didn’t say okremo, that only a minuscule does not fall under the rule, it means BE GRі, like it was wised from the very cob, I can speed up the correction! Be affectionate - take away the weight of the 60 in my mountain!

In an ideal mood, marveling at those, how life is falling apart, evaluate, if more often, reread for re-advantage. Obviously, a moment not far away for such a pause does not mean a tragedy, for those who need to get started, and even if you can shoot at her, then you need to spend mana? Price is more important in exchange with competitors.

Obviously, in this situation, the stench also comes for help, but at the cob stage of reloading, it sounds more often, at least once, for such exchanges with the enemy. The grenade can hit up to three of the closest fortune-telling units. However, the most important aspect of the cost of building is the reduction of shoddy, the target, by 35% for the skin driven mark. This is why I give you the opportunity to get together with the crown, so that you can win gold from the torment of the enemy.

That's what they settled on. І immediately another butt. I play on not the first hand minuscule. After that, having added a buy-in, I understand that in red 7 and 9 different suits, and not just one, it was given before the buy-in !! ((And according to my cards - a steam locomotive - oh-їy !! Like in a forward fall (I didn’t have a chance to think for a long time)) - I say - without three! The strongest arguments were approximately as follows: bachiv! (well, axis, vlasne, marvel! :)) I play all my life, never went out like that!" Why, as it sounds in such situations, the gravity itself earns a living with cards - do not go on like compromises and their forward "dosvid" does not allow logic to change its judgment. "Ado - gratimemo." I pay the dues and I rely on everything with one swag. I was greatly spared!

However, you need to be well prepared. This is an ideal tool for driving in the dead when reloading the pistol. Just throw a grenade at the dying meta. With some success, you can earn even more gold, or else you can hit the enemy. Obviously, it’s good to bring the cost near meti to life - then it’s easy to drive in chotiriox with one charge. However, if you want to support him, then you are guilty of giving respect to a number of reasons, which are close to new. Pomegranate is the best to lose, having consumed wine from the opponent.

This effect can be less than one insurance, if you have lost more than three, or less than one. Zvichayno, like the stink of dying on the way, the enemy takes away more money, try that varto. Throw a grenade into the future group of living people and ring out a great waste of mani. Obviously, in different situations, for example, if you need to push a row, there’s no pardon.

- Ignorance.

I'm not talking about the economic aspects of under-resourced. A thousand times about it has already been written. I would like to show one more book of under-approval. The essence of її is redirected from the previous paragraph. They prepared an accurate change to 8 without 4, but you only said six!! Hiba beat you so much!

It is also necessary to discuss such a mind: Mizer, 10 that nine - they cannot be run without the presence at the table of all the participants of the bag! (Smoke one wiyshov, everything was calm, it turns around and it seems to you, “so, moving, nine viyshov, axis, they folded a lot of cards, Taking one wist.” the other half or win the third quarter of the tournament One of the graves (and only one) has a real chance of winning the head prize, and for the rules to win the "maximum satisfaction" you need to 1) become the first in the bullet and 2) score more wins. Otzhe, how tse bulo

Jin buv concessions to the ability to control the natovp. In addition, these allies can simply attack the enemy. The active part of the whole thing is to shoot with a narrow laser exchange of a great range. As a participant, which earlier had been commended, having consumed, wines were also unsettled. Yak yogo vikoristati? The most popular - shoot the enemy, which axis-axis can be driven in. Obviously, you can recognize your opponent on your own, but in any case, you must be more protective. The safest option is to allow you to be a supporter or a jungler.

Zavdyaki majestic range, the main tool for the competitor's teeth, which is chosen to be driven in. One of two solutions is to recognize yoga and vikoristati. In this manner, you can take valuable seconds from time to time or a command. You can stick it out more thinly. Tse conjuration to pass through all the іstoti, but zupinyaєtsya on the gates.

first : the bag is close to the end, the position in the pool-mountain is approximately the same for all. check the moment (before the speech they played only 4 each, in this case three graves - the old know, and one from out of town), if the out of town pishov after his task to call, after 2 hours turn, "needed" graves write 8 for consumption, the other - lead to a new one. Necessary - the minimum advantage over its closest competitor is taken away. Tobto. according to the rules of zmagan win one "bonus" has already been taken away, but then it will be the same.

Yakshcho є supernik, animation of the spell raptov to stick like when you hit the line. You can bachiti tse, regardless of the daily visibility at the bushes. Better for everything, to be found at the bottom of the tables of talents. Zvichayno, є situation, if the engraver is in his situation, then nothing can be done to save the victoria of the novice at the farm. However, as a rule, after a trivalent hour, scaling up means an increase in the strength of the opponent’s zupinity. If you choose, you can spread the invisible pasta.

The flares are activated at the point, when the enemy reaches its target and improves the skin at its range by 35% for 2 seconds. After that wine vibrates with magic shkoda. Vіn zmіnyuє opponents, those to drive in, into the activated pasta. Trivality of this vmіnnya is majestic, but a hero can collect a fee of up to two. Each type of strategy is different. Є garni space for the distribution of pasta. When nalashtuvannі їх varto guess sprat zvichok, yakі vy, you might want to vikoristati.

friend: it is necessary to dial up the bill - 300-500, moreover, it’s easier to have a new one already - it’s three rubles. It is necessary for the non-consumer to put a steam locomotive on the mizer if you want. I fight as hard as you can. Two of the uncommon ones check a larger or smaller pleasant moment, and "fall" on a minuscule, in times it was like that.

Gravetets sack a card on another or third hand, I don’t remember exactly: P 9, T 789DK, B 7, Ch 710V. Well, with a spree on the first hand - it didn’t go anywhere ... it didn’t go anywhere .... At the buy-in, 10 clubs and D bub. Lost two dirks on someone else's turn. So, you need to work znesennya. Zrobleno. Lie down. Uh-huh .. everything is clear, to be caught and 9 pik and 7-10 worms, zrozumilo, one swag. Є food? Good? A miserist, how to denounce a right miserist - you don’t vorushachy vіdpovidaє - “we’ll die to the end”. "Well, everything is clear, nine in diarrhea and one heart. Vin is not self-destructive, with nine to go to the locomotive! Well, what did you start?" "Ni-nі, you need to think well .. and with a rapt of wines, having filled the nine .." They cut through, marveled. Zero emotions. overturned buv. Wow! Vіn is already at two o'clock to be caught on a steam locomotive! Great lad. What do you care about? I didn’t understand ... Rapt morally became richer and more important, lowered to the point of piercing. They caught one sprout, ale verna, but at the same time richly, ale needed shukati. Ale dev'yatka Well caught!! I was caught from the very cob! And the locomotive at the worms' veins made its own! Tobto. you need to get your fortune telling. May I know. "Everything is clear. Let's guess. I trust you." Well, after otrimavshi "certificate doviri" shvidenko got his own put on 9 picks.

If you turn up the pasta, you can beat it, you won’t be known, so that you could beat the newcomer in the field, so the enemy doesn’t beat yoga. This is also the idea of ​​​​spreading them there, where it is not easy to find them, for example, in the bushes. Jin's tricks can also be organized by the path of a possible flight, so that you don't spend an hour on the quest of the newcomer.

You can always throw a fortune teller pasta bіla nіg i take a valuable hour, trying to vibrate from it. Pasta is not vikoristovuyutsya for peresl_duvannya opponents. Wikipedia There is one more rіch, scho to bring to the point that tsya force pours pastas on the path of istot. The stench also activates yoga, so the stench can make yoga worse, as if the stench will blow after a new one.

Tsyu іstorіyu rozpovіv me іnі іnogorodnіy gravel, moreover, having begun іz minuscule. "Bachish is like a roar! The lads are definitely not bad, but they are such a robit, well, I don’t know ... it’s marvelous like that. But my partners, very young, sniffed out such znesennia. They’ve been singing for a long time. 4 or the fifth warning :-) what will I tell my friends, as if a thought appeared raptly, or maybe the stench specially raised the need for a person? Here, at once, having guessed the records of the devyaterik, and even a couple of ogrikhіv in trading, if the "necessary" gave up the road. And then the whole series of ignorance, hung in one long and beautiful lansyug, on the edge of which hung the victory of the necessary gravel.

In such a rank, the enemy spends his daily mischief, and in the worst of times, you can still spend valuable gold in the event. The offensive will activate fire rockets in a straight line, as if to conquer the gods' goals. In addition, all coolies reduce damage by 2% on the skin 1% of health, and the rest - guarantees a critical hit. In addition, the numbers are upovilnyuyutsya. Activate us first, if you have nailed it in the right direction. This is even more important, to the fact that you often sing in the mind, without regard to the character.

In times of virtuoso, it can mean a waste of time to defeat the enemy, if only once. In the last aspect, for some reason, respect, є zbіlshena Skoda, without a middle proportion to healthy meti. Therefore, it is best to attack opponents from a small number of health points, and not from large rows.

In this vipadka, "unfair" graves were more than just good knowledge the formula for the tournament I remember that there were no daily machinations from decks, cards and "beacons".

Victory a new deck, best bought by you. (About those, how the logs can be bought - tse okrema rozmov. Deyakі factory logs are read on the shirt. I'll guess one vipadok, if I'm visiting sіm'ї preferansistіv sіv grati z boy 6 roіv fool. I am that son's mother. Mom z kakihos zakutkiv knew the Chinese deck from the direct meaning of the word. On the front side, right in the middle of the shirt, there is a badge and letters. Start playing. Then it’s sinok and it seems: “Mom, and I’m already engraving this deck, I know all the cards in it!” We looked at each other, marveling at the son's phenomenal memory. "Axis marvel, bachish letters - The axis of the letter means Ace, the axis of the king, and the axis of the chia - spade !!!" Surprised - for sure! On the skin card you have your own letter, which means the face value of the card! Axis yak buvaє. And what can you say about the factory hat, if in the purchased set of cards for all 7 diamonds there is a small speck. How will it be accepted to hit that point on the misery)). Ale buvayut whores and not so brutal. Trohi another sight. Little trohi of displacement, etc. in short - gotelna rozmova).

This is the ideal tool for reaching the goals you need to live. It is not your fault to win the newcomer in the missions, as they were placed, or even close to the opponent. So what they gave, it’s better. In a situation, if the whole team of opponents can live outside, then there will be little trouble for that. You are also responsible for protecting the tendencies of the development of the zіtknennya - as if a fortune telling team is following the allies, then often immobilization means self-destruction. Under the hour of the virtuoso, you are guilty of adopting a special technique of driving in through your own exchange.

short access

I play like a pref on a gambler. Partner livoruch shout minuscule. Pass, pass. At the purchase, as a rule, two cards. There is a small speck on one of them. Right next to the box. Vіdkrivaє prikup - two sims. "My friend, well, you should be happy, why are you shouting?" Show cards

Ch 78910VD, - 7 peaks and 7 worms came to you! Tse I confess so much that there was a dot on the monitor in me, and I erased it shvidenko, so that more mischief did not pass. How about your partner real grі pіdnіmaє such buyback! I really don't know what to think...

At all games, there may be a turn. Tim is bigger, as if the castle is great. The explanation is simple. It is permissible to play 9 with the transition to 8. Use it with the necessary people. The non-consumer, without help, boldly seems to pass, but the necessary, so boldly, they themselves seem to pass, knowing behind the distance that nothing can be overthrown. It’s too much to throw them away at the deck.

The ten is guilty of perverting, like a minuscule. Mіrkuvannya you yourself, scho th at the front point. The one who can vist is guilty of whistling! And the one who can pass is to blame for the mother's ability to control her partner. / Before the speech, D. Lisovy at the book "Russian Preference" is on the contrary. I can see without three (div. below) wine tezh zі is not suitable for me. Can you put some pressure on him in the past? :-)/ I know from practice. Mean graє tournament - 10 vytsuєtsya. I’m sorry, I don’t have a better camp, but I would like to fall into the embrasure ... Having understood, the hour has come to shout ten. I check for kshtalt - TKD10, TKD, I buy, I carry ... Skilki? Well 10! Pass, pass. The one who knows, navit not marvel at the card, tezh - pass. Not safe? yes, three. ale exit bov. So axis. In this vipadka - it passed. there was no trade, there was no information, the graves might not be the strongest, in short - it passed. But if you enlist the support of one of the graves, then you can get dozens more often)).

Well, a gentleman's wist with a true ten - all the nonsense! Rizikuє one, and the joy of doing it navpіl! Well, so it happened ...

On the cards, on the side of the pictures, you can add descriptive signs (which you can use not with the help of an honest trick), if you can help me remember to change the deck. Zvichayno, we need to be careful, so that your zahid will not be remarked and not adopted, like shakhraystvo.

Before rozsajuvannyam at the table obov'yazkovo rozіzkovo mіstse, be-yakim zadalegіd discussed way.

No one is to blame behind your back. Don't allow "learners" who sleep too thin.

The deck of obov'yazkovo is shuffled. After shuffling obov'yazkove destruction. It is correct to ruin it and make it easy, or it will make it hard for a card sharper to "swindle zsuvu". It is only acceptable to hold hands with your own companies, but you safely trust your partners. The company has the necessary zsuv, as a minimum - from the table. tobto. the deck is put on the table, and the prtner takes part of the deck (obov'yazkovo not less than 2-6 cards) and put the order. The one who knows the right thing! choose a deck in order.

Tobto. sens zsuvu - make the robot shahrai smoother.

Father, a how do you still try to make the right move R.

The deck is placed on the table. Approximately half of the deck is taken with the left hand, and the bottom part of the deck is loosened so that part of the cards (about half) falls on the table. Let's take a part of the log that is lost, take it with the right hand and put it on the hollow of the card. Reshta is applied from above with the left hand. Those same can be worked with other hands. Tsey zsuv recommend card pros.

Then I take the deck and without additional manipulations start the distribution with it.

They can try to rebuke you, saying “they don’t ruin it like that”, “I’ve been gravitating all my life, but I don’t have such an axis”, “you can either get it from your hands or from the table”, you can often ask for books and so on.

Everything is bullshit.

I repeat again. Zavdannya zsuvu - make the work of shakhrai easier. Zsuv zі table, and tim more from the hands - do not allow this to be done! And if a partner is categorically against such a zsuva, then you need to think again, but why bother with him ?!

The building is carried out obov'yazkovo two cards.

Chi is not the first and we will not stop (but rather the fourth) to struggle with wear and tear.

It is necessary to follow him, so that at the hour of the task, trimming, for example, a deck in the left hand, holding two cards with the thumb of the left hand, then taking them with the right hand and clawing on the table. Be so, that He Who draws one card, immediately shifts it to the right hand, then destroys another card and again passes it to the right hand. For such a task - for a shahrai expanse, the cards rustle and navit for the bajan, You do not remember, like the cards are in the treasure on the table. From the right hand or from the bottom of the deck. People of a frail age "to grieve" with such a building. (I got so lucky) Maybe earlier it was so fashionable to give up, or the rustle of cards with such a task to pester your hearing. I do not know. :)

High card pick up time

The one who sets the hour of the day, lifts the cards high above the table and graves, let's say, leaning slightly on the back of the armchair, can easily sing not only znesennia, but also all other people's cards. Cards for the hour of the task must be trimmed in such a way that the stench did not go parallel to the table, but three or three of them were lifted by the shirt to the partners. (It’s better for the Bachiti yourself, why are you here :-)). So it’s easier to say goodbye, like high chairs and lights hanging over the table.

I know one grave, which is 40 grades in preference. At the same time, you already play in tournaments with the pref, but don’t be surprised at the price of the wins, you can always do what you can, when you’re lucky, play cards for the hour of the game. Knowing it, you should wake up and get up at the hour of distribution, ale, without regard for it, continue waving your cards in front of everyone who is sitting. /you can play with us :-)/.

Qia Pardon widened even more often, let's say - the tenth grave of the skin is a troch to sin tsim.

- You can’t buy a buy before you win at the auction!

once I was witness to one situation. Graveets, who rarely sat on the games (I don’t remember anymore, when I sat in the fire ?!) for the devil’s time, thinking about taking a buy-in on the load, pushing Yogo closer to himself, laying his fingers on the new one, and becoming “praise” tap on buyback. Potim vіn having destroyed one card, I will buy it vbіk and leave the order, continuing to "nervate". Mustache "teapots" (among them I) with impatience reckoned for a decision. It couldn’t save anyone’s mind that the blame is simply set on us, perfecting its mastery of reading and buying. So axis. You can’t buy a buy before you win at the auction! Do not take the cards to hand until the completion of the task!

- Mirror.

It’s not surprising, but the mirrors and other gleaming surfaces vanish from the picture. And to that, first of all, I recommend that you marvel at your own place from the side of partners. You can indulge yourself with cicava. Until then, just as a sideboard leaned behind your back, it doesn’t mean that your partners want to cheat you. Simply - well, they didn’t catch the blame for the room :-).

- Cards are closer to orders!

I don't know how I can explain... Cards are not checks!

- Eyepieces.

It was possible to play with partners, in the eyepieces of which you can bulo bachiti everything. Sometimes just eyepieces. Ale eyepieces with small blackouts - give a greater clarity and contrast image, and in other cases give a small increase. So, if your partner's eyepieces are small and round - it's important to ask him to wear large ones with darkening :-).

- foreign objects.

Try not to have any other third-party items on the table - sparkling poppers, lighters, etc.

It is better to record the course of the gris with olives. The ink pen allows you to dry and circulate the cards from both sides. In the form of a solid olive, the brood is less.

Know your own courage to recognize your partners in what you don’t know very well in the layouts. It often happens that the strongest gravity, having quickly sorted itself out at the place, comes to a sleeping thought and picks up cards. Even though I don’t call for accusations, I’ll always block and respectfully analyze the situation, but I won’t be able to do everything in my place. Sometimes it is necessary to bring a few steps to clarify the situation. Come on, send it to your address, I’m already ready to reply. "Boys - marvel at your rating and at my! (Skіlki rocіv v graєte in pref, and skіlki I, etc.) It's clear that you'll understand better for me. I'll catch up with you more. (grati, I swear by gravel, like a strong one for me)).

Know that you didn’t sit on your bi ruts, let’s go to the building for an hour, greet you, you can’t wait the right to draw your own option, scho leads to the biggest drop in the fire! (so you succumbed like that, you succumbed, navit like you sit on a buy-in and didn’t feed you well).

How to fight.

For the plan we will propagate by the "right" grave, sit down without one. Ale vie bachete the variant of the draw, scho to bring to the p_dsadi without two. And here you should explain your plan to your partner. If you don’t understand yoga, or if you don’t want to speed up, then repair it like that. Your result will be credited to vista for the variant without one and for the variant without two. The words of the first variant are written as if they were supposed to be on the roaring man, and the vigo was spent on the vista, taken away as a result of not the best drawing, written on the speaker. butt:

gra vchotirioh, 6 - 2 points. You buy.

proponation variant of the planting of the combustible yes - + 7 vіstіv.

At the time of the pіdsadzhennya without two - +14 vіstіv. In this manner, you write in blue - 7 wins and 7 wins for drawing! Ring out after such propositions lad - you should know your own strength to sort out in the layout.

Remember that if there is a grave-bearer at the table, you may always have the right to infringe on your variant of drawing!

All the same, learn how to unravel the bag yourself (about those, how to shy away), in order to be able to change the correctness of the resurrections. Become a witness - a participant in rich vipadkiv, if in your eyes your result is respected and not those who have omitted you go out. (Not to the one they wanted to cheat on, just a pardon in the pіdrakhunks) the balance converged remarkably well !!

Zvіdsi porada

Stezhte pіd hour gri for your balas! And in order to make it easier to follow him, I strongly recommend:

Look at the record, burn that bag! (Tse times) and throw foolishness out of your head - p_dsad (gp_sti) upright! (like a quick write vvazhayut themselves "lenіngradtsy"). - That's two.

Specially for the quiet, who in the "helmets" explain. If you win Leningradka and if you want to spend, say, 500 rubles, then you don’t have to pay 1 wist-1 ruble, and the kindergarten (+ visti) is free. The result will be ABSOLUTELY the same, if you set the bet 1 wist - 2 rubles - ale pіdsaditi (і vіsti zvichayno) vvazhat for varіst gri. The bag will become better.


three times. (on chotiroh - they will all work :))

Leningrad variant

1 wist - 1 ruble.

zіgrana gear without one - 4 points are written near the mountain. Usі visti tezh vvazhayutsya 4 per swag.

TOGETHER to install the program - (4/3 * 2 + (5 +1 +1) * 4) * 1 rub = 30.6 rub

Prop variant:

1 wist - 2 rubles

TOGETHER to install the program - (2/3 * 2 + (5 +1 +1) * 2) * 2 rubles = 30.6 rubles

Since we win, history repeats itself, I will not overdo it. Arithmetic - 2nd grade.

- Now about the bag that grief.

I play with such companies, it has long been accepted to play by the hour (for all - squads, children, kokhanki)). You know exactly what time you are at your order. Do not turn on the long winter evenings. Let's play a game of 1.5-2.5 years. We are going to rebuild. Let's go. We do not write a bag. Mustache z ondoy figures, let's say 100, and dalі, hto yak umіє. Htos down, htos for firewood. If anything, you can stretch your result for 30 seconds (or even quicker). Ale. As a matter of raptomy, start to conduct a separate rahunok igor and pidsad, the hour of the prorakhunka is no longer doubled, but at 3-5, and sometimes it turns into indiscretion.)) Men can be recounted - moving, rahuymo and nothing. Well, so, only vvazhaet in a sprat once more, and to that, not once you win a good fortune to improve your result to the end and without pardons.)). Another option, if the city of Leningrad is in the city. І at all - there is subway, and sіm (at the bullet) - not. The best part is that no one knows their result. If I go to such an "important" company, where accounting is conducted, I act simply. I write more than a mountain. Z 0 or 100. Doesn't matter. (Let's see a hundred in the cinema). Sigrav 6 - having written off 4 points. Strength on 7 adding 8. Sometimes I go to minus. Ale better minus writing, lower rozdvoyuvatisya :-)). And the partners are happy for me - "it's great! I can see how well you're doing" and they immediately start multiplying and dilating their numbers, trying to figure out - what a sensation today sit at the table.

Be-yakі mirkuvannya - schodo neon'ektivnosti gri after an hour - drank. I can stilki well mirkuvati, leading up to the length. The only objective gra is inexorably long.

I want to add more. As if adding to one strong "lenіngradtsya" about the sensation of a subway record - cool mountain, the same for different denominations, I'm going to visnovka: Vіn nіkoli i don't remember that the rate is more than twice the same only for the same rules, plus pass with bonuses for zero khabarіv (with us, for example, we write subviyno. so pay 6 for the swag, so. uphill 6, in the bag tezh write 6, but it’s worth burning 12 s!!!) It’s possible to be everything and not so scary, it’s possible to be everything and honestly - you don’t want to see anyone, the rules are the same for everyone, but given the “kalamutnist” you can be koristuvatisya, piece by piece zavischuychi bazhanі rates.

One joy for the "Leningraders" - if you wanted to get the rest of the record wrong, make it hard to balance the balance for an hour, you can burn up that cool and add more notes: okremo pіdsumovati pidsadi on vistas, okremo for remіz on unlimited sevens, okremo awards and etc. And then exactly - fig hto porahuє pіd h kuі, u plus vin chi minus :-)

Zreshtoy - write one mountain, or at once from a bag - feed the stars. Ale, I know by melody more than a dozen people, yakі earlier all life wrote a sack and a mountain, and now they called only a mountain to write. Ale, I don’t know what to expect! Warto think.

I stay. If I'm playing passi 1,2,3,3,3,3..., gentleman's and napіvvіdpovіdalny, then I respect that I'm playing Leningradka, regardless of the size of the bet.

Dmitro Zinin

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Hello friends!

The time has come to learn how to secure the bags cool result of preference. We sat with friends, played, finished the game, but what did you do to get the result? The article itself was assigned to the food chain, so that you didn’t run into difficulties when raising the cool of preference. I will also conduct a calculation on butt real cooli that grav himself. Take up the rozrahunka variant gri peter for 4 individuals up to 21. Ale tse Vi at once sing and from the painted kuli. Otzhe, take Kulya with offensive meanings (div. little ones).

1) The first thing you need to do is to loosen the cuticles at the skin gravel and move yoga uphill. So, as the size of the slings becomes 21, and the graves closed their spools by the size of the number of points, then we bring the spools of all the gravities to a single value of 21. on the 2nd otrimane, the number is visible from the magnitude of Gori.

For engravings, the size of any less than 21, also calculate the difference between 21 and їх kuley, omitting the number multiplied by 2 and omitting the value to add to the burn of the engraving. Let's carry out a rozrahunok for the pointed butt.
Gravets1. Kulya 56. Rіznitsya 56-21 = 35. Multiplied by 2: 35х2 = 70. Let's take the number from the magnitude of the mountain: Mountain 76-70 = 6.
Gravets2: Kulya 12. Rozmirkovuyuchi similarly taken: (21-12) x2 = 18. Add 18 points at the mountain: Mountain 40+18=58.
Similarly, for Gravce 3 we know: Hora 52 +30 = 82.
Gravets4. Mountain 80+10=90.
2) With the coming crock, we know the grave, for some name, the magnitude of the fire. Our vipadka tse viyshov has a grave with a mountain of 6 points. We can see this value in smaller graves. Todi it is possible to choose the following graves: Gravec1=0, Gravec2=52, Gravec3=76, Gravec4=84.
3) With the third crock, burn all the graves: 52+76+84=212, and divide by the number of graves: 212:4=53 and multiply by 10 at the end. Now we can begin to insure the retail of 530 women and eyepieces of the skin engraving. Skin point burn gravely take 10 vistiv. At the subbag for gravel1: +530 wist, for gravel2: 530-520=+10 wist, for gravel3: 530-760=-230 wist, for gravel4: 530-840=-310 points. Now obov'yazkovo reverify that the sum of positive points near the mountain equaled the sum of negative points near the mountain. Mi +530+10=540, -230-310=-540. Vіdminno sumi positive and negative points equal. The eyepieces behind the Mountain and Kulya were protected, the left part of the rose was behind. The number of vistiv skin engravings over the mountain sounds to be recorded under the im'yam of engraving and encircled by the oval. Guilty to see this:

4) Let's move on to the rozrahunka of mutual trust. For whom we marvel at the picture of the article, that robimo mutual rozrahunok is clearly up to the painted arrows. Arrows indicate on mutual whist of gravity one on one. After all pidrakhunkiv may stay like that.

5) The last final stage in rosary women is the accumulation of all positive points and the removal of all negative points of skin gravel from the sum of all negative points. Otrimuёmo Sub-bag result gri. The result is recorded in the KULA field and is linked to the "modular" shackle.

6) Recheck. Again, it is believed that the sum of positive eyepieces equaled the sum of negative points. Even if they didn’t get along, they were wrong here. Turn around and turn around. SUMI POVINNI OBOV'YAZKOVO ZIYTSIA! For example, you’ve got respect in our rozrakhunkas, everything is correct.

After that, as a result of the insurance coverage, it is possible to increase the residual insurance coverage. We praised a lot of vistiv, like a program, having won a leather gravel. I'm guessing that before the thunder You made a home, how many koshtuє Odin Vist? The axis is now gaining dignity. Multiplying the amount of insurance money, by the summed amount of the bet. We are going to rebuild.

Now vіdminnіst rozrahunkіv for rіznyh options gri.

1) If you have 3 individuals, the rosette is identical, with a hint of what is roaring by 3. So the total value of the fire is divisible by 3. І with the total size of the kuli, for example, you need to close it, also the number 3. up to 21, then 3 needs to close 63, and 4 -84.

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